My Cute Co-Worker

Oleh DelaPJ88

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"W-why are you staring a-at me like that?" my hyung asked with an adorable giggle as he covered his mouth. "I... Lebih Banyak

Author's Note


66 5 2
Oleh DelaPJ88

Time skip (15 minutes)

Jimin POV

As soon as we got back to the television station, I offered to walk Jungkook back to his desk. We got in the elevator, others crowding into the tight space after their lunch break as well. My gaze wandered to Jungkook's doe eyes briefly before we got slightly separated. With fifteen people squeezing in, it's no wonder how I ended up being crammed into the back corner.

Due to my height it was relatively easy for everyone to push me aside, almost like they didn't notice my presence at all. With my blocked vision I only managed to catch a glimpse of Jungkook's brown fluffy hair a couple of feet away from me. I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance as one of the taller gentleman took a few steps back to accommodate one more employee, his actions causing me to get pressed up against the wall.

I started to panic slightly, my acute claustrophobia kicking in when I heard the doors close. I quickly closed my eyes as I tried to calm my nerves, hoping that a good chunk of people would get off soon. My heart began to palpitate and I could feel sweat drip down my back as the elevator lifted off the ground. All around me there were sounds coming from cell phones, co-workers talking amongst themselves, and faint music coming from someone wearing earbuds.

As I grew more anxious, my mind attempted to drown them out, only my rapid heartbeat and short breaths echoing in my ears. I knew that it was only a matter of time before I broke down as I tried to will myself to think of something else. Right when I was on the verge of having a panic attack, a hand reached out and held mine. A breathy gasp slipped past my lips at the sudden touch as my eyes fluttered open.

The first thing I noticed was that I finally had some room, the tightness in my chest disappearing as I breathed a sigh of relief. I stood frozen for a few moments as I attempted to calm my nerves before my eyes lowered to the large hand laced with mine. The mystery man squeezed my hand gently as I internally keened at the sweet gesture. Just by looking at the long, slender fingers I knew exactly who it was but I raised my gaze anyways to make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

'So it really is you,' I thought to myself.

I was met with Jungkook's big eyes staring down at me worriedly as he chewed on his lower lip. He had somehow made his way over to me and was using his body to shield me from the crowd, our bodies facing one another. I felt my heart flutter a bit from his unwavering gaze and I hoped that he couldn't tell how much he was affecting me with his closeness. His hand was incredibly warm and slightly sweaty, but I didn't mind it at all. The softness of his large palm was comforting, it reminded me of the feeling I get when I hold a baby. And while I think Jungkook is cute his other body parts tell me that he is far from a baby...

"A-are you okay, Jiminie h-hyung?" he stuttered cutely, my eyes taking in his flushed cheeks.

"Y-yeah, much better now, Jungkookie," I answered with a smile. "Was I that obvious?" I questioned shyly as I used my free hand brush back my bangs.

"N-no. I'm just- uh...I'm r-really conscious of these k-kind of things," he chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh a little too.

"Well, thank you for rescuing me. I could barely breathe," I stated with a chagrined smile, my gaze dropping to the floor.

"You're, um, welcome. You've h-helped m-me a lot so..." his words trailed off as I peeked up at him through my eyelashes, biting back a grin at his adorable stutter.

Our moment was interrupted by the sound of the elevator doors opening, nearly half of our co-workers getting off on the 5th floor. Everyone else in the elevator began shifting around with an inaudible sigh, relieved to have more space to themselves. We both adjusted our position as well so that we were towards the front of the elevator now. I forced myself not to pout when he finally let go of my hand, my fingers missing his warmth instantly.

"Well that was more eventful than I expected," I joked as we got off on the 7th floor.

"Yeah," Jungkook chuckled as he jogged to walk beside me.

As soon as we entered the intern office space, heads turned in our direction. I looked around curiously trying to figure out why everyone was staring at us.

"I didn't know you were popular, Jungkook-ah~" I teased with a slight shoulder bump.

"H-huh?! I'm n-not," he insisted as he seemed to grow embarrassed from the sudden attention, his ears turning pink. I giggled at his reaction, leaning against him to maintain my balance.

We finally make it back to Jungkook's desk and are greeted by an amused Taehyung.

"Oooh, playing hooky huh, Jungkook? I didn't know you had it in ya bro!" he said enthusiastically. I turned to look at Jungkook for an answer but he remained silent as he bit his lower lip.

"What are you talking about Tae?" I asked, waiting for an explanation to his earlier remark.

