Northern Lights: The Druid o...

By Lizmenzie

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Book One of the Northern Lights Series. My father shifted his weight, cleared his throat and pulled an envelo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 14

363 11 1
By Lizmenzie

The days flew by like minutes. I was suddenly in my last week of training at Ice Water. I enjoyed it so much, I was hardly home sick for Black Lake. I suppose it was because I didn't have time. Rose and her son, Luca were so encouraging. I had learned so many wonderful medicines, potions and concoctions. I was looking forward to applying my new trade to our pack. I knew there would be so many ways I could help to keep my pack strong.

My belly had swelled during my time there. I was now half way along in my pregnancy, my small bump had become a noticeable one now, there was no hiding it anymore even if I wanted to. I was sitting at my work station in the herbology room absentmindedly rubbing it when I felt some tingles in my hand. I stopped, gasping slightly. I wasn't sure what I was feeling. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and moved the palm of my hand over my stomach. My mind flooded with light, I could smell my child as though I was touching them right there. I could feel their heartbeat in my hand, it was so strong and steady. I was shocked I could smell and see this, it was all new to me. I realized my druid training had taken over and I was sensing the future of my child. I could feel him, my son, it was a boy. I could smell his strength, his prowess. He was going to make an excellent leader. I could feel him in every pore on my body, he was going to make his father and I so proud.

I broke the trance I was in, letting myself breath. I wasn't expecting this kind of vision but I knew it was a possibility. Rose had told me that once we had started to subconsciously adapt to our druid training we would start to have visions of others, the future, the past. It wasn't magic per say, more of our bodies becoming in tune with nature around us and other living things. This power was another level of consciousness druids would experience, eventually being able to control it and channel it to find and gather information. I was pleased my mind was taking the training so well.

When I sat with Rose and Luca at dinner that night, I told them about my experience in the herbology room. They both smiled and nodded, Rose said, "It is good to see you are taking to the training so well." I smiled, "I have had a great teacher." She blushed and took a bite of her supper.

"Have you thought about anything else you would like to learn?" she asked, changing the subject.

I shook my head, "Not really. I feel as though I have learned as much as I can at this point. It's a process right, so I will never stop learning."

Rose didn't look up but she smiled at her food, "That is the correct answer girl. We never stop learning our skills. We never perfect them, we are all students of nature." I nodded, she was right. I had learned so much in my short time here and I knew it was just the beginning of my training. I looked forward to sharing my knowledge with our pack when I returned.

Finally, the thirty first day came and I was packed and ready to return home. Luca took my bags for me out to the foyer. Rose walked with me. We held hands as we walked, a strange sort of comfort. I took the canvas bundle from my pocket she had given me at our first meeting and handed it to her, "I suspect I won't be needing this after all."

She shook her head, holding out her hand and pushing it back to me, "You may not, but someday you will need to give that to another loved one. Keep it, it is powerful medicine." I nodded, tucking it back into my bag.

"Charlotte Duffey, you have been a delight to train. I never thought I would enjoy the company of a werewolf so much." Rose told me, taking both my hands in hers. I smiled, "Thank you Gamma, your pack hospitality has been wonderful. I am grateful to you all."

"Remember, let the visions come. Don't block them or it will set you back. Remember to drink the waking tea each day, every day no exceptions. It will bring you closer to nature and strengthen your bond to your subconscious. If you need anything from me, just reach out and I will be happy to act as a guide for you. I am always here girl." She told me sternly, a very motherly tone slipping through her lips.

I laughed, "Yes mame." I heard a vehicle pull up outside, I knew instantly it was Clark. I could feel his urgency, his need, he missed me terribly. I could smell it.

I opened the front door to see him sitting in the side by side, the Omegas already putting my bags in the back. Clark didn't even pause before he ran to me, lifting me up and kissing me passionately, heat filling up my entire body. He didn't set me down, instead he buried his face in my neck and hair, taking deep, urgent breaths as though I was air and he was a drowning man. I held on to him, my legs still off the ground, attempting to sooth him by rubbing his back.

"I haven't been able to breath properly for thirty days. My heart was only half with me; it is the worst feeling in the entire world." He whispered into my neck. I kissed his neck softly, "Take me home Beta, I will be happy make up for lost time." He growled possessively into my neck, nibbling on my marked spot. I whimpered slightly, "You have to put me down though."

Clark laughed, somewhat saddened but he set me down on my feet. I turned and said my farewells to Luca and Rose. I promised to be in touch soon. Luca rubbed the back of his neck, a bit uncomfortable with my husband's display of affection. He hugged me quickly and whispered a kind farewell in my ear. Rose offered to be here for the birth of our child, which I accepted happily.

