The Purple Backpack ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Eight

628 64 13
By LyssahTraicey


"What is the one thing you can't live without? Like if you were to loose all material things except for one, what would it be?"Pierra asked after I had taken a picture of her next to the pond.

The water was still so the light reflected off the surface hitting her face enhancing her natural beauty. I wanted to keep staring at her but that would seem creepy so instead I used the method I'd been using for years and used my lens. It was how I saw the world anyway and in that moment she was the only thing that existed in my whole world. It was just the two of us yet I felt like a bystander because of how much power she held yet she didn't even know it.

"My camera."I replied easily without having to think about it.

"I should have guessed that seeing as it's always with you."She commented and I didn't reply.

At some point she had ditched the camera I gave her complaining that I was terrible at posing for photos. In my defense I had warned her. I liked taking photos of other people but I hated having my photo taken.

"What about you?"I asked following behind her as we walked towards the sunflowers.

I had been waiting to take her photos from there ever since we arrived and it seemed like she had finally broke and wanted it too. It was refreshing taking photos of her with her consent not like all the secrets ones I'd taken from afar. She would probably leave and never speak to me if she found out about my stalker tendencies. That's why I had to keep it to myself until we'd built a stronger bond.

"Probably my sneaker collection."She replied laughing and I cussed softly when I was too late to capture her smile.

"I would have thought you'd say your backpacks, the purple ones, you seem to have sentimental attachment to them."I commented and she stopped walking.

"I didn't think anyone noticed that but you're right I do have a connection with my purple bags."She replied with a sad smile that I immediately wanted to replace with a happy one.

I wanted to tell her than I noticed everything about her but that would sell me off and expose my stalker tendencies.

"What's the connection?"I asked snapping another photo.

I frowned when I saw that her eyes looked moist in the picture. What was so bad about the bags that made her want to cry? I had always thought she just loved the color purple. I was definitely wrong and there was a deeper story to it, a sad one as shown by the tears gathering at her eyelids. I didn't intend to make her sad and was about to assure her that she didn't have to reply when she pulled her signature move. She wore her usual fake smile mask and swiped off the tears careful not to smudge her make up.

"Take me on a third date and I'll tell you. It's my turn to ask a question. How did you discover this place?"She asked changing the topic.

I was left in awe at how fast she was at faking her emotions. I wanted her to be real with me but I had to earn her trust first.

"I will take you on that date you know."I answered and she gave me a genuine smile.

"I expect nothing less, now what's the story?"She asked motioning to the place.

She was changing the topic of discussion so I gave in and let her be. We had time to get into the deep intimate details as I'd really take her on that date as she had requested.

"One day I was looking for inspiration and came across this place. It was perfect and I've always come here when I felt like I needed to escape and just be one with nature. I brought Cass here once but he said it looked haunted plus its too far from campus so he didn't appreciate it's beauty like I did."I answered and she nodded.

I realized that I found myself talking to Pierra more than I talked to anyone. I liked keeping to myself with my camera and even my friends knew I didn't like putting myself out there and they respected that. With Pierra I felt like I needed to talk more so I could connect with her as she was an outgoing person. I was stepping out of my comfort zone but I wasn't in the least uncomfortable, that's the kind of effect she had on me.

"How did you know you wanted to be a brand ambassador?"I asked realizing it was my turn to ask.

She walked further into the sunflower field and I started snapping away. I couldn't resist considering how beautiful she looked surrounded by all that yellow.

"My mom got me into it. After high school one of her friends who works in advertising was working on a sanitary towel commercial and my mom volunteered me for it since it was a low budget thing. I had so much fun with it that I started doing clips of me promoting other things on social media. I didn't even have a following back then but I kept posting. Soon enough I got more followers and I got paying gigs and its been an upward climb since then."She replied picking a sunflower and holding it over one of her eye so I could take the photo.

"Ever consider modeling?"I asked and she nodded.

