Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways

1.7K 71 29
By iliqblack

"It's a dog's death," said grandma Turkan when the police reported the death of her former son-in-law.

Serdar just gritted his teeth and went to do the funeral. He was the only one present at it. With completely dry eyes, he stood at the edge of the grave, threw three handfuls of earth into it, and left to forever forget the man who, having given the seed for his birth, never became a father.

Defne and Omer met with the investigator. He said that the case of Kadir Shishmaz was closed.

- Will his death be investigated? Defne asked.

The policeman averted his eyes and replied:

- The investigation is underway, but from my practice, I know that such seekings do not yield results. Kadir Shishmaz was strangled at night, in a dream, with a pillow. There are forty suspects in the cell. We interrogated everyone, but they unanimously insist that they were fast asleep and did not hear anything. Trust me, none of them will ever change their testimony. The murder weapon has not been identified either. There are forty pillows in the cell. It is not known which of them was used. Most likely, this crime will remain unsolved.

He kept silent about the fact that he would not even make efforts to solve the murder of the scoundrel Shishmaz, but the Iplikci understood this without words.

On the way to the business center, Defne asked Omer to stop by the park. He obeyed unquestioningly and touched Sukru on the shoulder, ordering:

- Sukru stop at the parking lot at the entrance and wait for us.

They walked along the path and sat on an empty bench in the shade of a spreading plane tree.

- Did Shishmaz's death upset you? - Omer asked his wife.

He saw that she was again pensive and sad, and this worried him. But Defne shook her head and answered:

- Not. His death is payback for his entire worthless life. The inglorious end of a scoundrel and monster. But I'm worried about Serdar and Esra. I found my real father and he is a worthy person. But the shadow of Kadir Shishmaz will forever remain with them. And it makes me sad.

Omer smoothed a red curl that had come out of her hair and pressed his hand to his wife's cheek. She looked up at him. He smiled softly at her and spoke:

"But we cannot change that. Only Serdar and Esra can cope with their emotions. And it seems to me that they will make it easy. Serdar became a real man, has a family and a business. He is already confident in himself and knows that neither the genes nor the reputation of Kadir Shishmaz is capable of influencing either his life or his attitude towards himself. And Esra is smart. A girl who knows what is most important in life. She never knew her father and he had no influence on her. Yes, and his genes bypassed her. Therefore, leave your worries. You have a lot of reasons to enjoy life and just be happy.

Defne looked at him and a radiant smile blossomed on her face. She put her hand on the back of her husband's head and pulled him to her. After kissing Omer with a long and gentle kiss, she pressed her forehead to his and whispered:

- You're right. I have many reasons to be happy. And the main one is you. I love you very much, Omer. It's good that you exist.

He closed her mouth with a kiss.

An old woman passing by saw the couple kissing on the bench, pursed her lips, and shook her head reproachfully. And then she sighed sadly and smiled. Let them kiss. Young ones. If her time returned, she would also send the shyness and fear of human condemnation to hell. She would love with all her heart and greedily catch every moment of happiness. But her time is gone. You cannot return it, no matter how much you want it. And let the young love. Let them kiss. Let them look into each other's eyes and get drunk from these looks.

Let them be happy!

Later, Defne called Esra and told her about her father's death. The girl was silent for a couple of minutes, and then sternly said:

- May he rests in peace. I do not hold a grudge against him, but I am not upset by his death either. I will not grieve for him. I won't think about him at all. He was not, is not, and will not be in my life, - Defne held her breath, in her soul admiring the wisdom of her younger sister. Omer again proved to be absolutely right - Kadir Shishmaz did not have any influence on his daughter and his genes bypassed her. Alarmed by her sister's silence, Esra took it incorrectly and asked perplexedly:

- Defne, do you condemn me? Am I too cruel? Should I grieve for his death? He was my father anyway. But I cannot change my feelings...

- No, no, Esra! - Defne hurried to calm her down. Tears rang in her voice and pride in her clever sister. - You are absolutely right! I'm happy that you think and feel that way. He is a stranger to you. And you are a wise girl, my soul. Forget him and never remember.

- I will do so, - Esra promised and asked: - Defne, can I come home now? I miss all of you very much.

"And Mert too," she added mentally, delighted inside that her sister could not now see her face flushed with a hot blush.

- Yes, honey, - Defne answered. - Omer and I will buy tickets to Istanbul for you and Banu today. Now give the phone to Maya.

