Reincarnation [Rainbow Quest...

By IDrawzStuff

82.6K 2.5K 12.4K

*Characters belong to Favremysabre* So this is a bit of a different story. I had this idea and a friend said... More

Idk A Bit Of Context? I Guess?
Bonus: Hight charts
Ch.1: Who's up this early?!
Ch. 2: A past to miss yet regret
Ch. 3: A Loud Morning
Ch. 4: Beyond or Below?
Ch. 5: Burning Excitement
Ch. 6: for nostalgia's sake
Ch. 7. Dream or Reality?
Ch 8: Scars That Won't Heal
Ch. 9: Back Home We Go!
Ch. 10: Everyone's Concerned
Ch 11: An Escape
Ch. 12: WHERE IS HE?!
Ch. 13: Time To Talk
Ch. 15: what?
Ch. 16: fun time :)
Ch. 17: The masks I wear
Ch. 18: Sick day
Ch. 19: it got worse
Ch. 20: story time
Ch. 21: that's gotta hurt
Ch. 22: nightmare
Ch. 23: really? Again??
Ch. 24: a mad scientist
Ch. 25: 'tis but a scratch
Ch. 26: I'm Deadn't
Ch. 27: Preparations
Ch. 28: Lovebirds
Ch. 29: Date And Aftermath
Ch. 30: Visit In Disguise
Ch. 31: Just A Bad Memory
Ch. 32: A Day With Green :)
Ch. 33: The TALK
Ch. 34: Something... Is Wrong
Ch. 35: Father-Son bonding Activity????
Ch. 36: I Forgor

Ch. 14: Conspiracies

2.2K 72 290
By IDrawzStuff

*M's pov*

I need to talk to sabre.

I need to figure out how he managed to talk about them without concequence...

Sabres house comes into view... 

Huh? Why...?

What in the world...? 

Well this is something I didn't expect...

Why's there guards all around sabre's house?


Oh boy... What did you get yourself into this time?

I walk up to one of the guards and ask them, "hey uh... Why is sabre's house guarded so heavily? Did something happen?"

"hm? Oh. The leaders have ordered us to guard the house until sabre's personal guards are fully trained and equipped." one guard says.

"well, is he allowed to have visitors?" I ask.

"yes of course." the guard lets me past so I can ring the bell.

!!! RING RING!!!

*sabres pov*

OH I'm back at my house.

Huh... So...
I guess time steve knows now...
Oh well... He was bound to find out sooner or later.

!!! RING RING!!!

Oh right! M!

I run down the stairs and open the door to find my hooded friend with a big smile greeting me.

"hey sabre! Mind telling me what happened here?" he asks as he motions over to the guards.

"ah...nothing...! yeah. Good evening guards! Wanna come in for some tea, M?" I ask the disguised red steve.

"yes...I'd like some tea." he says while he takes the invite to come inside.

I gently close the door behind him and head over to the kitchen.

Red sits down at the kitchen table while I walk over to the kitchen and put a bucket with water into the oven.

"Hey M? You wanna try some new kind of tea? Or the same as last time? " I ask the hooded figure watching me get some herbs out of a cabinet.

"Wait, there's different kinds of tea? What's the difference between them??" Red asks while standing back up to walk over to me.

"The biggest difference is that they taste different. Here. I found a really good herb mix that tastes amazing." I explain my point and look at M expectantly.

"oh, well in that case, I would love to try the new one!" M says while we start making some small talk.

We sir down at the table, enjoy some tea, joke around and enjoy the tea.

After a little bit of joking around M started voicing some concerns about the demon steve's.

"what do you mean they can shift reality?" I ask the hooded figure bluntly, m starts to panic.

"DON'T SAY THAT-" He screams in a panic.

"what? There's beings in the world below that have the ability to shift reality?" I cut him off.



We sit in silence.

But nothing happened.

"what...? How...?" M seems confused.

"see, you're overreacting. Nothing happened. Come on... We talked about this, nothing happens! They're not gonna do anything!" I try and calm him but fail to do so as M quickly drinks all his tea and then grabs my hand.

