Family Comes First

De CRAZY40429

1M 31.9K 33.5K

Being alone? Check. Being afraid? Check. Being abused? Check times 3. Honestly, my life wasn't this bad befor... Mais

Before Continuing...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note


7K 190 284
De CRAZY40429

- A m a r a R u s s o -

"So, want to buy anything? I'll pay." Theo mentioned, pointing at nearby shops.

We were outside right now, going on our 'second' date. This time, Theo brought me out at around eight in the evening, right after dinner.

Unfortunately, everyone knew of my departure from the house, and from the cold glares I saw Salvatore and the twins give Theo, I knew for a fact that Theo was nervous. Nevertheless, he was able to keep his composure and did not have a total mental breakdown in front of them.

I knew I would have.

I was surprised when my brothers didn't stop me though, and when I sent questioning glances towards Alicia and Ophelia, they both just shrugged. However, the former sent me a wink, while the latter mouthed 'We'll tell you later. Go for now'.

I didn't think much about it, but if they were able to do something.. I sure am grateful.

Anyway, Theo brought me out for the nightlife. We were currently walking down streets, strolling past tons of different shops that sold clothes at extremely low prices.

"Nothing's catching my eye," I finally responded, my head turning side to side.

"You sure?" Theo said disbelievingly. "I'm sure there must be something you want here."

I shrugged. "Nothing, seriously. And even if there was, you will not be paying. I will."

"But that's not right," he frowned, "It's only right for me to pay. I invited you out."

"Well you invited me out," I emphasized, pointing at my chest. "And in my books, I pay."

"Welp, you're going to have to rewrite your books then." Theo grinned, giving me a slight pat. "And why are we discussing this? You didn't even buy anything yet, so we can talk about that when you do."

"I mean, you can buy something." I said as if I were offering him that choice. "Do you want to get anything? It's not all about me, y'know."

Theo only hummed in response, his eyes wandering the many different things.

"I'm hungry." he suddenly said.

"Want to get something to eat?" I offered. "We're walking on the wrong street right now if you want to eat."

"Yeah alright," he nodded his head. "Um, let me think. I believe it is that way, am I right?"

"Yeah," I agreed, already walking in the direction he was pointing at. "Did you think about what you want to get?"

"Not sure yet," he answered offhandedly. "I'm just a bit hungry so I'll probably get something small. I don't know, we'll see when we get there. Do you want to get something with me?"

"Maybe," I shrugged, flashing him a smirk. "Just like you said: we'll see when we get there, won't we?"

Theo grinned, and he shook his head in amusement. "No words, Amara. No words."

"No words are needed." I laughed.


"What's that?" Theo questioned, pointing at a... sausage?

"No idea," I replied, equally confused. "I think it's a sausage? I'm not sure, want to go check?"

"Yeah sure." he agreed, looking as befuddled as me.

We went closer to the stall, getting a closer look at the menu. Now that it was clear, my eyes read the list, a photo provided for each item provided. There was enough room for them with how little options there were.

It didn't take long for me to find the item.

"There!" I remarked, pointing at it.

Theo's gaze followed to where my finger was pointed.

"It's called a... Boerewor?" He tried to pronounce it, but it didn't sound right even to my own ears. "I know I've seen it before. I'm pretty sure it's a traditional South African dish."

"Have you tried it?" I wondered, looking at him.

"Unfortunately, no." he denied. "The last time I ate a traditional dish from South Africa, I ate dessert. Speaking of dessert, look at that."

This time, Theo was the one who pointed towards a photo, the name right under it. Apparently, it was called 'Koeksister', and it was what looked like twisted bread dunked in syrup. Maybe even honey.

"Looks delicious," I commented, mouth watering just looking at it.

"It does," Theo didn't hesitate to agree. "Do you want it? I'll buy it along with the boerewor."

"I'll pay for it," I told him. "Seriously."

"No way in hell," he refused, a hand already out to stop me from buying the items first.

