The official Yandere's X work...

By adventurefan2020

525K 5.3K 3.8K

(FINISHED FOR GOOD!) This one-shot book will feature workers of all kinds who go on mini adventures of their... More

More info about the book.
The rule guide for requesting.
Yandere child twin brothers x male babysitter reader
Yandere Schnee Family(Willow, Winter, and Weiss) x Male Faunus butler.
A Christmas one-shot special!
Yandere slime girl x male science assistant reader.
Yandere male child clones x mother scientist reader.
Yandere Mipha x female cook reader
Yandere rich family x male teenage pizza delivery reader.
Valentines Day special one-shot!
Yandere High School DXD x male Nighttime Janitor reader.
Yandere female lifeguard x male orphan child reader.
Yandere Twin sisters x maid reader
Yandere Danganronpa 2 girls x Male teacher reader.
Yandere female flight attendant x male child reader.
Yandere Party girl x Party DJ reader
Yandere Crunchy-roll Hime x female graphic designer.
Yandere Civilians x male soldier reader.
Yandere class x male teacher reader.
Yandere male patient x male doctor reader.
Yandere ????'s x male chef reader.
Yandere Balalaika x male bartender reader.
Yandere female robot x male engineer reader.
Yandere Customer x male Barista reader.
Yandere Femboys x male security guard.
Yandere Female Idols x female assistant reader.
Yandere Goddess x male Priest reader.
Yandere female Anthro animal girls x male zoo Janitor reader.
Yandere Charlie x male hotel worker.
Yandere Princess x pet dragon reader.
Yandere female bullies x male class president reader.
Yandere Remnants of despair x male police reader x Yandere Junko and Mukuro.
Yandere family (wife, son, and 2 daughters) x male janitor reader.
Yandere O.R.C. x Male Manga/Hentai store owner reader.
Labor day shorts.
Yandere mall thief x male mall cop reader.
Yandere Honkai Impact 3 x male butler reader.
Yandere Liberty Buchanan x male Ranger reader.
Yandere female lifeguard x female swimmer reader.
Yandere Female wolf x Female Park Ranger reader.
Yandere Warriors of Hope x male babysitter reader.
Thanksgiving Special!
Yandere Female bank robbers x male banker reader.
Christmas special!
Christmas special #2
Yandere Cinder and Emerald x male Reporter reader.
Yandere male teen x male reader. (Part II)
Yandere Doll x Male doll maker reader.
Yandere Fem FNAF x male security guard reader.
Yandere female teacher x female student reader
Yandere female soldiers x male general reader.
Valentine's day 2022 Special!
Announcement from me!
Yandere class x male teacher reader. (Part II)
Yandere Apple white x female teacher assistant reader.
Yandere Customers x female waitress reader.
Yandere male fan x male youtuber reader.
Yandere female game character x male game designer reader.
Easter Special
Yandere Husband x Wife reader x Yandere Daughter.
Yandere supernatural girls x male paranormal investigator reader.
Yandere Fem private eye x male citizen reader.
Yandere Abigail x male farmer reader.
Special 2022: Yandere Actress x male cameraman reader
Yandere Mermaids x male fisherman reader.
Yandere King x male Servant reader.
2022 Thanksgiving Special!
2022 Christmas Special!
Yandere female actress x child reader.
Finished for good

Yandere depressed male teenager x male family friend reader.

6.8K 61 25
By adventurefan2020

Requested by AmaterasuNoMangaka

(No POV)

Y/N L/N, a dear family friend to the Darson family whose only inhabitants is a single mom named Claire and her 17-year-old son named Mason. He's been with them through thick and thin even though very sad times like when Mason's father died of a car crash when mason was only two years old. Evey since that tragic day, Mason was contently bullied in school for being fatherless, had been outcasted by his peers, and have been having troubles in his schooling and social life. This caused him to become super depressed and Claire is doing everything she can to help him but with little success. This is why Claire decided to have Y/N over today and try to talk to Mason who believes he could make a difference to him...oh, he'll make a difference alright but it won't be the usual kind of difference.

(Y/N's POV)

I was almost there at Claire's house and when I heard how much help she needed with Mason, I told her right then and there that I'm on my way and that's the whole thing really. But the question is how will Mason think of me, cause he and I never really saw each other cause he was always in his room whenever I visited and Claire tried to convince him to meet me but no such luck. So she tried for a long time but this time she got him to come out of his room and hang out with her for a bit long enough till I get here. Man, the last time I saw Mason by the flesh was in Tommy Darson's funeral. A long time has passed but I hope today I can talk to him at least help him a little but who knows how this will turn out. 