She thanked her friend from the bottom of her heart for her help. And she burst into tears. Maya hastened to calm her down:

- Well, why are you crying, dear, - she said affectionately in her melodious voice. - After all, everything is fine. It's all over and your lovely little sister is no longer in danger.

"Thank you and Theo," Defne thanked her again. - Thank you for everything!

- Thank you! Maya answered quietly. - For the pendant. For the hope. For the Miracle. And for the girls. I fell in love with them with all my heart and now I know exactly what I will call my twin daughters.

Defne gasped, guessing what Maya meant. She will have twins!

- Twin girls? Esra and Banu? - asked and laughed with joy.

"Esra and Banu," confirmed Maya.

- So you already know for sure? Will you have girls?

- Yes, - Maya confirmed without hiding happiness. - We'll have girls. Beautiful, healthy girls!

For supper, Iplikci invited Topal and Baisal to their house. Defne decided that it was time for both branches of her family to get to know each other better. But before she had a difficult conversation with her grandmother and brother. They were neither surprised nor shocked. In recent weeks, there have been so many shocking discoveries that the news about Defne's real father was taken philosophically by the family. The grandmother only said that human destinies are very confusing and unpredictable. And Serdar hugged his sister and asked:

- Did you feel better?

"It's better," she replied. "I'm no longer the child my father didn't love. Now I know that I am worthy of love.

"You have always been worthy of it," said Serdar confidently. - Or do you think that Omer could fall in love with an unworthy girl?

"He couldn't," Defne agreed easily with him.

She put her head on his shoulder and thought that everything in life happens on time and right. And even if it seems that there is chaos around, then this leapfrog also has its own logic. And it will certainly become clear later when you can look at the past from the outside and see what you could not see when floundering in problems and troubles.

Together with his fiancée, precious Turkan, Mr. Hulusi also arrived. Omer and Defne looked at each other slyly and exchanged meaningful smiles. It was just over a month before the grandparents' wedding. And they were going to make it unforgettable!

Oddly enough, but everyone easily found a common language with each other. At first, grandmother Turkan looked sternly at Ozcan and shook her head reproachfully, but then she waved her hand and proclaimed:

- Oh, come on! This is all in the past. You are still the father of my granddaughter. And ..., - she critically examined his silk shirt and elegant jacket. Her gaze went up to his face. Ozcan felt as if he had been seated on a hot frying pan. - Quite a worthy father. Good eyes.

Ozcan breathed out a sigh of relief. Yeah! The old woman is a flint! Now it is clear into whom his eldest daughter was born with such a strong personality. But Mrs.Turkan accepted him and this is the main thing. And now the grandfather was going to take his granddaughter in his arms and heartily rejoice at her smile and sweet face.

He did just that. He took Emine Diana in his arms, no matter how the others grumbled at him, hinting that they also want to play with the baby until the end of the evening he did not let her out of his hands. Even at the table, he was eating with one hand, with the other holding his sweet, golden pearl.

Ahtem and Laura also came to the dinner. The seventh month of pregnancy rounded the woman's figure and made her sluggish. But the elegance and aristocracy remained the same. As well as the sweet smile of the former countess, and now just a happy woman. Her husband did not take his eyes off her and it was clear without words that she was the center of the Universe for him.

At the table, Defne, Ahtem, and Laura started talking about work, but the unceremonious Nihan shouted at them:

- You will talk about work in the office. And now is the time for the family. We discuss neutral topics. Aunt Turkan, tell us what Defne was like as a child.

Defne groaned and closed her eyes with her palms, while everyone else, including her husband, greeted the words of her crazy friend and beloved sister-in-law with an approving hum.

Laughter echoed around the table now and then. Mrs. Turkan was an excellent storyteller and portrayed all the stories in faces. Serdar, glancing slyly at his sister, refreshed the memory of the narrator with the words:

- Grandma, do you remember...

The new story made Defne blush and the others laugh merrily. Omer, biting his lower lip, looked at his wife with such eyes that she understood that she could not avoid her husband's teasing now. And why did Nihan come up with this evening of memories of Defne's childhood?

But there was a man at the table for whom these stories were like a breath of fresh air. Ozcan Baisal listened to how his eldest daughter had grown up and with every minute she became closer and dearer to him. Even if he had not seen her as a small child, he had not held her as a newborn in his arms, but this will not make his feelings for her worse. He knew that he would love Defne just as much as he loves Jansu.

