
By Zahrah_Danzaki

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An entanglement of betrayal, revenge, love, and supernatural war: Mirajane; the dusk princess and sole white... More



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By Zahrah_Danzaki


"Which one?" I asked Armin as I stood in front of the mirror holding two huge T-shirts. They were of the same design but one was a soft lavender and the other a mild aqua blue.

"The purple one." He said after a glance before resuming his conversation with the shop owner. I pouted at his diverted attention before looking back to the mirror. As I looked at the two shirts, I just decided to get both. We would wear it to bed today, Armin and I.

I giggled at the thought when my eyes met his through the mirror. I winked at him making him grin before going over to the other racks of hanging clothes.

"I ordered food. It'll be delivered here and we can eat before leaving." His voice came from behind me. I hummed in reply as I looked through the various shirts when suddenly, he snaked his arms around my waist.

"Are the shirts more good-looking than me?" He whispered as he lightly sucked on my ear lobe. I shivered involuntarily, my mind going blank as I leaned into his arms.

"Are they?" He said again when I gave no reply but only mumbled intangibly, his lips on my lobes the only thing I could concentrate on.

When I still gave no reply, he chuckled before kissing his way from my lobes up to the side of my face and towards my lips. My entire being zinged in anticipation as I lightly pouted my lips in invitation but he stopped, only gently laying his lips right at the corner of mine.

I looked up at him unhappily and moved my face to the side so our lips could connect but he withdrew with a smirk on his face, "Oh look at that shirt." He said before stepping away from me and heading towards the rack beside us.

I glared at his retreating back in annoyance and muttered a quick 'what a petty person' before following after him.

"That was mean," I grumbled as I leaned on his arm.

"You didn't look at me and continued searching through the racks." He shrugged as he looked down at me.

"I was looking for cool matching shirts." I rolled my eyes.

"Mm. I hear you." He chuckled before ruffling my hair, "Your hair is so unique. The color of it." He muttered as he took a long strand and twirled it around his fingers.

"It also smells good." He added with a slight groan as he took a sniff, "Mm. An orgasm for my nose." He whispered huskily as he gazed at me with his glowing hazel-ish golden and slightly reddish eyes.

I gulped as I noticed the primitive hunger and possessiveness in his gaze.

We stared at each other deeply. His fingers were still wrapped around my hair. The red of it against the bronze of his skin looked sharp. His eyes were breathtakingly hunting as he gazed at me unrelentingly. They suddenly turned a very deep red. His sharp red irises created a startling contrast to the white of his sclera.

I let out a tiny gasp as I stared mesmerized at him. I gently inched my hands towards his face and caressed the area below his eyes.

"Beautiful," I whispered as I looked at him in adoration. He looked visibly startled as his eyes widened with slight disbelief before his normal hazel hue returned.

He was about to say something when the sales lady interrupted, "Alpha, the food is here. I've already set it on the table in the lounge." She said.

She didn't look that surprised at our position. She only smiled fondly at the both of us before turning away.

"Let's eat." He said as he intertwined our hands before leading us to the lounge area and pushing the door open. The room layout was simple, only consisting of three three-seater sofas with a round wooden center table, an air conditioner, and two potted plants beside a large window.

The scent of mac and cheese instantly assaulted my nostrils and my eyes zeroed on a white paper bag with 'DUOS' printed boldly across it.

"I ordered mac and cheese, chicken wings and nuggets, cola, milkshakes, strawberry cake, and banana tarts for desserts. Anything you dislike?" He asked.

"No. I'm starved." I said before taking a seat and carrying out the container with the mac and cheese inside.

"Come sit." I patted the space next to me, "what?" I asked when he loomed over me.

"Stand up." He simply said. I raised a brow but still obliged and stood up. He sat down right where I was sitting and as I opened my mouth he pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap.

"What are you doing?" I was startled as my face flushed. This was the first time since after I turned eighteen that I was sitting on a guy's lap. The last person to lap me was Ricco and that was some years ago.

"Cuddling while we eat." He said as he brought a spoonful of food to my mouth. My heart turned sweet as I glanced at him while we ate in silence. We neatly cleared everything in the bag before relaxing back on the couch. Well him relaxing back on the couch and me on him.

"You seem to like kids." He suddenly said.

"Yea. They're cute." I said making him pinch my waist lightly.

"Don't call other people cute." He murmured in my ear.

"Then they're adorable." I grinned. He abruptly raised me by the waist and turned me towards him so I was straddling him.

"Don't compliment other people." He said with a slight frown making me chuckle.

"Why are you so jealous?" I laughed.

"I'm not. Usually. Only when it comes to you." He said simply making me grin. I hummed as I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

He ran his hand through my hair as he quietly asked, "What do you think about Mikhail?"

"Why do you ask?" I said as I recalled the fragile little thing. I instantly felt sad again.

"Just because."

"This may sound weird since he's a baby and all but...I felt sad whenever I looked at him. He looked as if he was terrified of something and he's also so tiny for his age. I-" I felt my neck choke with emotions I didn't quite understand as I explained. His withdrawn silhouette kept flashing in my mind.

The hand running through my hair paused for a bit before continuing.

"You seem quite affected." He said and I nodded.

"I don't know why either. I just feel...upset and emotional whenever I think about him. He's so small and pitiful." I mumbled.

He lightly pushed me back and gazed at me with a contemplative and doubtful expression.

"What is it?" I asked, "You don't have to say it if you don't wanna." I added when he still looked a bit hesitant.

"Mm. It's not that. Mikhail is..." he trailed as though trying to see how to go about what he was about to say and I waited patiently for him. "Actually, he is sort of like my nephew." He finally said. I looked up at him in surprise with widened eyes.

"Your nephew? How?" I said as my imagination began to run wild.

"Emma will have your head if she knew what you were thinking." He laughed lightly making me scratch my nose in slight embarrassment.

