Being Parents

By acarolnmartins

318K 3.5K 4.8K

Over 110,000 reads!! After the Golden Trio plus Ginny have been through so much in their short lives, are the... More

Telling Harry
The Weasley's Reaction
Telling Teddy
Carrier Changes
Godparents' Secrets
Christmas Spirit
A Family of Families
New Year's Rough Start
New Beginnings
Old Grudges and Lovers
Bonded for Life
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Girl Talk
Meet J.S.P.
Couple Time
Party Much
Place Your Bets
First Times
Trick or Love
A Tradition of Sorts
Love Vacationing
Meetings In Diagon Alley
New Friendships
Best Gift Ever
Red It Is
Christmas Madness
Lateness Nightmare
Love Is In The Air
New Additions
Potter Vacation
Ten Years Later
Wedding of the Century

Boy Talk

6.3K 81 104
By acarolnmartins


Harry and Bernard arrived at the scene shortly after Seamus' call and before everyone else. The change on Harry's mood was radical and immediate, from water to wine, and the first thing he did when arriving at the little Chinese restaurant was to hug his wife tight and kiss her belly. The second thing though was kicking X.O. on the ribs just like Ginny had done minutes before.

Susan and Seamus took Ginny home and Harry and Ben arrested X.O. and took him to the Ministry, while the other Aurors involved on the task force, together with the Obliviators, took care of the scene, returning it to its original form and obliviating the poor waiter that witnessed the whole thing after taking his memories to be used for trial.

Harry Potter's first question to his suspect was "Who the fuck are you?". 

During their investigations, they got pretty much everything on the man, except for his identity. X.O. showed himself mentally unstable but complied to the questioning nevertheless. The grand shock about the man who wanted to kill Harry and harm Ginny was whom he was son of. 

Xavier Olson (X.O.) was the son of Alecto Carrow. He was born just before the Carrow twins joined the Dark Lord back on the first Wizarding War and was abandoned and hidden by his own mother with his Muggle father. If Voldemort had ever learned Alecto had a child with a muggle man, she would certainly be given a death sentence. The only time Xavier met his mother, shortly before she started 'teaching' in Hogwarts, she told him she was part of a group of activists that were fighting for a better world and that a man, called Harry Potter, was trying to bring them down. 

Xavier spent his childhood in the muggle world, living in Bulgaria. As he reached the proper age and found out about his magical skills, he was disowned by his father and went to Durmstrang. During his school years, he became strong on the Dark Arts and gathered quite few loyal friends that would stick with him no matter what (most of them now imprisoned or dead). One day, when he learned about his mother's death in Azkaban, the British wizarding prison, and learned that the man his mother had told him about was their Head Auror, he went spat and mental. He started planning his revenge where his only objective was to cause pain and murder Harry Potter.

Needless to say his plan was not completed. Xavier Olson did cause pain to the Head Auror (he had lost an Auror and had been paranoid for Ginny's and his sons' safety), but in the end, he only accomplished five life times sentences in Azkaban, right next to his uncle Amycus, who would love to know his sister had a son with a muggle man, information that the deceased Alecto had kept even from her own twin brother.

Harry and Ginny's relationship had come back to normality, with normal working hours for both (Ginny was now free to leave the house) and fun family time for everyone. Ginny had told him about how she thought that the wandless magic came from her womb and not from her. With that amazing doubt, the couple paid Headmistress McGonagall a visit and asked to talk with Dumbledore's painting, something Harry hadn't done since the end of the war. 

"Professor Dumbledore?" Harry asked as Minerva left the room to give them some privacy. Harry was holding Ginny's waist, who was wearing a red and gold tank top that was beautifully embracing her baby bump.

"Harry, my boy." Dumbledore's painting greeted, delightful. "What may I owe the pleasure?"

"Professor, Ginny and I have a question and we think you'd be the only one to know what it means." Harry explained while Ginny noticed Snape's painting was listening in.

