Pretend You're Mine

By goldenpup45

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Rhian Ramos. The girl who has it all. Brains, beauty, luxuries... you name it. She is respected by all becaus... More

Author's Note
01 : The Two Rivals
02 : Partners
03 : Childhood Friend
04 : Mistake
05 : Guilt
06 : Change in Attitude
07 : Reconcile
08 : Unfair
09 : Proposal
10 : Will You Be My Girlfriend?
11 : Invitation
12 : Get Together with Friends
13 : Meeting of the Two Groups
14 : Surprises
15 : Unsure
16 : Moving In
17 : Interrogation
18 : Official
19 : Books and Banters
20. Horseback Riding
21 : Mr. Ramos' Tasks
22 : Lunch with the Ventura's
23 : Feelings?
24 : Attention
25 : Wedding Plans
26 : Waffle For Your Thoughts
27 : Opening Up
28 : Glaiza's Birthday
29 : Role Playing Game
30 : Chilling
31 : The Kiss
32 : Thoughts are Swimming
33 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 1)
34 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 2)
35 : Already Safe
36 : Confession
37 : Confuse
38 : Misunderstanding
39 : Spy
40 : Jealous
41 : Distracting Thoughts
42 : Half Feelings
43 : Sudden Changes
44 : I Love You
45 : Goodbye
46 : Marriage-Free
47 : Acceptance
48 : Tease
50 : Lifetime
Author's Note

49 : Bliss

759 27 7
By goldenpup45

Fingers tapped frantically on her lap as Glaiza's face contorted in nervousness and worry. She's currently sitting by the bench a couple blocks aways from the Ramos' residence. Her legs slightly bounce anxiously as she check her watch for the fourth time.

"Cha, calm down, will you? You're just going to meet with Rhian then off you two go. How hard could it be?" Chynna said through the phone.

"Again, her father had just arrived yesterday from Italy. He had no clue about our plans for today. Though, Rhian texted me earlier that she'll talk to him before we could go... Or not. Who knows? What if he doesn't approve and he'll not let her go?" Glaiza bit her lip in worry.

"Come on, Rhian's not a child anymore to be tied down by her father. Besides, haven't Mr. Ramos already approved of your relationship? I'm sure it would turn out just fine. Don't stress about it too much." Brian reassured.

"Tsk! Don't get your hopes up, Cha. If he denied permission to this valentines date of yours, there's no doubt Rhian would follow her father's command. It wouldn't be farfetched if she cancel your today's plans. You know, because she's a goody-two-shoes and all. She is, after all, daddy's little girl." Katrina added bitterly, her eyebrows creased in irritation is visibly seen on Glaiza's phone.

"Don't be such a pessimist, Kat. Did you forget how Rhian stood up for Glaiza without hesitance to her own father? Rhian love her too much to even let her father ruin their special day today. Erase that mentality of yours that Rhian would hurt Glaiza again because its not gonna happen. They're perfectly happy together. Rhian makes her happy and vice versa. That's all that matters. We've all moved on from the past, Kat." Paul defended softly.

"I'm just being realistic. And I wouldn't be comfortable with Rhian just yet, not unless I can completely guarantee that the rich bitch girl wouldn't hurt my friend the way she hurt her from the past." Katrina countered.

Glaiza sighs. Even after a year of her being with Rhian, Kat still has the cold shoulder towards her girlfriend. She didn't talk to her that much or hangs out with the group whenever Rhian's around. No matter how many times Rhian would reach out, Kat purposely avoided her. Glaiza doesn't blame her though. Kat's resentment towards Rhian go way back, even before Rhian left her for Jason. Kat has been her first friend after her fallout with Rhian during her childhood. She shared to her how their friendship went down the drain, and Kat promise that she'll stay by her side and protect her. So knowing that Rhian yet again hurt Glaiza, the girl's hate resurfaced again. But Glaiza hoped the girl would warm up to Rhian again.

