That time I got reincarnated...

By Wanderingyoshi

55.2K 948 139

Your a normal Japanese guy living your life then one day your life ends right then and there but you wake up... More

Meeting rimuru.
The Armed Nation of Dwargon.
Weapon LostVayne
The champion Shizue Izawa
The Fire Spirit Ifirt
Attack Of The Orges
The Orc Lord
Demon Lord Milim/Kyru Tempest
Best Friends!
King Gazel Dwargo
Charybdis The Destroyer
Rimuru glamrous life as a teacher.
Rimuru glamorous life as a teacher part 2.
Peace maybe
Kingdom of Falmuth
Rimuru vs Hinata
Tempest Attacks!
Birth of a Demon Lord.
Veldora comes back
Swirling Conspiracy
Man-And-Monster Summit
Man-And-Monster Summit part 2
Man-And-Monster Summit Part 3
Demon lords and True Dragons
Eve Of Battle
Return of the Great Beast
Wont be posting for about a week
Update on my arm also going on hiatus for a bit
Claymans domain
Milim vs Kyru Tempest
Tempest vs Clayman
Demon king vs Demon Lord
Kyru Tempest
Dragonoid vs Demon.
Milim's apology
Sorry for not posting.
Thanks for 11k views
Adventure of Kyru Tempest
Rimuru's Problem.
Kyru Tempest vs Thomas Andre
Rebuilding Ingrassia
Kyru vs Escanor
Hidden enemy
Kimuru Tempest
Christmas special
So i got covid...
The Monster Federation and the Holy Empire
Reason why ive been gone for so long
The Saints Motive

Trade with the Animal Kingdom.

827 26 1
By Wanderingyoshi

That time I got reincarnated as a demon part 2

An: I messed up on the timeline so the chapter name is different from the Next chapter thing I normally do so sorry about that! But the next chapter is about the Dwargon Kingdom Sorry!

Rimuru returns from the Kingdom of Ingrassia and the whole city is there to meet him once more.

"Hello everyone! I'm back!"

"Welcome back Rimuru-sama!" (Gonna be saying Rimuru-sama for now on since it means Great Rimuru but I forgot so sorry about that one.) Everyone says to him

"Welcome back Rimuru. How was is it? Being a teacher and giving the kids spirits?"

"It went well the kids got their spirits so now they can live their lives long and peaceful."

"I see... Well then how was the darkness?"

"It was useful I believe without it I would've lost."

"I see.. But was it really that hard?"

"Yeah it was Kyru... Also I have a bad feeling about something."

"What is that?"

"Someone responded to me when I said something. It's an Aura that I've never felt before but. It sorta felt like yours Kyru. I don't know why but it did."

"I see... Well I hope its nothing bad."

"Yeah hopefully."

"Rimuru-sama it seems the Animal kingdom is here to meet us. They are heading their way here now." Souei tells him.

"Right well then let's not keep them waiting. Let's go Kyru."


Rimuru get's Shion Shuna Benimaru and more. While Rimuru was away he gained some human allies and one of them was a hero from the Kingdom of Farmenas.

"So who is the new person around?" The Hero ask. 

"Oh right forgot to introduce my self though but my name is Youm."

"I see.. Well welcome Youm."

Youm looks over at Kyru and feels no presence in him and thinks that he's weak and questions him self and why he is able to stay by the side of Rimuru.

"You'll soon enough." Shion tells Youm.


Then after a couple of minutes they meet half way.

"Hello there! Tempest! We have come here in behalf of Lord Karion!" A hybrid of a human and a tiger comes out.

"Hello there well then. So what are we going to do for the peace treaty?"

"Hmph who knows." She smiles and dashes straight towards Kyru smacking him into a tree.

Kyru manages to block the attack but the attack managed to bruse him a little.

"You little."

Kyru dashes towards the White tiger and they get into a clash. The white tiger then kicks Kyru away into the near far forest and then jumps on top of him making him spit out blood. Right now Kyru isn't fighting at his full strength.

"What! Why is he fighting her!" Youm was confused because Kyru was getting his ass beat.

"Just wait Youm." Rimuru tells him.

"Right Rimuru-sama."

Then out of no where the White tiger get's thrown into the middle of the everyone and everyone was looking at Kyru in his demon form in his second state. He has Lostvayne in his Right hand.

"So you were hiding something from me! Well then lets go again!" She then dashes towards him with more speed and strength but Kyru blocks it with his fist and then kicks her into the sky and suddenly she notices that she is in the sky and then he flies up there around her to make her dizzy and then he was about to punch her in the stomach but another Beastman jumps up and stops Kyru from hitting her and the other Beastman manages to distract Kyru long enough so that she was able to land.