I made my way to the side by side and climbed in, Clark was hot on my heals. We made it back to the pack house in record time, he didn't give me time to climb out myself, instead he lifted me out and carried me into the pack house at a run, passing by his parents, the Alpha, my brother and our friends. I shouted my greetings to them, each laughing as I passed by with a flash, seeming to understand my mate's urgency. Clark ran at a sprint to our room, throwing the door open and slamming it shut. He clicked the lock and took me to the bed. Clark shed his clothes completely, I was shocked at his speed. He wrapped his naked body around me protectively and pulled me close to his chest. I breathed him in slowly, he kissed my forehead over and over again. His hand fell protectively to my stomach and stayed there. He was growling unconsciously over and over again, eyes closed just holding us together.

"Clark, are you alright?" I asked finally, I ran my hand down his check slowly trying to sooth him.

He didn't answer, almost as though he didn't hear me. His hands stayed present, not moving from my body. He didn't try to undress me, he just held me as close as possible in our bed. I kissed his forehead again and slowed my breathing, trying to sooth him that way. Gradually, over time his growling changed to a whimpering, still urgent but less possessive. More like a wounded animal. I moved his face to meet my gaze, he looked into my eyes and let the tears move down his face.

"Clark, honey, are you alright?" I asked again. He nodded, finally speaking, "I was feeling so much loneliness while you were gone. It became physically painful. I talked to my mother about it, she told me she didn't understand it. Betas don't have this strong of a reaction to the loss of their mates, that is only Alphas. She told me my father would miss her when she was gone, but never to the point of loss of sleep or physical pain. David came to visit me; he was concerned as well. We decided not to bother you while you were at your training, that I would go to you on the thirty first day and bring you home. The entire pack house was informed that you would not be coming out of our room upon your return for two full days."

Clark's voice was full of relief, as though a huge weight had been lifted from him. I starred at his face, I could feel his pain lifting as we lay close together. He continued, "I am sure most of the pack house believes I am just having my way with you. A husband in lust from missing his wife. Only a few know the real reason I need you to myself for a few days. That I actually felt as though I might die without you." His voice broke as he finished speaking.

I had no idea he was in such turmoil during my absence. I had missed him a great deal, I could feel he missed me but I had no idea he was feeling physical pain. It was unheard of for a Beta to have these feelings for his mate, Clark's mother was correct. My father had felt sadness when my mother was absent from him for periods of time, but never pain. That was an Alpha reaction, Clark was not Alpha. I mulled the information over in my head, perhaps it was because Clark was mated and Heath was not, neither was David. Perhaps that was why he felt the same level of urgency as an Alpha. I was unsure about it but now was not he time to examine this philosophy.

I pulled myself from Clark's grip, he cried out as I moved away from him. I stood at the edge of the bed, removing my clothing. I climbed back into our bed, pulling the sheets around us. I moved my body overtop of his, taking his hands and placing them on my hips. I kissed him passionately, exploring his mouth with mine, moving my hands through his hair and down his chest. I moaned into his mouth, nibbling on his lips. I let my hands trail down my mate's chest, sliding to his stomach and lower to his manhood. I took Clark in my hand and moved him to my entrance, sliding him into me in one slow motion. We both shuttered as I lowered myself onto his lap, Clark reached up and pulled me down to his chest. We stayed like that for a long time, me on top of him, his body inside mine. I kissed Clark's face and lips over and over again, soothing his anguish with my touch.

"Please my darling, never leave me again," Clark whispered as he moved his hips softly up to mine. I moaned at the movement. "I don't think I could take it again. It's not because I am jealous or possessive, I actually don't believe I can live without you." He begged, moving his hips again. I nodded against his face and kissed him again. Our mate bond was very strong; I already knew this. I had no idea a mate bond could ever be this strong or intense. I moved overtop of Clark, making him moan loudly as I rotated my hips over him, causing immense pleasure for both of us.

We made love on another level that afternoon. We did not just enjoy our bodies, we molded into one soul. I had never experienced anything like it. I held Clark close to my chest as we both came down from our highs. "I had no idea you were so upset while I was gone." I whispered. He flinched against my chest.

"I am feeling stronger now. It didn't happen right away, it was gradual. The longer you were gone, the weaker I became." He told me. I nodded and kissed my mark on his neck, "I promise I will never be away from you again. Where ever you go, I shall go with you."

Clark sighed with relief at my words, "I am sorry Charlotte. I didn't expect to have this kind of physical reaction to you being away. I am embarrassed. I don't like that I am this weak."

I shook my head, "I don't think it is weakness my love. I think you and I being together makes you stronger. It is a known fact that the female mate gives her male strength through their bond. We have a very deep bond; therefore, it does make sense that my absence would cause you to feel withdrawal." Clark shook his head, "It is more then that. I don't know how but it's more then just you make me stronger. I need you more then food or water or sleep." He confessed.

"I will never leave you again. You will come with me and I will go with you. From now on, always." I promised him. It was definitive. I may not understand why he felt this way but I was determined to never make him suffer like this again. Clark kissed me sweetly, he thanked me through our mind link for being so understanding.

