The Purple Backpack ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Three

784 77 12
By LyssahTraicey


I was collecting a delivery I'd gotten from the post office when my phone rang. I immediately picked up when I noticed that it was Bishop calling. He always overreacted when I didn't pick up his calls or took too much time to answer.

"What do you want loser?"I asked my mind running through how I was going to get all the boxes I'd received to my room.

"Tsk tsk that's no way to greet your big brother."He scolded.

"How should I greet you then?"I asked with no trace of humor in my voice.

"Good afternoon your Majesty The Bishop, how may I help you this wonderful fine day?"He replied trying to imitate my voice and I burst out laughing.

I may not have agreed with Bishops choice of a lifestyle but he was my brother and you didn't get to choose your family. In my case I might have had a choice with the whole adoption part but you get the gist of what I meant.

"Seriously loser what do you want? I'm busy."I asked.

"Okay fine grumpy pants, I wanted to invite you for lunch because I have know you haven't eaten yet."He answered.

"I can't, I'm busy."I declined.

"I wasn't asking, I was telling so get unbusy and meet me at the barber shop."He demanded and hang up before I could protest.

"Did that fool just hang up on me? Oh he's going to get it."I huffed stomping my foot in frustration feeling like flinging my phone against the wall but I couldn't.

It had been a birthday present from my dad and I really treasured it. I could easily refuse to go and meet Bishop for lunch but he would make sure I never got to hear the end of it. Knowing I had no choice I called my usual motorcycle rider and asked him to meet me at the post office. When he got there I helped him load the boxes on his motorcycle. I paid him and asked him to deliver them to my room. He'd just leave them outside the door. Our houses were secure so nobody would dare touch my stuff.

Feeling disgruntled I made my way to the barber shop knowing I was already late but I didn't care. Bishop could suck it for calling me on such a short notice. It's like he expected me to always be on his beck and call. I also had a life away from him just like he had his own. I knew that the barber shop was just a front for his weed dealing business. He thought he was so clever but I knew all about his businesses, I just chose to stay quiet. I loved Bishop so I didn't want to get him into trouble.

I'd tried to talk him out of the business for so long encouraging him to focus on his degree but he always said he was in too deep to leave. He didn't even need the money, our parents were already well off so we didn't lack anything. He just liked being powerful and in university you were either powerful because you were into politics which Bishop hated with a passion so he chose the other option which was drugs and goon life. I didn't like it but I didn't have a choice but to accept him. I'd also had the choice to rant him out to our dad but that would be the end of Bishop and I loved my brother.

"There she is, her Highness finally makes an entrance."Bishop commented sarcastically when he saw me.

He was seated on a bench outside his shop ogling girls as they passed by. I hated when he did that but for some reason the girls were attracted to him. It always baffled me.

"Can we go and get this over and done with? I have a lot of work."I replied honestly.

The packages I had just received were different outfits from a clothing shop in Nairobi that wanted me to promote their line. I'd started working as an ambassador as a hobby but once I gained a lot of followers on all my social media platforms especially Instagram and YouTube I'd started taking it more seriously. I didn't need the money so most of the income I made went out to help those displaced by the 2007 post election violence. It was fourteen years after that tragedy yet there were still people out there who weren't as lucky as me and were suffering. Our government was shit and wouldn't help so it was up to well wishers like me and NGO's to make a difference. Only my family knew why I did what I did and my history so they made sure to be supportive and I would forever be grateful. Even Bishop and his drug money helped. It was dirty money but still money which made a lot of difference and helped save many people.

"Fine let's go and I know you're only this prissy because you're hungry."Bishop commented slinging his hand over my shoulders leading me to the restaurant he had chosen.

He was right, I was hungry but I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right. I would never live it down if I did.

I'd never eaten at the restaurant Bishop chose because I thought it was just a building. I was surprised to see that the most of the ground floor was a restaurant. We found a table and sat down.

"What do you want to eat?"Bishop asked and I turned my attention to the menu posted on the wall.

I thought about it for a minute and decided to have white rice, wet fried beef and green vegetables. Bishop made his choice too before getting up to order coming back with my favorite sprite soda as we waited for our food to arrive. I was seated facing the door and my face immediately turned sour when I saw who walked through.

"Did you have to invite her?"I groaned.

I was referring to Whitney who was strutting towards us in a short black dress that looked like it was one rip away from indecent public exposure. Her heels made her look so much taller than she was but they were so sharp they were more death traps than shoes.

"Who?"Bishop asked turning around and he smiled when he saw his walking STD of a girlfriend.

"No but she is a welcome surprise."He replied getting up to hug her.

I rolled my eyes watching the two. Don't get me wrong Whitney was a beautiful girl who knew how to apply flawless make up and was good in class. She just had the fashion sense of a hooker and the behaviors of one.

"Hi Pierra, so nice to see you again."She greeted with a smile as her white teeth stood out against he dark red lipstick.

"Whitney hello."I replied being as curt as possible making her frown but it was short lived when she turned her attention back to my brother.

It was no secret that I didn't like Whitney even though she tried her best to be on my good side.

"I know you guys have already ordered so let me go do the same and I'll be right back."She said and I didn't bother acknowledging her.

"I'll go order for you."Bishop insisted.

"No babe, you sit. I'll be back."She replied patting his chest and walking towards the counter.

Bishop sat back down glaring at me "You could try and be nicer to her. She's my girlfriend."

"No she isn't, she's your fuck buddy. Neither of you is exclusive to the other, you're just each others favorites."I pointed out and he glared at me.

"My sex life is none of your business."He expressed defensively.

