Newtmas: What if

Por rickrowling

275K 9.4K 5.8K

This is a Newtmas fanfic. Its basically the maze runner story, but with NEWTMAS becoming canon. Hope you like... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Author's Notes

Chapter 40

2.6K 95 140
Por rickrowling

Newt's POV

He was so pissed at Thomas. He thought he would say sorry and understand why he had broken up with him, but it all went wrong.

"We have keep going. Where's Thomas?" Minho asked him.

"He had to take a klunk." Newt told him rolling his eyes.

"So you two didn't make up?"


Minho sighed. "Alright, I'll call him. Where did he go?"

"That way." Newt said, pointing with his head.

"Okay. Wait here." Minho said and disappeared while running.

Newt waited for Minho impatiently. Why is he taking so long? He almost went after him, when Minho showed up, alone.

"Where's Thomas?" Newt asked getting worried.

"Are you sure it was that way? Because he's not there or anywhere."

"Do you think that he ran away?"

"I don't know. Why would he do that?"


"Newt, what did you tell him?"

"We kind of had a fight. We just argued."


"Okay, fine. The situation kind of went too far."


"Should we go after him?"

"I don't know, he was the one who ran away. Maybe he doesn't want to be found."

Brenda walked to them after watching them argue. "What's going on? Where's Thomas?"

"He ran away." Minho answered him "I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm the babysitter."

"What? Why?"

"He was angry at me." Newt told her.

"Do you think that he would run away like that? Don't you think that someone kidnapped him or whatever?"

"We're in the middle of a desert. Do you really think that someone would fall from the sky, kidnap Thomas and take him to whatever the shucking place he might be?"

"We have to go after him."

"But he ran away." Newt argued. "He doesn't want to be found."

"And I thought that you, out of everyone, would be the first one to run desperately and try to find Thomas." Brenda accused him.

Newt looked at the ground and, with his foot, he played with the sand. "I don't-"

"I thought that you loved him."

"I do!" Newt said lifting his head to stare at Brenda. "I do, but if he doesn't want to be found..."

"Then we'll find him. No matter what. We never leave the people that we love behind." Brenda said. "So, are you going or do I have to go by myself?"

"We're going." Newt answered her, determined.

"Good." She smiled. Minho called the gladers and they ran to Thomas' direction.


Thomas' POV

He woke up confused with a headache. Thomas was tied against a cold wall.

"Finally." A girl told him. He turned his head to face a girl with dark skin and brown hair.

"Who are you?" Thomas asked, scared that he had forgotten everything again.

"Don't tell him." A voice said from behind her. The girl backed off and Teresa showed up.

"Teresa? You're okay." Thomas said a bit relieved to see her alive. "Can you untie me now?"

She didn't move.

"Teresa?" He called her. "Untie me."

"No." She told him.


"I can't."

"Why not? We're friends, aren't we?"

"I can't let you go yet."

"I can't believe I was worried about you. What happened to you?"

"I'm still the same person, Tom. But I can't free you yet."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm going to kill Newt."


Newt's POV

"I can see something there!" Minho said. "It's still far, but maybe Thomas went there, he has to rest somewhere, right? He can't run forever."

"We should probably check that out." Brenda suggested. Newt nodded.

"Don't worry, we'll find him." Minho tried to comfort them.

"He has to be somewhere." Newt said.

He tried to identify the thing ahead of them. It was too far to see the details, but it was some sort of black or blue place. Suddenly, his vision started to get blurry. The sand was too hot. He couldn't feel his legs. It was like everything inside him was melting below the sun.

"Newt?" Minho called him and helped him stand. "Are you okay?"

He could barely feel Minho helping him. Newt felt his heart beating on his ear. The voices around him started to disappear. He felt dizzy. Somehow, he managed to stand up and make his heart go back to normal. Slowly, his vision started to clear.

"Newt?" Minho's voice was desperate.

"I'm okay. I guess it's just too hot." Newt said, but he knew it wasn't that. Something was wrong.

"Do you still have water?" Minho asked.

Newt nodded and drank a little bit of his water.


"Yeah." Newt lied. "Much better."


Thomas' POV

His heart stopped. "What? You can't kill him."

"Of course I can. And I will."

"Why are you going to kill him, Teresa? You're not like that."

"Things have changed, Tom. And now I have to kill him."

