Interception (Book 6)

By Dijah_Love

1.8M 72.5K 138K

Four years into the future, about to graduate college, Aliyah and Marcus have both created new lives for them... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Part 1)
Chapter 34 (Part 2)
Authors Note
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter 51
Authors Note:Quick Vent
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 (PART 1)
Chapter 58 (PART 2)
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 | The Prelude
Chapter 70 (PART 1)
Chapter 70 (PART 2)
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 61

7.5K 409 1.9K
By Dijah_Love


Aliyah P.O.V.

"So are you sure y'all will be here tonight? How do you know your flight won't get delayed again?"

I tucked my feet underneath my butt, as I continued to talk to mama on face time.

"We're sure baby, your father and I aren't going to miss your wedding, we're already upset that we're missing the rehearsal dinner,"

I sighed. "And what about AJ? Have you heard from him?"

"Yes, he and Mariah's flight should be in by tonight too, this weather has screwed everything up, but I promise we'll be there."

"I hope so,"

"We will baby, don't stress, Marissa made it a few days ago, right?"

"Yeah," I said in a sigh. "She's been staying with Ronnie and I ever since she landed four days ago,"

Mama smiled. "Well good, atleast Marissa and Amara are there with you to keep you company, is everything in place for the rehearsal dinner?"

I sighed again, knowing she was trying to change the subject.

" starts in a few hours, I hired a makeup artist for today and for the wedding tomorrow, she should be here soon,"

"Oh good, we'll go get all pretty-fied and enjoy your night baby, I'll see you in the morning at the venue,"

"Okay.......please be safe, and text me before you guys board the plane....tell daddy I said bye,"

"I will, go enjoy yourself, love you."

"Love you too,"

I stared at the phone screen until she hung up, automatically making me close my eyes.

My wedding was less than 12 hours away, and none of my immediate family besides Amara and Marissa were here in Atlanta.

In true black peoples fashion, everybody had decided to fly out last minute, all around the same time, and of course, a storm came and interrupted everyone's plans.

I dropped my phone to the side of me and began rubbing my temples, not wanting to feel stressed, but I couldn't help it.

"Knock, Knock,"

I looked up at the doorway to see Marissa standing there, fully dressed.

"What's the update? Has their plane left yet?" I shook my head.

"No, my mom said they won't be flying out for another 3 or 4 hours, they should get here around 1 or 2am,"

"Damn," she mumbled. "Well don't stress, everything will work itself out, you need to get dressed though, I heard Ronnie say that the driver will be here in a hour, Amara is on the way to pick me up so we can get to the venue together."

I sighed, nodding my head. "Okay....I'm getting up,"

I stood up from the bed, fixing up my hoodie and sweatpants.

"Can you let my makeup artist in when she gets here if I'm still changing please?"

"Yeah of course, just go,"

She pushed me in the direction of my closet, pointing to my rehearsal gown that was hanging up in a clear bag.

"Put it on and relax, I'll see you in a little bit," she gave me a soft smile before stepping out of the bedroom, closing the door behind herself.

Marcus P.O.V.

"Oh my god, I can't believe Aliyah is getting married, it legit still feels like yesterday that we were all hanging out after school,"

I sat back in my seat quiet, listening to Brittany speak.

"But if anyone was going to get married first out of all of us, my money was definitely on Li," she said in a chuckle.

"Is everybody ready to go ?" She asked , buckling her seatbelt.

"Yeah, I think we good...., you good Marcus?"

I nodded. "Let me just grab my phone real quick, hold up,"

I quickly climbed out of the car, making my way back inside my house.

I jogged into the kitchen, picking up my phone off the counter, sighing. "Almost forgot," I mumbled to myself.

As soon as I turned around, making my way back towards the front door , my phone began to ring.

I looked down at my phone screen to see Kenny calling me. I quickly answered, placing the phone to my ear.

ME: "Hello?"

KENNY: "Hey good afternoon son, are you busy?"

I sighed a little, scratching the back of my head.

ME: "I guess you can say that.....I'm actually about to head over to Aliyah's rehearsal dinner.....but wassup? Is everything good?"

KENNY: "So you decided to go, Last time we talked I thought you said you weren't going to go,"

I nodded as if he could see me.

ME: "I know," I said in a sigh. "I was really hoping that I could get a meeting with the some of the organization members from the Miami Gators today, but they actually wanna meet with me and my agent tomorrow...... I just thought I would just go since the whole team was invited and I didn't want anything looking any type of way like I'm salty or something......atleast I have a reason to skip out on the wedding tomorrow,"

KENNY: "Wow," he started. "Well first, let me say congratulations for getting a meeting with the Miami Gators.....any word from the team in LA?"

I sighed.

ME: "Nah, not I'm hoping that every goes well tomorrow especially since they haven't wanted to set up a meeting with me yet,"

KENNY: "Well I wish you all the good luck son, seems like you're really ready to leave Atlanta more sooner than later,"

ME: "That's the plan, now that I got Kelia's blessing, I'm really trying to make some moves soon....hopefully,"

KENNY: "And does this plan have anything to do with this young lady and her wedding?"

I was silent for a second, as I leaned up against one of the kitchen counters.

