Steven universe adventures 2

By Ro1052003

16.3K 93 417

Steven and his friends are back! Their traveling the world helping other animals that need it. And now with t... More

New friends
Friendship vs strength
Thats what friends are for
Kindness and sacrifice
Battle on vorison mountain
Clash of time and space
Welcome to alamos
Darkeai's warning
From alamos town to nightmare town
Battle of the titans
The town is saved
Malenion festival
Turn of events
Butler true color
Rise of zombie groudon
Unfortunate events
Meet shaymin
The reverse world
On the train
Saving an enemy
Celebis forest
Ferry ride
Jungle forest
Enter iron masked marauder
Saving the forest
Steven meets god
Before the exlipes
Changing history
Meet Zoura
Saving zorauk
The Vision
The migration
Unexpected reunion
Join the migration
The spider and the butterfly
Team rocket means buisness
Welcome to the crater
The best of the best
Darkness is coming
Tapu council
To raptordon
In the nick of time
The pokemon of black and white
Medichi bros. Circus
Baby jumbo
Dumbo soars
Unexpected show stopper
Elephant heist
A year later
Not so proper introduction
Robot chase
Hedgehog vs egghead
Best friends forever
Destiny apporaching
Meet hoopa
Ghidorah's ghost
The prophecy
Approachimg darkness
Off to dehara tower
Night time ambush
Closer than expected
Before the eclipse
The eclipse
After the eclipse
A new future
Reamimated pokemon
Pokemon hills
Steven meets the genecect
Genecect invasion
Genecect nest
Making peace
Princess diancie
Meet diancie
Mammoth manipulation
Mall mayham
Through the jungle
The bird of destruction
Mega abution
Meet volcanion
Helping magearna
Nebel plateau
A dinsoaur's revenge
Gaining ones trust
Reef city
Meet oscar
Sad day
Goofy goobers drunk
Oscar bets it all
Underwater disaster
Shocks and scares
Discoveries and sit downs
Now that we're men
Saving the sea
Welcome to fula city
Festival chaos
Meeting Zeraora
The okoyan jungle
Protecting the jungle
Finale teaser
Finale part I
Finale part II
Finale part III
Finale part IV
Finale part V
Finale part VI
Finale part VII
Finale part VIII
Finale part IX
Finale part X
Finale part XI
Finale part XII
Finale part XIII
Finale part XIV
Finale part XV
Finale part XVI
Finale part XVII
Finale part XVIII
Finale part XIX
Finale part XX
Finale part XXI
Finale part XXII
Finale part XXIII

Circus disaster

98 1 2
By Ro1052003

The day came as everyone prepared for the show. People came to see what was left of the circus and before he went on, baby jumbo was able to be with her mother

Mrs jumbo: your going to do great out their son. I just know it
The show officially went on as max went on stage to start the show

Max: welcome ladies and gentlemen! I am your master of ceremonies, Maximilian malichi! And now! I give to you, the medechi brothers circus! With some very new guests of honor! Steven the animal whisperer and his traveling animal parade!

The circus performers came on as well as Steven and his friends who just smiled and waved. Nothing special as max went off stage

Bonnie: I hope the elephants will do alright

Clement: don't worry, I'm sure their finding a solution to baby jumbos oversized ears

At that moment baby jumbo was given a special baby collar his size from cross who was gonna lead the elephants on stage

Mrs jumbo: please make sure he'll be okay

Cross: don't worry ma'am, we'll take good care of baby jumbo
At that moment two performers came with a box in their hands and out it on stage. The box opened up to reveal max in a disguise

Max: (Italian accent) I am Giuseppe medechi! My brother and I are honored to present to you, the first baby elephant ever born right here In America! Please welcome dear baby jumbo!

At that moment the other elephants with the exception of mrs jumbo came on stage with the last one towing baby jumbo in his baby costume in a baby stroller with a sign above him saying "dear baby jumbo"

They walked the outer perimeter of the arena so everyone could see the calf. Baby jumbo saw a woman with a feather on her heat and gave it a sniff accidentally sucking it into his trunk. The gang took notice quickly, but too late, baby jumbo felt a funny feeling in his trunk and then let out a whopper of a sneeze falling off into the center of the ring revealing his massive ears accidentally making the letters above his stroller read "ear baby dumbo"

People: that's not a real elephant! What did you do to it? Those ears are fake! Look at the sign! Dumbo!

They all chanted dumbo dumbo fake fake fake at the poor baby throwing peanuts at him laughing at his oversized ears making the other elephants trumpet and pound their hooves to help their fellow pachyderm. At that very moment Rufus came to mrs jumbo

Rufus: their all making fun of your ugly baby. Who's going to protect it now?