"Can't you even explain me why?"

She sighed. "He stole you from me."

"So it's all about this?"

"You don't understand. You were mine before the maze. We were happy."

"How do you know that?"

"I can feel it."

"Teresa, I can feel our special connection. But only as friends."

"Friends." Teresa repeated. "Is that why you kissed me back that day?"

"That was a mistake. I love Newt."

"You know what was a mistake? Me wasting time with you."

"Teresa, don't kill Newt."

"You made your choice. Now I'll make mine." Teresa started to walk away. "Harriet! Keep an eye on him. Me and the girls are going to go hunting."

"I trusted you!" Thomas yelled, but Teresa ignored him and left him with his thoughts.


Newt's POV

"We're almost there." Minho announced as they got closer to the black and blue thing that was actually a cave.

"Do you think that he's there?" Newt asked him and Brenda.

"Let's just hope we'll find him there."

"Why did he run away? Do you think it was because of me, of what I told him?" Newt kept making questions.

"Don't worry, Newt, I'm sure he doesn't blame you." Brenda said.

"How can you know that?"

"Well, we talked about this before." Brenda said.

"Really?" Brenda nodded. "What did he tell you?"

"He said how much he regretted it and missed you."

"Yeah, he kept apologizing." Newt said.

"You know he means it, Newt. He really loves you."

"Then why did he kiss her? Why didn't he tell me about their mental connection?"

"Wait, what mental connection?" Minho interrupted them.

"Teresa and him can somehow talk to each other mentally or some klunk like that, I don't know." Newt explained.

"Oh." Minho said.

"Newt, it was just a mistake. You know you'll have to forgive him eventually." Brenda tried to convince him.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just find him."

They kept running towards the cave. Everything between Thomas and Newt was too confusing. He loved him, but how could he forgive him? Newt knew Thomas was sorry and he even wanted to get back together. He missed the way that Thomas' arms fit perfectly together around Newt. But he wasn't sure he could trust him again.

"Newt!" Minho yelled with urgency in his voice. Newt looked around. He saw a bunch of girls jumping from nowhere. Before he could move, a girl with red hair and brown eyes punched him with some sort of razor and everything went black.


Thomas' POV

He tried everything to convice Harriet to let him go, but nothing worked.

"I can't let him die, I love him."

"I don't care." She laughed. "I'll do what Teresa told me, which means you're going to stay here until she gets here. She must be coming back with the package." The package. Thomas repeated in his own head. Newt was not a package. He was so much more than that.

"You have to understand me, please." Thomas pleaded, but nothing worked.

They heard some footsteps coming from outside of the cave. Teresa and another girl showed up bringing an unconsious Newt and Minho. Newt's forehead was bleeding. The rest of the girls came bringing Brenda. She was hurt, but conscious.

"Brenda!" His eyes met Brenda's.

"He's alive." She mouthed.

Thomas felt a bit relieved.

"Teresa. Let them go." Thomas said, but she ignored him, again.

"Prue, Lindsay, take the asian boy and the girl to the back of the cave. I'll deal with them later." Two girls started to drag Brenda and Minho to the back of the cave.

"Brenda!" He called her.

"We'll be okay!" She answered him and disappeared in the darkness of the cave.

"Okay, your turn." Teresa said heading to Newt.

"Teresa whatever you're going to do don't do it!"

"Too late." She told him while getting a knife from a girl.

"Teresa! I'm sorry! Please don't do this!"

"Do you really think I'm going to do this here? I'm not letting you see this."

"Where are you taking him?"

"Well, I saw some cranks earlier today that seemed really hungry." She said.

"Teresa! Take me instead of him!"

She let go of Newt's arm and walked to Thomas. She gently touched his face and looked into his eyes.

"I'm not gonna kill you. Not yet, at least." She smiled and walked back to Newt. Teresa started to drag him out of the cave.

He started to get desperate as he watched Newt's head disappear. "Teresa! No!" No, no, no, no. He couldn't let Newt die. Thomas had to find a way to get out of the cave.

But no matter what he said, all the girls did was laugh and smile.

"Why is she the boss?"

"Nice try. But we chose her as our leader." The girl with red hair said.

"Why does she want to do this?"

"Because of what you did, of course." Harriet said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And what exactly did I do?"