"Your opponent is me now!" The Beastman takes out his two swords. Then they both land onto the ground.

The White tiger then recovers pretty quickly and then fights Shion.

"Wait! What! Shion your not... Well nvm."

The Beastman with the two swords starts to clash with Kyru in a sword fight but Kyru is managing to win with Lost vayne only and then breaks through the Beastmans two swords and then punches him straight in the stomach and then kicks him into the air and then punches him without hesitation and he lands straight into the ground knocked out.

Kyru is looking down with his demon wings out on his back. But before he could go back down another person attacks him but he notices something was off about him. He was just like him. Kyru then disappears along with the person.

"Wait what?! Where did Kyru go?"

At Kyru.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Oh you don't remember this voice Brother."

"What! What the hell are you even doing here?"

"Here to kill you. I've been ordered to kill you by Demon Lord Clayman."

"Tch Clayman..."

They both get into a heated battle and start to clash and their dark energy waves start to destroy things around him but Kyru gets faster and faster and his brother can't follow his movements.

"Brother get out of here now! I don't want to kill you!"

"Too bad its either me or you! You are Destruction I am Light. I will come out on top! Light shall always win!"

"No. It's the opposite... Kyru then dashes into his brother and then kicks him as hard as he can and sends him straight back into Demon Lord Claymans Domain breaking the window and Clayman realized that he messed with the wrong person but he still wasn't going to give up on trying to capture Kyru.

"Tch. He will thwart all my plans. I gave you my strength how are you still able to lose!"

Then his brother Disappears.

Then Kyru flies back towards Rimuru and them.

"What happened Kyru?"

Kyru doesn't say anything and just lands next to him.

"So this is the strength of Kyru Tempest. How I underestimated him." Youm says.

Shuna looks back at Youm and laughs.

But when Kyru also got back Shion and the White tiger were in deep battle. Then they start to both charge energy. But then suddenly the snake women stopped the fight.

"Enough! I've seen enough. You are truly strong like Demon Lord Karion has said. Well then. We see you as allies then!"

"Hah! Well then. Who ever insults Tempest that means they are an enemy of the Great Lord Karion!"


"Uh Rimuru-sama what do I do with this?!" She has a giant ass energy ball still forming and she can't control it.

"Woah! Shion! Can you control it?!" 

"No I can't!"

"Force it if you have to!" The White tiger says.

She tries to force it up but she can't.


"Shion! Shoot it at me!"

Rimuru looks over at Kyru.

"What are you sure Sir Kyru!?"

"Yeah don't worry. Who do you think I am."

"Ok! Here I go!"

She shoots the Ball at Kyru but it randomly disappears.

"Counter vanish!" 

Everyone from the beast kingdom looks astounded that I was able to stop it so easily.

"Just what was that!"

"Can't reveal that but. I have another matter on my hands."

"What's wrong Kyru?"

"I'll tell you about it later Rimuru."


Then he disappears.

Kyrus position.

"Why is he here... Brother. I will save you from his grasp!" And with this it triggers something inside of Kyru. But he doesn't take notice to it.

Kyru then flies back to tempest. And when he get's back its dark out and he see's Rimuru hanging out with the Snake women and the White tiger. When he lands. They say there names out loud.

"I am Albis one of the 3 of Lord Karions best warriors."

"I am Suphia also one of the 3 of Lord Karions best warriors."

"I see.. Well nice to meet you both."

"Kyru come over here real quick! Oh Girls I'll be back I have to talk to Kyru about something!"

"Ok!" They are currently a bit drunk.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Its about my brother. He's here. Under Demon Lord Clayman..."

"I see.. So that presence then it was him then huh?"

"Yeah it was. I want to save him from Demon Lord Claymans grasp. I will save my brother!"

"Yeah you will and I know you will. I am by your side as well."

"Yeah I know you are. Thanks bud."

"Yeah no Problem."

End of the chapter.

Hello there sorry for that inconvenience of me changing chapters I didn't want to change the story line a bit so sorry for that. But I hope you enjoyed the fight scene I know it was a bit off the main story since I know that Rimuru get's rid of the energy ball but I wanted Kyru to do it. Also I forgot about the story of Youm but its not much I guess so sorry about that. But I hope the Fight scene was ok since it was a lot shorter than normal. And it reveals that his brother is being taken by Demon Lord Clayman. Oh also I was going to add Assault mode Kyru in here but I feel like I've over used his Assualt mode so I only used 2nd form. Next chapter: Paradise maybe.

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