A phone call put an end to Defne's embarrassment. Omer's phone rang. He looked at the screen and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

- Mert is calling. At a time like this. What could have happened?

But instead of the familiar youthful voice, from the speaker was heard the unfamiliar timbre of an elderly man.

"Good evening, Mr. Omer," the stranger greeted in a well-trained voice. - My name is Onder Gumuskaya. I am the father of Mirai Astarkhan. I have a request for you.

"Speak," said Omer.

He listened attentively to the man, and everyone else at the table did not take prying eyes from him. Having finished the conversation, Omer put his phone on the table and looked around his family with amazed and happy eyes.

"The father of Mirai called," he said. - It turns out that our quiet Mirai and Kartal, are getting married tomorrow. They only wanted to sign at the municipality, but Onder Gumuskaya decided to prepare a surprise for them and organize a real wedding. We are all invited to come tomorrow at seven o'clock in the evening to the Gumuskaya mansion.

Everyone cheered up and only Defne, frowning slightly, asked her husband:

- Mirai forgave her father and Mert his grandfather?

Omer shrugged his shoulders and replied:

- It turns out that way.

And then Laura spoke. She looked at her husband, smiled softly, and said:

"Perhaps he was worthy of forgiveness. And that's great! Mirai will have a father again, and the children will have a grandfather.

She sighed and her expressive, black eyes were overcast with sadness. Defne perfectly understood the reason for her friend's sadness. Their children with Ahtem will not have either grandfathers or grandmothers. And this is a completely unhappy circumstance. Recently she was sad about this. But then fate took a sharp turn and she had a father, and Emine Diana had a grandfather. But such a miracle, unfortunately, is not given to everyone.

The puppy came up to Laura. During dinner, it lay at the feet of Ozcan Baisal. After all, it was he who held Emine Diana. But now Kid sat down next to the chair of the pregnant woman, put its head on her lap, and looked into her face with devoted eyes. Laura stroked it between the ears and said softly:

- Ah, Kid! You are the most sensitive and kind puppy in the world.

Defne looked at her husband with love, smiled at him with a radiant smile, and said:

- Omer simply could not give his daughter another puppy. He chose it not with his eyes, but with his heart.

It was as if lights were turned on inside Omer. The face brightened, and the eyes shone. Without taking his eyes off his wife and not embarrassed that they were not alone at the table, he kissed the tip of her nose and replied:

- As well as you. I also chose you with my heart the moment I saw you. I was just too stupid to figure it out.

And then grandfather Hulusi spoke:

- But Neriman understood. Surprisingly. I never thought I'd say this, but my daughter-in-law is good at understanding people. Who knows, if Omer and Defne had not passed such trials, they would have been able to understand how important and necessary they are to each other. After all, it happens that people all their lives come to this truth and realize it when it is too late - he looked at his grandson and his wife with a wise, full of love look. - And you already know it. And you don't need to prove anything to each other anymore. You now have your whole life ahead of you to love and be happy. Give birth to children and raise them in love and joy.

- Yes! Nihan supported him and winked at Omer slyly. - Ten. The world must be saved!

Everyone laughed. And Omer with Defne, and grandfather Hulusi with grandmother Turkan, and Serdar with Nihan herself, and Ahtem with Laura. And Jansu. Only Ozcan Baisal frowned and looked puzzled at the eldest daughter and her husband. And then he asked:

- And what kind of trials did Defne and Omer have to go through?

Everyone fell silent and dropped their eyes. Even Jansu. Ozcan looked from face to face and patiently waited for an answer. When his eyes rested on Defne, she cast a glance at her husband and said:

- Dad, I'll tell you everything. But not right now. Another time.

Ozcan froze and forgot to breathe. Defne called him "daddy" for the first time. And she did it so simply and naturally as if she had spoken it a thousand times. As if her heart, soul, and consciousness fully accepted this truth. As if in her thoughts he lives like the only real father. And Ozcan, melting away from such a simple word, complacently replied:

- Of course, my soul. You will tell me some other time.

Omer leaned over to his wife's ear and whispered:

- I am afraid of this "some other time". Will not our Bead become a half orphan after it? Your newfound father might also strangle me for the suffering of his precious daughter.

