The Purple Backpack ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Eighteen

637 62 16
By LyssahTraicey


Pierra Ivy was my girlfriend.

I couldn't believe that I was living in a reality where I got to call my crush my girlfriend. Those things didn't happen in real life but for me it had and I would be forever grateful.

It was a week into our newly formed relationship and it was one of the best weeks of my life. Pierra was beautiful, smart, funny, freaky which I especially liked, what do you expect, I'm a guy. Everything about Pierra amazed me from her golden and kind heart to her amazing personality that always lit up the room. She was hardworking, loved her work and always did her best without neglecting her studies. I liked that photography was in our blood, for me it was being behind the camera and her in front of it. It connected us in such a deep way I always found myself in awe of just how in sync we were. We were building something concrete between us and I couldn't wait to see where life would take us.

Speaking of my beautiful girlfriend, she walked into my room, tossed her purple bag on the bed before straddling me as I sat on my desk chair where I'd been working on a new project.

"Good morning girlfriend, I didn't know you were coming."I greeted pecking her lips.

Oh and yeah I got to kiss her now, whenever I wanted which had been a dream I'd been having for a really long time.

"I got bored sorting out clothes for my next promo so I decided to come procrastinate here with you."She replied running her hands through my hair.

"Well you're always welcome."I replied tugging her closer to me.

We cuddled for a few minutes before she turned her head and saw the work I had been doing.

"What are you working on?"She asked curiously.

"A portfolio."I replied.

"What for?"

"There's this amateur online photography competition going on around the world. The top five winners get to showcase their work in one of the best galleries in Paris. I know I may not win but I like entering competitions because I'll never know where my luck lies."I explained.

"Hey don't say that, you are very talented and I love your work so do all your followers. You have as good of a chance as all the other photographers out there if not more. Believe in yourself because I believe in you."She encouraged kissing my lips.

"You're the best girlfriend ever."I confessed meaning that in more ways than one.

"Thanks, I know."She replied with a smug smile.

She got off my lap jumping onto my bed and making herself comfortable.

If I had known getting drunk, barging into her house and confessing my drunken feelings to her would get Pierra to be my girlfriend I'd have done it long ago.

"You work on you portfolio and I will answer all these dms and find which one is actually worth my while."She instructed unlocking her phone.

"I thought you came to hang out."I asked.

"We are hanging out. Working in each others presence is a form of hanging out."She replied with a grin.

I really had won the jackpot when it came to girlfriends. I stared at her few more seconds before turning around and resuming my work.

Two hours later I got bored so I saved all my work and got up from the chair stretching so all the knots popped. Pierra patted the space on the bed next to her when she noticed me looking at her. I sat facing her, cross legged just like she was.

"You look like you've got something on your mind, what is it?"I asked noticing her nose twitch like how it always did when she was in deep concentration.

She took a deep breath before straightening and I braced myself for what she was about to tell me.

"Andre, if we're really going to do this then there are some things you need to know first and we need to set up a few ground rules."She demanded in a soft tone and I smiled.

"Why are you smiling like that?"She asked looking confused.

"You called me Andre."I replied still smiling.


"When we were broken up or whatever its called since we weren't really dating yet I thought about what nickname you'd have given me if we had proceeded with our relationship. Now I'm glad I get to find out and I like it because no one has ever called me Andre before."I admitted and she smiled in understanding.

"It just slipped out, I didn't even have to think about it."She admitted.

"That's what makes it even more perfect because it's natural and not forced."

"Why do you call me Ivy? No one else does, people don't even know that it's my name."She inquired putting me on the spot.

"I will tell you that very soon."I replied tweaking her nose making her face scrunch up.

"What I want to tell you is important so I guess that can wait."She conceded giving in taking me by surprise.

I had expected her to at least insist I tell her but she trusted me enough to wait till I was ready. Telling her why I called her Ivy would require me to tell her about the tattoo and how long my crush on her had been and I wasn't quite ready to have that conversation yet.

"Back to those ground rules and stuff I need to know."I reminded her and she nodded.

"Oh yes first, I don't want us to have an online relationship."She declared.

"What's an online relationship?"I asked confused.

"The one where we text all the time, declare our feelings through memes and posts on social media. I want a real relationship where I get to see you in real time and spend time with you in person. There's nothing wrong with us texting, calling or posting each other but I want us to avoid that as much as we can by just being with each other in person."She explained.

"I like that idea too because I want to spend every moment of every day with you."I confessed earning me a happy smile and a quick peck on the lips.

"Perfect, I'm happy we agree on that. It doesn't mean we ignore work and our studies for each other, it just means that we find time to spend with each other despite all of that."She expounded further.

"I got that part my beautiful Ivy so what else do I need to know or what are the rules?"I asked loving how outspoken she was.

It meant that she would always speak her mind and call me on my bullshit when necessary and that's the kind of relationship I wanted to be in. The kind where we spoke our minds, had total honesty and built each other up despite of our mistakes.

"I love it when you call me that and that's all I had in mind for now on the what I needed you to know. There is also only one rule for now, which is pretty important but you might not like it."She confessed looking a little nervous.

"Just so you know, I'm open to having sex with you anywhere and anytime in whatever kinky position you come up with."I joked hoping to ease her mind and relax her enough to tell me what she wanted to.

