Steven universe adventures 2

By Ro1052003

15K 93 417

Steven and his friends are back! Their traveling the world helping other animals that need it. And now with t... More

New friends
Friendship vs strength
Thats what friends are for
Kindness and sacrifice
Battle on vorison mountain
Clash of time and space
Welcome to alamos
Darkeai's warning
From alamos town to nightmare town
Battle of the titans
The town is saved
Malenion festival
Turn of events
Butler true color
Rise of zombie groudon
Unfortunate events
Meet shaymin
The reverse world
On the train
Saving an enemy
Celebis forest
Ferry ride
Jungle forest
Enter iron masked marauder
Saving the forest
Steven meets god
Before the exlipes
Changing history
Meet Zoura
Saving zorauk
The Vision
The migration
Unexpected reunion
Join the migration
The spider and the butterfly
Team rocket means buisness
Welcome to the crater
The best of the best
Darkness is coming
Tapu council
To raptordon
In the nick of time
The pokemon of black and white
Medichi bros. Circus
Baby jumbo
Circus disaster
Dumbo soars
Unexpected show stopper
Elephant heist
A year later
Not so proper introduction
Robot chase
Hedgehog vs egghead
Best friends forever
Destiny apporaching
Meet hoopa
Ghidorah's ghost
The prophecy
Approachimg darkness
Off to dehara tower
Night time ambush
Closer than expected
Before the eclipse
The eclipse
After the eclipse
A new future
Reamimated pokemon
Pokemon hills
Steven meets the genecect
Genecect invasion
Genecect nest
Making peace
Princess diancie
Meet diancie
Mammoth manipulation
Mall mayham
Through the jungle
Mega abution
Meet volcanion
Helping magearna
Nebel plateau
A dinsoaur's revenge
Gaining ones trust
Reef city
Meet oscar
Sad day
Goofy goobers drunk
Oscar bets it all
Underwater disaster
Shocks and scares
Discoveries and sit downs
Now that we're men
Saving the sea
Welcome to fula city
Festival chaos
Meeting Zeraora
The okoyan jungle
Protecting the jungle
Finale teaser
Finale part I
Finale part II
Finale part III
Finale part IV
Finale part V
Finale part VI
Finale part VII
Finale part VIII
Finale part IX
Finale part X
Finale part XI
Finale part XII
Finale part XIII
Finale part XIV
Finale part XV
Finale part XVI
Finale part XVII
Finale part XVIII
Finale part XIX
Finale part XX
Finale part XXI
Finale part XXII
Finale part XXIII

The bird of destruction

82 0 1
By Ro1052003

Steven: that is awesome!

Sid: now you'll save your home!

Diancie: I wonder if I can create a heart diamond now

Steven: give it a try

Dace: please!

Diancie breaths, but not before a hint ship comes over them. Malaise and Argus come down

Malaise: congratulations diancie! Now you have the power to create real diamonds!

Diancie: it's you!

Sid: I thought you were helping us!

Malaise: hah! Yes we were, but now we'll be taking diancie!

At that moment she unleashes her chasnaught

Steven: what's going on?

Malaise: I knew diancie was gonna come here to find xerneas, because that dumb Pokémon didn't yet master her diamond powers

Argus: it's hard to imagine diancie not making diamonds. It's like eating chocolate without coco in it. Totally worthless!

Steven: who are they?

James: Argus steel

Meowth: the most mischievous thief out their

Jessie: and that's her daughter malaise

Malaise: chesnaught!

He uses his vines to grab diancie but then greninja comes and snatches her as Ryan comes

Ryan: we're taking diancie with us

Argus: after them!

They chase after them

Steven: diancie!

They venture straight into a deep dark cave below a petrified forest

Diancie: if you want diamonds, I'll give you some! Please let me go! I have to get back to my domain!

That's when a dragonfly Pokémon comes into e cave. Then delphox comes from behind them and uses flamethrower causing Ryan to land into the water disturbing what lies beneath. Delphox attacks greninja as marline comes behind diancie

Marlin: thank you!

Diancie: let me go!

