Set To The Sky


9.3K 259 348

Misaki Sakusa has finally reached a new level of popularity. Everything seems to be going good. Then she goes... Еще

Characters of The story
Chapter 1: OH SHIT
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Mother's Day Special (LEMON)
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Father's Day Special'
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not a chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Character Contest!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (BackStory of Azami Sano)
not a chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
🍋Bonus Chapter for 2.5k reads🍋
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 5

357 8 3

The feeling of being carried nearly woke Misaki. She could feel a pair of strong yet gentle arms around herself, lulling herself back to sleep. Atsumu quietly carried her in the door, swiftly resetting the alarm like he was taught to do a week ago. A bouncy, Happy husky comes down the hallway, her nails skittering on the floors. Wincing lightly, Atsumu shushes the dog, walking past her and up to Misaki's bedroom. 

As he gets in there, he flips the lamp on beside the bed and lays her down gently, removing her shoes and her coat. This woman made him soft. Made him want to do better. To be better. Not just for himself but for her as well. For the family he was going to welcome into the world. Before, he had been cocky, arrogant and childish. But now, he was gaining maturity and even if still cocky and arrogant, he was trying to be a better man.

As he takes the last of her clothes that needed discarded, the moves the blanket over her, making sure she was warm and comfy. The moment he turns to leave, a small hand grasps  his own and he turns to look at Misaki. The woman peers up at him sleepily, a soft smile on her face. "Tsumu... Don't go. Please stay," She whispers softly, patting the side of the bed next to her. She looks up at him hopefully and the blonde gives a small smile before slipping off his shoes and coat, joining her in the bed.

"Are ya sure?" He asks quietly, wrapping his arms around her and pulling the smaller woman into his chest. Misaki hums. "Yeah, it I weren't I would have let you drive home late," She tells him quietly. Atsumu hums in response, relaxing as he pulls her into him, enjoying her warmth. As the two lay together, Misaki was lulled into a deep sleep, not hearing Atsumu's next words to her.

"Ya know, Misa.... I think I'm falling for ya," He whispers, stroking her hair from her face in soft, gentle sweeps of his hands. Realizing she was still asleep, he sighs and kisses her cheek, starting to fall asleep himself. His last image of the night was Misaki's peaceful sleeping face so close to his as he tried to imagine what their lives would be like in the future.


The sun rose, making Misaki squint her eyes. The singer was used to getting up before the sunrise, but for some reason, she was waking with the sun today. She glances over at the side of the bed Atsumu was sleeping on, only to find that it was empty and made. "Was I dreaming last night?" She wonders to herself, looking around the empty room. Before the could get too far into it, Atsumu appears, carrying a tray of breakfast. 

Blinking, she looks down at the omurice, fruit and coffee on it all arranged cutely. "I made ya breakfast since I woke first," He tells her, smiling proudly at himself even though Omurice was really easy to cook. Misaki cracks a smile and grins at him, her eyes lighting up. "You even did the coffee just the way I like it," She laughs, her eyes twinkling at the prospect of someone making food for her. At that moment, her stomach chooses to growl, making the woman blush in embarrassment.

"Eat. Yer eating for three, so I don't mind. I already ate anyway. I got up two hours ago," He tells her nonchalantly. Misaki looks at her alarm clock and gasps. "It's already 9 am? Our appointment is at 10:30!" she cries, eyes widening slightly. Atsumu laughs under his breath. "Relax, I already ran ya a bath while ya were asleep. It should still be hot if ya want to eat breakfast and then get in," He tells her.

That immediately touched her heart. She would never have imagined the man to be this thoughtful or to have planned this far ahead. But here he was, surprising her. And not in a bad way either. Giving a nod of her head, she scoops up some of the omurice, blinking when it is even better than she expected. "This is really good," She murmurs, taking another bit of the food. 

Atsumu laughs. "Just because my brother is a chef doesn't mean I don't know how to cook," He tells her. In reality, he had called his brother and asked for instructions the whole time he was cooking the dish for her. Otherwise he probably would have burned it. Keeping that to himself, he felt pleased that he could actually surprise her on something. He heads to the bathroom, checking on her water. Finding that it was still hot, he lays out a towel and wash cloth, adding therapeutic oils to the water. 