ME: "I would be lying if I said no," I started. ".....Honestly after everything that's transpired between her and I this past year, I really do need a fresh start.....away from her and our history. And now that the wedding is legit around the corner, it's just hitting me that she is somebody that I care about, and it's cool that she doesn't feel the same way back.....I just don't want to torture myself for the rest of my football career, having to see her and another dude cuddled up in my face all the time.....if I'm gonna move on from her, ion need her or him in my space,"

KENNY: "I understand that, and I don't blame you, I just wanted you to be honest with yourself about why you're moving, and why you're making these moves as quick as you are.......are you sure you're 100% comfortable leaving Kenzie in Atlanta?"

I sighed.

ME: "No," I started again. "I'm not, but what I came to realize is that, in order to take care and provide for Kenzie, I need to do my job, to the best of my ability, meaning, when I'm out on that field, I need 100% focus and clarity......and that's something I don't got right now here in Atlanta."

"God forbid I let all of this Aliyah and Ronnie and Delilah drama fuck with my mental while I'm out there playing and I get injured because I'm not focused....then what? My job as Kenzie's father is to make sure she's always good, and to be the best man and father I can be, and unfortunately right now I can't be my best self here in the A, so it's time to go,"

KENNY: "Spoken like a true man......I'm proud of your growth Marcus, you seem to be coming into your own, and it's great to see.....and you're absolutely right, Kenzie comes first, so if you feel like separating yourself from your current situation and the drama that's affecting you to keep your head on straight, I respect that, and I think you leaving is a good call on your part.....just remember to make time for your baby girl, the newborn stage just flies by, and she's going to be changing on a daily basis, and you'll already be missing those day by day changes."

I nodded.

ME: "Yeah, for sure, Kenzie is my number one, always. She's all I got right now anyways, and as much as I know it's going to kill me when I'm finally away from here, I can see the bigger picture,"

KENNY: "Good, she's just a phone call away, try to remember that whenever you're missing her,"

ME: "I will........but enough about me and my drama, wassup? Everything good with mama and Bria?"

KENNY: "They're both fine, I was calling because I wanted to tell you I picked a date to propose to your mother.....our anniversary is coming up soon, so I wanted to see if you were able to fly out to be here when it happens,"

ME: "When is it?"

KENNY: "In two weeks, I know off season officially started for you a few weeks ago, so I was hoping you had some time to come down,"

ME: "Yeah, I'll let you know, after I meet with the team tomorrow I can have a better answer for you, but I'll try my best to be there."

KENNY: "Okay, that sounds good to me, I won't hold you, just give me a call whenever you can,"

ME: "Ight, will do,"

KENNY: "Alright, be safe young man,"

ME: "You too,"

I hung up the phone, dropping it into my dress pants  pocket. I took a deep breath, looking at myself in the mirror one last time before making my way out of the house again.

Delilah P.O.V.

"You ready to go D?"

I flattened out my dress, before looking over my shoulder at myself through Mario's mirror.

"I'm ready, what about you?"

He nodded. "I'm ready, Harvey is here to pick us up,"

"Right on time, I like that," I picked up my clutch purse off of his nightstand, looking at myself one last time.

"Will your sister be there?"

"Yes," he said in a sigh. "The entire team got invitations, snd shes apart of the team, so I'm sure she'll be there to support,"

"Okay, and she still has no idea, right?"

He nodded again. "I haven't told her anything since the day I stopped by her apartment, as far as she knows, it's been called off,"

"Perfect," I started. "So let's get the party started then,"

I turned around, walking out of his bedroom and out through the front door.

Simone P.O.V.

"This storm doesn't look like it's letting up at all,"

I sighed to myself, resting my head on the glass window that was beside me.

"I told you we should've flew out earlier baby, you should've heard the stress in Aliyah's voice, she's getting married in less than 24 hours and none of her immediate family is there at her rehearsal dinner," I closed my eyes, shaking my head.

"Relax, I don't need you and Aliyah both stressing right now, we'll make it........unfortunately," August mumbled.

I shook my head a little, looking over at him. "When are you going to stop? Aliyah is getting married to Ronnie tomorrow, after that, he officially becomes apart of the family,"

He sucked his teeth. "That nigga will never be apart of my family, wedding or not. I just can't believe you're actually on board with them getting married, especially after what went down with them a few months back,"

I sighed. "We don't know anything about what happened with them months ago, and quite frankly, if it wasn't anything serious, it was never none of our business,"

"We've raised Aliyah right, she's a smart girl, if something serious was going on between her and Ronnie, she would've told us when she had the chance. If my mom or your mom judged our relationship from every problem or issue we had, you leaving the house, or me leaving the house, I highly doubt either one of them would have wanted us together,"

He was silent.

"Every relationship has its ups and downs, and just because Aliyah is our daughter, doesn't mean her experience with relationship are any different, I mean, look at what happened with AJ and Marissa, I would've never saw that coming, and watching AJ go through that heartbreak killed me, but it wasn't something that we could protect him from, things are going to happen with them and their significant others whether we like it or not."