Glaiza's thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of her phone, indicating she's received a message. It was Rhian, telling her that father was okay with their plans and that Glaiza can come into the house. She sighed in relief. She bid goodbye to her friends and stuffing her phone to her pocket before climbing down the car and walked towards the door. She smoothed out her thin, light-pink, v-neck blouse over her slightly large denim jacket, and dusted off her equally denim shorts to make sure she's presentable, even though she's been doing it for the past 10 minutes.

She rang the doorbell, and almost immediately the door opened, revealing her smiling girlfriend. Shooting her an equally charming smile, Glaiza aimed to kiss her cheek, but Rhian tilt her jaw and connect their lips instead. Upon pulling away, she surveyed Rhian's outfit, her smile growing instantly in surprise. Her girlfriend was wearing the mustard, mini sunflower-filled, sundress Glaiza saw last week they went to a mall and thought it would look good on her. She also paired it with cream-colored sandals and white slingbag.

"You look gorgeous, love." Glaiza complimented. Rhian gently pulled on her wrist, kissing her on the nose.

"Hmm, you too baby. Cute as always." Rhian smiled. Glaiza shot her a cheeky smile before someone cleared their throat from behind.

"M-Mr. Ramos... sir! Good morning!" Glaiza stuttered, her body going rigid, tone stoic. Rhian's father merely raised his wrist, the back of his palm facing and fingers slightly wiggling. Without hesitance, Glaiza ushered to connect her forehead with his upturned palm as a sign of respect.

"Rhian here mentioned that you'll be going out for the whole day. Something about valentines date, yes? Since I'll might be spending the night at my office finishing some things, I expect my daughter to come home 6:30 pm. Sharp. Not more than 7, 8, and definitely not midnight. Don't let my absence give you the freedom to gallavant past Rhian's curfew. Understood?" Mr. Ramos informed.

"Definitely, sir. I'll make sure Rhian will arrive home before dark, safe and sound." Glaiza says with conviction. She almost cowered in fear when Mr. Ramos continued to stare at her so intense she thought he could see through her thoughts and soul. But she stood her ground, not wanting to seem weak and not give him a reason to doubt her.

Ever so slowly, Mr. Ramos' gaze softened and a warm smile appear. "Good. I trust you Glaiza. And please, drop the 'Mr. Ramos' and the 'sir'. Call me Tito, just like the way you used to call me." Glaiza smiled in relief and nodded politely before the two bid goodbye to the man.

"So... you're still okay with our plans for today?" Rhian says as they got in her car. Glaiza sat on the driver's seat.

"Yup. I'll take care of our morning plans while the afternoon is yours." Glaiza says. She grumbles when she couldn't strap the seatbelt around her, forcing Rhian to aid her, before giving her Glaiza's temple a kiss for her cute dorkiness.

Glaiza maneuvered Rhian's car with great caution as it looks more expensive than their house itself. Throughout the ride, she fumbles with their interlaced fingers as they fell into a comfortable silence, save for the low, slow music on Rhian's car radio. Shortly after, the car halted at their destination. Excitedly, Glaiza fumbled her seatbelt and went out, holding the door for Rhian who was still sitting and looking at the exterior of the place curiously. Glaiza took the liberty to unfasten Rhian's seatbelt and took her hand.

"Its not much, but I assure you their breakfast meal are a bomb." Glaiza says as they went inside. She greeted the stout guy behind the counter and patted an orange tabby cat basking in the sun by the counter, purring softly.

She told Rhian to grab a seat for them, while she ordered food for them. Soon, their meal arrived to their table. Rhian was surprised to see what their food is composed with.

"Isn't this kinda... heavy to eat on a breakfast?" Rhian curiously asks, inspecting her plateful meal.

"Nope. Tapsilog is the perfect breakfast meal ever, and its one of my favorites. I assume you haven't tried this yet, so I want you to taste it and see for yourself what you're missing out. I assure you, its really good." Glaiza convinces.

Used to only having cereal or oatmeal or pancakes with eggs for breakfast, Rhian fumbles with the food curiously. She cut the tenderloin beef, a piece of sunny side-up and scoop it up on the spoon together with fried rice, before hesitantly putting it onto her mouth.

