Reincarnation [Rainbow Quest...

By IDrawzStuff

82.6K 2.5K 12.4K

*Characters belong to Favremysabre* So this is a bit of a different story. I had this idea and a friend said... More

Idk A Bit Of Context? I Guess?
Bonus: Hight charts
Ch.1: Who's up this early?!
Ch. 2: A past to miss yet regret
Ch. 3: A Loud Morning
Ch. 4: Beyond or Below?
Ch. 5: Burning Excitement
Ch. 6: for nostalgia's sake
Ch. 7. Dream or Reality?
Ch 8: Scars That Won't Heal
Ch. 9: Back Home We Go!
Ch. 10: Everyone's Concerned
Ch 11: An Escape
Ch. 12: WHERE IS HE?!
Ch. 14: Conspiracies
Ch. 15: what?
Ch. 16: fun time :)
Ch. 17: The masks I wear
Ch. 18: Sick day
Ch. 19: it got worse
Ch. 20: story time
Ch. 21: that's gotta hurt
Ch. 22: nightmare
Ch. 23: really? Again??
Ch. 24: a mad scientist
Ch. 25: 'tis but a scratch
Ch. 26: I'm Deadn't
Ch. 27: Preparations
Ch. 28: Lovebirds
Ch. 29: Date And Aftermath
Ch. 30: Visit In Disguise
Ch. 31: Just A Bad Memory
Ch. 32: A Day With Green :)
Ch. 33: The TALK
Ch. 34: Something... Is Wrong
Ch. 35: Father-Son bonding Activity????
Ch. 36: I Forgor

Ch. 13: Time To Talk

2.4K 66 446
By IDrawzStuff

*Sabres pov*

"Sabre, I can not belive you. On the first day of getting personal guards, knowing fully well you should be supervised, you go out of your way to... Break out? Okay not break out, that sounds like you're in prison... You sneak outside the safety of the walls, fully awear that there's demons running around?! " the violet leader scolds me.

Okay okay...maybe a little bit of a recap is needed. So...

After light steve dragged me back into the kingdom, all the leaders were waiting in front of my house...

Apparently they caught wind of the situation and are now waiting in front of my house, great.

so basically after a bunch of scolding in front of my house, they then ordered a meeting to talk about what happened.

So that gets us to where we are now, on top of the Citadel in the meeting room, talking about my ''Escape''.

"okay okay... Yeah... I know, I shouldn't have done that... but it was an emergency." I say in my defense

" emergency? emergency?! What kind of emergency would lead for you to parkour out of your house, over the rooftops and then jumping off of a 40-50 blocks high wall, you could have died! What was that emergency anyway?! " the yellow leader blurts out.

Wow he's... Angry... Disappointed? Why is he so concerned...? He knows I'm good at parkour... I've shown him my skills when he was still the true yellow king...


" okay... It's very clear that the safety measures we ordered weren't enough. So, I think we should go even further than safe." the yellow leader sighs, now calming down a little... But still seeming irritated.

Wow he calmed down fast. Jeez.

" you do realize, that the more safety measures you bring, the more danger I will put myself into, right? " I tell him but get ignored, again.

Although, I think the blue and indigo leader are listening to me.

"yellow... I think it's a little much already... If he hadn't had guards around him, that don't allow him to go outside alone... He would have just walked out the gate without much trouble or danger..." the blue leader says, trying to calm down the yellow leader.

" nonsense, there's never enough safety measures! I'll put him in a box if I need to! " yellow leader argues.

All the leaders started arguing about what to do.

Eeh...okay... this is getting out of hand. :/

" yellow leader... I swear if you do that, I am going to personally go to the nether-or World below- whatever, take a wither with me, bring it here and put it under your bed" I say with a very serious and threatening tone.

All of a sudden the entire room falls into silence.

"sabre. How do you know what a 'wither' is...?" the indigo leader asks in shock.

"the wither is the literal boss monster of the world below. Three-headed black, floating skeleton...! I've seen my fair share of withers y'know! I've been in a situation where an anarchist released an army of withers over a country! Of course I know what a wither is!!!" I say in my defense.



I should not have said that.



" what. " is all I got from the yellow leader.

The entire meeting room was filled with akward, concerned silence.

So yeah... That's how I spent 10 hours arguing with a bunch of paranoid leaders trying to lock me in my house.

After we were all done debating on what we, cough cough, the leaders not listening to me cough cough, would do with my house and my freedom.

It's now 6 pm. I'm in my house. In my bed, sulking.

I'm so done!

I don't wanna be watched 24/7!!
Thats annoying!!!

Ugh, stupid yellow leader and his stupid strange mood changes! He's acting nothing like himself lately!!

I bet if he acted like he did when he was still the king of that outpost, he would have encouraged me to fight for this kingdom and to go parkour myself into hell.

Okay maybe he wouldn't have encouraged the bringing a nether God I to the kingdom... But still! He's acting wierd.