"I get that, but you know how I feel Simone, it's been something about this boy that's never sat right with me since I met him, and I remember how pushy you said he came off when you tried helping Aliyah pack to leave the house,"

I sighed. "I said he was pushy when it came to wanting Aliyah to stay and talk to him, I saw pure sadness and sorrow in his eyes when I was helping her leave, I can tell that he loves her deeply, and he's never done anything in the almost five years that we've known him to make us suspicious of him, just be honest, Aliyah will always be your baby girl in your eyes, and no man will ever be good enough for her, you're always going to have some type of doubts or suspicions about whoever she's with."

"That's not true,"

I chuckled. "It kinda is, Aliyah is 23 years old, and has only had three boyfriends since we've allowed her to start dating, and you've disliked all of them."

"With good fucking reason," he started. "That first little nigga she was dating in high school was cheating on her, the second one got another chick pregnant, oh and let's not forget about that other light skin nigga with the dreads that I almost had to knock out for having her locked up in a bathroom, and this nigga.....there's just something about him that telling me he ain't who he puts on to be,"

I sighed again. "First of all, Aliyah never dated that boy who passed, and she was only really messing with him because of what she was going through at the time, so he doesn't count. I agree that Tyree was never good for her, but Marcus was a decent young man, and he didn't get anyone pregnant thank god."

"Well whatever," he started. "One thing I'll never do is go against my gut, and my gut is telling me not to trust him, so therefore, I don't trust him. I'm showing up tomorrow to support Li-Li, so she don't feel like I'm abandoning her and her big day, but I don't support the wedding or the marriage, and that ain't changing,"

"Whatever you say August," I said in a small sigh. "Just try to keep your energy positive for Li-Li tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, I got it."

Kelia P.O.V.

"How's little ms. Kenzie been going? I'm sorry that I haven't been able to spend much time with her, after you got released from the hospital, everything has been really crazy for me, I'm glad I got to see my little princess today though,"

I smiled to myself, watching mama rock Kenzie back and forth in her arms, as she stared up at her.

"She's been good, she's starting to sleep through the night a little better, Marcus and I are loving that, oh, and she's been starting to roll on her sides, every time she's down on the ground, she's just like a little tumbleweed,"

Mama chuckled. "Well she's almost three months, so she should start getting somewhat active, just brace yourself, because once she starts moving, she's not gonna stop,"

"Oh I know," I said with a smirk. "Marcus and I already talked about baby-proofing the apartment in a few weeks, because we know it's coming, so we agreed to just get a head start on things."

She nodded her head as if she was impressed. "Wow, seems like things have been going pretty well between you and Marcus,"

"It has," I said in a sigh. "Surprisingly, we co-parent really that we're not together and there's no more drama between us, we actually make really good friends.....he's actually been a great partner so far,"

Both of her brows raised. "Really? Well to say I'm shocked would be a understatement.......he was barely there when you were pregnant, so I was more than sure he would've been a ghost after you got discharged from the hospital, but I guess I was wrong, I'm glad, for your sake and Kenzie's."

"I am too," I started. "He comes over multiple times a week to help with Kenzie, he'll even stay and sleep on the couch just so I can get more rest and then I can get up and shower and pump so someone's always with her....... I've never even asked him to do any of that, he's really been on top of his game lately, even when his season was still going.......I'm just happy things have been going good between him and's actually a relief."

"Wow, that's great baby, I'm hoping that he keeps it up, Kenzie needs two mature adults to properly raise her, so I'm glad you two are getting along and making it work,"

I opened my mouth to speak, but the sound of someone knocking on my front door stopped me.

"Who's that?" Mama asked, still rocking Kenzie in her arms.

"Uh, I don't know, hold on."

I stood up from the table, walking over to the door, looking through the peephole.

"Oh, it's Terrance,"

I quickly unlocked the door, pulling it open.

"Hey," he said with a small smile. "Hey...... I didn't know you were stopping by, my mom is here visiting a Kenzie, so we're a little busy,"

"Oh," he said lowly. "I could've sworn we were meeting tonight to grade the tests.....maybe I got the date wrong,"

I slightly gasped, realizing he was right. "Oh my god, you're right, I completely forgot, I'm sorry, I promise you mommy brain is a real thing.......come in, we can go over them now,"

He shook his head. "No, no, I don't wanna interrupt, just call or text me whenever you want to meet....... I brought this for you,"

I looked down at his hands to see him holding a stack of papers in his right, and a plastic bag with containers in his left.

"You said you really liked that ramen place that was downtown, so I picked up some on my way here."

I smiled. ".....Thank you, you didn't have to do that....I promise I'll text you tomorrow with a new day and time," I took the bag out of his hands, feeling bad.

"No problem.....tell Kenzie and your mom hi for me."

"I will.....thank you again."

He gave me a smile before walking away.

I closed the door behind myself, feeling terrible.

"Well that was sweet of him," Mama said, breaking the silence between us.

"Yeah......that was very sweet.... I feel terrible for forgetting....even though I'm on maternity leave, I've been trying to help out as much as I can, but Kenzie has me so busy during the day, I must've just forgot,"

"And that's understandable." Mama started. "I'm sure he knows that, who's idea was it for you two to start meeting up to do the grading?"

"It was a idea of mine while I was pregnant, but he reached out asking if it was still something I wanted to do after I had Kenzie, so I agreed."

She smiled. "Well that makes sense then,"

"What makes sense?"

