Philips (Sequel to De Santa)

By HaaaayJude

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Sequel to De Santa Chelsea De Santa is back home in Vinewood Hills and should be living it up like the rich a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Twenty Eight

413 22 16
By HaaaayJude

I texted Trevor letting him know that Dad was still up and that I was about to hack the camera and quickly got to work. The computer Paige gave me took a moment to boot up, making me groan with impatience. I don't know why I was so anxious for Trevor to get her when I had literally just seen him. But I couldn't help it. That man had me wrapped around his finger and he knew it.

When the computer finally loaded, I went to the program I needed, found the camera, and paused the feed. I quickly sent Trevor a text letting him know it was safe before sighing with content. A few minutes later, I heard tapping at the window, causing me to smile. I rushed over to the window and opened it, allowing Trevor to climb into the room. However, as Trevor stepped into the threshold, his foot got hung up on the window sill and he tripped, tackling me into the ground with a loud thud.

"Christ," I quietly laughed.

"My bad," Trevor grunted as he slowly sat up.

"You're so loud."

"I'd say the same about you, but I can't." I quickly smacked Trevor on his chest. Trevor instantly laughed and leaned down and kissed me hungrily. "God, I fucking missed you," Trevor happily groaned.

"It's been less than a half hour," I giggled.

"I know, but you're just so goddamn beautiful." A gentle knock at the door instantly sent Trevor and I into a panic.

"Chels?" Dad called our. "You alright in there?" I quickly motioned Trevor to hide in my closet, which he did to the best of his ability, no thanks to the stashed rose bush. I quickly got up and walked over to the door and opened it.

"What?" I asked.

"I heard a noise, I was asking if you were alright."

"Oh, that," I tittered nervously. "Yeah, I accidentally lost my balance while trying to get the zipper on the back of the dress."


"I'm fine, just ran into the dresser is all."

"Well, if you say so. I'm gonna head to bed. You sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I nodded.

"Didn't drink too much?"

"We only had a couple partial glasses of wine, Dad. I'm fine, really. I just lost my balance."

"Okay. Well...Goodnight."

"Okay, goodnight." I shut the bedroom door and locked it. I listened to Dad's footsteps as he walked away from the door. Once he entered his room and shut the door behind him, I let out a sigh of relief. "That was close."

"Too close," Trevor grunted as he pushed his way out of the cramped closet and brushed a leaf off his shoulder. "Didn't you lock the door?"

"I normally do, I don't know how I forgot."

"You had your mind on bigger things...and I do mean bigger."

"You're gross."

"And yet you love me." Before I could respond, Trevor walked over to me and pressed his lips to mine. I instantly melted into him, allowing myself to give in to his touch. Trevor's hands left my sides and trailed down my thighs. I let out a quiet gasp as Trevor lifted me into his arms and pinned me against the door, causing me to instantly wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist for leverage.

Trevor's lips trailed down my jawline and to my neck. I raked my fingers through his hair and gently tugged when his kisses turned into gentle love bites, causing me to quietly groan in his ear. I knew exactly what Trevor was trying to do. I wanted to...but, for some reason, I just couldn't. Something just didn't feel right about it. "Trevor," I mumbled. "Trevor, stop."

Trevor pulled away and looked at me with confusion. "Stop?"

"I'm sorry...I'm just..." Trevor gently kissed me and pressed his forehead to mine.

"It's okay. You've been through a lot and we'll get through it together. I'm gonna keep pushing though, we need to break down those barriers you've got up. Just tell me when I push too far, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded. Trevor kissed me one more time before finally letting me stand up. "I need to get dressed." Trevor nodded and walked over to the bed and sat down as I grabbed a clean set of pajamas from my dresser. I turned and looked at Trevor who had his eyes glued onto me. "Can you get my zipper please?"

Trevor stood back up and walked over to me. His gentle hand reached up and slowly pulled my zipper down as his other hand wrapped around me and rested on my stomach. Once the zipper was down he slowly pulled the dress strap off my right shoulder and kissed my neck down to my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked, stifling a groan.

"Sorry. It's just...I can't keep my hands off you." Trevor said in between kisses.

"Do I need to change in the bathroom?"

"You will do no such thing," Trevor smirked. "Besides, I've practically seen you naked. The one time I'm thankful for the LSPD pigs." I craned my neck to glare at Trevor, causing him to instantly laugh. "That's cute."

"What is?"

"When you try to look mean and scary." Trevor playfully booped my nose.

"Trevor!" I quietly hissed.

"Okay okay, fine." Trevor groaned with annoyance. "Miss Modesty over here can't have her own boyfriend watch her undress." Trevor walked back over to the bed, sat down, and turned and faced the wall, causing me to smile. Boyfriend...I could get used to that.

I quickly changed and placed my dirty clothes into the laundry basket before making my way over to the bed. "Okay, I'm done." Trevor turned around and faced me, his eyes instantly drinking in every inch of me as he subtly bit his lower lip.

"I think I might like this better than the dress," Trevor purred as his hands slowly snaked up my shirt and gripped my sides before pulling me into his lap. His hands were rough and callused from years of hard labor, but his touch was so tender, as if he was afraid that I would break in his grasp.