I smirked, a mischievous smile appearing on my lips. "I guess we'll see who orders first won't we?"


"I can't believe you got there before me." Theo groaned, a hint of amusement in his expression.

I puffed my chest out in pride, handing him the boerewor. "I guess I'm faster than you," I bragged teasingly, punching him on the bicep. Lightly, of course.

"Thanks," he thanked, already opening the package. "But nah, I doubt you're faster than me. You just caught me off guard."

"U-huh," I said, my belief in his words clear as day. "Sure, whatever helps float your boat."

"Whatever," he brushed off, putting a hand over his mouth as he talked. "Anyway, do you want to try this?"

"You already bit into it." I pointed out, raising a brow.

"I can give you the bottom if you want," he offered, starting the process of flipping the boerewor over.

"No, it's alright." I dismissed, stopping his actions. "I have this, remember?" I reminded, raising my own food up just in case he forgot.

"Oh, I forgot." he stated.

"I know," I nodded, a slight tilt to my mouth as I bit into my koeksister for demonstration.

Unsurprisingly, it tasted extremely good. The best way I could describe it, is that it tasted like fried dough infused with honey. What surprised me was the fact that there was honey in the middle of the stick.

Something sparked in Theo's eyes. "Well, we can technically have a bite of each others' if you want. I'm curious, and I know you want to know what this tastes like too."

"You sure?" I raised a brow.

"I'm fine with it." he shrugged. "It depends on you."

"I mean I bit into it but if you don't mind..." I trailed off, looking at him unsurely.

"I don't care," he waved off. "You can bite anywhere you like."

Saying this, he passed me his food while I passed mine.

Not wanting to seem picky nor wanting to get my hands oily, I just bit where he had already bitten.

"This tastes rich," was the first thing I said when I swallowed it.

"And this is very sweet." Theo remarked. "Here,"

"Thanks," I said, passing his food over.

"I like the boerewor better." he commented.

"I like mine better." I disagreed, shaking my head. "Not a big fan of yours."

"I guess we are different." he shrugged, a smile on his face. "Now let's go, I'm bored."

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I have no idea," he answered. "Let's just walk and see?"

"Best idea ever," I said teasingly.


In the end, I got home at midnight, not regretting it one bit despite Salvatore screaming at me the next day.

For there was a reason. A reason, Ophelia and Alicia were able to pry out the next day.

"So, tell me." Ophelia grinned, "What happened?"

I cursed myself for blushing. "Nothing," I quickly got out, turning my head to the side to avoid their gaze. Something happened, but it wasn't a big deal?

"No, something happened," Alicia smirked. "Come on, tell us."




"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" Ophelia whined, giving me puppy dog eyes. "I'll do anything."

"We'll both do anything," Alicia jumped in.

I let out a sigh. "Why do you want to know?"

"Because we are interested in your love life!" Alicia grinned. "Come on, we'll do anything."

I thought about it for a while, before a thought entered my head. "Anything?" I repeated.

"Anything." Ophelia confirmed.

I smirked, crossing my arms over each other and leaning back onto my bed. "Sure, I'll tell you. It's seriously not much though."

"I feel like we walked into a trap." Alicia muttered.

"It's too late to back out now." Ophelia murmured back.

"So, you wanted to know what happened last night?" I prompted.


"Well, Theo and I kissed," I stated plainly, staring at the two of them in the eye.

None of them responded.

"What?" I asked, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Is that all?" Ophelia started. "You both just kissed?" she emphasized.

I blushed. "Well, we kissed, and he kind of told me he liked me..." I trailed off, losing all of my previous confidence and looking away to the side.

Both of them squealed, hopeful expressions in their eyes. "And?"

"Uhh," I averted my gaze, suddenly finding the tiles the most interesting thing in the world.


"We'redatingnow." I rushed out quickly.

It took them all of a moment to understand my words, despite them being jumbled together and barely comprehendible.