"Him coming over often, bringing you food you said you liked.....seems to me like he's using the schoolwork as a excuse to see you.....I think he likes you,"

I automatically laughed. "Stop,"

"I'm being serious," she started. "He helped you find this apartment, helped you move, I think he fancies you,"

I chuckled. "A single man, with no kids, and a pretty decent job isn't checking for a woman who just literally had a baby almost three months ago and is newly single,"

"It's not common, but doesn't mean it's impossible, he's around way too much, and volunteers to help you out way too often to not be somewhat interested in you,"

I shook my head. "I highly doubt it, and even if he was, I'm not interested. Kenzie is my only focus right now, I'm good with my relationship status,"

"Okay," She said in a warning tone. "Do as you please, but just remember who told you first,"

"Okay mama," I said sarcastically.

Marcus P.O.V.

"When they gone bring the food out? I'm hungry as hell,"

Brittany rolled her eyes, nudging Will in his side. "Relax, Aliyah and Ronnie aren't even here yet, nobody's eating anything until they both get here,"

He sucked his teeth. "Well they need to hurry they asses up, all these little ass appetizers ain't doing a damn thing for me,"

She rolled her eyes again. "Just be quiet, I'm hungry too, your daughter is starving right now but I'm not complaining, just enjoy yourself, I'm sure Aliyah will be here soon."

"She better," he mumbled, taking a sip from his glass.

"And speaking of your daughter, I gotta pee again, I'll be right back,"

She held onto her belly, maneuvering through the crowds of people, leaving Will and I alone.

"You good man?"

I looked up from my phone, giving him a slight nod. "Yeah I'm straight,"

"You sure? You've been quiet ever since we got in the car, wassup?"

"Nothing," I started. "Just got a lot on my mind,"

"Anything to do with Aliyah?" He asked with a smirk.

I automatically frowned, shaking my head. "Nah, why would she be on my mind??"

He shrugged. "Ion know, maybe because we're at shortys wedding rehearsal???"

I sighed. "So?"

"So, you might be in your feelings that your chick is getting married." He said nudging me in my side, letting me know he was joking.

"Nah, ion care about that,"

He chuckled. "I feel you, but aye, I'm surprised you're here though, I told Brittany I was gone be bored as hell since Chris wasn't gone be here,"

"Well I ain't really have a choice," I started. "Half of the organization and the whole team got invited, including our coach, so if I was the only player that ain't show up, that looks suspect, so whatever, I'm just glad I got this meeting tomorrow so I'll have a reason to miss the wedding,"

He nodded slowly. "Well if you don't care about her getting married, why you need a reason to miss the wedding?"

"Cause I got better shit to be doing, if I'm really gonna be traded, I need to prepare for another move, That within itself is stressful as hell, especially when you're not sure where you're going, and to throw a baby in the mix makes it worse,"

He nodded slowly. "So you Forreal leaving Atlanta then?"

"Trying too," I started. "If I fuck up this meeting tomorrow, then I might have to stay here for another season, but I'm really not tryna do that,"

He nodded again. "Why? I thought shit was going good for you with the Panthers? Shit, ion no not one rookie who got as much play time as you their first season."

"Nah, my game has been good, I've been super blessed to even touch the field my first year, but it's just too much drama for me in this city, and I need to stay on top of my game to feed my kid,"

"I feel you on that," he started. "I'm tryna convince Brittany to move, there's better job opportunities for me outside of Atlanta, and I'm tryna snag one before my baby girl arrives, so I feel you, but besides the drama with you and Kelia, which is dead now, what other drama you got???"

I sighed. "You remember that dancer I was messing with a few months ago?"

He nodded. "Yeah, the one with the fatty,"

"Yeah, I cut her off back when Kenzie was born and she still be blowing my shit up. Not only know that Aliyah and I kissed back when I first got on the team,"

He smirked, slightly chuckling. "Yeah, how could I forget that,"

"Things have just been hella awkward between her and I since then, and it's gotten way worse over the last few months," I said lying.

I knew it only had gotten more uncomfortable and awkward because of us having sex, and me admitting that I loved her, but I couldn't tell anybody any of that.

"And to top it all off," I started again. "You know what went down between me and Jess already when I was staying with her,"

He nodded. "Yeah, I remember that, but I thought y'all don't speak no more,"

"We don't," I started. "We haven't said a word to each other since I left her crib a few months back, I'm really tryna keep it that way since now I know she's coach's daughter, and if he found out I fucked her, ima be benched benched,"

He shook his head. "Damn, okay, now I see what you talking bout, I guess leaving the A is your best bet cause you got hella messy situations,"

I sighed. "I know, that's why I'm tryna leave all the bullshit here and get a fresh start man,"

"Big facts, but aye, speaking of messy situations, here's one now," he nodded his head in the direction behind me, causing me to frown.

I looked over my shoulder to see Jess walking up towards me.

".......Ima go find Brittany," I sighed a little to myself, as I turned around, dropping my hands in my pockets.

"Hey," she said lowly, stepping up to me.


"........How are you?"

I gave her a slight head nod, switching my weight to my left foot. "I'm cool,"

"Good........oh..congratulations...... I saw that your daughter was born a few months ago..... I sent you a text, but I'm not sure if you got it."

