Steven universe adventures 2

By Ro1052003

16.3K 93 417

Steven and his friends are back! Their traveling the world helping other animals that need it. And now with t... More

New friends
Friendship vs strength
Thats what friends are for
Kindness and sacrifice
Battle on vorison mountain
Clash of time and space
Welcome to alamos
Darkeai's warning
From alamos town to nightmare town
Battle of the titans
The town is saved
Malenion festival
Turn of events
Butler true color
Rise of zombie groudon
Unfortunate events
Meet shaymin
The reverse world
On the train
Saving an enemy
Celebis forest
Ferry ride
Jungle forest
Enter iron masked marauder
Steven meets god
Before the exlipes
Changing history
Meet Zoura
Saving zorauk
The Vision
The migration
Unexpected reunion
Join the migration
The spider and the butterfly
Team rocket means buisness
Welcome to the crater
The best of the best
Darkness is coming
Tapu council
To raptordon
In the nick of time
The pokemon of black and white
Medichi bros. Circus
Baby jumbo
Circus disaster
Dumbo soars
Unexpected show stopper
Elephant heist
A year later
Not so proper introduction
Robot chase
Hedgehog vs egghead
Best friends forever
Destiny apporaching
Meet hoopa
Ghidorah's ghost
The prophecy
Approachimg darkness
Off to dehara tower
Night time ambush
Closer than expected
Before the eclipse
The eclipse
After the eclipse
A new future
Reamimated pokemon
Pokemon hills
Steven meets the genecect
Genecect invasion
Genecect nest
Making peace
Princess diancie
Meet diancie
Mammoth manipulation
Mall mayham
Through the jungle
The bird of destruction
Mega abution
Meet volcanion
Helping magearna
Nebel plateau
A dinsoaur's revenge
Gaining ones trust
Reef city
Meet oscar
Sad day
Goofy goobers drunk
Oscar bets it all
Underwater disaster
Shocks and scares
Discoveries and sit downs
Now that we're men
Saving the sea
Welcome to fula city
Festival chaos
Meeting Zeraora
The okoyan jungle
Protecting the jungle
Finale teaser
Finale part I
Finale part II
Finale part III
Finale part IV
Finale part V
Finale part VI
Finale part VII
Finale part VIII
Finale part IX
Finale part X
Finale part XI
Finale part XII
Finale part XIII
Finale part XIV
Finale part XV
Finale part XVI
Finale part XVII
Finale part XVIII
Finale part XIX
Finale part XX
Finale part XXI
Finale part XXII
Finale part XXIII

Saving the forest

90 1 3
By Ro1052003

The sun sets into the trees as marauder and team rocket travel deep into the forest in his machine

Marauder: don't you worry, we'll find celebi

Jessie: I'd rather hunt some lunch

James: so would I

Meowth: I for a bathroom. Huh?

They look ahead to see a low tree with low hanging fruit

Jame: lucky us!

Jessie: it's a peach tree! Grab that big one!

They latch into the tree but fall off the machine fighting over the fruit which is caught by a passing pidgeoto

James: nice catch

Jessie: peachy

They then realize their situation as they see marauder going far ahead with them far behind

Jessie: there goes out driver!

They all rush to see if they can catch up with him

Night falls back with out heroes as they set up camp with Sid carrying a log up with e fire for his bed

Sid: remember the good old days?

Diego: which good old days?

Sid: aww ya know, last week, after Godzilla became king, back when we traveled the world helping others and having great laughs with each other

Diego: yep. Those were the good days. People were people and... animals were animals. We should get some sleep

Sid: yeah. Wonder what's in store for tomorrow. And remind me to get granny dentures will ya?

Sid falls right to sleep after that as Sam is wide awake looking at his journal doing research. Steven and lapis wake up seeing him

Steven: sam. Go back to sleep...

Sam: I can't right now

He shows his picture of celebi sleeping with our riolu and pichu

Latias: that's pretty good

Sam: thanks. Whenever I meet a new Pokémon, I Record them in this book

Steven: can we see?

Sam shows Jim's some pictures of his last works, including a rapidash with her filly

Steven: like a hand made Pokédex

Latias: a machine that has everything there is to know about Pokémon

Sam: I guess you know more about the future huh? At least more than I do

Steven: yeah. I'm glad I'm not stuck in it like you

Sam looks down

Latias: we didn't mean it like that

Sam gets up and walks off

Steven: Sam! We didn't mean to-

Sam: that's okay. I think I'll like living in the future but it'll take some getting used to

Latias: I guess...

Sam: but then I think about my mom worrying about me and wondering where I am hoping she's still praying for me

Steven: you still pray?

Latias pinches his shoulder

Steven: what?

Latias: not right now

Sam: what about you Steven? I bet your mom worries about you doesn't she?

Latias and Steven look at each other with worry

Latias: well ya see....

Steven: my mom... does worry about me, a lot. But I always write to her on how I'm doing and I'm able to call her whenever I reach a hotel or Pokémon center. I guess that's just what moms do. Don't they?

Latias: yeah... I guess so

Stevens stomach begins to growl

Steven: guess I'm getting hungry

Sam: I got something!

