🎄love my forced husband🎄 🎄...

By koalabunny13

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🍒though it started from forced vows but when i saw my heart he already engraved his name over there🍇 tharn... More

📒chap 1📒
🍩chap 2🍩
🍰chap 3🍰
🍭chap 4🍭
🍅chap 5🍅
😇attention please😇
🦋chap 62🦋
🌻🍀chap 72🍀🌻
attention please


317 29 12
By koalabunny13

🍁🍁amnesiac beat 🍁🍁
🍁🍁love my forced husband🍁🍁


as the alarm start to band the music , an arm extended to stop it .
with half open eyes , saw the time it was 6.30 am , time to leave the
bed and star the morning . as song was about to get up , the sleepy
gulf stir and whine like a baby . on seeing the alluring cuteness of
gulf, song softly caress his face , kiss the forehead and whispered “
sleep a little more wifey.” leaving the bed and covering gulf , he
walked to freshen up . after freshen up , he came out In tracksuit.
after collecting his goods , he was about to leave the room when
mobile rang . he returned and quickly stepped to gulf side. gulf being
heavy sleeper, remained unaffected . song picked mobile, screen was
flickering the title mom . with devil smile on face , song decided to
attend the call. came outside the room , song received the call. as
call was connected , a  soft voice strike his ears , “ gulf , where
are you since night my baby . hmm… even due to heavy rainfall, you
stayed out fro whole night do I know reason .. gulf why silent hmm…
mommy ask you something” depression and worriedness was  obvious from
attitude . song cleared his throat and said “ hello sir , I am not
gulf. I am his professor song. due to university work, I asked his
assistance at home which he gave me .  due to rain , I asked him to
stop if okay with him . because In rain bike riding isn’t safe . so he
stayed at  my place . he is still sleeping perhaps due to holiday . so
I don’t disturb the kid. if you say I wake him up now and escort him
to your house.” “ oh , I am sorry he must bothered you lot for his
stay at your place .  sorry if he disturb you. and thankyou for caring
him for night.” saint thanked him sincerely. “ no need to thanks sir,
indeed I feel like he is my family  member , helped me a lot not only
I university but in home chores as well. I am grateful to him for
being so friendly and kind to me . even though the boys born with
silver spoon aren’t that respectful as gulf is.” “ thankyou for caring
him . as soon as he get up please send him home. thankyou again.
goodbye .” the call was disconnected. song entered in room , put
mobile back on nightstand and went to his private gym where jiang was
already on stationary bike  on seeing song , jiang whistled and
received glare from song . song adjusted the treadmill and started his
workout . “ how was the night. what you adore most beside his
innocence . is he good in bed. satisfy you .what difference you find
between him and the others you fucked before.” but before song gave
him any reply , jiang mobile rang. as he saw the screen , he quickly
left the bike , received the call and said “ baby I am coming”. “
listen do I ask you such questions when you married to yuzhi .” with
scholarly look, jiang showed his teeth and ran out the room  towards
their portion in mansion . as jiang disappeared , song came out of
room, took out his mobile , dialed the number ,as call was received ,
song said “ search which university of Italy is ready to give
semiannual or annual student exchange program. all should be legal
just keep in mind. besides arts ,  include language and business
science departments as well. it should be smooth and natural. semester
is going to end make sure it quickie.” call was disconnected, walked
to  kitchen order for breakfast set in his room. then step in to lawn
where his pet wolves were playing with their trainer . on seeing him ,
both ran towards him . song sat down and hugged both . “what is
difference between gulf and these wolves. “ avoice appeared which was
of his heart full of annoying hisses . “ a great  difference, gulf Is
human , easy to lay under anyone but these wolves are pets , chances
of their betrayal is minimum or negligible.”mind smirked  “from when
you start to compare humans with animals . your paints , your thesis
represent love for mankind . last night when tear shed from your eyes
I feel immense pleasure that you perhaps in morning give up your
filthy plan to use gulf but I was wrong . I was totally deceived by
your superb acting skills . I forget that trusting in shadow in easy
but if snake or crocodile ask to trust blindly by showing their good
gestures then they should be avoided.” heart yelled . “ who ask you to
drown deep in so called wordly emotions . emotions are no where. and
its gulf who present himself to us. we don’t beg him . and love is
concerned ,  last night we both made love to him it was the most
sincerest acts towards  him . he slept in warmth of us  safe and sound
and unlike past seducers , he  isn’t thrown out at midnight .” brain
replied . “ you will regret one day” heart ached . “yeah , I am
regretting still now having stupid heart like you .” brain exclaimed.
in gossip song finally reached to his room . gulf was no more In bed ,
seems he was gone for freshen up . song took remote to clear the pane
from curtains and opened the pane into small garden . as garden was
already cleaned by the staff . song sat on the couch with eyes closed
. after few seconds he felt two arms snaked from behind, found a soft
body under his head and a kiss on lips. wearing dark blue bath robe
with wet hairs with full of fragrance , gulf sat by his side . song
dragged him near and captured his lips . after soft kiss , he freed
the lips .and kissed his forehead. “ I have no clothes to wear so I
wear robe. is it possible to arrange clothes for me.” gulf asked .
holding the chin , song sighed while seeing in the light brown orbs “
do you think you should wear clothes still when we need to spend time
together .we just married few hours ago not even 24 hours complete .”
the shyness spread on face of gulf . but remained silent with smile on
face . “ don’t worry , I  have already asked for your clothes and one
thing more .” song said . “what thing” gulf questioned with doubting
expression “ don’t see me as you are expecting to listen that I have
cheated you just now . your mom called and I received the call and
told that you are in safe hands with your teacher . due to rain fall I
asked you to stay at my place.so no worries from home. after talking
with mom, I think that he is super sweet and we both will get along
well.” song said while wrapping gulf in embrace . mea while a knock
appeared on door. song walked towards the door . staff was there with
breakfast and clothes rail. after placing goods inside the room , they
left . song dragged the trolley in lawn where gulf was sitting .song
served the breakfast and both ate while talking and teasing and
laughing . after breakfast , gulf chosoe one dress from the clothes
and wear . e was ready to leave the song mansion . he saw song who
also ready . “where are you going” gulf asked . “ I am going with you
sending you to your home safely.song replied . “ I will go don’t
bbotehr yourself song . you are my responsibility gulf . let me do my
work . and yes, in day or two, we will go for shopping . I want you
buy your clothes and other necessities and If you want any change in
house you can do. no arguments. I miss you wifey.i love you ” song
said while hugging gulf before riding bikes . “ I miss you too hubby .
I love you” gulf said and kiss his both cheeks. song kissed his
forehead and then both wore helmets and rode on their bikes . as gulf
entered in his house , a wave of pain felt by song .on way back to
house, he stopped on coffee house  . after ordering coffee , he sat on
table . hos mobile gave a message beep “ gulf mobile is bug finally .
his every moment you can see easily . his mobile camera is connected
with your mobile and you can see him when want”.  after redaing text ,
placed mobile on top of table . meanwhile, coffee was served . in
steam he was able to see his own conscience who was saying “ losing
oneself is better than losing the true beloved.” but it was lost
quickly by the demonic image of song who was slaughtering the soft
song by yelling “ love is not necessary . power is important .” drench
in thoughts , his table was knocked by waiter ,: sir do you need fresh
coffee its cold now .” without word , song placed the amount and left
the coffee house and rode to his mansion because he need to
concentrate what he wants actually or getting married to gulf he dig
his own grave of dreams .

