The Devil's Work || Yoonseok

By mygmarkie

109K 7.2K 4.6K

Yoongi was forced to go out to some stupid club with some friends and he ended up having more fun than they d... More

1: Please?
2: Sweetheart
3: Δεμένη με τον διάβολο
4: Stay away from me
5: Ancient
6: A Day
7: Push Me Away
8: That Guy Was Right
9: That's Because You're All Mine
10: Good News
11: Fallen Angels
12: New Secretary
13: Relationships
14: Life is unfair, deal with it
15: I Used You
16: Someone's Got A Crush
17: Who'd You Dream About?
18 : Domestic
19: Friends With Benefits
20: Obey
21: Mistakes
22: There's This Guy
23: Both of You
24: Hoseok
25: Doll Face
26: Out of Commission
27: Out of Chances
28: Let Him Go
29: How Are You?
30: Spill
31 : A Distant Memory
32 : Unfair
33 : Give Me Some Space
34 : Part Of Popular Discussion
35 : Or What?
36 : Fiesty Today, Aren't We?
37 : I'm a Mess
38 : Lost Cause
40 : Aphrodite's Curse
41 : Anything For You
42 : I'm Trusting You
43: No More Than This
44: Desperate
45: I Hate You
46 : That'll Be Enough
47 : Too Much
48 : Whatever
49: Can't Get Enough
50 : Come Inside
Lol hi (authors note)

39 : Apologies

993 84 18
By mygmarkie

"Hoseok wants to talk to you." Jin said, Yoongi startled as he looked up at the older, his lips parting before he frowned. "About?"

"Don't know. He told me to get you so here I am. Getting you." Jin shrugged, he crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at the younger. "Hurry though, he has a meeting in twenty minutes. There's no telling what he wants to talk about but make sure to wrap it up quick. I don't wanna hear his mouth when he has to haul ass to the meeting hall." Jin said, Yoongi nodded and sighed, "Yeah, okay. Thanks."

"No problem." Jin muttered before he walked away. Jin wasn't the happiest currently, Yoongi wasn't sure what caused this change and be hoped it wasn't because of him. His mood has been getting better lately but it seems Jin has pulled himself away from both Hoseok and Yoongi. Which was probably good for his emotional wellbeing. Yoongi would do the same, if he were being completely honest.

Yoongi sighed as he stood up from his seat. Mentally preparing himself for whatever conflict they have once he walks in. Nothing good can come from Hoseok calling him to his office. He walked up to the door and nodded, he probably looked dumb as hell but he really didn't care. Dealing with Hoseok was a mental challenge in and of itself.

Yoongi knocked twice and opened the door, Hoseok glanced up at him and visibly tensed, he dropped his pen and sat back in his seat. "Hey." He said with a sigh, Yoongi walked in and sat down in the seat in front of his desk. "Hey. What did you want?"

"Listen..uh. This has do with work or the office. This is a personal conversation that I'm having with you here because this is the only place where I'm able to see you." Hoseok explained, Yoongi nodded.

"You need to patch things up with Jimin. I'm in no place counselor. But I think it's for the best that you do. Continue to hate me, continue to ignore me if you want to. But don't do that to Jimin. Or Jin, or Jungkook. It affects them more than you know." Hoseok said, he back tracked a bit, bringing his hands up and waving them around as if he were erasing the words that left his mouth. "Or maybe you do know."

"I kind of know. Not to the fullest, but I have an idea."

"That's a start. Look. Your friends have been there for you for so many years. And Jin has been a great friend to you since he met you. They care about you and they want to best for you." Hoseok paused, making sure to emphasize his next point. "I want the best for you."

Yoongi bit his bottom lip and nodded, choosing to not pay attention to that last sentence. "And What's best for you is to patch up whatever happened between you and Jimin. And then go talk with Jin. Again. Ignore me all you want, I've accepted that. But don't push away the friends that were there for you when I...when I wasnt."

The guilty look on his face spoke a thousand words and Yoongi wanted nothing more than to ignore every single one of them. "Just. Talk to them. Okay?"