He teleports us.

I'm very dissoriented.
Where. What???

After a good 10 seconds I finally catch up with the world around me.

Oh! We're... Outside the red village?!

"M! You know I'm not allowed here! I promised the red leader I wouldn't come back here." I start arguing with M but he just ignores me and drags me into the direction of the village.

We walk by his house on the way there. Oh, great. Who do I see standing right next to the house.

The Red leader.

Welp I'm dead.

Goodbye everyone.

I'll remember you all in my next life. :'I

"What? APRENTICE! Why is HE here." the red leader shouts from a far.

I think M didn't even notice him at first. But now he saw him.

He changed directions and went over to the leader, still dragging me along.

The red leader was about to say something when he gets cut off by M grabbing him by the collar and dragging him along as well.

"hey red leader! Fancy seeing you here." I say in a calm tone as I see him glaring at me with a death stare.

M drags us into his house. He sits the leader into a chair at his desk and he sits me down on the couch.

"Okay. Both of you sit and shut up." M says focused on something.

What? Is he doin???

The red leader seems just as confused.

"there are beings in the world below named demon steve's, they have the ability to change and bend reality to their liking." M says and then stays silent for a good minute.

As soon as M said that the leader starts to panic.

But nothing happens

"... Leader, for some reason. Whenever sabre's around... The demon steve's don't try and change reality. I don't know why... Or even how? But... I thought you should see it with your own eyes. I had a hunch that you weren't gonna believe me if I just told you. Sabre doesn't know how or why either, so do you maybe have any idea how? " M asks the leader.

The Red leader doesn't answer, he just stays silent and looks at M and then at me.

" what? How? I... I'm speechless. I... No. I have no clue. " the red leader mumbles dumbfounded.

Hehe! One of the most wise steve's I know is speechless! Never thought I'd see the day.

"um... Well, they might just be scared of me! >:] I mean, I scared 'em pretty good when I killed that group of demon steve's!! ✨✨✨" I say, very much proud of myself! I should be! I did good!

"at your size? No. I'm pretty sure it's something else." the red leader says while looking at me with an annoyed look.

"Yeah, sabre, I have to agree with the leader." the red apprentice laughs while sitting down and starting to think.

"Bruh, how could you do this to meh...!" I whine dramatically and fall into the cushions of the couch. I lay down, make myself comfortable and look at the ceiling.

"You know, they really could be afraid of me. Now... Hear me out...! I ripped those demons apart like a butcher. I killed almost all of them and severely injured one, but left him alive. I threatened that one, gave him a note and sent him back into the portal. Maybe they understood that, if I have to, I'll hunt down and kill every last one of them, down to the deepest layer of the nether. " I mumble noticing that my anger was seeping through my voice. I quickly cheer up and change the subject.

"so how's the village people doin' leader?"


Great. Silent treatment.


"you killed demon steve's? Where's your prove?" asks the leader more in a concerned way than in his usual annoyed tone.

"uh... Wait here give me a minute." I say and stand up.

The leader and M watch me with confusion as I walk over to the door.

"Hey time steve! Could you come here real quick. I need you to prove a point for me!" just as I say that I open the door and find time steve standing there.

"Heya you called?" time says and does a bow.

"Did you need to do that?" I ask a little put off.

"yes." he answered and steps into the house.

"Alright, M, Time, you two already know eachother. Leader? This is Time steve, Time steve this is the red leader. And before you scold me leader, Time already knew of all of the red steves before but he doesn't tell anyone! Promise." I do introductions and then motion for time steve to come sit on the couch next to me.

He happily complies and sits next to me.

" So, time, you watched me the entire time that I was on that small adventure with berry bush and disscoloured sonic. Correct?" I ask my clock faced friend.

"yes, what are those nicknames...???" time answered but mumbled that last part under his breath.

I choose to ignore it.

"So you can verify that I slaughtered a bunch of demon steve's? " I say in a triumphant tone.