I heard a soft knock at the door, Clark groaned not wanting to get up from our warm embrace. "I'll go." I whispered. I moved out of bed, pulling my dressing gown on and went to the door. I opened it to find Tabitha there with a tray of food for us. I took it from her, setting it down just inside our bedroom and stepping out into the hall.

I pulled my friend into an embrace, it was nice to see her. "Charlotte, you are all rosy, it's so wonderful to see you." She said, teasing me.

I blushed as we parted, "Yes, you know a husband and a wife, after a long period, we do have some things to catch up on." I told her, not wanting to give away too much of Clark's feelings on my absence.

Tabitha giggled, she nodded. "After you and Clark have caught up, you and I should have tea and you can tell me all about your training. "she suggested. I smiled, "That will be first on my list, I promise." I told her.

I closed the door as Tabitha left. I turned to see Clark had risen from our bed and was eating his sandwiches with vigor. I laughed, moving towards the tray to take one before he ate them all.

"Sorry darling, I haven't been able to eat much. I am just famished now." He muttered, his mouth full of food. I shrugged, eating my sandwich slowly, enjoying the flavor. After we ate I suggested we take a walk down to the common room, but Clark refused. He pulled me back to the bed, moving his hands over my stomach to caress our child. "I need some quality time with my baby right now. After that, then we will go for a walk." He whispered.

"Your son." I told him, Clark's face shot up at me. His face was full of excitement. "Son? We have a son? We are having a boy?"

I smiled up at him, nodding. "How can you know that?" he asked me, rubbing small circles on my stomach.

"I had a vision. It's from the druid training, it puts me more in contact with my body and nature. I was able to smell him and feel him. I can sense who he is going to be. It was so amazing when it happened. I learned so much while I was there. "I told him. Clark's eyes searched mine, "So he is going to grow to term?"

"Yes. He is strong, he is going to be amazing." I whispered. Clark cried into my stomach softly, I could feel his relief in this body. He wanted this baby so much, he never admitted it out loud but I knew he did. Now that our son was going to be born, he could finally allow himself to want it. I kissed the top of his head and ran my fingers through this hair. I continued, "He is healthy, he is going to be a great leader someday my love. He is strong. Just like his father."

Clark looked up and kissed my lips warmly. He was so happy; he couldn't contain it any more. I pulled him out of bed and forced him to get dressed. He groaned and I made him leave our room with me, going down to the common room and on to the library. We found Michael in there reading a book, he was surprised when we walked in.

"I thought I wasn't going to see you for two days?" Michael asked, putting his book down on this lap.

"She forced me to leave our bedroom. I tried to stop her." Clark muttered, holding my hand up and kissing the back of it. Michael laughed out loud, "Yes Clark, I can see how she overpowered you."

I hugged Michael and sat next to him on the sofa. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "So how was druid training?"

"It was amazing. I learned so much about herbology but it's more then that. I learned about channeling energy, listening to nature in a different way. I learned what to look for in the woods, more then just what we can eat but the way a plant grows compared to another one. I learned how to make so many different kinds of concoctions for all kinds of uses." I explained to both of them. I went on and on, telling them both about my time with the werebears. Clark and Michael listened intently to my ramblings. At some point Tabitha came to the library to bring Michael his tea, she wanted to hear all about it as well.

It was a wonderful afternoon spent in the library. I regaled them all with tales about the werebears. We drank tea and they shared the stores of what happened while I was gone. There had been no rogue attacks, which was a relief.

"We are still trying to figure out where these rogues are coming from." Clark told us, "but we believe they are coming from the south."

"Did you find anything from that camp you found before I left?" I asked him.

Clark shook his head, "Timothy found out that the rogues were not real rogues but from some kind of pack. Not as strong as our pack but still from somewhere. They camp was too organized with too many supplies to be ordinary rogues."

I took his hand quickly, concern crossing my face. "We put out a bulletin to our allies to the south. Don't worry my darling, we will be safe." He told me, kissing my hand.

"Mother and father send their love. You should probably call them tomorrow to tell them all about your time with the werebears." Michael pipped up. I smiled at him.

"How are they?" I asked. Michael shrugged slightly, "The same as ever. Red Rose is in full foraging mode right now. Byron even went out this year to help out. He is begging father to let him start training to be a warrior since Clark taught him a few moves while they were here."

Clark smiled broadly at that, "I'm glad my brother in law wants to be a warrior. He would benefit from the training."

Michael and I laughed, it was difficult to pull Byron away from video games, yet somehow Clark had done it. I turned to Michael, "How are you doing?"

He smiled at me and pulled me a bit closer, "I am doing well. I almost feel normal again honestly. The tea has worked wonders, but I think being here at Black Lake helped just as much to be honest."

"I love this place too. It didn't take long for it to feel like home for me." I said, laying my head on his shoulder.