"YOU ARE?" screamed Ophelia, "YOU ARE DATING THEO AL-" Was what she managed to get out before a hand clamped over her mouth.

My hand, to be exact.

"Quiet." I hissed, my face red in embarrassment. "My brothers will hear and I didn't even tell them yet. Salvatore's going to go insane too, and I barely managed to survive after his yelling this morning."

Ophelia nodded her head enthusiastically, while Alicia had a knowing grin on her face. Cautiously, I lowered my hand.

"There," I said carefully. "You two know now. Don't tell anyone until I do."

"Of cours-"

"There you guys are!" Salvatore exclaimed, barging into my room.

Oh shit.

"Oh, didn't see you there Salvatore." I said nervously, "Why are you here?"

Salvatore stared at me, before turning away. "All of you. Living room, now."

I'm in deep trouble, right?

I spared a quick glance at the other two women beside me, both of them with 'fuck' written clearly on their face.

"Well?" Salvatore roared. "NOW!"

Fuck times three thousand million.


"What the hell?" Santino exploded.

"Why did you send our kids away?" Alicia yelled. "Where did they go Salvatore?"

"What the fuck is happening?"



Silence remained.

"Salvatore, why don't you tell us-"

Salvatore opened his mouth. "I was going to-"

"-calmly," Salvestro continued, "Why are you acting like this? You send all of the younger ones away, you put our entire house on shut down, our men are running around the house like lunatics, need I continue?" he questioned with a raised brow.

Only a few people could talk to Salvatore with that condescending tone and still remain unharmed. I was not part of that very limited few.

"No," Salvatore finally said. "But there is something I must tell you all."

"Well cut to the chase." Alicia snapped, her patience waning.

"I am," Salvatore snapped back. "We're attending a funeral in two days."


"Important people have died," he said gravely, and I blanched.

Important people?

"Which is why I put everyone on lockdown." he finished.

"Who's?" I asked, suddenly feeling very lost. "Whose funeral are we attending?"

There aren't many people we are close to. So, there aren't many people we would attend the funeral of.

"Not just one." Salvatore replied, looking all of us in the eye. "More than one."

Ophelia fainted, Salvestro barely managing to catch her limp body.

"Tell us." Salvino stated, a quiver in his voice as he collapsed onto the couch. "Who died?"

"The Ferrari family," Salvatore started, his voice starting to shake.

"Elena?" Alicia whispered, turning pale. "Everyone? Her kids too?"

Salvatore nodded, face paling by the second.

"There's... more?"

"Yes." Salvatore admitted, "Alessandro, Alessia, and..." he didn't finish his next words, the smallest tear dripping down the corner of his eye.

"And who?" Santino demanded, though from the look of his face, he already knew who it was.

A sense of dread washed over me.

Salvatore put his head in hands.



That's the end for the Bonus Chapters! So, I know many of you have been asking why I won't be doing a sequel, and I'll try to explain it the best I can right now. 

One of the reasons why I won't make a sequel is because the quality of the sequel won't be as good. I don't feel like I can make the sequel as good as or better than the one I am writing now, which will completely ruin Amara's story. Also, I don't believe I can commit to a sequel. 

Another reason why, and it may sound selfish of me, but I also want to try broadening the genres I write. I don't want to stick with this genre, and I've recently found interests in writing another genres, so I want to try them out. However, I can't if I am writing a sequel to this story. 

There are many more reasons, but this is the best I can explain it. I hope you can all understand, and I am so grateful that you've read this far and joined me on this journey. 

I will be taking a short break from Wattpad, and I will be turning off my notifications until I come back. I've got a lot of work to do, haha. 

Thank you for everything, and I hope to see you soon! Maybe I'll even see some of your comments in other stories I read, lmao.

Goodbye for now, and stay safe, stay healthy, and stay true to yourself!

See you soon :)

~ CRAZY40429 💋 

QotC: What's stopping you from doing something you want to, but don't do?

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