Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 79 - Blood relationship

1.8K 60 51
By iliqblack

Omer was afraid of her tears. Every time Defne cried, he panicked and was ready to do anything to make her tears dry and she smiles again. But now everything was different. The tears brought relief. Omer saw it in the expressive, deep eyes of his Defne.

"Not his daughter," she whispered under her breath. On the next phrase, her voice grew stronger. - I'm not his daughter!

Omer took the sheet of paper from her trembling fingers and read the line under the columns of numbers.

"Negative result 100%. No relationship."

Not her father! This freak is not Defne's father. He did not yet know if this was good or bad for the peace of mind of his wife, but he felt inner satisfaction. Kadir Shishmaz, a scoundrel, a swindler, and a blackmailer is not the father of his sunny girl Defne.

She, wiping her tears, got to her feet, took the DNA test from her husband's hands, hid it in her purse, and threw the long strap over her shoulder. And then, with restraint and calmness, she turned to the investigator:

- Thank you for your help.

"This is my job," he replied. - The evidence data for depriving Kadir Shishmaz of his paternal rights are ready and by the middle of the week, I will submit it to the court. You will be informed of the date and time of the court.

"Thank you," said Omer.

He took Defne's arm and led her out of the room.

Once outside, she stopped and buried her face in his chest. He silently hugged her and let her cry. And then he drove to the waterside, they sat on "their" bench, and ordered:

- Now tell me what tormented you so? Why did you need to know if you were his daughter or not? But first, answer me - are you feeling better?

- I feel better! Defne blurted out. - As if a stone fell from the soul. I can now hate him without any remorse.

- Did you feel remorse? - Omer was surprised and immediately stopped himself - this is Defne! She has the kindest and noblest heart in the universe.

"Yes," she replied. "I hate him so ... hate him so much!" I wish him a fair reckoning and torment. So that for every tear of Esra, and grandmother, and ... mine, he answered a hundredfold. I was ashamed of my feelings. How can you hate your own father so much? And, having experienced such hatred, do not I become like him? But now everything has cleared up. He is not my father. I can hate him!

- You can, - Omer took her face in his hands and kissed her lips lightly. Looking into her eyes, he smiled and advised: - But it's better if you forget about him, and your hatred evaporates.

- It will evaporate! - Defne promised fervently. - As soon as he is sentenced, I will forget about him immediately and forever!

For a couple of minutes, they sat in silence and looked at the blue waters of the Bosphorus sparkling in the sun. And then Omer asked:

- Will you tell your relatives about the test result?

Defne shook her head thoughtfully and replied:

- I do not know. Yes, probably. In fact, this does not matter for our relationship. We are relatives, and it does not matter who our fathers are. It doesn't matter at all.

Omer hugged her, kissed the top of her head, and said hoarsely:

- You are a wise, little woman and I love you more than life. It doesn't really matter to me who your father is. I know who YOU are and I admire you endlessly.


Mirai was sitting at the table with her head bowed and her forehead resting on her palm. Her gaze rested on the countertop, but her eyes did not see anything. Kartal paced the study with wide steps and nervously rubbed the back of his head. She told him two days ago that the wedding is canceled. They cannot get married. And only today she explained the reason.

He wanted to tear and throw. Go to the bastard and beat him half to death. It was not enough for him, that damn Mehmet Astarkhan, to trample Mirai, leave her without a livelihood, crush morally and almost destroy physically. The devilish bloodthirsty nature of Astarkhan again wants to subjugate her, destroy her life.

Scoundrel! What a scoundrel he is, this Mehmet Astarkhan!

Kartal stopped in front of the table and lifted by the chin the face of the infinitely beloved woman. She looked at him with sad, tortured eyes. The door quietly opened, but both, absorbed in their feelings, did not notice it.

- We won't let him! Kartal said firmly. - Do you hear me? We will get married, and if he fulfills his threat and tries to take the girls, we will fight. Defne's family managed to defend Esra and we can!