"I got it," I started. "But thank you."

She nodded. "...... I tried calling you, like a few weeks ago..... I wanted to talk to you about something,"

I sighed. "I saw your calls, I just didn't know what we had to talk about, after what went down at your crib, I thought we was cool with keeping our distance."

"We've been keeping our distance for months, I'm over whatever happened between us back then that caused us to fall out, I'm not saying we have to be friends again, but we can atleast be cordial."

I sighed again. "Look, my only focus right now is my daughter and football, ion need no extra drama, so whatever happened with us is behind me, but I'm not worried about being friends or cool with anybody right now, it seems as if drama has been following me for this past year, and I'm choosing to stay away from it, and from the people who cause it,"

She nodded. "As you should, and that's why I needed to talk to you, as your former friend, I just didn't want you to be blindsided by something that can really hurt you and your career,"

I frowned. "What you talking about?"

She took a deep breath, shaking her head. "....Earlier this year my brother kept telling me about this tape of a football wife he had, in her house, sleeping with another guy. He was trying to sell the tape to TMZ, but ended up misplacing it. I obviously didn't think anything of it until recently, like a month ago he showed up to me house, telling me that Delilah found the tape, watched it, and told him that the two people in the video were you and Aliyah,"

My frown deepened. "What???? How does he even have a tape???"

She sighed. "Apparently, he was doing some temp work earlier this year, and he was working for this camera installation company for a little bit. I guess the night after you and Aliyah slept together, she called the next day to get a new security and camera system installed and he got a hold of the footage that way,"

"And he told you this months ago and you're just now telling me??"

She frowned. "He told me that he had some woman's footage, after that, months later he told me some chick was cheating on her boyfriend since that's what he saw, but he never named names, and I just never put the dots together,"

I sighed. "And you said Delilah told him it was me? How does Delilah know your brother???"

"She's his current victim," she said, rolling her eyes. "They're sleeping together, and she found the tape in his apartment last month,"

I ran a hand down my face, confused from all of this. "You said he was tryna sell it?"

"Yeah, when he showed up at my place he told me that Delilah gave him the idea to sell the tape to TMZ, I tried my best to convince him otherwise, but he's so money hungry at times, I don't know,"

"So what? So you saying TMZ has a video of me and Aliyah??"

She shrugged. "I don't know, like 2 weeks after he showed up at my place, we talked and he told me that he changed his mind about releasing the tape after hearing what I had to say, he had a meeting with that Harvey guy, but he said he canceled it. Ion know, I think he was just telling me that so I wouldn't get suspicious....but it has been a month and nothing has been released, so I really don't know,"

I nodded slowly. "Ight, tell your brother I wanna holla at him,"

She frowned. "What? Why?"

"Don't worry, just tell him I wanna see him, and as far as Delilah goes, I'll handle her, just pass the message along for me,"


I opened my mouth to speak, but the sound of someone on a microphone, stopped me.

"May I have all of your attention please,"

I slowly turned around, facing the woman who was wearing a headset, and holding a clipboard.

"Good afternoon everyone, my name is Chrissy, and I want to welcome you all to soon to be Mr and Mrs. Johnston's rehearsal dinner."

A few cheers and claps filled the space, as I stayed silent.

"I just got word that our lovebirds have just arrived, so we'll now be escorting you all inside the venue for dinner,"

"So if you all can please turn your attention to the brown double doors infront of you and begin making your way inside, we would greatly appreciate it. There's also no assigned seating for guests, so if you are not immediate friends or family, please feel free to sit anywhere you like." She smiled at all of us before stepping away from the mic stand.

"I'm sorry about all of this," she started. "Just don't hurt him....he's a money hungry ass, but he's still my brother,"

She let out a weak smile, before stepping around me, making her way inside of the venue.

I stood there for a second, clenching my jaw together, trying to calm myself down.

Delilah P.O.V.

"How much longer until it's done?" I looked over Mario's shoulder at all the wires him and his friends were messing with.

"Just a few more minutes D, just keep your eye out, Harvey said he'll send a message if he's sees anyone making their way inside,"

I sighed. "Alright, we'll hurry up, it's hot as hell back here,"

"Just go on outside with everybody else, Terry can stand watch,"

I smirked. "Alright cool, just send me a text when everything is set, I'm getting to work on my next plan,"

Aliyah P.O.V.

"Are you ready beautiful? This is our moment,"

Butterflies began to fill my stomach as I watched our driver slowly pull up to other venue that we heard was already full with majority of our guests.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, as he parked, making his way around to the backseat, pulling the door open for Ronnie and I.

He stepped out first, holding his hand out for me to take. I gently grabbed it, scooting over and climbing out of the car, making sure I didn't mess up our all white outfits.

As soon as we stepped out, Sasha stepped outside of the venue with her headset and clipboard, smiling at the both of us.

"Glad you two are finally here, everyone has been seated, the chefs just brought out majority of the food, and everyone has been mingling for the last half hour, waiting on our two lovebirds to arrive,"

I softly smiled. "How does it look? How did everything come together??"

"It looks amazing, we've gotten a lot of compliments about the decor, just wait until they see the wedding venue, they are gonna die,"

I chuckled. "Okay it time for our entrance?"