Y/N's mind- I go.

I saw the house and parked my car then walked to the front door, knocked, and waited for Claire. I heard some footsteps and the door opened revealing her.

Claire- Oh Y/N, I'm so glad your here.

Y/N- It's no trouble Claire, may I come in?

Claire- Oh yes, please do.

I entered inside and looked around to see the house has not changed one bit...well except for the living room TV but that's about it really.

Claire- Well, I could've sworn he was here on the couch a whole second ago, he could be in the kitchen.

Y/N- Then let's go then. I cant wait to see him after all these years.

Claire- Yeah.

We walked over to the kitchen and there he was, Mason.

He was looking down on the table with his hoodie up and didn't respond to our presence at all. 

Claire- Hey son...I want to introduce you to someone who has been with this family for a very long time, Y/N L/N.

Y/N- Hello Mason, it's so good to finally meet you.

He then raised his head and looked at me for a full minute. I processed to sit down next to him and I wanted to shake his hand.

I extended my hand to him and he looked at it for a bit then he offered his hand for a handshake. I looked at Claire for a second and she walked away without saying anything. 

Y/N- I know about......what you are going through.

He was silent and had his head down again but for some reason, I feel like he was on board with me being here and my company. 

Y/N- Your mom is very worried for you and how you have been destroying yourself bit by bit. have been having severe troubles at school and how you are extremely treated poorly by your peers. Well, everything you have suffered through is something that shouldn't be dealt with alone, and that's why you have a friend to help you in your darkest days.

He looked at me and his eyes were wide looking at my eyes. I smiled and placed my hand on his shoulder.....

Y/N- Me, let me be your friend who will always listen to are important to me, and most of matter. 

His eyes began to water and I too was feeling my eyes do the same thing, then he hugged me and said...

Mason- It's been painful. 

My tears couldn't hold any longer for a solid minute, Mason was sobbing and all I did was simply...hug and hold him tightly and let him get it all out.


Then the next few hours or so, Mason told me all about the pain and isolation he faced, the loneliness, and most of all....he always wanted to know what his dad was like and I was more than glad to tell all about him.

Y/N- Well, I'll tell you right away Mason, I met your dad back in high school and it was a rocky start.

Mason- Really?

Y/N- Oh yes.

I told him all about how Tommy used to bully me for being a nerd and all but then one day, he developed feelings for Claire who was a Soccer player back then and he fell for her after just watching her play on the field on accident that day. But then, out of nowhere whatsoever, Tommy came to me for help, Now, I wasn't super popular or anything but I was known on a smaller level for introducing people to new people and help build or develop their friendships to good standing, so that's why he came to me.  Now, I wasn't sure why I should help him but he tried to threaten me or something but I stood my ground and not give in to it. Then he began to swallow his pride and begged me to help him, so much so he actually looked at my eyes and said.....

"Y/N, If you help me...I will never bother you again, you will never see me ever again. And I'm dead serious about it...Please. Help me."

I thought about it for a long time about his offer and after some time, I made a delicious right then and there. 

Y/N- You got yourself a deal.

He smiled at me with genuine happiness and said

"Thank you"

We planned about it for some time and then it was finally time to get it into action. I walked along with him to the field with Claire on sight. He was nervous but I gave a nod of encouragement and went closer to her. Then I was showtime 

Y/N- Hey Claire!

Claire- Oh hi Y/N, it's good to see you again!

Y/N- Same here.

Claire- Oh! Who your friend here?

Y/N- I would like to introduce to you...Tommy Darson.

"H-hello Claire...It's...good to m-meet you"

Claire- *Light laughing* It's good to meet you two Tommy!

Then for the rest of that day, Tommy and Claire were hitting it off very well actually. Now, I was there along with them but I didn't say anything but stared and smiled.

Mason- So Y/N....when did he....confessed to mom?

Y/N- Oh, it didn't happen till after we graduated high school. Tommy and I became friends soon after and I forgave him after I learned about his rough life. I listened to him and began to care more and more about him, I felt bad for him and decided to help him bit by bit and it all worked in the end and a bond began till his death. Then fast forward to our grad night and that was when...he finally did it. I walked out of the school with my robe on and my grad hat in my hand and I looked to my left and saw Tommy and Claire standing underneath a lamp. I walked over to them in curiosity but stopped when I heard Claire's faint voice said: Of course I will!

Mason- *Gasp* Really?!

Y/N- Yes. I never found out what he said to her but all I did was smiled and gave them a thumbs up. Tommy must've known I was there when he looked at me and mouthed out:

"Thank you"

I knew right then and there....he finally confessed. 

Mason- Whoa...