"He's usually never back this late from lunch," Tae informed, indicating to the youngest with a head nod.

"We were back before 1:30, so what's the big deal?" I shrugged as I folded my arms defensively.

"Look just because you get a longer lunch doesn't mean you gotta rub it in Jiminie hyung..." my dongsaeng pouted.


"We only get 30 minutes for lunch," Tae elaborated as he rolled his eyes, revealing his annoyance at the rule.

"Wait...WHAT?!" I exclaimed when I realized that I had kept Jungkook out way past his allotted time. My gaze shifted back to him as I internally panicked.


"Jungkookie, why didn't you tell me?! I would've gotten us back sooner if I had known that."

"" he began, his mouth closing when he couldn't find any words. I gave him time to form a sentence, my hands resting on my hips while I waited patiently. "You l-looked really excited to go there s-so I didn't want to say anything. Plus I forgot a-about the time once we got t-there..." he stated, saying the last part quietly.

"Jungkook..." I muttered as I watched him fiddle with his sleeves. "I wouldn't want you to get in trouble because of me," I explained with a bitter smile, feeling guilty.

"It's okay, hyung," he assured.

"Well if your boss gets mad just tell him it was my fault. I'll take full responsibility, alright?" Jungkook simply nodded as he clutched his hands together in front of him. "So is that why everyone was staring at us all weird?" I questioned.


"When Jungkook and I came in, literally everybody was staring at us!" I remarked as I glanced around.

"Oh, that's just because everyone is checking you out hyung," Tae explained with a laugh.

"W-what?!" Jungkook shouted with wide eyes.

"Yeah. Everyone knows who he is so they're all drooling over him like a bunch of omegas in heat," he mocked with an eye roll.

"O-oh...I didn't realize they were looking at me," I muttered as I combed through my hair shyly.

I wasn't keen on being the center of attention in that way, especially in front of my crush. I turned to meet Jungkook's eyes hesitantly, a little surprised by his reaction. We stared at one another awkwardly before he looked away, his gaze landing on the other interns as he poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. The look on his face seemed to be a mix of irritation and...sadness? I didn't have much time to dissect his facial expression though because Tae spoke up from beside us.

"So where did you guys eat anyways?" he asked curiously.

I stifled a gasp at his question, trying to come up with a decent response. I didn't want him to know that I had taken Jungkook there. He would be upset if he knew we went there without him.

"Um...we went to uhhh..." I was in the middle of formulating a convincing restaurant name when Jungkook opened his mouth to respond.

"We ate at Se-"

"EUPHORIA!" I blurted out as I subtly nudged him in the back.

"Huh?!" Tae exclaimed.

It looked like Jungkook wanted to say something but I glanced up at him with a pleading look, signaling for him to play along.

"Uh...r-right. Euphoria. T-that's what it was called," he added nervously.

"Euphoria?" my best friend repeated, seemingly still skeptical.

"Yes! Euphoria. E-u-p-h-o-r-i-a. Euphoria," I emphasized anxiously, hoping he wouldn't see through my little white lie.

"Hmmm, never heard of it," Taehyung murmured.

"It's n-new...they don't even have a website yet," I lied, trying not to crumble under his intense gaze. "I found it by accident last week so I thought we could try it out today," I added with a nervous laugh.

"Interesting. Okay well I won't keep you. I'm sure you have lots of work to do," Tae replied with a smile. I breathed a sigh of relief when he stopped his interrogation. "Especially tardy pants over here," he teased as he ruffled Jungkook's hair.

My eyes widened when I saw the content smile on his face as Taehyung played with his hair. I felt my heart clench at the sight, but I wasn't sure why. It was strange because I was happy that my best friend and my crush got along. I muttered a quiet 'goodbye' as I headed to the stairwell, having already had my fill of the elevator for one day.

I only got a bubbly bye from Tae since Jungkook was too absorbed in getting his hair ruffled and for some reason I felt angry and hurt by that. A few tears had welled up in my eyes but I blinked them back as I balled my hands into fists, my pace brisk. I kept my head down as I went, ignoring all the people I would normally greet with a cheerful smile.

It suddenly occurred to me that this was probably something that Taehyung did all the time judging by the way Jungkook hadn't shied away from his touch. The thought only angered me more, my heart rate increasing as I clenched my jaw.

Why am I reacting like this?!

I should be happy they get along...

So then why does it hurt so bad?