Defne leaned over to his ear in the same way and reassured:

- Do not worry. I will share a shortened and adapted version. In addition, - she looked at Emine Diana, peacefully snoring in her grandfather's arms, - he loved his granddaughter so much that he would never allow her to grow up without a father.

Omer also looked at his father-in-law gently cradling the baby and muttered:

- This is the only hope. Well, we will assume that you reassured me.

But Ozcan Baisal was not in vain considered a good businessman. He was not used to postponing things on the back burner. In the morning he appeared at Iplikci's house and demanded that his daughter and son-in-law tell the whole story. But even shortened and adapted it made him angry:

- How could you leave Defne after the wedding?! - He shouted at Omer, striding across the living room. - How could you?! She was silent because she loved you. And she told at such a moment, too, because she loved you!

Omer and Defne sat on the sofa like naughty schoolchildren and did not raise their eyes. And Ozcan raged:

- The girl suffered, and he felt sorry for himself! Are you not ashamed? And you call yourself a man!

"Dad, but Omer was crushed by the betrayal ...," Defne timidly tried to intercede for her husband, but her father shouted at her:

- Don't defend him! He is a man and must act like a man! First of all, think about your woman and only then about yourself and your grievances.

"You're right," Omer muttered humbly.

- Of course, I am right!!! - Ozcan soared even more. - If I had been with Defne then, I would never have allowed her to return to you.

- If you were by my side then, I would not have to get involved in the game Love for rent, - Defne rightly said. "And Omer and I would not get close. We wouldn't get married. And Emine Diana would not have been born."

Ozcan fell silent and looked sideways at the swing chair in which, watching the adults with curiosity, the granddaughter was swinging. All anger evaporated instantly. This sweet little girl justified all the sacrifices and all the suffering that her parents had to endure. She was above everything. The most important person in the world.

He went to the swing, stopped it, took Emine in his arms, and, kissing her velvet cheek, grumbling turned to the watchful parents:

- So be it! The birth of Emine Diana justifies and corrects all the mistakes, - Omer and Defne breathed a sigh of relief in unison, and Ozcan in a completely different, good-natured tone asked: - Will the guest be fed breakfast in this house or not?

- Of course, daddy! Defne exclaimed.

In an instant, she and Omer were blown away by the wind. And a minute later, the clink of dishes was heard from the kitchen and was drawn by mouth-watering smells. Ozcan smiled at his granddaughter and said:

- That's it! Your daddy will never risk offending your mommy again. You and I will see to it. Yes, my sweet?

Emine hummed happily in response.

At six o'clock in the evening in the municipality of Istanbul, Mirai Astarkhan became the wife of Kartal Jimerci. Surrounded by children and parents, lovingly looking into each other's eyes, they said the cherished "yes" and became a family. Yesterday Kartal and Mert moved almost all of Mirai's and children's belongings to Jimerci's house, leaving only those that are needed to spend one night in the apartment. And today, leaving it, Mirai left the keys to the concierge. They will never return there again. And even though they were happy in it, no one felt regret. After all, there is a new life and new happiness ahead.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds took several photos for memory and were about to go to dinner at a restaurant ordered in advance, but then the bride's father spoke up. Smiling affectionately at his daughter, he said:

- Honey, forgive my impudence, but I canceled the order at the restaurant and asked our cook Zeyneb to prepare a festive dinner. You know what a wonderful cook she is. No restaurant dish beats hers.

Mirai knew. Gumuskaya's house always smelled delicious, and the dishes prepared by Zeyneb were swept off the plates. But she hesitated. It was so scary to cross the threshold of her father's house again. Very scary. But as she forgave her father, then this step must be taken. Onder Gumuskaya was tensely awaiting her decision. She looked uncertainly at her husband. He closed his eyes, silently informing her that he would support any of her decisions. Mirai looked at her father and nodded in agreement.

- Okay. We agree.

The cars drove into the gates of the Gumuskaya mansion and stopped. In disbelief, Mirai got out of the car and looked around the large courtyard. It was decorated with garlands, arches, and intricate arrangements of fresh flowers. There was a festively set table on the terrace, and an orchestra was located in the corner of the yard. At the sight of the newlyweds, the conductor waved his wand and the musicians began to play the Mendelssohn's wedding march. Guests appeared out of nowhere. Dear friends, whom Mirai and Kartal would very much like to see at their celebration, but believed that they could not afford a big wedding, and to call some without calling others was considered offensive and dishonorable. Therefore, they decided to make a small wedding only for the closest relatives. But Onder Gumuskaya decided otherwise. Enlisting the help of Mert, he organized a big feast and called all the people dear to the heart of Mirai and Kartal. Iplikci and Topal were here. Tranba, Minibaev, Karakaya, Baisal, and all Sapphire employees. Relatives of Kartal and cute birds Nisa and Dila. The latter looked healthy and energetic. Like ordinary seventeen-year-old girls.

