Love And Fate

By FayNyarko

1.5K 357 76

"Love is the best thing that ever happens to us. Love is the best thing that could have happened to me, if no... More

Love And Fate
★ One ★
★ Two ★
★ Three ★
★ Four ★
★Twenty- Five★

Love Prevails.

59 12 0
By FayNyarko

School had finally resumed for the second semester to begin.
Everything seemed so perfect in Serene's eyes, except from the absence of her parents of course. Though they were gone, Serene didn't feel alone, she knew they were always with her through everything that had happened.  She knew they had been there, watching over her and protecting her. Somehow, the death of her parents made her stronger, it made her feel like a warrior, a fighter she was.

After everything that had happened, Emily had changed a bit, though she still behaved like the spoilt brat she was, she didn't give Serene the cold shoulder anymore.
She still ignored Serene and behaved she was invisible, but Serene couldn't blame her. The girl had an ego as big as the size of the earth.

Her relationship with Ezlynn had grown stronger, the same was with Zara and Olive, they did almost everything together. She called them her sisters, because when the difficult time came, they had her back and had helped her rise to her feet.
Serene didn't think she would have gone that far if not for them, she had totally given up, she had wanted to accept life as it was, accept fate, but she had refused and had fought rather.

She couldn't help but be so proud of herself.

Her and Ivan were free to love each other, it hadn't been easy though, even after the Old Lady said she had washed her hands off her life, the Old Lady still tried to stop them.

Like Akua had said to her, Ivan was not able to walk normally again, he limped when he walked, but that didn't stop him from pursuing his dreams.
He happily went to his works, he went to school, and he had even begun displaying his paintings to the world.

After what seemed like forever, Ivan's mother warmed up to Serene, she had even apologized to Serene, for treating her badly for what was not her fault.

Since childhood, it had been Serene's wish and dream to help the needy in her country, she had begun her own foundation.
Its soul purpose was to give the poor and needy children an opportunity to good education, she also helped school dropouts; those who couldn't further their education due to financial issues, she also helped teenage girls who had dropped out of school after getting pregnant. She believed everyone deserved a second chance, and she did give them exactly what they wanted.
She had helped Akua too, she had decided to sponsor her tertiary education. The girl had been so happy, Ivan's parents had shed tears of joy when they heard the news.

Ivan on the other hand was not totally happy about it. He claimed it was a blow to his ego and dignity as the man of the house.
Serene had found it amusing, telling him he was just being childish.

Serene's writing had gone far too, she even had one book published and was planning on launching it. It was a motivational book she had written after everything that went on. She wrote about the girl power and hoped the book would be an inspiration to millions of women in the world...

The lecture had ended and Serene shoved her books into her bag,she rose up from her seat and walked out of the class. She greeted people as she walked away, some congratulating on the foundation she had been able to set up.
She was very much happy about it, she felt accomplished.

What was success if it wasn't fulfilling your purpose in life?

Watching the happy smile on the young girls and boys who got an opportunity to fulfill their dreams made her happy.
It brought so much joy to heart and soul more than anything.

The past days, she had been very busy with school and interviews. The country wanted to know who she was, the media wanted to give the people what they needed hear. She had been invited to many television and radio stations, and they interviewed her on the foundation she had set up.

She smiled when she spotted Ivan, he was sitting on a bench, his back facing her. She moved slowly towards him, and covered his eyes with her hands .

"Guess who?!"  She burst into laughter at her lame surprise, Ivan pulled her hands away from his face and gave her an incredulous look.

"Seriously Serene?" 
He stood up and limped towards her, he wrapped his arms around her when he got to her, savoring the smell of her sweet perfume. Serene wrapped her hands around him to, a wide smile on her face.
They pulled apart and moved to sit on the bench, they held each other's hands as they stared into space, a comfortable silence settled between them as they both got lost in their thoughts.

Ivan suddenly turned to her when something popped into his head, his brows were furrowed deeply in confusion.

"When did you say the launching of your book is again?" He asked her.

"Twenty second of August" Serene had a big smile on her, and it grew wider when Ivan's faced lit up in realization.

"That's my birthday!" He exclaimed.

"Yes it is" Serene said and she chuckled at the face he made.

"I love you so much Serene. You don't know how  much you have changed my life ever since I met you, you are my angel"  He cupped her face in his hands, his eyes filled with gratitude when he spoke. Serene only smiled and went in to kiss his lips.

After spending enough time together, Ivan had walked Serene to her hostel room.

When Serene entered, she was met with loud noise.  Ezlynn was sitting at the corner of the room, she had a pillow over her head, and she clutched it tightly, covering her ears with it.
Olive and Zara were jumping on Serene's bed, with loud music blasting in the room.
When Ezlynn saw her, she dropped to her bed groaning loudly.

"Please tell them to stop the damn music"

Ezlynn said over the music.

Serene dropped her bag on the floor moving towards her bed.

"Stop the music please!"

Serene shouted, and she herself laughed at how tiny her voice sounded. Olive and Zara stopped what they were doing and looked at her briefly before continuing what they doing, totally ignoring her.

Serene sighed and went around her bed, she turned off the music and the two girls shrieked loudly.

"Why did you do that?!" Olive asked her.

"I have something to tell you guys" Serene lied, she begun cooking up a lie in her head when they rushed to her side, Ezlynn sat up  too.

Serene thanked the heavens when someone knocked on their door, she immediately shot up from her bed and rushed to open the door.
It was Ivan, she held the door open, though she faced him, blocking the view from her friends.

"Hey" Serene said

"Hey..uh... will you go on a date with me Serene?" Ivan asked her.

"Of course... I will" Serene answered happily.

"I'll see you at five!"  Ivan informed her happily and pecked her cheek, he limped away happily and Serene shut the door and grinned at her friends.

"I really have something to tell you guys!"

That time, she meant it.



                                THE END.

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