"You don't understand," Mirai sobbed. - The situation is fundamentally different. Kadir Shishmaz is a swindler and gambler. And Mehmet Astarkhan is a respected member of society, the head of the Turkish Bar Association, the owner of a law firm, and the son of the head of the Istanbul police. We don't have a single chance to defeat him. And I can't let him take the girls. I would die without them," she whispered plaintively.

Mert had never eavesdropped at the door in his life. He didn't want to do it even now. But for the last two days, his mother was absolutely distraught and refused to name the reason for her condition. She also canceled the wedding. The girls were upset, and so was he. Kartal is a wonderful person and a real man. He would make Mom happy, Mert did not doubt it. Then why does she refuse to marry him?

And the reason was simple! Their well-bred scoundrel daddy is just as low a blackmailer as Esra's father. Mert quietly walked away from the door and ran towards the elevator. The first impulse was to rush to Mehmet Astarkhan and express to his face everything that he thinks about him. But by the time the elevator stopped on the lower floor, Mert was able to pull himself together and think with a cool head. His speech will not work. Father is a lawyer. He perfectly knows his rights and that for their mother, children are above all. He's also a heartless bastard. Without hesitation, he will fulfill his threat and will break the life of mom and mister Kartal. There is only one person in the world who can stop him. Mert didn't want to go to him and show his vulnerability. But there was no choice.

He walked out of the building with a brisk pace, crossed the road, and got on a bus bound for Sisli.

Half an hour later, the boy stood in front of the Palace of Justice. After only a moment's hesitation, he entered the building and stopped at the checkpoint.

"I am the grandson of Judge Onder Gumuskaya, Mert Astarkhan," he turned to the security. - I need to meet with my grandfather. You can tell him that I am here.

The guard was surprised, but he complied with the request and called Judge Gumuskaya on the internal phone. After hearing the answer, he told Mert:

- The judge is waiting for you. Cabinet number 186. This is the second floor, the sixth door to the right.

Thanking him, the boy headed for the stairs. Finding office no. 186 was not difficult. Grandfather was really waiting for him. Hands clasped behind his back, he stood in the middle of a huge room furnished with austere but expensive furniture and scanned the front door with his gaze.

- What happened? Your Mom?The girls? He asked anxiously as soon as Mert crossed the threshold.

Mert looked into his eyes and replied:

- Mom and the girls need your help.

Grandfather pointed to a chair and ordered:

- Sit down and tell.

He remained on his feet and while listening to the whole story paced around the room.

"Bastard," he hissed when his grandson was silent. "But don't worry. I have authority over him. It's good that you came to me. You did the right thing.

They exchanged glances and for the first time, Mert did not look at him as an angry wolf cub. This circumstance added to the grandfather's determination and strength. He called both Astarkhan. One at that moment was about to leave the Palace of Justice, the second just drove up to it and entered inside.

"Cancel your appointments," Gumuskaya ordered abruptly. - In fifteen minutes I am waiting for both in my office.

Astarkhan came together. Mehmet, seeing his son, moved his head nervously. His eyes flickered from side to side. Onder Gumuskaya's gaze was filled with fire. He went up to his former son-in-law and punched him in the stomach with all his might. Mehmet bent over, gasping for air. The dumbfounded Engin Astarkhan grabbed his friend's hand and shouted:

- Are you crazy?

Onder looked at him with eyes burning with anger and replied:

- I just did what I had to do seven years ago when your idiot son doubted my daughter's honesty and his paternity. But then I was a blind idiot.

- And now you have seen? - Straightening up, Mehmet asked hoarsely through his teeth.

The irony in his voice further spurred Onder Gumuskaya's anger. He grabbed the man by the collar and poured his anger into his well-groomed face:

- Yes, I have seen! Has seen through! And I won't let you break Mirai's life a second time!

- Why break? Just put everything in its place. Mirai will return to me, and we will all become a big family again.