"I will have to go home sometime, little sister." Michael chuckled into my hair. I shook my head, "No rush."

Tabitha smiled at us, "That's right no rush. It's not everyday we get fresh meat up here so stay as long as you want." Michael blushed slightly at her comment. She laughed, knowing her teasing was successful.

"Stella got all her stuff from Red Rose. She apparently had called there looking for me but mother told her I was up here with you." Michael mentioned, "She was happy to hear I was doing better."

"What about Marie? Has anyone talked to her?" I asked, everyone shook their heads. "I know that mother has tried to call a few times but Anthony has told her Marie wasn't available." Michael told me. I knew I needed to send her a message as soon as possible.

"Come my darling, we should go to dinner and feed that little life inside you." Clark whispered in my ear. I nodded. We all walked down to the dining hall together. Clark carried my tray to our table while I stopped to visit with the Duffey's for a round of hugs, kisses and welcomes.

"How are you feeling?" Cheryl whispered to me, pulling me aside from the table. I smiled, placing her hand on my stomach, "Everything is strong and healthy. We are going to be just fine." I told her. Cheryl looked at my stomach then back to my face, smiling brightly. She wrapped her arms around me. "We love you so much sweet girl. Congratulations." I hugged her back tightly.

David walked up to us as we parted, he patted Cheryl's back before she stepped back to her seat. The Alpha turned to me, smiled and asked motioned for me to follow him. I matched him step for step to the edge of the room, Clark looked at me concerned but I waved at him telling him I was fine.

"Welcome back Charlotte. I trust your training was good?" David asked.

"It was Alpha. I am excited to start up here. I learned so many useful things from Rose." I told him.

David smiled, "I am glad to hear that. Clark, Heath and myself put together a herbology room for you on the second floor. It's not huge but it is clean and prepared for you to start your work whenever you want." I smiled at him, "Thank you sir. I will do my best to make the pack proud."

"You already make us all proud." He told me. "Listen Charlotte, I will be making the announcement tomorrow night but I will be stepping down as Alpha at the end of the summer. Heath will be having his Alpha ceremony in September. Which means that there isn't going to be a Luna. You know that the same was with me, Mrs. Duffey filled those shoes a lot over my years as Alpha. I think you should prepare yourself for Heath to ask the same of you."

My breath hitched. I knew there was no Luna, and I did realize Cheryl did a lot of the duties of a Luna over the years. Heath had talked about it briefly when I arrived. I knew this conversation was coming, I wasn't expecting it to be so soon.

"Alright. I understand David. I will do everything I can to help our pack." I told him.

He studied me for a moment before he spoke again, "I also assume you talked to Clark, he told you about his difficulty while you were gone. The way he felt is unusual for a Beta, the strong reaction is more typically an Alpha reaction. I have never felt it personally, but know of some Alphas to have died of heartache when their mates died or left them."

"Clark did tell me about it. We talked about it when I got back this morning. We discussed that maybe it has to do with the lack of Lunas in our midst. How you do not have a Luna, Heath doesn't yet either so maybe that's why he felt such a strong reaction." I told him.

David thought about it for a moment, eventually shaking his head, "I'm not sure if that is what it is or not. It could be possible. I have just ever seen that from a Beta before."

"I will do my best to take care of him as well." I promised, David met my eyes with concern, "And who takes care of you, Charlotte?"

"Everyone here takes care of each other, that is what a pack does. What a pack should do." I said strongly.

He smiled at me, "Spoken like a born Luna. Thank you Charlotte. Please, return to your mate, we will talk more another time." David pulled me in to a quick hug and let me leave to return to Clark.

By this time Heath, Timothy, Melanie, Michael and Tabitha had joined our table. Clark looked at me inquisitively as I sat down. I shook my head at him, signaling not to worry at this point.

"Welcome back Char. It's always great to see you." Heath told me, smiling. I smiled back, "Always a pleasure brother."

We ate our dinner in happy conversation. Heath seemed preoccupied, but based on my conversation with David I could understand why. Becoming Alpha, even if you were prepared for it, would be a big step in Heath's life. The entire pack would know soon enough; I didn't feel the need to share it with our table tonight. As we broke apart for the evening, returning to our rooms I reached out and caught Heath's shoulder. He turned to face me, I pulled him in for a tight hug. I whispered in his ear, "I will help you all I can until you find your Luna. I promise."

Heath pulled me close to his chest exhaled loudly into my shoulder, in much the same way Clark did when he was worried. "Thank you sister." He whispered lowly. We parted, giving each other a knowing smile.

Clark didn't growl at us, but he did stare at the exchange with an uncomfortable expression on his face. I walked to him, smiling at him sweetly and kissed his lips quickly before he could say anything, "Come now big bad Beta. Nothing to worry about, come with me to our room and give me some sugar."

He laughed out loud, unable to remain annoyed and followed me to our room. I kissed him over and over again. Clark melted into my body as we turned in for the night.

