Dr. Beast and his Inamorata

By crazy_writer_97

249K 12.7K 1.5K

#1 in Doctor series "Doctor!!" A soft, warm, and euphonic voice of Dr. Ishaan came from very behind me. I wh... More

1. An Accident
2. First Day
3.Night Duty
4. Surgery and Surgery and Surgery
5. Life or synonym of the wife...
6. Mystery
7. Respirating wall
8. Cold War
9. First Compliment
10. Argument
11. Red-Inflammed-Swollen Wrist
12. Damoiseau in distress
13. Planning
14. Ignorance
15. First kiss
17. Questions
18. Fib
19. Tears
20. Messed up
21. Seduce him!
22. Goons attack
23. Hakuna Matata!
24. Love bites
25. Love no! lustboy...
27. Like girlfriend, like boyfriend.
29. Kitchen mess-A
30. Kitchen mess-B
31. Day of astounds...
32. Nasty desires...
33. Quarrels
34. Moans and groans
35. Dr. Adi...get well soon
36. Funfair
37. Well-wisher
38. Kidnap!
39. Indignation, Curiosity, and Guilty.
40. Inamorata!
41. Inamorato!
42. You are made for me...
43. Final Cliffhanger
44. Ishaan
45. Ishika
Epilogue-Men are men
New Book
Adi and Rosh
Ishaan-Before we met.
Bonus Chapter: Ishaan's silent lovers!

16. Strangers to undefinable relation...

6.1K 306 20
By crazy_writer_97

"Cheating? Who am I cheating on?" he solicited, innocently. Such a shameless rogue he is?

"What did you thought that I wouldn't be aware of your secret life...that I wouldn't be aware of your wives. You are..."

"Wives...?" He barked, his voice echoing. Disentangled his arms from my waist. His brows snapped together and his eyes narrowed. I presumed—It's to show off his innocence and confusion. Even a saint will rank at second position in innocence, in front of his unimpeachable masked face.  


"Are you out of your senses?" he roasted, by tapping his fingers on his temple.

"No. Mr. Ishaan Sharma...now I came to my senses...I am here to reveal out your truth...your darkest truth...you are playing with three innocent hearts...And. Now you are acting completely innocent...Such a cheapskate moron you are—" 

"—Three innocent hearts?" he pried, cutting me off. That bewildered crease formed between his two dark, thick brows were persisting. 

"Two wives and me!"

"Two wives? Do I have two wives?" His sugary tone contained questions, started to act like a sweet poison to my blood vessels.  


"And. Who are they?" He probed bending forwards and crossed his muscular arms over his chest. I took a step back. Along with my gaze, my attention also got diverted to that stout, tough arms. His biceps bulged out of that half-sleeved, slinky dark blue O.T. dress excelled him to look hotter, tantalizing, and sexy.

On our first meeting, I never notion that we will be laid in this situation, fanaticizing each other. I never assumed that the man who pulled his hand out of my grip will kiss me...  

How dare he kissed me?

Message from Heart: But you liked it. Admit it.

Dear Brain, Cease all nerve supply to the heart. It's going beyond its limits.

"As if you don't know?" I shouted, averting my gaze back on his face.

"No. I don't!" He stated simply, shook his head, and gave a rise and fall to his shoulders innocently. How puerile he is seeming to be? I should name him Virgin Mary instead of Dr. Ishaan Sharma. I understood and concluded that this filthy moron, is time passing with me...and before he drives me into his preternatural world, (which unfortunately my heart wandered for uncountable times) I by myself, have to put a 'no trespassing' board, in front of it. That can only be done by avoiding and ignoring him.

"Are we done? I think I should leave." I turned and waited for the elevator. 

"Enough of your avoiding game. Fine. Last night I turned aggressive, it doesn't mean you keep ignoring me..." For which you didn't apologize to me, yet. 

