The Devil's Work || Yoonseok

By mygmarkie

109K 7.2K 4.6K

Yoongi was forced to go out to some stupid club with some friends and he ended up having more fun than they d... More

1: Please?
2: Sweetheart
3: Δεμένη με τον διάβολο
4: Stay away from me
5: Ancient
6: A Day
7: Push Me Away
8: That Guy Was Right
9: That's Because You're All Mine
10: Good News
11: Fallen Angels
12: New Secretary
13: Relationships
14: Life is unfair, deal with it
15: I Used You
16: Someone's Got A Crush
17: Who'd You Dream About?
18 : Domestic
19: Friends With Benefits
20: Obey
21: Mistakes
22: There's This Guy
23: Both of You
24: Hoseok
25: Doll Face
26: Out of Commission
27: Out of Chances
28: Let Him Go
29: How Are You?
30: Spill
31 : A Distant Memory
32 : Unfair
33 : Give Me Some Space
34 : Part Of Popular Discussion
35 : Or What?
36 : Fiesty Today, Aren't We?
37 : I'm a Mess
39 : Apologies
40 : Aphrodite's Curse
41 : Anything For You
42 : I'm Trusting You
43: No More Than This
44: Desperate
45: I Hate You
46 : That'll Be Enough
47 : Too Much
48 : Whatever
49: Can't Get Enough
50 : Come Inside
Lol hi (authors note)

38 : Lost Cause

1K 85 45
By mygmarkie

"Busy?" Jin asked, walking into Hoseoks office without knocking, Hoseok shrugged, "Not really. I have a meeting in two hours. So I'm trying to get my mind organized for that." Hoseok said, he glanced at Jin and then back at his desk. Jin sat in his usual seat— the chair in front of Hoseok — with a small pout on his lips.

"Anything interesting happen recently?" Jin asked, the question was vague, it gave enough room for Hoseok to choose whether or not he should tell his friend what happened with Yoongi. Hoseok frowned, looking up at the ceiling before he shook his head, "No, nothing major. Unless you wanna fall asleep listening to me talk about how they company's doing."

"Think harder."

Hoseok paused, meeting Jin's eyes, his eyebrows furrowed as he searched his face for something, an answer to an unknown question. "Is something wrong, Jin?"

"Is there?"

"These back and forth questions will get us no where. If you came here to argue about something pointless then...I have better things to do." Hoseok said bluntly, his eyes lingered on Jin for a second before he looked back down at the papers on his desk. Seemingly ending the conversation.

"Why did you go to Joon instead of me?" Jin asked, Hoseok sighed, not bringing his head up as he answered, "What?"

"Why did you go to Namjoon instead of your best friend with your problems? Why did you tell him what happened between you and Yoongi and not me?" Jin asked, Hoseok shook his head, leaning back in his chair. "It's not that big of a deal, Jin. You just weren't there. Namjoon was there at the time so I talked to him."

"You had plenty of chances to talk to me." Jin retorted, he thought about this earlier, of how contradictory he's acting. He told Yoongi he was staying out of it. That whatever happens between Hoseok and Yoongi would stay between them. But he never told Hoseok that. He never gave Hoseok that little speech. He didn't know why he never did. But he didn't. And yet, Hoseok has been avoiding him with all of his problems. Going to Yoongis best friend, his boyfriend, instead of him. So yeah, it did hurt a little when he realized it, no, he shouldn't be hurt. But he is.

"Jin. It's not that serious. You already know how conversations between me and Yoongi. It's messy. We always fight."

"Hoseok. You've been distancing yourself from me."

"Bullshit. Why would I do that?"

"I dunno why but you are. And Yoongi is doing the same, pushing everyone away. Even Jimin. Even Jungkook. He's put all of his friends at a distance." Jin said, Hoseok scoffed, "What does that have to do with me?"

"I'm just recognizing the pattern, is all. So what? What is it?"

"Jin. It's nothing. Have you been getting enough sleep?"

"I'm sleeping just fine. Ask Joon." Jin said a bit too quickly. "I'm fine. It's just— I miss you and Yoongi. You two have become polar opposites of what I remember you guys as and I want that back. I don't care how you do it, I just want the old you back."

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "You're treating this like a drama—"

"Don't fucking mock me, Hoseok. I'm serious." Jin cut in, his tone forcing Hoseok to shut his mouth. "I know the healing process takes a while but start speeding it up. I'm tired, Hoseok. And even if I distance myself away from the mess you and Yoongi have made, I still find myself coming back."

"How is that my fault?"

"Did I say it was your fucking fault?" Jin asked, Hoseok huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. Bitting his bottom lip to hold in a curse he was ready to throw Jin's way. The taller is aggravated, he has to remember that before he starts getting angry. His emotions are still all over the place even after two weeks since his tie broke. "I just want things to go back to normal. I know it's near impossible but I mean, fuck. Can't you at least try?"