after parking bike on place , gulf entered in house. he was welcomed
by mew . on seeing mew , he tried to run away , but  mew grabbed him
by jacket “ don’t run. where were you whole night .” gulf was about to
remove glove but realized  that he is wearing wedding ring so he
stopped to unveil his hands. gulf smirked , and said “with my husband
, gege” on listening the gripped lose and gulf ran to his room . as
zhan came out of his room , saw gulf entering in room and mew who was
statue . “he walked towards his brother ,shake  him “ do you see any
ghost that you are freeze .” “ gulf get married” mew told . on
listening Zhan yelled which brought all members to living area where a
new drama was going to launch soon.  “why you yell like animals , zhan
when will you learn to be humane .” zhan and mew who as now in senses
, saw towards each other and  said in unison “ gulf is married .” “
that’s good then” tangyi said . “what good tangyi” korn asked .
meanwhile gulf who when enter in room realize his stupidity , placing
his goods, hide his ring , and left room saw all family in living room
. while blaming himself he stood in front of all and said “ just
stopped at teacher house because of rain . I was just kidding on
seeing mew gege . mom talked with professor as well. so don’t be
panic.” leaving all dumbfounded, gufl returned “don worry he day I
will marry I invite you all . “ said and ran into his room  .
as entered in room, gulf took his mobile and type
"hubby, i made a fool act. i informed family about getting married" 🙈🙈
and send to song.sat on couch with mobile in both hands wait anxiously for reaction of song.


support my new work and old work because it fuels me to write for you .
🌿list of tharntype  stories(ongoing)🌲
❤sorry i am late
❤tame by innocent love
❤vamp pursuing the heart
❤love my forced husband
💐complete stories of tharntype🌲
❤hubby from journey
❤be diamond in my ring
❤lust leads to love
❤types diary
🎈other stories(complete)🎉
❤vulture hawk(saintzee)
❤chance to heartyou(saint zee)
❤perfect heart imperfect love(veemark)
❤why i u just we(exo got7)
❤spring whisper (poem book)


thankyou for reading & following
i m grateful
to be continue
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