Sam heads for his bag and gets out his loaf of bread

Sam: Diana's grandmother grabs me this before i was sent here

He splits it in three for his new friends and chow down

Steven: yum!

Latias: yeah, for 40 year d bread this is pretty good

Sam: tastes like it was made yesterday

Steven: haha! Town travel home!

That's when riolu woke up and senses something waking celebi up. They go out to see a bunch of lights lighting up the forest. They go in and see it was a colony of metapod evolving into butterfree

Sam: look at all the butterfree

Steven: I hope you'll be free Sam

Sam: huh?

Steven: to go back in time to the past

Latias: also... we knew a butterfree once. He joined a migration to their spawning grounds. Wonder what he's up to

Steven: probably raising a family of his own out there

They all see the butter free fly off as the trio with celebi and riolu climb a high tree to see the spectacle next to a beautiful sunrise
Back in the spot where they met Sam and celebi they knew they were on their way. But then out of nowhere a giant claw came and tried to grab celebi but missing it by inches! They realized it was marauder and team rocket back for round 2

Meowth: we ain't leaving without celebi!

Latias used thunderbolt against the machine but to didn't even lay a dent!

Marauder: nice try!

It then destroyed its whole surrounding as they head a loud commotion in the forest. At that moment a giant claw snatched celebi and carried him to marauder

Marauder: this oughta calm you down

It then electrified the poor Pokémon putting him to sleep! He then threw him into the air about to trap him inside a dark ball

Marauder: dark ball! Go!

Celebi is sucked into the ball as it falls back into his hand

Marauder: you belong to me now, you mindless animal

That's when a violent shaking crashes though the forest floor, suddenly the trees burst apart to reveal the mighty elephant that saved Stevens life bellowing and trumpeting in rage in an attempt so save the guardian of the forest

And right beside him was a while herd of elephants charging through the foliage, as well as the rhino from before and the bandar-log who joined in since they too lived in the forest as they all charged to the giant contraption with the rhino scooping Steven up onto his back

Steven: release celebi now!

The rhino charges for a leg, his tiny red eyes eyeing the metal in front of him and charges at it! The metal stuck to his horn as he tries desperately to shake it off

Marauder: a bunch of stupid beasts

That's when a flock of pidgies flew at his face pecking at the iron mask as some of the bandar-log climb up the machine to grab the dark ball and release their guardian. One of the primates tries to rip it from his hands but it only makes the machine stomp around causing the gang and the animals to move out of the way, the rhino still smelling the hunter who was holding the Gordon's of the forest in his hand

Rhino: for the forest!

The rhino charges at the machine, snorting violently as he gallops through the foliage, his horn pointed right at the machine as it stomps through the undergrowth. The rhino charges at the machine allowing Marauder to lose grasp of the dark ball allowing a monkey to grab it in his hands and land on top of the rhino as the machine falls to the grass handing it to Steven. But marauder rushes toward them and tries to grab it out of their hands

Marauder: I think you have something that belongs to me!

Steven tries to fight back as well as the monkey but marauder uses both hands and rips it out of their hands. Sam and the gang come too late as they see marauder holding the dark ball in his hands but the. He sees he's surrounded by wild Pokémon and the animals that partook in the attempt rescue

Marauder: don't waste your time you stupid savages! It's too late to save celebi! Because the sweet fairy you used to know doesn't exist anymore!

Marauder launches the dark ball into the air releasing celebi revealing soulless sharp eyes that Steven was too familiar with

Marauder: now my pet! KILL THEM ALL!!!

Celebi then launches everyone off their feet sending them back and then... he charges at all the animals making them flee except for the rhino and the bull elephant who stood their ground as they see the chaos marauder is causing

Marauder: excellent! Now show me your full power!

Celebi then Simmons a huge tornado and wraps himself in dirt as everyone watches in horror as celebi is covered in plants and dirt. Later dian and her grandmother find the gang and pick them up as on top of a high mountain, suicune Senses the danger and races for action
Later they all take a glimpse of the destruction marauder caused as celebi destroyed more of the forest causing all the creatures to flee as the form the form of a monstrous fire breathing dragon laying waste to its surroundings

Marauder: I control the most powerful beast of all the world! Celebi has the power to rule team rocket rams the world!

Meanwhile the gang catch up and see what marauder head down with celebi and run to the front

Marauder: you again? Celebi! Get rid of them!

Celebi sees them and launches them all into the  lake, celebi fires at them again destroying the lakes surrounding. The beast crashes through the forest as latias uses thunderbolt

Marauder: celebi, out them out of their misery!

Celebi is about to fire at them again but then at the last second... suocune charges in and scoops them onto her back as they run to safety! Suicune then lands on the branch marauder was on and launches him off but lands on the ground

Manny: so... you must be suicune

Suicune: a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but let's save the introduction for after this conflict

Diego: good idea ma'am

Marauder then launches his second dark ball and out came his tyranitar

Marauder: tyranitar! Hyper beam!

Tyranitar does so but the bill elephant charges pushing him out of the way allowing suicune to fly up to the top to see celebi

Steven: celebi!

