Interception (Book 6)

بواسطة Dijah_Love

1.8M 72.5K 138K

Four years into the future, about to graduate college, Aliyah and Marcus have both created new lives for them... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Part 1)
Chapter 34 (Part 2)
Authors Note
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter 51
Authors Note:Quick Vent
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 (PART 1)
Chapter 58 (PART 2)
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 | The Prelude
Chapter 70 (PART 1)
Chapter 70 (PART 2)
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 62

6.7K 422 1.1K
بواسطة Dijah_Love

Aliyah P.O.V.

My eyes slowly began to open, as soft beeping become more and more prominent as I regained my consciousness.

I blinked a few times, clearing my vision, looking around the hospital room I was somehow in.

I slowly turned my head to the left, to see Mama sitting in the corner with Marissa beside her, comforting her.

I slowly turned my head to the right, looking at the tray of instruments that sat beside me with different tools and gauze, which must've been used on me.

I slowly turned back around, opening my mouth to speak.


As soon as I said her name, she looked over at me, popping up from her seat.

"Aliyah, oh my god,"

She rushed over to my bedside, throwing her arms around me.

"Oh my baby," she said through tears.

Marissa walked over to the other side of my bed, looking down at me with wet eyes and cheeks. "We were all so worried about you,"

She wiped her eyes, grabbing onto my hand.

"Marissa can you let everyone know she's awake please," she wiped her eyes as Marissa nodded her head.

"Of course, I'll be right back,"

Once she stepped out, I looked around the room again, trying to put the pieces together.

I tried lifting my head off the pillow and I automatically frowned, grabbing onto my head once I felt how heavy it was.

"You okay, how do you feel?" Mama asked.

"Tired," I said weakly. "My body......feels bruised and my head is pounding,"

She looked down at my face and body, as if she was trying to take something in.

"The doctor said you may have some pain when you wake up.....Can you sit up at all baby?" She asked, looking me up and down.

I tried scooting up in my bed, but my body felt to weak and too sore to move.

"I can't,"

She nodded. "It's fine....just wait for your father,"

Silence filled the space around us for a few seconds, until the door opened again, revealing daddy, AJ, Mariah, Marissa and Amara.

"Baby girl," daddy said, quickly walking over to my bedside. "Oh my god," he mumbled, leaning over, kissing the top of my forehead.

"Are you okay?" I nodded, looking up at his glassy eyes as if he was trying to hold back his tears.

He looked me up and down, clenching his jaw as if he was upset.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the sound of the door opening up stopped me.

"Mr. and Mrs. Alsina,"

Everyone turned their attention to the door to see a police officer stepping inside.

"I don't mean to interrupt, do you have a minute to talk? I have a update for you, but I can come back if this is a bad time,"

Daddy shook his head, quickly wiping his eyes. "That won't be necessary, we can speak now,"

The officer nodded, motioning for him to step out into the hallway. "Follow me,"

He looked back at me for a few seconds before walking out with the officer.

Once they were gone, Mama wiped her eyes, clearing her throat. "...Can someone let the nurse know that Aliyah's awake please,"

Everyone was silent for a few seconds, until Mariah let go of AJs arm, slightly nodding. ".......I'll find her,"

Mama slightly smiled through her tears. "...Thank you Mariah,"

She looked over at AJ, who I just realized had been staring at the ground since he stepped into the room.

She slightly rubbed his arm, trying to his attention, but he didn't move.

She sighed before stepping out of the room, leaving the rest of us.

"AJ," Mama said lowly.

He kept his eyes on the ground, not bothering to look up when she called him.

"AJ," she said again. "......Did you get a chance to see Aliyah?"

I looked over at him, wondering why he wasn't saying anything.

He kept his head low, leaned up against the wall, with his jaw clenched.

"AJ," Marissa said in a sigh. "Your mom is talking too you,"

He ignored the both of them, keeping his same still stance against the wall.

As soon as mama was about to speak again, the door flew open, as daddy stepped in again.

"AJ, let's go,"

As soon as he said that, AJ got up off of the wall, walking straight out of the door just like he instructed.

Mama frowned as if she was confused on what was happening.

"Where are y'all going? And what did the police officer say? Did they find any footage from the house??"

"They just confiscated it, and it's about to be reviewed at the station in a little while, after they review it, they can arrest him," He pulled his keys out of his pocket, as if he was about to leave.

"Okay, so where are you going??? Aliyah just woke up, and you're leaving? And why are you taking AJ? What's going on?"

"One of my guys said they saw Ronnie this morning at one of the hotels down town, so that's where we're going,"

Mama frowned again. "Did you tell the police????"

"No," he said nonchalantly. "I will after,"

"After what?"

"After AJ and I handle him, after that, they can arrest him."

Mama gasped, as I sat up a little in my bed. "Daddy please d-"

"August no," Mama said interrupting me. "As much as I want to get my hands on him, you and AJ are both going to get arrested for attacking him,"

He sighed, ignoring her. "I'll be back, keep me updated on what's going on here,"

"August," mama said firmly.


"August!" She said loudly. He walked out of the door ignoring her completely.

"Oh my god," she said lowly, shaking her head. "I can't believe any of this,"

"Where's Mariah with the nurse?" She asked, looking back at Marissa and Amara.