I awoke the next morning so happy to smell apple pie for the first time in a month. I saw that Clark had already gone to training so I got up lazily, showered and made my way to the kitchen. I found Amy and Tabitha there preparing breakfast for the pack. I helped them by mixing pancake batter and flipping bacon. The girls seemed happy that I was willing to help. I had missed making food with the girls at Black Lake while I was gone. Even though the werebears were welcoming and kind, it was different to be with family. I drank tea and we laughed about nothing in particular. Cheryl and Melanie came in after a while and joined us.

"So when are we having a new pup join the pack?" Amy finally asked. Clark and I hadn't shared our news very much as we were sure the pregnancy wouldn't take, but now that my belly was in full view it was impossible to ignore. Cheryl gave me a warm smile, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her chest.

I let her go and turned to my friends, "November will be when this little boy arrives." Shrieks of joy ripped though the room, I couldn't hold back my laughter. Amy, Melanie and Tabitha all threw their arms around me and engulfed my small form in hugs. I heard various congratulations but I wasn't sure who was speaking.

When I was allowed to come up for air, Cheryl took my arm with a pause, "A boy? Are you sure?" I nodded, "One of the things I learned from the werebears if how to channel energy into visions. He will be very healthy and strong." Tears rose in her eyes and she brought me in again for another embrace. I leaned into Cheryl, she had become a second mother to my own. I was thrilled I would be giving her their first grandchild.

We served the pack breakfast, my pancakes were pretty good if I do say so myself. I went to the library afterward to telephone my parents and Marie. I hadn't actually told mother and father about the pregnancy yet, so I was excited to do that now.

"Hello Mom, how are you?" I said into the receiver.

She laughed as she heard my voice, "Oh Charlotte, we are good here. How are you? How was the training?"

I settled down on the sofa sigh a deep sigh, "It was very good. I had a wonderful time with the Ice Water pack. They taught me so much. I'll be sending you some new recipes for some healing salves for your warriors. They work so much better then the ones we already have."

"That's wonderful dear. You got back yesterday right? How are you?" she asked, I could hear she was drinking coffee or tea as it clicked against the phone.

"Well, I am growing everyday now. I have some news. Clark and I are expecting our first child in November. I am pregnant." I said calmly with a smile.

Silence hit the other end of the phone. I was surprised she didn't say anything. I waited, nothing. "Hello?" I whispered tentatively.

"Sorry my darling. I am happy for you of course. It's just so soon, you are still young and I remember how overwhelming it was for me at that age. Are you happy?" my mother finally asked.

"Yes mom, I am very happy. We are very happy, I am thrilled, I promise." I told her.

She let out a sigh on the other end of the phone, "Good, then I am happy for you. Your father and brother will be thrilled. This is our first grandchild. Oh goodness!" I would hear the excitement in her voice now. Always the caring soul, my mother, making sure everyone was alright before her feelings came out. I smiled at her.

"Rose from Ice Water will do the birth with me. You and father should come for it and bring Byron. The birth of your first grandchild is a very big deal. We would love for you to come." I explained.

"Yes, we will be there. I would love to meet the werebears as well. You know, I have never met one. Are their lives much like ours?" she asked.

I mulled over her question in my mind before answering, "Yes and no. They are far more guarded then we are but that is for a good reason considering our histories. However, the Ice Water pack treated me very well, with open arms when I came and they have so much to teach us."

"Yes of course. I am looking forward to meeting this Gamma Rose? Is that her name? I am sure she has all kinds of knowledge." She agreed.

"Clark, Heath and Samuel built me my very own herbology lab so I have all kinds of space to make my concoctions now. I'll show you when you come." I told her.

My mother shrieked when I told her that, "OH I am so jealous! I've always made everything in the kitchen, much to everyone's dismay." We both laughed, remembering how not everything has a nice smell when it is being cooked or prepared for a purpose. I can remember more then once an Omega almost loosing their breakfast because of a smell from the kitchen of Red Rose.

"How is my Michael doing?" mother asked, love in her voice.

I nodded, before I remembered she couldn't see me, "He is doing much better now. His heartache is almost completely healed. I think he will be returning home soon."

"Yes, I know he feels like he should but there is no rush. I am happy he is doing better. Stella has called here twice looking for him. I have told her he is with you; she is happy to hear he is healing. I know the mate bond is hard to come back from. I suspect she thought it would be easier then it has been for herself." my mother told me.

I shifted on the sofa, my stomach getting a bit heavy, "Yes, I believe that. She was always selfish though mom."

My mother sighed, "Charlotte, that isn't fair." I could hear her stern tone in my ear.

"Yes it is, Michael gave her everything she wanted and it wasn't enough. He didn't deserve to go through the pain she caused." I muttered. I could hear my mother tsk down the phone line at me and I rolled my eyes before smiling.

