DreamStoryVerse Story Arc Boo...

Por DreamStoryM

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Sequel to my first DreamStoryVerse book 2nd Generation era of my story Highest: #11 in koopalings Cover art... Más

Author's Note
The Diamond Palace
The Diamond Ball
Baby Meteor Shower
Child's Play
Gem Glow
Sink or Swim
Culture Shock
New Pearl
The Great Recession
Little Miss Miracle
Gladiator Games
Pressing The Grapes
Let's Get Physical
The Haves And The Have Nots
The Start of Something New
For Your Own Good
Rose Chérie
The Sacred Way
Shards of Broken Glass
Kooky's Return
Those Magic Changes
Final Scene

The Death of King Roy

120 1 10
Por DreamStoryM

"....There must be something you want, some reason you've brought me here. Whatever it is, it's yours, in exchange for my freedom! Please! Please, just let me go! I have a wife and child on the way! I n-need her to know I'm alive, I need to be with her...."

If you need to be with her and the fetus so badly you should've been at home instead of wasting your time fucking random sex slaves, Kooky thought to himself as he took a puff on his cannabis joint. Father Pythagoras had hardly stopped talking since he came to. When he awoke, he had initially been frightened but then he remembered how he'd gotten there. He began to beg for his freedom, but to Kooky, it wasn't even good begging, it was just somewhat annoying. But he lounged on his throne and listened because he didn't have much else to do. He moved his tongue toward the back of his throat as he shaped his mouth into an "O" shape. He then quickly popped small amounts of smoke out of his mouth, forming whispy little rings.

This made Pythagoras go quiet, for he'd never seen such a thing before. He'd seen people smoke, but never make rings. Admittedly, he found it somewhat cool. Kooky looked to him, wondering why he'd stopped rambling all of a sudden.

"What is that weird thing you're doing there? You know, smoking is not very good for you. It can cause many health problems, perhaps if you let me out, I could tell you all about them." Kooky rolled his eyes lazily at Pythagoras' horrid attempts at bargaining.

He took another puff of the joint, holding the smoke in his mouth as he shifted positions in his seat. He got up very close to Pythagoras' cage, so close his nose was almost booping it. He formed his mouth into an "O" shape again.

Pythagoras' brown eyes widened and his body trembled as he instinctively put his hand out in front of him. "Wait, Your Majesty, please don't--"

Kooky brought his lower jaw slightly but rapidly upward, tucking his lips inward slightly. He quickly propelled a big, thick ring of smoke.

The force of Kooky's breath pushed Pythagoras over as his eyes burned. The smoke filled his lungs and made it difficult for him to get air in and out. His chest tightened and he began to cough uncontrollably. He couldn't breathe.

Kooky sat there quietly and watched him suffer, blowing more smoke rings at him. Pythagoras wheezed as he tried to cover his face and nose from the smoke.

"Please....stop...." He managed to croak between coughs. Kooky exhaled the remainder of the smoke in his mouth. Pythagoras continued to wheeze and cough violently. "H-help.....I need....wine..." He pleaded, grabbing onto the bars of his cage and trying to stand back up. Kooky blew him back down with his smokey breath.

"Help...I'm begging you...please...help me...I'll do anything...anything you ask..."

"No. You are annoying and unamusing, I have no use for you now."

Pythagoras continued to cough, almost gagging now. Eventually he went quiet. Kooky gave him a poke, but he didn't budge. They were no fun when they were like this.

"EMPEROR LUDWIG!" Kooky heard someone say. He turned his attention to the messenger who'd entered the throne room. He'd never seen him around before.

"Yes? Who are you? What do you want?"

The messenger shifted nervously, afraid to deliver the news.

"Well? Out with it, I haven't got all day!"

"Your Majesty....your younger brother, Roy....is dead." The messenger paused, letting the message sink in. But Kooky's face did not change, he sat there wondering if that's all he'd come to say.

"You've been given an official invitation to attend his funeral and the Queen's following coronation. My deepest apologies for your loss." The messenger said, bowing and leaving the envelope on a nearby table. He turned but Kooky clicked his tongue, beckoning the messenger over with his finger.

The messenger, shaking in his sandals, reluctantly went over to the Emperor.


Kooky brought his sandal down over the messenger, slowly pressing down on him. The messenger, going with his first survival instinct, strongly pushed up on the sandal and when he was free, he tried bolting out of the throne room. Kooky, somewhat frustrated but also amused at his attempt, stretched his leg out a little further and aggressively stomped down on the messenger, pinning him down. He stomped on him once more, sadistically grinning upon hearing the crunch of the messenger's tiny bones. He rubbed his shoe on him, crushing the body even more and rubbing it into the ground.

"Somebody come in here and clean this up!" He ordered, taking another puff of his joint.

A few servants, terrified, entered the room and began to clean up. Some wanted to cry and others wanted to puke at the sight of the crushed body, but they remained quiet for fear it would upset the Emperor even more, making them the next victims.


Apple Pie walked down the silent hall of their mansion, fiery red hair bouncing around her shoulders. The same red hair that had stood out to Bully, the hair that had caused him to approach her the night they met. She was wearing a nice, little black dress, her nice long legs on display. Those legs of her had also attracted Bully. But he'd regret coming up to her, sweet talking her and then ruining her life and throwing her away. He thought he could get away with that just because he was a king, but Apple was a queen, even if she had no formal title.

The black handgun felt heavy in her purse. It's weight had surprised her when Emerald had handed it to her with gloved hands to get the job done.

She knocked on his bedroom door. He let her in, despite not even knowing who was at the door. He was always so thick, in more ways than one, she thought to herself.

Bully sat up in bed to see who it was. Upon seeing Apple, he laid back down, somewhat uneasy.

"How are you feeling?"

"Ok, I guess."

"Good." She nodded, setting her purse down. Noticing that she was making herself uncomfortable, Bully weakly propped himself back up. He wasn't wearing anything but comfortable underwear and socks, his go-to outfit ever since he'd been quarantined.

"What are ya doin' 'ere?"

"What? Can't a girl just visit her boyfriend while he's sick?" She asked sweetly, checking herself out in one of the mirrors.

"You've neva visited me before." Bully replied stiffly. She found his fear of her endearing.

"Haven't I?" She responded, feigning forgetfulness. She turned to him, her cold, blue eyes looking him over.

"You seem weak." She commented.

