Our happily ever after? (Rema...

By fullmoon858

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The war is over and the Lupins family is facing many changes. But are they all good or are they bad? Will the... More

Now i'm waiting for you
Let's go back to home
Something more than a Werewolf
Grown stronger
Species that do not have rights for a family
Building a new life
Lydia Lupin
Love that can only be experienced by family
Two unexpected visits
An extraordinary meeting of the Order
Forgotten children
Don't call him "Master"
Professor R.J. Lupin
A new way of life
White Swan
Lupin's farm
Welcome back, Auror Tonks
Lost in the Hogwarts
Teddy's first Christmas
Fallen Angel
Million Mistakes
Just another day at work
The beast

Pack Always Sticks Together

523 8 6
By fullmoon858

Early in the morning, as soon as Auror's office opened, Tonks headed there, taking Teddy with her. By the time she left the house, everyone else was asleep, only Molly who had come to their aid again in the morning to prepare breakfast for all the children was engaged. When Tonks woke up, Teddy was also immediately awake, demanding someone's attention. Molly suggested that Tonks might leave Teddy in her care, but Tonks didn't want to. She knew there were children in the house who needed more help, so she took her little son with her, placing him with his baby carrier on her stomach. She went to the ministry and registered at the security desk as a visitor and then headed to Auror's office. As the time was still early, half of Auror's office was empty, only a few employees were present. As she walked past the familiar office, Tonks felt a little sad that the job she had worked so hard for was now a memory. She stopped for a second in front of the door of her old office, the office door still had a sign, "Auror N.Tonks." She wanted to move on, but without being able to stop herself, her hand began to move toward the door link. Just before her hand touched the link, a harsh voice came from behind her, "Your place is not here, Nymphadora!"

Tonks turned around and saw someone she wouldn't have believed to see here, even in her worst nightmare, "Your place even less, Hildson. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in prison?"

,,For what? Because I did my job when you disregard the command and resisted the Aurors?" Hildson asked, his eyes no longer had the gloss against Tonks that had been there before.

,,You tortured innocent people who happened to be my friends! "Tonks replied sharply, making Hildson smile.

She was ready for Hildosn to say something insulting, something about treacherous and disobedient, but instead, the smirking man said," As I see it then, the rumors that you and your animal have multiplied are true. I'm sorry about you. You have corrupted your beauty against something that is obscene and repulsive. You could have done better. "

Tonks said nothing, she knew that Hildson was not worth the time, and every moment she spent talking to this bastard, the greater the time when a number of children were away from their parents. She began to move on, but Hildson's strong grip stopped her.

,,What do you think you're doing, Nymphadora? You don't have the right to be here, much less the right to take something from here. You'll either leave right away with your so-called baby or I'll imprison you both. "

,,I have the Minister's permission to take all the files I need from the file warehouse. You let me go if you don't want to report to the Minister for your actions, "Tonks said simply, not allowing herself to get angry because of Hildson, but Hildson seemed not to listen to her, "Go and do your work while you still have it, Death Eater," she then pulled her hand away from his grasp and then walked confidently and purposefully toward the storage room.

She opened the warehouse door and met a friendly smiling older woman who sat at the table and repaired the old torn files with her wand. She looked up and gave Tonks a wide smile before saying, "You must be Mr. Minister's friend, Tonks right?" as Tonks nodded, the woman jumped up from her chair and walked to the table at the other end of the room, taking over 20 dossiers, "So, here are all the werewolf attacks on children over the past five years. I hope these can help you. If you need anything else let me or minister know, "

,,Thank you, "Tonks replied, accepting the files and shrinking them small enough to fit in the front pocket of the Teddy's carrier," I'll bring them back as soon as possible. Where do I sign? "

About an hour later, Tonks was home again. Before going home, she had gone through a grocery store and bought a lot of sweets, juice, sweet and savory baby food, and other groceries. She also went through one of her favorite pizza restaurants to buy five large pizzas to go. The first thing she did when she entered the gate was to see five puppies and Moon running around the yard and playing with each other. The little black puppy had lost all fear of these wild wolf puppies. Tonks smiled and then headed inside the house. She was surprised that there was complete silence in the house and the only ones who were awake were Remus, Molly, and Ezra, whom Molly held in her arms and fed with a bottle of milk.