Mert's eyes went up to his forehead from such blatant arrogance and impudence of his father. He looked at his grandfather and involuntarily held his breath, waiting for how he would take such a statement. Onder shook his former son-in-law and pushed him away. Demonstratively taking a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiping his hands, he said slowly:

- Forget it! You lost Mirai seven years ago and you have no right to even try to get her back.

- Why so? Mehmet asked defiantly.

- Because there is no forgiveness for what you have done. And that means - step aside and let her build her life and her happiness. She deserved it like no other.

The steel tone did not allow for objection. Mehmet gritted his teeth. Hell! He did not think that the former father-in-law would accept such a position. He was sure that he also wants a family reunion. But Gumuskaya decided to support Mirai. This will complicate matters. It is difficult for a lawyer to confront a judge. Although, there is also his father, and his support can be decisive.

Mehmet glanced at his father. He looked bewildered and looked confusedly from friend to son and back.

- Maybe one of you can explain to me what happened? - He demanded an answer.

It was given by Mert. He approached the three men and, looking into the eyes of his father, answered his grandfather clearly:

- Your son found out that his ex-wife was going to get married and threatened that if she did not refuse this decision, he would take her daughters away from her.

- It's true? - Engin Astarkhan asked his son, frowning.

"True," he replied. - I made a mistake seven years ago and I want to fix it. Get my family back. Enough time passed, and I was able to realize finally - Mirai is the only woman that I need. Besides, we have children. They will be better off with their own father.

- What? - Mert laughed in his face. - Do you really think so? What nonsense! We do not consider you a father. You are nobody! An empty place in our life. And that will never change.

"Girls may think differently," Mehmet objected.

- Girls are smart! - retorted Mert. - Most of all in life they love their mother. Her happiness is important to them. Neither attempts at bribery nor psychological pressure will work on them. Besides, there is me. I'll tell them everything they don't remember. Everything you did to mom. And you can be sure that they will listen to me and not you.

- Did you blackmail Mirai? - moving away from the first shock, asked Engin Astarkhan his son. Mehmet silently averted his eyes. - Moron! I understand your desire to return your wife and children! I also want Mirai to come back to you! But is that the way?

- Forget it both! - said Onder Gumuskaya firmly. - Mirai is lost to you forever. This is a fact that you both need to come to terms with. She will marry her beloved man, and you," he poked with a forefinger Mehmet in the chest," will do nothing to prevent this.

- Onder, wait! Engin tried to reason with his friend. - Why is Mirai in a hurry with this marriage?

- Because SHE wants to marry this man! - interrupted Onder. - And you will accept it! Of course, if you want to continue to have my support in your career.

Engin Astarkhan deflated before their eyes like a punctured rubber ball. He needed the support of Judge Gumuskaya like air. The situation with Hazal and her idiot husband significantly undermined his reputation and his career hung in the balance. And two weeks later, is the trial of his unworthy daughter and son-in-law. And what will be the consequences of widespread publicity, no one can predict. Yes, he fully supported the investigation and even ordered it to be carried out with special care. Yes, he did not try to shield his relatives and hush up the case. But the fact remains that the daughter and son-in-law of the head of the Istanbul police are criminals and swindlers.

"Okay," he agreed. - Neither I nor Mehmet will interfere with this marriage. Got it?! - He harshly turned to his son. He gritted his teeth but nodded his head in agreement.

"And both of you will give a receipt that you renounce the claims to girls," Mert put the following condition.

Grandfather Gumuskaya looked at him with respect and said:

- Do not worry. I'll see to it. No one will ever take the girls from Mirai, - he turned to Astarkhan and coldly uttered: - I no longer detain you. When the official document is ready, we will meet at the notary.

Both silently left the office. Onder Gumuskaya and Mert looked at each other. The boy's gaze changed. He no longer looked at his grandfather as a stranger, and he felt crazy joy.

"Thank you," said Mert.

"Тhere is nothing to thank me for, " he replied. - Mirai is my daughter. I was a bad father and brought her a lot of pain. But now I am happy that I was able to help her.