"Then how?" I coughed out as I averted my gaze from his.

"That, the relationship between his dad and I is sort of...complicated so I can't explain it just yet." His eyes visibly turned dark as he said that. His expression was eerily calm. But endless hatred and viciousness lurked underneath.

"Armin?" I called out. As if it was all my imagination, his clouded expression instantly cleared up and his vibrant eyes gazed back at me.

"Whatever happened, whatever it is that's going on, I'm here and you don't have to try too hard. Because you're not alone anymore." I slowly enacted as I stared at him.

He blanked out for close to a minute and I quietly gazed at him, trying to tell him through my gaze that it was alright and tell him all the words I couldn't say. I didn't understand why I said that. Something just told me to say it and it looked like it affected him quite a lot.

"Honestly. I'm here to stay. You don't have to feel that way anymore." I said as I ran my fingers through his hair. He seemed to snap back to reality from the contact. He pulled me into his embrace and held me tightly.

"Why? Why are you saying all these?" He whispered hoarsely after a few minutes.

"I don't know really. Just like with little Mikhail, I felt that I needed to tell you that it was okay and I'm your rock." I said lowly, "That's if you will allow me to be."

"Red?" He said.


"Don't ever leave me and please, don't be scared of me. It'll..." he trailed sounding choked with emotions. I thought about how I stepped away from him in the pack house and instantly felt guilty.

It hurt him...

"I won't ever leave you. Not unless you burn me to ashes. And I would still come back as a ghost and trail after you all the time." I said as I hugged him tightly making him chuckle a bit.

"And I won't ever be afraid of you. I can't be afraid of you. You're my mate. Everything about you was designed to complement mine and mine to compliment yours. I can't be scared of me now can I?"

"You're right. My little Luna." He said after a few moments of silence. I hummed in reply before recalling our earlier conversation.

"So what is it about Mikhail?" I asked.

"Do you know Alpha Marina?" He asked.

"Who doesn't? She's the no-nonsense spitfire female Alpha." I said with a tiny grin.

Alpha Marina was the Alpha of the Night Howlers pack. Although it wasn't as strong and large as BlueMoon, it was still among the top five in the Eastern Empire. I respected her a lot because she pulled the pack through their dark times of being the 'blood-crazed shifters.'

As the name implied, they were once a pack filled with lawless and extremely wicked wolves who refused to follow the rules set by the King and the werewolf council. They killed and massacred wolves all over the empire under the leadership of their then Alpha, Tamus.

Long story short, Marina challenged him and won, successfully taking the title of Alpha and together with her closest aides wiped out all her uncle, Tamus', supporters.

And then began the arduous journey of rebuilding their reputation and gaining back the trust of the empire and werewolf council. All in all, Alpha Marina was a well-respected and admired woman.

"Yes. Her." He gritted, "She's Mikhail's mother."

I stared at him, a bit taken aback by the unexpected situation. "His mom? Then what is he doing in your pack? Shouldn't he be residing at Night Howlers?"

"Red, what I'm about to say may sound surreal and shocking but it's true." He said, "Actually, his dad had an affair with Alpha Marina but he didn't know she got pregnant. She was in love with Mikhail's dad you see, and was hoping he was her mate. But she heard news of him finding his mate when she planned to tell him she was pregnant so she went into depression.

"Two years later, she appeared with a sickly-looking Mikhail who looked worst for wear and scarily tiny for his age. She didn't say anything. Only left him in my office and turned around and left. Never looking back. After that, no matter how I tried to get in contact with her, she never responded. Of course, I had other methods but that could incur a dispute between the two packs and I didn't want that." He said and I nodded as I quietly listened on.

"My parents said to just leave her alone and to take Mikhail under our roofs since he was our blood after all. Everything else could be sorted out later. It was when we started taking care of Mikhail that we noticed how abnormally withdrawn the child was. He would cry and tremble at the slightest movement and refused to eat or throw up when he managed to. My parents looked for various child experts to diagnose him and in the end, we got almost the same conclusion from each of them."

"What was it?" I said as I suddenly got a foreboding feeling.

"PTSD." He said quietly. I stared at him for seconds, not quite comprehending what he was saying.

"What?" I finally choked out.

"PTSD. Post-traumatic stress disorder. Or more precisely, complex child trauma."

"H-how is that possible?! He's only a child of two!" I said as my hands shook slightly.

He let out a sigh and said, "We were all shocked too. I remembered leaving in a rage and storming to Night Howler's pack where I found Alpha Marina drinking away in her study and that's when she blurted out what she did. Because Mikhail's eyes were a replica of his dad's, she felt infuriated and hurt when she looked at him." He growled out as he clenched his fists. I wasn't in the mood to calm him though. I could also feel my blood boiling.

"Don't tell me," I whispered.

"Yea. She abused him. At the tender age of one. She starved him and took pleasure in seeing his panicked eyes as she drowned him and stopped just when he was about to pass out only to do it again. That's only one of the things she did to him. The only merit was that she didn't beat him physically." He spat out.

I sat there dumbfounded. The image of Alpha Marina's elegant and graceful figure appeared in my mind. And then an image of little Mikhail appeared beside it. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't associate the elegant silhouette with the abuser of such a little thing. You seriously really couldn't judge a book by its cover.

After the shock came rage which instantly got replaced by heartache. Heartache for that little child who experienced such fright and abuse at such a young age.

"You really couldn't tell if you looked at it. I'm afraid Night Howlers run a risk of reverting to the 'blood-crazed shifters.'" I said calmly.

"Red..." he slowly said, "I'm livid too. Whenever I think about it I just want to tear his excuse of parents into pieces. No, I want to torture them to death." He added darkly. But I felt it was justified. I felt the same way.

"Don't ever allow me to meet that sicko face to face. I could kill her on the spot otherwise." I spat.