"Hell yeah, I've been weak for the longest! Is that all you came here to say?"

"Is that anyway for a bloke to talk to his lady?....It seems the poison's done its job. It's weakened you, and you never even noticed anything was wrong."


"You heard me. I did this to you." She said, inspecting her red nails.

"W-what? Why are you telling me this?"

"Because now that you're a dead man walking--well sitting I suppose--I can trust you with my secrets....I want you to know that I've hurt you just as you've hurt me."

"Hurt you? If anythin', you've hurt me!"

"Always playing the victim, are we? You've turned my own daughter, my own flesh and blood, against me! She thinks of that nigger as her mother!"

Bully inhaled sharply. He knew that Apple had always had some sort of problem with Brigitta, but he didn't know it ran skin deep. Where was this coming from? What was happening?

"Stop it Red, you don't know what you're saying--"

"I know perfectly well what I'm saying! But of course, a man is always trying to invalidate a woman's feelings and beliefs! I have feelings and wants and needs, you know! I'm capable of thought as much as anyone else. And I know that you've been trying to turn Rose against me ever since she was born! You didn't even want her!"

Bully didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth to speak but words failed him. Everything was happening too fast. Perhaps he couldn't bring himself to speak because, deep down, he knew that what she said had some truth to it. He hadn't wanted Rose at first, but he was young. The thought of a baby and being a father frightened him. He was afraid that he'd be an abusive father like his own, and end up fucking someone else up.

"You know Bully, all you've ever done is think about yourself! When you fucked me and got me pregnant because you were too brain-dead to remember to put a condom on! You took advantage of me in my drunken state! You raped me, and then tried to get rid of it all!.....That was all 16 years ago Bully, and not 1 marriage proposal, not one! You're just stringing me along and for what? We haven't had sex in years, you always refuse me when I ask!"

"Well that sure didn't stop ya from takin' what you wanted."

It was Apple's turn to be speechless now, because deep down, she too knew that what he'd said had some truth to it.

"Stop making this all about you! It's not! Not this time! You think you're so sneaky but I know what you've been up to, I know you're a faggot." She spat.

"And I know that you've been fucking with that cow, Dreyfus!" She continued when she saw the look of hurt on his face. "Did you plan to keep your cheating a dirty little secret forever?!"

"Fine!" Bully exclaimed, now angry at her insults to him, Brigitta, and Dreyfus, "You want to go there?! What about your whole relationship with that simp, Bradley, huh? When was your lyin', cheatin' ass gonna tell me about that?"

"That's different, I have needs Bully. If I can't get it from you then I have to get it from somewhere! You were always so selfish, making this all about you! What about me! You didn't even consider me for a moment, before fucking that cow! I don't want your HIV and disease!"

Bully inhaled sharply once more, covering his face with his hands.

"You never cared about me! You came into my life and wrecked havoc and you don't even care! I gave up my royal titles for you! I gave up everything for you! My family abandoned me, they want nothing to do with me! You ruined my life! Do you know what I could be doing if I didn't give you the time of day! My parents would still love me, something you'd never understand! And on top of that, you were ready to infect me with your HIV and give me a death sentence! But you don't care, you never did!"

Bully remained silent, he had begun to feel bad for her though little did he know this was exactly what she wanted. She had such a hold on him, he didn't even realize how much power she had over him. Excusing her behavior, brushing it off, keeping quiet.

"....I'm....sorry." He managed to mumble, "For all the pain I've caused you."

Apple chuckled. "You're sorry? Well, of course you are now. It's easier for you to be sorry, you're the one who's been living the high life, doing whatever you want and not caring about anyone else's feelings. You sure as hell weren't sorry when you sent this kingdom into a recession nor when you were in bed in Dreyfus. You weren't the one suffering....you never should've been king. You don't deserve it. Everyone wishes you were dead anyway."

"But of course you're sorry," She repeated, pulling the handgun out of her purse and pointing it at him, "because I'm the one who's going to get the last laugh."

She abruptly smacked him in the face with the gun, slapping his sunglasses off his face and shattering them.

"I want to see your face...I want to witness...the fear in your eyes...." She said, her voice low and dangerous.

He laid there in the bed, weak and in pain. "Look at you there," She said, "All weak and pathetic, unable to protect yourself. Looks like all those big muscles have gone to waste."

"No...don't do it Red...."

"Stop calling me that, you've lost all rights to any pet nicknames."

"The people, what about the darkness?" He asked.

"The darkness is just a big fat lie! No one's seen it, it's just some fable so citizens will remain completely loyal to the Diamond, so they wouldn't have to fear assassination attempts."

Bully nodded weakly. Apple's theory made sense to him. But still, he couldn't die. Though he was already somewhat suicidal, there were so many things he hadn't done yet. Find true love, attend Rose's graduation, her wedding, her coronation. Meet the lucky person who'd take care of his daughter for the rest of her life. Hold his grandbaby for the first time. He shut his eyes tightly, tears pricking his eyes.

"Oh don't cry now, it's too late to be sorry! Should've thought about that when you were cheating on me!"

After a few seconds of silence, she asked, "Any last words?"

He wanted to tell Rose he loved her, more than anything in the world. But she wasn't here right now and Apple most likely wouldn't pass his message along.

"Please....tell Rosie, that I love her, more than anything in this world. Always have, always will."

Apple rolled her eyes. She then prepared the gun to shoot. Suddenly, Bully, with all the strength he could muster got out of bed and stood himself up. Apple looked up at him, ready to shoot. He felt his legs, which were still asleep from not being used, give out for a few moments.

He stumbled and Apple shouted, shooting him dead in his forehead. She'd thought he was going to attack her. She pushed him backwards, so his giant, heavy body didn't fall on and crush her.

She sat there watching her boyfriend bleed out on the floor. Quickly, she slapped herself in the face with the gun. It disoriented her, and she fell back against the wall, sliding down to the floor. She crawled over to Bully's corpse, and rubbed the gun all over his limp hand so his fingerprints would also be found on it. She laid there, up against the wall, tired and in pain.

Eventually, servants and guards burst into the room, the sound of the gun alerting them something had occurred. One of the servants leaned down next to her and gently stroked Apple's face, examining her wound.

"Lady Apple, what happened in here?!" She exclaimed, voice full of genuine worry and concern.

"H-He tried to kill me," Apple replied, voice weak, "He attacked me, struck me in the face....I was so afraid....." Her voice faltered, "I-I managed to take the gun from him and shoot him....I didn't want to but I had to or he would've killed me...."