Just as that thought went through my mind, lightning started striking where I layed and Everthing was bright.

---after the lightning stops---

My vision slowly starts to clear.

As I look around and surprisingly come to find myself back in the time-dimension.

Right in front of me stands The One and Only Time Steve.

oh no I've messed up, I messed up big-time.

"EEEEY time steve! Buddy, friend, friend-person, guy! Hey!!! So. What brings me here?" I say in the most akward way I've ever talked.

"sabre... It's time we talked..." time says taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

"ahahah.. Hah... Ah... Time to talk... Get name is time...?" I joke but stop when I sit down and get handed a plate of cookies.

"yeah Ha ha ok. Sabre. I've been keeping an eye on you lately. I may also have overheard a few of your conversations..." time steve starts speaking.

Oh boy... Wait. How long has he been watching me??

"you were keeping an eye on me long exactly...?" I ask sweating a little remembering all the things I did during that camping trip.

First I was just thinking about that portal incident and the demon thing... And then I remember that me and green were getting... Very close during that time...

Great now I'm sweaty and blushing like a fool.


Did...did he see my scars!!!??? Oh no NONONONO



"so uh... I've been watching you ever since you left for that camping trip. Light steve was concerned so he asked me if I could check on you when I find the time." time steve continued and took a bite of a cookie.




"and well... I think I saw a few thinks I shouldn't have seen... So far I wanted to wait until you were ready to tell me yourself but... That thing you said in the Citadel... I just couldn't let that slip by." time says leaning on the table with an expecting look.

Welp. time to yeet myself out of existence. :,]

This world was fun while it lasted.

" sabre, please be honest with me... What the hell are you? " time says while looking at me with determined eyes.

That's... Not the question I was expecting...?

"uh... Huh?" I can't get out a single word. He caught me off guard.

"you heard me... What are you favremysabre?" time says in an even more serious tone.

"I... I don't me I-... I've been asking myself that question for an eternity." I speak, looking at down at the plate with cookies and then looking at my hand...

I continue to stare at my hand as I mumble, "did you
... Overhear mine and greens conversation yesterday...?"

"yeah... I heard everything... Like I said, I would have waited until you're ready but... I just have too many questions. And I want answers!" time steve says and then abruptly sits back down. He probably realized that him leaning over the table was making me even more uncomfortable.

" well... If you know so much then... Ask any question you want...? " I hesitate, unsure if this is a good idea...

"okay..first. Are you immortal?" time asks.

"well... Not really in a traditional sense no? I can still die, but only from caused things like injuries... I can't die of natural cause, I'll just live forever, if that's what you meant." I try to answer him the best I can.

"okay... That's interesting... But you also come back after death?" he asks further.

"yeah, I come back to life in a different universe. Not a single one twice." I answer.

Wow this... I never really thought about it closely but... I only get to go into a universe once...

What if one day... I get through them all... Do I just start back at the first one or... Do I dissappear...?

" you... Now don't take this as some kind of personal attack but... Do you have record on how long you made it without dying?" time asks awkwardly.

Now I'm really caught off guard.

"uuuuhhhhh I guess...? Yeah...? Yeah I do...! That one time... I was some kind of wierd bird hybrid. Called an avian. I was actually very close to an elytrian. I had wings and I could fly. I made it to around... Something over 300 years...i lost count... It may also have been 500 years... I don't know... Time felt strange there. "I say, still trying to remember my cause of death there.

For some reason I'm starting to forget some of my lives... Is it because I'm getting old??

" mkay... Do you always look the same? Or does your body change? "he asks again.

" surprisingly. I stay the same-as far as it's possible to stay the same. Like... There were wierd occasions where I turned into a cat or a dog and I basically turned into a brunet animal. Other times I tuned out to be a mermaid or demon... I basically look the same except for those special features like my mermaid tail that was very neon green but as a demon I had blackish horns. my body Stays the same tho...

Also! The only real change to my body that I can make myself are my muscles and what I do to myself basically. " I answer, man, he's getting me to think!

This isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I take a cookie, smile and then eat it.

The more I think about it... The more questions I get for myself.

" So if you-" time gets cut off.

" what in all the worlds... Are you two doing...?" elemental steve interrupts everything.

"I'm talking with sabre and eating cookies...?" time steve seems hesitant to answer that.

"time...You're not planning to interfere with the world are you?" elemental asks in an accusing tone of voice.

"no actually... We were talkin about Sabres past and all the things that happened to him lately. Plus I've been meaning to ask him some questions so I thought I might as well do it over cookies!" time explains with a smile.

I shoot time steve an uncomfortable look.

I don't wanna talk about it while he's here...

Time seems to understand my message and speaks up.

" well... Could you leave so its just sabre and I? He's not very comfortable talking about it with you yet."

"huh? Why can't I know?" elemental scoffs.