"yes, yes you did. Concearningly brutal. But yes I can verify. You killed 13 demon steve's." time steve answers the question without hesitation.

"Oh jeez. It's hard to imagine but... If time steve can verify then... I guess I have to believe it." M sighs and leans back in his seat.

"wait, so you managed to kill some of... You know." the leader says still not believing me fully.

"it's okay. As long as I'm around they'll be too scared to do anything! >:3" I say with enthusiasm.

"so... How did you do it?" asks the red leader.

"well... For one. I have an immensely overpowered sword, second I have 16 years of experience as an assa-
Ah. I mean In... Sword fighting...! Yeah...!" I say almost slipping up on my past.

I've been so open to time and green that I'm starting to let my words too lose.

I need to be careful.

" an immensely overpowered sword? " asked the red leader, pulling me out of my thoughts.

" oh yeah here... " I mumble while pulling my netherite sword out of my enderbag.

"this! This is my netherite sword. This baby has been through a lot of things, quite literally." I mumble the last part under my breath, i don't think they heard it.

"... May I see the enchantments on that?" the red leader asks with interested eyes.

"sure" I hold it out for him to look at.

He doesn't wanna take it, he just walks around it touches the blade and just takes a good look at it.

"... Sweeping Edge III... Fire Aspect II ... Smite V ...
Knockback II ...? Sharpness V ...?!  Looting III ... Unbreaking III ... Mending... How did you get all those enchantments?!" the red leader snaps his glare from the sword to me and back to the sword.

" you overlooked one. Curse of binding. But eh... I just enchanted it. What's the big deal? " I say while going over the enchantments myself.

" sabre, only steve's with a LOT of knowledge and years of practice and experience can maximum one of those enchantments. The only things I could maybe do is sharpness IV. How did you learn to enchant like that?!" the red leader says in disbelieve.

" uh...magic~" I answer and put my sword away.

" wait wait wait. Did you say... Netherite?" M abruptly cut into the conversation.

As soon as M said that the leader immediately realized that, yes, that is in fact a netherite sword.

"how...-?" the red leader seems concerned now.

"uuuuuh... I used to go to the nether all the time and... I got lucky to find enough ancient debrie to make a sword??" I answer with hesitance.

"you... You know what? I'm just go-wait. Is that why they don't interfere when your here?! Because you went to the nether a lot? Do they see you as a being of the world below? But that wouldn't explain why they don't attack us... Maybe..." the red leader started mumbling to himself.

*sigh*...why am I so tired? I slept...! Wait. Oh. It's 9 pm... Jeez time passes quick...

I yawn and lean onto times side without realizing.

All he does is smile, put his arm around my shoulders and let me get comfortable.

M just looks at the leader with a pained smile.

"leader... Maybe it doesn't go that deep..." M says to the leader that's making all kinds of concpiracies.

"That's where you're wrong, we literally have absolutely no information on humans, all that we know is not to make enemies with one since they are social creatures and normally live in groups from 5 up to 35000. Making enemies with one could cause mass extinction for all off steve kind. And even if he's alone,maybe he's not even human!!! For all we know sabre could be a demon or-well, some kind of human hybrid!! I'm not risking it. I mean they don't attack him, they fear him perhaps? SOUNDS LIKE SOME KIND OF HIGHER DEMONIC BEING!!!" red leader rambles.

" well, in that logic... Couldn't sabre also be a Saint? I mean demons fear those Devine and Saint. " M argues.

"... Oh my God... " red leader says with a thousand yard stare into nothingness.

" why did you say that? He'll take that to heart..." I sigh and cuddle more into times hold.

" oops. " M says while walking over to the couch and laying down on the cushions, his head on my lap.

He facepalmes at the leaders conspiracies and just decides to focus on something else.

" so... Why are the demon steve's not interfering when you're here sabre?" he asks while relaxind a bit.

"honestly... I don't know... Maybe it's cause I used the darkness a while ago... Maybe they think I can still use it..." I mumble tiredly...