"My sweetheart, that isn't fair and you know it. Your mate bond took immediately and not just that; it was so strong that there was no hint of doubt in either of your minds about it. Not everyone gets that. In fact, most don't. Stella loved Michael, have no doubt about that. She just didn't feel the pull as strongly as he did, but when it ended she felt the pain just the same. No less then he did. Don't be so hard on her, she isn't a villain, Stella is just a girl who was in love but it wasn't right." As those words left my mother's lips I thought they were the wisest of all. I paused for a while before I responded to her.

"That is very true mom. You are right."

"Have you phoned Marie yet?" she asked testily.

"No I was going to after I got off the phone with you actually." I told her. She sighed, "Well I hope you can get through. We have been trying for weeks and Anthony always has some excuse for why she can't come to the phone."

I sighed, so he had shut her off again. "Well he might let me talk to her, I'll try to get to the bottom of it."

My mother choked, "I miss her so much. It's hard to know that she is there and we can't see or talk to her. Sometimes I can feel pain and I know it's hers. Marie is such a sweet soul; I miss her dearly."

"I know mom. I'll do my best to reach her." I whispered that promise to my mother. She sighed and composed herself, "My dearest Charlotte, always the healer and the protector. So loyal, I love you so much my sweetheart."

I smiled, "I love you to mom. Give my love to dad and Byron. I'll let Michael know I talked to you today.

We hung up in light tears. I missed my family but they were never too far away. I had been so busy since I moved to Black Lake that I hardly had time to be homesick. I suspected Michael's presence might have helped with that. I did miss my family but I had found another one here and they were so loving I couldn't really complain that much.

Amy found me and brought me some tea, I thanked her. For some reason she always did that. I knew she didn't do that with anyone else, it made me feel special. I lifted the receiver of the phone with a sigh, knowing I had to try to reach Marie. Amy gave me a quick wink and left me to my phone call, not saying a word. She was a kind soul.

I dialed and waited, on the fourth ring Anthony answered, "Rocky Mountain Alpha Office, Anthony here."

"Anthony, hello its Charlotte. How are you?" I said, letting my voice crack. I heard him adjust in his chair and suck in a quick breath.

"Charlotte, hello. I am well thank you. What can I do for you?" he asked, very formally.

I took a breath and said very calmly, "Well I just got back from my training yesterday and I wanted to tell Marie about it. I'm sure she can I have a lot of catching up to do. I would love to speak with my sister please."

He didn't say a word, he shifted and cleared his throat but he didn't say anything. I waited but nothing came through the phone. "Anthony, are you still there?" I finally asked.

"Yes, I am here." He whispered. I waited another moment, still nothing. I heard his voice crack as he tried to say something but then stopped himself.

"Anthony, has something happened?" I asked, keeping my voice as calm and soothing as possible.

My stomach did a flip inside my body, I could feel my heart race, his lack of reply was making me think the worst. Suddenly the library door flew open and Clark came in, fresh from the shower. He sat down next to me and pulled my feet into his lap, staring at me. I loved that he could sense me and I could sense him, we always found each other. I smiled at him, though I was terrified of what news was going to come down the receiver.

"Charlotte, I am afraid Marie isn't available today for a visit. I will tell her you called and she can perhaps call you back tomorrow." Anthony finally said. His voice was quiet though, I could hear he wasn't very strong in his resolve.

"Please Anthony, has something happened? I would like to talk to my sister. I love her very much." I whispered.

"You think I don't?!" he shouted, "I love my Luna more then anything! She is mine! I take care of her and I decide what happens to her!"

"I know Anthony; I'm not suggesting you don't. I just love her and I miss her. You know I am not trying to take her away. I just miss her, that's all. I wanted to tell her about the training and about the baby." I finally said, his voice caught in his throat.

"What about the baby? Tell me!" he demanded. I sighed and adjusted my stomach again, "Well I am due in November. Clark and I are having a healthy boy. Everything is fine, we are going to be healthy and strong."

Silence hit the phone and I thought for a moment he had hung up on me. Then I realized he was just holding his breath. "That is wonderful news Charlotte, congratulations to you and Clark." He managed to say.

"Thank you. Now, what is going on with my sister? I would love to share this news with her. Please Anthony, let me talk to her." I asked again, remaining calm.

Anthony sighed, "I'm afraid she isn't available just now, she is..." As his voice trailed off my breath hitched. "What?"

"She's down on the training fields in a collar." Anthony finally told me. I shuddered when he spoke those words.

I took two deep breaths before I spoke, to try and calm myself, "You collared her?" I asked. Clark's eyes filled with rage as he shot me a look. Collaring, one of the worst punishments for a werewolf. Often reserved for terrible crimes against a pack. The criminal is forced to shift into wolf form, then a silver collar is placed on their neck to they can not shift back. They are placed on a chain for all to see and left in a public place so the rest of his pack can view their punishment. It often leaves permanent scars on the necks of the victims. It poisons us slowly from the outside in with the silver. It's a terrible punishment.