We sat quietly as we both tried to reign in our emotions. "What about Mikhail now? How old is he exactly?"

"He's four this year."

"Four?! He barely looks two!"

"Mm. He doesn't eat. It's like he's allergic to it. We've tried everything but the shock was too great. Most of the time, he's unresponsive to external stimulation. The doctors said it was a psychological response to the trauma. But they can't tell if it's good or bad for now, we have to wait a few years and see."

"It's obviously a bad thing okay? He looks so malnourished and blank."

"Mm. But I have a plan. I'll explain it when I plan to put it into play."

"What's it about?"

"How to slowly bring him back. Traumatized patients get relief by talking and sharing their experiences. But he can't talk so I'm planning to solve the problem from that angle."

"Communication?" I asked and he nodded, "How are you going to make him talk?"

"It's not making him talk per se. You'll see when I have a solid grasp of the plan." He said and I stopped asking.

"Let's finish shopping. It's getting late." He said. I looked out the window to see that the sun was almost halfway down.

We went back out and picked a couple of different clothes mainly consisting of shirts, hoodies, and sweats. They were all low-profile couple clothes. We went to the jewelry display case next where I picked a black wristlet with a detailed silver-colored crown embedded with very vivid sapphires and tied it around his wrist.

He looked down at his wrist flatly before looking back to me, "I only wear watches."

"Well, now you wear my insignia." I grinned.

"Your insignia? A crown and sapphires?" He asked flatly.

"Uh-huh. This wristlet means I'll always be right by your side and even if I'm not there physically, I'm always with you in there." I said while pointing at it.

"Mm. Okay. Then I'll also give you one." He said before picking one with the well-carved head of a black wolf with glowing ambers for eyes. It also had a single ruby placed on the forehead like a mark.

"It's pretty," I said as he finished clasping it on my wrist.

"Alpha, the clothes have all been set in the car." Liz, the shop owner said as she stood a few feet away.

"Thank you, Elizabeth. We'll be on our way then, I will have to trouble you to clean the lounge." He nodded.

"It's alright. Come visit again soon. And Luna? You can also tag along." She said. I gazed at her blankly before looking over to Armin who gave me a shrug.

"News travels fast." She explained with a smile.

"Oh. Well, thanks, Liz." I smiled and she nodded before waving us goodbye.

"Where to now?" I asked as we settled in the car.

"You said you wanted to go to the southern spring." He said, "Let's go there."

"Okay." I nodded.

We drove there in silence. It was relaxed and comfortable though. It seemed what I said to him about not being alone got to him because his actions and speech towards me were more natural and relaxed.

Because he was driving slowly, it took an hour and a half to reach the southern part where the spring was located. Soon, the source of the gushing sound came into view. The place was as breathtaking as I recalled. The setting sun cast a golden sheen to the surface of the water which complimented the brilliant hue of the sky.

"It's still as beautiful," I murmured as we got out of the car.

"Mm. The shade of the sky looks like your hair." He said as he walked over to me.

I looked up to the sky and sure enough, the reddish hue set by the setting sun looked a lot like my hair.

"Well of course it does. My Greek name is Astraeus or Soúroupo. They both mean dusk." I said with a smile.

"You have a Greek name?" He raised a brow.

"Yes. My mom is Greek you see. So my siblings and I all have Greek names." I explained.

"But you don't look Greek." He said as he gazed at me.

"Yea. I'm the oddest-looking one in my family. I don't look like either my mom or dad. If I didn't know better, I'd say I was adopted." I chuckled.


"My brother and cousin once told me I was adopted. I remember crying myself silly and having a splitting headache. They felt so bad that they agreed to become my slaves for a month. It was also partly because they didn't want me to tell our dad. I went easy on Ricco though 'cause he was so cute then and he agreed to hug me to sleep every—" I abruptly stopped when I felt an unrelenting burning gaze on me.

"Why did you stop?" He darkly asked.

"Haha, it's nothing. It wasn't important." I said awkwardly.

"He hugged you to sleep?" He asked lowly.

"Oh come on Hazel. That's my cousin we're talking about who might I add is my little sister's mate."

"I don't care. He hugged you."

"Yea. And so did my brother and all the rest of my family. Cousins, uncles, and—" I once again stopped when I saw my explanation was accomplishing nothing.

He gave me an indignant look to which I sighed in amusement before moving in front of him, "Carry me." I said.

He maintained his grumpy expression as he carried me bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and took a large sniff of his intoxicating scent. I felt my toes curl in delight while my spine zinged with pleasure.

"He might have hugged me to sleep but your arms are my favorite and most comfortable," I mumbled into his neck.

"That's so cheesy." He said.

"Then why are you smiling?"

"Just because."

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked when he continued walking along the bank of the spring.

"My cabin. It's right behind the waterfall." He said.

"Where does the water from the waterfall flow from anyway?" I asked as I gazed up at it. It didn't seem like there was any source of water up there and I also couldn't pick up any sound of running water.

"The waterfall has been around since Gramps renovated the pack almost more than half a century ago. Although it's Gran that made it."

"Made it? Your grandmother?" I asked in confusion.

"Mm. It's better to see it than to explain. I'll take you some other time." He said.


By now, we were nearer to the waterfall and the crashing waves were both pleasant to the ears and deafening. As I gazed through the curtain of falling water, I saw a cave-like opening and greenery beyond it.

"That's it?"

"Mm." He said before walking around the falling waves and into the cave. It was quite wide and high enough that he didn't have to bend or squeeze through even with his build.

The other side of the waterfall was filled with weeping willows and a grass-covered floor all around. The slanted bodies of the willows were completely different and abrupt when compared to the oak and other various trees lining the southern parameters.