The servant hugged her tightly. "It's okay, dear, it's all over now." She comforted her. She helped her up and led her out of the room, other officials coming in to secure the crime scene.

"Come in!" Rose called when she'd heard a knock at the door.

It was Brigitta. She stood in the doorway quietly. Rose stared back expectantly, studying Brigitta's dark face.

Brigitta bowed in a cursty. "Votre Majesté, le roi est mort, vive la reine."

Rose raced down the halls of the mansion as fast as her legs would take her. She forced her way into her father's bedroom, pushing past all the officials and nosy servants. She let out a horrified shriek when she saw his lifeless body lying there. She honestly hadn't known what she expected to see when she arrived. Perhaps she wanted to make sure it wasn't real. That this was all just a nightmare or some sick joke. But to see her father lying there...made her sick to her stomach. She wanted to vomit. Instead, she sobbed hard and screamed his name in agony.

Just the other day, she had gotten mad at him because he seemed so ready to finally die, so ready to leave Rose behind on her own. All she wished now was that this was some kind of prank, and that he'd get up and yell "Gotcha!" and hug her close to him.

The bystanders quieted themselves and those that had the courtesy to do so, left the room so she could have a moment to herself.

"What happened to you? Who would do this?" She cried.

"What happened here?" She demanded, for now, unfortunately, she had the sovereign authority to do so.

"Your Majesty, Lady Apple says that the late king tried to kill her, he'd strucken her face and tried to shoot her, but she took the gun and shot him herself in self defense." One servant who had heard the explanation relayed.

What? No? She refused to believe it was true. Her father would never do such a thing. Sure...he had his "days" where he acted...different but he was never threatening or aggressive.

"Can I have everyone who doesn't have business here please leave the scene, we're trying to work here." A police officer requested.

The servants cleared out and Rose left too, unsure if the police officer really had the authority to force her to leave. Either way, she couldn't stand staying in that stuffy room any longer. When she went back to her own room, Brigitta was sitting on her bed waiting for her. When Rose sat next to her, she pulled her baby into a hug and let her sob into her arms.

"That's it baby, let it out, let it out." She whispered, rubbing Rose's back gently.


"Mummy, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, darling, just fine. My eye still hurts a bit but I'll be fine. How are you?"

Rose didn't respond, her eyes glued to her black pumps. Ever since her father passed everyone wore black, though for Brigitta this wasn't a big change as black was often her go-to color.

"Head up, darling!" Rose quickly adjusted.

"...Where are you going?" Rose asked, eyeing the suitcases Apple had servants packing for her.

"We're going to Kensington Palace, in the Fruit Kingdom."

"W-what? Why? We haven't even had a funeral for Daddy yet!"

"We'll have the funeral in the Fruit Kingdom. There will be no question about it, I've already had the servants pack your bags. We need to leave as soon as possible."



"Because why?"

"Because, I said so."

"Is it because of The Darkness? I thought you said that wasn't real, that it's a bunch of hogwash meant to scare people into undying loyalty to the Diamond? And I still haven't performed the Shield spell at the Shielding Ceremony, it could work."

Apple turned to her and cupped her freckled face in her hands."Sometimes....it's just better to be safe than sorry, love." It's better to be safe than sorry. It seems many of the subjects had the same idea. After news of the Diamond's demise spread throughout the kingdom, people began packing up their things and trying to evacuate as soon as possible, in hopes they could escape the Darkness before all hell broke loose.

"I know you're upset but us girls need to stick together! Maybe when we get to the Fruit Kingdom, we can do a bit of retail therapy, how does that sound? Maybe get our nails done, just because your grieving doesn't mean you have to let yourself go."

Rose pulled away from her. "Ok but...Isn't Brigitta coming with us?"

Apple inhaled quietly. "Rosie, don't you think it's time you've moved on from Brigitta? You no longer need a nanny. You're a queen and a woman now, and I think you should start acting like it."

"No." Rose replied, hardly caring if she sounded like a child, "I want her to come with us. I want her to be at Daddy's funeral and I want her to be at my coronation."

"Young lady, who do you think you're talking to? You may be the queen but I am still your mother."

You don't act like it, Rose thought to herself. Not like the nice ones she saw on TV anyway. Apple looked at her daughter's sad, quiet face.

Apple sighed. "Alright, but she better be ready to leave when we are or we're leaving her!"

"Her majesty, the Queen."

Rose entered the room, greeted by the turned heads and stares of the council. She walked to her father's seat, primarily trying not to trip or do anything embarrassing on her first day. Some offered encouraging smiles and others smiled with the relief of having a female sit on the throne once again. The council was scheduled to discuss what was to come in the following weeks. Some sat uneasily, believing they should be spending their time trying to evacuate rather than having meetings.

"S-So, first order of business, the Darkness. Now that my f-father has....passed, many are worried about the Darkness. They've started evacuating to the nearby Mushroom Kingdom, seeking refuge."

"As they should." Caterina commented. "That's what we should be doing too."

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk about today. Why is everyone leaving without giving me the chance to perform the Shield Spell? Have you all no faith in me?"

They all went quiet.

Almedina silently raised her hand. "I believe everyone's apprehension stems from the fact that...even though you are of royal blood....you are not a Diamond. You are only a Quartz, and a complicated spell such as the Shield Spell cannot be successfully performed by another gem."

"W-well, I've got to try. We've got to do something! Don't you all care about the Rock Candy Mines? We've got to try and fight for it."

"Do we really? Why don't we just leave and then, maybe come back later?"

Rose sighed quietly. "I think...there's something you ladies aren't understanding. Not all of my subjects have the means to just....pick up and leave! And sooner or later, the Mushroom Kingdom will close its borders to refugees. Leaving is hardly an option!"

"And even if we do leave, we have to warn the people something could be coming! You all know as well as I that some people don't even believe in the Darkness. We can't just leave them like sitting ducks, oblivious to what's to come."

"We can't do that Rosie. It will cause a mass panic! How will we get out if everyone else is in the way?"

She could hardly believe what was spewing from her mother's mouth. "How can you say that?" Put yourself in their shoes: If disaster and ruin were headed for you, wouldn't you want a heads up?"

Apple looked away.

"Fine!" Caterina spoke up, "Try the stupid Shield Spell while all us sensible people are busy making preparations!"