Ryan: Marin

He leaps out of the water and across from her

Marlin: you look fabulous! Even when your angry Ryan. See you later

She carries diancie off but Steven and latias soar down and scoop diancie out of her arms saving her

Steven: (blows raspberries)

The chesnaught comes missal blasting the two who miss. He lands into the water disturbing the dweller beneath even more. Chesnaught blasts Steven and diancie out of the air making them crash into the water. Now the dweller beneath was just pissed. The gang make it to the scene with zephyr who was watching from one of the petrified trees

Marlin: you miserable pest


She blasts marlin out of the air, but Ryan comes and catches her in his arms

Marlin: but why?

Ryan: why! I just....

He embarrassingly drops her into the water where she saw what lies beneath. That's when the water around them turned purple causing what lies beneath to get madder than ever. He absorbs the black die in the water and raises from the water with everyone watching

Dace: oh no! Princess diancie! Steven! Latias! You must leave their at once!

Too late, cause the giant dweller from beneath roads up from the black depths as the sky grew dark

Zephyr: (clocks tongue) nobody listens....

The dweller continues to rise until it became visible

Dace: the cocoon of destruction!

The cocoon started to burst apart until it revealed... yveltal, the bringer of death and destruction himself

Steven: (high pitched) fuck me

Yveltal; thou have destined Thai from Thai slumber! For this act, thou shall be punished, by sudden, immediate DEATH!!!


As he screams the bird exploded until He was covered head to tail with flames of fury like a mighty Phoenix. He lets out a furious screech with flames bursting out of his beak straight up into the sky until it was covered in red flames. Everyone makes it out as yveltal flies to the air destroying everything in his sight as it bursts into an inferno of destruction. At that moment, Ryan who was holding diancie watch as his Pokémon get petrified to stone in the destruction

Everything around them gets petrified. Diancie tries to escape but marlin comes and snatched her up as they head down the jungle. Yveltal leaves nothing but chaos as he mystified all her Pokémon allowing diancie to escape. The jungle was being thrown into chaos as yveltal rained his catastrophe yet again. Miles away, xerneas senses the disturbance from the jungle.  Diancie and the gang regroup, but only for malaise and Argus to kidnap her and take her to their ship. But yveltal blasts at them petrifying their pokemon

Yveltal: thou shall all pay the price! BY DEATH!!!

He soars the sky laying waste to everything in sight, but Steven thunderbolts the beast saving them

Jessie: let's get out of here!

Steven: guys! No!

Steven blasts his petrification blast saving them

Steven: we need to stay together!
Marlin: who's that Pokémon?!

She cries in a remote part of the jungle

Marlin: who what it did to my Delphox

Ryan lands right next to her

Marlin: Ryan

Ryan: it's alright, let's forget about diancie

He removes his mask and lends out his hand. She takes it, just as yveltal comes petrifying them
The group make it to a clearing in the jungle as they see the destruction around them

Dace: no. The all earth forest is dying again

Steven comes with diancie. Just as yveltal comes with his petrification blast. Diancie comes in front of them and gets her hands out. As yveltal fires, she blocks it with a heart diamond. Only for the blast to destroy it

Dace: princess!

They all come to the duo

Diancie: my powers... still not enough

Yveltal lands right across from them

Yveltal: I shall not let thee continue to live!

Steven: run!

They do so as the fire bird blasts them again chasing them like a wolf chasing prey. He petrification blasts them but Steven thunderbolt blocks to save them but accidentally makes it hit marek and the carbink

Marek: Steven, please protect princess diancie!

At that moment, they were petrified to stone. Yveltal blasts them again tossing Steven off the nearby cliff. Luckily latias and manny grab him in time, just as yveltal comes flying around the corner. Diancie lion around and sees all the destruction she caused

Diancie: I was supposed to protect my people, (sheds tears) I wish I was never born! I wish my mother was here!

Latias: don't give up! Or we'll all die!

Manny: stay strong kid!

They all continue to help pull Steven out of the cliff

Latias: Steven! Are you okay?

