Steven universe adventures 2

By Ro1052003

16.3K 93 417

Steven and his friends are back! Their traveling the world helping other animals that need it. And now with t... More

New friends
Friendship vs strength
Thats what friends are for
Kindness and sacrifice
Battle on vorison mountain
Clash of time and space
Welcome to alamos
Darkeai's warning
From alamos town to nightmare town
Battle of the titans
The town is saved
Malenion festival
Turn of events
Butler true color
Rise of zombie groudon
Unfortunate events
Meet shaymin
The reverse world
On the train
Saving an enemy
Celebis forest
Ferry ride
Jungle forest
Enter iron masked marauder
Saving the forest
Steven meets god
Before the exlipes
Changing history
Meet Zoura
Saving zorauk
The Vision
The migration
Unexpected reunion
Join the migration
The spider and the butterfly
Team rocket means buisness
Welcome to the crater
The best of the best
Darkness is coming
Tapu council
To raptordon
In the nick of time
The pokemon of black and white
Medichi bros. Circus
Baby jumbo
Circus disaster
Dumbo soars
Unexpected show stopper
Elephant heist
A year later
Not so proper introduction
Hedgehog vs egghead
Best friends forever
Destiny apporaching
Meet hoopa
Ghidorah's ghost
The prophecy
Approachimg darkness
Off to dehara tower
Night time ambush
Closer than expected
Before the eclipse
The eclipse
After the eclipse
A new future
Reamimated pokemon
Pokemon hills
Steven meets the genecect
Genecect invasion
Genecect nest
Making peace
Princess diancie
Meet diancie
Mammoth manipulation
Mall mayham
Through the jungle
The bird of destruction
Mega abution
Meet volcanion
Helping magearna
Nebel plateau
A dinsoaur's revenge
Gaining ones trust
Reef city
Meet oscar
Sad day
Goofy goobers drunk
Oscar bets it all
Underwater disaster
Shocks and scares
Discoveries and sit downs
Now that we're men
Saving the sea
Welcome to fula city
Festival chaos
Meeting Zeraora
The okoyan jungle
Protecting the jungle
Finale teaser
Finale part I
Finale part II
Finale part III
Finale part IV
Finale part V
Finale part VI
Finale part VII
Finale part VIII
Finale part IX
Finale part X
Finale part XI
Finale part XII
Finale part XIII
Finale part XIV
Finale part XV
Finale part XVI
Finale part XVII
Finale part XVIII
Finale part XIX
Finale part XX
Finale part XXI
Finale part XXII
Finale part XXIII

Robot chase

117 0 2
By Ro1052003

The next day, Robotnik's team has arrived at the Piston Pit. Two glaziers are replacing the broken window while Agent Stone interrogates the thug from earlier, who is wearing a neck brace

Agent Stone: (holding up a photo of Tom) Did he say where he was going?

The thug grabs the photo and takes a closer look

Roundhouse Thug: Maybe, maybe not. (handing it back) Like I'd ever tell you.

Robotnik pushes his colleague aside

Dr. Robotnik: Stand down, Agent Stone. This well-meaning citizen obviously doesn't understand the urgency of the matter.

The thug stands up

Roundhouse Thug: Really?

Robotnik smiles and flings him straight through the new window. Both he and Stone leave the restaurant

Dr. Robotnik: Now, that's what I call "good cop, bad cop".

Stone holds up his hand for an high five, only for Robotnik to punch him in the gut

Dr. Robotnik: Hoy!

Robotnik walks away as Stone gets back up

Dr. Robotnik: Left yourself open.

Every the loyal employee, Stone follows his boss to the truck

Dr. Robotnik: Judging by the quickest route to San Francisco, the approximate speed of the beasts, local weather conditions... (pushes buttons) They should be... right about... here.

We get a visual on the screen of the gang

Agent Stone: That's brilliant, sir.

Dr. Robotnik: Thanks. (under his breath) For nothing...

We cut back to the gang as they make it to California as Steven rides on manny next to sonic

Sonic: So, what's on your bucket list?

Steven: my bucket list?

Sonic: Yeah. Everyone has a bucket list, right?

Steven: well... I guess but your the one leaving earth aren't ya? I'm planning on dying or anything

Sonic: Oh-ho-ho, don't be so sure. Your best friend is a magnet for danger

Steven: and you volunteer to be my BFF?