Though his voice sounded regretful and remorseful, I ignored and waited for the elevator. I waited for more than one minute, I pressed the button and waited. Then I pressed the button more deeply. 

"It's not working." He shouted from behind. I kick on the elevator door with frustration and by God's grace, I hurt myself.  

"Ouch! ouch!!" I wailed with pain. I heard a chuckle from my behind. Dr. Ishaan can chuckle, Bravo!! I avoided and strode to the staircase. But, that cardboard-like face really looks very attractive and sexy when it attempts to quirk its lips.

"I dunno about whom you are speaking," he began with a loud voice. "But having a wife or wives is an immeasurably farthest thing, I didn't even date anyone for long long years... And this is the truth of my life, Ishika," he ended divulging honestly, truthfully. Whenever his vocal cord vibrated my name, it represents me as his yearning desire. And a yearning strengthful hope to shove off his loneliness and solitude. His undetermined seclusion attitude is the only reason, I got attracted to him more and more. He is a mystery to me, I want to read, understand, and explore him. 

Long long years. 

I froze.

I was on the first step, ready to take my second one. I had two options either to take a step further and runoff from him or to turn back and listen... However, I am a human being, even I have feelings, emotions...nevertheless of, the person whom I feel for is a Moronic monster. So, I turned. A quick, short, and sudden yet terrific breath, forcibly made its way through my mouth, to my lungs, and expanded my chest more than it does for normal inhalation.  Bloody hell! his sudden very close, just a foot away presence, is gonna take my breath out, one day. How he manages to walk without making any sound?

"You...you are l-lying!?!?" I stammered.


"Then who is she, the—"


"The one who—?"


"Will you let me finish?" I bawled. 


"She comes to visit you, in your cabin. That married lady, with whom you sat hand-in-hand one day. The same day, you howled on me to knock on the door." I poked my finger in his hard chest. "You had any idea, how much your behavior hurt me...already watching you sitting with that lady browned off me...it just stung me, poked like a thorn in my chest...it just—" I stopped. 

Why do I get rage so easily?

Are there any pills to keep anger in control?  

Getting or showing weakness, in front of a male is not in my comportment. I have to escape from him, I am opening up to him. I turned my head away, overwhelmed with my own pea-brained eloquent...I hurriedly took a step back and same time heard a tensing voice 'careful' and was about to skid and roll down the staircase. But, instead, I got plastered against a hard, muscular, rocky body. A second later, a hand that was clutched around my arm, which prevented me from falling, moved and cherished the back of my head. His other arm enveloped my waist and held tightly against him. Everything worked like a tranquilizer and calmed my frightened bombarding heart.

"Calm down, Goblin!" His chest vibrated with his sexy, husky voice passing the vibrations into my body which diffused like a ray and gushed a thrill to my spine. I opened my eyes, only dark blue fabric appeared in front of me, while my hands, were tightly clutched to his shirt fabric. I lift my head and meet his eyes. Those ash-brown eyes contained, a lot of compassion, intimacy, acted like warmth, and same time sent the chills of fervor along my spine, nerves, and blood vessel.  

"Stop! stop calling me that..."

His lip corners slightly quirked up with a smile. He looked attractive, alluring. That enamored, adorable smile, off-tracked me from my tracks.  

"Inamorata, were you jealous that evening," he teased, huskily. 

This Ishaan is different not the one, who pulled out his hand from mine when that first day I held it and saved him from septic shock. I still remember that blank and expressionless mannequin face when he saw me for the first time on my first day of hospital and that poker face of his when we did our first night duty's, ward rounds. And we changed from strangers to undefinable relation...

But there is a dark face of his, that aggressive and arrogant nature, which provoked a despising attitude in me towards him... He shouts, yells, and gives me pain but never did he apologized.  Last night, his behavior was excruciatingly tormenting, even if he sits on his knees and begs to apologize, I don't think I can forgive him...

Although, he succeeded to be my weakness, my habit...

