The Purple Backpack ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Twenty Nine

483 46 2
By LyssahTraicey


Watching Pierra worry over her brother over the past one week took its toll on the both of us. I felt helpless because I couldn't help her while she barely ate or slept and she also skipped a lot of classes. I couldn't tell her off because it was her brother's life on the line but I was getting really worried about her.

The doctors had decided on waking Bishop up from his medical induced coma in a few hours that's why Pierra was taking a shower in my bathroom getting ready. Bishop had shown signs of improvement which was good because it meant that the better he got the easier it would get for Pierra. She could finally relax and start taking care of herself better. Even I could finally relax and stop worrying about her every minute. I loved Pierra and would take care of her always but she made it very hard to do that when she didn't even want to try.

My phone vibrated with an incoming email and since I was seated at my desk I decided to just open it on my computer. It was an email from the International Photography Awards competition that I'd submitted my portfolio to. I had been so wrapped up in the Bishop scandal I had forgotten all about it. I knew I had no shot of winning but they gave very good reviews on the work submitted which I was hoping to use to better my work. I would definitely win some day after perfecting my work.

When I opened the email, the first sentence had my jaw falling to the floor. I'd won the discovery of the Year Prize which was five thousand dollars in prize money, a free exhibition, publication, travel allowance and accommodation to collect my award in Paris.

All I saw were the words congratulations, second place and Paris before I was jumping up yelling in excitement. I hadn't even considered the possibility of me winning so finding out that I'd somehow beaten thousands of other photographers from all over the world made me really happy and proud of myself.

Pierra walked out of the bathroom a towel wrapped around her, as she used another to dry her arms. I snatched her up making her yelp in surprise as I twirled her around.

"What's all the excitement for?"Pierra asked chuckling and it was a nice sound to hear from her.

She had been so sad the past week, all she had been giving me were fake smiles to assure me she was okay but I saw right through them.

Instead of replying, I sat her down on my desk chair and pointed at my monitor. She read over the first few lines, her smile growing wider. She got up once she'd read enough to get the gist of what I was talking about and wrapped her hands around my shoulders. I wrapped mine around her waist and lifted her up so that she was forced to wrap her legs around my waist. She kissed my cheek before pulling back and looking at me with adoration glistening in her eyes.

"Congratulations Andre. I'm so proud of you."She proclaimed before swooping in and capturing my lips in a sweet kiss.

I kissed her back harder my heart beating excitedly from both the win and the fact that I was able to share such an important moment in my photography career with my girlfriend.

"Thanks for believing in me. I honestly would not have made it this far if you hadn't pushed me to make that final submission and agreeing to be my model."I replied and she just grinned and kissed my cheek.

"Anything for you love. Now please put me down, I still need to get dressed and go see Bishop. Though we will definitely celebrate your win later." She suggested and I reluctantly put her down.

"I'd like that."I agreed with a nod.

I was already dressed so I gave Pierra her space and time to get ready. I sat back on my desk and read over the rest of the email. I was very happy about my win and it was a nice change of pace from what had we had been going through the past one week. It made Pierra smile and me happy so it was a very welcome surprise.

My phone rang and I checked to see that the number calling me was a foreign number.

"Aren't you going to pick that up?"Pierra asked behind me.

"It's not even a Kenyan number."I replied swiveling around to face her.

"Look at you already becoming famous. Pick it up."She encouraged with a smile and I did exactly that.

"Hello?"I called out reluctantly.

"Hello good morning. Am I talking to Andrew Njogu."A male voice with a foreign accent asked.

He mispronounced my second name but I didn't dare correct him.

"Yes this is he."I replied.

"Perfect, my name is Pietro and I'm calling about your submission to the International Photography Awards."He replied and my eyes went wide.

Pierra must have noticed because she mouthed asking who it was. I didn't reply just pointed at my computer. She understood and did a happy dance making me smile.

"I already received the email."I informed him.

"That's good, I was just calling to confirm. Congratulations on your win. All the details you need to know about the Awards ceremony and how we work are in the email. In case of any questions don't hesitate to email me back or call me via this number. I will be happy to help you with anything you might need."He explained.

Even though the email told me that I had already won, hearing Pietro say those words reinforced those emotions leaving me feeling like I was floating on clouds.

"Thank you so much for the opportunity."I expressed.

"Pleasure is all ours. Your work was unique and you are a very talented young man. That's all for now, like I said I'm here to help in case of anything. We'll coordinate everything and I'll be seeing you in three weeks for the Award ceremony."He concluded.