"Hm, not bad." Rhian mumbles through her chewing. After taking a few hesitating bites, Rhian gradually took spoonful and began eating eagerly. "Wow, this taste really good actually."

Glaiza smiles as she watch her girl enjoy her breakfast meal, while she also eats. They occassionally chat, giggling and chuckling here and there, before they completely gobbled up their food. As the short-haired girl predicted, Rhian was indeed satisfied, seeing how the girl leaned back on the chair with her hand casually on her abdomen and a small smile plastered on her face.

They got themselves two, chocolate-flavored, cup of sundae before they left the place. They listened to Glaiza's favorite song playlist on the way, as the short-haired girl drive themselves to their next destination. 15 minutes later, Glaiza smiled when she saw Rhian's eyes going wide and a bright smile on her face appeared upon seeing the building in front of them. Dumping their empty sundae cups on the bin, she grab Rhian's wrist and walked in. After flashing their entrance pass, Glaiza let her girlfriend drag her from one place to another as they admire the art paintings and art sculptures presented inside the building.

She didn't mind it when Rhian talked animatedly about the artists she knows behind the paintings, or her interpretations of some of the abstract sculptures, or facts and trivias she sometimes added as they kept observing the beautiful masterpieces presented. Sure, some of it she didn't quite understand nor it interest her, but Glaiza didn't mind. It was endearing to see how the girl could ramble on and on about her passion, her deep, concentrating, and calming eyes as she silently observe the masterpieces, and even her silly hand gestures she makes whenever she wants to make her point across. Glaiza admire this side of Rhian very much.

Before they could leave the place, Rhian was abruptly stopped by a short man, saying that he has something to give her, a special gift he wanted her to receive. She was about to decline, but Glaiza only pulled onto her wrist and followed the man, until they came across a sculpture of a woman's face made out of various colorful straws pieces together. The woman's face was familiar to Rhian and, it was only upon closer look did she realize, that it was her. She look at the man in confusion, but the latter has his eyes trained on Glaiza.

"I hope this work did justice to what you wanted. I wanted to do wood carving, but you said you wanted it to be unique, so I went with straws. I hope it's okay." The man says.

"Its perfect, Joe. Thanks a bunch." Glaiza smiles at the man, before he left the two. She glance at Rhian. "What do you think?"

"I-Its amazing. Like really, really, amazing but... I-I don't understand, what did that man meant what he said? You two know each other?" Rhian couldn't help but ask.

"In a way, yeah. Last week, I save his daughter from a nearby car accident and he wanted to repay me. I decline, of course. But upon mentioning about his work, I suddenly got an idea on what to get you for valentines day. I figured that since you're into art and stuff, you would like it?" Glaiza gave out a sheepish smile and fumbled with her fingers nervously. "Maybe, I don't know. I'm not really sure what kind of art you're into. And there's so many of them, so after much thinking I just-"

Rhian cut her rambling with a pull on her wrist and silencing her with a kiss. She was moved by the girl's sweet gesture. Not to mention, grand. Its only their 1st Valentine's Day together and Glaiza had already given her this big of a surprise. She pulled her closer to her and poured her appreciation onto the kiss before she slowly pulled away. A tiny smile appeared on her face as their foreheads pressed together.

"I love it, G. So much. Thank you." She softly says, watching the girl smile in relief.

"I'm glad." Glaiza nuzzled her nose with hers, making Rhian giggle.

Rhian carried her sculpture and admired it on the way to their car. After an hour and a half of watching a Rom-Com film, the two buckled themselves up, and drove off. Glaiza stopped the car to a park, got out their picnic basket, walk towards a small hill nearby the said park and set out a blanket to sit on.

"When did you got that picnic basket? I didn't see you carrying it on your way to my house." Rhian says as she took out the food.