"I'm finished. Have you already taken a shower?" She asks the blonde. He nods. "Yeah, I had spare clothes in my car. I'll head out so that ya can take a bath. The water is nice. I'm going to take Yukari for a walk for ya. I will be back soon," He tells her with a grin. Misaki softens at that. The man really seemed to love her dog. A man who loved animals was all she needed. She felt more relaxed when he left and she stripped down and stepped into the tub. The hot water was like a welcoming beacon, allowing her to completely relax as the smell of lavender and rose oils assailed her nose.

"Mmm. This feels amazing," She groans, brushing her hands through her hair as she rubs shampoo into it, massaging her scalp. The feeling lulled her into a soft state, relaxing entirely. After a while, she washes the rest of her body and gets out, feeling much more relaxed than when she had went in in the first place. 

Getting dressed in a black crop top and a flashy silver skirt, she gets out her black combat boots and fishnets, deciding to go for a punk look for the day. She knew that she would be unable to dress the way she wanted for much longer. When she started to show more than what she already was, her dressing style would have to change. Right now, she had a small, barely noticeable baby bump, the woman deciding against tight fitting clothing in case she had reporters ask her questions she wasn't yet ready to answer.

The singer didn't want to make the news public until she knew she was in a secure place, having felt that it could cause issues for the both of them. After a quick sweep of her makeup, doing silver and bronze smoky styled eyeshadow and cats eye winged eyeliner, she heads downstairs, making sure that she grabs a coat since the November air was crisp and she didn't want to catch a cold. 

When she reaches the living room, the front door opens and Atsumu comes in, bringing Yukari with him. The agouti husky panted happily, looking a little satisfied at the activity she had been given for the morning. As he reaches down to unclip her leash, he looks up and gives her a satisfied smile. "She really gave me a run for my money. I'm thinking of getting a dog too," Atsumu smiles softly. Misaki tilts her head and listens intently.

"Yeah? What kind?" She asks curiously. Thinking for a moment he speaks slowly. "Maybe a Samoyed? I love how white they are. And fluffy. I always wanted a fluffy dog, But my mom would never let us have one. She said she hated the shedding," He sighs lightly. Misaki nods in understanding. "I have the maid come in three times a week just to clean the hair. Five days a week during shedding season until she is done shedding. It's a lot of work. I carry a lint roller in my purse wherever I go," Misaki admits with a small laugh. 

Atsumu thinks this over and then shrugs his shoulders. "It is totally worth it though," He tells her. Misaki nods. "I wouldn't know where I would be without mine. We have about 35 minutes before the appointment. Should we head out?" She asks, putting on her coat. Atsumu thinks for a moment. "Yeah, traffic can be bad around this time. It gives us an extra 15 minutes to get there in case we get caught," he agrees, grabbing his keys and his wallet. 

Heading out the door, Misaki locks it and heads for Atsumu's car. "Will this be okay to cart around a set of twins?" She asks curiously. Atsumu grins. "Actually, I ordered a Lotus Lambda. It should be done being manufactured in a few months.  So until then, I have this to get around in," He says, opening the door for her to let her in. After she climbs in, he moves around to the other side, staring up the car the moment they get their seatbelts buckled. "Hmm... We should have plenty of time to get there. Want to get some lunch after?" He asks curiously. Misaki nods and looks forward. "Sounds good. I'll let you pick," She replies.

Chucking, Atsumu weaves them in and out of traffic, pulling into the OBGYN office 10 minutes ahead of schedule. He glances at her and pulls his hood up, getting out sunglasses. "Sorry, if this makes me look weird. But if I am recognized, women may swarm us and I just want it to be about us and the twins," he tells her, giving her a small smile. Misaki shrugs. "I also brought sunglasses," She tells him, holing out a pair of  Oakley sunglasses. 

He chuckles and tips her chin slightly. "Did I tell ya that yer major hot today?" He asks, staring into her green eyes. Misaki giggles. "Not until now, but it's nice to hear," she admits, tapping on Atsumu's nose. He blinks and gets out of the car, going around to help her out of the car. "Let's go see what's going on with our kids," He murmurs, leading her into the office. When they check in, Misaki takes a seat near the back, waiting until they call her name. 