"First of all, I have to congratulate you, Harry. Head Auror, all grown-up, married with a son and another on the way. I'm proud of you." Dumbledore praised with a warm smile. "But ask away."

"Thank-" Harry started before breaking into a grin. "Wait, how do you know all that?"           

"You would be surprised as how gossipy Minerva is." He told with that same calm voice. 

"Who would've known!" Ginny joked, caressing her belly.

"Anyway, I don't know if you heard about a man going after me and Ginny. Xavier Olson, son of Alecto Carrow." Harry explained. 

"WHAT?" Snape's painting enchanted.

"She kept in secret." Ginny explained. "Quite well, may I add."

"I see, what about him?" Dumbledore considered. Snape was still open mouthed. 

"I think Ginny is better at explaining it." Harry looked down at his wife. 

"Miss Weasley?" Dumbledore yielded the word, but corrected himself. "Sorry, Mrs. Potter?"

Ginny smiled. "Well, professor, I was out shopping with Susan Bones and Seamus Finnegan guarding me, they are on the Auror squad, and we stopped to eat at a restaurant where X.O. caught me again."  

"Again?" Snape repeated.

"X.O.'s first show off was at Diagon Alley with Ginny." Harry explained, looking down. "I- I didn't get there in time and then..."

Ginny squeezed his arm. "No, honey, we've been over this, it's not your fault, for Merlin's sake." Dumbledore looked meaningfully to Ginny, as if asking for an explanation. "An Auror died, Robins Maxwell, and I ended up in St. Mungo's. Harry blames himself. You know him."

"Typical." Snape grumbled gaining a killing shot from Ginny.

"Seriously, Snape, Harry defends you through wands and fire and makes sure you are remembered like a hero instead of the horrible person you were to him and yet you even as a painting are horrible to him. Yeah, Lily must love to know that!" Ginny exploded. You never mess with a pregnant woman, in the crazy heat August was offering them and hormonally deregulated. "Anywho," Ginny stressed out while Harry and Dumbledore looked at her humored. "He captured me with his wand pressed to my neck with Susan and Seamus pointing their wands at him, but afraid of hurting me. Then, out of me, a light came out and made X.O. go flying into the roof, making it easy for Susan to petrify and Seamus stun him." Snape and Dumbledore exchange a look.

"Wandless magic." Dumbledore stated.

"Didn't know you had it in you, Mrs. Potter." Snape praised with a double meaning. 

"Well, literally. You see, it wasn't me." Ginny explained. "It came from my womb; it was the baby!" 

"It can't be!" Snape gasped. "Is it possible, Albus?"

Dumbledore thought for a while before saying anything. "You have a powerful child there. It is very rare, Severus, but possible nevertheless for the baby's magic come to the rescue when the mother is in danger. Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Another boy, Professor!" Harry answered, full of pride. 

"Congratulations, then. You should expect great things from him." 

Harry and Ginny exchanged a glance. "One more thing, Ginny and I would like to name him after you, Professor."

"I- really?" Dumbledore gasped. "I'm honored, Harry. I can't wait to meet him and his brother, James Sirius, am I right?"

"What a creative name." Snape joked.

"We wanted to honor the ones we love." Harry rolled his eyes. "It was Ginny's idea, actually. And you have to meet Remus' son."

"Teddy is the sweetest and cutest and most wonderful child. Could I ask for a better godson?" Ginny vaunted.

"Droll much?" Snape joked again, but regretted moments later.

"Well, Severus, I'm sure I wouldn't expect any less from Remus' child." Dumbledore defended Ginny. "Mrs. Potter, take a seat, you must be tired with that belly. Harry, you too. Tell me more about what's going on, Minerva has been off gossiping for a while. The kids last year were a nightmare for her!" Snape rolled his eyes, but kept awake anyway. 

