Janelle's Choice

By purplebunnies101

15.8K 1K 261

Janelle Smith is a normal 16 year old girl. She lived a happy life with her two parents in a beautiful home a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 2

722 37 4
By purplebunnies101

Jaden (from the beginning)

I woke up in my king sized bed this morning with heavy eyes. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I slowly got out of my bed and walked to my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and made sure my hair was okay.

I walked back to my room and changed out of my t-shirt and blue pajama pants and into a white shirt, black jeans, and a black leather jacket.

I went downstairs and walked into my kitchen where my dad was sitting at the dining table, drinking coffee, and my mom was sitting on the counter, drinking tea and reading a book.

"Hey sweetie." My mom said, hoping off of the counter and kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey mom." I said, sitting at the table.

"Jaden," my dad said. I looked up at him while he began talking. "Your mother as I are going on a business trip tomorrow so please keep the house in order and stay out of trouble. Don't throw any parties, and just don't do anything. Got it?" My dad lectured me.

I nodded. "Okay." I lied. I am probably going to get in a lot of trouble today and I'm most likely going to throw a party while my parents are gone. Here's something about me: I don't go by the rules. So whatever my parents say not to do...I will probably do.

My dad nodded. "Good." He said.

"Well. I gotta get to school. I don't wanna be late." I said. I actually couldn't care less about whether I was late or not.

"Bye Jaden. Please don't get another detention. You've been getting into a lot of trouble this year." My mom informed me.

I shrugged and walked into the garage where my black mustang is parked. I looked over at the mini fridge in our garage. I quickly ran over to it and opened the door to the fridge. I took out 4 of my dads beers and stuffed them in my book bag.

I wasn't supposed to be having my dads beers. And plus, I'm 16. It's illegal for people my age to drink. But like I said, I don't go by the rules.

I got into my car and slung my book bag in the passenger seat. I started up my car and backed out of the garage and down the drive way.

My house is is well, huge. My parents are really rich because they own an expensive oil company. My parents are always going on business trips, so I'm mostly alone all the time unless I'm throwing a party or having friends over. My parents are really successful. They always keep talking to me about how I should be a doctor, or a lawyer, or an owner of a trillion dollar oil company like them.

Yeah right. Like I would end up being any of those things.

Once I reached the school, I parked in the parking lot. I grabbed my book bag, stepped out of the car, and slung the book bag on my back.

The cool air hit me as I stepped outside. My hair flowed along with the wind movement. I walked inside of the school and went straight to the back of the school to meet my 3 friends, Blake, Mason, and Sam.

"Wassup Jaden?" Mason said, bro hugging me.

"Nothing much. Look what I got." I said. I took my book bag off of my back and handed them one beer each. "One for you. One for you. One for you. And one for me." I said, as I handed the beers out.

"Ah. Nice work man." Sam said.

We all sat down as everyone opened their drinks. We sat around just talking and drinking for about three minutes until we saw two people turn the corner.

"This is the back hallway." A guy named Logan said.

Logan and this other girl were walking around. She must be new. I looked at her and watched her walk with Logan.

She had long, flowing, dark brown hair. She has pretty brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She had tan skin. She was actually really pretty.

Wait...snap out of it Jaden. You already have a girlfriend.

"Aye Jaden," Blake whispered, while patting me on the shoulder. "I dare you to dump the rest of your beer on that girls head." He said.

"Ah yeah. Do it." Sam added in.

"Yeah she'll be so pissed." Mason added in lastly.

I looked at the girl. I guess I'll do it. It'll probably be funny anyway. So why not.

I stood up and slowly walked near the girl. Her back was faced to me which made this even easier. I turned my bottle upside down and the beer went right on top of her head, and flowed down all over her shirt.

She slowly turned around with an angry face expression. I could already see the fury in her eyes. I smiled, knowing that she was probably about to cuss me out.

And that's exactly what she did. She cussed me out and and her face started to turn red. She was so mad, it looked like her face was about to explode. I looked over at the guys and they were laughing like maniacs.

She's really cute when she's mad. I mean...she's really mad...when she's mad. Anyway. She was still yelling at me. I had to stop her because I know if she kept going, she would get even more mad.

"Okay. Calm down. Just go ch-" I stopped my sentence when she slapped me on my left jaw. I paused for a second.

Honestly. That slap hurt like shit. But of course I couldn't show that. By this time, Blake, Mason and Sam were laughing there lungs out. "What the f-"

"Shut up. Leave me alone." The girl said, turning around and walking away.

"I'm Jaden by the way." I called out. Just thought she should know.

"I don't care." I called back.

I turned around to see Blake, Mason, and Sam still laughing.

"Shut up." I said. They stopped laughing, but when I walked away, they continued laughing.

I walked to my homeroom class. I walked inside and everyone turned their heads towards me. "Why are you late?" My teacher, Mr. Lackmon asked me sternly.

"Cuz I got here late." I said, walking to my seat. "Obviously." I said putting my feet on the desk.

Mr. Lackmon glared at me. "Get your feet off of my tables Wilson." He said.

"I'd like it if you called me by my first name." I said.

"Okay. Get your feet off of my tables. Jaden." Mr. Lackmon said.

I paused for a second as if I was thinking. "Nah." I said. "I'm pretty comfortable."

Mr. Lackmon scowled at me. "So you're just going to disobey my orders?" He said.

"Yeah." I said simply.