"Sakusa, Misaki?" The nurse calls, Misaki stands, grabbing Atsumu's hand as she tugs him along to do her vitals and weight. "Hmm... 125 pounds. That's a 4 pound gain. You're blood pressure is good. Follow me and I can take you back to a room," The nurse with rainbow colored hair says, leading them to room number 3. "Alright, the doctor will be right with you. Make yourself comfortable," She says as she heads out, shutting the door behind her. 

Atsumu takes off his glasses and hood, getting comfortable. "Ya know, it's feeling a little more real now that we are here in the office," he murmurs, looking over at Misaki. Misaki lets out a soft sigh. "Yeah... But I am just trying to find the best way to break the news to my family. I mean... They are probably going to be majorly disappointed in me," She hangs her head. Atsumu shakes his head. "Nah, they will probably be happy to welcome them into the family," He says. He was going to say something else but a knock on the door interrupts him.

"Hey, your labs looked great last time. Oh, Is this dad.... Wait! You're Atsumu Miya!" Dr. Kiryu gasps. Atsumu cracks a lazy smile. "Yeah, and Yes, I am the dad. We haven't really made our relationship public yet, so I would appreciate if this could be kept between us," He says lightly. Dr. Kiryu nods, her smile growing wider. "Of course. Okay, so we are doing another Ultrasound and listening to the heartbeat today. Let's get this set up and I'll measure your stomach," She chirps cheerfully. 

After measuring her stomach, Dr. Kiryu nods and pulls out the doppler machine. "Alright, you're growing right. Let's hear those heartbeats," She tells them, placing the machine against her stomach. Within seconds, the room was filled with the whooshing and whirling of their heartbeats, Atsumu and Misaki looking at one another with emotion. For Atsumu, everything was starting to become real, this being his first time having anything really meaningful in his life other than volleyball and his family. 

When they were moved to the Ultrasound room, Atsumu shivers. "Kinda dark in here don't ya think?" He asks. Misaki nods. "Yeah, but the room being dark makes it way easier to see the images," She tells him, getting onto the bed as directed. The technician, the same older woman as before smiles kindly at her, helping her pull her shirt up so she can apply the warm gel on her stomach. 

Taking the wand, she glides it across Misaki's belly until an image appears. The image moves, turning to reveal a baby. "This is Baby A," She says, taking a screenshot. Moving around a little, she finds the second one. "And this is Baby B," She tells them, taking another screenshot. Moving the wand a little more, she gives a light chuckle. "Look at this. They're holding hands," She laughs, taking another screenshot of that as well. Atsumu and Misaki glance at one another and laugh lightly, turning back to the screen as the technician gets more into the ultrasound, making sure everything was developing okay.

After she was done, the woman prints two copies of the ultrasound, giving a digital cd as Misaki's request. The rest of the appointment passes smoothly, Dr. Kiryu giving Misaki some more prenatal vitamins before they left. As they Exit and head for the car, they laugh about the moment they saw the two holding hands with one another. They were in fact too preoccupied to notice someone glaring at the both of them from not too far away. 

In the distance, a tall girl with black hair and hazel brown eyes stared jealously at the two, immediately recognizing Misaki as the lead singer of Crimson Seraph. She gets into her car, following behind the two as they head for lunch, then follows them home, taking note of the address the Singer lived at. 

"If I can't have you, Miya Atsumu, then no one else can either," She smirks, taking a picture of the two together as they got out of the car. She would have to do something to get rid of the woman. And then maybe Atsumu would take her back. The grin on her face stretches, formulating a plan immediately in her mind. Tomorrow, the Singer would find out what happens when anyone got close to Miya Atsumu.

Blissfully unaware, the young expecting parents curled up on the couch, deciding to watch Ready Or Not  together on the large tv in the living room. A shiver passes down Misaki's back, the female not sure whether it was the movie or something else. Atsumu takes the opportunity to pull her closer, not wanting to let go. 

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