"Rosie, the governesses have a point. This place is a lost cause."

"NO, IT'S NOT!" Rose snapped at her mother before quieting herself. "I'm sorry I'm just....really stressed."

"Rose, I get that you are cross, but you must face facts. You tried the Shield Spell and you failed. Now there's nothing left to do but leave."

"No...we could ask for...foreign aid or something."

"Just leave it darling, you've done all you can. I doubt anyone will volunteer to help. The Mushroom Kingdom is aiding by letting in refugees but the Koopa Kingdom is in a war. Most of the powerful, well off countries are ruled by Koopalings, and Koopalings are rude and selfish."

Sounds like somebody else I know, Rose thought to herself. "But Daddy is a Koopaling and he's not rude and selfish."

"...Whatever you need to tell yourself, love. Your daddy was the one who gave me this black eye." She said, pointing to her bruised face. Rose was ready to go off, but she remained quiet."Don't be mad at your mother, she doesn't know what she does." her daddy was always telling her. Rose was already being targeted in the news for not taking pity on her mother after her alleged attack. Rose just couldn't believe it, how could her precious daddy ever do such a thing? The tabloids gave her the benefit of the doubt because of this, saying that she was so attached to her father that he had manipulated her into thinking he was a good man. Rose wondered why she even bothered reading those shitty magazines.

Sure, her father had his "days" as Rose dubbed them. He had been having a "day" when he started the Great Recession. But he was never violent or aggressive when having a day....just happy and very high energy. Unlike her mother, but not many outsiders knew how she was, the things she'd say to Bully to Rose. But was her mother a killer? Well, she didn't know that either. All of the drama in her life was really stressing her out.


The next day, Rose awoke bright and early to catch the private jet that would deliver her to safety in Tomato, her mother's home. Brigitta (who was thankfully ready in time) Caterina, and her son Lumiere, and a few other security personnel had come along with them.

"Who are you?"

"Your Majesty, I am Emerald Anson," The stranger said, bowing extravagantly, "And these are my daughters: Esther, Berthe, Rosalie, Alice, and Lilou. My son, Dreyfus, used to work as your father's bodyguard."

"Ah yes, Sir Dreyfus. That's why your last name sounded familiar."

Emerald nodded. "I'm dreadfully sorry for your loss, Your Majesty."

Rose nodded back, unsure of what to say.

After she and her daughters boarded the jet, Rose turned to her mother and asked, "How do you know that woman? I've never seen her before. Why is she coming with us?"

"Don't worry about it, she's a friend. She requested to come with us."

"Mummy, why are we going to Tomato again? I thought you were estranged from your family."

"I was, darling, but right now is a special occasion so they said I could return with you."

"And speaking of special occasions, I have someone else I'd like you to meet! Rosie, this is one of my best friends from school, Bradley Harrelson. He's from the Mushroom Kingdom." Bradley waved at her before offering her his hand. She stared, internally scowling at it.

"Are you gonna be my new daddy?" Rose asked, feigning sweet innocence.

Apple giggled, the nervous giggle she did when something someone said made her uncomfortable. "Oh Rosie, Brad and I are just friends!"

"Mhmm." Rose replied, before boarding the plane. She took a seat on the private jet across from Lumiere Dennel, and Brigitta sat next to her. Apple, Brad, and the other adult women wanted to sit amongst themselves and drink and talk about adult stuff.

Rose quietly looked out the window, hands folded neatly in her lap. She looked at the darkening sky full of ominous dark clouds . She peered at the city below.

She thought about the people...those same people who hated her father and cursed him. Those same ungrateful people who her father wasted so much energy on, practically giving his own life to protect them all. Perhaps they deserved to die along with him as a punishment. Their own loved ones would know the pain of losing their best friend, their parent, and their whole world all at the same time.

But she couldn't think like that, that's not what her father would've wanted. Sure, there were people who hated him in that city but there were also people that loved him and innocent children and infants who knew nothing about him. They didn't deserve to die, but there was no hope for them now. She'd failed at performing the Shield Spell and the government didn't even have the decency to warn people that the Darkness was coming and now they would all perish because of her.

Rose rubbed her chilly arms, she could really use an all-encompassing hug from her dad right about now. Instead, as if reading her mind, Brigitta took her hand and gave it a sympathetic squeeze.

"Rose Quartz, I'm sorry for your loss." Lumiere told her. It was the first thing he'd said to her that day.

"Thank you." She replied flatly. She was quite tired of hearing that phrase. Sorry wasn't going to bring her father back.

"I can't imagine what it's like," Lumiere went on, "For your parent to be there one day and gone the next."

Rose subtly bit her lip as her eyes began to moisten. She felt like she wanted to explode. She wasn't aware of what he was trying to do. Was he genuinely sorry or just trying to make her feel bad? Knowing Lumiere she would assume the latter. He'd never understand, he never had a dad but she supposed his mother was his best friend, he acted just like her and he was too rotten to ever have any real friends.

"I mean, what was that like? Seeing him there, lying on the floor--"

"Lumiere, I think that's enough." Brigitta interrupted firmly.

"Excuse me." Rose said, standing up abruptly and smoothing down her black dress before moving to walk away. To where? She wasn't sure, just far away from there.

Suddenly the cabin began to shake, as if the plane were going over air speed bumps. The sudden movement caused Rose to lose her balance (curse those heels!) and fall into the aisle. A Nephrite flight attendant helped her to her feet. "Your Majesty, for your own safety, please return to your seat and fasten your seat belt." Rose quickly returned to her seat and did as she was told. Brigitta held her hand so she wouldn't be scared as the plane experienced violent turbulence.

To Rose, it felt like the plane was dropping, but from the window it didn't look as if they were going down.

"Attention passengers, please remain in your seats and fasten your seat belts. We are approaching unexpected turbulence as a result of atypical atmospheric activity. Please remain calm." One of the pilots announced over the PA system.

Rose was suddenly, violently thrown against her seatbelt and back against her seat.

Where her mother was sitting, the adults' wine glasses flew up and hit the ceiling and slid backwards. Their plates and everything else they'd had on the tables was being violently thrown around the cabin. Rose was suddenly very grateful she had decided not to eat anything.

The nice flight attendant woman who had helped her up had been thrown against the wall of the cabin, for she'd been too busy trying to calm the passengers down to make it into her seat in time. Rose screamed, horrified by what she'd seen. She squeezed her eyes closed tightly, squeezing Brigitta's hand and hoping it would all be over soon.