"Anthony," I asked calmly, "why did you collar Marie?"

His breath quickened, "She was angry with me over some stupid Omega girl. She told me no more messing around and that if I did she would reject me. I lost it, I got so mad, I threw her around our room. I forced her to submit to me, now she's out there, she's been out there for three days now."

I took more deep breaths. I was trying to remain calm, if I didn't I would just make it worse for Marie and potentially her punishment would last longer. I bit my lip and took my glasses off, pinching my nose, "Anthony, you need to go get her. She loves you so much, and I know you love her. Marie just wants you to herself the way you want her to yourself. You know that."

"She makes me so mad sometimes. I am the Alpha; she can't order me around like that!" he shouted. I paused, "Yes you are the Alpha, and she is your Luna. How would you feel if she stepped out on you?"

He growled through the phone, "She would NEVER do that! I would kill them both!"

"Exactly, she would never do that because it would hurt you. She loves you too much to even consider hurting you. When you mess with Omegas it hurts her, she was just trying to tell you that." I told him.

"They mean nothing to me, she means everything." He said coldly, "My Luna is my everything."

"Then why are you punishing her for something you did?" I asked quietly.

Silence filled the line again. He seemed to be thinking about what I had just said. I stared at Clark, he stared back at me. I was holding my breath for Anthony's next reply.

"I love Marie you know. I know what your family thinks of me. I love her more then anything in the world." Anthony said suddenly, a hitch in his breath.

"I know you do. Please Anthony, show her that you love her enough to end this punishment. Go get her. Show your pack that you love your Luna, show them that you have the power and control to forgive her for getting angry with you." I said, stroking his ego. Anthony didn't respond to demands, I had seen from his interactions with my family. It had to be in his favor for him to act. It had to make him look good.

Anthony considered my words for a few minutes, I could hear him weighing what I had said. Finally, he cleared his throat and said, "I will have Marie phone you tomorrow morning. I'll go and get her this afternoon, no earlier. Good day Charlotte."

He hung up the phone and I sat there with the receiver in my hand, finally letting my body shake. Clark took the phone and set it down. He pulled me into his lap and rocked me slowly, placing one hand around my shoulders the other protectively over my stomach.

I didn't cry, I don't know why but I didn't. I just took deep breath after breath, "He collared her because she called him on screwing around with the Omegas. She's been out there for three days." Clark pulled me closer and shook his head, placing his forehead against mine.

"He should be the one out there. What an animal." Clark muttered, "How can he do that to his Luna? I can't even fathom that kind of rage and hostility."

I stroked his face with my hands, "I know honey, because you are not built like that. You would stand in fire for me."

"I would!" he said loudly, Clark kissed me softly. I returned his kiss before leaning back and whispering, "He's taking her out of it this afternoon. She will call me tomorrow morning." Clark nodded.

"I am so angry at him. He has way too much control over my sister. I want to hate him, but I know that anything I do or say against him will make it impossible for me to see her." I said angrily. Clark kissed my neck through my hair and rubbed my stomach lovingly. He didn't say anything; he didn't need to.

We sat together in the library for over an hour. I worked to calm myself down, letting Clark massage my stomach and release the stress. It wasn't good for our baby after all. I decided to email my parents to let them know I had a phone date with Marie the next day, but no other information at this time. I didn't want them to phone and get upset with Anthony, making it all worse and furthermore making it impossible for me to ever speak to her again.

I walked to the window, realizing today as the day David would be announcing to the pack that Heath would be taking over in September. I sighed and beckoned Clark to me, he came to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Tonight is about your brother. We need to set this aside for now and be there for him." I stated, Clark nodded and kissed my forehead.

"He will be announcing his team tonight as well." He told me. I nodded, "So you will be Beta now. Will you still get to train the warriors?"

Clark shook his head, "No, I will be in charge of more of the day to day stuff like most Betas. I have requested to still do the scouting missions though. Heath has agreed to allow me to continue that part of my work. I will be doing training on my own as I see fit." I ran my fingertips over his stomach, making him shiver.

"Well we need to make sure those sexy abs don't go anywhere with a desk job, Mr. Beta." I teased. He growled with longing and pulled me closer to his chest, kissing my lips hard. I returned his kiss with a little nip to his lips.

"You drive me crazy Char, how is it this tiny body of yours has complete control over mine?" he whined, I laughed and ran my fingers through his black hair. I pulled him with me to the sofa, placed my glasses back on my face and moved towards the door, "We need to get on with the day my love, save your dirty mind for tonight."

Clark groaned in protest but came with me to the Alpha's office. We found Samuel, David, Heath and Timothy in the office. When we arrived they all stood up as though I were the queen.

"Hello Duffey's how can we help you?" Heath smirked at us.

Clark held my hand, smiling broadly at his brother, "We just came to see what you need from us for tonight?"