"It is," she started. "Right after your entrance, Ronnie will make his speech thanking your family, friends and few guests for coming, and then, he will toast to you and announce that everyone may eat."

I nodded. "Okay,"

"And don't worry," she started. "I got your text this morning about your family's flights. We've seated Ronnie's mom with you, and removed the place setting for your mom dad and brother, replacing them with Marissa and Amara so it wouldn't be as noticeable and awkward,"

I sighed. "Thank you Chrissy......since I'll be busy, can you please let me know if you hear from my mom and dad or AJ? I told them to call or text you with updates once we got here,"

She nodded. "Of course, now come on, let me walk you all in,"

I slipped my hand inside of Ronnie's as we walked down the long white carpet that led to the venue entrance door.

He let me step inside first, as we both followed Chrissy deeper inside the rehearsal venue.

As soon as I seen all of the guests that filled up all the tables, my heart began beating faster, and butterflies began to fill my stomach.

I held on to Ronnie's hand, as Chrissy and our security pushed open the double doors, revealing us to everyone.

As soon as they saw us, cheers and claps filled the venue space, causing both of us to smile.

I gave a few waves, as Ronnie and I were escorted to our main table that his mom, Marissa and Amara were already seated at.

He pulled out my chair for me, letting me sit first, before taking his seat beside me. As soon as we sat, the waiters sat down two glasses of what looked like champagne in front of him and I.

I hesitated for a second before picking my glass up, as Amara leaned over to me. "It's apple juice, I had then switch your glass,"

I took a small sigh of relief, giving her a head nod. "Thank you,"

As the claps and cheers began to die down, Chrissy handed Ronnie a mic, causing him to stand up again, holding onto his champagne.

"Good afternoon everybody, first, Aliyah and I want to thank you all for coming out to celebrate with us this evening, we appreciate all of you for making time in your schedules to celebrate us and our union on becoming husband and wife,"

More cheers and claps filled the space once he said that.

"But the real thank you goes to my beautiful fiancée, for being such an amazing woman to me for the past 5 years, and accepting my proposal to become my wife, I love you beyond words can express baby,"

I smiled, as everyone aww'd around us.

"So please, I know y'all must be starving by now, so everyone please enjoy the food and music, and hopefully I'll see all of you tomorrow bright and early,"

He smiled at everyone one last time before handing the mic back to Chrissy.

".....Any word from your parents?" Marissa asked, leaning in closer to Amara and I.

"I don't think so, Chrissy would've told me if there was any updates....I'm just really hoping they'll get here by tonight,"

"They will," she said reassuring me.

"Congratulations Aliyah, it's good to see you,"

I looked over my shoulder to see Porsha and Greg standing behind me.

"Oh, thank you.....thank you for coming," I stood up from my seat, giving both of them a small quick hug.

"Good to see you both," I said, putting a fake smile on my face for Porsha.

I really hated the fact that we were obligated to invite half of the organization and team, seeing as how I didn't have a close relationship with majority of the lady panthers, besides Giselle obviously.

Once they both turned their attention to Ronnie, I sat back down in my seat, as Amara and Marissa placed their hand on my arm, leaning towards me.

"Why is he here??"

I followed their gaze, until my eyes landed on one of the tables where Marcus was sitting.

I sighed a little to myself, realizing I forgot to tell them about Marcus being here.

"......Ronnie invited him," I said lowly. "It was his idea to invite him so none of his teammates were left out,"

Marissa's eyes widened a little. "And he actually came??" She said lowly. "Just because he invited him doesn't mean he actually had to show up.....did he invite him to the wedding too?"

I nodded. "Yeah....he did,"

"Oh my god,"

"It's fine, I'm planning on keeping my distance for the rest of the night, and tomorrow, I'll be too busy to even notice him, we won't have any interaction, it's fine guys,"

"Okay," Amara said lowly. "If you say so,"

A.J. P.O.V.

"Are you sure we're gonna make it in time for your sisters wedding tomorrow? I heard so many flights have been delayed from this stupid storm,"

I sighed.

"We don't got a choice but to make it, if I don't, I won't hear the end of it from her and my mama, so storm or no storm, we're gonna be there,"

Mariah chuckled. "Okay...have you heard from your parents? Have they made it?"

"Last thing I heard was that they were stuck in the airport just like us, so probably not."

"Damn," She said lowly. "So who's there with your sister?"

"Just Amara, her best friend, and Marissa flew out there a few days ago I think."

"Oh, so Sky is there, are you happy you get to see her?"

I shook my head. "She didn't bring Sky, Marissa told me that she didn't wanna fly with her, so she left Sky with her parents,"

"Oh....damn, we'll Nevermind then,"

"It's cool," I wrapped my arm around her, getting comfortable in my seat, when my phone began vibrating in my pocket for the hundredth time today.

"Who keeps blowing you up? I swear that's like the fifth time your phone has rang since you picked me up this morning,"

"It's nobody," I started. "Just someone who doesn't know how to take no for a answer,"

She frowned, looking up at me. "And who's that??"

I sighed, not really wanting to get into it with her. "My mom, she keeps calling because she wants to see Sky, it's her one time of the year that she remembers that me and her grandchild exists,"

"Wait what?" Her frown deepened as if she was super confused.