As she did so, her gem glowed for a second before a large, light pink rose encompassed the plane. It vanished as quickly as it appeared, leaving behind a huge pink, translucent bubble.

"The bloody hell was that thing?" Rose heard her mother ask. At least the turbulence had stopped.

"Alright everyone, it seems we've made it out of the storm. Whoever put that shield up....thank you. Who knows what would've happened if that had continued. Everyone remain calm and remain in your seats for now."

At least I could save somebody's life, Rose thought to herself as she watched the other flight attendants come to the Nephrite flight attendant's aid. Thankfully, she was alive and she hadn't been too hurt. Nobody had been seriously hurt by the flying debris either.

Rose peered down below as the Darkness swept over the country in the horizon. It seemed that they'd successfully escape it, but those other people wouldn't. She saw fires, sudden explosions and buildings falling as the mysterious darkness caused violent earthquakes. Rose tried to relax, there was nothing she could do for them. A bubble to surround the plane was one thing, but to cover the whole country was another thing entirely. She already failed, it wasn't her fault she wasn't a Diamond.

Trying to block out the reality of what was happening to her home, she summoned her tablet and wireless earbuds. The flight to Tomato was expected to take about 8 hours, so she'd packed plenty to do within her gemstone.

At this moment, she decided to watch The Young Victoria. She really wanted to watch old videos her father had videotaped of them doing wholesome, cute things together, but she feared that if she did she would burst into tears in front of Lumiere, who would have teased her about it.


Her first few weeks at Kensington Palace were full of adjustments. New tutors, new rules, new home, new room, new staff, new surroundings, new country.

One of the biggest changes was the constant nasty weather. It was as if the sun was shy when it came to shining upon the Fruit Kingdom, it was always hiding behind the shield of clouds. And it seemed to rain every single day, not that Rose necessarily disliked the rain. The weather was so gloomy Rose began to wonder if she could control the weather with her emotions.

Her father's death and the following attack of the ominous darkness seemed to be the topic of every news channel. Additionally, she and other aristocrats were getting eaten alive by the press for leaving their country and people in ruin. Rose's PR levels were really low at the moment. She was already following in her father's footsteps in that regard.

She found her apartments at Kensington to be very quaint and quiet. She never really saw or talked to anyone who wasn't Brigitta, a tutor, her mother, or a servant. She had no friends here, but that was nothing new. She'd tried writing to Matera Shariee about the recent events, but she never responded. Rose wondered if she hated her too.

To try and occupy herself in other ways, she decided to do some research on her family's history. She decided to start with her dad's side first, but because he was an orphan, that quickly came to a dead end. Bowser was an orphan too, and Kamek's familial connections were largely unknown so she found no luck there either. So she moved on to her mother's side, primarily focusing on Queen Victoria who she'd taken particular interest in. She tried to share her findings with her mother, hoping to bond over one of the few things they had in common. But her mother only brushed her off and yelled at her, saying things like "You don't think I already know about that? Who do you take me for, a twit?! This family didn't start with you, you know?". Of course Rose knew that, that was what was so interesting about it all, knowing that she came from such a long line of famous relatives to be who she is today.

And speaking of relatives, she wondered about those on her mother's side. She never remembered ever meeting them. Well, she'd met Taiyaki but that's all she really remembered, and now Taiyaki was dead. She wondered if they'd like her if they met her. Probably not. The whole reason they kicked Apple out was because she copulated with a Koopaling and Rose had that Koopaling's blood within her. She believed she looked more like him than she looked like her mother, but she'd heard that first-born daughters were supposedly female versions of their dads. She didn't know how true it was, but the theory comforted Rose for some reason.

She just felt so....lonely in Tomato. It was like she was the only one who knew her father died. Everyone else hardly seemed to care, they just went on with their normal everyday lives as if such an important person hadn't so recently left the Earth.

"Your Majesty, may I come in?" She heard Brigitta ask from the other side of the door. She didn't know why Brigitta insisted on calling her by that title. She was no longer a queen if she had no kingdom.

"Yes, you may." Rose said before laying her head back down on her soft pillow. She inhaled the scent of one of her father's favorite colognes. She put a little bit on all of her pillows, as the comforting scent helped her to fall asleep at night. Well, it usually just made her cry herself to sleep, but that seemed to be the only way she could get any shut eye these days.

Brigitta sat down on the side of her bed, tucking Rose's salmon hair behind her ear. "You okay, baby?" Rose didn't answer. She turned over in bed, she didn't really feel like talking.

Brigitta glanced at the pictures of her dad--some by himself and some with her--that Rose had on her nightstand.

"Baby, I know you're upset but you can't sulk forever, it's not healthy. You need to try to take your mind off of this--"

"And just forget about him? It seems like everyone else already has."

"Now that's not what I meant," Brigitta said firmly, "you need...to keep yourself busy, you know, do something that'll make you feel better."

"I've tried. I tried getting back into dance but it isn't the same....I feel like I don't have the energy to do any of the things I used to enjoy anymore. I feel...stuck."

Brigitta was quiet for a few moments. "I see....Rose, have you ever thought about seeking help? Like, speaking with a therapist about your father's passing? I hate to see you like this, baby, it hurts my heart and I want you to feel better. I'm not saying the pain will go away overnight but, talking to a licensed therapist could be a good step in the right direction."

Rose had never really thought about therapy before.

"I don't want this to progress to something worse. I know you're already aware that your father had...bouts of depressive episodes. Days when he'd hide away in his room and refuse to work. We all just sort of let him stay in there, waiting for the time to pass without actually doing anything about it. Some just assumed he was lazy, I believe perhaps what he needed was help. Maybe he just didn't know how to ask for it. I know you love your father but I don't want you to make the same mistakes as him, yes, therapy isn't for everyone but I'd like you to try it out, give it a chance at least."

Because she hardly had anything else to do, Rose decided to give it a try. She attended her first session....and then another, and another, and another. She found it refreshing to have someone finally listen to her. Her therapist also knew what it was like to lose a close family member, so Rose felt as if she wasn't entirely alone anymore. When she eventually found out about it, Apple had opposed the idea, saying that Rose shouldn't be telling her business to random strangers and that if she really needed something, she should be able to talk to her Mummy about it. Rose was just grateful she didn't have the power to stop her from attending.