Y/N- Then the next day, Claire told me about her and Tommy going to the same college and asked me if I was coming with them. But my career choice was not supported by the college they were going in and I said no. But we made arrangements to meet up and we exchanged cell phone and email info with one another.

Mason- *Giggle* and how was that?

Y/N- Trust me, you have it easy nowadays with smartphones and all but back in our times, we never had that kind of convenience and tech so we had to make do with what we had and that was our round boxed computers and other old ways of that matter.

Mason- Man...

I went on about how in a few years into their college years, they got engaged and Tommy asked me to be his best man and I accepted it. I told him about the wedding day and how that day will always be my fondest memories I will remember till my deathbed. Then after a few years into their marriage, they decided that they wanted a child and that's how Mason's bringing into this world was the best day for both Claire and Tommy. 

Y/N- I was there when they cut off your umbilical cord 

Mason- Ewww...

Y/N- Yeah.

Claire held on to him and I saw him for the first time and just thought how cute he looked. A couple of years passed and everything was fine but the time after celebrating his second birthday.....was when tragedy stirred us. 

Mason- *Sobbing*

I woke up at 2 am in morning with the phone ringing and when I picked it up, I heard sobbing. And when Claire said:

"Y-Y-Y/N.....*Sobbing* Tommy...t-t-t-t-Tommy is....g-g-gone.

I dropped the phone and I fell to the floor...tears on my face and I cried and cried throughout the whole night. I never felt something so much at the same time till that night that to this still brings me that sane feeling from years ago.

Y/N- The next day, the funeral was held and we said goodbye to a good man...a good father and a good friend to me.

Mason- It's not fair! Not fair at all that I never got to say one thing to him at all!!! *Crying*

I hugged him tightly again and waited till he let it all out.

Y/N-After that, Claire and I went our own ways for a long time but we never forgot one another. She would call me from time to time about herself, life, and most of She tried her best to raise you by herself, she made mistakes but despite that, she still loved you and still does.  

Mason- She...does?

Y/N- Yes. So all of that B.S those people said, the people who judged you too quickly and those who isolated you had no right to do so and were wrong for that. Nobody should experience something like that...Always remember...whatever trouble you can tell your mom and me about it, we are here for you and we will never look at you differently for it at all

Mason then looked at me and said:

Mason- Y/N...Thank you, thank you for....everything.

I hugged him in response and we began to talk some more.


It was beginning to get dark outside and Mason already went upstairs 10 minutes earlier and the rest of that time was Claire and I talking about what Mason and I did today. Claire was so happy about what I told her about it and she wanted to visit again tomorrow and I was more than happy to do so. 

Claire- So, around tomorrow afternoon?

Y/N- Sounds good, have a good night.

Claire- You too Y/N, bye!

I waved bye to her and went to my car and drove back home with a feeling of happiness.

Y/N- Today was a day I won't be forgetting anytime soon. 

(No POV)

Mason watched Y/N get in his car and stared at him driving off till he no longer saw his car. Then he went to his bed thinking about Y/N and how he made him feel warm, safe, and happy. Mason was thinking all about Y/N. Something awakened in him, something.....dark

(Mason's POV)

Oh Y/N.... you saved me from the darkness that would've taken over me. You were there for me when almost no one was, you listened to me, you were there for me. For. Me. Y/N....I will always be thankful for you and I will repay you for that even when you never asked for anything. I will make sure of it. No one will stand in my way of that.

Mason's mind- From this day forward Y/N, you are mine now. You are my father figure and I will do anything for you and if someone were to stand in my way...well....

"They have to die~" 

I began to feel sleepy and went to a snooze with one thing on my mind now.

Mason- Protect Y/N, no matter what I have to do...even if it involves some.....blood to do so.~

(No POV) 

Ever since then, Y/N and Claire helped Mason in his journey for recovery and other means of self-help. Mason began to change his looks, his way of living and even his personality was changing slowly but surely. But with that, he began to hunt down those who have hurt him, talked bad about him, and those who witnessed his suffering but never did anything to help him. Once he did found them, he kidnapped them and tortured them to near death. He finished it off saying:

"Whos the Cryer now?"

Then he stabs them to end their lives and hid the bodies well enough that the cops never found out who did it. Mason's spree was not over, he began killing those who got close to his mom and Y/N no matter if they were good or bad people. His mom and Y/N are the only ones who understand him and he won't let them be taken away from people so to anyone who tries to stand in his way, you won't be alive to see the next day.

Mason's mind- Y/N and mom, mine.....forever.~

(The end)

Hope you like this one-shot folks and have yourselves a goodnight.~ :)

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