There was a deck-A-Saurus cabin situated a hundred meters away from where we were standing. It looked stylish with a wrap-around porch under it and an iron rod gate surrounding it. A few meters away from the main cabin was another small cabin with two lounge chairs in front.

The place had a very relaxed and tranquil vibe to it. It actually sort of looked like a scene out of a fairytale.

"It's nice."

"Yea. I come here when I want some quiet."

"This is where you were those few days before?"

"Mm. Emma and the guys don't know about this place. It's only you."

I felt fuzzy as I looked up at his strong neck. I was glad that I was the first person he thought to bring into his escape zone. That meant that he was giving in to the mate bond.

He walked us over to the main cabin. It was no surprise when the lights turned on automatically from his movements.

Although the cabin looked slightly rustic and a bit out of date, it was still equipped with the latest electricity and technology it seemed. The sight with the light on was altogether different than when I saw it through the dark. It looked breathtaking with the weeping willows as a backdrop.

"It's nice," I said again.

"Mm. The interior is better." He said before pushing the door open and entering.

True to his words, the interior was amazing. It was cozy and felt more homey than his manor. I looked around the place in appreciation and nodded, "it has that relaxed vibe to it. There is not much noise so it's a nice place to think." I said.

"Mm. Wanna check the rest of the levels?"

I looked up at the staircase before averting my gaze back to his, "I have a better idea. Walk over to the couch." I said. He raised a brow but still obliged and walked towards it. I motioned for him to sit down which he did before I gently pushed him down on his back.

He gave me a questioning look but I only laid down on top of him with my arms around his neck and my face right below his chin.

"This is much better," I said. He silently ran his fingers through my hair and we fell into a comfortable silence. Just quietly enjoying the sparks and tiny ripples of pleasure coursing through our bodies.

"Don't be scared of me." He quietly whispered making me frown.

"I told you I'm not. Or I won't be. Isn't it proof enough when I declared you were my mate even when you looked like a tribulation cloud with your dominance released to the max?" I stated.

"You did surprise me back then." He laughed, "Most people would've shaken or frozen in fear."

"Well, I'm not most people. I'm your mate. You don't, can't scare me." I said with a grin, "Don't you see how I draw people in? All our pack members are taken with me." I boasted smugly.

"Mm. Just stay by my side okay?"

"Okay." I smiled before kissing his chin.

"And it's the fight that they are taken with. Not you." He said calmly. I sat up so I was straddling him and gave him a tight glare.

"Shoot me down from the clouds now why don't you," I grumbled making him chuckle.

"I was just saying." He smirked.

"Whatever. They'll still like me regardless of the fight." I said.

"Sure." He drawl.

"Michealson are you underestimating my 'people drawing in' skills?" I gasped dramatically.

"Mm. I dunno. Am I?" He grinned his eyes shining in amusement.

"I'll let it go this one time. Because your eyes are sparkling." I muttered.

He smiled at me and we both went quiet as we stared at each other. Suddenly, happiness, fear, and longing coursed through me making me startle. It took me a while as he continued gazing at me to realize they were his emotions.


I wondered what he was so scared of. I never thought I could feel fear coming from him. I was also slightly shocked that I could feel his emotions although just slightly. I could feel them but not their cause. It seemed our mate bond had grown considerably stronger. If the bond was like a single strand of hair before, then it was as thick as a cord now.

Judging from the way he was staring at me, so deeply and hooked, I guessed that he didn't know I could feel his emotions. I decided not to say anything. He would feel it too eventually. Let it be a surprise.

"Hum..." I quietly yawned making him smile. He raised his hand to my hair and gently rubbed against it. I could tell he adored my hair. He was always touching it or sniffing at it.

"Sleep." He said lowly.

"I can't just sleep 'cause you told me to." That's what I said but I still laid back on his chest and closed my eyes, "lemme rest my lids for some minutes." I added.


"I'm not going to sleep though."


We lapsed into silence again, this one more comfortable than the last. His earthy scent swirled around me and together with the powerful thump of his heart, I was lulled into a gentle slumber.

I was walking down a stretch of white field. Or at least it seemed that way. Everywhere was pure white. The sky, the ground I was walking on, and all the surrounding area. It was as if I was inside a stimulation room and the setting was set to be an all-white environment. There was not a single sound. Not even the slight movement of insects or the howling of the wind.

It was quiet. Silently white. Everywhere.

It was a bit unnerving actually, seeing everywhere possessing the same color. There was no blue sky or the familiar brown-colored ground. I continued walking aimlessly. Not knowing if I was going forward, backward, left, or right. Hell, I might even be walking in the sky and not the ground.

After what seemed like forever, I finally heard a sound. It might have been an echo or it might have been sounding right beside me but I couldn't tell. My senses seemed all messed up by the white of the place.

I didn't know how to describe the sound. It was slightly hoarse but clear at the same time. It was near but yet it wasn't. It sounded like a cry but also not quite that.

It was confusing.

My eyes snapped open and I looked around groggily. I lay unmoving for a few seconds, still feeling a bit disoriented from the weird dream.

"You're awake." Armin quietly said.

"Hum. I had a weird dream." I mumbled.


"Mm. Everything was white and quiet. It was sort of creepy now that I think about it." I shuddered.

"It's just a dream." He chuckled as he patted my back.

"Yeah." I grumbled, "I feel sluggish." I muttered.

"You know, I'm starting to see how lazy you are." He laughed.

"I'm not lazy. I just like taking it easy." I said righteously.

"Bullcrap." He said flatly making me burst out laughing.

"Oh my goddess you said it just like my mom did when I stated that," I said as tears sprang to my eyes.

"It's justified. Who are you tryna fool?" He said with an eye roll I was sure.

"Whatever. At least I get done what needs to." I stuck my tongue out at him as I straddled him again.