,,Hi, love, how were you? "Remus asked, putting his newspaper back on the table.

Tonks took Teddy out of the carrier and then sat down at the dining room table, "It went good, I was given 24 files related to werewolf attacks on children. These are all the kids who have been in the Greyback pack for the past five years, so we can surely find something. I also brought pizza for a lunch, as well as more juice and sweets," She waved her wand toward her cloth bag, from which mini versions of everything she had bought in the store flew out, these things changed back to their proper size and floated in the kitchen.

,,Ou, Tonks, honey, we're running out of milk for her," Molly said pointing at the little girl in her lap," Do I need to bring goat's milk? You probably don't want to... "

,,I bought purees for her. Sarah said yesterday that they have fed her crushed berries, so she should eat them, "Tonks replied with a smile and raised Teddy in a more comfortable position.

,,Oh, very good, "said Molly.

Tonks took out the files and started spreading them all on the table, Remus helped her with this and said, "I wrote to Hagrid and asked if he would be willing to take care of the wolf puppies, he hasn't answered yet. Magda wrote a while ago and let us know that she and Sirius are going shopping today and they are buying new clothes for all the children."

,,It's so cute of them, "Tonks replied.

Tonks, Remus, and Molly spent the next half hour researching children's files. They read all the files thoroughly, looking at the photos and the details they could find in them. Finally, they had found ten files that came to their attention: Marco Lee, Sarah Maria Knight, Piper Kennedy and Dilan Kennedy, Ann Noelle Reid, Faith West, Owen Polo, Madeline Jones and Annabelle Jones, Liam Price, Rubila Fox, Eliot Luke Davidson. Three adults were filled with joy as they found the names, ages, and residences of the children's parents in each file. Everything seemed fine until Molly noticed that one file contained a more tragic story than anyone had thought. Liam Price file stated that at the time of the werewolf attack, his parents and older sister had been brutally torn to pieces and Liam was the sole survivor, and he too was later stolen from the ministry's child protection department. According to the file, Liam had no known living relatives. This meant another orphan who could no longer be returned to his parents.

,,Ou no," Tonks sighed, rubbing her hand over her face, "Things are getting more complicated,"

,,Maybe we should ask the ministry for help? They could help Liam and Ezra find a new home, "Molly offered optimistically.

,,No one would adopt werewolf children. Especially when one is Muggle and the other is Greyback's daughter, "Remus replied a little gloomily, he felt guilty, even though he knew it wasn't his fault.

,,We are alone in this. The Department of Child Protection of the Ministry would put them in an orphanage where they would stay for the rest of their childhood. The end result is a new Voldemort, "said Tonks, eyes slipping toward Ezra, who was playing in Teddy's baby swing," I don't want them to end up in an orphanage. "

,,Who would go to the orphanage?" A voice came from the door of the hangar as the three adults looked up and saw three kids with sleepy gazes: Faith, Piper, and Marco who was standing in front of two girls, in his eyes, there was a look of a worried, broken young man," Is something wrong?" he asked.

Molly, Tonks, and Remus didn't know should they lie or tell the truth. They didn't want to make them worry. They had gone through a lot already. They are just children, they should not worry about such things. Worrying is the job of adults, not children. But they needed to know.

Remus sighed, glancing at Dora who looked as miserable as he was, he smiled a little and then said to the three young people, "Liam's parents died when Greyback attacked him. He has no home to return to."

,,AND YOU ARE GOING TO PUT HIM IN AN ORPHANEGE?" Faith asked in a panic.

,,No, no one goes to the orphanage, "Tonks said calmly, trying to reassure the children," We would never do that. "

,,Don't worry about it, darlings. We're going to make it all right, "Molly said with a friendly smile, completely hiding her concern," Would you like some breakfast?"

The children nodded and sat at the table. Molly disappeared into the kitchen to bring them food. The three children were tense. They sat on their chairs, staring at the dark brown table with a tense and empty look. Piper's fingers played with her wand, Faith's finger squeezed her shirt's dark green fabric.