The couple laughed and took a seat, with Ginny summoning a glass and putting some water with Aguamenti

"Well, sir, a lot has happened. Susan and Seamus, as we mentioned before, are not only partners in the squad, but also are dating. Neville and Hannah you should know all about. Ron left the Office and Hermione is pregnant of a baby girl, our goddaughter-"

"WHAT?" Ginny slapped his arm. "You know it's a girl and you haven't told me??"

"Ouch, hon." Harry complained. "I forgot, ok? A lot has happened this last week! And I thought Mione wanted to tell you herself, or Ron."

Dumbledore smiled at their beautiful relationship. "What about the rest of the Weasley's?"


Pregnancy was in the air and Alicia Spinnet was about to explode, in every way possible. Her belly was gigantic and her mood impossible to handle, but at the end of the day, Lee wouldn't have it any other way, he was falling in love with her and excited to meet his child (they decided to not know the gender and have a surprise). Alicia ended up accepting Lee's invite to move in with him and they were living together for two months. Their apartment, located on Edinburgh's finest residential neighborhood, was a three bedroom flat, with a large kitchen, a comfortable sitting room and also a reading bench with a full-body window overlooking the street. It was a ten-story building and they lived on the last floor. They had prepared the nursery using Gryffindor's colors (no pressure for the baby, whatsoever) and the guest bedroom was now Alicia's. 

It was at Lee's apartment where all the guys were that not so lovely and extremely hot though cloudy summer day, the last Sunday of the month. Alicia was kidnapped by the girls at Angelina's command and she was on her baby shower. Lee Jordan ended up hanging out with his male friends and their respective kids. 

Freddie had just turned one and was trying hard to walk whilst James ran around the room after Teddy who had learned he could change his nose as well. Oliver was sitting at the reading bench with Neville, while Harry and George were sat on the floor to be closer to the babies. Lee fell all over an armchair after getting everyone some butterbeer and Seamus and Rolf were at the couch. Ron was relaxing on the puff. 

"Last month of pregnancy!" George stated, holding Freddie up to his feet. "How are the expectations to parenthood?"

"Can I be honest with you?" Lee started, drinking a bit of his butterbeer. They all nodded. "I'm fucking scared. A little baby! How are you so good with them?" He asked looking at Harry and George. 

Harry laughed. "You'll learn. I was a disaster with Teddy at first!"

"Yeah, he really was!" Ron agreed. "Remember the first time you had to change his diaper?"

"Thank Merlin your mum was there! Not even Hermione knew what to do!" Harry added to the memory. 

"Maybe I should get a godchild before Hannah gets pregnant!" Neville joked, gaining a meaningful glare from Harry he didn't understand. "It seems it helps to build trust."

"Certainly it does!" George said. "I thought I was going to drop Dom the first time I held her. But something about the little baby on your arms that you love so much... It doesn't let you do anything too bad!"

"But imagine if you have twins!" Oliver added. "How absurdly hard it must be?? I'd not wish it for my greatest enemy!"

Seamus laughed. "It would kill me of laughter if you end up having twins, Wood!"

"I find it interesting how twins build up completely different personalities." Rolf opinionated. 

"This conversation is starting to be weird." Lee joked. "Tell me, Ron, how's preggers Weasley? Is she getting impossible to deal with as well?"

"Mate, I love Hermione, but she is driving me crazy! Don't tell her that, Harry, but seriously I never know what to do. She's either crying about a bird that didn't land right or yelling at me because I put my left shoe on first. How mental is that?" Ron answered and Harry nodded. He secretly wished Hermione went sooner to maternity leave. "Is Alicia too moody?"

"If I didn't love her so mu-" Lee interrupted himself and noticed they were all staring at him. He had never said he loved Alicia out loud.  

"If you didn't what?" Oliver gasped. Most of them thought it was just an one night stand. Ron knew it wasn't. He knew Lee wanted a relationship with Alicia from the start and that she couldn't deal with the pregnancy anda relationship all together. She had told Hermione that much on James' birthday. 

"I though it was just an one night stand." Rolf stared in confusion to everyone because he usually doesn't know about the group's gossip.