He shook his head as he stared at me with so much affection it made my heart tremble. He lightly caressed my cheeks before pulling me down by the nape. My heart started thumping wildly as I looked at his mesmerizing face getting closer and closer. His eyes flickered between my eyes and lips unsurely and just when our lips were about to meet, he stopped and closed his eyes.

His conflicted emotions poured into me the next second. He was feeling scared and confused. About what I didn't know. But they were what dominated his mind the most right now. Although I wanted to ponder more about the emotions, I knew now wasn't the time.

While his eyes were tightly shut, I gently closed the gap between our lips and kissed him. The sparks that followed were like a jolt of electricity. It ran through my veins and filled me with intense satisfaction and longing for more.

I kept the kiss simple, only gently nibbling at his lips. My eyes were closed so I couldn't see his reaction but his turbulent emotions were starting to fade and slowly being replaced by a single one.


For what I didn't know. But it was better than his conflicted emotions of a few moments ago. His lips which were stationary before started moving gently against my own too. His arm came around my waist while his hand fisted my hair and drew me closer. 

We could've kissed for seconds or minutes, only stopping shortly for air before going back at it with full force. He peppered kisses on my neck before reaching the part that tingled the most, where his mark would be. He opened his mouth and swirled his tongue around it before sucking on it making me shudder.

"Armin..." I mumbled making him growl.

"Again." He said gruffly, his breath fanning across my hot skin and heating it further.

"Armin..." I whimpered. He growled again before grazing his tongue on my neck making me shudder. Camille who had been quiet throughout today while silently enjoying Armin's company instantly perked up at that.

Is he going to mark us? She said anxiously but I was too into the moment to give her a reply.

I felt his canine extend and poke at my skin, almost piercing it. The sparks grew stronger and the pleasure we were both experiencing became heightened. I closed my eyes tightly, my brain almost shutting down from processing the waves of sensations and pleasure coming in all at once when suddenly, I felt his presence disappear.

My eyes snapped open and I lay there dazedly staring at the ceiling. It took me a moment to realize Armin was standing at the far wall of the room with his back facing me. His palms were against the wall and his body shook slightly. He was trying to control himself.

Camille retreated to the back of my mind in disappointment while I tried to regain my breath and calm my beating heart. I could hear his heart beating wildly too making me glad I wasn't the only one.

"Armin?" I called once my heart was calm. He tensed before letting out a cuss and turning towards me cautiously. His eyes were filled with trepidation and slight guilt as he gazed at me.

"We made progress." I lamely said with a smile. He stared at me for a second or two before his lips twitched slightly.

"You don't say." He smiled back looking relieved.

It was at the tip of my tongue to ask him why he stopped but something held me back. We stared at each other from across the room silently. I felt my face blush slightly at the memory of what just happened a few minutes ago. My hand involuntarily went up to touch my lips and I let out a sigh.

He was a really good kisser.

Camille smirked at that making me blush even more.

I bet he's even better in—

Shut up!

Her smirk widened but she left it alone which I was thankful for. I didn't notice Armin's face leaning close to mine until I felt his breath fan across my lips.

"Ar-Armin!" I squeaked in surprise making him smirk.

"Am I really that good?" He asked, the smirk still playing on his lips. My face twitched in embarrassment and I closed my eyes.

"I-well-that's..." I stuttered which only turned his expression smugger so I decided to say my second signature evasive line, "whatever."

He laughed before leaning his face closer, "You what? Well, what? That's what?" He taunted, his eyes gleaming with mischief. I glared indignantly at him making him groan.

"If you don't stop looking at me like that, bad things will happen." He said hoarsely as his eyes started turning golden.

I bit my lips with widened eyes as I stared at his changing eye color in wonderment. He groaned again before leaning his forehead on mine and closing his eyes.

"Stay by my side okay?" He whispered.

"Okay," I whispered back as I closed my own eyes.

We stayed like that for a while when I suddenly thought of his wolf. "What's your wolf like?"

"A pain in the neck." He replied without missing a beat.

"Why?" I laughed.

"Just because." He rolled his eyes as he pulled back, "he's been bugging me since you came along."


"He wants to meet you." He rolled his eyes again.

"Can I?" I said excitedly. He gave me a look before sighing and closing his eyes. When he opened them again, they were a bright golden meaning his wolf was in control.

"Hello, Little mate." Armin's wolf said as he looked down at me from where he stood.

Although he looked exactly like Armin, there were still some minor differences when it came to their aura. Armin's aura although authoritative was sort of mild. His wolf's on the other hand was not contained in the slightest. He was raw dominance and primitive power.

"Hey," I whispered as I stared at him. He dropped to his knees in front of me before taking my hands in his and gently kissed my knuckles, his gentleness a great contrast to his raw fiery aura.

"It's good to finally meet you, Little mate. Although I hate it, my name is Royal. The idiot male's wolf." Royal said with a frown making me chuckle.

"Hey, Royal. It's good to meet you too." I smiled down at him. He stared at me in a daze before muttering something that sounded like 'too different' and 'more beautiful'.

"But I happened to like your name," I said.

"You do? Well then, I also just had a change of heart." He smiled at me.

"Come sit," I said as I patted the space beside me.

He sat down and continued staring at me fixedly as if he didn't want to miss anything.

"Little mate." He said as he itched his hand towards my face and laid it on my cheek. The tingles followed soon after, now stronger than before. I watched as he closed his eyes looking to be savoring the feeling.

"It is too different." He said as he gazed at me.

"Hum?" I frowned inquisitively.

"You're different." He said again, "You feel safe and warm. It was never like this." He said again.

"I don't get it but is that a bad thing?"

"No. It's good. Really good. So good it makes me scared." He said.

I wasn't surprised at his blunt words and honestly. The animal side of us had always been the honest part. They didn't like lies. They were just like nature made them; primitive and instinctual. They only followed their instincts, anything else didn't matter at all.

That was why we were there to balance their primitiveness with logic.