Mirai looked back at her father. He looked at his daughter and his eyes glistened with suppressed tears. At that moment, she forgave him completely and to the end. Even for her mother. Because he was worthy of forgiveness. She smiled at him and whispered with her lips:

- Thank you!

And he replied:

- Be happy, my soul! From now on and until the last second of your life, be happy.

"I will," Mirai promised.

A noisy crowd surrounded them. Everyone vied with each other to congratulate, wish happiness and grow old on the same pillow. They admired the beauty of the bride and how harmoniously the couple looks. Mirai and Kartal laughed with happiness, thanked, and felt that now all the problems were really over. There is only joy and love ahead.

Mert stood a little to the side. Folding his arms over his chest and propping up the trunk of an old apple tree with his shoulder, he looked at the happy mother and was glad for her with all his heart. And only one circumstance darkened his thoughts. Esra is far away. And he so would like to see her on this feast. And let him speak to her only as a friend, but seeing her is already happiness.

And on the other side of the world, Esra and Banu were gathering their luggage. Tomorrow they will say goodbye to the paradise island, the gentle lagoon, the hospitable and kind-hearted hosts, who accepted them as family, giving them wonderful impressions, and fly home. To Istanbul. To relatives, friends ..., to Mert.

The plane landed in Istanbul in the evening. The girls went into the arrival hall and immediately found themselves in the strong arms of their relatives. Omer and Defne, Serdar and Nihan, Ahtem and Laura, grandmother, and even Mr. Hulusi met them in their native land. Mert was standing behind. He patiently waited for his turn and only blue eyes sparkled with suppressed feelings. When, finally, all the relatives received their portion of hugs and kisses, he stepped up to the girls, winked at both, and said:

- Well, finally you are back! Istanbul is completely boring without you.

On Monday, Omer got down to work. Over the past month and a half of unrest and searches for a solution to the problem of blackmail, a lot has accumulated. And nobody canceled the release of the autumn-winter collection. There was a month left before the presentation and a whole bunch of projects was waiting for his approval. He plunged headlong into the documents and did not even notice how the door opened. Neriman, surprisingly quiet and inconspicuous, slipped into the office and silently walked to the table.

- Good morning, my olive! - She greeted her nephew, and he even jumped in surprise.

- Aunt! You startled me! - clutching his chest, he rebuked her. - Are you on business or just passing by? If you want to chat, then I'm sorry, I've got a lot of work to do.

- Ay, yes I know! - Neriman muttered displeased and laid a sheet of paper folded in half in front of him. - I'm on business. I brought an application.

- What statement? Omer asked mechanically, picking up the paper.

"An application for dismissal," Neriman replied.

Her words had the effect of a bomb exploding. Omer choked on air and coughed. Neriman hastily poured water into a glass and handed it to him, saying:

- Here, drink!

Clearing his throat, the nephew stared at his aunt in surprise and asked:

- Did you find another job? Or did the grandfather withdraw his condition?

- Not! - solemnly answered Neriman. She could hardly contain her joy, and Omer wondered what could have happened. However, Neriman did not torment him and immediately enlightened him: - Nejmi called and invited me to America! He missed me, my life! In addition, their business with Sude went uphill and they need my help. I took a ticket to New York. I'm leaving in a week.

Omer was amazed, but congratulated his aunt from the bottom of his heart:

- Good luck! I'm sure you will succeed in the States. Say hello to my uncle and Sude.

- Ay, I will, of course! She brushed aside his words. - That's what I want to say. Forgive me for the rental story. More precisely, for the condition that I set Defne. Well, that she should disappear after the wedding, - she explained her words when Omer raised his eyebrows in bewilderment. - I didn't know her at all then. But now I know and admit that there is no better wife for you and cannot be.

Omer involuntarily smiled and, shrugging his shoulders, replied:

- Why forgive? You brought my happiness to me. Now, this is the only thing that matters. Thank you, aunt! Although you try to appear bad, you are actually a very good and kind person.

