Vanguard Love Story

By DharmaMH8

24.4K 281 115

I do not own the characters, they belong to the rightful owner, Bushiroad. There are some characters that I m... More

Turn 1: Strange Feelings
Turn 2: Chrono's True Feelings
Turn 3: She Is Back!
Turn 4: Feeling Down
Turn 5: Tokoha's Feeling
Turn 6: Preparations
Turn 7: The Birthday Party Confession
Turn 8: First Time
Turn 9: The Secret Plan
Turn 10: Once Enemies But Now?
Turn 11: My Moonlight
Turn 12: Meeting The Family
Turn 13: Dragon Empire Festival
Turn 14: Feeling Sick
Turn 15: Sport Date
Turn 16: Goodbye For Now
Turn 17: Shin and Mikuru
Turn 19: Unexpected Surprise
Turn 20: Hell and Heaven
Turn 21: Euro League
Turn 22: Exciting Match
Turn 23: Amigo Battles
Turn 24: Father and Son
Turn 25: The Returning Idols
Turn 26: Christmas Return
Turn 27: Encountering Vanguard
Turn 28: Parents Gathering
Turn 29: Tokimi Shindou
Turn 30: Christmas Party
Turn 31: New Year Date
Turn 32: Huge Project
Turn 33: A Visit To Miyaji
Turn 34: Shocking News
Turn 35: The Wedding Night
Turn 36: Coming Back
Turn 37: Dreams
Turn 38: Writing Test
Turn 39: The Results
Turn 40: Physical Test
Turn 41: Summer Vacation
Turn 42: Special Training Is Back!
Turn 43: Interview
Turn 44: The Future
Turn 45: Launch Time!
Turn 46: Reunited
Turn 47: Waiting For You
Turn 48: Decided
Turn 49: Chrono Ring
Turn 50: Our Future

Turn 18: He Has Returned

543 8 7
By DharmaMH8

It's August.... and Aichi has finally graduated from his University at America. Kamui and the others have already prepared a party at the first Card Capital when he comes back.....

Kamui: "Looks like it's ready."

Misaki: "Yeah.... by the way, should we pick him up at the airport tomorrow?"

Kamui: "No need for that.... Ibuki and Kai will pick him up."

Misaki: "Kai? But the Euro League..."

Kamui: "Yeah, the Euro League will start next week so tomorrow will be his final day before he goes back."

Misaki: "I see...."

Miwa: "It's been a while since we have all four members of Q4 together so I think that's why Kai decided to stay for the party."

Kamui: "Yeah... Chrono and the others will be here as well tomorrow..."

Misaki: "I see... well then, let's close the shop now."

Kamui and Miwa: "Ok!"

After they closed the shop....

Misaki: (In her room) Aichi is going to return soon.... Should I tell him....? My feeling towards him....

Shin: (Knocked the door) "Misaki are you in there? Dinner is ready so come downstairs alright?"

Misaki: "Yes, I'm coming!"

Next Day at The Airport

Ibuki: "Congrats on your graduation, Sendou."

Aichi: "Thank you, Ibuki!"

Kai: "Congrats, Aichi."

Aichi: "Thank you, Kai!"

Ibuki: "Now, let's head back!"

Aichi: "Ok!"

In the car with Kai driving...

Ibuki: "So, how's Vanguard doing in America?"

Aichi: "It keeps growing there, Ratie plays a big part in it as well."

Ibuki: "I see.... that's great."

Aichi: "How about you, Ibuki? Are you as busy as ever?"

Ibuki: (Smiling) "Well, you can say that...."

Aichi: "And you, Kai? The Euro League is about to start in a week. Are you ready to be an eighth time champion?"

Kai: "You don't even need to ask that. I'm always ready." (Smiling)

Aichi: "That's really like you, Kai." (Smiling)

Meanwhile, at Card Capital....

Morikawa: "It's been a while, student!"

Kamui: "He's not your student, Lose-Umi."

Morikawa: "It's Katsumi, you brat!"

Chrono: "Ahehehehe..."

Kazuma: "Huh... what's that all about?"

Chrono: "Nah, don't think about it."

Miwa: "It's nice to see the U20 Champion and the Generation Masters as well."

Izaki: "Not to mention Rummy Labyrinth as well..."

Am: "Nice to meet you guys..." (Smiling)

Miwa: "Likewise!"

Naoki: "Anyway, where is Misaki?"

Kamui: "Oh, she's still in her room. Probably still preparing..."