"oh... Right... I completely forgot about that..." M says while closing his eyes.

Time steve chuckled.

"hehe... I won't forget... You were an absolut pain when you were controlled by darkness... You literally broke out of every trap elemental and I made, even when I froze you in time... It just didn't work on you... It was were outside  the rules of time and space itself... " time says while watching the leader get more ideas from that sentence.

Time steve chuckled to himself watching the leader ramble on and on to himself of all the things sabre could possibly be.

" that's it, Aprentice, do you have an empty book and quill? I need to write all this down." the leader demands from M.

"yeah, in the chest next to the table. There's a bunch of empty books in there. Feathers and ink are on the table." M says while vaguely motioning his hand in the direction of the table that the leader is sitting next to.

We sit there for a few more minutes, listening to what the leader is mumbling to himself. After like half an hour I realize it's already 9:30 pm.

"Oh, would you look at the time... I need to get back to my house. Time... Could you take me back...?" I mumble tiredly.

"sure, let's go." time says while trying to get up.

Well... Tried.

"nooooo don't leave..." I whine tiredly while clinging onto time.

"hehe I thought you wanted to go?" time asks me with a chuckle.

"yes... Let's go..." is all I mumble while still holding on to time and not moving an inch.

"... That's not how this works. You're gonna have to get up." time sighs and  pulls me up on his lap.

M just let's his head, that was previously on my lap, fall onto the couch cushions.

" ugh fine..." I mumble and get off of times lap to stand up.

"bye M! Bye leader." I say while waving out the door.

"bye!" M calls after me and time.

Time says his goodbyes as well and we dissappear in a storm of lightning.

When we arrive back at the kingdom.

He teleported me right in front of my house.

"alright... Thanks time steve... See ya soon... Hopefully." I wave him goodbye as the steve vanished again in a fit of lightning.

I walk inside my house and start putting on my night clothes. Man... I haven't felt that tired in a while...

Maybe it's because of all the teleporting today...?

I lay down in my bed and look up at the ceiling.

Now that I think about it... what time said...

It's like I'm outside the rules of time and space...


Never thought about it that way.

I have nowhere I truly belong...

Except for the empty space between multiverses...

There's nowhere else I should be...


I remember it fairly clearly...

After that end crystal exploded...

I thought it was over... But instead of waking up in a new world I... Woke up in an empty void of a... Color I can't quite describe... It was black? No... Something darker than darkness itself... Everything was empty but it felt like I was suffocating in objects... I felt like I was breathing air but the nothing around me felt like water... But there was nothing.

I was...

All at the same time.

It felt like something or someone was trieng to pull me back into the universe the crystal exploded in.

But there was also something pulling me the opposite direction... It was like my own body was trieng to get away from the end crystal blast... Like it was a prison...

That's probably the reason I didn't land very far from the previous universe.

You see...

Before this I was in what I Called... The steve saga.

There were also steve's there. The rules of that world behaved a little differently.

But they were very similar like time steve, elemental steve, galaxy steve rainbow Steve... Kinda...uh... Dark and nightmare Steve, the great librarian and so on...

So many people... So similar to what they used to be...

I wonder if this is the same universe but just jumbled together with the parts that remained of that explosion... I mean... There's a good chance.

Maybe I was able to stop the blast from destroying everything.

Maybe I'll see them again...!

Although... The chance of me landing in the same universe twice is basically impossible.

"ugh... I should sleep... I'll worry about this tomorrow." I mumble to myself and try my best to go to sleep.


YEAH! I did it! I finished it on Thursday!!!! :DDDDD

Welp, for the people that are interested... Would you like a hight chart of all the characters? I'd put it in the start of the story... As an extra chapter where it names all the hights of all steve's that are present in the storyline so far.
(I'll update it if any new steve's are mentioned.)

So yeah let me know if you wanna see a list of hights.

Also, drink some water, you know who you are. Go hydrate or else you'll Diedrate.

Okay have an amazing rest of your life :)))))

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