"Dad delivered it to the guard of the art museum and he then put it at the back of the car as I ordered him to. I was subtle with my texting while you admire paintings and sculptures back there." Glaiza explained, before they sat on the blanket. "Anyway, I had one of your maids fixed you your favorite food. But I helped, though! I-I mean, the desserts you love, at least. I'm not exactly familiar in cooking fancy foods so..."

Rhian kissed her on the cheek. "Its fine."

The two ate in comfortable silence, watching the park below filled with couples of different ages. The weather today was perfect, the wind slightly brush away their hair and the puffy clouds hid the sun, giving them a perfect view of everything without squinting their eyes. Glaiza watch Rhian as the latter lean against her as she munch away on her food. The simplicity of sitting comfortably on a hill while eating lunch with her girlfriend, Glaiza couldn't be more contented. She kiss Rhian's temple as they continue eating their meal in peace.

On the way back to the car, Rhian grab hold of the basket and this time, went to sit on the driver's seat while Glaiza on the passenger's.

"Alright, where are we off to?" Glaiza asks, excitement and anticipation evident on her eyes.

"That would be a surprise, cutie." Rhian bopped her nose playfully, before she turn the ignition on and drove off.

When it seems as though they were driving for hours, Glaiza asks the girl again where they're going to. As usual, Rhian gave her a vague answer, telling her to just be patient. Slightly sulking back at her seat, Glaiza turn her attention to her car window, observing the boring stores, people passing by, and the countless electrical wires hanging above, until her eyes gave away and doze off.

By the time the car halted, Rhian shake her gently to which Glaiza groggily sat up and rub her eyes. Her eyes though went wide like saucers and hastily went out of the car when she saw the place in front of her.

"A zoo?! Is this the surprise you're talking about?" Glaiza asks, her eyes lit up in hope and a smile threatening to appear on her face.

Rhian nodded with a smile. "Yup. I remembered you mentioning about wanting to see real-life pandas, which got you interested by just watching about them on Animal Planet channel. It then led you to being hooked when you and Chloe re-watched all 3 movies of Kung Fu Panda."

Glaiza finally release the smile she's trying to hold in, jumping up and down in glee before grabbing Rhian's wrist and jogging inside the zoo. "Well then, what are we waiting for? Lets go see those pandas!"

However, just as they set foot inside, Glaiza caught sight of the lion section and instantly her mind forgot all about pandas. She walk towards them, almost dangerously close to the fence had it not for Rhian tugging her back in a more safer distance. Glaiza kept staring at the lions in awe, her mouth hanging open.

"Wow... Now I get why they're called majestic animals. The males practically carry themselves with an air of confidence and dominance." Glaiza commented.

Rhian gave a side-glance at her awed girlfriend before glancing back at the said majestic animals. "Yeah, they really do."

The queer couple continue roaming the zoo, not one animal section being ignored by. They went to see the tigers and their cubs, swimming aligators,  slightly terrifying ostriches, the otter section, fed some of the penguins, and even held a snake for a minute or two (well for Glaiza at least, Rhian just stood there and catch a picture of her girlfriend with a boa constrictor sliding around her neck).

On the way to see Glaiza's favorite animal, they stopped to buy corndogs and pretzels. Rhian payed for their snack before making her way back to Glaiza, who was showing something on her phone to an orangutan behind a glass.

By the time they gobbled up their snacks, they were able to spot the pandas to which Glaiza pulled on Rhian's wrist and make a run towards it. Glaiza squeeze in between kids, which was a majority of them watching there, before she was able to lean against the black railing. Rhian apologizes to the children who were complaining about Glaiza either from being shoved aside or blocking their view from the pandas. She shot some of the parents a sheepish smile when they glared daggers at Glaiza who was now waving her hand at the pandas like a mad man, trying so hard for one of them to look her way.

Glaiza took a couple of pictures before resting her head against her fist, silently admiring the pandas eating bamboo. After much struggling, Rhian stood beside Glaiza, openly staring at her girlfriend admiring her favorite animal. Glaiza then began sharing about panda facts, which most of them got from Animal Planet, commented how cute they are for a couple of times, and why Glaiza wanted to be reincarnated as them in her next life. Rhian adorn a smile on her face as she fondly payed attention to her babbling girlfriend. She really loves listening to the girl talk, whether it made sense or not. There was just something about Glaiza's voice that really pulled her in.