"There's not much I can do, Jin."

"Find something." Jin said, he stared at Hoseok and Hoseok stared back. Hoseok's scoffed at him. "What is up with you today?"

"Didn't I tell you it was nothing?"

"And that's obviously a lie."

"You know a lot about those, don't you?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes, sitting back in his chair as his eyes looked Jin up and down, "If you're just gunna be in your little mood all day, you can go home. I don't need anymore negative energy around me than I already have." Hoseok said, it was Jin's turn to scoff, standing from his seat and looking down at Hoseok. "Pushing your problems away like you always do."

"Out, Jin."

Jin huffed as he left the office, he felt his ears get red in anger. He should've known better than the confront Hoseok about this. He can never listen to his own advice yet he gives it away so freely. Like an idiot.

He nearly bumped into Yoongi as made his way down the hallway towards the elevator. Yoongi gasped as he grabbed Jin's arm for balance. "Fuck, Jin. What's the rush?" He asked, Jin glared at him. "Fuck off, Yoongi."


Before Yoongi could get his sentence out, Jin was moving again. He did not even think about how rude he sounded, how much of an asshole he was acting like right now. Stuck in his own thoughts, he ran into someone else. "Oh for fucks—"

"Shit, are you okay?"

Jin paused, he stepped back and sighed when he realized it was just Namjoon. "No." Jin simply answered, he gestured vaguely towards Hoseok's office, he thought Namjoon wouldn't get the hint. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. All he did was nod as he kept his eyes on his boyfriend. "Are you okay?" He asked again, Jin met his eyes.

"He told me to leave. Go home." He muttered, his bottom lip quivered and Namjoon sighed, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the elevators. "Guess I can talk to him another time."

"Who? Hoseok?"

"Don't worry about it."




"Still sulking? It's been a few days..."

"Who said I'm still sulking? I'm not laid up in bed pouting." Jimin muttered, he glanced at Jungkook before his eyes went to the TV. "Yes. That's true. But you are sitting on the couch... and pouting."

"Good grief. Are you and Tae just gunna continue to ask me the same questions over and over again? I told you, I'm fine. Shit like this happens. You and I had a falling out before, and now look, we're fucking dating.  Yoongi is in a mood, has been for awhile now. The best we can do is let his anger subside. It will soon." Jimin said, the twist of his lips at the end of his sentence gave Jungkook the thought that he wasn't so sure about his anger subsiding. Especially anytime soon.

Jungkook sighed as he sat beside Jimin on the couch. " 'm just worried about you."

"There's no reason to be worried about me. Worry about Yoongi instead... from a distance." Jimin smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. He didn't even try to make any more eye contact with the younger. Keeping his eyes on the TV. "I'm pretty sure I can worry about both of you at the same time."

"I told you not to worry."

"And Tae and I keep telling you that's hard to do when you're like this."

"Like what?" Jimin asked, his tone accusing. Jungkook stared at him for a second weighing his words.


"Just leave it, Kook."

"You keep saying that but I know you want help, stop being all independent and shit."

"Stop getting in my business."

"I was literally there when you two were fighting."

"Really? Couldn't tell with how loud you were munching on those chips." Jimin shot back, Jungkook sighed as he stared at the older, Jimin met his eyes with a spark of clear defiance in them. He wasn't going to give in so easily. And that's what made it so hard trying to get through to him. Him and Yoongi.

Jungkook opened his mouth to speak but Jimin cut him off. "Look. I know you want to help, its a really adoring trait about you and I thank you for worrying so much about me, but stop. I'm fine. You think this is the first fight I've had with Yoongi? My first time not talking to him for days at a time? We've been friends for years, of course we're going to clash from time to time. This argument was just...bigger than the rest. It escalated too fast and personally, I do think I went a little overboard. But we'll be back to normal in no time. Stop worrying about this and that. Go out with Jin or something, talk to Joon or let Tae fuck you--"

"Jimin!" Jungkook yelled, his cheeks growing red. "You act like you haven't done it before. Shush and let me finish." Jimin said, waving Jungkook off before continuing. "I'm fine, and Yoongi will be fine. We just have to wait and and I'm willing to wait because I care about him. He needed space for awhile now and I'm finally giving it to him. That's what's important." Jimin muttered, Jungkook nodded as he stood from the couch. "Are you sure you don't want us to check on you from time to time."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "You're gunna do it anyway, so do I really get a say?"

"No." Jungkook smiled as he turned to walk away, Jimin smiled to himself before looking down at his hands.

In all honesty, Jimin couldn't be sure when this will end. The constant back and forth and tearing down of relationships. Hoseok and Yoongi's petty drama has escalated farther than it should have. It's now like a domino effect. Everything is falling down like a chain reaction and no one knows how to stop it.

Well, there is one way to solve it. Hoseok and Yoongi could learn to fucking communicate with each other.

But that was a lost cause. And so are they.