Mert nodded. After thinking for a minute, he spoke again:

- I have a request for you. Personal.

- Speak, - ordered the grandfather.

"I want to ask you that the trial of Kadir Shishmaz is in closed session and that the circumstances of the case should not be published by the media. And also, so that the harshest of all possible sentences should be passed on him.

"You don't have to worry. It will be so, - promised Judge Onder Gumuskaya.

Mirai was crying again. Desperately asked the Almighty, why did he reward her with such a fate? Why she is not entitled to happiness? But no one could answer her question.

Footsteps were heard in the corridor. They fell silent in front of the door and a moment it swung open. Mert stood in the doorway. Mirai wiped away her tears with lightning speed and smiled at her son.

- Where have you been? I was looking for you, but in Passionis they said that you left ...

- Mom, I know everything, - interrupted her boy. - About my father blackmailing you and why you canceled the wedding. Sorry, I accidentally overheard your conversation with Mr. Kartal.

She smiled with trembling lips and assured him:

- Doesn't matter. I would have told you anyway.

"I was with grandfather Onder," Mert blurted out.

Mirai's face stretched, and panic flashed in her eyes.

- With my father? She whispered. - But why?

- Because he was the only one able to help us, - he carefully looked into the pale face of his mother. - And he helped, Mom.

Mert recounted the whole scene in the office of Judge Gumuskaya word for word and finished the story with the words:

- There is no more blackmail and conditions, mom. You are free to do whatever you want. Everything that you think is right for yourself.

Mirai darted from her place. Taking her son's face in her palms, she kissed him on the forehead and said with feeling:

- Thank you! You are the best son in the world.

Mert blushed and pushed his mother to the door: - Run, make your fiancé happy. He, too, is not himself now.

Mirai flew out of the office and, without knocking, ran to Kartal. He sat, bent over a report, but did not see it at all. The worried face of the woman he loved frightened him. He scrambled to his feet, walked out to meet her, and anxiously asked?

- What? New conditions?

She shook her head. Her eyes filled with tears, but a touching smile appeared on her lips.

- Not! There are no more conditions. No blackmail. My father stopped him and Mehmet no longer has any power over the girls. We can get married, as we intended, this Saturday!

A wide smile blossomed on Kartal's face. Laughing triumphantly, he picked up the bride and whirled around the office with her.

Returning to her room, Mirai went to the window and for several minutes gazed thoughtfully at the blue sky. Then she took out her phone and called her father.

- Dad! She whispered and sobbed. - Thank you!

- Well, what are you, dear, - he spoke softly. - Why are you crying? Everything is all right. Astarkhan will never harm you again.

"I know," Mirai said a little louder, and, with courage, asked: "Come to us for dinner today. And come to the wedding. It will take place on Saturday at the City Hall.

"Certainly, my soul," her father promised in a trembling voice.


In the evening, Omer and Defne, taking their daughter with them, went to Topal home. They did not expect to see guests at all, but they were glad of such an unexpected visit. The grandmother immediately snatched the great-granddaughter from Omer's hands and began to coo with her:

- My caramel! Did you miss your grandmother?

Defne, however, sat down at the table in the dining room and nodded to her relatives at the chairs.

- Have a seat. I have a story to tell you.

When Grandma, Serdar, and Nihan were seated, she took out a folded sheet of paper from her purse, unrolled it, and put it in the middle of the table.

- What is it? - curious Nihan was the first to grab the paper and unfold it. - DNA test? Negative? Why did you do a DNA test ?! - she exclaimed.

"Yes," Defne confirmed. She gave her family a long look. All three looked at her numb and forgetting to breathe. - I did. And it showed that Kadir Shishmaz is not my biological father.

Grandma and Nihan froze with their mouths open, while Serdar muttered:

- Lucky you. I, too, would love to get rid of his genes.

"You won't succeed," the grandmother whispered, barely moving her lips. "You're definitely his son. Esra is his child too.

Defne turned pale and raised stunned eyes to her.