"Jealous..." I wet my lips, trying to gain confidence, and focused to strengthen my tone of voice. "Huh! Of course not." I countered. "Why would I be..." I tried to shove him off. "Thanks, to hold me. Now, leave me, I want to go." He pulled me closer. If people call me stubborn then I call him super-stubborn. Because he doesn't listen to me.

"So, it doesn't matter to you if I sit with any woman hand-in-hand or_" he cut off and smirked. That smirk is just irking me...I hate that teasing smirk. It's making me lose my nerves, my hackles rise to the top level of the Himalayas. 

"It doesn't. It doesn't matter. Okay. And let me go...I...I feel hungry."

"Huh! Even I!" He said and crushed his lips on mine. That sudden, barmy but alluring action of his, crushed and scrunched my stomach like hell...Numbed my body...like my body got immersed in ice-cold water. Although this feeling is just excellent, awesomesauce, I was still angry and frustrated with him. I placed my hands flat on his chest ready to shove him off, but that rhythmic movement of his lips on mine melted me and I let myself participate equally, to make him explore me, to make him comfortable with me. Forgetting the existing world, I lost in the new, ecstatic hodge-podge feelings of my heart, trying to shove off his solitude from his life. 

Was it so early?

"Ishika!" He cried out with ecstatic, I lost my nerves and courage and clutched his shirt tightly, letting him explore me deeply. Suddenly, he stopped, I opened my eyes. 

"What hap_" words barely came out of my mouth. He peered at me with distress. There was a regression masked on his face. Before I picturized, he walked past me climbing down the staircase. 

Was I desperate?

I whirled, he was gone. Did I do something wrong? I let him do, what he wanted then why did he leave? Why he indulges me towards him and why he leaves me suddenly, with the same speed. Once again, without saying anything, without touching me...he ended hurting me. And that hurt dazed me, devasted me, insulted my attitude, and mutilated my heart. 

Like his care and concern, he is fake, his words are fake, his feelings are fake.


I went back to the operating room, the patient was getting prepared for surgery. Dr. Ishaan stood in front of the patient, ready to give an incision. It just raged me with anger. I googled him, he was gawking at me but just averted his gaze nonchalantly. 

Such an apathetic, unsympathetic moron he is? 

I paced to him, I wanted to burst out on him, to leave me all alone on that abandoned floor but rather asked. "You said, you will let me do the surgery."  He just nodded. 

"Go to the opposite side and put on gloves," he ordered, I followed. Whatever he is my senior doctor, I have to follow his professional commands. It was a swelling case, located at the back of his shoulder.  Dr. Ishaan gave me the surgical blade, traced his finger on the patient's skin at the lower part of swelling, "give a stroke with a blade, do not apply too much pressure," he explained. I took that blade and gaped at the swelling. I was tensed, that was my first time. "Focus, you can do it." I nodded and bit my lip, I observed my hands were trembling. He walked around and stood beside me, "relax I am here. With you." My eyes widened and my brows rose to a high level. No, you are not. You left me. 

On one side my flexions got tensed not only because of my first surgery but also because of his presence. On another hand, he is being relaxed like he didn't confess to me. Like he didn't kiss me. Like he didn't break the kiss suddenly. Like he didn't leave me without uttering anything. However, that was not the correct time for me to fight with him, not because of the place. I should be determined with the anesthetic drug the patient was injected to keep him pain-free.

If I start arguing with him, that patient will wake up from anesthesia and will be surprised that his doctors indulged in a fight without operating on him.

"Let's do it," he repeated, clutched my hand, and made me do it.  He didn't leave my side, he let me do everything. Step by step. I was enthusiastic, it was my first surgery. In the end, he hand-over me the case and walked out. I did the stitching part and bandaged the wound.

I pulled out the blood-stained gloves and thought, it's time to speak, now.