Mr. Lackmon sighed in defeat and turned to the board. "Alright class. Today we will be starting a new unit. We will be talking about the French Revolution and why the British-" Mr. Lackmon stopped and looked at me and saw that I had my phone out. "Jaden. Put your phone up." He said.

I sighed in aggravation. "Man. You are really annoying." I mentioned.

"You know what Jaden? You-" the lunch bell rang and everyone stormed out of the classroom. Mr. Lackmon sighed and walked out of the classroom as well.

I really hate him. I smirked as an idea popped in my mind. I put my phone in my pocket and took my feet off of the desk. I got up and ran towards the door and closed it. I took my book bag off of my back and took out a can of spray paint that I always carry around for some reason.

But now I have a reason. I shook the can of red spray paint and began spray painting the board. I wrote "FUCK IT" on the board, and I wrote "SUCK IT" on the wall behind it.

When I was done, I put the spray paint bottle back in my book bag and walked to lunch like it was no problem.

This wasn't new to me. I'm always like this. I'm used to acting up and getting in trouble.

When I walked in the cafeteria, I got my lunch and sat with Blake, Mason, and Sam. I ate my lunch which was a cheese burger, and then walked back to class.

When I walked through the door, Mr. Lakmon's face was red. He was already furious.

"Jaden Wilson!!! Principles office!!!!! Now!!!!" He yelled, pointing his finger out the door.

A few people in the class laughed. I threw my hands up in defense and walked out of the class and Mr. Lackmon followed me.

I walked into Mrs. Prices office and sat down in a chair in front of her desk, slouching in it.

"This boy," Mr. Lackmon began. "I want him out of my classes!!!" He said, pointing at me.

"What did he do this time?" Mrs. Price said turning to me and shaking her head shamefully.

I've been in Mrs. Prices office about 12 times this year. So she pretty much knows me better than anyone in the entire school.

"He! Him! This boy spray painted my classroom! And when I tell him to get his feet off of my tables and to put his phone up during my lesson, he refuses to follow my orders!" He yelled.

I laughed a little at how mad he was getting.

"This is not a laughing matter, Jaden." Mrs. Price said sternly. "This is the 12th time you've been sent to my office this year. You've already been in 6 fights, started 2 food fights, and have skipped class 4 times. I think I need to expel you." Mrs. Price said.

I shot out of the chair from Mrs. Prices words. "No! Please don't expel me! My parents will eat me alive if you do. Please Mrs. Price don't expel me!" I said.

I've done a lot of bad things in my life, but I have never been expelled. I just have this phobia of getting expelled. I don't know why, cuz I've been suspended like a ton of times. I just never want to get expelled.

Mrs. Price sighed. "I'll let you off with a warning. But you are getting place in all new classes and you have dentition every single day for 4 weeks." She explained.

I shrugged. Better than getting expelled. I got out of my chair and walked away. "Later Lackmon." I said, walking out of the office.

At the end of the day, I walked into the detention room. I looked over and saw the math teacher Ms. Johnson sitting at the desk.

She turned her head towards me and rolled her eyes. "Oh, Jaden Wilson. I'm not surprised. I'm running the detention today so have a seat." She said.

There were two other people in the classroom. A blonde boy and a brunette girl.

I sat in a seat and kept my mouth shut. I took out a black sharpie marker from my pocket and started writing on my arm with it.

A few minutes later, someone came through the door.

Oh shit...it's the girl I poured the beer on this morning. It's her first day and she already has detention?

She sat two seats away from me. She looked down at her desk and playing around with her fingers. Her long, dark brown hair hung down and her sparkling brown eyes followed the movement of her fingers.

A few minutes later, Ms. Johnson said she had some kind of emergency and she just left...along with the blonde boy and brunette girl.

S now it's just me and that girl...alone.

She began talking to me and I eventually started talking to her. We talked about stuff for the while detention, but at the ending 15 minutes, we were silent. We walked out of the classroom together when detention was over.

I found myself staring at her as she walked down the hallway.

"What?" She said, as to why I was staring at her.

"Uh nothing." I said. The real reason as to why I was staring at her was because she looked kind of pretty.

I mentally sighed and walked out of the building. I heard my phone ring in my pocket and I took it out.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey babe." My girlfriend Kelsey said.

"Um. Hi." I said.

"Why do you sound so bored?"

"I don't know."

"You wanna come over? Then I bet you won't be bored." She said laughing afterwards.

"Nah. I don't wanna come over."

"Why not?" Kelsey said in a sad tone.

"I just don't." I said.

Kelsey sighed. "Fine. But just know that I miss you." She said.

"Yeah. Yeah. I miss you too. Bye." I said hanging up.

I walked to my car and got in the drivers seat. I backed out of the space and drove home.

Once I got home, I pulled up in my driveway. I got it and took my key out of my pocket. I opened the door and went inside my house where my parents were sitting at the dining table waiting for me.

I furred my eyebrows at them. "Ah Jaden," my mom got up and kissed me on the forehead. "Where were you? Did you get another detention?" She said.

I nodded. And my mom rolled her eyes. "We told you not to get in any trouble today." My dad said, getting up.

"Sorry." I said, slinging my book bag on the kitchen counter.

I walked upstairs. "What are we going to do with him." I heard my mom say to my dad.

I sighed and walked to my room. I plopped down in my bed and instantly fell asleep.

This is pretty much my life.

Hey everyone!!! What did you guys think of this chapter.

What do you think of Jaden?

Remember to comment and vote and thank you to everyone of you lovely readers! Just comment and vote so I can thank you some more!!!

Well bye!!

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