"You weren't the only one, Rolf!" Neville let out. "Don't feel left out!!"

Lee swallowed. "I had never said that out loud." 

"Are you going to tell us what's that all about?" Harry pressed.

"You see, when we shagged last Christmas it wasn't just another conquer. We had talked and laughed and connected at the Christmas dinner at Harry's house. My parents are divorced and have their own families and Alicia's parents were traveling, so after the dinner party she came back to Edinburgh with me and we went to a pub and got drunk and well, you know what happened next." Teddy had stopped running around for James to chase him and was at Harry's lap, listening to the story. James was with Ron and Freddie fell asleep on Rolf's arms, making George laugh at his son's choice of arms. "The next day, we spent Christmas day together and it was magical. We were almost dating by mid-January. That's when she started to avoid me. It was when she found out she was pregnant. I tried hard to reach her, as we were seeing each other almost everyday, but I was always answered by her secretary saying she was too busy with her clients because the season was about to re-start and that crap. Eventually she told me she was pregnant and you guys know the rest."

"Wow." Oliver gasped, again.

"Mate, you never told me that!" George scolded. "I thought you were my best friend."

"Sorry..." Lee breathed out, looking at his hands.

"Ok, topic change before Lee starts crying over there and this turns into our wives/girlfriends baby shower!" George joked, nodding to Lee's apologies.

"Harry," Neville called. "I heard you went to visit Hogwarts. What did you go there for?"

"Ginny and I went to talk with Dumbledore about something." Harry explained mysteriously, but Seamus knew what they went there to ask about. "Snape's painting was as bitchy as the real Snape and Ginny yelled at him. It must be good to say whatever you want just because you're pregnant."

"Hermione is the one to say it. She is allowed to do anything just because. Even Kingsley is at the tip of her hands." Ron grumbled.

"After our talk with Dumbledore's painting," Harry continued, ignoring Ron's comment. "we did a detour and went to the Room of Requirement in memoir of the first night we spent together." Harry smiled with the memory.

"Wait, you promised nothing happened that night." Ron scolded.

"I remember that day!" Seamus laughed. "You should have seen Dean's face when you didn't come back to the dorm that night." 

"What night?" Oliver wanted to know.

"Before Ginny's OWL's I took her to a dinner date on the Room of Requirement and we ended up falling asleep there." Harry explained with a grin. "And nothing happened, that night. Can't say the same about the other day!"

Seamus and Lee wolf whistled, Ron faked being incredulous, George gave Harry an approving back slap while the others just laughed, when Lee's front door bell rang, repeatedly. Lee rose from his armchair and went to the door to find Ginny and Audrey, out of their breaths.

"Speaking of the devil!" Lee joked, letting them in.

Harry asked Teddy to rise from his lap so he could get up. He ran to Ginny's side and kissed her. "What's wrong, hon?"

"Ali is in labour!" She announced.

"WHAT?" Lee yelled. "But it's at least three weeks to the minimal due date!"

"That's not all!" Audrey said. "She was taken to a muggle hospital!"

"WHAT?" The men enchanted at the same time.   

"We were on a muggle hotel ball room, because of Ali's great-grandmother. She's a muggle and has no idea about anything." Audrey started to explain. "Her waters broke and the hotel staff called in an ambulance and we couldn't do anything because of her great nana!"

"What are you waiting for, you band of idiots!" Ginny yelled. "LET'S GO!"


The ten wizards, plus Teddy and the babies, arrived at Edinburgh's Western General Hospital. The first person they found was Hermione at the front desk, trying to work out a way to contact the Minister for Magic. When she saw Harry, she figured the Head Auror would do.

"Harry, what if something goes wrong when she delivers?" Hermione screamed getting by his side. "I've tried to reach Kingsley, but I haven't figured anything out. There is no phones to reach him."

Harry caught Hermione's shoulder. "Easy there. It'll be alright. We are more concerned about Ali's and the baby's safety and well-being first."