,,What about the rest of us? Are our parents all right? "Piper asked after a while of silence.

Remus nodded, "Yes, according to your files. We'll review them in more detail today and then start exploring how and where we can find your parents more precisely."

Piper frowned and asked suspiciously," But why don't you ask us? We know where we lived before the attack. We know where they work and all."

,,Mhm, my parents work at Gringotts. We could go there right away and find them, "Faith added.

Tonks shook her head quietly, "We can't be sure they're still there. Adults have a habit of disappearing after a bad event and starting their lives again somewhere else. Before we start raising your hopes, we need to make sure we know where your parents are. "

,,How long can it take? "Marco asked.

,,We don't know. But I promise we'll do everything we can to get you home fast. "


Three days passed full of work, worries, and small joys. Remus and Tonks were constantly involved in either caring for the children or locating their parents. In recent days, the two Lupins didn't even have time to talk to each other properly. There were fourteen children in their house, and that was thirteen more than they were used to. Although difficult and exhausting, there were moments that warmed their hearts. The joy in the eyes of these children as they ate the pizza and admired their new clothes, the smile on their faces as they realized that nobody was punishing them for eating and they could even ask for more food. A look at how the children took care of each other, how they played with each other. The love and care these children had for each other warmed the whole house, making it feel like the best place in Britain. Even Teddy was accepted as if he were one of them. Crying filled all these children when Hagrid came and took the wolf puppies with him to Hogwarts, leaving only Sarah's pet puppy and Ezra's little brother. Seeing these children cry as they had to say goodbye to the puppies they considered as their sisters and brothers, was painful. That one night, Tonks and Remus were no longer looking for parents. Instead, they devoted all their attention to improving the mood of the children. Remus played board games with them, which Hermione lent them. Tonks braided the girls' hair and read a fairy tale about Peter Pan to the younger ones," Evil pirate! "Ruby shouted, waving her little fist at the book," He must not hurt the flying boy! "

,,Yeah, nasty pirate!" added Annabelle, her twin, Madeline, nodded as well.

Tonks smiled at the small children sitting around her. She couldn't stop the warm feeling from rising in her. It was almost the same feeling as the insane joy that she felt when she held her Teddy. An hour later, after the children had brushed their teeth, Tonks led them to their rooms. She helped Eliot to climb into bed, put a blanket on the twins, she even bring a last-minute glass of water for nine-year-old Ann. When she was convinced that the children were beautifully in bed, she slipped out of the children's bedroom. She wanted to go to her's and Remus' room, but she was stopped by a small voice behind her.

,,Mommy, I'm thirsty, "Tonks turned around and saw Ruby standing there, her eyes glancing enthusiastically at Tonks," Could we go get some water together, I don't dare go alone. "

Tonks smiled and held out her hand to the little girl, "Sure, let's go, little one."

Ten minutes later, when Tonks finally reached her bedroom, she had a look on her face that her husband could not explain. Her lips had a small doubtful smile, a surprised glow in her eyes, a little wrinkled eyebrow, her hair lilac purple. Remus looked at her a little suspiciously, he lifted Teddy to bed and then walked to Tonks, wrapping his arms around her thin waist.

,,Is everything all right, Dora?" he asked softly.

,,Ruby called me Mommy, "she replied, a little frightened.

Remus smiled and then said amusingly, "Owen called me Dad this morning, he said, 'Thank you, Dad,' when I added the pancakes to his plate."

,,It's madness, but I...I'm afraid I'm too attached to them..., "

,,But we shouldn't, "Remus whispered understandably.

Tonks nodded, the corners of her eyes filling with tears. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't stop feeling her growing affection for all thirteen children, even Ezra, whose diaper change she was too used to. She enjoyed walking with Ezra and Teddy in the cart, especially when little Eliot was walking by her hand and Annabelle, Madeline, Liam, and Owen ran around them trying to catch two wolf puppies and Moon, she liked to listen to how Faith and Piper discuss which wizarding world band is best, or how Dilan and Ann play a pun, trying to figure out which one is smarter, she liked to follow the little glances that Sarah and Marco shared with each other when they thought someone wasn't watching. She loved this big family and she knew it was wrong.