Sonic: Mm-hmm

Steven: well, your in the regular friend zone, i mean, latias is by girlfriend and so technically my best friend

Sonic: how can a girlfriend be a best friend?

Steven: well you've known her a while and you grow close together and... well it's hard to explain past that

Sonic: Okay, let's just drop this increasingly humiliating topic of conversation. Bucket list, give it to me!

Steven: well, if I ever have a bucket list, I'd think About what my future holds for me. I saved the world form a three headed dragon, saved dinosaurs from being blown up on a volcano island, even made amends with god himself!.... so, I'm not so sure what the future holds for me

He looks over to Sonic, his face is frozen in disbelief at what he just heard

Steven: what? Wh-Why are ya looking at me like that?


Steven: here we go

Sonic: you must be the most popular kid on the planet! And (scoffs) you met god himself?!?! What's he really like?

Steven: trust me. You do NOT want to know

Sonic: yes I do! And how did you bring all dinosaurs from a volcano island here?!

Steven: my own rendition of Noah's ark

Sonic: WHAT!!!! My mind is literally blowing up inside my head right now! That is so awesome!

Steven: I guess. That's why me and my friends do this. We travel from place to place helping other animals in need

Sonic: like your helping me?

Steven: yeah. Like we're helping you

In Robotnik's mobile lab, the doctor raises his arms as several holographic images are turned on. The mastermind stands in the middle of them as the camera turns from upside down to rightside up. He looks at his screen, showing the view of a car on the road

Dr. Robotnik: Hmm... Eeny, meeny, miny... mayhem!

He selects his vehicle: a tank. After several other buttons are pushed, we cut back to the road the gang was walking on where this tank enters the frame. A red lens is at the top of it, giving Robotnik a view of the battlefield

Sonic: as the philosophy goes "no plan is the best plan" right?

Manny: out journey isn't a plan. Or a philosophy

Sonic: that doesn't make any sense

Manny: you don't make any sense

The tank is now straight behind the gang

Sid: uh guys, does that look like a problem to you?

They all look behind them to see robotniks tank coming directly toward them

Diego: a black and white tank heading directly towards us! Why would that be a problem?

[Robotnik presses another button. A pointy spear appears at the top of the mechanical monstrosity

Steven: RUN!!!

They all run as fast as they can as the spear fires right on manny's left tusk making Steven and sonic slip off. Manny trumpets and bellows to get the spear off his tusk but the tank was reeling him in like a fish on a hook

Dr. Robotnik: (raising his fist) Yeah!

Sonic starts to charge up

Sonic: don't worry manny! I'll get that out!

Sonic rushes to yank the spear out but accidentally rips his tusk clean off

Manny: ow!

Steven: I got it!

Steven spits on his hands and puts it on the break and manny's tusk heals back up

Sonic: I can't believe that actually happened!

Steven: uh sonic? Theirs lightning on your hair!

Sonic: Oh no, no, no, no! Not again!

Manny gets an idea. He grabs the hedgehog and tosses him at the direction of the tank. Sonic, as in a reflex, performs a spin dash into the pursuing vehicle, destroying it and flipping it onto its side.

The group turn around and head back to the destroyed machine

Steven: sonic?! SONIC!

Sonic curls out of his ball form. He's a little dizzy, but is able to get back up on his feet

Sonic: (grunting) Guess I had a bonus life...

He then sees the tank he wrecked and becomes excited again

Sonic: Oh yeah, baby! Sonic, one! (doing the floss) Big tank, zero! I'm sorry, did we get that on camera?!

Ash: that was awesome!

Clement: but how did you even survive that impact?!

Sonic: I have no idea! (swaying back and forth) Do you see me dancing?!

Steven: yeah! We see ya dancing! We see ya dancing!

Sonic: (to the tank) Is that all you got?!

Dr. Robotnik: No, but thank you for asking.

Robotnik presses the holographic image several times and swipes the tank away, revealing a small, spider-like vehicle underneath it. The wheels of the tank are retracting, the camera shrinks in size

Sonic: Uh-oh

Manny: run!

Sonic: You go! I'll catch up!

As the gang make their escape, Sonic runs after them. The second phase is started: the spider truck speeds after them

Sonic: I think that tank just had a baby...

A hatch on top of the mechanical spider opens up. Several rotating discs are aimed at the car and fired towards it, skidding over the asphalt

Sonic: Incoming!