Lee asked the receptionist about Alicia and they all went the way they were told: Ward 17, on the first floor. As they got to the floor, Lee identified Angelina and Mrs. Spinnet walking along side a gurney and several people dressed in blue clothes with them. 

"ALI!" Lee screamed, going to her side. Angelina backed away, so he could see her. "Where are they taking you?"

"Are you the father?" A female doctor asked and Lee nodded. "I'm Dra. O'Neill, the obstetrician. We are taking her to surgery. Go with Nurse Goldstein and she will help you get dressed up." Lee watched they stroll Alicia away from him and Mrs. Spinnet going with her. He shared a look with everyone at the hall before he went with the nurse, which Ginny was looking weird.

"I assume you are the husbands of those other girls?" A voice asked and the group turned around to find the nurse station and a chubby old woman, looking above her glasses at them. Harry took the lead and nodded. "They are in the cafeteria. You are far too many to be here, I apologize."

The ten wizards exchanged a glare before heading down to where they would find the girls. The men hugged their respective ones before sitting down at the tables. Angelina and George were both looking extremely worried and wishing they knew what was going on; they were the baby's godparents. Oliver and Katie went to buy some coffee before sitting down with Luna and Rolf and starting a conversation about twins. Susan and Seamus were nowhere to be found while Ron was calming Hermione down. Seeing Alicia going to surgery made her very scared about giving birth (when Angelina noticed, she made sure to make a mental note of mocking her about it later). Audrey said her goodbyes and went home, promising she would get in touch with Lee's dad, the only one who didn't know about the birth and taking James, Fred and Teddy with her. She would watch them with Percy while the parents stayed at the hospital. Neville was sitting with Harry and Ginny while Hannah went to the bathroom. 

"Nev, are you ok?" Ginny asked, taking her shoes off. She was extremely uncomfortable that day and her feet were killing her.

"I was just thinking what will I do if Hannah gets pregnant and goes into labour and I'm at Hogwarts." Neville worried.

"I'm sure we can do a warning circuit to let you know. We'll figure it out!" Harry insured. "And hey, Hannah isn't pregnant yet! Or is she?"  

"No, no! Thank Merlin, she's not! I'm not ready to be a father!" Harry shared a look with Ginny and they both smiled.

"Well, Nev, are you ready to be a godfather instead?" Ginny inquired with a grin. 

"Wha- what?" He stuttered. "You want me to be the baby's godfather? Are you kidding?"

"No, we're not." Harry assured. "You are such an amazing friend to both me and Ginny. We couldn't think of anyone else right now! And Hannah would obviously be the godmother. Do you want to, though?"

"Of course I do!! Hannah will be thrilled." Neville screamed, going to hug both Harry and Ginny, before caressing Ginny's belly and talking with a baby voice. "Hi there, baby! It's Neville, your godfather. I can't wait to meet you, buddy!" The couple grinned at their friend. They were sure they had made a good choice.

A whole hour later, a few people started to go and ask for an owl with the progress information. Luna and Rolf went back to Rolf's place in Cardiff, Wales, and Neville and Hannah went back home after she thanked Harry and Ginny for trusting her to be the baby's godmother. Susan and Seamus appeared from nowhere and announced they were heading to Susan's place back in London to sleep, as they had pulled an all nighter the previous night with a surveillance mission. Lee's parents and Alicia's father went to the gift shop to buy some balloons and the rest of them sat on a table, everyone looking at their own coffee cups (expect Ginny and Hermione who were drinking orange juice).

"Honey," Oliver called Katie. "I am expecting a letter from United's manager. I need to be somewhere owls can find me. Do you mind if I go?"

"Of course not. I'll reach you when we know something." Katie softly smiled at her boyfriend. "I'd go with you, but I can't leave Ali."

