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By Queen_KaylaJ

210K 6.2K 446

| | The only happiness that matters are my sisters and brothers...I don... More

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10.2K 328 9
By Queen_KaylaJ

❤︎ 𒊹︎ ❤︎

❤︎ 𒊹︎ ❤︎

"Marguerite, rise, and shine lady, " Mrs. Helena, Marguerite's maid said as she opened the girl's curtains bringing in the light making Marguerite scrunch her eyes up.

"Just five more minutes, " Marguerite complained putting her pillow over her face as Mrs. Helena frowned before moving over to the bed massaging Marguerite's scalp, " Come on Daisy, there are suitors already here and I think one is for you, " Mrs.Helena said as Marguerite groaned.

"No their not they're for Daphne, " Marguerite said tiredly.

"How are you to know that if you haven't gotten up to look....how about we make a deal yeah, " Mrs.Helena suggested making Marguerite uncover her face eager to here of this deal.

"If you get dressed we'll go down have breakfast and spend the rest of the day in the garden drawing all the pretty flowers, but you must go down and see if you have any suitors for half an hour, " Mrs. Helena said making Marguerite smile as she rose out of bed and did her morning grooming before going downstairs to eat breakfast, with no complaints or groans.

❤︎ 𒊹︎ ❤︎

As the days went by suitors came and went for Daphne with some coming for Marguerite's hand, much to her surprise, but as soon as she began to strike up a conversation about books, art, and philosophy it did quite frankly turn many suitors off, maybe because her intellectuals not solely in pleasing a man but on what the world offers. While some would rather cook, Marguerite would rather read about recipes to cook or simply just read poetry in the garden. For she admired Jane Austen and William Shakespeare, she was even a fan of Beethoven and Mozart.

For she was just too curious to be with any of the suitors that appeared, sure she may have talked with them...lead them on, but Marguerite was too clever to truly take their hand and she knew Anthony would never give her away to her ignorant fool of suitors.

Elizabeth Featherington and her distant cousin Marie Thompson on the other hand were bringing in quite several suitors, becoming the talk of the town much to Daphne's dismay, for some reason Marguerite could never understand why marrying was such a huge deal to her younger sister. For Marguerite marriage felt like the end of the world, no life, no happiness, no love. And if there wasn't love Marguerite didn't want it.

Marguerite was brought out of her thoughts by Lord Berbrooke appearing in their house making Marguerite frown and look up to her stepmother before trying to walk away much to no avail since Violet gently held her back and sat her down.

"Don't leave me , " Marguerite pleaded with her sister Eloise who grabbed ahold of both her and Daphne's hands.

"I believe you would like to go, Eloise, " Violet said as Elosie shook her head no, " I believe I would not like to go and would rather like to stay, " Eloise said as Violet glared at her daughter before repeating herself again making Eloise finally give in with a frown and walk away.

"I pursumed both of your affection were already engaged, but now I see this is a sign that either on of us are truly meant to be together." Lord Berbrooke said making Marguerite laugh into a cough to cover it up.

"Sorry, I'm quite parched, " Marguerite lied as she took a sip of her tea.

"And definitely not interested, " Marguerite thought to herself as she looked at Lord Berbrooke with a subtle smile before looking upon him with disgust.

❤︎ 𒊹︎ ❤︎

"Elizabeth he was horrible, " Marguerite said as her and her close companion walked along the street.

"No he could...have—, " Elizabeth said trying to conquer up an excuse or lie but she couldn't.

"You can't even lie about him he's horrible and quite disgusting to be trying to pursue me and my sister when he's so old. He said he was attracted to us while he was a schoolboy and we were five. Isn't that disgusting, " Marguerite said looking disgusted as she thought of Lord Berbrooke's comment.

"Yes well what about the Duke of Hastings, mama tried to introduce Prudence to him, at the ball it was quite hilarious, " Elizabeth said laughing about her mother's antics.

"Duke of Hastings, more like the Duke of Cows because he acts like a cow so he is a cow, " Marguerite mumbled making Elizabeth laugh.

"What happened, " Elizabeth asked as Marguerite to a deep breath before explaining the fiasco that had occurred at the ball between her and the Duke of Hastings.

"He was so disrespectful it made him look truly horrible on the outside rather than how he truly looks to onlookers, " Marguerite complained making Elizabeth smirk.

"So you think he's handsome, " Elizabeth said with a smirk making Marguerite freeze before couging.

"Nope, he ugly, horrible, he a cow and a toad, " Marguerite blabberedas she kept on leaving Elizabeth back whom could only think, " For you to hate him you sure talk about him a lot. Perhaps Marguerite has a crush on the Duke of Hastings."

❤︎ 𒊹︎ ❤︎

Lord Berbrooke consistently appeared every single day causing Marguerite to become quite faint so rather than spend time dealing with him she stayed in bed or hid in the gardens drawing the flowers too annoyed to be anywhere else at the moment.

She knew Daphne would be mad, but she couldn't stand Lord Berbrooke, he made her uncomfortable.

And while she loves her sister, she couldn't help her not this time at least.

❤︎ 𒊹︎ ❤︎

While walking along the theater Marguerite spotted Lord Berbrooke who gave her a subtle wink and looked at her as if she was naked making her feel the need to cover herself.

She held onto Daphne's hand as Lady Danbury call for them to come join her, which they did with grace before bowing to the queen who took subtle shots at both her and Daphne.

Marguerite began to feel as if she was a disappointment for not finding a suitor or have many at that. Marguerite wanted her freedom but she also wanted acceptance. Call her a hypocrite but she craved acceptance all her life. She knew what people thought of her...it made her want to become even smarter or gifted to gain acceptance, but it never could because she was simply the child conceived by the Lord Bridgerton's maid and the Lord Bridgerton himself.

She heard people call her the product of a whore or homewrecker, they talked about her biological mother as if she never had a life or any right mind.

Marguerite didn't know rather to love her mother for being her mother even though she died giving birth to her or to hate her mother for having her and ruining her reputation.

But she knew she could never hate her true mother, she was taught by her grandmother that her mother was a bright and talented woman whom had dreams of being an poet, but her mother settled for less to take care of her grandmother and the rest of her family.

She became a maid for her family, losing the chance of truly living out her dream.

Marguerite was brought back to reality with Lady Danbury inspiring they sit next to her, which they agreed to as the theater lights darkened and everyone took their seats.

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