"I'll see you then... Wait you said three weeks?"I asked just to confirm that I hadn't heard him wrong.

Three weeks was too soon and the email said that the whole awards ceremony, publication and exhibition took a whole month. I thought it was months away so I could go after graduation. Three weeks meant I'd miss finals and worst of all Pierra's birthday.

"Yes and if your passport is an issue, don't worry about that. We have connections at your embassy and can have it processed fast so you don't miss the big event."Pietro affirmed and I wasn't so happy about the win anymore.

"Thanks we'll talk soon."I replied and hang up without waiting for him to reply.

It was rude of me but I didn't care at the moment. The details of the whole trip had changed a lot of things for me. I didn't even want to go anymore. I had been looking forwards to celebrating Pierra's birthday for three years, there's no way I was missing our first one as a couple. I would also miss my final exams which meant I'd have to graduate a year later than everyone else which was definitely not in the plans.

Pierra straddled me and took my face in her hands looking at me with a soft expression on her face.

"You're face is all sour, what's wrong? Did they send the email to the wrong person?"She asked and I shook my head.

"Then what's the matter?"She insisted and I took a deep breath tightening my hands around her waist.

"I might have to forfeit the win."I grumbled my heart sinking in disappointment.

"What? Why?"She asked lifting my face up so I could meet her gaze.

"The competition is in three weeks."I explained but she just looked at me confused.

"Umh so? Getting a passport passport nowadays only takes like a week or two and they are offering to pay for everything so what could possibly be the matter?"Pierra inquired.

Getting a passport was the least of my worries.

"Our finals are in a month and if I miss them then I miss graduation. I'll have to wait until next year to graduate. If I go I'll also miss your birthday and I've watched you celebrate it from a far for three years. This is the first year I get to celebrate with you as its our first birthday together as a couple. We've also never been apart that long."I explained and Pierra smiled.

I frowned at her because I had no idea why she was smiling when I was feeling very sad about the situation.

"Why are you smiling?"I grumbled.

"Because you my darling, as cute as you are, can also be very dumb at times."She chuckled and my face turned even more sour.

"Turn that frown upside down."She demanded playfully pulling the corners of my lips up in an attempt to make me smile.

"Give me a reason to."I challenged.

She gave up trying to force a smile out of me and looped her hands around my neck. Her fingers played with the hairs at my nape and any other time that would have calmed me down but I was too wound up at the moment.

"First of all the university can make an exception and let you take your exams early if you just explain your situation to them. I've heard of it happening before so that should be the least of your problems. You'll still get to graduate."She advised convincingly.

"That only solves half of my problem."I countered and she pulled at my hair making me groan.

It wasn't painful, pleasurable even, but only when done in the heat of the moment and I was not in the right frame of mind to have such thoughts.

"Let me finish."Pierra demanded and I gave her a tight smile as the go ahead to tell me what she wanted to.

"I want to celebrate my birthday with you too. I had a lot planned but we can do that when you get back. We can have a private ceremony just the two of us. It will be much more fun anyway, the big event is usually just for show and pictures."She concluded and I was fast to shake my head.

"It's not the same and you know it."I insisted.

"The alternative of you missing your awards ceremony just to celebrate my birthday with me is even more ridiculous. We have many birthdays in the future but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that you cannot forfeit. I'll not let you pass this opportunity up for me."She proclaimed.

I knew she was right my but my heart wanted me to stay and my head wanted to do the logical thing and go. It was a real battle that was making my head hurt.

I dropped my head onto Pierra's cleavage burying my face into her bosom. She chuckled but didn't stop me as she continued playing with my hair.

"Why do you have to be right all the time?"I mumbled against her soft skin.

"One of us has to be otherwise we'd both be making rash decisions that would lead us backwards."She reasoned and I hummed in agreement.

She smelled like a mix of me and her since she'd used my soap but had applied some fruity body lotion that always had me panting after her like a dog in heat. She was my intoxicating beauty and I could never have enough of her that's why I didn't even want think of us being apart for a month. We would be in different continents and even though I would be living my dream I didn't want to be away from her for that long.

A light bulb went off in my head and I jerked my head up fast almost hitting Pierra in the chin.

"I just got the greatest idea."I grinned the happiness almost bursting out of me.

"It had better be the best for you to almost take my head off."Pierra replied.

I quickly kissed her chin in apology.

"It's definitely the best. We don't have to celebrate your birthday apart if we're together in the first place."I suggested with a happy grin.

It took a moment for Pierra to understand what I meant and when she finally did her eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you suggesting what I think you are?"She whispered and I nodded.