"I'm coming in," Taehyung muttered, walking into Hoseok's house as if he owned the place. "Oh, yeah. Just make yourself at home." Hoseok mumbled, glaring at the younger as he came and sat down on his couch. "What do you want?"

"To talk. I'm giving Jimin some space right now." Taehyung said, Hoseok gave him a confused look, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "You didn't hear? About Yoongi and Jimin?"

"No? What happened?" Hoseok asked, Taehyung sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "They had a falling out. They fought and haven't talked for a good three days now. I tried to get Jimin to stop sulking but..." Taehyung trailed off with another sigh before he started again. "Jungkook is at home right now trying to get him out of his mood."

"Do you know what started this?" Hoseok asked, Taehyung turned away from him, scratching the back of his neck. "If I had to make an educated guess...I'd say it's because of you."


"Would it be? The only reason Yoongi has been in such a mood is because of you. Jungkook only filled me in enough to comfort Jimin." Taehyung said, he cut his eyes to Hoseok, staring at him for a second before he spoke again. "Have you talked to him since that day?"

"No. He's been making Jin do all of the work that requires making any contact with me." Hoseok sighed, Taehyung smiled, "Any other person does that, you would have them fired in a minute."

"Shut up. How could I be the cause of their fight? I wasn't there and I haven't talked to either of them in awhile." Hoseok said, Taehyung shrugged, "You're the cause of a lot of problems. Now they're catching up to you." Taehyung said, Hoseok rolled his eyes, huffing as he turned his head away from the younger.

"You haven't even attempted to talk to him since he walked out?"

"It's for the best."

"Is it?"

Hoseok paused, still not meeting Taehyung's eyes as he thought about it. Of course it wasn't for the best, at least not for Hoseok. Not for his heart. But it was for the best for Yoongi, and that's all that matters. "Yes." Hoseok simply answered, though he was sure he still had a look in his eyes that said otherwise.

"You're lying."

"Who gives a shit if I'm lying? It's for the best. It's way better than constantly arguing every time we see eachother." Hoseok argued, he bit his bottom lip as he looked down at his hands. "Yoongi wanted space so I'm giving that to him."

"Hoseok, he's distancing himself from everyone. Including his best friend. You don't see a problem in that?" Taehyung asked. It's not that Hoseok didn't see the problem, he simply refused to acknowledge it. He can say a number of things that is wrong with the fact that Yoongi is distancing himself from everyone. One, he'll have no one to turn to if things go to shit. Two, no matter how tough he acts, being away from his friends will make him more emotional, which will make him vulnerable which leads to three, Seojun. If Seojun sees Yoongi all upset and emotional, he'll try and swoop in to save the day. He's probably already tried to.

And the more he thought about Yoongi and Seojun getting closer, the angrier he got, so he tried to ignore it as best as he could. Too bad his friends constantly bring it up every minute of every day. "Taehyung. Yoongi and I no longer have any kind of connection, nor does Yoongi want a connection. Even if there is a big problem with Yoongi staying away from others-" Which there is, a voice in Hoseok's head added, he decided not to voice it out loud. "What the hell do you expect me to do when the guy doesn't even want me near him?"

"Something other than sitting here useless as all hell."


"I'm not telling you to force yourself back onto Yoongi. But are you sure there's really nothing you can do about how he's acting right now? Can't you at least try to have a conversation with him again? Test something out to see if you can get him on the right track?" Taehyung asked, Hoseok stared at him, silent. He wasn't willing to do it. Sure, he would love for Yoongi to go back to his old self. But Hoseok asking for that change would only make things worse.

"Alright if you're gunna answer with silence then can you at least think about it?" Taehyung asked, standing. "I'm tired of seeing Jimin moping around and Jungkook pretending everything is fine and that things will get better soon. Your mess is spreading to everyone else. Do something about it."  Taehyung said before he left, Hoseok groaned as he rubbed his hands over his face, glaring at the spot Taehyung was once sitting.

Everyone is asking too much and yet not enough from him. Hoseok is still battling with the effects of losing his tie. They may last for months with how things are going. And at the same time, he has to deal with Yoongi's salty mood and Seojun tried to take him. Deal with Jin being upset with him for not talking to him and Taehyung basically pleading for him to fix things.

In the end. It all lies with talking to Yoongi. One good conversation could end all of this. Hell, a good conversation might've prevented any of this from happening. But talking to Yoongi is draining. There's so much back and forth arguing, Hoseok isn't sure they've ever made progress further than fucking through their problems or running away from them. Recently it's mostly been the latter.

What can he do about dealing with someone who won't even look in his direction? Can't even stand to hear about him? What could he do about controlling someone who was uncontrollable from the start? Hoseok sighed as he stared up at the ceiling.

"You sure know how to pick 'em, Hoseok."


Jin deserves a long break away from everything and everyone. 😔

Hope you enjoyed🥳🏳️‍🌈


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