"well, you have to see through Sabres eyes in this situation, you can be a little threatening when it comes to just the two of you, plus this is a very sensitive subject to Sabre so he only wants to talk about it to those he trusts the most." time states.

" Ah. Okay. Yeah. I'm not leaving." elemental answeres with a bored expression.

" well then... How about we talk about the whole safety measure thing that's been going on." I change subject.

"yeah! you really didn't like to be supervised all the time... to be honest if your reaction to being supervised is throwing yourself off of a wall and just being Reckless, I'm pretty sure the leaders response was Justified." time says letting a small giggle escape.

" oh come on! Not you too! you know my parkour skills are awesome. I would never get hurt doing that, that was like nothing! I've jumped from higher! plus this all happened because the yellow leader wanted me to be 'safe' . honestly if anything I would put more guards around him, because he's been acting so strange lately, very out of character. " I sass with a pout.

"hm? what do you mean he's been acting strange? has he not been himself lately?" time asks.

" nah he's nothing like he was back then... Back when he was the true yellow King, it was so cool, he would have like encouraged me to go fight and go parkour myself to death but now he just wants to lock me away... And it's mean... it's not like him..." I mumble in a sad tone.

" hm... That's... Strange? Sabre, you do realize people can change right? " time says blatantly.

" yeah course I know people can change whenever they want... but like he didn't just change over a long period Of time he started acting different overnight! First he was like, oh yeah you did good you stopped the corrected Sun thank you and then he just wants to lock me in my house and take all the freedom I ever had or that I still have left? That's strange to me dude that's strange. There's Something Fishy going on!! "I exclaim in a bit of a serious tone.

I just realized Elemental is still standing in the middle of the kitchen, eating a piece of pie, watching me and time speak about this.

" Elemental please stop, you're being hella sus. " I say to the rather tall steve.

"exc- hu- what. Wh- what does... Sus...mean???" elemental asks while stuffing some pumpkin pie into his face.

I just realized... Elemental is one of the more taller steves I've met. But I'm also rather short compared to  the normal size of steves.

*sigh*... that's probably also the reason why everyone treats me like a baby...

"hm. Oh! Sabre I just realized. M is looking for you! He's at your house right now." time exclaims surprised.

" *gasp*he came to visit me?!?!? Time send me back right now I need to talk to him. we can talk another time right?" I exclaim while jumping out of my seat.

"sure. Maybe I'll visit you at your house that time, so we can talk about it in more private... And maybe I can bring you some more fresh cake... The one you have in your house is uh..." time stops before he says something he regrets..

"ehhe....yeah...don't remind me." I simply answer as time and I walk out of the kitchen, over to the portal.

"this leads right back to your house. So. Bye for now!" time says and waves.

"bye elemental!! bye time! See you another time! HEHEH TIME. G-" I run into the portal before fully finishing that sentence. I think he knew what I was going for.

I get the familiar feeling of the portal transporting me as I wait until I reach my house again.

====somewhere far away====

*3rd person pov*

A shadowy figure sighs and sits down on a couch.

"I can't belive this. Why would he just jump off a wall like that. Is he suicidal or something??" the figure asks themselves.

Another figure comes closer and asks.
"hm? What? Who's jumped of a wall?"

"sabre... I don't know. He really doesn't like the part of the plan where he is stuck inside while we take over..." the first figure says.

"oh please. He can't be that bad to handle!" the second figure laughs.

"Not bad to handle my ass. He literally sneaked out the window. Parkoured over several rooftops, then climbed up a 40-50 block high wall and then decided the best way to get back down is to jump off said wall. He then, at the meeting, proceeded to threaten that he'll go to the World below and grab a Wither, then bring it back and put it under the yellow leaders bed. To be honest I question how he is the biggest threat to our plan, when he's such a big danger to himself." the first figure scoffs.

" yeah I question that too but honestly something I questioned even more is how he's still alive after everything. To be quite honest this is either just luck or he's Immortal. either one I would not be surprised if that was the reason." the second figure laughs.

" yeah yeah... Although we need to start being more careful, I'm pretty sure Sabre is catching on that something is off. If he actually finds out... we're screwed. That could mess up the whole plan. " the first figure says.

" well then, simply be more careful with your work." the second figure answers in a bored tone.

" I guess I'll try, don't know what the guy doesn't his free time. Maybe I should just try and get Sabre to warm up to me..." the first figures sighs.

" you can do whatever, as long as it doesn't get in the way of the plan."the second figure says while leaving the room.

" I have things to, do I'll see you another time. "the second figure says and then dissapeard with a bunch of lightning.

"... Yeah... "


Oof here it is. I need to drink something... I'm thirsty.
Wonder who those mystery figures at the end are. Who knows. I'm tired. Imma go to sleep.

Take care of yourself okay? Go to sleep. It don't matter where you are... Or what time it is. Sleep.

Have a nice day :))))

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