"I don't know.....but we'll go look for her, come on Mara,"

They both stepped out of the room, leaving mama and I alone.

Once they were gone, I sat up a little more, beginning to feel worried. " have to stop daddy and AJ.....they don't need to get involved with this," I said weakly.

She sighed. "There's nothing I can do....I can't physically stop them......Jesus......I just can't believe this is happening."

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. "I know all of this is my fault."

She sighed. "Do you remember anything from last evening? The police will want to talk to you now that you're awake," she wiped her eyes a bit, waiting for me to answer.

"I......I just remember being at the house.......Ronnie.....he slapped me."

As soon as I said that, mama's eyes closed, as a few tears ran down her cheeks. "......What else?" She asked through tears.

"I just remember him.....on top of me.....beating me until I passed out."

"Oh my god," she mumbled.

".....How did I get here?" I asked confused. "The last memory I have is being at the house before I passed out,"

"Amara and Marissa found you at the house passed out on the living room floor, they called 911 and got you here right away, after we all landed they called us to tell us where you were and what happened,"

"They told you what happened?"

She nodded. "They told your father and I everything,"

I was silent for a second. ".....Everything?"

She nodded. "We know everything, the whole story."

I sat there silent, unsure of what to say.

"And speaking of there something you need to share with me?"

I frowned a little, wondering what she was talking about.

She sighed. "I know that you were pregnant,"

I sat there in shock, still unsure of what to say.

"It was revealed to all of us after they ran tests once you got here,"

I was silent.

"What else havent you told me? I just don't understand how or why you would hide this from your father and were expecting your first child and you didn't think to tell me or daddy? But yet, somehow Marissa and Amara knew??"

"And then, it's apparent more than ever now that's something's been going on with you and Ronnie, and now all of a sudden you're in the hospital once again, but this time for him putting his hands on you, it honestly makes me think you lied to me the last time I was here in Atlanta and took you home, I'm thinking that he had to have done something to you then,"

I sighed. "......He didn't touch me......well he wasn't the cause of the accident," I started.

"I'd hit my head before I started driving, but I hit my head because I snatched myself away from him and lost my footing and fell. He never intentionally hurt me."

"And you expect me to believe that? After seeing you laid in a hospital bed with all these bruises, I can't honestly believe that......why didn't you tell me you two were having problems?"

I looked down into my lap, trying to swallow the tears that were burning my eyes. "....I just didn't want to talk about it,"

"I knew you and daddy would judge me for still being with Ronnie after all I found out about his past..... and I didn't tell you I was pregnant because I..... I..... I wasn't planning on keeping it."

Her eyes widened. "Why? What happened?? Why were you considering abortion?? Because of Ronnie? And he should never ever lay a finger on you, but for him to lay hands on you while you're pregnant....I'm just disgusted and in disbelief, I don't even know what to ask right now,"

I swallowed hard, contemplating if I should just come out with all my truth right now or once I was out of the hospital.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. "The baby isn't Ronnie's,"

I opened my eyes, looking up at her, to see a shocked and confused look on her face.


"The baby isn't his....and he never knew I was pregnant."

"W-Who was the father then??" She asked.

I looked down in my lap, feeling my eyes stinging. ".....Before I tell you that.... I think you need to know about what happened at the rehearsal dinner first,"

She sighed, shaking her head. "I already know what happened....... I told you, Amara and Marissa told us everything when we got here, and honestly they didn't have too.....your secret came out right before we boarded the plane,"

I frowned. ".....So you know about me and Marcus?"

She nodded. "Yes,"

"And daddy knows too?"

"Baby, we all know............including social media,"

My frown deepened. "What??? What are you talking about?"

"TMZ released the video of you and Marcus last night,"

My whole body froze.

"......It's made it's way over multiple social media sites since it was released.......there wasn't anything I could do from the plane, and my main focus has been you since we got here, but I am going to call my lawyer now that you're up to see how we can get a handle on both of these situations,"

I blinked a few times as multiple tears ran down my cheeks. I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of mama's mouth right now.

"......So what about Marcus?" She started. "Are you telling me think he's the father?"

I nodded, as a few more tears ran down my cheeks.

"Oh my long was this going on for? Were you seeing him this whole time???"

I shook my head, wiping my cheeks. "No, it's nothing like that.... I cheated on Ronnie with Marcus once....months ago ..... I called off the engagement when I came back home after the accident.....that's when Marcus popped up.....and we......"

She shook her head again, wiping her eyes.

"Aliyah," She said firmly. "Why didn't you come clean about all of this months ago when everything first happened?"

"I couldn't,"

"Well why not??"

I sat there silent for a few seconds, not sure how to explain everything that transpired in the last couple of months.

All of a sudden, the doors opened, as Marissa and Amara stepped inside again. "......The nurse said she'll be back with the doctor in a few minutes."

Mama sighed, standing up from her seat. "I need some fresh air........I'll be back once your doctor gets here."

I could see the disappointment in her face as she walked out of the room, leaving us alone.

As soon as she was gone, Marissa and Amara both walked over to both sides of my bed with red puffy faces.

".......How did that go?" Marissa asked, motioning to the door.

"Not good," I said wiping my face. "I can see the disappointment written all over her face.....even the way she looks at me..... I can tell she's upset."