"Yeah I want you to come to Paris with me. I know you've always wanted to go as it is the fashion capital of the world. I can't think of a better place for you to celebrate your twenty second birthday than in Paris with me."I explained.

Pierra clamped her hands over her mouth her nose flaring as she tried to manage her breathing. I didn't even have to think twice about inviting Pierra to go with me. It made me wish I'd thought about it earlier before I drove myself crazy with thoughts of being apart from my girl.

"That's a very big decision. Have you thought it through?"Pierra asked finally voicing her thoughts.

"No but now that I'm thinking about it, the idea is just getting better and better the more I continue picturing it."I replied grinning up at her.

"Andre I can't go to Paris with you, that's a big trip and a huge decision to just pull it out of your hat like that."Pierra countered.

She was trying to be the reasonable one as always but I honestly couldn't think of another way. I had already made up my mind within those few minutes so all that was left was for me to convince her to come with me.

"I came with you for the family trip, this is no different."I enticed but she just rolled her eyes at me.

"Yes it is, that was only one week, this is a whole month. We were in the country then, Paris is overseas."She argued but my mind wasn't registering her explanations.

"Give me one good enough reason why you shouldn't come with me to Paris."I prompted.

Pierra rolled her eyes at me crossing her arms over her chest. It pushed her boobs up and I didn't mean to but my eyes wandered to her cleavage. I couldn't help myself if my girlfriend had perfect tits. She lightly slapped my cheek to get my attention and I grinned up at her not feeling guilty at all.

"My parents will never agree to let me go to Paris for a whole month with you."She reasoned.

"Yes they will, they like me. If you're really worried about that then I'll personally talk to them and they'll let you come with me."I said confidently even if I wasn't so sure of myself.

Pierra's parents liked me and approved of our relationship but it didn't mean they would allow their daughter to go with me to a foreign country for a month. I would make sure I convinced them though because I really wanted to go to Paris with Pierra.

"I need time to think about this."Pierra claimed getting off my lap.

She sat on the bed and started putting on her boots.

"You're leaving?"I asked surprised that she was leaving in the middle of such an important conversation.

"Yeah, still have to go see Bishop remember."She said and I nodded.

I was so excited about my win that I'd momentarily forgotten about Bishop.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that for a moment."I said reaching for my shoes.

"Maybe you should stay back today."Pierra declared getting up fully dressed.

"What?"I asked confused.

I'd accompanied her to the hospital for the past one week and now she suddenly wanted me to stay back. That didn't sit well with me.

"You never go into his room anyway and I don't think Bishop will want you to see him in such a state once he wakes up. I'll be back later and we can go celebrate your win as planned."She insisted and I knew she was only giving me the half truth as to why she wanted to go alone.

She had said she needed time to think about my Paris trip proposal and I was going to give her exactly that.

"Okay but text me when you get there and update me about Bishops state."I requested not wanting to pressure her more than I already had by making her take me with her.

"I will, call you mom and sister to share the news. Your friends too, I'm sure they'll be happy to hear the good news."Pierra advised stepping in between my patted legs.

I pulled her closer and she hugged my head to her stomach.

"I will and please think about what I've suggested. I really want to share this experience with you."I pleaded.

"I will, I promise."She declared pulling away.

She leaned down and kissed me softly.

"I love you."She whispered against my lips and I smiled.

"I love you more."I replied kissing her nose.

She pecked my lips one last time before grabbing her phone and bag off the bed before leaving the room.

My heart was not content with how we had left things but I also didn't want to smother her so I gave her the space that she needed to think things over. I really hoped she said yes though but even if she said no, I'd make sure I convinced her otherwise.

Taking her advice, I picked up my phone and proceeded to call my family and friends to share my good news. My mom was elated and made me promise to go home for the weekend so we could celebrate properly as a family. That would be the perfect time to introduce Pierra to my family, they would get to know each other and we would get my mother's blessings for the journey. Alice was happy for me too, just jealous that she couldn't come with me. I would have loved to take her but my mom would never agree and I already had Pierra in mind as my companion.

My friends were all shouts of happiness for my victory and invited me to party with them at a local club in celebration but I had to turn them down. I already had plans with Pierra for the night as we would celebrate together. Cass assured me that they would all be there for me if I changed my mind or if Pierra agreed to tag along even though they all knew how much she hated noisy clubs.

I promised to call them later because I wanted to plan a romantic date with Pierra to celebrate. It was my first step in convincing her to come with me to Paris. I really wanted her there and would make it happen. 


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