At that very moment Steven and the gang went to baby jumbos aid

Steven: knock it off! It's not his fault his ears are massive! You'd you like it if people laughed at you if you looked like him? Or me?

At that very moment mrs jumbo burst through the tent charging in front of her baby

Steven: ma'am!

Mrs jumbo: if they harmed on hair on my little one so help me I'll-

Manny: it's okay! We're not gonna hurt him!

Then Rufus came and ruined everything

Rufus: get back idiots! Mad elephant! Get back!

That only angered mrs jumbo even more making her stomp her hooves bellowing making everyone shout in fear

Misty: we need to evacuate everyone!

The gang went to get everyone out as mrs jumbo accidentally made a pole fall cashing the circus tent to collapse crushing Rufus off screen. The tent came crashing down as everyone made it out. Mrs jumbo and her son were unharmed by the disaster

Mrs jumbo: sweetheart, are you okay?

Baby jumbo just looks worried. And he should be, cause later the police came to take Rufus body to the cemetery and mrs jumbo was locked up chained in her trained far away from everyone. Steven came to her train to see if she wanted to talk

Steven: mrs jumbo?

She tried to get to the window but her legs were shackled so all she did was stretch her trunk out

Mrs jumbo; where's my son?

Steven: he's okay ma'am. He's safe with the others

Speak of the devil, baby jumbo came from below his tent and went to see his mom with help from Steven

Baby jumbo: mama?

Mrs jumbo: oh my little baby. Just like your father

Steven: what did happen to mr jumbo anyway?

Mrs jumbo: it was a long time ago, back before I was bought here.

Mrs jumbo: (cont'd) We were happy together, we knew our son would come and jumbo was really hoping for a son so will could show him how to be an elephant. But then, hunters came. He told me to get to safety for the sake of our little one and went to protect us. But even that wasn't enough. I was then taken to brugelbecker and then was bought and sent here

Steven: I'm sorry

Baby jumbo shed tears at the story

Mrs jumbo: don't cry little one. I'm right here

She cradled him with her trunk side to side

Mrs jumbo: 🎶baby mine don't you cry
Baby mien dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to far
Baby of mine
Little one when you play
Don't you mind what they say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear
Baby of mine🎶
The next morning the brigelbecker came in his truck

Max; brugelbecker, I have a man dead! Do you not get that?!

Max: (cont'd) This is what they're reading from the Great Lakes to the Gulf! You have a moral responsibility to buy your killer elephant back

Brugelbecker: what about the baby?

Max: (SCOFFS) Well, at least he got a few laughs. I'll put him in the clown act, see if I can salvage something.

Brugelbecker: I'll buy her back half price.

Max: You will buy her back full price.

Brugelbecker: Quarter price.

Max: Half price it is!
At that moment Rufus men let mrs jumbo out of her cart and into the black one

Steven: what's going on?

Max: their taking mrs jumbo away. Their saying she's a monster!

Sorrel: you sold a babies mother?! What are you thinking?!

Max; it pains me to do it too kid! I have no other choice!

At that moment she was already on board

Pramesh:Beautiful creature, we'll take care of your son

She was loaded up and was taken away making baby jumbo cry in elephant-ese

Mrs jumbo: please take care of my baby!

Steven: we promise mrs jumbo! We promise...

Then they were long out of sight
Little jumbo was all alone in where his mother once was.

The gang came to comfort him

Variety: we're right here for you dumbo

Steven: what did you call him?

Variety: well I thought if I called him little jumbo, he'll miss his mom more

Latias: Better than nothing I suppose

The gang gathered and decided to camp their for the night with their new friend. They all then got themselves a little dinner before going to sleep, dumbo was pretty happy to see his friends, but was pretty shocked by how eve ate

Leonard: she gets it from my side of the family

They all finished up and then went to sleep as dumbo saw some fur that fell from Sid and gave it a whiff. He then get the fuzzy feeling in his nose again and his sneeze woke everyone up, this time, no question about it, dumbo was actually flying!

Clement: are you seeing what I'm seeing?

Travis: yeah! He's flying!

Cilan: this is perfect! Why haven't we thought of it before! His ears are so big they make built in wings! We can make him a star and make so much money well buy mrs jumbo back!

At that moment everyone agreed

Ash: just imagine it, everyone coming from miles around to see dumbo, the 9th wonder of the universe, the worlds only flying elephant! Well make so much money out broken family will be back together!

Dumbo was so happy he flew so high he hit his head on the ceiling

Latias: we're gonna need some practice first

Steven: we got all night. No sweat!

They all look to dumbo who was getting on his feet

Steven: don't worry little guy, we're gonna get your mom back

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