Remus put his hand under Tonks' chin and raised her gaze to make her beautiful brown eyes look into his gray eyes, he smiled and whispered, "You know, Dora, I haven't had a chance to kiss you in four days."

Tonks laughed, gently leaning a little closer to Remus, "You must do something then," and before either could change their minds, or have some children distract them again, their lips squeezed together into a sweet kiss.


Remus sat alone at the library's large desk, researching files, newspapers, and printed pages from the Internet that Hermione had given them. A half glass of cognac was placed between papers which were spread irregularly on the table, and at the top of a larger pile of papers sat Junior, watching Remus tightly. The library was the quietest room in the whole house, children ran around everywhere else, only the library was a place where they were not allowed to go. Remus had almost finished his work, the only one whose parents were still in question was Ann. According to the file, they lived in Nottingham before the accident but had left after the disappearance of their youngest daughter. Where they had gone, no one knew, but Remus had a theory. Ann had said that they had a cottage somewhere in Dorset, and thanks to Muggle sources provided by Hermione, Remus managed to find the location of that cottage. Sirius had gone to check it, and now Remus needed his answer. If Ann's parents are there, they can start taking the children to their homes today, but if not, the abundance of the children in the Lupins house will continue. The children had insisted that before all parents were found they would not separate, they wanted to stay together for as long as possible. The thought of separating the children from each other actually bothered Remus terribly, if he could, he wouldn't.

Remus heard someone knocking on the door, the door opened and there stood Sarah and Piper, the witch's girl had a wrinkled letter in her hand, "The owl just brought it," she said, bringing it on Remus's desk.

,,Thank you, "Remus replied and opened the letter, the two girls still standing next to his desk.

,,Is this the letter I think it is? "Sarah asked, leaning lightly on the table.

,,Yes, it is, "Remus said, reading the letter quickly before a small modest smile appeared on his lips," Ann's parents have been found. We now know the locations of all your parents, "

,,Really? "Piper shouted happily, jumping up and down a few times.

Remus nodded, and before he understood, the two girls had arms around him, and they both cried happily against his shoulders.

,,Thank you, "Sarah whispered," Thank you for everything, Mr. Lupin, "

,,I can't believe we'll finally get home, "Piper added with tears in her eyes," I'm going to tell the others!" and before Remus found out the stop was Piper gone.

Sarah pulled away from Remus, there was the biggest smile Remus had ever seen on her lips, "I ... I wanted to say thank you for everything. If you had never come to that pack, most of us wouldn't have survived it, and ... we would still be there. Thank you. "

,,No need to thank me. I didn't do anything special and I'm not really the reason why you're still alive, rather another way... "

,,Lyra doesn't blame you, I know she won't. It was Greyback's fault, not yours. You didn't ask us to help you, we wanted to do it ourselves, you had done so much for us and that was the least we could do for you, "

,,The least you could do for me? Sarah, Lyra died because she wanted to help me, this is not right, she shouldn't have done it. "Remus replied very seriously," You should never risk your life for someone else. "

,,But you risked your life for us for a whole year, you risked your life to save your wife, "

,,It's different. I'm an adult and I was sent to the forest to help you, "

Sarah shrugged and slowly started to walk to the door, her hands slipping into the pocket of her jeans, "Maybe it's not that different. As we always say 'pack always sticks together' and you're part of our pack, you have always been. You were ready to die for us, so we answered the same and that was exactly what Lyra did. And she would do it again without regret because that is who she is. She would not regret anything, "she opened the door and slipped out of the room before closed it again she looked over her shoulder and said with a smile, "She would thank you just as I thank you with all my heart." and so she closed the door and disappeared.

Remus smiled, hoping her words were true. A minute later, Remus walked out of the library, meeting a whole bunch of smiling and cheerful children who immediately began bombarding him with questions like: When are we going? Can I really see my parents again? How do we get home? Do our parents know we're going home?