Sorrel: lucario! Aura sphere!

Cross: lycinrock! Rock edge!

The two use their individual moves on the disks but more come. A disc flies over to the group in front of them. We briefly look inside. A dad is driving, while the mother does her make up and their two kids are fighting over what seems to be a tablet

Son: It's my turn!

Daughter: You just had one! It's mine!

Dad: Hey, stop fighting or I'm taking that thing away!

Daughter: Yeah, right, Dad...

The disc latches itself against the underside of the car and shorts it, causing the car to spin and its passengers to scream. When the spinning stops and Tom passes them, the boy holds out the tablet. Sonic, meanwhile is on manny's back

Sonic: just keep running! I'll take care of this. (climbing onto his rear) And if I don't make it, go on without me! And remember my sacrifice

The spider fires more discs. Sonic runs over to them, grabs a disc, throws it at another one, uses two as skates while grabbed the remaining one. He lands on top of the robot and looks into the lens, his face appears on Robotnik's screen

Sonic: Hey, everyone! Welcome back to my livestream! Today, we're destroying robots! Step one...

Smack! He slaps the disc against the top of the spider. It shuts down and flies off the road and goes up in flames as Sonic gets back into the car

Sonic: Yes, we did it!

Not out of the woods yet, bruv. One of the wheels follows the car, controlled by a red-eyed device at the top of it

Sonic: We did not do it. Who is this guy?

Dr. Robotnik: Ever wonder where your tax dollars are going?

Diego: my turn!

Diego rushes at the machine and lunges at it. He claws at it and tears it to pieces. It then blows up as Diego leaps back to the group

Diego: whoo! My paws are burning baby! Their burning! I gotta tiptoe! Tippy toe tippy toe

Dr. Robotnik: OHHH! (storming away) GIVE ME A BIG... FAT... (turning around) BREAK!

A tiny drone emerges from the camera hole of the destroyed robot and flies after the animals

It catches up rather quickly and hovers outside Sonic. Said hedgehog takes note of the drone

Sonic: Aw, this one is cute. (pointing) Let's keep 'em

However, the drone proves to be anything but cute, as it begins to blast lasers at the group

Sid: ahh! Laser! I hate lasers! Come on granny!

Gladys: don't you hurry me! I've been hit by lasers more times-

She gets hit with a laser killing her

Sid: ahh! Granny!

He rushes back but another laser hits her reviving her

Gladys: -than you've hat hot breakfast!

Now the drone flies back over to Sonic, who grabs it

Sonic: Buzz off.

He snaps the drone in half, only to find the base attached to his gloved hand. It starts to beep and blink rhythmically

Sonic: That doesn't sound good.

Manny: not good at all! It's a bomb! Get rid of it!

Sonic: I'm trying!

Sonic wildly waves his hand about to shake the bomb loose

Sonic: I can't get it off!

They stop right outside a forest. Sonic dashes out of the car and desperately attempts to detach the bomb from his hand, even biting it. It is now attached to his head

Sonic: Did I get it?

Steven: nope!

He rips it off with his Dino claws and throws it out of sight

Sonic: It's going, it's going...

steven raises his arms. We see that the bomb is now attached to Steven's hand

Sonic: It's still here.

He tries to shake it off, but Sonic grabs it, effectively getting it stuck on him again. The hedgehog attempts to use a screwdriver to pry it loose

Sonic: Get off me!

At last, he gets the bomb to stick to the screwdriver and lays it on a nearby rock. Sonic turns back to The gang

Sonic: Ha ha! (holding up his hand) Nailed it!

The bomb explodes, and the force knocks everyone to the ground. When the dust clears, the gang regain their consciousness. They looks over to Sonic, lying motionless in the dirt. Steven gets up

Steven: SONIC!

He runs towards his animal buddy and pulls him up. Sonic's still completely motionless

Steven: No, no, no, no, no...

Steven presses his ear against Sonic's chest to find a heartbeat. He looks around

Steven: come on! Don't die on me sonic! Please don't die!

Robotnik leans onto his desk, heavily breathing in and out

Agent Stone: Did we get 'em? (beat) Oh... No, there they are. They're real survivors, those beasts.

Robotnik turns to face Stone in utter frustration

Dr. Robotnik: Can we have a moment?

Robotnik and Stone walk away from the monitor

Dr. Robotnik: (to Stone) Pin yourself to the wall.