"Right, well I will be announcing my retirement as well as the retirement of your father. I will thank the pack for all of their support over the decades. Then I will hand the evening off to Heath. He will thank me and the pack for our confidence in him, accept the appointment and announce his team. After all, that we will announce the date of the official ceremony which we have selected to be September 9th." David told us. We both nodded.

"It's important for you both to be there but other then the announcement of the team there isn't much for you to do." Samuel said, smiling at me. He held out his hand and I stepped towards him. He touched my belly softly, amazement crossed over his face. I laughed as Heath crossed the room to join him.

Timothy smiled, "One thing that would be good is if you could take care of the werebears tonight, Charlotte. Their Alpha and Gamma will be attending as a display of good faith. Since you already have a very close relationship with their Gamma it would be nice if you would make sure they are taken care of."

"Of course, consider it done." I told him, nodding with a smile. "Gentlemen, I am going to leave my husband here with you to prepare for tonight. I am going to see if the ladies need any help in the kitchen."

I pulled my stomach away from the men and kissed Clark goodbye before I stepped out of the room and headed down to the kitchen. I would feel Clark's pride radiating through our bond as I walked away.

The announcement went off without a hitch. David made a lovely speech about family, values and pack pride. He thanked the pack and his team for their support all throughout the years, even making a special mention of Cheryl as his stand in Luna. I smiled as he mentioned her, knowing all the work she put into our pack throughout the years. Heath took over, announcing that he accepted the appointment of Alpha, thanking the pack, David and his family for their confidence and support. We all cheered, even the werebears.

I studied Heath as he looked down at his cards, he seemed nervous. He took a deep breath before continuing, "I am so proud of the people I have selected to be on my team to lead this pack alongside me. I am thrilled to introduce each of them tonight. First, as my Beta, there is no one better suited then my brother, Clark Duffey. I have relied on my little brother for everything over the course of our lives, many of you know him as a notable warrior but he will serve us all as a strong Beta to our pack." Heath gestured for Clark to stand up, he stood and the pack let out a loud cheer.

"Next, we have the Delta position, which shall be awarded to my cousin, Timothy Duffey. We all know him as a man of statistics, maps and mathematics. He is also a proven warrior, defending us time and again during rogue attacks. He will be a very strong Delta to all of us." Clark continued, Timothy stood up, gave a very small bow and sat back down before the applause ended. I giggled, knowing that Timothy was not a public person, he preferred to be behind the scenes.

Heath took a deep breath and met my eyes, "I have not selected a Gamma yet, but I assure you I shall before I accede to the position. However, there is the matter of the lack of Luna for this pack. It is known that Alpha David never took a Luna, and now I do not have a Luna for our pack either. I know it has been many decades since we have had one, but I will keep my eye open for her." The crowd giggled at Heath's joke, "I would like to introduce my brother's wife, Charlotte Duffey, who will be our Beta female, please stand up Charlotte."

I was surprised he mentioned me, I stood, not sure what to expect. He continued, "Clark went to the mating exhibition in Brandon this past spring and he found his mate, Charlotte Gillies. She came all the way from Red Rose pack in Saskatchewan. My brother, Clark has found a wonderful mate and she has agreed to assist me with many of the duties a Luna would typically care for. I know that Charlotte will love and care for our pack with all her heart the same was she does for my dear brother."

The room filled with applause, I bowed and thanked Heath for his kind words. My brother, Michael let out a loud 'whoop' noise, making me giggle. Heath continued to thank the pack for their support and we eventually turned in for the night.

"I think the pack has embraced your brother as Alpha already." I mentioned, unzipping my dress once Clark and I returned to our room. I dropped it to the floor, stepping out and kicking off my shoes. I tossed my clothes in the hamper and stretched in front of the mirror. Clark smirked in the mirror, standing behind me, "Of course, he is going to be a great leader."

I turned and studied his face, he seemed somewhat disappointed, "What's wrong my love?" I asked. Clark unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it into the hamper, "Nothing, I'm just glad he's Alpha and not me. It's a lot of work, I'm a bit annoyed he will be relying on you to do the work of a Luna." He pulled his dress pants down and threw then in the hamper as well.

I smiled and cross the room, pressing my naked form against his body, "It's no different then what your mother did for the pack." Clark nodded, "I know, it's just different because I am not my father and you are not my mother." I giggled, looking up at him.

"Are you a bit possessive my love?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows. Clark blushed, "I try not to be." I pulled him to the bed with me, laying us down and covering us in blankets.

I snuggled into the crook of his neck and kissed my mark softly, "Don't worry Clark, I will be fine. I am proud to serve our pack. I am proud to be your wife, the mother of our children." He nodded as he kissed the top of my head, "My mate is so strong, I don't even remember what I did before I met you." As we fell asleep in each other's arms, I felt our son gently kicking against his hand that was now always placed overtop of my belly.

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