The Purple Backpack ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Six

743 72 7
By LyssahTraicey


As I passed by one buildings in the varsity with low windows I found myself admiring my reflection wondering if I looked good enough. I was wearing blue ripped jeans, a white t-shirt peeking out under my black hoodie and a blue checked flannel shirt with white Adidas sneakers to complete the look.

I never really paid much attention to what I wore, just made sure I was always presentable. I didn't wear the expensive brands, could definitely not afford those but I had a good eye when it came to thrifting so I was always smartly dressed. For some reason I wanted Pierra to notice me, she was always so smartly dressed. If she didn't notice me for anything else I hoped she noticed me for my choice of outfit.

Cass was a few steps ahead of me together with Alfred and Cliff while I lagged behind lost in thought. My weekend had been a roller-coaster since I actually got to talk to Pierra and spend time with her. Running into her at the gym had been most unexpected but when I saw her bending over in those yoga pants I just had to approach her. Her ass looked phenomenal and I wasn't the only one who noticed as literally the whole gym had been staring, even the ladies. I had walked towards her when the jealousy got the best of me at all those guys sexualizing her. I made sure to block their view of her the whole time I took photos of her, more for my sake than hers. She hadn't seemed to be minding the attention or was just simply not aware of how captivating she was without even trying.

My eyes immediately sought her out when we walked into class. She was seated at her usual chair munching on her favorite snack. She was listening to music looking out the window oblivious to everyone else around her. Her backpack was in the seat next to her, holding it for her brother like she always did. As I got closer to her I took my time to admire what she we wearing,black ripped jeans, a yellow cropped sweatshirt and white Adidas.

Any other time I would have walked right past her but after the weekend we'd had it felt wrong to ignore her. She turned her face and our eyes met, she didn't look away but actually smiled at me. It was the go ahead I needed to actually open my mouth and talk to her.

"Hi Pierra."I greeted politely when I got close enough for her to hear me.

"Morning Andrew."She replied and my day was made.

Some part of me had expected her to ignore me and we would go back to living as if the other didn't exist. I didn't expect us to be friends but the huge gap between us had been bridged and I was closer to her than I'd ever been.

"Dude what was that?"Cass asked when we settled down in our usual seats.

I forgot I hadn't mentioned any of the weekends happenings to either of my friends not even Cass. I shrugged him off as I retrieved my note book and pens from my bag.

"You're not escaping this so you better start talking."Cass demanded and I looked up to find all three of them looking at me curiously.

"You just said hi to her and she replied. That has never happened before so what happened between the last class and this one."Alfred asked and I knew there is no was I was escaping their scrutiny.

"We ran into each other at the gym on Sunday and I helped her take a few photos for her Instagram."I explained giving as little information as possible.

I didn't mention Saturday to them, they didn't need to know about her coming to my room. They would get much more excited than was needed.

"I was hoping for much more action than that."Cliff lamented and I flicked him off.

They were so immature sometimes that's why I always had to filter what I told them.

"Are you kidding? That is a lot of action. He has been pining over her since first year. Looks like he finally took my advice and made a move. So big boy when are you going to ask her out on a date?"Cass asked and I turned to him sharply wondering what he was talking about.

"I'm not asking her out. I just took a few photos of her that's all, that didn't even make us friends."I denied and Cass groaned unhappily about my response.

Pierra and I had only two encounters between us, one of which was an accident. That was a long way from me ever asking her out. There also the little aspect of her big brother Bishop.

"What are you talking about? She smiled at you, that's an invitation."He insisted.

"So if I smile at you right now I'm inviting you to ask me out on a date?"Cliff asked and we burst out laughing.

"That's not what I mean stupid, make your move Andy before its too late."Cass coaxed and I shook my head.

"No way she doesn't like me that way and even if she did Bishop would have my head and I have a sister and mother who rely on me."I explained.

"Bishop is harmless."Cass replied.

"Oh yeah tell that to him, he's standing right behind you."I said straightening my face.

I've never seen Cass jump so high up in fright. His hand was clasped over his chest and he looked as if he was about to cry. The guys and I burst out laughing at his reaction. When Cass realized we were messing with him he sat back down and attempted to hit me but I dodged his punch.