- Grandmother! Did you know that I am not his daughter?

Turkan lowered her eyes and answered quietly:

- I guessed. But I didn't know for sure. I hid my head in the sand. I didn't want to admit that my daughter was an unworthy woman. Although, what is already there ... such it is. Hold her, son, - she gave Emine Diana to Omer, and she went upstairs.

- Where is she going? - Following her with a surprised look, Nihan asked, but no one answered her. They all sat in silence. Even the baby did not make a sound, as if she understood what kind of drama was happening in the room.

Grandma came back five minutes later and handed Defnе a piece of paper with numbers written on it.

- Here, take it.

- What is it? - Taking it in hand, asked Defne.

- Your mother's phone.

- Where did you get it from? - asked Serdar with a frown.

- She called. In January. To our home phone. We hadn't used it for so long that I thought it was turned off for a long time for non-payment. When it rang, I got scared. Picked up the phone, and she was calling. Aysun.

- And what did she want? - Serdar asked angrily.

- Asked how we are. Do we need anything?

"What a concern after thirteen years," he hissed sardonically through his teeth. "I hope you told her that we are all right and we don't need her help.

- I said, - answered Turkan.

- And what? Serdar's voice was bubbling with anger.

- She left this number, - grandmother nodded to the piece of paper in the hands of Defne. - Asked me to call, if need. Oh yes! She also said to say hello to you.

- To hell with her! - Serdar hissed through clenched teeth and wanted to grab the paper from Defne's hands. But she clenched her fist and he angrily ordered her: - Defne, throw it out! We don't need her or her phone number.

But Defne resisted and hid her hand behind her back. Looking into Serdar's eyes, she said firmly:

- Not! I have to talk to her.

- About what?! - He was indignant. Nihan pushed him in the side with her fist and looked in a way that immediately dawned on him. - A-ah! You want to know who your father is. Who cares who! He is still a stranger to you. We are your family!

- Defne, do you really want to know who he is? - Omer turned his wife's face to him and looked attentively in the eyes. - Do you want to?

- I do not know! - She answered in confusion. "I thought I don't want to. Now I don't know. It burns here. "She put her hand on her chest. - Burns mercilessly. I have to talk to my mother. Or this mystery will continue to torment me.

Grandmother went up to her, hugged her, and pressed the redhead of her Defne to her chest.

- Call her, - ordered. - Be sure to call. Let all the secrets disappear and not torment us all.

Defne called in Paris the next day.

First, she gave herself time to think and sort out her feelings. Omer understood her condition and did not pester her with questions. He only hugged her tightly, without words saying that he was near, he loved her and would always love her. He took care of Emine. From his touching attitude towards her, tears welled up in Defne's eyes. Her girl will never experience what she had to endure. These thoughts were the best consolation. No matter how unsettled her past was, the future is indestructible like a rock. Omer will take care of this.

In the morning, making Omer coffee and tea for herself, she simultaneously copied the number from the paper into her phone. The husband, with their daughter in his arms, appeared in the kitchen, saw this. He approached her, with his free hand pulled her head to him, and kissed her temple. Then he looked into her eyes and said:

- Whatever you hear today, remember that I love you more than life.

She closed her moist eyes and answered him with a touching, trembling smile.

And now she was sitting in her office, looking at the phone and gathering courage to call the cuckoo woman.

The finger struck the chain of numbers and long beeps were heard, followed by a painfully familiar, melodious voice:

- Hello.

"Mom," Defne whispered. - Hello.

There was silence in response. So long that Defne died three times and was born again. And when there was no patience to bear it, her mother spoke in a light, carefree tone:

- Defne? It's you? Hello dear! Sorry, I don't have much time, I'm in a hurry to shop. But I can set aside twenty minutes to chat with you.

"That's enough for me," Defne said hoarsely. "Then let's not waste time. A month ago, Kadir Shishmaz showed up in Istanbul. He tried to take Esra by blackmail but was arrested. Your ex-husband is a criminal and is facing a trial.