Yoongi took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, yeah okay. You're right. I should talk to them." Yoongi stood from his seat and smiled slightly at Hoseok. "Thank you."

"Yeah. I just thought I would help."

"Thanks." Yoongi said again, he left the office before the tension was too thick to cut. He sighed as he closed the door, he walked back to his desk and sat down, pulling out his phone to text Jimin.

We need to talk. Come over when I get off.<<

A response came almost immediately.

>>What time?


Yoongi sighed as he set his phone down and looked around the office for Jin. He saw the older talking to another  coworker and stood from his seat. "Jin? Jin."

"Hm? Yeah?"

"We need to talk." Yoongi said, Jin looked at his coworker. The guy nodded with a small smile and excused himself. Yoongi muttered an apology before turning his attention to the taller. "What is it?"

"I'm sorry."

Jin furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head in confusion. "What?"

"I'm sorry." Yoongi repeated, he looked away from Jin as he continued. "I um, I've been an asshole for a really long time now. I've been pushing you guys away and making everything between everyone all messed up and tense. I pushed my problems on you guys and that caused you guys to have problems so I'm sorry for that. All of that. I chose to ignore what I did to you guys instead of facing it head on....running away from my problems. And I'm sorry." Yoongi said, he took a deep breath and sighed, finally meeting Jin's eyes and it was now his turn to tilt his head in confusion.

Jin was smiling. The first genuine smile he's seen from him in awhile. "You didn't have to apologize to me, Yoongi."

"But- But weren't you upset and tired because of everything I've done? I mean, sleeping with Seojun, breaking my tie, pushing everyone away? Isn't that why you were like this?" Yoongi asked, Jin sighed as he unfolded his arms, instead placing his hands on his sides. "Yoongi. You don't have to apologize to me. You were going through your own shit and you handled it the best you could. Same way I handle shit with drinking and staying up late. I can't blame you for whatever coping mechanisms you have."

"But you should."

"Sure, I should. That's obvious. But I won't." Jin said, Yoongi grew more and more confused by the second. "Listen. I forgave you before I had something to forgive. I may be foolish for it, but I'm not upset by how you've handled things. I'm just glad you finally came to your senses.." Jin said, he smiled and turned away, Yoongi sighed as he pouted. That went...smoother than expected.

Now he just had to get through to Jimin.


Yoongi has been pacing his apartment for the past five minutes now. After getting home, he quickly changed out of his usual work clothed and into some fluffy pajama pants and a t-shirt. He couldn't understand why he was so nervous. This is Jimin. His bestfriend. A man who's been with him through thick and thin. This is nothing.

Or at least, it should be nothing. Yoongi racked his head trying to find things to say that he didn't already say to Jin. Maybe he should just say exactly what he said to him, then his apology won't be brushed off the way Jin did. Honestly, he was relieved Jin didn't want an apology, it took a huge burden off of his shoulder.

Fuck, how is he gonna do this? Even if he does do this smoothly, there's a chance Jimin won't forgive him. With the way he's been acting, Yoongi wouldn't even forgive himself--

The three knocks on his apartment door is what took him out of his spiraling. He went to the door and let out a sigh as he opened it. He met Jimin's eyes and thought about closing the door again.

For one, Jimin looked ten times more appropriate for this, unlike Yoongi, which made him seem so much more unapproachable. He had a blank expression on his face, Yoongi couldn't tell you what he was thinking even if he tried. "Gonna let me in or are you just gunna stand there?" Jimin asked, Yoongi blinked and simply nodded, moving to the side to let Jimin in.

"You're...dressed up."

"Tae and Kook dragged me out of the house for some drinks. I told them I had to see you but," Jimin trailed off with a shrug. He sat on the couch and kept his eyes on Yoongi as he closed the door and and walked to sit on the other end. "Why did you want me here, Yoongi?"

"I uh, I wanted to apologize." Yoongi said, he became anxious again, he sighed as he picked at his nails, visibly shaking his head and stopping the action. He met Jimin's eyes and saw the way he looked surprised, not by a lot, but this definitely took him for  surprise.