"You're an idiot."He insulted and I just chuckled.

"I thought you weren't afraid of him. If you're really the dare devil you claim to be why don't you ask her out yourself."I suggested and no matter how painful the statement was I knew he wouldn't actually do it.

He was more afraid of Bishop than anyone I knew.

"You know what, I just might."He replied and got up to walk towards Pierra but the lecturer walked in just in the nick of time so he had to sit back down.

I breathed a sigh of relief because I had no idea what I would have done if he had actually asked her and she said yes. I looked at her direction and found her frowning at her phone. She grabbed her bag off the seat next to her and I assumed that meant Bishop wasn't coming to class. I thought she was going to leave but she didn't move just continued looking out the window like she always did. Why couldn't she turn and look at me just once? As if reading my mind she actually turned around and glanced at me for a fleeting second before looking at the lecturer. My heart fluttered and I smiled.

"You're whipped."Alfred muttered in my ear and I elbowed him.

"Shut up."I demanded focusing my attention on what the lecturer was saying for the first time since he walked in.

" I'm not feeling well enough to teach today but that doesn't mean you get a free class. I'm going to distribute some question sheets around. Feel free to fill them out individually or discuss in groups. As long as everyone fills out their answers individually I don't care how that actually gets done. Nobody leaves till the class is over."He announced handing the sheets of papers he was holding to the student closest to him.

Everyone protested but there was nothing we could do but actually give in and do the work. I watched Cass get up from his seat and walk towards Pierra. I was too late to stop him and sat silently praying to God that he didn't ask her out or mention anything that would drive me even further away from her. We'd already started bridging the gap between us and I didn't want to go back to zero.

From what I could see Cass introduced himself as he shook her hand. He pointed at us making Pierra turn her gaze towards us. They conversed for a few more seconds before I saw him picking her bag for her and leading her towards us his hands on her shoulder. I had no idea what he told her so I tried to maintain the most casual face even though my heart was beating out of my chest.

"Guys I believe you know Pierra, I invited her to join us for the discussion. Pierra this is Alfred, Cliff and of course as you already know Andrew."He introduced and the other two shook her hand while I just sat there wondering what to do.

It was the first time I was talking to Pierra in class and I was freaking out. What was I supposed to do in such a situation?

"Thanks for having me guys. As you know I don't take this course so I know squat about the questions yet I have to fill them for Bishop so you're doing me a solid."She said with a smile.

"Okay boys scoot over for the lady."Cass demanded.

We rearranged ourselves such that I sat sandwiched between Cass and Pierra. Alfred and Cliff adjusted their seats so that they were facing us.

"I'm sorry if me being here is uncomfortable for you. Cassius insisted and I really have no idea what to do with the questions given."Pierra admitted quietly next to me and I turned my gaze towards her.

She was so close to me all I had to do was lean over and our skins would be touching. She smelled intoxicating like fresh oranges picked direct from the farm with a hint of jasmine.

"It's okay I don't mind and its Cass, he hates being called Cassius."I corrected and she smiled at me gratefully.

"Thank you for that, don't want to make that mistake."She replied with a laugh.

"You two can flirt later, let's finish this paper first, Doctor Dictator over there is not joking about collecting this work."Cass warned and we both nodded knowing he was right.

I was unimpressed about his comment saying that Pierra and I were flirting but I didn't dare say anything so as not to drag out the conversation longer than needed be. It was hard concentrating on the topic of discussion when all I wanted to do was stare at Pierra or just get a chance to touch her but I tried. She laughed with my friends, gave input where she could while all that time I just sat there trying not to make a fool out of myself. Pierra was just so beautiful in and out so it was hard not to be captivated by her whole being.

Cass nudged my side and I turned to face him.

"What?!"I whisper yelled pissed at being interrupted from my admiring session of the beauty seated next to me.

"Just wanted you to give Pierra's face a break. You've been staring at her since she sat down, it's a wonder you haven't bored a hole on the side of her face."He said and I scowled at him.