Shingo: "Eh... that's very unusual of her."

Kamui: "I know.... she's been acting quite different in these past few days."

At Misaki's Room

Misaki: Today is the day.... he is back.... I don't know what to do.... (Looking at Kourin's black ribbon) Kourin, what should I do...?

Back At the Shop

Naoki: (Shocked) "What?! You two and these idols?"

Kamui: "Yeah, you're right."

Naoki: "Shion with Am, and..... this blue hair guy with Luna..."

Kazuma: "It's Kazuma.... Kazuma Shouji!"

Naoki: "Oh, sorry Kazuma.... hehe. I was surprised that you two are in a relationship with an idols."

Shingo: "We got beat by our juniors...."

Miwa: "Anyway, congrats four of you."

Shion, Kazuma, Am and Luna: "Thank you!"

Kamui: (Looking at Chrono) "Hm? What's wrong, Chrono?"

Chrono: "Huh? Nothing.... It's just..."

Kamui: "You're thinking about Tokoha.... am I right?"

Chrono: "Y-Yeah...."

Naoki: "Huh? What's up with her?"

Miwa: "Did you forget, Ishida? They're both in a relationship.... Misaki told us a couple of months ago..."

Naoki: "Of course I remembered that..... Oh!"

Shingo: "You forgot that she's in Paris now?! Seriously... you delinquent wannabe..."

Naoki: "Shut up, Shingo!"

Miwa: (Looking at his phone)

(Text) Ibuki: "We're arriving in 5 minutes..."

(Text) Miwa: "Okay!"

Miwa: "Alright guys, they're arriving in 5 minutes. Get prepared everyone!"

Everyone: "Okay!"

Misaki: "In 5 minutes?"

Kamui: "Oh there you are, Misaki. Yeah, 5 minutes...."

Misaki: "I see...."

Outside the Shop

Aichi: "It's been a while...."

Kai: "Yeah, let's get in..."

Aichi, Kai, and Ibuki: (Entered the Shop)


Aichi: (Shocked) "Huh?! (Smiling) T-Thank you.... everyone!"

Kamui: "No problem.... Misaki is the one who had this plan, We're just helping out... hehe."

Chrono: Misaki....?

Aichi: "I see... thank you, Misaki!" (Smiling)

Misaki: (Blushing) "N-No... problem..."

Miwa: "Now that Aichi is here, let's begin the party."

Then they started the party, and Shin was surprised to see Misaki allowing the guys to bring foods and drinks to the shop....

Shin: "Are you sure that this is okay?"

Misaki: "It's fine, after all they already promised me to clean it up after the party."

Shin: "Ahehehehe, I see..."

Aichi: "It's been a while... Chrono, Shion, Kazuma."

Chrono: "Yeah, it's been a while."

Shion: "What are you going to do after university, Aichi?"

Aichi: "I'll work with Ibuki and Mamoru at the Association for at least a year. Then, I'll find a real job."

Shion: "I see.... Uhm, can we have a cardfight later? I'd like to fight you."

Aichi: "Sure, I'll be free until this night."

Someone then entered the shop...

Emi: "Good afternoon, everyone!"

Everyone: "Good afternoon!"

Kamui: (Shocked) "Eh?! Miss Emi?!"

Emi: "Oh, hello there, Kamui!" (Smiling)

Kamui: (Blushing) "Y-Yeah.... s-so... y-you're h-here... t-too...?"

Emi: "Yeah, after all Aichi is coming back home today. Congratulations, Aichi!"

Aichi: "Thank you, Emi!"

Kazuma: "She knows him?"

Chrono: "She is Aichi's little sister."

Kazuma: "Oh yeah, they have the same last name after all..."

Kamui: (Blushing) "I-It's.... nice to see y-you h-here.... Miss Emi."

Emi: "Nice to see you too, Kamui!" (Smiling)

Kazuma: "Miss Emi? That means.... she's the one Kamui lo-mmm" (Kamui covered his mouth)

Kamui: "Sssttt.... don't shout you idiot!"

Emi: (Confused) "Hm?"

Kamui: "Oh it's a.... nothing, Miss Emi!"

Emi: "Oh, Chrono.... I heard that you're in a relationship with Tokoha, congratulations!" (Smiling)

Chrono: "Th-Thank you... Emi! Shion and Kazuma are in a relationship as well with Am and Luna."

Emi: "Eh? I see.... congratulations you four! Aichi will probably never getting a girlfriend since he's a very shy person" (Giggles)

Aichi: (Embarrassed) "E-Emi...!"