- Are you calling to tell me about this? - The mother's voice sounded surprised. - Oh, dear, in vain! I have not been interested in where he is and what happened to him for a long time.

Madam Aysun, as usual, thought only of herself. Defne bitterly smiled at the thought and replied:

"No, that's not why I'm calling you. I just want to know the truth. The DNA test showed that I am not a daughter of Kadir Shishmaz.

- Not a daughter? - The voice changed. Trembled and acquired confused notes. - After all, you are not his daughter...

- What? - From shock, Defne's consciousness was numb. She could only squeeze out: - You do not know from whom you got pregnant with me?

- Oh my God! Don't talk like I'm a whore! - The mother was indignant. - It happened only once. Serdar was two. Kadir disappeared once again, and we were left practically without means of subsistence. I left my son to my mother, and I got a job as a maid in one of the expensive hotels in Alacati. He was a vacationer. A young man, eighteen years old. But god! How gallant he was, how beautifully courted me! I never knew this before. Defne, I was only twenty! - She exclaimed with feeling, but then her voice became quiet, barely audible: - I ... gave in.

- And then? Defne asked dispassionately.

- After a couple of days, Kadir returned. With pockets full of money. He said that I didn't have to work and took me back to Manisa. A month later, I found out that I was pregnant. Defne, I really always thought you were Kadir's daughter! Aysun raised her voice again. She seemed to want to reach out to her daughter. Make her believe.

Defne believed.

Her mother was always weak. Always went with the flow. She believed in what was convenient to believe in and did not notice the obvious that did not fit into her invented illusion.

- What was his name? Defne asked quietly. Aysun hesitated and delayed her answer. - What was his name?! Defne repeated demandingly.

- Now he is a businessman ..., the owner of jewelry stores ..., I recently saw a magazine, it was written about the wedding of his daughter ... - her mother babbled.

Defne's eyes darkened and she screamed:

- Say the name!

- Ozcan Baisal.

The phone fell out of her becoming weak fingers and hit the tabletop. The screen went blank. Defne put her head in her hands and squeezed it. It is horrible! Her own father tried to woo her. This thought almost paralyzed her and destroyed her common sense. And when, a minute later, with a financial report in her hands, Jansu entered the office, she could not hide her feelings. She looked at her with huge eyes, transparent from tears. This look frightened the girl. Throwing the folder on the table, she flew up to Defne, sat down in front of her, and shook her shoulders:

- What's the matter? You feel bad?

"You are my sister," Defne whispered, and the next moment she covered her mouth with her hand.

What has she done? Why did she tell her? What if this truth will destroy all the good that is between them?

But Jansu's eyes, after the first shock, lit up with delight:

- Are you kidding? She asked suspiciously.

Defne shook her head and told her everything from the DNA test to the conversation with her mother.

Jansu laughed happily and hugged Defne tightly.

- We are sisters! We are really sisters! How I dreamed of having a sister. And I got the best! - She jumped to her feet and pulled Defne by the hand. - Let's go to our father faster! We need to tell him!

- Stop! - Defne stopped her and said doubtfully: - What if he doesn't like this news? Acquiring another adult daughter may not necessarily be a joy for a person.

- Silly! - exclaimed Jansu. - This is Ozcan Baisal! He is obsessed with children. Believe me, you have acquired the best father in the world!

"No," Defne objected. - The best father in the world is Omer!

She slapped her forehead with her hand.

- Oh my God! Omer! I haven't told him anything yet! Jansu - She released her hand from her sister's fingers. - I must first tell Omer. And we will come to you in the evening. Just don't tell your father yet. I'll tell him myself.

Jansu rolled her eyes and sighed exaggeratedly.

- All-day to be silent about such news. I'm going to burst!

- You won't burst! - Defne pushed her to the door. - Go and look after your niece. Laura is with her now. And our pregnant woman will soon see a doctor.