"That's too be expected," Amara started. "She's your parent.....I'm sure your dad feels the same way,"

"I know," I said lowly. "He's just in too much of a rage to show it...... I really need to get out of here, I don't need my dad or AJ going after Ronnie, all of this has gotten way out of hand, and it's completely my fault."

"Your dad is gonna do whatever he wants, I think we all know that......and AJ is just like him so I don't know who can stop them." Marissa said in a sigh.

"Did you see the look on his face though? He's been like that ever since Marissa and I told him about what happened to's like he completely shut down,"

Marissa shook her head. "He's not shut down, he's livid, contemplating what to do next......I've only ever seen him like that a few times when we were together, but I know how much anger he's holding inside when he stays quiet like that..... If they do find Ronnie, it's not gonna be pretty,"

"I can't deal with all of this," I started. "My mama just told me that the video is out.....please tell me that's not true,"

"I wish we could.....but somehow it got leaked while everything was going did someone get the camera footage from you and Ronnie's house??"

I sighed, shaking my head. "I don't know,"

"I just can't believe this," I said, pushing my messy hair out of my face.

"My whole life is ruined," I could feel the tears forming again as I spoke.

"My whole reputation......everyone knows what happened.....I'll never be able to show my face to the public again,"

"Don't even focus on that right now," Marissa started. "You honestly need to just focus on recovering...... your body has been through a lot in the last 14 hours,"

I frowned, wondering what she was talking about.

"What do you mean? Did the doctor say something was wrong with me?"

They both looked at one another as if they were unsure of what to say.

"What is it?" I asked, looking between them.

" h-"

Amara's sentence was interrupted from the door opening, causing all of our attention to turn there once again.

I sat up a little bit more in my bed once I seen the doctor and his nurse stepping into my room.

"Good morning Ms. Alsina," He started. "I'm Dr.Willis, me and Ms. Jackie here have been caring for you since you arrived last evening....How are you feeling?"

I smiled a tiny bit at the both of them. "Good morning.....Um I'm feeling head also feels a bit heavy,"

He nodded. "That's too be expected, I was informed by your mother that about two months ago you were in a accident that caused a head injury, is that correct?"

"Yes," I said in a sigh.

"Well now that you're awake, we want to do some more testing first, but before that, I wanted to come in and bring you up to speed on what's transpired in these last few hours,"

I frowned a little. ".....Okay.....what happened?"

The nurse looked over at Amara and Marissa, motioning for them to come with her.

"Why don't you ladies come with me?"

They both nodded, giving me one last look before leaving out with the nurse.

Once they were gone, Dr. Willis grabbed one of the rolling chairs, sitting himself beside my bed.

"When you arrived last evening you were still unconscious with a significant amount of blood coming from your nose and mouth."

"To determine if any bones were broken in the nose or any damage to the teeth and jaw were present, we needed to complete a few xrays, but before we could do that, we needed to run a series of test to give us a basic analysis of your current health."

"......Were you aware that you were 2 1/2 months pregnant?"

I hesitantly nodded. "....Yes....I'm aware."

"Okay good," he said in a sigh. "Not that this makes it any easier to tell you, but......after it was revealed that you were pregnant, we quickly did a ultrasound to check on the baby, as we were informed that abuse was a probable cause as to why you were here."

I was silent, waiting for him to continue.

".....The ultrasound revealed that the baby's heart beat was faint and shallow, and through that same ultrasound, it seemed as if there might have been an issue with your placenta,"

He took a deep breath, continuing. "I performed a few more tests, trying to determine if there was any trauma to the placenta, and while doing that, we noticed some vaginal bleeding, and the monitors also determined that you began having contractions shortly after,"

I frowned. "Contractions? Why.....why would I be having contractions??"

"The contractions and the bleeding are both signs of placental abruption, when your placenta has partially or fully separated from your uterus, usually caused by falls, assaults, or any severe trauma."

".....In your case.... the placenta separated from the uterus completely, and due to the time frame of when the placenta separated from the uterus, and when it was determined.....unfortunately, the oxygen supply was severed causing something we call Hypoxia, which ultimately resulted to the lost of the fetus."

I sat there in shock, unsure of what to say.

"We had to perform surgery to remove the fetus after given the okay from your family......we currently have you on pain medication, to help with not only with the evident bruising that you have, but mostly for the post care after surgery and for your head."

I swallowed hard, trying to hold my tears back.

"And that leads me to my last thing," he started again. "Since you've experienced repeated trauma to the head in less than 6 months, we were expecting some trauma to the skull or the brain upon completing your MRI, but we were pleasantly surprised to find that everything pretty much looks intact."

"Now, your head wasn't fully healed from the last incident you were in, and due to that reason, you may continue to feel this heaviness in the head for the next week or so. You also may experience migraines from time to time. Anytime there has been trauma, especially repeated trauma to the brain, it is to be expected. When you're close to being discharged, we will talk about pain management options for the migraines."

"We also would like to keep monitoring not only the brain and skull, but the wound that is present on the back of your head for any signs of infection,"

I frowned, bringing my hand up to my head, touching the bandage that I just realized was there.

"H-How.....where did......How did this happen?"