By the time the zoo was about to close, Glaiza took a selfie with Rhian together with a panda holding a bamboo, which timingly glance their way. The short-haired girl was so happy that she stared at the picture on the way to their car with a grin plastered on her face.

Next stop was their favorite indoor mall pastime. The Arcade. The two played all the games to their heart's content. Being naturally competitive, both uses their own strategies and tactics to outsmart the other. Unfortunately for Glaiza, Rhian payed attention to her moves and uses it to her advantage, thus, claiming victory in the end. However, presenting her pouty lips and puppy dog eyes, Glaiza bribe her girlfriend into buying her churros before they drove off.

Still having time before she was expected back home, Rhian stop the car by the curb that overlook the city below. Rhian helped Glaiza sit up on the roof of her car as they admire the sunset. The orange-filled sky with a hint of purple and pink, while cars passed them by, really sets out a chill mood. Rhian played with her intertwined fingers with Glaiza, as the latter reminisce the fun times they did today. Seeing her bubbly girlfriend ramble things that brought her happiness and the way the brightness of her eyes never seems to falter, its like falling in love with Glaiza again and again.

When darkness start to envelop the sky, Glaiza reminded her that it was time to go home. Reaching the Ramos' residence, Glaiza was about to kiss her goodbye when Rhian mentioned that she have something to show to her. Grabbing her by the hand, Rhian lead her to the garden where a litted treehouse stood. The two climb their way up and, upon seeing the interior, Glaiza's eyes widen and her mouth slightly agape in surprise.

Everything had changed from the last time Glaiza had been up here. No more toy chests, boxes full of random things, no hamster cages, instead, it was replaced with a modern design. The structural wood was smoothen down and varnished, carved tree branches are pasted on the wall to support various books and art paintings. It was renovated into that of an actual house, save for the nature-like design of it.

Moving past those changes, were rose petals littering the floor all the way to a medium-sized bed. Litted, scented, candles illuminated the place, making a formal but elegant romantic dinner table on the center to be seen clearly. While her girlfriend was busy gawking, Rhian took the time to play a soothing background music. Pulling a chair for her, Rhian gave her a smile indicating if they should proceed with their dinner. Glaiza reciprocated back with an appreciating smile and a tender kiss to her lips before sitting down.

After having a heartful dinner, the two found themselves sitting by the edge, admiring the stars. Leaning on her girlfriend's shoulder, Glaiza sighed contentedly. Her lips twitch upwards when Rhian press a chaste kiss on her temple.

"I love what you've done to this place. Its amazing." Glaiza muttered. "I must admit though, I kinda missed having our picture frames presented on the shelves, which was now filled with your books."

"I know. That's why I bought an album and put the pictures in there. Its placed inside the drawer next to the said bookshelves. So no need to worry." Rhian reassured, tracing random patterns on Glaiza's waist.

Glaiza glance at her and smiled. "Thank you. For this. For today. This has really been a blast of a valentines day, especially for a first timer like myself."

"Likewise. And its nothing, really." Rhian smiled back at her. "I'd do this over and over again if it meant seeing you like this. Smiling and eyes shining and all. Your happiness is my priority, and it is just as important as my life. So expect this kind of blast everyday, 'cause that's what I'll be giving you for as long as you and I are together. And I have no intention of stopping."

She shot Glaiza a loving smile before Rhian glance back at the stars. At the revelation, Glaiza's heart couldn't be more filled with awe and adoration. This girl beside her really is something else. Time and time again, Rhian proved herself to be a worthy lover. Whether through her words or actions, Rhian had always made sure to let Glaiza feel loved. Tonight was no different. And its setting another foreign feeling inside of Glaiza, something deeper, something incredibly certain. A certainty that Rhian truly is the one for her, and that she had fallen so hard for her that Glaiza didn't know if she'll be able to get up. Not that she wanted to. She love having Rhian consuming her mind... And maybe this time... physically, as well.