"Why? It's just a shirt and some shorts."

"Yes, but it better shows off what you've got underneath...or lack thereof."

"Trevor," I giggled.

"Seriously though, you've got a cute laugh." I opened my mouth to protest, but Trevor quickly silenced me with a kiss. "Don't be embarrassed, Peaches. I mean, fuck, my laugh is stupid."

"No it isn't."

"Are you kidding? I sound like a hyena laughing itself to death."

"I know, which is why I like it. It's genuine."

"You like my laugh because it's genuine?"

"Yes...and because it's your laugh."

"And that's why I call you peaches."


"Because you're too fucking sweet. And damn, do I have a fucking sweet tooth." Trevor playfully snarled as he quickly lurched his head forward to nibble at my neck. I instantly giggled and pulled myself away from him. After a moment, Trevor looked up at me and accepted a kiss from me, but he remained silent.

"Trevor? What is it?"

"You know I'd never hurt you, right?" I wanted to say something, but no words came to the surface. My silence caused Trevor to grimace. "Chels, you know I'd never lay a hand on you."

"I know," I mumbled, averting my eyes to the empty space between us.

"Then why didn't you say you knew I wouldn't?"

"It's not the physical pain I'm worried about." Trevor didn't respond. "I just...I don't want you to leave again."

"Chels, I always come...oh..."

"It still hurts, Trevor. I know Dad made you leave me, but I never got over it. It kept me from getting close to Matt...and I'm worried that it'll prevent me from getting close to you, too." Trevor's hand left my side and gently lifted my chin, making me look him in his somber eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere." I began to look away, but Trevor forced me to keep looking at him. "I mean it. I'm not leaving you like that ever again. They'll have to kill me." I softly smiled and Trevor gave me a gentle kiss. "We better get you to bed before Mikey gets curious again." I gently nodded and climbed off of Trevor's lap, allowing him to crawl over to his side of the bed and cover up.

I climbed into bed beside him and Trevor tucked the blanket in behind me as I rested my head against his chest. "Goodnight, Trevor," I yawned.

"Goodnight, Peaches."


I carefully climbed back through the window and wiped my hands off on my pants before wiping my dirty handprints off the window sill. That damn bush was heavier than I remembered. Still, Chelsea wanted it gone, so I had to put it back. Though, I'm sure the people at that house are gonna be confused as fuck when they see the bush had returned.

I walked over to Chelsea and knelt beside the bed. I gently brushed the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. She looked so beautiful. I hated leaving in the middle of the night like this. I wanted to lay in bed with her every day for the rest of my life. Sex or no sex, laying in bed with her fills me with more bliss than all the meth in the world. If only she knew how much she meant to me.

I slowly stood back up and made my way back towards the window. "Trevor?" Chelsea quietly spoke up. She sounded so adorable. Half asleep, as quiet like a mouse. I turned to face her, only to see she hadn't moved from her spot, but her eyes were half open staring up at me. I walked back over to the bed and knelt beside her once more.

"Hey, sweetheart," I softly smiled. "Go back to sleep."

"What are you doing?"

"I just put the bush back...I wanted to see you before I went home."

"Can you stay?" I gently brushed my fingers against her cheek and smiled.

"I wish I could, Peaches." Chelsea's hand slowly gabbed mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Please? Just until I fall asleep?" I let out a sigh and smiled once more.

"Okay, but just until you fall asleep, alright? I don't want Mikey breaking down the door to find me laying in bed with you." Chelsea gently nodded. "Alright, scoot over. I don't wanna wake you when I leave. Chelsea rolled over onto my side of the bed and let me crawl in beside her. I draped the blanket over us and gently kissed the top of her head as she nuzzled my chest, sighing with content.

I watched Chelsea as she slowly drifted back to sleep. She smelled so good, like shampoo and that body spray she wears that I love so much. I placed my hand on her arm and gently rubbed my thumb against her skin. Her skin was so soft. She's perfect. Everything about her is perfect.

I hated that she was nervous about us, though. I wanted to kill the fucker who hurt her...but that fucker was me. I hurt her in ways I never imagined and it makes me sick to my core. The day she showed up on my doorstep, I couldn't have cared two shits about her, let alone care if I hurt her goddamn feelings. But now, she is the most important person in my life and I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her.

I smiled at the thought of being her protector, at the thought of always being there for her no matter what. Chelsea was mine, and I'll be damned if anyone comes between us. Chelsea softly smiled in her sleep and rubbed her face against my chest, causing me to smile even more. A sudden overwhelming feeling crashed over me like a tidal wave. My chest fluttered and, for a brief moment, I couldn't catch my breath. It didn't hurt but instead filled me with pure ecstasy. I've never felt this in my entire life, not until now.

"Chels?" I softly spoke up.

"Hmm?" Chelsea sleepily responded through her semi-unconscious state. I looked down at Chels, whose eyes were still closed. I wondered what she dreamed about. I wondered what made her happy. Do I make her happy?

"I love you." Chelsea let out a barely audible hum of a response before drifting back into a deep sleep. "I'm not leaving you again, Chels...I promise."

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