"We aren't sure," he started. "We firmly believe that your attacker may have had such a grip on your hair that it may have been pulled out during your exchange."

".......I know this may be a lot to process, so we want to give you more time with your friends and family before we continue with our testing. Jackie will be back in a hour to prep you. An officer may be by later as well to see you.......I'll let your family know that we've you have any questions for me?"

I shook my head no as my eyes began to sting again.

"Okay.....if you need anything please don't hesitate to call one of us."

"Thank you," I said lowly.

He stood up out of his chair, leaving the room. Once I was alone, the tears began streaming down my cheeks uncontrollably.

I tried wiping them away, but my hands couldn't keep up with the amount of tears that were flowing.

My attention turned to the door, as I seen Marissa and Amara standing in the doorway.

Without even saying a word, they both walked over to my beside, pulling me into them as I immediately began to break down, sobbing into there arms.

Marcus P.O.V


I slowly picked my head up from my hands, looking up at the guard that was on the opposite side of the bars.

"You made bail, you're free to go,"

The gate alarmed went off, as she pulled it open, signaling for me to step out.

I stood up to my feet, dusting off my suit that was stained with dirt and blood, before stepping through the gate.

"You can collect your personal belongings at the reception area at the front,"

I gave her a slight nod before waking down the long hallway and through the door that led to the front of the station.

As soon as I came around the corner, I spotted the reception desk, making my way over to it.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up my stuff,"

The lady looked up at me before looking back down at her computer screen. "What's the last name and the date you arrived?"

"Richmond, and yesterday's date."

She quickly typed something into her computer, before looking up at me again. "Marcus?"

I nodded.

She rolled back in her chair, before grabbing a plastic bag that had my phone, wallet and keys inside of it.

"Here you go,"

"Thank you,"

She fanned me off as if she wanted me to get away from her desk.

I took a deep breath, reaching inside the bag, pulling out my phone.

As soon as the screen turned on, I stared down at the 25 texts messages and 30 missed calls I had from Chris, Bria, Mama and Kelia.

I switched the screen back off, hoping that something bad didn't happen, but there was no way I was calling any of them back while I was inside of here.

I dropped my phone in my pocket, making my way out to the front of the station, where I was hoping Will was waiting on me.

During the fight last night, someone from the venue had called the police, and somehow I ended up getting arrested, while Ronnie got to walk away Sky free.

Apparently since it was his event, I was automatically looked at as the cause of the problem and was arrested because of it, even though his bitch ass decided to swing on me first.

So as soon as I got here last night and was given my one phone call, I immediately called Will and instructed him on how to get my bail money and to come get me out of this place before anybody found out, especially Kelia.

I stepped around the corner, looking around the waiting area for Will, but i didn't see him.

I stepped out further, continuing to look around, when I heard Kelia's voice behind me.


I slowly turned around to see her standing behind me, holding onto Kenzie.

I frowned a little, confused as to how she was here.

"'d you get here?"

I could tell by the look on her face that she was pissed, but I knew she wasn't the type to act out infront of everyone.

"I called damn near everybody looking for you this morning. When you didn't show up this morning like you said you would, I got worried, especially when you weren't answering your phone for hours."

"I called Will and Brittany in a panic, asking if they heard from you, and that's when Brittany told me that Will had been trying to get your bail money together because you got arrested last night."

I sighed. "I can explain, it wasn't my fault that I got arrested,"

She rolled her eyes, walking past me and over to the exit as I followed behind her.

"What is ever your fault Marcus?" She said as we stepped out into the parking lot.

"Seriously, what is??" She hit they locks on her key ring before opening up the backseat, getting Kenzie's car seat situated.

"..... I can hold her while you do that."

"No," she said firmly. "You're covered in blood and god knows what else, it's fine, I got it."

Once she got it set, she carefully sat her down in her seat, buckling it up.

"Get in," she said, motioning to the passenger seat.

I sighed, following her instructions.

As soon as we began backing out of the space she was parked in, I spoke again.

"....... I wasn't fully honest with you about where I was last night,"

She sarcastically chuckled. "When are you ever fully honest with me??? It seems to me like lying has always been in your nature."

I frowned. "Okay, I know I fucked up by not being there this morning, and not telling you the full truth last night, but you can't just throw out all the work I've been putting In with Kenzie since she was born. I told you, me getting arrested last night wasn't my fault.... I got attacked by-"

"I know," she said cutting me off. "It's all over social media, you got into a fight with Ronnie Johnston."

"Oh," I said lowly.

"Well I ain't start the fight,"

"Oh I know," she started again. "If I was sleeping with one of your teammates, I'm sure you would throw the first punch at him too."

My whole body froze once I heard her say that.

"Dont look so surprised," she started. "You have a whole sex tape out, I should call you Ray J from now on."

"So it's out," I mumbled. ".....Where'd you see it?" I asked in a sigh.

"It's all over social media, trust me, you don't gotta look hard for it."

I sighed again, running a hand down my face. "Shit," I mumbled again.

"But the craziest part of all this," she started again. "Is the date the video was recorded on."

I was silent.

"The fact that I was still pregnant and we were still in a relationship at the time is the part that gets me," she sarcastically chuckled.

"Honestly, I should probably not even give a fuck, seeing as how I had a feeling you were cheating anyways,"

"But what I didn't know," she said in a laugh again. "Is who you were cheating with,"

"I wasn't cheating with her," I said in a sigh.

