The Purple Backpack ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Thirty

482 44 5
By LyssahTraicey


I had an hour before I was supposed to arrive at the hospital in time to wake Bishop up so I decided to walk instead of taking a taxi there. I needed to think about what Andrew had proposed. It's not that I didn't want to accompany him to Paris, I wanted to but there were a lot of factors to consider. My first answer when he asked had been a definite yes. As Andrew had mentioned it had always been a dream of mine to go Paris, it would be even better with him by my side.

My parents would let me go with a little convincing and Bishop would definitely fight me about it but his opinion didn't really matter. I wanted to go but was I ready to take that next step with Andrew. Our last trip together had been monitored by our parents, Paris would be a far cry from that. Another continent, far away from home, it was almost like a litter get away with just the both of us that thought scared me. Andrew and I had grown so much in the months we had dated. From him meeting my family and getting along with them, me bonding with his friends, our first time together and finally proclaiming our love for each other.

We were in such a good place and I didn't want anything ruining that. Would Paris make us stronger or would it be a set back that I was not ready to face yet. Bishop was still very sick and even though he was improving there was still so much uncertainty and I would not feel comfortable leaving him like that. Our parents didn't know about his situation and even though Whitney and I got along better now, I still didn't fully trust her to take care of my brother on her own.

When I got to the hospital I made my way qdirectly to Bishops room where I found the doctor conversing with Whitney just outside his room. I pushed all thought of Andrew and Paris aside so I could focus on my brother.

"I'm not late, am I?"I asked when I got close enough for them to hear me.

"Not at all, just on time. I was just answering some questions for Whitney here. But now that you've arrived we can get onto waking up the young man."The doctor claimed opening the door to Bishops room and walking in.

"You ready?"I asked Whitney.

"I think so."She replied giving me a tight smile.

"It'll be okay."I consoled following the doctor in.

Whitney walked in after me. I closed the door gently behind us and turned to face my brother and the doctor standing next to all the machines. Some of Bishops injuries were already healing but was still in really bad shape.

"We started reducing the drugs gradually from yesterday so now we're going to take him off them completely. Fair warning he might not wake up immediately but be patient because he eventually will."The doctor advised and we both nodded.

Whitney and I stood side by side giving each other strength as we watched the doctor do his work and wake Bishop. Nothing happened at first but after twenty minutes of patiently waiting Bishop eyelids fluttered awake. Whitney and I squealed excitedly but quietly so as not to startle him as we hugged each other.

We gave the doctor space to perform a simple examination just to make sure that Bishop was okay.

"Hello young man, my name is Dr. Peter and you are at the hospital. You've been under a medically induce coma for a week so I'm going to ask you a few questions to make sure you're okay. First what is your name?"The doctor asked.

"Bishop."My brother croaked out in a hoarse voice.

"Good, what is your sisters name?"The doctor continued.

"Pierra."He replied and I smiled that he could remember me.

"And who is that young lady over there?"He asked pointing at Whitney.

Bishop squinted his eyes before blinking twice and smiling when he recognized her.

"My girlfriend, Whitney."He confirmed and the doctor smiled.

"So far so good, just a few more minutes."The doctor requested and we stood patiently waiting for him to finish.

I could sense that Whitney really wanted to hold Bishop as did I but we held ourselves back. The doctor did all his tests for an additional fifteen minutes before approaching us.

"He's recovering well but still needs a lot of rest and monitoring. I will give you half an hour with him then you'll have to leave him to rest. Pierra can I see you in my office after you're done?"He requested.

"Of course doctor."I replied.

He gave us a polite nod before leaving us alone. Whitney was standing frozen in place staring at Bishop who was staring back at her. I nudged her towards him and it was the push she needed to take the final steps and fall into his arms but still careful not to mess with his wounds. Bishop used his uninjured arm to hold Whitney as she cried into his chest.

Seeing them together helped me relax and realize just how much the two loved and cared for each other. Maybe I was judging Whitney too harshly and she would be there for him if I decided to go to Paris with Andrew. Bishop also looked better so maybe everything would be okay and I'd get to go to Paris after all with no worry after all.

"No love for your big brother?"Bishop asked and I chuckled realizing I had been too lost in thought to notice both of them looking at me.

I carefully approached my brother and gave him him a hug careful not to mess with all the machines he was hooked to.

"How are you feeling?"I asked Bishop taking a seat next to him while Whitney sat on the other side.

"Like I was kicked by a horse then trampled over by an elephant. Their meds aren't working. Babe hook me up with a joint."Bishop pleaded.

As if Whitney and I were thinking the same thing we pinched him simultaneously.

"Ouch what was that for?"He protested.

"Only you Bishop can wake up from coma and immediately think of getting high."I scolded.

"It's a pain reliever."He argued and I rolled my eyes.

"Too bad because you're not getting any."Whitney insisted and Bishop mumbled in protest but didn't say anything else.

We filled Bishop in on what he had missed for the week he was in coma avoiding the heavy topics like his accident, leaving that for when he felt better and focused on lighter topics.

"Pierra are you okay?"Bishop asked.

I focused my gaze on him looking away from the heart monitor I had been staring at for a few minutes.

I had so much in to think about so I was honestly not okay.

"No but I will be."I assured him not wanting to lie to him or burden him with my problems.

"If it's about me, I will be okay so stop worrying."He assured me and I have him a stiff smile.

"If that was my only problem."I muttered.

I must not have been quiet enough because Bishop heard what I said.

"Is everything okay between you and Andrew? Did he hurt you?"Bishop asked and his heart rate spiked a little bit.

"No so calm down, we're okay."I assured him.