"I thought you just said you haven't heard from your mom since earlier......and why would she be calling you about seeing Sky??? Shouldn't she call Marissa? And what do you mean she forgets y'all exists? I thought you said your mom was super involved with Sky,"

I slightly chuckled, realizing I never explained anything to her.

"Oh, right, my bad, I never told you,"

"Never told me what?"

"Aliyah and I are half siblings, we only got my pops in common, but different moms,"

Both of her brows raised. " Ms.Simone isn't your biological mom?"

I shook my head no. "Nah, that's Aliyah's mom technically, but I've been living with them since I was like 5 or 6, so I was basically raised by her, so that's why I call her mama, she's the only mama I got in my eyes,"

She nodded slowly. "So you don't have a relationship with your biological mom then?"

"Not really, I used to have to see her every other weekend up until I turned 18, because of some court order, but I decided to stop seeing her once I turned 18 cause it was just a waste of my time,"

She really never tried to build a relationship with me, it seemed like she's always been more concerned about the fact that my dad is with Simone and not her, rather than focus on her and Is relationship, but it's whatever, I got everything I needed in a mother in my real mama, so I ain't got no complaints,"

She cracked a small smile. "Seems like Ms.Simone is the shit, she does seem hella sweet, I can tell she's a good mom,"

"The best mom," I said correcting her. "Especially cause I was hella shy when I was younger and she made it super easy for me to get comfortable with her and my new living situation, she's the goat forreal,"

She chuckled. "Awww I never knew you was a mamas boy....that's cute,"

"I wouldn't say all that, but I do love her a lot, she's lowkey my favorite parent, but don't tell my pops that," I smiled, causing her to smile.

"I won't, your secret is safe with me,"

Marcus P.O.V.

I stood up from my seat, pulling my phone out of my pocket, making my way over to the restroom.

Once I got close enough, I quickly dialed Kelia's number, placing the phone to my ear as I leaned up against the wall.

KELIA: "Hello?"

ME: "Hey, how's Kenzie doing?"

KELIA: "She's good, my mom just finished giving her a bath for me, so she's getting sleepy, but trying to fight it as's the event you had to go to?"

I shrugged as if she could see me.

ME: "It's straight I guess, I was just calling to check in real quick to make sure everything was good,"

KELIA: "Yeah, everything is good over here, I'm sure she'll be falling asleep in the next 30 minutes, so I'm going to get some rest while I can,"

ME: "Cool, I uh..... I know I told you I would come spend the night after I left here, but I need to handle something tonight once I leave, so is it cool if I come by early tomorrow?"

KELIA: "That's fine with me, my mom is spending the night, so I'll have someone to rotate shifts with, just use your spare key when you get here so you won't wake me or my mom,"

I nodded.

ME: "Ight cool.....text me if you need anything....and I'll see you in the morning,"

KELIA: "Okay be safe,"

I hung up the phone, dropping it back into pocket, as I stepped from around the corner, automatically bumping into somebody.

I looked up and slightly clenched my jaw together once I seen Delilah in front of me.

"Well, well," she started. "If it isn't the rookie...can't say I'm not shocked to see you here," she smirked, folding her arms across her chest.

"I could say the same for you, I'm pretty sure you've smashed half of the athletes that's here, I'm just shocked you're comfortable walking around all these niggas and their wives,"

She slightly chuckled, fanning me off. "Nothing makes me uncomfortable, including these players wack ass wives, but from what I know, you should be the one that's uncomfortable here, not me,"

I lifted a brow. "And what do you mean by that?"

She chuckled. "Oh nothing, excuse me, I was heading to the ladies room,"

She smirked, trying to step around me, but I grabbed her arm, roughly pulling her in front of me again.

"You can cut the bullshit," I started. "I already know about you having the tape,"

"What tape?" She asked innocently. I clenched my jaw together again, not in the mood for her antics.

"You know what fucking tape I'm talking bout, I already heard about your scheme, and I was actually going to pay you and that nigga you working with a visit once I left, but I guess I can cross one off the list,"

Her smirk grew into a small smile. "You've always looked so sexy when you're serious, what were you gonna pay me visit for in the middle of the night? Cause I can only think of one thing that would make you pop up unannounced,"

She stepped closer to me, placing her hand on my manhood, automatically making me take a step away from her.

"Well it definitely ain't that, so stop playing yourself, matter of fact, ain't you fucking the coach's son??? I heard he's also in on this scheme with you by the way,"

She slightly rolled her eyes. "Maybe, but what difference does it make to you? My bed is always open for you,"

I smacked my lips together, shaking my head. "I wasn't coming by to fuck you, I was coming by to check you for this tape shit, is you that mad that I cut you off that you're willing to release a tape of me and somebody else?"