An hour later, the children were ready and the Order's plans were made. The plan was for Molly, Magdalena, and Fleur to look after the children for as long as Tonks, Remus, and, after a long period of arguing, Sarah and Marco, take the children home one by one, starting with the youngest and ending with the older children. Sarah and Marco insisted that they wanted to be there and make sure the children were all right, and after thinking for a while, the adults thought it was a good idea because the children were so close to each other. Remus and Tonks were ready for anything, they knew they had to explain the situation properly to many parents. All the parents knew that their children were dead, so they were ready for the parents' hysteria and screaming. And since most of the children's parents didn't know anything about the wizarding world, the Lupins had to be very careful, one wrong word, and the parents knew too much, yes, they knew they couldn't escape a serious conversation that the parents probably didn't believe, but they had to make it clear to the parents what it means to have a werewolf child and what it entails, parents need to understand what is wrong and why and where their children were for many years, they had to tell them about the world of wizards. They were also ready for some parents to give up their children, and after that, they had to wipe the tears of children with broken hearts, they were very hopeful that this would not happen. When the time came, however, all the children were hit by a sudden surge of sadness, and they finally realized that going home meant telling each other goodbye. Things got so crazy that Madeline and Annabell crawled under the dining room table and started crying, refusing to come out anymore, Ruby and Owen locked themselves in the bathroom, shouting that if their moms and dads didn't want everyone to live together, they didn't want their parents. Ann hid her narrow dark eyes with her hair to hide the tears that appeared in them. Faith hugged Eliot and Liam hard, refusing to let them go, even when Eliot started crying because the girl's strong hug hurt him. The only ones who were a little calmer were Sarah, Marco, Piper and also Dilan, and Eliot, who were too small to understand what was going on. It took half an hour to get the children back from everywhere and gather them in the living room, by which time they were almost all in tears, even those who had not been before.

,,If you're not ready, we can wait for some more days, "Tonks told them calmly, trying to reassure the twins by smoothing their backs and hair.

,,It wouldn't change anything, it would still hurt, just a few days later, " Marco said, hugging and trying to calm down Owen, who had thrown couch pillows just a few seconds ago.

Madeline lifted her head from Tonks' shoulder and said, crying, "I want to stay with my siblings,"

,,Yeah, "Annabelle also raised her head, looking at Tonks with tears in her eyes," Mommy and Daddy have to come here. Then we can all be together!"

Tonks shook her head quietly and smiled sadly, "But it can't be, honey. You have to go home, your parents miss you very much."

,,But I'm going to miss my siblings, "Owen said, pressing his face against Marco's chest, his small hands clinging around the older boy.

,,But we're not going anywhere, "Sarah got up from her seat, walking to the center of the room, her gaze wandering among all the children," We're a phone call away or an owl letter away of each other. We can still meet. "

,,It's not the same!" shouted Faith," What if we are not allowed to meet anymore? We are not even from the same worlds. Wizards and Muggles can not communicate with each other, werewolves or not. "

,,Who says that? "Marco asked," And even if someone says we can no longer meet, do we really listen? No, we're a pack, we belong together, no one can stop us from getting together if we want to, our worlds can't stop us."

,,That's right, the pack belongs together, "Ann said through tears," That's why we shouldn't break up at all. "

Sarah turned to the younger girl and said to her with a smile, "But we don't belong here and we don't belong in the forest. We are people, we are children, we should be in our home, with our family. We can't leave our parents, we can't let them believe any longer that we're dead. We have to go home. " she sighed softly and then continued in a stronger voice, "I know it's hard. We're a family, we've lived through more than any child before. But every story has to end someday. We have a normal life ahead of us, happy life with our parents. We will remain as a pack, we will remain a family forever, the pack always sticks together, and we do not have to sacrifice our futures for that. We will forever be werewolves, whether we want it or not. Why grieve when at the full moon we can howl toward the moon, knowing that we will always do it all together. We are united by so many things, not only because we are werewolves but also because we are strong, courageous, and good people. The world can't come between us, and even if we're not together physically, we're here together, "she raised her hand to her chest, just above her heart.