I knew where he might be. So, I made my way to the Male changing room. I was not in any mood to consider anyone's presence, at that moment. I stopped in front of the door and debated to knock or not. Control. Ishika. Control. It's a male changing room, not just 'his' room, many male doctors might be changing, taking rest, or might be using the cloakroom. I turned and turned once again facing the door.

Should I?

Shouldn't I?

"Ishika, where were you girl? I kept calling you past fifteen minutes." It's Dr. Chaya. Why did you call? Who asked you to? I can't rage on her. She was a good person. Yeah, it's different since morning I was mentally abusing her as long hair witch. I turned to face her and forced a smile. "What are doing in front of the Male changing room?" Leering out male doctors' sexy bodies. Obviously not.

"You said you have been calling me?" I distracted her and took a step and another then continued. She followed me.  

"Yeah. To have lunch. Actually, I am enjoying your company a lot. Especially your jokes, so, I thought why don't I eat with you. Laughing is good for health. I should appreciate you really have a good sense of humor." She got attached to me so early. Even last afternoon she pulled me with her to the canteen. That was okay, cause I don't like eating alone...and eating with Harsh and Nisha gave me a feeling of being like a thorn between two roses. 

"I really, really appreciate it!" I faked a smile and touched my chest with my hands, acted like I really adored her opinion. Then turned my head away and clenched my teeth. 

He said I am his probe to happiness and she is saying I make her laugh.

I never knew, when did I turn into a jester!

We went to the canteen. I ordered my routine lunch, a chili cheese chicken sandwich and she also ordered the same.

In the mid of our meal and chitter-chatter, a man came in. The same one, whom I saw speaking with that moron this morning.

"If there is any place on your table, can I accommodate, please?" His voice was adenoidal, seems to come through the nose rather than the throat. Yet, he had a sweet, pleasant voice. 

He had a square shape face, small, round, dark-brown eyes, straight and long, pointed tip nose with a soft and cleanly shaved jawline. He was fairer. His lips curled up with a charming smile, staring at Dr. Chaya. He was attractive. It seemed they both knew each other.

Dr. Chaya was astounded, her voice got stuck in her throat. She blinked, wetting her lips she nodded, tucking her side bangs behind the ear. She was nervous. It could be like she was not expecting his interruption or she might be dispising him. He took a seat, one diagonal to us. He just got an orange juice bottle with him.

"I thought you and Ishaan planned to go out for lunch?" She asked and offered her sandwich to him. So, she is acquainted with him, also. These all three are like family and I came from nowhere, gave my life a roller coaster ride, by falling for that insecure, unconfident moron. 

"Yeah. But he denied going out," he said sadly and shook his head refusing the sandwich. 

"Why?" She probed. Meanwhile, I was intermittently glancing at both of them. I hope, I am not being a thorn to them. Hash! I should keep a full stop to my assumption, they can be friends or even siblings, also.

"As usual he might be suffering from his mood swings." He replied shrugging up his shoulders, 

Mood swings...

Dr. Chaya was giggling continuously, I looked perplexed to that person. He glanced at me, gave me a concerning smile.

"Oh! I am sorry. I am Aditya, a senior resident of orthopedic and Chaya's_"

"You could have pulled him to the canteen. At least he would have eaten here." Dr. Chaya interrupted him. He eyed her for a moment and then nodded. 

"I tried, he denied and said he wants some me time."

He again glanced at me, and was about to open his mouth she interrupted him once again, "he was normal in the morning, then what happened to him, now. Should I go and check?"

"Leave him." He took a sip of juice and then tilted his head towards me. "By the way, I didn't hear you saying your name."

"It's Ishika Mishra, first-year postgraduate of General Surgery." 

"Nice to meet you. Please pardon me, I came in and didn't even pay attention to you. I am Chaya's_" 

"Where is Ishaan, now? I hope he is okay." She interrupted him for the third time. I dunno how this man is related to her but this lady is showing off too much disquiet towards Dr. Ishaan, which was making me envious.