Once I finally managed to make it to the stairwell, I jogged up the three flights of stairs to the 10th floor. The short exercise seemed to do me some good, my pent up frustration subsiding slightly as I walked over to my desk with a sigh and plopped in my seat. This was the second time I had reacted this way and I still couldn't understand why.

Earlier today when I had walked up on Jungkook and Taehyung before lunch, I completely mistook the situation. When I saw my crush blushing like crazy because of something my best friend said to him, I got angry. I was afraid that he was flirting with him or had asked him out on a date. The last thing I expected to hear was that Taehyung asked Jungkook if he liked me.


"Tae, what did you say to him?!"

"It was harmless, Jiminie hyung! I just figured he was talking about you when he said that he was waiting for a make-up artist/secretary on the 10th floor. I mean there can't be that many people with that job description. So...I was just t-trying to get some juicy deets!" Taehyung explained in a rush.

I folded my arms and glared at him, knowing full well that he had said something to make Jungkook get super shy all of a sudden.

What could he have possibly said to make him blush that much?!

Why won't Jungkook even look at me?

Did he just ask him out?

Would he-?

"I-I just asked him if he liked you, alright?!" Tae confessed, his outburst bringing me out of my thoughts. It took a split second for me to process his words, my brain struggling to function.

"Y-you what?!" I squealed.

"Oh would you look at the time. I really should be heading off to lunch now!" my best friend shouted as he ran away. I immediately chased after him, hearing Jungkook's adorable giggle from behind me.

Ugh why is he so frickin CUTE?!?!

I thankfully caught up to Tae when he reached the lobby, his arm resting on the door handle as he tried to catch his breath.

"Woah, I'm outa shape bro," he chuckled as he took in a few deep breaths.

"Tae Tae! Why would you ask him that?!" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"It was an honest question. What's the big deal?"

"I- Look, y-you can't just a-ask someone something like that out of the blue! You made him nervous and now things might be awkward," I argued.

"Okay sorry. I won't ask him anymore."




"Okay well I'm going to lunch now. See ya Jiminie hyung," he waved as he turned to leave.



"So what did he, um, w-what did he s-say?" I mumbled as I looked away shyly.

My curiosity was getting the best of me and I had to know what he said. I was dying to know why that question had flustered him so much.

"Well since you so rudely interrupted us he didn't get a chance to- Wait. Why do you wanna know?" he asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Just curious..." I lied as I crossed my arms with a shrug.

"Yeah right. Curious my ass!" he chuckled.

I bit my bottom lip as I glanced up at him, hoping he wouldn't see my desperation. He looked at me for a while before turning his head to the right. I followed his gaze and saw Jungkook standing near his desk, exactly where we had left him. My heart skipped a beat as I watched him fiddle with his fingers, his cheeks puffing out slightly as he thought about something. A small smile made its way onto my face as I watched him from afar.

"Do you like him?" Tae asked suddenly. I jerked my head away from Jungkook to see my dongsaeng looking down at me, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Stop that!" I whined with a pout, my gaze falling to the floor bashfully.

"You do don't you?!" he pried as he hooked a finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"I-I..." I felt a huge lump in my throat as I struggled to get any words out, my face heating up at the smirk on his face.

"Oh you got it bad bro," he laughed as he reached up to squish my left cheek.

"Will you quit it!" I frowned, swatting his hand away.

"Just admit it."

"F-fine I like him, okay?!"

End of Flashback

I shook my head at the recent memory, still amazed that Taehyung was able to read me so easily. But then I was even more confused by my reaction to the situation moments ago. It's not like I thought my best friend was trying to intentionally steal him from me. Taehyung knew that I liked Jungkook. So why did I get all mad when he ruffled his hair?

My mind went back to the scene, breaking it down piece by piece: I saw Jungkook blushing after Tae said something and I got mad. I saw Tae look guilty and back away, so I got more mad. Tae told me what he asked and I felt relieved. Tae ruffled Jungkook's hair and I got angry again. I saw Jungkook smile and lean into the touch. I stormed off.

I thought about the series of events for a few seconds until the answer hit me like a ton of bricks. The real reason why I got mad was because...

"I got jealous..."

A/N: JIMLOUS ALERT! I repeat JIMLOUS ALERT! 🚨🚨Everybody run for your lives! This is NOT A DRILL! 😅😅

Well I hope you all enjoyed the update!! I'll publish another chapter when I can. Im not sure how many chapters I plan to make this short story yet, but I'll let you know when I get a better idea...

Anyways, don't be afraid to leave a comment letting my know what you thought! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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