"Then why is mine your business."I retorted.

"Because you're my baby sister and its my job to protect you."He replied his voice calming down a few notches.

I scoffed "Yeah right. You know what, I don't even care. I'm only here with you for one more year then we can move onto our separate lives. Now can that food already get here so I can eat and leave you two walking STD's to continue doing what you do best which is gross me and everyone else out."I answered angrily.

"Pierra I will not have you talking to me like that. You are my younger sister and I demand respect from you."He ordered.

"Respect is earned and you do nothing but loose mine with your choices in life, from the business you conduct to your taste in women or lack there of."I replied.

"You will.."

He was cut off by Whitney coming back and settling down next to him.

"I'm back. What are we talking about?" She asked in her annoying sing song voice that made me want to pluck off my ears, roll them up and shove them into my ear holes.

"Nothing."I grunted not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing she made me and my brother fight.

Bishop got the gist and gave her a fake smile"Nothing babe. Where are you coming from?"He asked her as a distraction.

They got into discussing whatever she had been doing before coming to the restaurant, something about nails and hair or whatnot.

I gulped my soda getting angrier by the minute. I hated when Bishop and I fought. It was mostly because of Whitney or his work, especially the former because I didn't like her for him, she was bad news. I just didn't understand what he saw in her. They weren't in love, just in it for the sex but they still weren't exclusive to each other so it's couldn't be that great.

When the food arrived I immediately dug in and made my mouth busy so I didn't say something that I would regret or make me and Bishop fight more. I was still pissed that he invited me for lunch yet I felt like a third wheel on his date with Whitney. When they started feeding each other I couldn't take it any longer so I got up pushing my chair back capturing their attention.

"Pierra where are you going? You haven't finished your food yet."Bishop asked turning his attention to me for the first time in twenty minutes yet lunch was his idea.

"To pay so I can leave."I replied.

"Lunch was my idea, sit down, finish your food and I'll pay."Bishop instructed.

"No need, I'm full. You guys enjoy the rest of your meal."I replied lying through my teeth.

I was still hungry and I hoped they both got food poisoning. That would affect me too though since I'd eaten the same food. I hoped they both choked to death, no that would be murder and I didn't want my brother to die. All my thoughts were too gruesome so I just turned sharply to get away from them.

That was a terrible idea because I ran into someone causing them to drop whatever they were holding. I immediately closed my eyes feeling the day getting worse with each passing minute.

"Fuck that's hot."A familiar voice exclaimed in pain and I immediately opened my eyes.

Yeah it's official my Saturday was cursed. I prayed for the ground to open up and swallow me whole as I watched Andrew struggle to take off his now soaked t-shirt. His lunch of chapati and kunde was lying on the floor between us having splattered on our shoes too and he was wearing the hot soup he must have been carrying. He finally managed to get the wet t-shirt off leaving him in a tank top that was wet too.

"Shit, I'm really sorry. Are you okay?"I asked hoping he was.

I didn't want to be the girl responsible for hurting her crush. He looked up at me and his eyes froze on mine for a moment. It was the first time Andrew and I were standing so close in the three years we had known each other and it was all because of an accident caused by my anger. He was not wearing is glasses so his dark eyes were clearly visible to me.

"I'm so sorry."I apologized struggling to look away from his eyes and look at his torso.

The wet tank top stuck to his stomach exposing his abs to my view. Definitely not the time to be admiring or noticing that but they were right there for me to look at.

"Yeah fine. It was a minor burn."He replied brushing me off.

"I really am sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Can I buy you a new t-shirt in replacement of the one I just destroyed?"I offered.

"No it's okay, I live upstairs. I'll just go and change."He replied.

"Oh okay and apply some ointment too just incase."I advised.

"I don't have any but I assure you I will be okay."He replied.

I was about to offer to buy him another plate of food when my brother interrupted us. I had completely forgotten about him, Whitney and everyone else in the restaurant who was watching our exchange.

"Pierra are you okay?"Bishop asked and I nodded.

I was, Andrew was the one who had taken the burnt of it all, literally.

As Bishop continued fussing over me, my eyes sought out Andrew but saw him disappearing around the corner to probably go change. I assured Bishop I was okay before walking to the counter and made the same order of the food Andrew had been carrying. As they prepared it I walked to the pharmacy next door and bought some ointment for his burn.

I bribed the waitress so she could give me Andrews room number so I could deliver the new plate of food and the ointment. Everyone was for sale at just the right amount of money.

"Where are you going?"Bishop asked as I walked past them with the fresh food and ointment.

"To take this to Andrew."I replied shortly.


"Because I caused the accident burning him and wasting food."I answered and walked away before he could ask me anything else.

My mind only registered that I was about to enter my crushes room when I was standing outside his door . Before I could change my mind and walk away the door opened and a freshly dressed Andrew stood on the other side of the door.

"I brought food and ointment."I blurted out holding the tray up.

He seemed shocked for a minute before he quickly composed himself and opened the door wider to let me in. I took a deep calming breath and walked into the room of my crush. Definitely not the way I imagined my Saturday would go. It was definitely better than I would have hoped minus the whole burning thing. As I walked in I found myself thanking Bishop and Whitney even though I'd never tell them thank you for the opportunity.


Realized I should have put this at the beginning of the book but I've already published the first two chapters so this is for those who have already bypassed the first chapter.

Quick and only side note. I'd taken this book down for a few days and was intending to change it but I held back. The only thing different is the cover but everything else is the same. To new readers welcome and to the re-readers, thank you for coming back. I love you all, thanks for your support. ❤❤

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