Neriman was numb with surprise. And Omer, as if nothing had happened, as if he had not just uttered such words, asked in a businesslike tone:

- And what about Koray? He will die of melancholy without you.

"He won't die," Neriman said confidently. - I found a driver for him. In addition, he now has a job and Emine Diana. He no longer has time to gossip and mess around. As it turned out, we did not do anything else together. And these doings are no longer relevant. My dear Korish and I are now going our separate ways.

- It is logical, - Omer agreed with her and asked the following question: - And what about the grandfather's wedding? Won't you stay for it?

"No," Neriman replied cheerfully. - I'm afraid I won't hold back, I'll blurt out something wrong and instead of a romantic idyll, I will get a killer comedy with a fight and hair-pulling. Better I and Nejmi send a fancy gift!

"A wise decision," Omer was forced to agree.

His aunt and the grandmother of Defne are both decent and good women, but it is better not to bring them together in the same room.

- So you will sign the document? - Neriman nodded at the sheet of paper in the hands of Omer, which he had already forgotten.

- Oh yes! - agreed to Omer and signed the statement. - Go to the accounting department. I will order to give you a bonus.

- Why do I need a bonus? - She was surprised and winked at Omer. "I'd rather take five pairs of shoes from your new collection. I will promote Passionis and my genius nephew in America! Now don't delay me! I still have to say goodbye to Defne and baby Emine. I won't do it with Sinan. He did not want my Sude. I'm angry with him! See you, my olive! - Already from the corridor sang his aunt!

Omer, looking after her, shook his head and smiled. Even though she sometimes brought his nerves to white heat, he will miss his eccentric aunt Neriman.

A week before the wedding of Hulusi Iplikci and Turkan Topal, the relatives sat down Esra at the table and sat next to her. Grandma, Serdar, and Defne looked serious and the girl was a little worried.

- What happened? She asked worriedly.

- Esra, my Bee - Defne affectionately called her a childhood nickname. Esra realized that the conversation was mega-important. Lately, Defne called her that only when life questions arose. "You know that grandmother is getting married in a week and will move to live in the mansion of Mr. Hulusi."

Esra glanced sideways at Omer's grandfather. He, Omer himself, and Nihan sat decorously on the sofa and did not interfere with their soul mates. In Nihan's case, it was very strange. She always knew better what her husband was thinking and quickly voiced his thoughts. But now she sat in silence.

- I know, so what? - answered Esra.

- The question arises with whom you will live, - explained Defne. - You will stay with Serdar and Nihan, go with the grandmother or move in with Omer and me. It's up to you to decide.

Esra raised her eyebrows in surprise. What a wonder! So this is the life question that worries her family so much? And she was even scared. She thought something out of the ordinary had happened. For example, her prodigal cuckoo mother appeared and decided to take her to her.

- With my grandmother, of course! - Without hesitation, she answered confidently and turned to her sister and brother: - Do not be offended, but you have your own families and children. You have someone to take care of. And my grandmother and, - she looked at Mr. Hulusi again, - ... grandfather they are alone. I cannot allow them to be bored and sad, to feel lonely.

Turkan shone brighter than a New Year's garland. Praise be to Allah! She raised a kind-hearted and intelligent granddaughter. A real diamond!

Mr. Hulusi also looked pleased. A real family will settle in his house again and it will be filled with life and laughter.

And Omer winked at Esra, without words expressing support for her decision.

Nihan looked at everyone with a confused look and asked:

- Is it that we, Serdar and Iso are left alone in the house? And how will it be? We will get bored!

- You will not get bored, - Turkan stopped her. - Maybe you will remember that Iso needs brothers and sisters.

The large family burst into cheerful laughter.


On the last day of summer, in a snow-white palace on the banks of the Bosphorus, Iplikci and Topal played the wedding of the eldest in their family - Mr. Hulusi and Mrs.Turkan. In a festively decorated garden, under an arch of white and pink roses, feeling a couple of decades younger, the bride and groom, surrounded by numerous relatives and friends, promised to love and support each other in sorrow and joy, wealth and poverty, until death do them part.

The groom in a jet-black tuxedo over a snow-white shirt and the bride in a milky white suit and a hat with a veil looked so touching that the grandchildren watching the ceremony had tears in their eyes. Omer, Defne, Serdar, and Esra looked at the happy grandfather and grandmother with one prayer to Allah - may he prolong the days of their lives and grant health. They have everything else for happiness.