He was right but he didn't need to know that. I did need to let up with the staring though before I made a fool out of myself.

"Just ask her out man. You've got nothing to loose."Cass advised and I didn't reply because we'd already had that discussion.

Asking Pierra out would be signing my death sentence and I was not ready to die.

"If you won't do it then I'll do it for you."Cass threatened.

"You wouldn't dare."I warned in a threatening tone.

He smirked at me and only managed to get the first letter of her name out when I punched him in the stomach knocking the breath out of him. He started choking on air so I hit his back trying to cover up my hit.

"Is he okay?"Pierra asked looking at a heaving Cass concerned.

"Yeah Cass is fine, saliva went down the wrong pipe."I explained.

"Sorry Cass, be careful."She sympathized and he held a thumb up for her.

Her attention was soon diverted back to the discussion with Cliff and Alfred.

"You're a pig."Cass cursed at me and I just chuckled.

"Only if you threaten to mess with my life."I replied joining back the conversation ignoring Cass who was shooting daggers at me with his eyes.

The rest of the discussion went uninterrupted and Cass even joined in after recovering. I felt sad about punching him but he had asked for it by meddling with my life. It's not that I didn't want to ask Pierra out. It was all I thought about but I had to consider my family. Bishop would never leave me and Pierra in peace, he'd make my life hell and I could not afford that.

The discussions ended and we filled in all the questions, gathered all our sheets together and handed them to the lecturer. Pierra was such a good sister standing in for Bishop like that. It's why I was scared of their bond.

As we were waiting for the class to end since there were only a few minutes left I noticed Cass scribble something on a paper and hand it to Pierra. I was seated close to her so I craned my neck to see what was on it and it immediately made me want to jump at Cass and strangle him but he had already anticipated my move and jumped out of his seat running away. Written on the paper were the words "Go on a date with me please?" then two check boxes of yes and no, signed Andy.

Pierra looked shocked at first before she recovered quick masking her real emotions. She turned to look at me before turning her gaze back to the paper in hand. I was holding my breath the whole time wondering what she was going to say. I wanted her to say yes because deep down I liked her and wanted to take her out. The other half of me wanted her to say no and save us both the wrath of her brother. I was so confused.

I frowned when instead of replying she just folded the paper, pocketed it before getting up.

"Thanks for the help guys, see you around."She said picking up her bag and with one final wave left the class.

"What did she say?"Cass asked from a safe distance and I shook my head.

He frowned at me disappointed but not more than I was. Before I could stop myself I chased Pierra out of the class and caught her in the hallway.

"Pierra wait."I called out and she turned to face me.

"Did I forget something?"She asked and I nodded.

"Yes, to give me an answer."I replied shocking myself.

Why did I need to know what she would say so badly? Answer was, I wanted to know if she liked me too. Hadn't I been talking myself out of all the reasons why I should not date her and yet there I was begging for a date. The thought of her rejecting me hit harder than I thought it would.

"I didn't say anything because you didn't actually ask me out, your friend did it for you so you're not really interested."She replied and I shook my head.

"I do want to go out with you. I'm just...." I trailed off and she nodded understanding what I meant.

"You're scared of my brother."She completed and I hummed in agreement.

"Well that's too bad, I would have really liked to go out with you."She replied giving me a sad face turning around to leave.

She took a few steps away from me and I knew that if I let her go I would live to regret it for the rest of my life.

"I'll pick you up Saturday."I found myself yelling after her retreating form. She turned around fast with a surprised look on her face but with a smile on her lips.

"What about Bishop?"She asked.

"You're worth whatever he will do to me."I found myself blurting out she she grinned at me.

"Saturday it is."She agreed giving me a winning smile.

We stood there grinning at each other for a few more seconds before she turned around and disappeared around the corner. When I walked back into class and gave Cass a thumbs up he grinned jumping at me as he hit my back with a proud look on his face. I was elated too because I'd just scored a date with the girl of my dreams. I prayed that I would survive her big brother so I could live long enough to take care of my family. I just hoped that by asking Pierra out, I just hadn't signed my death sentence. 


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