"I have been the...biggest asshole to you and everyone else for the past month. Especially you. And I...I still don't know why. I don't know why I pushed you guys away, I really want to know, but it doesn't excuse what I've done." Yoongi said, he cleared his throat because fuck it feels like it's closing up. He prayed he wouldn't get that stupid lump in his throat.

"Jimin. That fight we had escalated so fucking fast. I got angry because you brought up Hoseok and you had all the right to say the things you said because the longer I sit here alone in my own head, the more I realize Hoseok had an effect on me and he always had an effect on me but I didn't want to pay attention to it until you brought it up and now it's all I think about." Yoongi continued, "And I really miss you guys, and I miss you. I'm sorry for everything this past month, I have no excuse for how I treated you guys because...because I was running from my problems and even when you guys begged me to talk to you I just...pushed you away and that was fucking stupid on my part."

Yoongi cleared his throat again as he eyes wandered around apartment, purposefully not meeting Jimin's eyes. "You have every right to be mad at continue to be mad at me. An apology can't possible make up for this past month." He felt frustrated tears come to his eyes the more he talked. He started to get angry at himself, to hate himself. He didn't know if he was just being dramatic or if these were feelings he had for awhile. Either way, he had to pull himself back, he couldn't start spiraling right now. This was about Jimin. Not him.

"So, yeah. I'm sorry. And I hope we can be close again...please." Yoongi finally finished, he didn't know why he added the please at the end. As if he were begging for Jimin to accept him, to let him back in. Maybe he was begging. He needed something, someone to ground him again. Before he continues to do stupid shit, before he gets angry again. He's done enough damage. To not only his friends, but to Hoseok as well. He still feels guilty for the pain he put the guy through. Devil or not, he never meant to hurt Hoseok. Not like that.

It was silent for awhile, Yoongi still refused to look up at Jimin. It just made everything easier. Not having to see the look on his face in case he doesn't accept his apology. "Yoongi."


"Look at me?"

Yoongi nodded as he brought his head up, meeting Jimin's kind eyes. Yoongi saw a small smile on his lips and let out a relived sigh. "That apology? Entirely too formal for me." Jimin said, "A simple I'm sorry would have been enough for me to forgive you." Jimin smiled wider and Yoongi couldn't help but smile back.

" Jin wouldn't take my apology either, said he forgave me before there was even something to forgive." Yoongi sighed, "And now you telling me all I had to say was sorry. 'm confused."

"It's cause we already knew you were going through shit, Yoongi." Yoongi opened his mouth to speak but Jimin brought his hand up to stop him. "I know it doesn't excuse your actions but we knew things would get calm soon and that you'd think things through. And once you think things through, you'll realize what you did wrong and apologize because we all knew that the person you were for the last month isn't who you are."

"Been hanging around Jin too much?"

"Fuck you." Jimin laughed, he sighed as he scooted over to Yoongi's end of the couch. He pulled him into a hug and spoke into his ear as he head laid on his shoulder. "I'm also sorry. I shouldn't have said the things I said. Shouldn't have riled you up like that in the first place."

"Don't apologize."

"Already did."  Jimin smiled as he pulled away. He checked his phone and looked back at Yoongi. "Now that we got that sappy shit over with. Can I stay over? We've missed a good three, four days of cuddles and kisses. So I will be making them up tonight." Jimin said, Yoongi huffed out a laugh as he rolled his eyes. "Sure, I'll meet you in a minute." Jimin nodded as he went into the bedroom.

Now that all of that is done. Yoongi can focus on something else that has been rattling around in his brain. He pulled his phone out to text Seojun.

Can I come over after work tomorrow?<<

>>Yeah, for?

You'll know once I get there<<

Yoongi didn't wait for a response, he stood from the couch and moved towards the bedroom. "You better not be in my spot, Jimin!"

"You owe me!"

"Yeah, I owe you a foot up your ass if you don't move!"



Hope you enjoyed🏳️‍🌈👀


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