Glaiza brush away Rhian's hair to the other side and pressed her lips to her temple, slowly down to her cheek, before she gently turn her head to face her. Their lips met passionately, as Glaiza caressed her face. They move at a slow pace, wanting to memorize the feel of the other's lips pressed against their's. Wanting to feel more, Rhian ran her tongue across Glaiza's bottom lip and was immediately granted access. Glaiza pushed herself towards Rhian, their knees brushing. Rhian angled Glaiza's jaw to kiss her more deeply and was about to push her tongue inside Glaiza's mouth when the latter pulled away. Slightly panting, Glaiza met Rhian's eyes and it is then she's able to confirm that what they wanted right now is mutual. She leaned her forehead against Rhian's.

"Come with me." Glaiza whispered. She stood up holding Rhian's wrist before walking towards the bed.

Rhian sat on the edge of the bed, glancing up at Glaiza. The short-haired girl stand between Rhian's knees, caressing her cheek with one hand, while the other run slowly up and down her back, before fumbling with the zipper behind her dress. Inching her face closer, Glaiza notices the hesitant look on Rhian's face, so she pulled back.

"Hey, I can stop if you don't want to. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable." Glaiza says.

"No, no, I want to. I-" Rhian grab Glaiza's hand and played with her fingers. "Its just the nerves and all."

"I understand. I'm nervous too." Glaiza chuckled nervously.

"Really? You seem confident, and, well, chill." Rhian commented.

"That's just a mask. I want to make this right. To give you the pleasure you want, you know? I don't want to screw it up." Glaiza replied.

"Right... Well, I guess we should just... go with the flow, maybe?" Rhian looks up at her expectantly as she grab Glaiza by the hips and hug her torso.

"Yeah, lets go with that." Glaiza smiled gently. "And don't worry, we'll take this slow."

She continue caressing Rhian's cheek, grinning when Rhian lean in to her and smiled up at her cutely. She crouch down and catch her smiling lips with her own. Rhian pulled her down earning a squeal from the short-haired girl as she end up crouching on her knees on top of her girlfriend. When hands resumed rubbing Rhian's back, Glaiza pulled away.

"Can I?" Glaiza asks as she once again fumbles with the zipper. Rhian nodded in confirmation before pulling it down.

Rhian shashayed her dress away, leaving only in her matching red lacy bra and panty. She pushed herself on the center of the bed, enjoying the attention her body's receiving from Glaiza's wandering eyes. She saw how the girl in front of her bit her lower lip before she stood away from the bed. Feeling herself getting hot, Glaiza strip away her jacket, blouse, and shorts before joining Rhian back on the bed.

Rhian wasted no time and pulled her girlfriend by the neck to join their lips. Setting a gentle pace between them, she savor the taste of Glaiza's lips. Glaiza's tongue delve inside her mouth, clashing both their pink, strong muscle. Rhian let out a soft moan, tracing Glaiza's nape appreciatingly. Glaiza's mouth left Rhian's and started travelling her jaw until her breath hit her ear. A swipe of tongue on the side of her neck triggered a sharp intake of breath from Rhian, before Glaiza started sucking on the flesh. Down her kisses went, tracing her protruding collarbone, her chest, until it met her hardened nub enclosed in a bra. Glaiza teasingly circled her tongue on it, slightly teething it.

"G..." Rhian whispered breathlessly.

Glaiza glance up, seeing Rhian's hooded eyes. She connect their lips one more time, to which Rhian instantly reciprocated it fervently. Glaiza ran through Rhian's soft back, sliding her hands on Rhian's bra. Sensing the desperation through Rhian's frantic kisses, Glaiza was given the go signal to take her bra off. Glaiza threw the said bra without care and pushed the girl gently on the bed. She ran her fingers through her flat stomach, the valley of her chest, up to trace her slwnder collarbone. Rhian took this time to admire her girlfriend's almost bare torso on top of her, ttiggering her desire to kick in.