Oliver kissed her head. "I'd not ask it of you. She's your best friend. I love you, Kat." He turned to the rest of them. "So guys, I'll see you later! Bye." Oliver kissed Katie and waved goodbye while everyone enchanted a brief 'bye'. Ginny and Harry both seemed to be going over something on their heads and their faces were in so complete concentration in their track of thought that they barely acknowledged Oliver's departure.

"I got it!" They both screamed at the same time, breaking the silence and causing the others to jump in surprise.

"What?" Angelina asked in confusion.

Harry looked at Ginny. "Were you thinking the same thing I was?"

"Doubt it. We are good, but not that good, my love!" Ginny joked. "I got it from where do I know that nurse Goldstein. I met her in the park last year. She must've moved here from London. What about you? What did you got?"

"I was here wondering if Dra. O'Neill is related to Healer O'Neill. She could be his sister. Though they are close in age, maybe his wife?" Harry questioned.

"Actually we are that good. I considered that too, Harry!" Ginny celebrated, kissing him. 

"If I see her, I'll ask." George joked while Angelina rolled her eyes.

"GUYS!" Someone called and they all turned their heads to where the voice was coming. Lee was wearing blue pants and shirt, much like the doctors had before and a white cap covering his hair and others on his feet. He looked exhausted and a bit pale, when sitting down where Oliver was moments before. 

"So?" Angelina cried.

"It's a boy! We've named him Brian Lee Spinnet." He announced.

"What about Alicia?" Katie asked.

"I don't know, Kat!" Lee broke his toughness and his eyes started watering. "I have never seen so much blood. She lost a lot of it after Brian was born and a lot of stuff went ticking. I- I was removed out of the room and I haven't even seen Brian again. Mrs. Spinnet is there and I came to tell you. They also told me he's too young and has been taken to the, the neonatal ICU. Hermione, what's that?"

"It's an intensive-care unit specialized in the care of ill or premature newborn infants." Hermione explained. "Brian was born 3 weeks early. He's probably not ready to breath by himself yet." Hermione sighed and took his hand across the table. "I'm sure everything is going to turn out just fine."

Lee smiled softly. "Thank you all for being here."

"No need to thank, mate." George guaranteed.

"I'll go back there and see how's Alicia." Lee got up and went the way he had come.

The group stayed silent for awhile before Lee's parents and Alicia's dad got back. George and Angelina went to speak with them, while Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny took the opportunity of going home.

"Give our best wishes to both of them, Kat. And tell us how Ali is as soon as you can." Ginny said, giving the girl a hug. "I'd stay more, but my feet are killing me."

"Gin, you stayed long enough. You two must be tired." Katie guessed and guessed right. Hermione was seven and a half months pregnant and had her back aching ever since the baby shower started.

"See you, Kat." Ron waved goodbye to his brother and sister-in-law and the foursome left the hospital. They would drop by Percy's place to get the kids (Ron and Hermione were taking their turn with Freddie) before they could finally go home.


Lee Jordan asked his way to the Hospital's neonatal ICU. His need of protection over his newborn son was growing by the second inside his chest and he just wanted to see and hold his little boy. He arrived at a big window glass where he could see about ten or twelve incubators with little babies on about half of them. He recognized his son in a blink of an eye and noticed how a group of three physicians were working on him, and Lee could see a tube going through Brian's little nose connected to a machine. The new father glued his forehead to the window, watching the doctors work on his child in such concentration he didn't notice Mrs. Spinnet arriving at his side.  

"Lee," she called softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. Lee jumped in surprise and snapped his head to the side. "Alicia is ok."

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Thank Merlin!" He hugged the older woman tight. "I'd die if something happened to Ali!"

"She should be awake any minute now. Any news about my grandson?"

Lee shook his head lightly. "No, they've been fussing him around for ages and I don't know anything, Mrs. Spinnet!"

Alicia's mother eyed her grandson's father adorably. He was so worried about everything. There they were on a muggle hospital, a strange place for everyone and he had no information about anything. Without a though, she brought him to her chest and rubbed his back in circles while Lee broke into tears. They stayed there until someone came out from the ICU and cleared his throat.