He confessed he didn't date long, long years, and Dr. Chaya looked very close to him. Didn't they mind dating each other?

"Might be in his cabin."


I think the cabin will be the best place to speak with him. I rose from my chair, "I have some important work to deal with, I will take my leave. Bye, Dr. Chaya." I turned to him, he had a thin line smile plastered to his lips. "It was nice meeting you, Dr. Aditya."

I accelerated to Dr. Ishaan's cabin. I still had my manners. So, I knocked politely, holding up my patience. No response. I repeated for a second time. No response. I pushed it inwards. No Dr. Ishaan Sharma.

I went to the department nurse, asked her about him. She informed, he didn't come to O.P.D. since morning.

I checked for my mobile in my trousers pocket. I didn't find it. I recall it to be in my backpack and my backpack with Harsh. And Harsh should be in O.T.

I took the elevator and rode to the fifth floor. I reached and walked into the hallway. There I found a mannequin-faced moron walking in my direction. When his eyes meet mine, he kept his gaze still. 

My nasal nares just flared out. My hands formed fists, nails digging and pricking the palm. My right wrist, pained when I tightened the fist. He turned to his left and then right. But I kept my gaze fix to him. I increased my speed, he slow downed his speed. We were just a meter or two away. I lift my hand, ready to punch on his chest. 

Then and there. Out of nowhere, Sudhir came from his behind and interrupted. "Ishika! were you ignoring me? Why you are not lifting my call?" I heard Dr. Ishaan letting out a sigh and walked just from my beside, ignoring me. 

"Buffalo!" I muttered and wished to kill Sudhir with my glare.

One. Two. Three...I started counting to calm down my anger

"You called me buf_ But why?"

Four. Five. Six 

I turned around, he was no never. 

What had have happened during that moment of a second? I just let him enjoy the moment, then why did he leave me?

"Just. Get lost Sudhir!"

Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten

"But Ishika. I have no one except you, to share my happiness related to Dr. Chaya." He followed me. I took a turn to fetch Harsh. I found him and walked to him, ignoring Sudhir. He was with his friends.

"Where is my backpack?"

"In the male changing room," Harsh replied.

"Will you get me that?" he nodded. He came back with my bag.  But looked at me suspiciously. He studied me for a second. Was about to speak...

"No. Don't. Not in good mood." I warned him. He went back to his friends. 

"You are ignoring me." Sudhir began.

"Sudhir, leave me alone."

"What happened, why you will be like a spitfire every time."

"Cause my mind is not working, accordingly." I gazed at him, he looked worried for me. I calmed myself, "I am not in good mood."

"That's okay." He was walking away, I stopped him.

"What do you have to share with me?" I was not in a mood to listen but I can't disappoint him. Rather me no one knew about his silent crush on Dr. Chaya. And then he started jibber-jabbering about her. On the whole way, from the fifth floor to the ground floor. I suggested using the staircase. Not because I was concerned about my health but to calm down my anger. Physical exercise reduces anger. I didn't pay any attention to his words but plastered a wide smile on my face.

My phone vibrated, I pulled it out from my backpack. It was my Dada. But along with that mobile, a four folded white paper also came out. That paper was stuck to my mobile. I don't remember keeping any paper except a surgery textbook and my mobile. I silent my mobile and put it back in my backpack.

I unfolded it, it was a note written with a blue pen, sloppily.

It read as 'People don't seem like they pretend to be...Give a thought before you get close to anybody.' Below that, it was written as 'from...your Wellwisher.'


So, how did you all like it? Just share your views.

Theirs a well-wisher for her now.  Any guesses, who might he/she be?

Ishika desperately needs a hand squeeze stress ball to control her anger. Is there anyone who can gift her that? If cannot then her anger will be calmed, if her accounts get filled with more stars. So, my active and silent readers please do press the star one below to this note. 

A special thanks to all my readers who comment on my story and boost my energy levels to give an early update. 

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