"Oh sorry, correction, you cheated with her, I don't see how that makes anything better, but go off,"

I ran a hand down my face, not wanting to do this with her, especially infront of Kenzie.

"It doesn't make it better," I started. "But I'm not gonna let you think I was messing with her since I got on the team, cause I know how your mind works......I'll be honest with you, we only slept together once while we were together, it wasn't supposed to happen, and I deeply apologize for not being faithful to you."

"Oh so it was more than once?" She asked, lifting a brow.

"Kelia," I said sighing. "Why does that even matter right now?"

"Answer the question,"

"Nah," I started. "I'm not answering that because it really doesn't matter. I told you, it only happened once when we were together, anything outside of our relationship doesn't matter."

She shook her head, pulling up to a red light. "So you have slept with her more than once......does Ronnie know this? Is that why he beat your ass the way he did?"

I frowned. "First of all, he didn't beat anybody's ass, and second, why you so hung up on this? I understand 1000% that I was wrong for stepping out on our relationship earlier this year, I take full responsibility for my actions and the pain I know you must feel now from finding out about it, I just don't get why all the extra shit matters."

"Because it's clear as hell now that you lied about having feelings for her," she started. "You told me she was in your past, but you must've still feel something for her if it made you cheat on the mother if your child and not give two fucks that she's your teammates fiancée,"

I was silent.

"I don't know if I'm more disgusted by the fact that you cheated, or the fact that you went months on end as if nothing happened, and kept defending yourself when I accused you of being unfaithful,"

"Actually, I think I'm more disgusted of the fact that the both of you were smiling in everyone's face as if shit was cool...... I should sock that bitch in the mouth the next time I see her,"

"I'm sorry," I said lowly. "I never meant for any of this to happen, and I especially never meant to hurt you,"

"No, you never meant for me to find out. There's a difference. Like I said, I probably shouldn't even care, there's a reason why we aren't t together now and if I ever had any doubts about why we weren't, I don't have them anymore,"

"I'm sorry...... I really am,"

Silence filled the space around us for a few seconds as she took off from the light.

"......You still have feelings for her.....don't you?"

I looked over at her once I heard the change in her voice. Her eyes were slightly glassy, but she kept them focused on the road.

"...... I don't think I should answer-"

"Just answer it," she said cutting me off. "Please,"

I took a big deep breath, scratching the back of my head, feeling awkward about this.


She nodded slowly. "And when did you realize it?"

I frowned, not even sure how to answer the question.

"Um...... I don't know,"

"Was it while we were together? Was it after you slept with her?"

I shrugged. "I don't know....maybe,"

She quickly wiped her eyes, clearing her throat as she turned into my neighborhood.

We rode in silence for the next few seconds before she pulled up infront of my house, hitting the locks.

".....Thank you for coming for me."

She turned her head to the window, not bothering to make eye contact with me. "Yeah,"

"......Again, I'm sorry for hurting you..... I know it may take some time, but I do hope you forgive me, we've been good lately and I don't want shit from the past messing up the now,"

She wiped her eyes again, still keeping her head turned away from me.

I looked back at Kenzie who has fallen asleep in her seat.

"....... I can come by this afternoon to help with Kenzie,"

She shook her head. "No, I got it."

"If I need something, I'll text you. I just really need my space from you right now,"

I frowned. "And what about me seeing Kenzie??"

"You can see her, just not today. I just need the day to clear my head,"

I sighed. "Ight.......will you call me when I can come over?"

She nodded, hitting the locks. "Yeah........I'll see you later,"

I stared at the back of her head for a few seconds hoping she would turn around to face me, but she didn't.

I took a deep breath, climbing out of the car, carefully shutting the door behind myself trying bit to wake up Kenzie.

I stood on the sidewalk, watching her drive off as my phone began to vibrate in my pocket.

I quickly pulled it out to see Jared calling me. I sighed deeply, before answering.

ME: "Hello?"

JARED: "Where the hell are you??? Both me and my assistant have been calling you since last night, did you forget about our meeting this morning? Do you know how dumb I looked infront if the reps for the Miami Gators when you didn't show up????"

ME: "Aw shit," I mumbled. "I forgot all about that meeting, you won't believe the night I had man, I couldn't call because-"

JARED: "Save the excuses Marcus, you not showing and not calling not only looks bad in your part, but my part since I'm your agent. And also not knowing where the hell you are or how to get in contact with you looks bad as well. Oh, and to top it off, your name is flying all around social media about some sex scandal with you and some football wife."

"I found out about it as soon as I sat down with the reps, they were the ones who actually brought it to my attention. Do you know how stupid I looked once again??"

I sighed.

ME: "I'm sorry, but I can explain all of it. I was actually trying to call you last night before I got arrested to give you a heads up about someone having a tape of me, I needed to know what I shoulda done next before it got leaked,"

JARED: "Arrested? What the hell? Why'd you get arrested? And why would you call me about that??? I'm not a manger or a publicist Marcus, but with the way your name is being tossed around, I suggest you hire one fast, cause I can't even continue to have you as a client if you don't put this fire out,"

ME: "I know, I was just thinking you may have had some advice for me so I was able to get a handle on it before it got out....but obviously I'm too late now,"

JARED: "Well that's my advice for you." He started. "You need to hire either a manager or a publicist, or both to do some damage control for this story that's out. In the meantime, I'm going to see if I can possibly convince the Gators to reschedule a meeting with you, but I'm not Even sure at this point if they will,"

ME: "Ight." I started. "I'll get right on that you know any good managers or publicists?"