"I feel like it's a dream. Like you are a dream. I don't want to wake up and lose you." He said with a slightly unsettled look.

I leaned towards him before latching onto his bottom lip and sucked on it before biting it.

"Does this feel real?" I asked him when I pulled back. His pupils were dilated and his eyes shone even more golden.

"I don't know. You have to do it again." He said with a serious look making me laugh.

"Oh, Royal. You're adorable." I chuckled as I caressed his hair with affection. He looked a bit taken back before grinning.

"That doesn't sound manly enough but it be damned. I'm a wolf, not a man." He said with a happy laugh.

"That you are. My adorable Alpha. My Royal." I smiled.

"Mm. I like the sound of that." He hummed.

"I'm here to stay Royal. Nothing is ever going to take me away from you, from Armin, from my wonderful mates." I said seriously, making sure to maintain eye contact. His gaze wavered before he pulled me into his arms. His scent was stronger than usual and I greedily took a large sniff.

"Mm. You're mine now. Ours." He declared domineeringly making me grin.

"I'm yours. We're yours, both Camille and I." I said into his chest. We stayed in that embrace for a while when the blaring of a ringtone sounded. I pulled back from him and removed my phone from my pocket to see that it was Emma calling.

"She better have a good reason," Royal growled in annoyance.

"Probably not." I laughed and he shook his head.

"What's up?" I answered.

"I know you guys accepted each other and are horny as hell, but you better come back now." Her annoyed voice came through the receiver.

"So you do know we're horny as hell? Then why are you disturbing us?"

"Armin? No, Royal? That you?" Em asked.

"No. It's the Easter fucking bunny." He rolled his eyes.

"Easter fucking bunny? There's such a bunny in Easter? I thought we had only one Easter bunny?" She said no doubt smirking.

"What do you want Emmeline?" He rolled his eyes again.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" She hissed.

"And I told you I didn't give a damn. Now what is it?" He gritted out.

"When are you guys coming back? It's almost eleven thirty." She grumbled. I looked at the time in surprise and sure enough, it was almost 11:30.

"Time flies. I didn't notice." I said.

"Yea? You did sleep for three hours." He smiled softly at me.

"Three?! Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked too peaceful and cute. We were enjoying the sight." He grinned as he pinched my cheek lightly.

"But still," I whined.

Before he could reply, Em's annoyed voice sounded through the phone, "Okay enough! Tsk, I get it. You're mates. Are you coming back or not?"

"We'll be there in a few," Royal said before hanging up directly.

"We should get going. Unless you wanna sleep here?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Let's go back."

"Okay." He said before standing up, "You should let me meet Camille sometime. I'm sure she'll be a cutie too." He smiled.

"She's a pain." I laughed, "But she has some slight redeeming qualities." I added making him laugh.

"Hey!" Camille snapped, "don't listen to her my sweet lovely Royal. I'm quite the wolf if you know what I mean." She said.

"I can see that." He laughed, "We'll soon meet. Wait until then my little Camille."

"Hum." She purred before going back.

"Little mate?" Royal called out.


"Whatever he does, stay." He said in a pleading tone, "he's not a bad person. So don't be scared and stay with him. With me." And then I was staring into Armin's familiar hazel orbs.

"What did he mean by that?" I asked him.

"Who knows." He shrugged before interlocking our hands, "I did get one thing though; stay by my side. Don't be scared of me."

"Okay. I will. I won't." I beamed up at him. His eyes lightened and he tightened his hold on my hand.

"Let's go." He said before pulling me out of the cabin, "We'll come back." He added when he saw my gaze lingering on the wooden structure.

"Okay. It has a lot of precious memories now." I smiled.

"Mm. And we'll continue to make more." He smiled back.

I felt really happy at that moment. I wanted time to stop and for the path leading to where our car was parked to never end. I wanted to keep holding his hand like this and never let go.


We walked the rest of the way in easy silence. The car ride back was the same. We cut across the woods towards his house so we didn't see many pack members. I felt his gaze flickering to me once in a while but he averted it quickly every time.

"What is it?" I asked when he did it again.

"How come you never caressed my hair with the same affection and call me yours?" He mumbled, his eyes stared straight ahead.

"What?" I said confusedly. It took me a while to realize he was referring to Royal and me. "But I did. I even called you my Alpha."

"You didn't caress my hair. You hugged me and called me cute. Not your Armin." He said. I gazed at him before covering my mouth to muffle my laughter.

"You know, I'm starting to realize you're petty on top of being overly jealous." I chuckled.

"I'm not petty. I just like collecting what I owe. A debt is a debt, no matter what type." He said calmly.

"That's just a righteous way of saying you're very petty." I pointed out.

"Taking it easy is also a righteous way of saying you're very lazy." He replied making me laugh again.

"Oh, my goddess. You really are petty." I shook my head.

"Let's agree to disagree." He simply said, "Well?"

"Okay, Hazel. You're right. I never did." I said with a grin.

"Mm. It's good that you've realized your mistake. It's not too late to make up for it." He said in a nonchalant tone as if whatever was being said had nothing to do with him.

"Hum." I nodded before leaning my head on the window and kept quiet while muffling my laughter. He threw me a side glance before averting his gaze.

"Well?" He called out after a few seconds.

"Well, what?" I teased.

"Right your wrong of course." He said.

"Hum? Maybe I will. Maybe I won't." I grinned while he threw me a flat look.

"You're one step away from owing a debt." He said making me chuckle.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really."

"But we're already here. Let's take this inside." I said as motioned towards his manor.

He parked the car in front of the stairs leading to the front door before turning to look at me, "Head inside. I'll park the car in the garage and come in with our clothes."

"Okay. Come in soon." I smiled up at him, "My Armin." I added as I caressed his hair.

"Mm." He said with a small smile, "Wait for me."