Koray, delighted with the wedding and the groom and the bride, tirelessly clicked the camera, hurrying to capture all the moments and emotions on the faces of the newlyweds and guests.

After the ceremony, grandfather took Emine Diana from Omer and asked the crazy photographer to photograph the three of them.

- She is our continuation with you, - he explained his desire to his wife. - Let her have a photo from the wedding of her great-grandfather and great-grandmother. Perhaps someday she will show it to her great-grandchildren.

Koray was clicking the shutter of the camera, guests were having fun, music was playing, the sun was shining and the Bosphorus was blue. Omer and Defne looked at their daughter in the arms of their happy great-grandfather and great-grandmother.

They looked and understood - this is Eternity.

Life continues in new generations and it is beautiful.

A month later, on a rainy September night, Laura gave birth to a boy. There was no limit to Ahtem's happiness. And the next day, on the doorstep of the clinic, a newborn baby was found in a shoebox. She was tiny and weak, she couldn't even cry. Laura saw her in the incubator, so helpless and small, alone in the huge room. By that time, all the babies had been delivered to their mothers, and only she remained in the newborn ward. Her heart was bleeding with pity and Laura asked permission to feed her. And when she put her to her breast, she realized that she would never give her up, never for anything.

Ahtem entered the ward and saw his son peacefully sleeping in the crib, a crying wife, and a tiny girl at her breast.

"I can't leave her," Laura whispered.

Ahtem stroked the small head, no larger than a woman's fist, and answered:

- So our son has a sister.

- Real sister! - Demandingly looking into his eyes, said Laura.

"Yes darling," he confirmed.

The Minibaev family returned home with two children. Gray cat Gri heard their crying and ran to the nursery. In a wide cot lay two coiled bundles. Looking back at the hosts, Gri jumped into it and lay down between Damir and Teresa. Warming them with its body, the cat started purring like a song. Ahtem and Laura looked at each other and laughed softly. Their children got a nanny.

On the same day, Seda Karakaya told her husband that she was pregnant. Sinan jumped to the ceiling, shouted with joy, and agreed to put the whole world at the feet of his beloved wife.

A month later, Iz Tranba gave birth to a healthy and beautiful boy. He was given the name of Engi ( *in Turkish means victory). After all, he became a victor long before he was born.

Laila and the Chatay spouses were sued. The court was honest and objective. As promised, Engin Astarkhan and his son Mehmet did not use their influence to prevent Hazal and her husband from being punished. The verdict was harsh - all three were sentenced to fifteen years in prison. Zubeyir, thanks to his sincere confession, received a suspended sentence.

Mehmet Astarkhan reached the bottom. Life became unbearable for him. He started drinking. First in the evenings, and then in the morning, barely opening his eyes. He was expelled from the advocate bar and his license was taken away. This was a blow to Engin Astarkhan. The father's heart could not stand the shame of the children.

Mirai, Mert, and the girls attended the funeral, but when Mehmet tried to speak to them, they pretended that he is invisible.

And Defne and Omer just lived. They watched their daughter grow up, created their masterpieces, rejoiced at the happiness of friends and loved. Their love had no shores and boundaries, did not fit into any definition. It was higher than the sky and hotter than the fire. And there was nothing in the world more important and more beautiful than their feelings.

On New Year's Eve, they installed a live Christmas tree with a sharp smell of pine needles in their house, and they had a lot of fun dеcorating it up. They cooked a festive dinner, played with Emine Diana, and waited for the night with trembling anticipation. And the next day. After all, tomorrow the whole big family will gather in the house of young Iplikci: grandfather and grandmother Iplikci, Serdar with Nihan and baby Iso, Esra. And, of course, dear dad Ozcan and sister Jansu. It will be noisy and fun. The way it should be in a happy family.

When half an hour remained until the New Year and Еmine guarded by the faithful Kid, was sleeping sweetly in her crib, Defne, dissolving in her husband's arms, whispered the same words as a year ago on the bungalow terrace:

- It was the best year of my life.

Omer, not at all cunning, repeated his last year's answer:

- The next one will be even better!

Watching them, Fate smiled. It knew that the happy man was telling the truth.

Next year will be better.

And the next one too.

And each following year will be beautiful.

Because they have had enough trials and troubles.

Let them live happily!

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