Bloodline (btsxjjk) (rewritin...

By TookForever

146K 4.8K 773

Out of fear and obligation, Jungkook was trapped in an abusive household with no purpose or direction in life... More

Prologue {rewritten}
1 (rewritten)
2 (rewritten)
Not an update, but it will come soon.......
3 (rewritten)
4 (rewritten)
5 (rewritten)
6 (rewritten)
Not an update.... well it is but it is not part of the story.πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜
7 (rewritten)
8 (rewritten)
9 (rewritten)
10 (rewritten)
12 (rewritten)
13 (rewritten)
14 (rewritten)
15 (rewritten)
21 (rewritten)


1.3K 62 11
By TookForever

"Looks like we reached a bit early," Jungkook commented, getting off his horse. He looked around. The land was barren. It was a good 20 kilometers from the capital. Jungkook could see the burning embers of the torches from the palace that stood proudly on top of a small hill, surrounded by the huts and houses. It wasn't exactly a good place to set up camp but the best option out of the current ones.

"Yeah, they should be here any moment," Taehyung told as he sat down next to Jungkook while drinking soju from a pitcher.

"Are you seriously trying to get wasted here?" Jungkook asked incredulously.

"Yep. If I get drunk enough, I might be able to be of some use," he told. Taehyung knew that Jungkook had lied to him about the fact that he had forgiven him. It was just way too obvious. But then, if Jungkook had lied to him, then why had Taehyung come along? Well, it was because what Jungkook had told back there was true. Taehyung could fight and he might as well put the skills into use instead of hiding like a coward just because of fear. 

He turned his head and looked towards the palace and sighed.

"Wait, I just noticed that you are growing a beard," Jungkook told with a laugh, putting his hand on Taehyung's chin and feeling it. It felt quite pokey and rough. Taehyung slightly smiled as Jungkook's soft hand went to his cheek. He put his hand over the other man's hand, wanting time to stop then and there.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked, baffled by Taehyung's sudden romantic gesture.

"What are we?" He simply asked. Taehyung saw Jungkook's confused face becoming even more confused but he needed to know. He needed to know if they were friends or lovers or just people that happen to be mates.

"I dont know, Taehyung," Jungkook told after thinking for a while. "I like you, no doubt in that and obviously I don't see you as a brother or friend because I am attracted to you. But neither do I love you, hell I don't even love Yoongi to that extent though he has stuck by my side for years put together. I started to feel this way only recently so I am still trying to accept that I like you and the others. And also I don't see a future for us if you know what I mean. One of us is bound to die in this battle. It is inevitable,"

"What if none of us died? Would you consider it?" Tsehyung asked, he seemed almost desperate at this point but what Jungkook had told was true. If they ever got into that kind of relationship, something would always be missing. It would also be quite complicated because it is 6 men loving one man, and vice versa. It looked like as if their relationship wanst meant to be. But why was Jungkook so sure that one of them would die no matter what?

"Oh look, they are here," Jungkook exclaimed, seperating their intertwined hands. He got up and immediately attacked Yoongi with a bear hug. The elder male just patted Jungkook's back. Jungkook also hugged Jin and Hobi, shook hands with Jimin as they were still quite awkward around each other. Weirdly, Namjoon didnt even look at him in the eye. The man just told. " We need to talk." That made Jungkook almost pee in his pants. He wondered what he had done to anger Namjoon. Taehyung on the other hand just waved while drying the bottle of soju out.

The soldiers had started to set up camp where the capitol cant see. Injae came up to Jungkook and hugged him too. "Namjoon knows. I had to tell him so that he would take up the role," In-jae whispered into Jungkook's ear before breaking the hug. HIs eyes widened in shock.

"You chose him?"

"Yeah, he was the best fit for it, maybe even better than you. The skills he possesses is hard to find," In-Jae told and Jungkook nodded his head. She was right. From what he had seen, Namjoon had his heart in the right place.

Maybe this was why Namjoon was upset at him. Because he had hidden something this big away  from him. This made him wonder how the others would react.

"Thanks for telling me. So, what's the plan after this?"

"We'll find a way to get you and the others into the capital and at the right time, you do what you have to do- wait, come here once," In-jae told. Jungkook went closer to her and she gasped in horror.

"The bond between you and Chanmin has increased. This is going to be a problem. Go and rest for now, and I will find a way to lessen it," In-jae said and jungkook nodded his head.


It was around midnight and Jungkook was waiting for Namjoon by the end of the line of the tents that had been set up. Him being nervous was an understatement, he felt like he might die because of it.

Finally, Namjoon came with his hands crossed over his chest.