Steven wakes up and flies up to the group relieved. But then yveltal comes right in front of them. He petrification blasts them again
But Steven thunderbolt blocks it. Diancie gets in front of them all as yveltal flies around remembering what xerneas said

Memory: the power to nourish life lies within you yourself

Diancie: I'll never give up! EVER!

At that moment, she shined as bright as her powers until she transformed into her mega form in front of them all

Clement: she, mega evolved!

Yveltal dives and soars right toward mega diancie. She summons her energy to create a true heart diamond to block his petrification blast, and it didn't even break at all!

Dace: that's it! A heart diamond!

Diancie transforms back into her regular form as the ship Argus and malaise come. They then come around to blast at yveltal with their missals but miss as the hint bird comes and blasts them directly, making it fall straight to the water. Yveltal then blasts the gang again, but was counter blasted. The group look to see it was xerneas!

Steven: xerneas!

She looks right at yveltal who prepares to petrify her. Xerneas antlers shine as bright as a rainbow and blasts his attack away. She uses her psychic powers to telepathically calm the beast. Yveltal's eyes dim from purple to their pure blue. The water returns to normal as he flies off to pets unknown high into the mountains

Sid: he's gone

Zephyr: we're safe now

But then... Steven feels faint and falls right in front of the group!

Latias: Steven!

She lowers to him as they see he was hit by yveltal!

Clement: he's been hit!

Steven:... look like... this is it for me....literally stone dead by a psycho bird....

They all watch in horror as Steven is petrified to stone

Latias: Steven!

Diancie: no...

Diego: no....


Sid falls on his belly crying like a baby

Latias: oh Steven...

She starts to cry on what was left of her loved one

Latias: oh Stevie cake!

But at that moment, the ground starts to turn green. They all look to see xerneas healing the jungle around them

Diancie: xerneas

Latias looks to the stone statue of Steven who transforms back to Steven!

Steven: ugh..... Mom... is this heaven?

Latias: Steven!

She grabs him by the neck and hugs him tightly. At that moment, everyone transforms back to normal as the entire jungle heals back up

Dace: xerneas is sharing her life force

At that moment, her hooves plant into the ground as she transforms into wood and shifts into a tree, her body becomes wood, her antlers become branches and her face disappears in the wood

Clement: she's becoming a tree

Dace: xerneas is choosing to slumber here in this land, to protect the balance of nature

Bonnie: but does that mean?

Steven: she's... dead?

But at that moment

Xerneas: (v.o) their is nothing to be sad about, princess, and Steven

Steven: what the?!

Xerneas: (v.o) you see, this is not death. This is the promise of life. And the beginning of hope

Steven: the promise of life and the beginning of hope

At that moment, the jungle healed as everything yveltal destroyed transformed back to normal

Steven: thank you xerneas

As for the thieves and their Pokémon, they changed back to normal, even Ryan and marlin

Marlin looks to Ryan and kisses his cheek. With Argus and malaise, they transform back and come out for their ship, but when they looked to the water?

Crocodile: guess who!
In the carbink caverns, mega diancie was at work fixing her kingdom. She summons all her strength and makes a new pure heart diamond

Mega diancie changes back to normal

Marek: princess!

Dace: it's wonderful!

The heart diamond them purifies the caverns until they were as good as new

Diancie: everyone. I want to thank you al so much

Steven: boy am I happy we met you

Serena: me too

Clement: me too

???: as well as I

They turn to see mewtwo

Steven: and where have you been missy?

Mewtwo: just looking for a good spot to rest when this adventure was over

Steven: oh... you were just looking for a cool down spot

Diancie: even if that happens, we'll always be friends

Steven: I guess so

Sid realizes something and looks to bonnie's pack and finds her diamond still existing

Bonnie: my diamond! It didn't disappear!

Serena: beautiful!

Manny: I guess that's your first event pure diamond

Steven: and that's the symbol of our friendship!

Diancie smiles at that remark

Diancie: yes!

Bonnie: princess, I'd like you to have it

She gives it to her

Diancie: I will cherish it!

She looks at it with a huge smile on her face

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