"You betrayed her. Did you forget everything?" The red-hair girl said.

"How did I betray her?"

"With that boy." She pointed her head at the entrance of the cave where Teresa and Newt had disappeared.

"But we never actually dated!" Thomas said frustrated. "We were friends. Best friends. And I cheated on Newt, not on Teresa."

"Wow you're the worst boyfriend in the world." The girls around her nodded. "But she told me you two were something else."

"That's not true. We've never been nothing more than friends."

"And why should we trust you?" Another girl pointed out.

"Look, I know I sound like the worst boyfriend ever. Maybe I am. But I love Newt so much and I don't want to lose him. Have you ever lost someone you really loved?"

They all remained in silence until a blonde girl spoke. "We lost Rachel and Lily."

"Don't you miss them?"

"Of course we do." She said quietly.

"He means too much to me. I can't lose him too." Thomas felt like they were finally on his side.

Harriet walked to him with a knife and cut the ropes around his body and wrists. "Go. We'll tell her you escaped."

"Thank you. What about my frien-"

"We'll take care of that, don't worry. Now go before I change my mind."

He started to run out of the cave and headed to the city.


When he got there, the sky was already dark. He just hoped he wasn't too late. Thomas saw the buildings and got in the first one.

"Newt!" He called.

"Tommy?" He heard a voice coming from the back of the room. Newt showed up and hugged him.

"You're okay!" Thomas said still shocked that he had found him in the first building.

"I'm okay." He said.

"Where's Teresa?" Thomas asked, worried that she could appear and kidnap them again.

"She left me."

"What do you mean?" Thomas got confused.

"She just left me a couple of buildings ahead, so I ran to hide somewhere else. But I couldn't go too far."

"Why not?"

"I think that I hurt my left leg."

"What? Are you okay?" Thomas made Newt sit on the floor to check his leg. Newt pushed his pants until his thight. "Did Teresa do this to you?" Thomas asked after seeing the deep cut. He nodded.

"But I'm okay now." Newt said.

"Is it hurting too much? We have to clean it so it won't get worse and-"

"I'm fine, Thomas. Don't worry. It will heal in a couple of days. I just need help to walk, I think."

"I'll help you. If you need anything just tell me, okay?" Newt nodded. "Is it still bleeding?" He shook his head. "Okay, good. What about your forehead?"

"Tommy, don't worry about me. I'm here now. With you." They were really close to each other. Newt's leg was touching Thomas'. "Thomas, I'm sorry I blamed you for everything. Teresa is really crazy."

"I miss you." Thomas said.

"I miss you, too." Newt's face started to get closer to Thomas'.

"Can you forgive me?" Thomas asked. Their faces were almost touching.

Newt looked into Thomas' eyes and saw how honest he was being. He couldn't resist it. "Yes." Thomas moved his head closer and kissed him. The butterflies in his stomach immediately revived and flapped the wings furiously. Thomas' hands started to run through Newt's hair. Newt put his hands around Thomas' neck. They pulled apart to breathe. They smiled to each other.

"We have to go after Minho and Brenda now. Come on." Thomas helped Newt to stand up. He put Newt's arm around his neck and they walked out of the building. "It will take us a bit longer to get there, but I'm sure they're okay."

"Tom..." A voice called from behind them. He immediately felt the urge to protect Newt.

"Don't get any closer, Teresa. Don't worry, Newt, I won't let her hurt you." She sounded hurt. "Leave us alone, Teresa."

"You have to believe in me, I only did this to protect you."

"So you hurt Newt to protect me? How do you expect me to believe on that?"

"Tom, please, hear me out." She pleaded.

"Good bye, Teresa." He said and took Newt out of the city, leaving Teresa behind him.


After a while of walking, Newt stopped. "Thomas, do you think that she was telling the truth?"

"No. And don't worry, I won't make the same mistakes. I'll never trust her again."

"But she didn't kill me. She left."

"Yeah, but she still hurt you. And I'm not going to let that happen again. Do you need to rest? You seem tired."

"No, let's just keep walking. We have to find them first."

Thomas nodded as they walked below the sky full of stars that were shinning on that dark night.


My tests are starting soon, but I think that I can manage to update. Don't worry.

Anyway, I reached my goal on Instagram and now my friends are going to throw eggs at me. hELP

I am so scared omg


Ty for reading xx

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