Everyone then laughed after hearing what Emi just said....

Miwa: "What's wrong?"

Misaki: "Huh? Miwa?"

Miwa: "You're not going to talk to him? It's been a while you know and you did planned all this just for him..."

Misaki: "Uh... yeah you're right..."

Miwa: What's wrong with her? She's not acting like herself these days.... Is it because....

Then, they all have a cardfight with Aichi. As expected, Aichi won against the likes of Morikawa, Izaki, Naoki, Shingo and even Kamui....

Kamui: "As always... you're as strong as ever, big bro."

Aichi: "That was a close fight though... you're getting stronger, Kamui."

Kamui: "Hehe...."

Kumi: "Amazing! He even beat Kamui...."

Chrono: "That's Aichi for you...."

Aichi: "Oh yeah I just remembered. Shion, wanna have a cardfight now?"

Shion: "I'd love to!"

Kazuma: "Me too, Aichi!"

Taiyou: "Me three!"

Aichi: "Alright, let's do it!"

After a while...

Kumi: "You don't want to fight him, Shindou?"

Chrono: "I'd love to but I want to give Shion, Taiyou and Kazuma a chance to fight him. Since I already fought him once. How about you, Okazaki?"

Kumi: "I'll fight him on some other time." (Smiling)

Chrono: "I see..."

Kai: "Hey, Chrono!"

Chrono: "Oh hey, Kai!"

Kai: "It looks like Anjou is about to entered her second Euro League..."

Chrono: "Y-Yeah...."

Kai: (Smirked) "Just so you know, I'll show no mercy to your girlfriend if I get to fight her at some point."

Chrono: "Yeah! I'm sure Tokoha is going to give you a hard time, Kai."

Kai: "We shall see about that."

Aichi: "Tokoha Anjou huh...?"

Chrono: "Huh? Aichi...?"

Aichi: "She is the Generation Master alongside Chrono and Shion. She's also the one who saved the world from Gyze. She's definitely a fighter to watch this season."

Chrono: "Yeah, you're right!"

Aichi: "You better watch out, Kai. She's a quarter finalists in her debut and that's a great achievement for a debutante."

Kai: "Yeah, I will!"

Kumi: "By the way Sendou, you already finished your fight?"

Aichi: "Oh, yeah I'm finished..."

Shion: "We three didn't win."

Kazuma: "He's really strong..."

Taiyou: "Yeah...."

Chrono: "You three lost?"

Shion: "Yeah, no wonder he is the Asia Circuit Champion."

Misaki: "Aichi...."

Aichi: "Hm? What's wrong, Misaki?"

Misaki: "Ehm... can we talk? Just the two of us?"

Aichi: "Hm.. sure. But where?"

Misaki: "Outside the shop."

Aichi: "Ok...." (Both of them went outside the shop)

Kamui: "What's that all about? Shall we follow them?" (About to follow the two of them)

Miwa: "Don't interrupt them, Kamui!" (Stopping him)

Kamui: "Eh? Why?"

Miwa: "If you're curious then, I'll tell you."

Chrono: "What is it about?"

Naoki: "Yeah, she's been acting very unusual these days so what is it?"

Shingo: "I'm with you, Ishida! What's wrong with her?"

Kai: "What's wrong, Miwa?"

Miwa: "Okay... okay... I'll tell all of you guys... Jeez..."

Kamui: "Go on!"

Miwa: (Sigh) "So here's the story..."

Everyone in the shop listening....

Outside the Shop

Aichi: "This is...."

Misaki: "Yeah, this is where you had your lunch break with Emi in your first shop tournament."

Aichi: "Yeah, I remembered. You offered us a drink as well back then."

Misaki: "Yes, you're right."

Aichi: "Anyway, what did you want to talk about, Misaki?"

Misaki: (Blushing) "Oh its...."

Aichi: "Hm?"

Misaki: (Blushing) This is the first time that I felt super nervous in my life.... Never before, I felt something like this.... and I'm.... sweating?"

Aichi: "Misaki? You're sweating and your face is so red... are you okay? (Put his hand on her forehead to see if she has a fever due to the condition)

Misaki: (Blushing) "I-I'm fine...."

Aichi: "It's summer so I think it's because of that, shall we move to somewhere cooler?"

Misaki: "N-No... let's just stay here..."

Aichi: "O-Okay.... go on."

Misaki: (Blushing) "I...."

Aichi: "Hm?"


Turn 19: Unexpected Surprise

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