One day, Brigitta entered her room like she did any other day, but this time with a large cardboard box in tow.

"What is that?" Rose asked, trying to hide her childlike excitement.

"Your arms are functional, open it and see."

She opened it, trying not to do so too quickly and come off as too eager.

"It's empty."

Brigitta smiled mischievously "I know, the surprise is what we're going to fill it with."

Brigitta and Rose then took a limo across the River Thames, into town, eventually arriving at a local animal shelter.

"It's been a while since Dahlia died, I thought you might want a new kitty....so you'll be less lonely." Brigitta explained.

Rose pulled Brigitta into a hug. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" There was no use in trying to hide her excitement now.

Brigitta chuckled. "You're very welcome, but remember to keep an open mind. I know you may be tempted to choose the first cat you see, or to bring one home the first day, but you don't have to rush. We can reserve a cat you may be interested in and you can sleep on it, you know?"

Rose nodded quickly, impatiently shuffling. When they entered the shelter, Brigitta went to talk to some sort of volunteer, while Rose proceeded to walk through the kennel area to view the animals. She saw many cats. Some tabbies others full colored. Some of them tried to talk to her; she hadn't heard the mew of a kitten in quite some time. Some even put their little arms out, as if they were trying to touch her and get her attention. There were so many lovely felines all in need of a good home, she felt somewhat overwhelmed. She wanted to have a real, close bond with whichever kitty she chose, so she wanted to choose wisely. It would be an about 15 year commitment.

She heard a loud chirrup sound come from one of the cages. She looked into the cat's cage, since it appeared to be calling to her. It was a primarily solid-coloured cat with different colored markings on its head. The cat put its paw up to the glass. Rose held out a finger to it, letting it take in her new scent.

"I see you've taken a fancy to Royale. Poor boy's been here for a few weeks, he hasn't taken much interest in other visitors. If you like, I can let him out for you and you guys can spend more time together in the meet and greet room?"

Rose nodded tentatively, so the volunteer let the good boy out of his cage. She set him down in the chair next to her per Rose's request. He was a bit bigger than Rose expected. He let her give him ear scratches and face cuddles before he walked away, exploring the meet and greet room. He must've just been relieved to be able to walk around the place for once. Rose watched him quietly, as he jumped and leaped on everything, like a little ball of energy ready to explode. When he did not return, she began to wonder if it was really meant to be. Royale then pawed back over to her, rubbing his body on her legs. His fur was so soft and ticklish. He leaped up back onto the chair next to her and laid out in her lap.

"Oh, I see,~" Rose giggled, "You've claimed me as your territory now, you really are a Royale, aren'tcha?" She gave the good boy a few more ear scratches.

"There you are! And I see you've found one already!" Brigitta exclaimed, entering the meet and greet room and sitting down beside her. Rose hardly looked up at her as she continued to rub her manicured hand through his soft fur. He purred in her lap, slowly melting her anxiety away. It was a safe and comforting feeling.

Brigitta offered a finger to the cat. "So, is he the one?" She whispered.

"Maybe....perhaps....how long has he been here?" Rose asked the volunteer.

"He was brought in the day...well the day King Roy died. I remember it clearly. That's why I named 'im Royale."

Rose nodded slowly, smiling. "Well, whatddya say Roi, do you wanna come home with me?"

He looked up lazily at her. He mewed at her, before lying his head back down in her lap.

"Yes, I want him. I know it was meant to be. We can name 'im Roi with an 'i' to distinguish them from each other, I guess. He'll never replace the real Roy, but he's good enough."

"Are you sure, Rosie? You don't want to rush into things."

"I know for sure, he is the one. I would like him to come live with me at the palace."

Brigitta smiled. "Alrighty, you heard the girl. This one's coming with us!"

Roi was taken away for a short while while Brigitta and Rose worked through the adoption process. They asked questions, answered questions, filled out lots of paperwork, received paperwork, and paid the adoption fee. Afterwards, they were allowed to bring Roi home with them the very same day. They had set aside a little room for him to call his own, which he spent the first few days exploring. He seemed fairly uninterested in Rose, but she guessed he was just an introvert like her.

Eventually, he did warm up to her. He came to cuddle her when she felt upset. He eventually began to follow her wherever she went and he began to talk to her. She felt so much calmer when he was around and considered him one of her best friends, one of the people who loved her unconditionally.


Less than a month later, Queen Strawberry died at the grand old age of 108. Some said it was bound to happen sooner or later, after the death of her husband Prince Philip. She'd claimed it left a "huge void in her life", and now she was finally going to join him in the afterlife. Rose found it a bit romantic honestly. It was one the biggest events of the decade, even bigger than Rose's own father's death. There were news reports (all the anchors changed into black clothing), memes, YouTube videos, BBC TV specials and the like. They only played somber music on the radio. While the world mourned, Rose remained unfazed, Roi occupying her lap. She didn't really have any incentive to mourn, she'd never met her great-grandmother, at least not that she remembered. Apple had been kicked out of the family, meaning Rose was practically irrelevant to them. Strawberry probably wouldn't like her anyway, and perhaps the feeling would be mutual.

Rose's father had been dead for about 2 months now, and they still hadn't had a funeral. She guessed he just didn't matter as much as someone as famous and as old as Queen Strawberry.

Despite Apple's estrangement, she was invited to attend the funeral of her grandmother and she intended to bring Rose and Bradley along too (making sure to leave Brigitta at home). Rose had heard that all her maternal family members were invited. She wondered what they'd be like.

Bowser III and his mother Apricot were unexpectedly in attendance.

"What are you doing here?" Rose whispered quietly, somewhat excited to see a friendly familiar face.

"The same reason you are I guess."

Hmm, wrong question. "Why wasn't your mum kicked out of House of Toadstool for marrying a Koopaling?"

Bowser was a little taken aback by the sudden question. "In her case, marrying a Koopaling wasn't seen as treason, it was seen as a heroic, selfless act of putting aside her differences with my father and marrying him for the greater good of her kingdom. Something that was hardly avoidable. After that, House of Toadstool and House of Koopa and their respective kingdoms essentially merged."

"You're still half enemy though." Rose retorted.

"As are you, but we were both invited, weren't we?" Bowser replied gently, smirking.

