Starwarhammer: Book 1 Arrival

By Shadow_trooper

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Star Wars the clone wars X Warhammer 40k More

Emperor Give me strength
Rhen Var
First Contact
The first calm
The First Storm
Battle on Raxus Prime
Thule and the Dark Reaper
[Side Story] Planet Fall
A Home World
The Spears of Diomedes
Muunalist Drop
Guard deployment
Attack on the factory
Senatorial Fear
Senators with the Sisters
Warp travel
[side story] base attack
QnA #1
Imperial Space battle
Preparing for war
Hunt for a traitor
Combat & Fear
Secret Project
The Sisters of the Divine Blades
[Side Story] Breaking the captives
The Super Weapon
Capturing the Ship
Imperial Senators
[TTS stylized] Acquisition
The Stand of the Rightous
[Side Story] The Green Tide
Q&A #2
Before the Battle
Coalition Fleet Battle
Operation: Thunder Strike
Republic attack
Operation: Honor March
The Emperor's Power
Crossroads of Destiny
[side story] Senate Review
The Imperium's Crusade
Call of the Twi'leks
Freedom of the People
Lion's Roar
Artifacts and Changes
Many Paths Ahead
Guard Command
Imperial Life
[Side Story] Rumors
[Side Story] Rogue Elements
Q&A #3
The Blades of Flame
Lions of Numidia
Hussars of Ice
The Mentors of the Imperium
Lords of Iron
The Spears of Diomedes
Paragon Shields
Riders Malevolent
[Side Story] Inquisitorial Dealings
Issues of Ideals
The long awaited meeting
Return to Coruscant
The Jedi Council
The Imperial Secession
The Sisters and Brides
World of 2 Suns
Interviews of Imperial Soldiers
[Side Story] The Black Ships Open
May the Fourth Special

The Arjent Hammer

799 33 9
By Shadow_trooper

Kessel, a slave world, home to mines of a drug known as Spice. Venek Sepatar, a proud Son of Vulkan, was blocking any ships from leaving the tunnel that opened to the planet. His strike cruiser with frigates were ensuring that no one escaped, until the Exterminatus Fleet.

The Kessel run, as it was called, a stable path through "the Maw", and the only known safe way through Kessel. Their backs were covered by the Riders Melevolant, and were being assisted by other ships, dealing with a rag tag fleet that defended the planet, controlled by a crime family known as Pykes. 

"It was clear when the Fleet arrived, slowly from the edge of the system, the exterminatus fleet arrived.

Anakin would contact the Chapter.

"My emperor. We have been working to contain those in The Maw, non have escaped out sensors. What is the plan that shall be committed to?" Venek asked, kneeling before the Emperor's hologram.

"How many marines do you have under you command?" He asked.

"Just under 2 companies, we have yet a squad of terminators, and 4 squads of scouts, the rest are battle brothers." Venek explained.

"I shall let your chapter board the ship, you shall go into the maw, and set down landing parties. Your objective will be to liberate the world, then destroy it. In charge will be Lord Commander Rex, I am elsewhere, at this time." Anakin explained.

Venek nodded, before his 2 companies of marines left, and boarded the Sheathe, the it began to make it's way through the Kessel Run, with an escort of frigates, before it would fly over Kessel.

Rex was waiting, he stood with space marine and clones, watching as he moved between them. Traveling through the Kessel Run, small frigates, pirate ships and spice runners would attempt to escape, and fail, as they would be killed in an explosion of their own ship being destroyed.

"Soldiers of my Imperium. We are on a mission, Kessel, the world of slaves and spice, shall be destroyed. We will go down and save the people. For those who stand against, let them fall to our might. This will be a long battle, but we will fight hard, and prevail. Let this be the end of more criminals out in the galaxy." Rex announced.

A cheer roared out, before the LA-ATs were loaded up with clones, and Thunderhawks were loaded with clones and marines. The ships launched down, diving into the atmosphere and into the major mining sites as the invasion began.

-elsewhere in the galaxy-

Hondo was rather surprised. He had just captured not just the leader of the CIS, but now a Jedi knight. Today was to be very profitable to him indeed.

"Now my little fortune teller, what is it that you see?" Hondo asked, his newest crew member, one that called himself Nox.

Nox  stood on his tip toes to see into the cell, looking at Dooku, and Kenobi.

"The bearded one has many sorrows, will regret many a things as one he trusts so much betrays him in a time of need." Nox stated.

"They both have beards." Hondo said.

"The one who wears tan." Nox added.

"Interesting. Seems that you have no fortune in the future." Dooku teased Obi wan.

There was a sudden clang, a dent forming in the door, in the shape of 5 pointed dents in the door.

"Best watch the tongue. You're not under protection of machines." Nox hissed out at the sith.

Nox stepped away, rubbing his head. He would go to the court yard, wanting some silence, and to be in the light. Closing his eyes, he bathed in the warmth of the sun. His peace was interrupted when he opened his eyes and saw a black clad figure leaping at him with a green blade slicing down at him.

He fell back, rolling and swiping his hand across the dirt, throwing a cloud at the direction of the figure, before he looked, they were gone, no....they were never there.

Nox shook his head....what was wrong with him, why was he seeing that figure, what did it mean? He shook his head and felt....a compulsion, he wanted to look for one. What was wrong with him.

Nox waited, until Hondo walked out and sat next to the young man.

"My boy. You seem like something is bothering you." Hondo said looking towards the young man he had rescued/recruited.

"I feel like....something is wrong with me. I'm seeing things, when I sleep, I dream of....of a dark world, covered in crime, and....I'm killing people, I feel so hungry...and I need to eat them to survive, but I hate it, cause when I eat, I see who they were. I....I don't know what to do. It feels too real, it leaves me in cold sweats each night." Nox explained.

"Well...." Hondo paused...."Some times, it is said that a dream is all but memories we had from a life before. Perhaps there is something true to that." Hondo said, placing his hand on Nox's shoulder.

Nox gave a small smile, before he looked up. 

"Boss! Boss! We have a problem! Our boys on Kessel. They are saying those golden boys, the Imperium, they are attacking." a pirate explained, scared.

Hondo's expression was stern, harsh, ready.

"Well then. Get everything ready. We are packing up the base, we will be moving." Hondo announced.

"What about the prisoners? Are we still going to try and sell them to the other side?" the pirate asked.

Nox clenched his teeth and and placed his hand on his head.

He, heard explosions and a ship flying away with many dead.

"Leave them, something is coming....and it's dangerous." Nox said.

"But-" the pirate was about to protest.

"Do it. Life is better than spice when it comes to this, besides.....Something about this is bothering me as well." Hondo added, as he stood up.

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