"Always." And then I got out of the car and headed inside the house. But not before blowing him a kiss which he caught and put against his chest making me laugh.

He's so cute.

Too cute.

We feel like mates now.


We can tell him soon. We'll see Nick and the rest soon.


My steps felt lighter as I opened the door, the thought that I could soon see my family made me insanely happy. Hurried footfalls sounded from in front of me making me look up.

Alec's familiar face came into view.

"Hey." He called out quietly.

"Hey." I awkwardly replied as the morning's event poured into my mind. We went quiet with our eyes averted before we both spoke at the same time and then we were both laughing at that.

"You first." He said.

"Right. I'm sorry about this morning." I said with a slight blush as I recalled how I moaned in front of him.

"I should be the one apologizing." He shook his head with a smile. I smiled back at him and watched as he brought his hand towards my face, "I'm sorry."

"Why are you standing in front of the door?" Armin's voice snapped us out of our trance and I watched once again as his hand quickly dropped to his side.

"Alec? What are you both doing?" He asked lightly but I could feel the repressed aggression in his tone.

"I was apologizing to him," I explained.


"Because of this morning."

"He should be the one apologizing." He said flatly.

"I already did," Alec said with a tight smile.

"Mm. That's good. Come and help me with these bags."

"Where to?" Alec asked.

"Ooh! Did I hear bags? Bro Bro, did you buy me something? What is it?" Em's voice came from the kitchen followed by her footsteps.

"No, I didn't." He rolled his eyes.

"Then are they for me?" Robin said as he came out of the kitchen too.

"No, they aren't. The both of you decided to come out when you heard about bags?" Armin asked flatly.

"Of course. Why else would we?" Robin said.

"To check whether we were missing a limb or something," Armin said making me shake my head. Seriously? A limb?

"Seriously? A limb?" Robin asked incredulously while Alec's lips twitched in bemusement.

"Brother, doesn't your conscience hurt from saying that?" Em asked with raised brows.

"Why would it?"

"If you, of all people, lost a limb after going out then I'm afraid nobody would be safe to go out again." Robin shook his head.

"Touché." Em nodded in agreement.


"Where to?" Alec asked again as he gazed at the ten shopping bags Armin was holding.

"Our room. Red and I." He said adding the last sentence when he saw Alec's questioning look. Alec looked startled as his eyes moved between the two of us. Emma and Robin also had their gazes on us.

"Something feels different about them." Em mused.

My eyes averted from their probing ones towards Armin's. My heart couldn't help but tremble whenever he referred to something of his as ours. Him and I.

I couldn't hold the urge in anymore so I moved towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck before raining kisses on his face, lingering a bit longer on his lips. He let out a tiny growl when I only laid my lips unmoving against his before opening up his mouth.

I pulled back from him, acutely aware of the three peoples' turbulent emotions that were rolling off of them in waves. I gave his complaint-filled look a small wink before turning back to the three very shell-shocked persons in front of me.

"This..." Robin trailed off in confusion as he stared at the both of us incredulously, as if he couldn't wrap his head around what he just saw, "I need to sit down." He muttered before going to the living room and taking a seat with his back to us.

"No Robin. You're not crazy. Armin really did allow his face to be touched and kissed. Even on his lips too. You're not hallucinating." He mumbled over and over again with his face buried in his palms.

My lips twitched slightly at the sight, not knowing whether to stare incredulously or laugh.

He really...took exaggeration to a higher level.

"Brother...? Ar..min...?" Em stuttered. For once, she didn't possess that knowing look she always wore. She looked floored and that made me smug.

"I also need to sit." Em finally croaked out, "Scoot over Robin." She said and he quietly did. She imitated his position but kept quiet, unlike his reoccurring mumbles.

"Let's go," Armin said before passing some bags over to Alec. I didn't get to see his reaction as he followed behind Armin to the second floor. 

"You guys?" I called out to Em and Robin but they didn't even flinch at it. They maintained their positions so I let them be as I took a seat on the couch adjacent to theirs.

My mind wandered back to all the happenings of the day and I let out a sigh. It really was a fun day. I wished every day could be similar but I knew it was impossible. Time moved and things happened.

No way could be changed. Things were happening right now. Even as I sat here, my siblings were back there going through goddess knew what.

I felt uneasy. Really uneasy. How was I going to get them out? What about their wolfs? Have they made contact with them again? How terrified were they feeling right now, not being able to get in touch with them no matter how hard they tried? What about Lunatic? How deep had his connections run?

All those thoughts and questions spanned and spiraled out of control in my head. I was scared. Scared that I would be too late to save them. Scared that they had lost their wolves forever. Scared that—



I looked up and met with panicked hazel orbs. His eyes were slightly golden and he looked very worried.

"Ar...min?" I quietly called.

I didn't know what he saw in my eyes. I didn't know what expression I had. I didn't even know what I was feeling. But he did. He understood without me having to explain.

"It's okay." He slowly said as he pulled me into his arms, "I'm here."

My eyes welled up with tears but I didn't let them fall. Because I knew that if I did, then I would've had no way of explaining why I was crying. It would also only worry him further so I clutched tightly onto him and hugged him for dear life.


"Mm. I'm here, Red."

We stayed in our tight embrace and I took pleasure and comfort from his presence until my emotions were under control again.

"Sorry," I mumbled when my throat felt safe enough to speak.

"Don't. Don't ever apologize to me." He murmured into my ear as he held me tighter, "I'm your mate. That's not how it goes."

"Hum. Okay."

"Hey, Micah? You alright?" Emma's voice quietly asked. It was then I noticed that all three of them were standing in front of Armin and me with worried looks.

"Um... yeah. Sorry about that." I said with a chagrined smile.

"I almost had a heart attack when Armin came bounding down the stairs. That's when Robin and I noticed how pale and unfocused you were. Are you feeling okay?" She said, "Are you sure?" She asked again when I gave a weak nod.