"It's not your turn but I'll answer. Yes I have but it's demanding and I need to look for an agent. Being an ambassador means I get to work on my own time, with my own equipment and nobody cares what I eat or the shape of my body. I do my own thing and modeling doesn't allow that so I quickly discarded the idea."She explained.

She was a natural on camera with a beautiful face and great body that agencies sought after. She could easily be a great success in the modeling world but she was right that industry was brutal and demanding. She'd made a good choice staying away from it and was doing something that she loved.

"Okay let's talk about family. Tell me about yours. "She requested.

"My dad died when I was young so it's just me, my mom and younger sister. She's in high school right now and wants to become a lawyer. My mom works in retail and sells second hand clothes and shoes."I replied.

"Sorry to hear about your dad. Your mom sounds amazing doing her best to support you guys. If your sister is as hardworking as you then there's no doubt she'll become the lawyer she dreams of."Pierra commented and I found myself smiling.

She didn't judge me or bat an eye when I told her what my mom did for a living. Many people would have called me poor but she didn't even seem fazed. Wow, she really was amazing.

"Yes she will. What about your family? You and Bishop look nothing alike for siblings, who do you take after?"I asked and she laughed but with a hint of sadness in her voice.

What was with the questions I was asking? The more we got to know each other the more I realized that I knew next to nothing about Pierra. I thought she was happy and outgoing with a great family and a crazy obsessed brother but I was discovering there was more layers to her. She was like an onion, round and beautiful but with each layer you peeled it made you want to cry as there was so much hidden underneath.

"You're right we look nothing alike and its because we're not biological siblings. I'm adopted so I look like neither of our parents."She replied nonchalantly as if she just hadn't dropped a bomb on my lap. "I have two younger brothers who are both in primary school, mischievous but great. My dad is a Police Commissioner and my mom is a bank manager."She continued and I would never have guess that she was adopted.

She and Bishop were so close,so it was a surprise that they weren't even real siblings.

"Before you ask about my birth parents that's also a third date discussion so hold your questions until then."She warned with a playful tone and I nodded.

"Got it."I replied but she really had given me a lot to think about.

Who knew that Pierra didn't have the perfect life I imagined her to have?

"I think we should be heading back now, it's about to start getting dark soon."She commented and I looked at my watch to realize that she was right.

We walked back to where our stuff was and packed everything up, even our trash so we didn't ruin the beauty of the place with plastic wrappers.

"We have to come back here sometime."She declared as we walked back to where we he parked the bicycle.

"We will."I promised because I really did want to take her back there.

Our first date has been great and I wanted to see where the future would take us even with the impending doom of Bishop's wrath when he found out.

We continued getting to know each other on the walk home but the conversation was light as we talked about our favorite foods and places we would like to visit in future. I realized that even though we had our obvious differences we both had so many similarities too.

I didn't ride on the way back even when we got back to the tarmac as we both wanted to prolong the date as much as we could. Taking Pierra out had been the biggest risk I'd ever taken in my life but it was so worth it.

I walked Pierra to her building and of course it had to be one of the most expensive hostel buildings that one semesters rent could easily buy me a new lens. I couldn't go up because of the bicycle so we decided to say goodbye at the gate.

"Thank you for the date Andrew, it was perfect."She said and I could see the sincerity in her eyes.

I gave myself a mental congratulatory fist bump as I had done good according to her. I had been so freaked out about the date but once I saw her and we got over the initial awkwardness the rest of the date had gone better than I could have imagined.

"I had a really great time too and would like to do it again some time soon."I asked and she smiled.

"I would love that but it depends on how fast you text me after this. I have other suitors in line."She joked and I took the statement to heart because deep down I knew she was right.

Of course a beautiful girl like Pierra had men at her beck and call but I assured myself with the fact that she had gone on a date with me and not them.

I retrieved my phone from my pocket and typed in a text before sending it. Cass had gotten me her number when I realized I hadn't request for it when I asked her out for the date. I had no idea where he got it, just thanked him for being a good friend.