Slowly, the other children began to raise their hands above their hearts, feeling a gentle throbbing under their fingers. Tonks smiled and she didn't even notice how the two little hands took her hand and raised her own hand over her heart, she looked down and saw Madeline and Annabelle's eyes on her, the girls smiled, each of them holding her hand. Ruby walked over to Remus, looked at him, Remus squatted down to be at the same height as the girl, she grabbed Remus' hand and placed his big hand on his wide chest, right where his heart was beating. Owen tilted slightly and stretched himself towards the blanket where Teddy lay on his back and played with his rattle, the young boy carefully taking the little baby's hand and placing it where he thought it should be the heart of this little human.

,,You see, they're all beating, and until they do, we're always all together, and even if it stops working, you're still in the hearts of the rest of us. And even now there are those who have left us: Lyra, Silvia, Sam, Andre, Angel, Karl, they are all here. "Sarah lowered her hand and asked with an excited smile," So who's ready to go home? "

Everyone's hands rose.


Eliot was taken home first, as soon as Remus and Tonks knocked on the door of his parent's country house, and when the door opened, they heard the woman cry and shout.

,,My baby!" was the first thing she said, and when Tonks reached out to give Eliot to his mother's arms, the woman with the brown curls began to cry, and so did the man behind her.

A look at the parents' happy faces made Lupins cry too, it was something so pure, it was pure joy and love that shone on the faces of the two parents. Two-year-old Eliot didn't seem to recognize his parents, but he didn't protest when they hugged him, he felt this was a safe place for him. It was easy to explain things to Eliot's parents because Eliot's mother Davidson had a wizard's relative. She knows a half thing. But with Rubys parents, things were more difficult. Her parents accused Remus and Tonks of kidnaping a child, they didn't believe their daughter had been stolen by an evil werewolf, they even laughed when Remus told them that their daughter was a werewolf and that she turns into a wolf on every full moon. Ruby's parents only began to realize it when Tonks' hair turned from pink to purple in front of their eyes. After that, the two parents sat silent, listening intently to every word Remus had to say to them. At Madeline and Annabelle's home, things were getting kinda funny, it all started with their father fainting when he saw his two daughters standing behind the door, their mother grabbed a cross from the wall and started waving it at the children, calling them ghosts. Only their older brother was brave enough to step forward and hug his sisters. After that, the parents realized that they could not be ghosts because the ghosts could not be hugged. They stepped forward and fell sharply on their knees in front of their children, hugging them so hard that the two girls began to scramble trying to escape from hug. They did not liked the news that their children were now werewolves, though well-received, but they agreed with that and agreed with everything Remus told them. Owen's parents were the first wizards, they were overjoyed, and they repeatedly thanked Remus and Tonks for rescuing their little son from the Greyback's pack. When Remus started telling them about being a werewolf thing, Owen's father politely stopped him and said they didn't need the story, and it turned out that Owen's father was also a werewolf and he had been bitten the same night as his son, it wasn't just in the ministry files because he feared losing his job. The reaction of Faith's parents was frightening at first, they stood in the doorway with a suspicious look on their faces, they did not recognize their daughter. She had been in the Grayback's pack for over three years, she didn't look like the same six-year-old girl who disappeared from the backyard of her home years ago, but as soon as her parents realized who she was, they were so happy that they started crying, scared and thanking Merlin from bringing back their child. They didn't care that their daughter was a werewolf, and instead of listening to Remus and Tonks, they took their daughter's hand and said they would take her to buy new clothes and other necessities and that they would love her. It was about the same way with Ann's parents, the only difference being that they were very interested in hearing about the wizarding world and the werewolves, they were too curious that Remus and Tonks had to flee in the end to make sure they didn't talk too much. Piper and Dilan's large family were all so happy that Tonks and Remus were afraid they would forget to breathe. When their daughter asked them if she could go back to Hogwarts, even if she was a werewolf, her parents promised that they would do everything they could to fulfill her wish. Remus was happy to confirm this to them and say that there was nothing stopping Piper from going back to school in the fall and continuing her education where she left off a year ago. And to Remus' surprise, the young girl hugged him and whispered, "I always trusted you, I just didn't want to ruin my reputation as Slytherin," Remus couldn't wait to see her again in Hogwarts.