"Then why isn't he here with you? Last I checked you two were attached to the hip."He questioned.

I mentally cursed his observational skills.

"He's been coming with me all week but I asked him to stay back as I knew you wouldn't be exactly pleased with him seeing you in such a state."I answered hoping he accepted my reply as plausible enough.

I should have known Bishop was more perceptive than that and would not accept a half-assed answer.

"I'm hospitalized not dead sis, what's actually going on?"He asked and I decided to tell him the truth since he wasn't going to let it go until gave him a satisfactory enough answer.

"Andrew won a prestigious photography award. The award ceremony is in Paris in three weeks and he asked me to go with him."I explained.

Bishop only uttered one word before everything went to shit.

"No!"He shouted.

His heart monitor started screeching loudly and before we could comprehend what was happening his body started convulsing as if he was having a seizure. I pressed the emergency button continuously and a few seconds later the doctor and nurses burst in. They pushed us outside and attended to my brother.

It all happened so fast I didn't even have time to react until we were outside his room.

"Why did you tell him that? You knew his health was fragile yet you had to go ahead and deliver such news."Whitney scolded a little too loudly.

I didn't reply because I knew she was right. If anything bad happened to my brother it would all be my fault. We both sat on the bench outside his room as we waited to the doctor to come out and update us on his state. We had to wait another thirty excruciating minutes before the doctor came out of his room with a grim look on his face. We both jumped from our seats and approached him.

"What happened?"Whitney asked as I was too scared to form any words.

"Bishop suffered a mild cardiac contusion. He will be okay but will have to be monitored closely. This setback puts him at a higher risk of slipping into coma or even worse death. He will be in the hospital longer than anticipated. Pray for him and don't stress him out if you want to increase his chances of getting better."The doctor advised and the guilt I was feeling tripled.

"Can we see him?"Whitney asked.

"I'm afraid not. Maybe tomorrow, for now let him rest. You two also need to go home and rest too."He replied before leaving us both be.

"This is all your fault. If he dies, it's all on you."Whitney cussed before stomping away leaving me standing on the hallway alone.

Whitney didn't have to tell me that it was my fault for me to recognize that it was, I already knew that. Bishop would not die because of me, I would not let that happen. Since there was no more need for me to stay I left the hospital and made my way back to Andrew's hostel room.

By the time I got back there I had already made up my mind on what to do. When I got into the room, Andrew was not there but there was a dress and a pair of shoes on the bed with a note on top of it.

Wear this and meet me at the rooftop.

Xoxo, Andre

I took the dress and held it to my chest. It was a beautiful spaghetti strapped dress that I'd never had the chance to wear. It would have looked beautiful on me but I didn't have the energy to put it on especially with what I was about to tell Andrew.

I placed the dress back on the bed before leaving the room and taking the stairs to the rooftop. It was bare with long pillars extending upwards as they held up the tanks that provided water to the whole building.

Music was playing in the far corner and I made my way towards it rubbing my hands to ward off the cold. Tears brimmed in my eyes when I saw what Andrew had planned for us. He had made a rooftop candle lit dinner for the both of us.

He was lighting the candles when he hard the hard gravel crunch under my feet and looked up. The smile on his face fell when he saw me in my state of dress and the tears of my eyes. He put off the candles before approaching me taking my hands in his. He looked so handsome in a grey button down, blue jeans as white sneakers.

"Ivy what happened? What's wrong?"He asked wiping off my tears.

Rip it off like a band aid. I repeated over and over in my head as I gave myself a pep talk on how to handle the whole situation.

"Bishop relapsed and needs to stay in the hospital longer than we thought."I started.

Andrew pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight. I held on for a few minutes taking in his scent knowing things were about to get ugly.

"I'm so sorry baby."He whispered kissing my hair.

I nodded before pulling away and he reluctantly let me go.

"I'm sorry too."I apologized bracing myself for my next words.

"Why are you sorry?"He asked looking confused.

"I can't go to Paris with you. Bishop needs me so you'll have to go without me. I'm sorry."I expressed and Andrew took a step back.

He looked broken but I had to put family first before all else.

"You can't be serious. You're blowing me off because of your brother?"He asked looking hurt but even I was hurting too.

"It's not as simple as that."I argued.

"Yes it is!"Andrew shouted raising his voice at me for the first time since we started dating.

I knew he was upset and he had reason to be but I was justified for making the decision that I did.

"Calm down so we can calmly discuss this."I requested.

Andrew shook his head at me with an angry tint in his eyes that I had never seen before.

"Don't ask me to calm down. How many times will your brother come in between us? At every turn he's always in the middle. If I didn't know any better I'd say that your relationship is more than brother and sister and you two are canoodling behind my back."He spat.

I didn't even realize when I lifted my hand and slapped Andrew hard on the cheek. All that registered was the echo and the stinging of my palm.

"Fuck you Andrew, I hope you enjoy Paris on your own, you arrogant self centered prick."I screamed back the words coming out all choked up.

I was was experiencing a lot of emotions and the most prominent one was heartbreak. How could Andrew, the love of my life think that of me? I knew that he was angry but to accuse me of incest was just going too far.

I turned on my heel to leave but Andrew held me back.

"Ivy, wait. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."He apologized sounding sorry but I was too hurt to think straight.

"Don't call me that and yes you did. I just wonder how long you've been thinking that. Goodbye Andrew, see you never."I cried yanking my hand out of his and running away from him, my eyes clouded with tears.

It seemed like no matter how hard I tried I could never stop running away from Andrew in tears. I had run down the stairs of his building in tears too many times and each time it hurt worse than the last. Andrew and I would probably never get our happily ever after all. Especially not after what he had accused me of. 


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