Before Rose could respond, the Grenadier Guards in front of her began to exit the Quadrangle of Rosaceae Castle with the Queen's coffin in tow. They marched out into the warm sun, placing the coffin into the hearse. Rose and her relatives walked out behind, the line of red uniformed guards blocking them from going back. They stood in the shade of the Quadrangle, standing in a formation of rows from oldest to youngest: Princess Peach, Princess Daisy and her husband Henry stood in the first row, Apricot, Apple, Bradley, and Banana stood in the second, and all of Rose's cousins Petunia, Gerbera, Sunflower, Bowser, Mango, Coconut, Piño, and Rose herself stood in the last row. Everyone was dressed in black, though this was hardly anything new for Rose. They walked after the coffin, and Rose began to question how far they'd have to walk. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed one of her cousins was walking with a fluffy dog on a harness. She wondered if she would've been allowed to bring Roi along.

The funeral seemed to go on for the longest time. Rose didn't cry, but she wondered if she should've forced it just to make herself seem more empathetic.

The Queen was buried at the King Grape Memorial Chapel and her husband's remains were also brought there so that they could be buried right next to each other. Rose found the thought of it very sweet and wholesome.

But then it was time for business. Now that the Queen was gone, the throne to the Fruit Kingdom was left wide open.

Because all eligible candidates were already in town, they had a council meeting to decide the fate of the throne the day after the funeral. All of Rose's family members she walked next to at the funeral were present. She brought Brigitta along with her (much to Apple's dismay) and she had Roi sit in her lap while in the meeting. She thought it would be boring like the funeral, so she wanted some form of entertainment.

"Right-o, the meeting to choose the next monarch has begun. "Lord Chief Justice Norwood announced. "As you know, over the years, we have lost royal family members to many different things, treason....disease....old age....revolution....now you are the only ones left of House of Rosaceae. The House is not nearly as large as it once was. But on the bright side, that means that this meeting'll go much faster!"

Rose chuckled quietly before her mother aggressively elbowed her to be quiet. Over yonder, she noticed her cousins, Gerbera, Sunflower, and Petunia. Petunia, who Rose had learned to be the older of the two, was moving her hands and arms in various ways while Sunflower held onto them. Then Sunflower would move her hands around in a similar manner while Petunia held onto them. Rose didn't know what the heck they were doing, but it interested her so she decided to watch anyway.

"Peach Toadstool is not eligible because she committed treason by being seduced by and marrying Bowser Koopa the First, former King of the Koopas. Additionally, Queen Daisy is already the sovereign of Sarasaland, and she cannot also sit on the throne of the Fruit Kingdom at the same time.

Similarly, Apricot is the wife of Bowser Koopa Jr, and is already affiliated with the Mushroom-Koopa Empire. Additionally, her son Bowser Koopa III is the official sovereign of the Koopa Kingdom, and he cannot sit on another throne at the same time. Apple and Banana cannot be candidates either for they were exiled from the House of Rosaceae--"

"WHAT?!" Apple exclaimed.

"Ms. Pie, you say this as if this is breaking news. You were kicked out 16 years ago." Norwood pointed out, adjusting his glasses.

"I know," She said solemnly, "B-but I thought you'd all forget all about that...." Apple suddenly stood. Rose stiffened, she didn't think any good would come of this.

"I have something I need to say! I....when...w-when I left to go live my life with Bully Koopa, I wasn't in my right mind. I was under his spell of princely bad boy charm. I loved his penis,"

Rose groaned, wondering if her mum had drunken any alcoholic beverages today. She gently planted her face in Roi's soft fur.

"Keep your head up darling, you need to hear this!

...The point is, I was young and I was dumb. I didn't know what I was getting into. I was just a teen who thought she knew more than her parents. I didn't really know what I was getting into and that ended up being my downfall. He raped me, impregnated me, and treated me like rubbish! He abused me, he gave me this," She said, pointing to her almost healed bruise, "...and cheated on me! After I got my tubes tied, he raped me some more when I wouldn't have sex with him! I was worthless to him!...It was with Bradley that I found solace. He actually knows how to treat me like a lady." She said, turning to smile at her boyfriend.

"Touching. Ms. Pie, will you please sit back down now?"

Apple sat back down next to Brad. He then began to comfort her, rubbing her arm gently. Rose rolled her eyes behind her shades. She already had the pity of countless tabloids, women's rights groups and movements, and news stations, did she need everyone's sympathy? Did she need everyone to think that her father was a terrible person?

"....Moving on, that leaves Gerbera, Petunia, Sunflower, Rose Quartz, Mango, Coconut, and Piño. Ms. Sunflower is not fit to rule because she is deaf-blind and therefore is unfit to rule..."

Unfit to rule because she's deaf-blind? Seems a little ableist to me, Rose thought. She understood their thought process, but it still seemed unfair. She wondered if the justice knew she had achromatopsia. She soon realized she'd been spacing out again.

"....So that brings us to Mango, Coconut, Piño, and Rose Quartz. All of you are children of exiled members of the family. Normally, you wouldn't be included in this kind of meeting, but because we have so little options, you are also being considered. And now that I am looking at you all, it seems there's only one clear choice...."

Rose felt the room tense up. It felt odd, having some justice decide their fates this way as if they were on some sort of game or competition show. Who was he to decide? He wasn't even royalty as far as Rose knew.

"....The next monarch of the Fruit Kingdom will be....Rose Quartz Koopa."

"BUT WHY?" Her Aunt Banana shouted, startling Rose. It had been so quiet.

Norwood adjusted his glasses. "Well, for many reasons. She is older than all of your children. And even though she is half Koopa, she is also still half British, whereas your children are all adopted. She is still of royal blood."

Rose was wondering what this blatant racism was about her ancestry, as if she didn't know her Dad was Koopanese. Why were they so hung up on that, why did it matter? She wasn't her father, and her ancestry wasn't the one that was going to rule the kingdom. They should be far more concerned with her character.

Aside from that...everything just felt so unreal. She couldn't even believe this was happening--again! She felt numb but she supposed she was still in shock.

"Yes, but Your Honor, Rose is only 16, do you really think she's ready? Shouldn't we have some sort of regency? And she goes to therapy, how do we know if she's even mentally stable? Her father wasn't, and look at what happened!" Apple exclaimed, pointing to her bruised face again.

Norwood peered down at Rose. "Is this true, Rose Quartz?"

"Yes," She spoke up, "I'm attending therapy to help with the loss of my father. I was feeling depressed but I don't think I'm mentally unstable." But I think I know someone who is, She added internally, glancing at her mother who was glaring at her.