Seeing the heave of Rhian's chest in anticipation, Glaiza's hand finally palmed Rhian's breasts, rolling it to feel its weight, before Glaiza catch one of Rhian's nipple between her mouth. Flicking it a couple of times had only increased its perkiness before she turn her attention to the other hardened nipple while her other hand rolled her other breast. With arousal building up, Rhian's hand bunch Glaiza's hair, her hips slightly raised up, making Glaiza's knee to hit her clothed but already wet center. Giving Rhian's nipple a teasing bite, Glaiza's lips wandered down her abdomen before spreading Rhian's legs.

Rubbing her legs soothingly, Glaiza kissed her inner thighs, slightly teething it. Hearing the moan Rhian released, Glaiza glance up to see her girlfriend staring down at her with lust and desperation in her eyes. Curling her fingers against Rhian's panty, she pulled it down past the rich girl's long legs. Glaiza test the waters by brushing a finger against the nub, earning a jerk from Rhian's body. She circled it a couple of times, enjoying the amazing moans coming from Rhian. She pressed her fingers harder and rolled it faster, making Rhian's hip to hump forward.

"G, please... I need you inside..." Rhian moaned out. Glaiza pulled her upper body up to connect their lips.

Their eyes met as soon as they pulled away. Glaiza pressed their foreheads together before sliding a finger inside of Rhian. There was slight resistance from the bottom girl.

"Relax, baby." Glaiza whispered.

Rhian gave out a sigh to which Glaiza's finger slide in fully. The short-haired girl slowly move, letting her girlfriend get used to the feeling. Gradually, Rhian's uncomfortable feeling fade away, turning it into pleasure. Rhian's tight grip on her back loosen a bit, to which Glaiza took this sign to move at a steady pace. With every movement of her finger, Rhian could feel the want rippling through her body. She didn't want it to end. Wanting Glaiza to keep going.

"More, G..." Rhian whined to which Glaiza gladly insert another finger inside of her. Rhian's eyes rolled back, moaning at the sensation. She grip Glaiza's bum closer to her, her hips grinding against the rhythm of Glaiza's fingers.

"Hmm, you're so wet for me, love." Glaiza muttered, kissing her way down to Rhian's neck, where it received her open-mouthed kisses.

Rhian's moans became louder each passing second as she felt Glaiza hitting all the right places. Her core then began to resembles that of a build up. Rhian whispered to get Glaiza to go faster, which the latter instantly obeyed. The sensational pleasure increased tenfold. Rhian grind her hips swiftly as she clawed Glaiza's back, desperate to hold on to something. With moans turning into cries of pleasure, neck and body arched off the bed, and legs shaking, Rhian was brought to her mind-shattering release.

Glaiza lips left her slightly bruised neck and trailed kisses on her jaw before connecting their lips once more. Rhian hummed delightfully, her body twitching ever so often. She buried her face on Glaiza's shoulder, clutching her tightly as she tried evening out her erratic breaths and to calm her racing heart. Glaiza helped her out by running her fingers calmly on her toned stomach. By the time Rhian's mind went back to her body, she finally opened her eyes and met with Glaiza's gorgeous black orbs.

"You good?" Glaiza asked softly.

"Very." Rhian replied back. Glaiza kiss her lips gently, which the rich girl instantly deepen, tongue exploring the roof of Glaiza's mouth. With arms circling Glaiza's back, Rhian push herself to sit up.

"Your turn." Rhian smirked.

Glaiza bowed her head to capture Rhian in a kiss, this time more deeper, more passionate. With lips busying with each other, Rhian's hand hooked Glaiza's bra off, haphazardly throwing it on the floor before hugging her tightly, loving the feel of their naked torsos pressing each other.