Stone does so. Robotnik leans into Stone's private space, almost touching noses

Dr. Robotnik: Do you know why I won't miss you when you're gone? Human beings are unreliable and stupid, and I care very little about them! But my machines are diligent, relentless... They're everything to me!

Robotnik then notices something in Stone's interior coat pocket

Dr. Robotnik: Hmm?

He reaches into the pocket to discover that Stone had been holding onto the quill from Tom's house the whole time, just like Robotnik asked. It is lighting up again. He pulls it out and examines it

Dr. Robotnik: 面白い。

Editor's note: It's spoken as "omoshiroi", which is Japanese for "interesting", which is shown in text below this scene

Robotnik looks at it for a few more seconds, then tries tasting the quill, only for it to shock him. He then offers Agent Stone a taste of the quill, which he abruptly declines. The gang then arrives at a house in San Francisco, as to be observed through the appearance of the Golden Gate Bridge. The gang get sonic and take him somewhere to heal up. They see a foreign Pokemon center and make a beeline for it

Steven: hang in their buddy, you'll be okay

In the mobile lab, we see that Robotnik puts some headphones on. He scrolls through his playlists. "Robotnik Rhythms," "Everybody Wants To Rule The World," "Crush 40," and picks "Tunes Of Anarchy." The song "Where Evil Grows" by The Poppy Family starts playing. Robotnik spins around in his chair, clearly enjoying himself. At his workplace, a mechanical claw is holding the quill. The doctor grabs it, pushes some buttons on a nearby computer to prepare a power tube, before grabbing a pair of jumper cables and attaching them to the blue thing. It shorts the lab. The doctor comes back into frame, holding a lighter and searches for the fuses. He opens a metal box on the wall. "Self Destruct," "Badniks..." "Evil Lab." He reactivates the lights, closes the lighter and starts the music back up. The doctor starts to dance as the quill is put into the tube by the mechanical arm. "Sample Detected." Robotnik goes all-in, activating a holographic display behind him. The image of a snowy hill is displayed and he pretends to ski down from it. "Measuring Quill Energy." The image has now made room for a T-Rex, which "chases" after the doctor. He pretends to run, before throws his headphones off. He turns around and lowers his head, it looks just like if the dino had bitten it off. Lights start to flicker and the dance continues. The doctor turns again and spreads his coat. At the next lyric, he sways back and forth. "Finalizing Energy Measurement." As Robotnik does the Robot, Stone appears behind him, trying to a catch a groove as well. The doctor yells when he sees his associate

Agent Stone: (holding out cups of coffee) I just thought you might like a latte with steamed Austrian goat milk.

Dr. Robotnik: What do I look like, an imbecile? Of course I want a latte. (grabs a cup) I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM!

A few beeps are heard. Robotnik and Stone run over to the power tube. "Power Analysis: Unlimited" is displayed above it

Dr. Robotnik: Ready the prototype...

We zoom in on the flying machine from the opening

Dr. Robotnik (vo): With this kind of power, my machines can finally reach their full potential...

We cut back to Sonic, lying on a hospital bed

Nurse joy: he'll be okay. Just needs one last thing. Audino?

Audino: of course!

Nurse audino comes up to sonic

Steven: so what's the you doing here?

Nurse joy: well with everything that's been going on, some people on the poke islands had the idea to expand here. This is the first step, to help injured non Pokémon like your friend here

Audino puts her hands together and uses healing aura on the hedgehog. The hedgehog's eyes flicker open. He gets back up

Sonic: Gotta go fast!

[He aimlessly speeds through the room, until he stops at the nurse desk, looking back at the group

Sonic: Where am I? What year is it? Is The Rock President?

Editor's note: The Rock is Dwayne Johnson's wrestling name

Steven: your okay sonic! Nurse joy and audino healed you back up!

Latias: and while you were passed out, I took the time to her you these

She gets out a pair of brand new red-and-white shoes

Latias: to help not hurt your feet

She hands them over to her friend. Sonic is flattered and a little bit emotional

Sonic: No one's ever given me a gift before. I gotta check that off my bucket list.

The hedgehog puts his new footwear. He does a stationary run for a bit, as well as a little dance

Sonic: Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! All right, looking good!

Steven: nice!

Sonic: I know right?!

Steven: now let's get to the Transamerican Building and get your rings back!

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