JARED: "I do," he said in a sigh. "I'll have my assistant email over some names with their contact information later."

ME: "Ight.... I appreciate it man."

JARED: "Just get it done, and fast please."

Before I could say anything else, he hung up the phone.

I took a big deep breath breath, walking up the path that led to my front door.

I reached my hand inside the plastic bag I was still holding, pulling out my keys.

I quickly unlocked the door, automatically dropping everything I was holding, and stripping down to my boxers, just wanting to get out of the bloody clothes I had been in all night.

I walked straight into the kitchen, pulling open the fridge, looking for something to quickly eat since my stomach has been grumbling for hours.

Just as I was about to choose something, my phone vibrated in my hand, causing me to look down at it.

I brought my phone up to face level once I seen Jess had texted me. I quickly opened up the message, reading it to myself.

JESS (11:35AM) - Not sure where you are or if you'll get this message, but I just saw this and wanted to send it to you, not sure how true it is though.

I stared down at the link she sent me, before tapping it to enlarge the post she sent me from the shade room.

I frowned a little bit, reading it outloud.

"Georgia Panthers QB Ronnie Johnston MIA after alleged domestic squabble with his soon to be wife Aliyah."

My frown deepened, wondering what the hell this was about.

I leaned back up on the counter, reading the rest of the article to myself.

#Roomies - Georgia Panther star Ronnie Johnston and his fiancée Aliyah Alsina were expected to tie the knot today according to our sources.


As we reported last night, all hell broke loose at the couples rehearsal dinner, when a now viral video of  Ronnie's fiancée (Aliyah) and his current teammate (Marcus Richmond) began to play of them being intimate with one another earlier this year.


Clips of the exchange between Marcus and Ronnie has been circling around social media, and we can now confirm that not only was Aliyah escorted back to the home that they share together, Ronnie was escorted back there shortly after.


But what happened next is the most surprising, their home has reportedly been swarmed with police, as now that it's being treated as an alleged crime scene. Ronnie and Aliyah's neighbor called 911 and reported a possible domestic squabble as she heard "yelling and screaming" coming from their home.


Once policed arrived the home was empty, with no sign of Ronnie or Aliyah. As this was supposed to be the couples wedding day, paparazzi has released photos this morning of Aliyah's parents (Simone and August Alsina) rushing into Cedars-Sinai earlier this morning as we believe Aliyah may be if the domestic incident is true. As far as Ronnie goes, there's been so sign of him since he was escorted back home.

Y'all please keep these two in your prayers. We'll be back with more updates as they come.

I stared down at my phone, completely in shock of what I had just read.

I was hoping that none of it was true, but something was telling me that it was, just based off the fact that Aliyah's parents showed up to the hospital, and what Aliyah told me about him being abusive to his ex.

I closed out of the article, automatically pulling up google maps.


A.J. P.O.V.

I hit the ignore button on my phone once I seen Mariah calling me for the hundredth time since pops and I left the hospital earlier.

I leaned all the way back in my seat, keeping my focus on the hotels entrance door, waiting to see this nigga walk out.

I kept both fists balled up, trying to contain the anger that was raging through my body.

"Yeah, we're here," Pops said, shifting the phone to his left ear.

"Nah, we still waitin on that nigga to come out, AJ's gonna make the call when we're done with him,"

I clenched my jaw together, not even blinking. I was determined to keep my focus on the sliding glass doors, hoping his bitch ass would step out any second now.

"If Simone calls you don't answer," he started again. "She's been blowing me up ever since we left the hospital this morning, I'll handle grr when we get back,"

He sighed a little. " girl is good.....she just woke up this could've been way worse, but this mothafucka is gon pay for putting his hands on her, believe that."

I sat up in my seat a little once I seen a figure approaching the door.

I squinted, unbuckling my seatbelt, getting ready.

As soon as I saw him, I immediately hopped out the car, not even waiting on pops.

I could hear him calling after me, but it was no use. My body wouldn't stop moving towards him no matter how much my mind told me to slow down.

"Aye bitch,"

As soon as he turned around to face me, I knocked him dead in the mouth, causing him to drop his bags and stumble back.

Before he got a chance to recover, I punched him again with my opposite fist, uppercutting his chin.

As soon as he fell back, I grabbed onto his shirt, looking him in the face.

"Since you like puttin your hands on females, I got something for you,"

I stood up straight, swinging my leg all the way back, before kicking his dirty ass right in his gut, causing him to topple over.

"Get up!!" I yelled. "Getcho ass up and fight me like a real nigga,"

"Or do you only put yo hands on women???"

I threw my set up, waiting for him to get off the ground.

As soon as he did, he stepped towards me, as if he was about to hit me. "Come on bitch,"

"I'm ready for yo ass, wassup?!?" I yelled loudly.

He spit out a little blood, before stepping towards me again, this time preparing to swing.