"That sounds just like what a mentally unstable person would say!" Apple exclaimed. Rose had to stop herself from bursting out laughing.

"Ms. Pie, if it makes you feel better, we'll have mental and physical evaluations done for your daughter."

Apple nodded before sitting down. Rose literally just told them she was fine, why did they not believe her? Was it because she was young or was it more racism from Norwood? Why did no one listen to her? When she became queen, she might just see to having him fired!

They'd left the meeting as soon as it was over. Rose didn't even get to say goodbye to Bowser, but fortunately, he'd assured her he was staying in the country for her coronation. Rose still couldn't believe she was even going to be queen, and the people in her life wouldn't let her forget it. The public wouldn't either, for some opposed her because she had let her previous country fall "without doing a thing to help". They weren't there, she did try. She tried everything she could. It wasn't her fault she was weak, that she wasn't a Diamond. Not everyone hated her though, some citizens supported her as the first British monarch of East Asian descent. Some opposed her for this reason as well. Perhaps if they knew she was a lesbian, she'd be celebrated and hated for that too. She never really intended to tell anyone though, that would bring more unneeded drama that she was too tired to deal with.

She went to her physical and psychiatric evaluations, and as she'd said, she was just fine. Rose most likely had Brigitta and her therapist to thank for that for if she never sought treatment, her condition would have worsened.

She was given the choice of a regnal name, of which she chose Rose Quartz, because "why not?".

And as the new queen, she was to hastily move into Buckingham Palace.


"I haven't seen Buckingham Palace in ages, well, I mean I saw it because of the Queen's funeral and whatnot, but you know what I mean. It won't be the same as actually living there! And darling, have you ever thought about, perhaps, someday finding a king? A q gentleman who will treat you like a queen, like the prized jewel that you are. Oh Rosie, how I do wish that for you, there is nothing like the feeling of true love. What about Lumiere, Caterina's son? You can get rooms near each other at the palace--"

"Mum." Rose interrupted, turning to face her mother. She rarely, if ever, referred to her mother that way. Apple looked up at her daughter expectantly, as if she was finally listening.

"You're not coming with me to Buckingham Palace."

"B-But why not, darling?! You're young, you're going to need someone to help you make decisions!"

"Maybe so, and if I do require a regency, I'll see to it that Brigitta be appointed my regent."

"But I'm your mother, not her!" Apple whined.

Rose inhaled sharply. "You always love to remind me of that when it's convenient for you."

"What do you mean, Rosie? Where is this coming from, you know your Mummy loves you, don't you?"

"...No, I really don't. When I was young, you were too busy drinking, going out with friends, partying, and 'living your best life' when you should've been being my mother. You were trying to live the life that Daddy and I allegedly ruined and stole from you. Well here's my parting gift to you: you can have your life back. Go run away with Bradley and get a cottage or something, maybe even have a new daughter that you'll actually want." Rose said, her voice subtly shaky as she packed the last of her suitcases.

"B-but wait! Rose, we need to talk!"

"You'll be invited to Daddy's funeral and my coronation as a courtesy, if you were even planning to bother showing up. You may stay at Kensington Palace with your little court of friends as long as you like, but you are not to show up at Buckingham after my coronation ball unless it is for important business, and you will have to make an appointment through Brigitta. I'll be a very busy woman, you know."

"Oh, I see what this is! Little Miss Miracle thinks she can just speak to her mum any kind of way just because she's the QuEeN!"

Little Miss Miracle, Rose thought, I haven't heard that name in such a long time.

"...I see the power is already going to your head, just like in the Rock Candy Mines! Well that little selfishness and greed will be your downfall, heed my words! Nothing good ever happened to a girl who didn't listen to her mother! Bet you think I'm lying about your father too, huh? What kind of traitor are you, not believing a woman when she says she was abused? You're the kinda person who'd ask what I was wearing the night he raped me, huh?"

Rose had to stop herself from bursting out laughing. All the shit that was spewing from her mother's mouth was just so....utterly ridiculous. She didn't know why she always felt like laughing when her mother got like this. She supposed it was a "if we didn't laugh, we'd cry" type of situation.

"YOU WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE, YOU FAT, SADISTIC BITCH!" She yelled, slapping Rose across the face. The gesture shocked Rose so much, caught her so off guard, that fresh hot tears began to prick at her eyes. She felt like she wanted to burst again, to explode into a million pieces. At least she'd be able to join her father in the after life rather than spend another day in this living hell.

"Hey, hey stop it! You won't lay another hand on her, if you know what's good for you." Brigitta butt in. Rose hadn't even seen her come in, but her voice was all low and dangerous. She wasn't sure who Brigitta was trying to protect more, but perhaps she was trying to protect both of them. She loved Rose, but she knew that if Rose got a hold of Apple and push came to shove, Rose would aggressively beat her to the ground just like she did Lumiere when he bullied her for being colorblind.

"Nigger, get out of my fucking way--"

"MAYBE I WOULD'VE BELIEVED YOU IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH A SHITTY PERSON!" Rose screamed at the top of her lungs.

"But I saw you!" She whispered, tears already running down her cheeks, "I've seen you beat him," Rose cried, "I've seen you abuse him! I've seen you throw things at him and slap him and hit him, just like you hit me! You're nothing but a fucking liar! It should've been you! I wish he would've done something about it, and shot you in cold blood instead!"

"You don't understand, that faggot cheated on me and was going to give me HIV with no remorse--"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT, NOT ANOTHER WORD! I won't let you disrespect me, my father, my friends, and my family any longer! I WON'T TOLERATE IT! I won't tolerate anymore racist or homophobic slurs! You will respect me, whether you like it or not." She said before moving to leave the room.

"ROSE, STOP--" Apple grabbed Rose's arm, but Rose aggressively pushed her away, causing her mother to fall back onto the floor. Rose looked down upon her, her pathetic, puny figure lying there.

Unexpectedly, Roi ran in the room, his clever self jumping up and opening the door on his own. He hissed at Apple and lunged at her, sinking his teeth into her bare leg. She screamed in pain and tried to grab him and pull him off, but he scratched her with his beautiful claws. She eventually threw him off, but he wasn't hurt. He was a sturdy protector. He walked over to Rose, rubbing against her.

She scooped him up into her arms, gently rocking him. She stared at her mother long and hard before taking Brigitta's hand.

"Come on, Brigitta, let's go."

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