"I really am. I guess it was just a...panic attack?" I said lowly as Armin adjusted his position so I was leaning on his chest while facing them.

"That sounded like a question," Alec said before moving over to me. He sat beside me before placing his cool palm on my forehead, "your skin is sweaty and cold. It was a panic attack." He frowned.

"Should we go to the hospital?" Robin frowned too.

"We should get the pack doctor to come over. She looks too weak." Em shook her head.

I stared at them quietly for a second or two before letting out a chuckle which soon turned into a full-blown laugh. I didn't know why I was laughing. I just had an urge to and I did. And for some reason seeing their incredulous expression seemed to crack me up even more too.

Armin was the only one who seemed unfazed as he twisted my hair around his fingers in fascination.

"I think Micah has lost it," Robin said dumbfounded.

"We need to take her to an asylum." Em said.

Alec on the other hand was staring at me, his expression filled with wonder. His lips formed the words but his voice didn't carry them over.

'How pretty.' He had mouthed.

I stared at him too until a tug on my hair pulled my attention away and toward my dark-eyed mate. His eyes were more brown than green meaning he was very unhappy. I smiled at him before gently caressing his face when I suddenly recalled what Emma said.

"You felt it?" I asked.

"Mm. I was startled at first before I realized they were from you. I was surprised." He said as he pulled me closer so I was sitting on his lap with an arm around my waist and the other still playing with my hair.

"I felt it too. Before we kissed." I said as I buried my face in his neck. He stiffened slightly before letting out a sigh.


"She's carrying out the conversation normally." Robin mused, "She's not crazy then right?"

"Could've fooled me." Emma rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"I'll choose to ignore that for the sake of world peace." He said.

"What?" She frowned in confusion but he ignored her.

"Are you alright now Micah?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah. Sorry for startling you." I said with my head turned towards him.

"It's Em you should worry about. She can't take too many surprises, you see. She has a weak heart." He smirked.

"Bastard! You're the one with a weak heart. Your whole family has weak hearts!" She gritted.

"Aren't you my family then? So you do agree that you have a weak heart? Hehe careful not to get a stroke, Emma." He laughed out loud, laughing harder when he saw her contorted expression.

"You b-!"

"Go home if you have nothing better to do." Armin flatly interrupted. His fingers that were weaving through my hair were comforting and I started feeling drowsy.

"You're like a kitten." He muttered into my ear right when I let out a short yawn. I mumbled incoherently while shuffling in his embrace to get more comfortable making him chuckle.


My eyes that were initially closed snapped open and I looked into his possessive eyes. That word just now, that voice just now sounded like Armin. But that was impossible. Sensing each other's emotions I could get but we shouldn't be able to hear the other's thoughts, at least not at this stage we shouldn't.

We had to mark each other first. Then we could hear the other's thoughts and mindlink through our connection.

I shook my head and blamed it on the drowsiness before going lethargic again.

"I think we should go home too. I don't want my singlehood to be highlighted further." Robin rolled his eyes.

"You're still an idiot but I agree with you. I'm also starting to feel very single." Em said.

I smiled lazily at that with my eyes still closed. They knew how to echo each other. 

"Alec?" Armin called. I looked over too when I realized he had been quiet since a while ago only to see him staring deeply at Armin and I. Or more accurately, at Armin's fingers in my hair.

Armin's voice seemed to snap him out of his dazed state. "Oh um sorry about that. Did you say something?"

"Mm. Red and I are turning in for the night. It's been a long day." He said as he stood up with me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck before nodding slightly at them.

"Good night guys. See you tomorrow." I said before Armin walked towards the stairs.

"You two better get out. I don't want to hear any arguments." He warned as he ascended the stairs, "Alec, I'm having your head if that happens."

I couldn't see Alec's face but I could feel the 'why me?' vibe rolling off of him making me smile.

"You should take a bath. I already ran it when I came up before." He said as he set me down in front of the bathroom door after we entered his, our, room.

"I don't wanna," I mumbled as I leaned against him drowsily.

"We've been out all day. Go and wash up." He said firmly while caressing my hair.

"Fine," I said reluctantly before walking into the bathroom. The tub was already filled with water so I only stripped and got in, instantly feeling more drowsy as the hot water surrounded me.

I lay there in a daze until I heard a knock followed by Armin's voice, "Red? You didn't fall asleep did you?"

"No. I'm almost done." I said before I quickly washed up and wrapped a towel around my body. I went into the closet through the adjourning door and carried the two overly large shirts we bought today along with a pair of shorts for Armin and a panties for me.

I dressed speedily, not bothering to even rub on body lotion before exiting the closet where I saw Armin standing in front of the bathroom door with his forehead leaned against it.

"Armin?" I called out.

"You're done. I'll take a quick shower too." He smiled.

"Okay. Here. I picked them for you." I gave him the clothes.

"Thanks. Lay down. I won't be long." He said before heading into the bathroom. I walked up to the bed and slowly got into the covers and closed my eyes. His earthy scent was quick to surround me and I fell into a half-sleep state.

I didn't even notice he was out until his arms came around my waist, "you seem tired."

"Yeah. I'm exhausted for whatever reason." I mumbled as I got into a comfortable position in his arms.

"Summer heat can make you lethargic." He said as he ran his fingers through my hair. I was starting to get used to the ripples of pleasure and sparks that ignited on contact.


Not really.

They still felt a bit surreal.

"You like it?" I asked.


"My hair."

"Mm. I adore it. It's so unique and fiery." He replied making me smile. It really was fiery.

"I also adore your eyes." I said as I gazed into his hazel orbs, "especially when they turned red. It was...so unique an...d mesmerizing too...I lo...ve it." I finished off drowsily before falling into a peaceful sleep, not getting the chance to see his reaction.


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