- With great pleasure! - Declared Jansu and exclaimed cheerfully: - Allah! I have a sister and a niece! What happiness!

Omer looked at her with round eyes from shock. His brain refused to take Defne's words. Stuttering the first word, he said:

- A-a-are you kidding?

- Not! - She shook her head. - I'm telling the truth. Ozcan Baisal is my biological father.

Omer scratched the back of his head and stated the fact:

- Now at least it is clear where you got your craving for jewelry making. Paternal genes.

- He does not create, but sells jewelry, - Defne mechanically corrected him.

"It means that the genes have mutated and have risen to a higher level," Omer answered just as mechanically and shook his head in shock: "It's crazy! I, like a madman, was jealous of my own father-in-law. Defne. "He shook his finger at her. - We will never tell anyone about this. I mean about jealousy, - he clarified, and Defne made a gesture as if closing her mouth with a lock.

- I am a grave! - She promised with an oath and reported the following killer news: - Tonight we are going to the Baisal.To uncover secrets.

- And I? - Omer asked fearfully.

- And you! - confirmed Defne. - And Emine. I will need moral support.

- And I better bring a bottle of smelling salts, - muttered Omer.

Defne carefully prepared for dinner at the Baisal's house. She went through the dresses, unable to decide in what image she wants to appear before her father - an elegant lady, a romantic girl, or a serious mother of the family. Omer got tired of waiting for her. Pulling out of the closet a blue dress with a flared skirt and long lantern sleeves, he thrust it into his wife's hands and ordered:

- Dress.

- Is it not too simple? - She doubted. - I will not look provincial in it?

- Defne! - Omer was indignant. - Baisal knows you very well. This is not the first time you will appear before his eyes. He will see what he has seen before - a beautiful, worthy girl. Put on your dress and let's go.

Sighing, Defne obeyed. But all the same, she was worried all the way and nervously smoothed the blue silk of the dress on her knees.

The Baisal House greeted the guests with bright lighting and lushly blooming petunias, geraniums, and lobelia. The pots with them were hung in the arched openings of the long and wide veranda. Defne stopped for a moment, inhaling the sweet, honey scent. For some reason, the smell gave her confidence. The owner of the house loves flowers, loves children, and precious stones. This means he will be lenient towards the girl who, by chance, turned out to be his daughter.

Jansu ran out to meet the guests. Smiling to Omer, she kissed Emine Diana's tiny head and took Defne's arm.

- I was silent, - reported to her. - I didn't say a word. You have no idea what it cost me.

"I can imagine," Defne replied to her tone. - Your father was not surprised by our visit?

"Our father," Jansu corrected her. - He was not surprised but delighted.

"I don't know how we'll tell him," Defne whispered worriedly.

"Don't be afraid," her newfound sister reassured her. - Leave everything to me. Did you bring the photo?

- Yes. It's in my purse.

- That's great!

Omer glanced sideways at the sisters and murmured, leaning towards Emine:

- My soul, your aunt is an adventuress and will infect mom with adventure. I'm afraid it will be hard for you and me.

- Omer, don't grumble! - shouted at him Jansu and opened the door so that he could easily roll the stroller with the baby. Defne followed.

The inside of the house was as beautiful and warm as the outside. But Defne could not see the ambiance. Everything floated before her eyes and only the silhouette of a man who walked towards them remained clear. Smiling, Ozcan Baisal greeted the guests:

- Welcome! Happy to see the Iplikci family in my house!

Jansu looked slyly and assured her father:

- Daddy, believe me, in ten minutes your happiness will increase significantly.

- You intrigue me, - he affectionately tugged a lock of hair of his daughter and invited the guests to go into the living room. Looking into the stroller, he smiled at Emine Diana and praised her parents: - It's so good that you took the baby with you. I haven't held a small child in my arms for so long. And this is the greatest joy in life - to inhale the smell of a child.

- Oh yeah! - supported him Jansu. - And even when a child is such a sweet caramel, like our Emine Diana.