Glaiza sighed as Rhian's kisses travelled down her throat, sliding onto her collarbone, and making its way to her sensitive neck. Instantly enclosing it in open-mouthed kisses, Glaiza tangled her fingers in Rhian's hair, grinding her lower body against her girlfriend's lap. Rhian breathed out as she palm Glaiza's round breasts, smirking when she was rewarded with Glaiza's husky moans. She raised her ever so slightly to take one of her pink nipples into her awaiting lips. Switching from slow to fast, her tongue did wonders to Glaiza's erect nipples, making Glaiza's mind to cloud in arousal.

Rhian gently clawed Glaiza's feminine abs and clutch her curvy hips as her lips revel in Glaiza's smooth breasts. Down her roaming hands went, tracing the creamy legs of her aroused girlfriend. Rhian swipe Glaiza's black thong on the side, brushing a finger on the latter's already wet center, earning a harsh gasp from her.

"Let's take this off, shall we?" Rhian breathes out. Glaiza agreed by sitting up on her knees before Rhian took it off and toss across the floor.

As she trace Glaiza's slit, the short-haired girl grab Rhian's jaw and sealed their lips together in a fiery kiss. Glaiza's beyond turn on right now. Everything the rich girl's doing to her body was turning her on beyond degrees. Her moan was muffled through the kiss when Rhian plunge a finger in her heat. Glaiza slumped her hips down to let her finger delve in fully. It didn't take long before Rhian move at a steady pace watching the pleasured look on her gorgeous girlfriend. She added another finger, which slipped effortlessly in her center thanks to Glaiza's assissting wetness.

Feeling Rhian's fingers deep inside, Glaiza's desire soared. Her hips grind in match to Rhian's pace as she wrap her aroms around Rhian's slender shoulders. Wanting to taste the girl again, Rhian's lips connect with Glaiza's neck, sucking on it fervently. Sensing the desperate moves of Glaiza's hips, Rhian curled her fingers deeper, more faster, more harder. Glaiza moaned uncontrollably loud, riding Rhian's fingers with all her might as she felt her climax coming.

Too much. The irresistable pleasure was too much. Its consuming every fiber of Glaiza's being, and she cannot hold it any longer. With a final thrust, Glaiza surrender herself. Head tilted back, mouth agape in silent scream, body curving violently in an arch, Glaiza got the release she so desperately needed. Forehead falling against Rhian's shoulder, her breaths came in uneven and erratic pants, her chest heaving up and down in a swift manner, as she clutch Rhian closer and tighter, afraid that she might float away from Rhian.

Ever so slowly, Rhian pulled her fingers back, slick with Glaiza's juices as she broight it to her mouth, licking Glaiza's sweet essence. She rub Glaiza's back soothingly, as the short-haired girl bask in the aftermath of her release. Her body twitch a couple of times before she could finally calm down.

"Oh shit... that was... fucking amazing." Glaiza husked out, inching impossibly closer to Rhian.

Rhian could only smile beneath Glaiza's creamy yet slightly red neck, kissing her way to Glaiza's defined jaw, to her flushed cheek, before meeting Glaiza's plump lips in a gentle kiss. Upon pulling away, her face adorn a fond look as she caress Glaiza's rosy cheek, watching her girlfriend lean in to her touch. Glaiza connect their foreheads and nuzzled her nose against Rhian's. Seeing the droopy eyes of Glaiza and her loosened grip, Rhian's hands lowered down to her hips.

"Cuddle?" Rhian asked to which Glaiza could only nod tiredly.

The rich girl wrap her arms around her vulnerable girlfriend before she lay back on their still rose-covered bed. Comfortably resting on top of Rhian, Glaiza nuzzled Rhian's neck.

"Goodnight, baby." Glaiza mumbled. "I love you."

Rhian kiss the top of her head. "Sweet dreams, my love. I love you, G. So much."

Glaiza gave a tired, but gentle smile, before letting her droopy eyes close. Arms wrapped around each other, the two fall asleep completely satisfied and satiated. Not only did they finally achieve the physical connection they desired, but their hearts and soul are now perfectly aligned. And tonight, only themselves and the bright, star-filled, night sky bore witness to their genuine connection and sweet love.

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