"Excuse me?" The doctor started. "Are you Brian Spinnet's father?" 

"Yes, yes I am!" Lee answered anxiously.

"Pleasure, Mr. Spinnet." The doctor started, offering his hand.

"Jordan, actually." Lee corrected, taking his hand. "Spinnet is my, is Brian's mother last name."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Mr. Jordan, I'm dr. Ross, the pediatrician. Brian is a very strong little baby. He's already breathing with no mechanical help and reacting to everything. He doesn't even seem like he was born prematurely. I've never seen a case like his, it's like magic." Lee and Mrs. Spinnet shared a rapid look. 

"Can I go see him?" Lee eagerly asked. 

"Yes, of course. He's being transferred to the nursery. You can come with me and the family can watch from the window." 

"Mrs. Spinnet," Lee turned to the older witch. "Would you bring the family? Angelina, George and Katie are on their toes as well in the cafeteria."

"Sure thing, darling. I'll be right back with them."

Lee followed Dr. Ross for a few corridors and stairs before they reached the nursery. A bit bigger than the ICU, holding about twenty 'cribs', Brian was already at one of them. Lee entered the room and a nurse handled Brian to him and gave him some privacy. The sensation of holding his son on his arms was nothing he ever felt before. It was magical, a kind of magic he never experienced before. He was bonded to love the little being on his arms and indeed he was in love. Brian's hazel eyes were concentrated on his father's.

"Hey, little guy." Lee started, with watered eyes. "I'm your father, I'm daddy. Mummy is fine, but she gave me quite the scare. I love her, buddy, and I know we aren't the perfect family, but I promise to give you the best. I love you, Brian!"

He lifted his head and noticed his and Alicia's parents waving at the window, together with George, Angelina and Katie trying to see the baby. Lee walked closer to the window in order to let them see better his son. The girls and grandmothers were drooling over him while the men tried to tell who did he look like the most. The nurse came back to take Brian and prepare him to take him to the mother. Lee left the nursery and received hugs from everyone outside, congratulating him. 

"Thank you, guys!" Lee smiled. "Now, if you don't mind, I'll go see Ali. Could you give us a moment alone?"

They all nodded and Lee went to Ward 22, where Alicia was now stationed. When he opened the door, Alicia was already sitting up on the bed and she smiled to the sight of Lee.

"Ali!" He gasped, going to her side and holding her tight. "You gave me the biggest fright in the world." Lee pressed a kiss on her head. 

"How's our son?" She asked when he let go of her.

"He's great, healthy and beautiful, Ali! He looks so much like you. But his eyes!" Lee gasped, dreamily. "Hazel nut color, simply enchanting. I had no idea I could love someone else like I love Brian."

"Someone else?" Alicia asked in confusion.

Lee sighed and sat down at the bed, holding her hand close to his face, kissing it. "Alicia, I love you. I've been falling in love with you ever since Christmas and although people say we aren't doing it the right way or you're sometimes moody and impossible to put up with, I wouldn't have it any other way, because I love you, Alicia. I know you couldn't handle a relationship on top of everything but I can't hold my feelings for you anymore. I love you!"

Alicia let out a couple of tears she couldn't help down her cheeks with Lee's declaration. Tears that Lee cleared with his thumb. She was touched by his words and she knew that she corresponded them. Those days they spent together, up until she found out she was pregnant and freaked out, were the best days she ever had. She also had been falling in love with him, but didn't admit it to anyone, not even herself.

"I- I love you too, Lee. Of course I do. I love you for a long time!" Alicia declared and before she knew it, Lee pulled her to a kiss, a kiss that they both had been waiting for way too long.

It was when George, Angelina and Katie thought it was fit to enter the room, catching Lee and Alicia in mid-snog.

"Thank Merlin, finally you two!" George breathed out. "It took you a child for you to admit your feeling towards each other!"

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