Defne involuntarily moved closer to Omer, but the restless sister hugged her by the shoulders and, pressing her cheek to hers, asked her father:

- Dad, don't you think that Defne and I are very similar?

Not understanding what his cunning daughter was driving at, Ozcan nevertheless looked closely at the girls. Both are fragile and slender. Both are redheads. Only Jansu has hair of a darker, chestnut shade. And the eyes are green, and Defne has brown. But this was not what caught his eye. There was a subtle but distinct resemblance in the features of both girls. A vague alarm began to itch in his chest. And Jansu held out her open hand to Defne and demanded:

- Give me the photo.

The guest opened her purse, took out an old photograph with yellowed edges, and put it in Jansu's hand. She went up to her father, handed him the photo, and asked:

- Dad, do you know this woman?

He recognized her the moment he saw her. His passion and obsession. The beautiful maid at the Alacati hotel, who gave him a hot night, and two days later disappeared forever. Ozcan looked at Defne and asked demandingly:

- Where did you get this photo?

"This photo was taken in Alacati ...," Defne began to say, but he interrupted her.

- I know when and where it was made! I ask, where did you get it?

"This is my mother," Defne replied quietly. - Aysun. I was born nine months later. Kadir Shishmaz is not my biological father. The DNA test has confirmed this for sure.

Awareness slowly penetrated the brain. This girl, to whom his heart was drawn from the very first moment he saw her, is his daughter. His adult, beautiful, talented daughter. Then, at the first meeting, he thought that she hooked him like a woman, and only now realized that she had not. He felt in her something dear ... painfully beloved. His child! Only a pragmatic reason, not knowing the truth, cut off these bells of the subconscious.

"Daughter...," Ozcan said barely audibly.

He opened his arms and Defne threw herself into his embrace. Both were crying. Defne about her childhood, in which a stranger, whom she considered father, punished her for not being like him. And Ozcan, about the little girl whom he will never know and hadn't seen how she grew up.

Jansu exchanged glances with Omer and smiled encouragingly at him. And then she went to the stroller, took Emine Diana out of it, and brought her to her father.

- Grandpa, isn't it time for you to take your granddaughter in your arms? - She asked.

Ozcan released Defne from his embrace and took the baby in trembling hands. He held her in the air and examined her tiny, pretty face. Emine Diana stared at the unfamiliar uncle with round eyes-olives. Deciding that she liked him, she smiled broadly at him with a toothless mouth. Grandfather's heart melted. Love of unprecedented strength poured into him and flooded to the brim.

- My pearl, - he whispered and hugged the baby to his chest. - My little, precious, golden pearl.

Omer approached Defne, hugged her by the shoulders, and said in a low voice:

- Here you go! Our Bead also has a real, cool grandfather.

Later, they all ate dinner together on the terrace of the house. They joked, laughed, told stories from life, and felt happy.


And in the detention center of the Istanbul prison, Kadir Shishmaz climbed onto his bunk and groaned in pain. His entire body was covered with bruises. It is not known how, but inmates found out that he put his daughter on the line. It was a horrible crime even for the criminal world. After all, children are inviolable. A father pushing his daughter into prostitution was considered an outcast. Kadir was beaten every evening. His access to water was blocked. They turned over his plate of food and he had to eat from the floor in order not to die of hunger. He was afraid to fall asleep and over the past five days, he slept at most for a couple of hours. And in such hell, he will have to live for many years. Despair and wild rage tore him apart. He fiercely hated everyone involved in his arrest and dreamed of how, having been released from prison, he would repay them in full.

Fatigue took its toll. Kadir Shishmaz closed his eyes and fell into a heavy sleep. He was awakened by a stench and a hoarse, gurgling laugh. Gasping, he opened his eyes and saw the face of one of the inmates above him. He bared his teeth in an eerie grin and hissed:

- Greetings to you from the Boss. He asked to convey that debts are not forgiven. He takes not only money but also life.

In the next instant, a filthy, smelly pillow fell on Shishmaz's face.

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