I balanced my self on my back foot, getting ready to dodge his punch, when pops came out of nowhere, grabbing me.

"Not right here!" He yelled, trying to hold me back. "There's cameras, you were supposed to wait!"

I clenched my jaw together, not caring about anything he was saying, all I knew was that I was about to kill this nigga, cameras or no cameras.

I broke free from his grasp, running up on him again. He swung at me, and I automatically dodged it, busting him in in his lip.

I stepped closer, taking another swing at him, but he dodged me, sending a blow to the side of my ribs.

Normally that would've hurt me, but there was so much adrenaline running through me, that the pain was minuscule to what I was focused on.

He sent another shot to the left side of my jaw, leaving a opportunity to swing back on him.

Instead, I swung my leg back, kicking him down to the ground again.

As soon as he fell, I began sending blows all over his body, making sure I hit a few kicks in too.

People from inside of the hotel began crowding around the doors, watching what was happening. I could hear some people yelling "call the police" but I truly didn't give a fuck.

I could feel pops behind me, trying to get me off of him the more bloody he became, but I just couldn't stop.

Eventually he was able to get a grip on me that I just couldn't get out of. He began pulling me away from the hotel, rushing back over to where we were parked.

He pulled open the passenger side door, throwing me inside before jogging back over to the driver side, immediately pulling off.

I sat back in my seat, slightly catching my breath, as he sped down the street, just as soon as we began hearing police sirens.

I sat there quietly as he occasionally glanced over at me, probably just trying to make sure that I was okay.

"You good?" He asked, looking between me and the road.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Are you hurt?"

I shook my head. "No," I mumbled again.

He made a sharp right turn, turning off into a secluded street, parking the car.

"Lemme see," he lifted my chin up, examining the cut I just realized I just had.

"You're" He reached in his backseat, pulling out a towel, tossing it in my lap.

I quickly wiped myself up, still pissed.

"You sure you okay?" He asked again, staring at me.

"Yeah," I said Lowly.

"Look at me," I sighed a little before facing him.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a different tone that before.

I nodded my head, as my eyes began to sting. I tried blinking to clear my vision quickly but it was no use.

A couple tears fell down my cheeks, and as much as I didn't wanna cry, or even knew why I was crying, I couldn't stop it.

He took a deep breath, motioning for me to come closer to him. "Come here,"

"Nah, I'm good......I'm fine,"

He ignored me, using his right hand, grabbing the back of my neck, pulling me into him.

For whatever reason, as soon as he embraced me, I began to cry harder.

"It's okay," he said lowly. "It's gonna be okay,"

Simone P.O.V.

I sat close to Aliyah's bedside, watching her sleep as I wiped my eyes.

I hadn't stopped crying since we arrived earlier this morning, and at this point my eyes were sore from the constant tears and lack of sleep.

I pulled my phone out of my purse, checking to see If August or AJ had finally called me back, but neither one of them had.

I sighed, sitting back in my seat, when all of a sudden there was a soft knock at the door, causing me to turn around.

I took a small sigh of relief once I seen Kerri and Ellis through the window.

I carefully got up from my seat, leaving my purse behind, as I stepped outside the door.

"Hey," I said lowly.

They both automatically pulled me into a hug, comforting me.

"Thank y'all for getting here as fast as y'all could,"

They both nodded. "Of course, we landed thirty minutes ago, and headed straight here, we didn't even stop to check into our hotel is she?"

I sighed, wiping my wet face. "Sleeping now, but for the most part......she's alright,"

"Can we see her?"

"Yeah," I said in a sigh. "Don't wake her up though, she's finally asleep again since she woke up this morning and was told everything,"

"I can believe that motherfucker put hands on her, I know August is livid right now, you know he never liked his ramen noodle head ass from the start," Ellis said, shaking his head.

"He is, and so is AJ, they left a few hours ago on the hunt looking for him, and now neither one of them are answering their phones, I just......I just can't with all this,"

"Well I hope they find him," he started again. "He needs his ass beat for touching baby girl, that's for damn sure, don't worry about it, I'm sure they both are fine,"

"I agree that he does, 100% I just hope they don't take it too far, this isn't something that we're about to let go, the courts are going to get involved in this, and I don't need either one of them caught up in this mess."

"I agree," Kerri said lowly. "And hopefully August is smart enough to not go too far, don't stress yourself about it Simi, your main focus should be Aliyah right now,"

"It's is.......there's still some missing pieces to the story she was telling me, but I don't want to push her too much right now.....with all that her body is going through, I don't want to cause more stress on her but it seemed as if she's in somewhat of a shock from the news this morning.......she cried a few times before she eventually went silent and fell asleep."

Speaking of that," Kerri started again. "What was so bad that you couldn't tell us over the phone?"

I sighed, looking back at the door, making sure it was closed all the way before I spoke again.

".......Aliyah was pregnant,"

They both gasped. "She's pregnant with that bastards baby and he still put hands on her? He's really sick in the fucking head,"

" wasn't his baby.....and to top it all off.....she miscarried while she was unconscious,"

Kerri's eyes grew wide. "What??? Wait, hold on, what do you mean it wasn't his?????"

"That's what she told me.....she got pregnant accidentally by Marcus, and Ronnie never knew."