Pierra's phone pinged in her hand and she laughed when she read the message.

"How about that second date? From you're favorite photographer."She said reading it out loud with a smile.

"Well played Andrew, well played."She commented before typing in a reply.

I read her text and smiled.

Text me the details but make sure there's real food this time.

"It's a deal."I told her and she smiled."It's late, I better be going. I'll text you when I get home."

"Okay and send me a few of today's photos, including the ones I took of you."She requested.

"I will after I edit them."I assured her and she nodded.

She leaned up on her tiptoes probably to kiss my cheek. I was not expecting it and moved my face so she ended up kissing my lips. It caught be by surprise but neither of us made a move. Testing the waters I tugged at her lower lip and she easily let me in. I deepened the kiss tasting the chocolate cookies on her tongue. She moaned and the sound travelled to my dick. I was not expecting us to kiss but I didn't want us going any further on our first date. She deserved better than that so I reluctantly pulled away and kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight beautiful."I kissed her forehead and she smiled at me a little out of breath her lips swollen.

I didn't wait for her response just left her standing there riding away. I heard the gate close behind her letting me know that she'd entered the compound. I was grinning like a fool the whole ride home because that had turned better than I'd hoped. Pierra was a great girl and I was happy she had given me chance. She tasted better than a dream and I was looking forward to that second date so I could get to taste her more.

I was so distracted and lost in my thoughts that I noticed the car speeding towards me too late. I swerved hard to avoid a head on collision and lost control of the bike. I hit the breaks and went flying off landing on the hard concrete on my front. All the air got knocked out of my lungs and I heard something crack. I struggled to turn myself around and coughed in pain when I managed to.

I heard the car stop a few steps from me and multiple door opened. I thought they were coming to check up on me but I was surprised when a boot landed on top of my chest squeezing all air I had left in me. A bright torch was pointed at my face blinding me.

"So the camera freak decided that just because I missed one class he could take that as a chance to make the move on my sister?"Bishops voice boomed on top of me and I knew that I was done for.

When I didn't reply he pressed the boot harder on my chest and no amount of struggling helped me get him off me. I was strong and taller than him but Bishop was a gym freak and was more heavily built. Suddenly the pressure off my chest disappeared and I took a deep breath happy to regain use of my lungs. I celebrated too fast because Bishop snapped his fingers and I was picked up by his goons like I was a sack of cotton wool.

I was brought face to face with a fuming Bishop and I recoiled because I knew I would not escape him unscathed.

"Tell me camera man. Do you remember me forbidding you to date my sister?"He asked and I nodded knowing if I didn't he'd get angrier.

"You probably thought I wouldn't find out but nothing happens to my sister that I don't know about. I know everything including how many times she shits in a day . So tell me why that dim witted brain of yours told you it was okay to disobey me."He spat saliva spluttering all over my face.

"I thought you were clever than that but that's my mistake. You will stay away from my sister or I will kill you and then no one will be able to take care of your poor mother and younger sister. Do I make myself clear?"He shouted and I flinched my heart beating out of my chest.

"But I like her."I whispered earning me a punch to the stomach that winded me.

I tasted metal in my mouth meaning I had bitten my tongue.

"I don't care you little fuck. You and your friends better stay away from my sister or I will slit your throats. I won't kill you now, it was just one date but I will leave you with a warning so you don't mess with me again. If you ever go close to my sister again, I'll make sure you don't live to tell the tale."He threatened pulling his fist back before punching me square in the jaw.

It hurt like hell but it was only the beginning.

"Have fun boys."He declared.

That was the last thing I heard before all that followed were kicks and punches. I begged and pleaded but that made them hurt me harder. It went on for what felt like an eternity until I was barely conscious.

I heard yelling in the distance and that's what made them stop and rush back to their car. I was sure I had a few broken bones and lost enough blood to donate twice in a blood bank. The last thought before I passed out in both pain and blood loss was the little demon in my head saying 'I told you so'. So much for best date ever. 


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