Their travels began to run out, and soon they stood in front of a small white wooden house of the Knight family, surrounded by a large garden full of apple trees. Sarah grabbed the wolf puppy in her arms and sighed heavily, "I'm not ready,"

,,Why not? "Tonks asked, actually knowing the girl's answer.

,,It's been so many years, maybe ... "

,,There's no "maybe," Sarah, your parents are happy to see you again, "Marco said, holding Sarah's hand.

,,It was much easier to see how others were going home than to go home myself, "she said heavily, sliding her gaze back toward the house," I missed them so much. "

,,And they missed you. Let's go now, don't leave your family waiting." said Remus.

They walked towards the house and knocked on the door, the door opened and even before they could meet the people standing on the other side of the door, Sarah fell to her knees and began to cry with joy, her parents standing there looking at her with big glances as if a large amount of gold were standing in front of them.

,,Hi, "Sarah whispered in tears and just as she did, her same blonde parents fell to their knees and hugged her.

,,Where have you been, honey?" her mother cried, kissing her cheeks and hair," Where have you been? "

,,We were so worried about you, baby, we ... we thought you were dead, "said her father, sounding like a little broken child.

Sarah smiled, unable to answer them at the moment, but also knowing that she could do it later and all she had to do now was hug her parents.

After her parents learned all the necessary information and gave only positive feedback, Remus, Tonks, and Marco began to leave, but before they could do so, Sarah stopped them, taking turns hugging them.

When she reached Remus, she whispered to him, "I don't regret, I don't regret becoming a werewolf. It was worth it, I met wonderful people, I saw magic and I got a drink of this wonderful drink you call Butterbeer, it was worth it."

Remus smiled and whispered, "I don't regret it either," his gaze shifted imperceptibly to Tonks and he smiled even more.

After saying goodbye to Sarah, Tonks and Remus gave her and Marco some time to say goodbye. When Marco came after them five minutes later, there was a big smile on his face and a little redness on his cheeks, both Lupins knew that the joy was not related to the fact that he was going back home.

,,Are you ready to go? "Tonks asked.

Marco nodded and replied, "Ready as I'll ever be," he took Remus and Tonks hands, and they disappeared, finding themselves in the courtyard of Marco's father's cottage the next moment.

Marco's mother had abandoned him when he had a baby and his father was the only family he had and he was his father's only relative. He was a little scared, but not much, he knew that his father was happy to see him, and that was what happened.


In the evening, Tonks and Remus both sat on the bed in their bedroom. They had taken Teddy back to sleep in his own room, and since Ezra had slept very well at night lately, they dared to leave her with Liam in the guest room. Liam was very unhappy that he was the only one left there and they thought that the proximity of Ezra and the last wolf puppy could be good for him. And it worked, he slept peacefully, and even a smile was on his lips as he fell asleep between the puppy and Moon.

Tonks sighed wearily and fell to the bed, a happy and proud smile on her mouth, "We did it. We took eleven children back home to their parents!"

,,We really did, "Remus replied, lying down next to Tonks and placing one arm around her," Now we still need to find homes for Ezra and Liam. "

Tonks nodded, "I hope we find them homes. We promised them that," she waved wide and closed her eyes, crawling a little closer to Remus, "You know a big family is a beautiful thing, but I'm afraid it's a little too early for us to have more than one child... "the end of her sentence melted quietly and she fell asleep very quickly.

Remus smiled and kissed her hair, "I think so too," whispered and then fell asleep.


Hello, such was then the new chapter. I hope you liked it and that it wasn't too boring. I look forward to your comments as always.

The question for you, do you think Tonks and Remus should leave Liam and Ezra to themselves? I can tell you this is something they don't really want to do because they want to be dedicated to Teddy. So they will not leave them to do themselves. But what would you do? I feel like I'm a monster that I don't want to leave them at Remus and Tonks home :-(

See you again soon!

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