"Oh my god," she mumbled. "So it must've not have been a one time thing with them.....was she cheating on him the whole time?"

"She said she wasn't, and that her and Marcus were only intimate twice, so the video that's out is old, but she was about 2 1/2 months pregnant, so there's your answer,"

"Wow," she mumbled. "And she lost the baby too? Is she okay??? I just can't ever imagine Li-Li getting caught up in something like this,"

"Neither can I, and that's why I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it all..... I didn't raise her to be this way, yes she's human and makes mistakes, but she never opened her mouth up about any of this, and now it's gotten too daughter has a whole sex tape do I stomach that???"

"And I'm not sure how she feels......she told me that she was considering abortion, but never got to it, I don't know why, so I really don't know. There's so many holes in the story right now honestly."

"None of this feels real," Kerri said, shaking her head. "Today is literally her wedding day, and she's laying in a hospital,"

I could feel my eyes stinging again, but I didn't want to cry.

"Y'all can go in and see her," I said, changing the subject. "Just......brace yourself, she's pretty bruised up, over her face and body.....she hasn't looked in a mirror yet, and I honestly don't want her too until she heals up some more."

They nodded. "Okay.....we'll be right back,"

I stepped to the side, letting them go in without me. I stood outside, watching them through the window as they approached her bedside carefully.

As soon as they both saw her, they placed their hands over their mouths, most likely from her swollen and bruised appearance.

Kerri looked at me through the glass with sadness in her eyes, that caused a few tears to run down my cheeks.

I wiped them away, watching them both place kisses on her bandaged forehead, trying not to wake her.


Marcus P.O.V.

I kept my head low and my shades pushed closed to my eyes, as I stepped inside Cedars-Sinai hospital.

I kept the brim of my SnapBack close to my eyes, as I stepped up to the reception desk.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?"

I dropped my hands in my pocket, clearing my throat. "Uh, I'm here to see Aliyah Alsina..... I think she may have been emitted here last night,"

The last nodded, typing something into her computer. "Can you spell the last name for me please?"

"Yeah, uh, it's A-L-S-I-NA,"

"Thank you, and your name?"

"Marcus Richmond," she began quickly typing again, before going quiet.

"I'm sorry," she started. "As requested by her family, they are only allowing family in for visitation, to confirm that you may go up, I need to call her mother or father,"

I sighed. "....Okay......yeah sure, go ahead." She nodded, grabbing the corded phone that was sitting on her desk.

She dialed a number quickly placing the phone to her ear.

".....Yes hi Mrs. Alsina, we have another visitor here in the lobby to see Aliyah, he says his name is Marcus Richmond....may I send him up with a visitors pass?"

".....Yes.......I understand.......thank you,"

She hung up the phone, looking up at me. "I'll get that visitors pass printed right away for you Mr. Richmond,"

I slightly frowned, surprised that I was actually being allowed up. "Thank you,"

"Of course," she took my photo and printed a small paper and skipped into a plastic badge envelope before handing it over to me.

"Third floor, room 325."

I nodded. "Thank you again."

I walked over to the elevator, feeling nervous as hell. I hit the up arrow and stepped inside, letting it take me all the way to the third floor.

Once the doors opened up, I carefully stepped off, making way down the long hallway.

I occasionally glanced up at the room numbers, just to make sure I was going the right way.

I made a right, and swallowed hard once I seen Mrs. Alsina sitting outside her room, with a security guard blocking off their section.

I slowly approached the security guard, who automatically held his hand up, the closer I got to him.

"There are more elevators down the opposite side sir, please use those,"

I frowned a little about to speak, when the sound of Mrs. Alsinas voice stopped me.

"It's fine Curtis, I called him up."

The guy nodded, stepping to the side, letting her step out to me.

".......Hey Mrs. are you holding up?" I could tell by her face that she's been crying non stop, so I knew something bad must've happened to Aliyah.

"Not great,"

I nodded slowly. "I uh...... I somewhat heard about what happened...... I just had to come down and see it for myself......there's so many stories out now, I wasn't sure what to believe,"

She nodded. "I'm sure whatever you heard or read is true, Aliyah isn't in the best shape right now,"

"..........So he really put this hands on her?"

She nodded. "Yes,"

Both of my brows shot up. "....Is she up? Can I see her?"

She shook her head no. "I don't think that's a good idea right now," she started.

"A lot has transpired in the last 22 hours, and Aliyah needs her time to rest and process everything that's happened. I don't think her seeing you right now is the best idea, I just didn't want to the receptionist to turn you away, I wanted to tell you myself."

I was silent.

"I don't know what kind of relationship the two of you have, but there's a bunch of missing pieces to the story right now, and until her father and I get to the bottom of it, she needs her time away from pretty much everyone involved in this mess,"

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you go in right now, besides the fact that she's resting.....I honestly don't think it's a good idea."

I nodded slowly. "Oh.....Nah, I's cool...... I uh, I just wanted to see if she was okay......just let her know I came by,"

She nodded. "I will,"

I took one last look, turning my head to the glass that was somewhat infront of me.

I could see her legs underneath the blankets, but that was pretty much it. I gave Mrs. Alsina a small smile before turning around, walking away.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thoughts on this chapter? Did y'all think that Marcus was gonna be able to see her?


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