The Hunger Games: A change In...

By bucsfan9737

623K 17.8K 4.6K

*Okay so this is a sequel to my book called a change in heart * so don't read this unless you read my first o... More

A change in mind (sequel to a change in heart)
Chapter 1
chapter 2 cato pov!
chapter 3
Authors note
Chapter 4
Cover Voting!!
Chapter 5 cato pov!!!
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
Authors note : Watty awards!!!
Another authors note
chapter 10 sam pov!!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 cato pov!!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Cato Pov!!!
Authors note: Hunger games tralier!!
Chapter 16
Authors note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors Note
Authors note part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Authors note
Chapter 24
Guess who's back...back again

Chapter 8 cato pov!!

19.6K 624 121
By bucsfan9737

Authors note: alright so after all of your guy’s comments I figured out how this story will go.  I am also looking for someone who would be willing to make a trailer for my first book and possibly this one. I don’t know if anyone can do that, I mean I would do it myself but my laptop doesn't have the video editing that I know how to do. It’s only on macs. stupid apple.... and also I will do a Sam pov at 600 votes that should get me closer to the games when I do it ... maybe not.... anyways like usual,

Enjoy :)

I see Katniss leave the dining hall rushing to somewhere or one. My thoughts trail off to Sam. I totally forgot he would be here. I shake my head remembering what I was doing. I run up to Katniss and grab her wrist. She turns to me startled, she hadn't heard me up to her. That wasn't like her to not be listening, she was very concentrated on getting somewhere but where?

"What the hell was all of that?" I question her, trying not to think that she was looking for Sam.

"All of what?" she asks continuing down the hall, searching.

"You know exactly what! Flirting with Sam" I accusingly.

“I wasn't flirting. He sat down and cheered me up that's all. It's not like I’m cheating on you if we aren't actually together.” she exclaims. That one stung. I so angry that I said something I knew would hurt her.

"But you’re not the old you right now, if you were we would be together because the selfless brave but stubborn Katniss I knew and loved before loved me back and would never do anything that was in her power to hurt me. I don’t like this Katniss. You’re selfish, a coward and a push over. You use to fight for what you believed in and now you don’t even remember what you had fought for and was fighting for." Before she said anything, I turn, walking off away. I instantly feel bad for saying that to her and I walk back to apologize. I hear someone sob quietly. I look to see Katniss standing in the middle of the room, tears streaming down her face. I look away, banging my head on the wall. I swear I have to be the stupidest person. Hurting her won't get her to remember let alone love me again.  I press myself against the wall to listen. I hear someone say something. And that voice was Sam. I peer around the corner. I see Sam wipe away the tear that was caused by me. Why was it always him ruining things for me? He always does this!

"Katniss what's wrong?" Sam asks pulling Katniss into a hug.

"Nothing." Even the idiot standing in front of her knew that was a lie. She was never good at lying.

"Cato? Am I right?" He asks her pulling her into a hug. She nods into his chest. Something I would die for her to do with me.

"Well if you asked me I’d say Cato is the biggest jerk I have ever met." He says trying to comfort her. I could say the same about you Sam. I almost came out and hit him but I decided that it wasn’t a smart idea.

"Would you like to get some ice cream with me? The cafe here has like forty different flavors." please be smart Katniss and say no.

"I’d love to but I can't. I really need to talk to someone right now."  Yesss! I wanted to see the look on Sam’s face so badly but they were close enough that they probably could see me if I did. Wait, she wasn't meeting up with Sam? Who was she looking for?

"Hopefully it isn’t Cato you’re looking for. He made you cry." he says. Like you actually even care about her feelings Sam, You’re using her just like all the other girls in the past. I haven't forgotten it.

"No it's not Cato but I really do need to find this person quick. Thanks for the offer Sam!” she yells jogging in the other direction from me. A wait a few moments before coming into the room...making it look like I wasn't eavesdropping.

"Oh hey Cato." He says with a smile.

"Sam what are you doing?" I sigh.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"You know exactly what. Stop messing with Katniss. Sure it pissed me off when you did this with all my other girlfriends but not her. You cannot have her." I say firmly.

"Oh a little jealous are we, little bro?"

"Don't call me that. You aren't my brother. Not since you left mom and me to fend for ourselves."

"Oh don't say that. I had to get out of that hellhole."

"I don't want to talk about it with you anymore. Leave Katniss alone." I walk the way Katniss left and once I know he can't see me I sprint off to find Katniss.

"Hello Katniss! I got to say I have missed you so! “I hear snow say happily. So this is who she was looking for. I get closer to the door to hear better. The room reeked with the smell of blood.

"I would have missed you as well but with all these rumors going around I find it harder and harder to believe you." I hear Katniss say.

"Like what?" He’s says with fake astonishment. 

"Oh... God...please, please tell me they are lying to me, that you didn’t kidnap me and take away my memory..." she finishes. 

"They are lying and I didn’t kidnap you and make you lose your memory." He says, I look into the room that is filled with roses. I see snow shrug. Katniss grabs snow slamming him against the wall. Woa.... that’s like something you should never do unless you want to die. I give her props, she definitely wasn't a coward.

"How dare you do that? You have no right!" she pulls him off the wall and slams him against it again. He giggles.

"I wouldn’t do that if I were you." he says.

"Why? Maybe I could knock some sense into you." Then he slaps her hard across the face, knocking her to the ground. I started walk into the room, to kill him for even touching her. But for Katniss’s safety I step back out.

"Because I own you, Cato, Haymitch, Effie, Cinna, your mother, your sister, even the boy you hunt with back home. I can and will destroy them if you step out of line again. Now listen to what I have to say, this will be what saves your boyfriend, friends and family. You must not fall for Cato again, this is why Sam is here. Fall in love with him or fake it. You two will survive the games and you can make it home to your family and friends. Your lover however will die by your hand. Yes you have to kill him yourself, so befriend him, protect him from other tributes, wait for the most dramatic part of the games and kill him. This is the only way your family will be safe. You will reunite with them in 12 with your memory returned and you have the option of continuing your romance with Sam or not."  He gave her an ultimatum. Choose me and her family, me and herself dies. Choose Sam and only I die by her hand.

Would she kill me? Of course she would, even if she can't remember.

Authors note: so Sam and Cato are brothers? Which one is Katniss going to choose? 600 votes = Sam pov!!!!!!!! oh and thought the video with this chapter is perfect for how cato feels about katniss.

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