Before We Met

By cherrytomlinson_01

15.4K 312 247

Before she met him, she was innocent. Before she met him, she studied more than most. Before she met him, she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Authors Note/ The End

Chapter Fifteen

261 4 1
By cherrytomlinson_01

"Hey, Bella do you know where the Toilet paper is"?! I hear Chase yell as I finish brushing my teeth. 

"Yeah". I say, grabbing a roll of toilet paper, walking to the guest room.

I knock on the bathroom door and he opens it with nothing but basketball shorts on and nothing else. 

I stare at him for a little too long causing him to lightly chuckle.

"Like what you see"? 

"Um..". I hesitate to say anything as he steps closer to me. It gets harder to breath once his face is close to mine. 

"Your cute". he whispers before pulling away, walking out of the room leaving me speechless.

I smile before heading back into my room, changing into my pajamas and getting in my bed. 

I put on my reading glasses and start to read Romeo and Juliet when I hear a small knock on my door. 

I look up to see Chase standing against my door frame smirking. 

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo". Chase says, beginning to burst out in laughter and so do I. 

"I didn't know you read Shakespeare". I say and he comes and sits next to me.

"I don't but that's a common phrase especially coming from this book". he points out and I nod.

"thank you". I say softly and Chase furrows his eyebrows. 

"for what"? 

"For 'pretending' to date me. My mom seems proud of me". I lightly laugh. 

 "she's proud of you for getting a boyfriend"? 

"well yeah I mean, I was never the type to date in high school". 


"boys were too immature. No one really liked me either because they thought I was boring". I muttered. 

"Your not boring. Your just plain". Chase says and I give him a glare. 


"what do you mean what? One minute you act so nice and sweet the next minute your an asshole who has no feelings". I say angrily and he laughs. 

"Chill. It was only a joke". 

I roll my eyes and he sighs. 

"I'm sorry". 

"It's fine". I mutter. 

I look at the time and notice it was 11:00. 

"I should be heading to bed I'll see you in the morning". I say and Chase huffs, getting up from the bed. 

"Goodnight Bella". 

"Goodnight Chase". 

"Oh and Bella"? 


"You might be plain but I like plain". Chase says before walking out of my room leaving me yet confused, but heartfelt. 

The next morning I wake up to laughing in the kitchen. I throw on a hoodie and head downstairs to see Chase and my mom in the kitchen laughing while Chase cooks breakfast. 

"Good morning sweetie how was your sleep"? 

"Fine mom, what's so funny"? I ask and that's when they both fall into laughter again.

"your mom was telling me about her days in high school". Chase says, flipping a pancake over. 

"I was telling him how your father hated me at first and then we fell in love". my mom said and I began to thought of what my music professor told me that day. 

"Oh yeah. My music professor said that her and dad used to date". 

"Yeah. They were dating and at the time I had a crush on your father. He knew I did but he claimed he never felt anything for me but look where we are now". my mom chuckles and and Chase smiles, handing her a plate full of pancakes with a side of eggs and bacon. 

"Well, that's true love right there". I say, fixing coffee and my mom nods. 

"If you don't mind me asking how did you too meet"? 

Chase looks at me and we both exchange looks. 

What am I supposed to tell me mom? 'oh yeah I went to a party and we kissed because we played spin the bottle'. I can't say that. She'll murder me on the spot. 

"Uh we met in class. We got paired to go to the library and so we started talking from then. now here we are". Chase smiled at me and I gave him a small smile. 

Well, actually that is true though. After the party we ended up being in the same class two days later. 

"Aw. How cute so when did you ask her out"? My mom asked Chase as he was no joining us at the table to eat. 

"Mom. Don't you think you've asked enough questions". I say and Chase chuckles lightly. 

"It's fine Ms. Blaine. I actually took her out on a date and once the third one happened that's when I popped the question". 

At one point I hate this. I hate liars and I was never a liar so me lying to my mom hurts me. 

"Aw well I think you two would make adorable children". my mom excitedly says as soon as my dad walks in. 

"excuse me what about kids"? My dad asks and I look away embarrassed while Chase on the other hand laughs. 

"Thank you breakfast sweetie". my dad says, taking a seat next to my mother. 

"Actually Chase volunteered to make breakfast and I took the offer". 

"Wow. Your a great cook". my dad tells Chase and Chase gives him a smile. 

"thank you. My dad and I used to make pancakes every Saturday before my soccer games". 

"Aw that's nice. I used to want to do stuff like that with Isabella but she refused". my dad chuckles, stuffing a piece of bacon in his mouth. 

"yeah because it was fishing. What daughter wants to go fishing"? I say and my dad shrugs. 

"Yeah my father wasn't a big fisher but he loved camping. It was his favorite". Chase said slowly getting quiet. 

"If you don't me asking. What happened to him"? My dad asks, Chase sighs. 

"He passed away from cancer 2 months ago". Chase says, my mom and dad both have sad looks on their faces. 

"Its fine. I've learned how to cope with it. Isabella also makes me feel better". he smiles at me and I blush only to then realize that he's just saying that because my parents think we're dating. That's it. 

I pull out my chair and head up to my room and a few minutes Chase walks in. 

"what's wrong"? 

"Do you really not know"? I ask and Chase chuckles.

"If I knew I wouldn't have asked you". 

"I'm not in the mood for your arrogant remarks". I mumble angrily, looking through my closet. 

"Would you calm down and just tell me what the fuck is wrong with you"?! Chase yells and I give him a glare. 

"This! This is wrong. Us pretending to date is wrong". 

"you were okay with it at first". 

"Yes. I was okay with it at first. That was until you lied to parents that I make you feel better ever since your father died"! 


"don't call me that". I mutter. 

"Okay fine. you can tell your parents that your a boring girl that will never get married because your too fucking stuck up to allow yourself to get into a god damn relationship"! 

I try and hold back the tears in my eyes and the lump in my throat. 

"Fuck you and fuck this fake relationship". he spits out before walking away to god knows where. 

Part of me wishes I had never come across him because everything was better before I met him...

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