"I want to know everything now, everything that you had been hiding from us. I dont want there to be any more secrets," He told. Namjoon had dark circles shading the skin under his eyes, pale skin, and looked extremely stressed and tired

"First tell me what In-Jae told you," Jungkook asked.

"She told me that I am the second in line for the throne in case you died. But when she said it, it sounded as if she knew that you wouldnt survive in the end. That's all. Now tell me, is it true?" Namjoon asked. He hadn't been able to sleep properly for the past few due days because of the sudden pressure. Jungkook looked at him with a sad gaze.

"Its true,"

"Why does it have to be you? What else do I not know?" Namjoon asked. Tears were freely flowing down his cheeks by now. Jungkook sat down on the grass and made Namjoon sit too.

"Its a long story actually. Chanmin knew that I was a bloodline since I was young. That was why he executed my father which led my sister to have an epileptic attack, so that I would be an orphan with no hopes of survival. And that plan actually worked until Taehyung found me. For awhile, he couldnt find me because I was unofficially under your care but after one year of living with this couple and their baby, he found me and killed them. When they were bringing me to the palace and I was unconscious, Chanmin apparently had performed a blood ritual on me which led to a bond being formed between us. If I am in pain, he will also be in pain. If I die, he will also die and vice versa. At that time, we didn't know he had done this to me but after knowing that he had drunk the blood of evil, i

I felt something weird in me and consulted In-Jae about it. Apparently the blood makes our bond a one-way connection. So, only if he dies, I will die, and not the other way around. He wont die if I die.

In-Jae had done some research and found out that the blood is also connected to a stone that we believe it to be in Chanmin's posssession. So, I destroy the stone and the Chanmin loses the power he had obtained from it. The only thing is that the stone can be broken by a dying man. I have to make sure that I hurt myself to a point that I am almost dead, destroy the stone seconds before I die. When I destroy the stone, he loses his power and I die which will also lead to Chanmin's death because the original bond would be restored.

In-Jae knew that I wouldnt become the king of these lands since the beginning because I was lacking in many areas. That was why I stopped worrying about being a king when she told me about this before she left for the southern province. You were always her first choice. I am just a soldier in a battle and you are my leader," Jungkook concluded. Namjoon was beyond shocked. This war was much more complex than it looked.

"Why couldnt you have told me earlier?" Namjoon asked. His face held so many emotions that it was a bit heart breaking.

"I didnt know how to tell you guys that I am going to die. I couldnt even accept the fact at first because it was around that time I started to like you guys. Hell, if you hadnt asked me about this, I wouldve never uttered a single thing and you guys would never know the truth behind my death unless In-Jae told you. I was scared, even that day when I came to you, I was even more scared of dying. That kind of fear I had never experienced in my life, not even when my sister was on the brink of death. Just because I would be willingly committing suicide when I had people to live for, things to be done. I-," Jungkook was cut adruptly as Namjoon hugged him. The younger man broke down into tears, letting Namjoon's shirt soak them in.

Namjoon on the other hand whispered that everything was going to be ok even though he knew nothing would be the same again. He couldnt imagine a life without Jungkook in it. The pain of losing a mate to death was painful, but even more painful whne you loved them with all your heart.

"Everybody needs to rest, you will just be resting a bit earlier," Namjoon told while sniffling and patting Jungkook's shaky back slowly. He felt Jungkook's head go limp against his chest and decided that it was time to sleep. Namjoon carried Jungkook back to his tent before going to sleep.


Jimin held his breath as Namjoon went past the place he had been hiding. He had heard everything. He actually had gone out for a walk to get some fresh air but stumbled upon Jungkook and namjoon's discussion. He also couldnt believe that Jungkook had kept this a big secret from them. He understood why Jungkook wouldnt tell him, because they werent completely acquainted yet but maybe to Yoongi or Taehyung or the others he shouldve atleast given a heads up. 

Jimin folded his legs as he bit his lips hard so he wouldnt cry. Before Jungkook died, he wanted to clear up any misunderstanding between him and jUngkook. Also apologize to the younger for his past actions. He wanted whatever they had between them to end on a positive note.


I cant believe no one was curious about the conversation that In-jae and Jungkook had in chapter 24 and the conversation that Namjoon and In-jae, and Namjoon and Jin had in the previous chapter.

Anyways, this book is almost done. Very close. I will miss writing this book because this is the book I had worked on the longest.

for those who are confused why "different" my taekook fanfic or "fools" my bts. jjk fanfic is not released yet. i actually havent finished writing them so I would need a couple of more months. within that time period i will write some short fanfics or update y short stories.

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