It worked because she laughed and hit my arm lightly.

"You pervert that's not what I meant."She denied even though I could see that she was thinking about it.

It was good to know that my girl was kinky and open minded because I was really looking forward to having sex with her. It wasn't all I thought about even though I did think about it a lot. If it was even half as good as I imagined it to be, then we would have a great time together.

"Stop thinking about it."She scolded hitting my arm.

"Okay I have and stop with the violence."I scolded.

"Quit pouting you big baby, you can take it."She said hitting me over and over again.

They were little hits that didn't hurt much because they weren't intended to hurt but irritate. I reached for her cuffing both of her wrist in one of my hands and pulled her to me kissing the breath out of her. It felt good to be able to do that. I released her from my hold so we could both catch our breath.

"Nice way of getting me to stop."She breathed lips swollen from my attack.

"Happy to do it anytime, now before we get distracted again. What was the rule?"I asked and her whole demeanor changed meaning whatever she was going to say was serious.

I rubbed her wrists with my thumbs hoping to calm her enough to tell me what was on her mind.

"Ivy you can tell me anything, I promise, so please tell me what's on your mind."I assured her.

She gave me a small smile before taking a deep breath and spitting it out.

"For us to truly be happy together, you've got to fix things with my brother."She declared and I dropped her hands in shock.

"Fix things? There's nothing to fix. Your brother hates me period."I expressed frustrated from what she was asking of me.

"He doesn't hate you, he just doesn't trust you but you have to give him a chance to know you first so he can get to understand you."She continued and I shook my heed in denial.

"Your brother is a nutcase who put me in the hospital."I declared and she narrowed her eyes at me crossing her arms over her chest.

Her reaction told me that I had taken it a tad bit too far.

"I know my brother is not perfect but I will not sit here and let you insult him. Sure he did a bad thing but I made sure he amended his mistake. I'm not asking you to be best friends, that jackass knows too much about me, stuff I wouldn't want you to know. I just want you to at least try and get along so I don't have to spend our whole relationship picking a side. On one hand he has ten years over you and on the other I can't have sex with my brother, it's hard to choose."She concluded with a cheeky smile and I laughed.

"First of all I'm sorry I called your brother a nutcase even if you just called him a jackass while trying to defend him."I pointed out.

"He's my brother I can call him whatever I want to."She defended.

"Second, never compare me and your brother like that ever again. It's disturbing even though its quite interesting how we keep referring to us having sex yet we haven't done the deed yet. Maybe we should just go ahead and do it so we can have something real to refer to."I continued and she shoved me playfully.

"I won't do it again and we can't have sex yet. Now back to you numbering things."She pointed out and I realized I was getting off topic.

"Oh yeah, thirdly, what are these things your brother knows that you wouldn't want me to find out?"I asked curiously.

I knew Pierra had secrets but how big were they?

"You have to earn those. We've barely even started dating, work your way up and one day you'll know everything there is to know about me. Even the embarrassing stuff."She replied smirking at me.

"Fair point. Last but not least I will try to make things work between your brother and I but only because one day it won't even be matter of choice, I'll come first."I finalized getting a little too cocky but it was justified.

"Look at you getting so full of yourself but I'll let it slide because I'm happy with you for saying that you'll try for me. Bishop is not that bad once you get to know him."She said trying to talk up her brother.

"You're only saying that out of sibling obligation."I countered.

"Partly but also because it's true. You'll see."She concluded and I pulled her to me done with talking for the day.

I wanted to kiss her so with that thought in mind I pulled her to me intending to kiss her but she put her palm on my mouth stopping me.

"I want to do that too but first I have to tell you that in the spirit of getting to know each other better and getting along you and I are having lunch with my brother and his girlfriend Whitney."She informed me dropping another bomb on my lap.

"Why so soon and when did you make that arrangement? I literally just agreed to try and make things work a few seconds ago."I asked surprised.

"This morning on my way here. I passed by Bishop's house to have a talk with him so he knows to behave and be nice."She replied looping her hands around my neck as she looked up at me with those big brown orbs that sucked me in and made me want to do anything for her.

"How sure were you that I would agree?"I questioned.

"Fairly sure but I was willing to work my feminine charm on you."She answered.

"You were willing to seduce me so I could give into getting along with your brother?"I queried further just so I could understand the situation more.

"Yes."She whispered against my lips.

"Damn it, I knew I should have held out a little longer."I cussed and she laughed her lips brushing against mine.

"Too bad you didn't, now shut up and kiss me."She demanded.

"I really want to so bad but don't we have lunch with your brother?"

"Yeah in like an hour and we can be late. I like making him wait when I can."She replied.

"Won't he get mad?"

"Probably but seriously either kiss me or let me go."She demanded seriously but with a hint of a smile on her voice.

"So bossy, I like it."I teased brushing my lips against hers teasingly.

"Andrew."She called out in a warning tone.

I chuckled before smashing my lips against hers as we immersed ourselves into each other.

We were definitely late to lunch but the endorphins swimming in me didn't allow me to care. We didn't go all the way but we were so close to having sex, we just couldn't ignore Bishops insistent calls anymore. It was a to be continued moment and I was fully planning on picking up form where we had paused as soon as I had the chance.


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