Celebi looks at them with his soulless eyes and tries to shake them off. Suicune assist the bill elephant with his fight with tyranitar by balsttomg at him sending him backwards. The elephant then shove shin j to the lake trumpeting triumphantly

Marauder: okay time is over. Celebi, now

The giant marches up to the trio as suicune blasted the head of the beast. It launches one of its claws but only for suocune to run up its arm, then vines sprouted up and caught her!

Marauder: good work! Now finish her!

Celebi then electrocuted her weakening her! Tom and Steven both fall off and land at the chest where Jessie was trapped in as she saves them from falling off

Jessie: you have to be more careful! Celebi's just above us!

Sam: thanks a lot

Steven: let's go!

They both climb up to the top where celebi was

Steven: celebi! Snap out of it!

Sam: your supposed to protect the forest not destroy it!

Celebi then stops hurting suicune and then snaps out of his spell. Steven and Sa climb up to where celebi was but marauder interfered

Marauder: what's re you waiting for?! They are your enemies!

That snapped celebi back to evil as he starts zapping suocune again

Steven: celebi! We're not your enemies! We're trying to help you!

Then celebi's memories came back to him making him try to snap him back to normal

Marauder: celebi! Kill them now!

The giant then stomps off with all the forest creatures bellowing and roaring for celebi. The duo then climb right up to him

Sam: it's me! Remember?

Steven grabs celebi and moves his face up to his

Steven: look at me! Remember!

Celebi looked right at them and celebi snapped back to normal making suocune land into the water and his dark ball disappearing

Celebi: guys!

Steven: celebi!

Sam: your okay!

Celebi: man that's as scary

Then the monster shell came crashing down tumbling into the lake. Celebi uses his psychic powers to float them all to the ground unharmed. Then they see celebi seriously hurt as they land to the ground. Suocune charging up to the gang as they see Steven Sam and celebi get to shore

Latias: what's wrong?

Steven/ I don't know

Celebi didn't move a muscle as he started losing his colors. Steven put him into the water but nothing

Manny: marauder did a number here. Look at it

Sid: but didn't suicune have the power to heal the lake?

Suicune: I know what I must do

She lets out a loud bellow as she shined as bright as a star. She launches into the water hopping off purifying it with every jump she made. She leapt back to the others as the lake was back to health. Steven then out celebi back into the lake

Steven: celebi?


Steven: come on! We gotta keep trying

Steven room out a berry and out it on his face but it just slipped off... still nothing....

Manny:.... were too late

Steven: no...

Everyone Lowe's their head shedding tears

Sam: celebi didn't do anything wrong! It was that human who forced celebi to destroy the forest! Celebi never even had a choice! And now he can't have a choice! Now he won't have a choice because he's gonna die!

They all start to cry at that moment as well as the forest dwellers and suicune let out a loud howl. Then the sky lit up shocking everyone. A huge green light flowed through the forest healing everything. At that moment, a huge flock of celebi came down

Sid: there's more of them?!

They all came down to purify the forest flying over the gang. Then their celebi glowed floating to his brethren who circled around him. They all then lifted into the sky as the entire swarm circled their injured comrad. The forest shined as bright as the ocean as everyone watched from the yellow sky. Then celebi opened his eyes back to full health

Diego: he's alive!

Indeed he was! He then flew in the air with his brethren who came from different times to help

Celebi: thank you! Thank you all!

They all then flew back to the shining light leaving back to their worlds as the forest was back to health. Celebi flew thought he air happy everything was normal again

Latias: boy that was awesome!

Celebi: couldn't agree more!

He flew all over the lake Bally, but then, marauder leapt out of the water and snatched shim with his hands!

Sid: COME ON!!!

Marauder: now I have everything I need to rile the world!

He then flew with his jet pack into the air with Steven latching onto his leg, his claws digging into his skin drawing blood

Steven: let him go!

Steven grew into his dinosaur form to weigh marauder down as they all then fell back to the ground. Celebi then helped Steven down to the ground with his psychic powers as marauder fell to the forest. Everyone gathered to see Steven Alright. As for marauder, let's just say the bad guys always get their just desserts

Back in the lake suocune made her way out

Steven: nice finally meeting you! Hope to see you again!

Suicune: me too, your majesty

Suicune then ran off into the forest back to her home with everyone waving goodbye

Celebi: looks like it's time for you to go home

Sam: really?

Celebi: I am a time traveler aren't I?

Sam looks to his friends who all smiled

Steven: don't worry! Wherever you are, we'll always be friends

Sam nods as celebi takes him back to 40 years into his time

Steven: well miss you Sam
They all then went on the ferry to their next adventure

Gladys: ya know Sidney, even if were screw up, at least we got people who care about us

Sid: your right granny

Gladys: here! Can ya chew this kiwi for me?

Sid: nah ah! Not ever again!

Sid: tada!

Sid locks Gladys new dentures in and she tested them out on the kiwi and it was shredded like nothing!

Gladys: ah!

They got on the ferry with the rest

Gladys: hey sailor!

Diego: woah!

They all then set sail to their next adventure, where they will be in for the ride of their lives!

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