She smirked. "Oh, not just you and somebody else, you and your teammates girl, stop tryna downplay how fucked up it is, and I'm pretty sure social media would agree with that. And maybe I am that mad, you're just not gonna get off treating me like I'm some toy you're done playing with, nobody gets off with disrespecting me, not even Marcus Richmond,"

I sighed. "Ain't nobody disrespected you, and even if I did, you think the best way to get revenge on me is to try to ruin my career and reputation??? You can't be that cold hearted,"

"Well you must not really know me then," she started. "I'm a cold ass bitch, always have been, and always will be, lucky for you, you've always been on my good side, so you never had to deal with the bitchy side of me.....until now,"

I shook my head. "So that's what it is? Because I cut you off that's what you're gonna do? You know I can sue you right???? You're basically tryna defame my character, and for what???? Cause I ain't giving you dick no more??? You gotta hear how fucking stupid that sounds,"

She shrugged. "You defamed your own character by sleeping with your teammates girl, in his house. Just because no one seen you, doesn't mean that you're not a fucked up person, you just care more about the public seeing you for who you really are, I'm just doing them a favor by breaking this image they painted of you,"

I clenched my jaw and my fists together again, getting upset.

"Delilah if you keep fucking with me, I swear I-"

"You'll what?" She asked, lifting a brow. "If you hurt me, I'll release it. If you threaten me in any way, I'll release it, so choose your words wisely,"

I sighed, shaking my head. "......What do I gotta do for you not to release it?"

"That's more like it," she started. "It's simple actually.....if you don't want the tape getting out, then all you have to do is give me a baby, and I'll call the whole thing off,"

I automatically frowned. "What??"

"You heard me, give me a baby, if you can do that, I'll hand the tape over to you,"

My frown deepened. "You want me to get you pregnant just so my career won't be ruined??"

She nodded. "It's a pretty fair trade off if you ask me, we'll both be getting what we want out of it."

I shook my head. "How you even know that nigga that you're working with is gonna let you hand the tape over?"

She fanned me off. "He doesn't run anything, he's too damn dumb, I'm running the show here, and whatever I say goes, so I'm not worried about that,"

I sarcastically chuckled, shaking my head.

"So is that a yes? Because if it is, I wanna see you tonight then,"

I ran a hand down my face, over all of the drama.

"That ain't a yes, you can't just force me into giving you a baby, shit just don't work like that,"

"Okay," she said slightly shrugging. "Your choice,"

She tried stepping around me, but I grabbed her arm, pulling her back in front of me again.

"Don't touch me,"

"You made your choice and it's fine, just know that your days are numbered rookie, it is what it is, just like you told me,"

"See you around," she gave me one last small smirk before stepping around me again, making her way inside the ladies room.

I stood there for a few seconds, clenching my fists together.

Once I regained my composure, I took a deep breath, making my way back out to where all the tables were.

I maneuvered my way around everybody, until I got to my table with Will and Brittany.

"I'm leavin,"

The both looked up at me and frowned as if they were confused. "What? Have you even ate yet? Aren't you hungry?" Brittany asked.

I fanned her off. "I'm fine, I just gotta go,"

"Go where??  Is everything good?" Will asked.

"Nah," I said in a sigh. "I gotta go now, I need to handle something."

"Is it serious?"

"Kind of,"

"Ight, I'll come witchu,"

I shook my head. "Nah, you stay, I can handle it, I just need to call Jared real quick that's all,"

Even though Jared was just my agent, he was the closest thing I had to a manager, and right now I needed to tell somebody out this before it got out to the public.

"I'll see y'all later,"

I have them both a head nod before walking away?, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

Aliyah P.O.V.

"I'd like to purpose a toast,"

I held onto my glass of apple juice, listening to De'Angelo speak.

"Everybody raise your glasses,"  We all formed a small circle, raising our glasses like he instructed.

"Aye Marcus, you too man, get a glass,"

I looked over my shoulder to see Marcus, walking by the all of us, as if he was on his way out.

"Oh Nah, y'all go ahead, I was just leaving, gotta go check on my baby girl,"

De'Angelo sucked his teeth. "Man just raise a glass, we about to make a quick toast and then you can go, come on,"

I could tell by the look on his face that he was somewhat upset. He took a deep breath, before walking over to us, as one of the waiters handed him a glass.

"Now," He started. "I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom, my homies, Ronnie and Aliyah,"

"Y'all really have been solid since the day I met y'all, not only as friends, but as partners too,"

"I know I make joke, and poke fun at the way y'all are with each other, but it's actually really commendable and respectable the way y'all two love one another,"

"And with Ronnie being like a brother to me, I must say I find it hella respectful the way you show no shame in making sure your lady comes first."

"I think as players and public figures, a lot of us get too caught up in our image, and what's perceived as being lit, like having a bunch different girls every week, smokin, drinkin, partyin, you know, all the typical player shit, but Ronnie has never been that type of cat since the day he stepped foot on the field."

"You never try to fit in with the crowd, you've always been okay with doing things your way, and best believe when it came to Aliyah, you never did anything to compromise your relationship, in all the four, almost five years you've been playing pro ball, and not a lot of niggas can say they've married their day one, but you can, and I think we all can learn from that."

"Now, when Giselle threw me that surprise birthday party a few years back, you put together a whole slideshow of my most embarrassing moments on and off the field, so I thought it was only right to return the favor, but Giselle said this wasn't the time or place, so instead, we put together a slideshow for you and Aliyah,"

A few people laughed around us as he continued.

"So before we get to that, I just wanna say congratulations again to my two homies, love y'all niggas,"

Everyone laughed as we raised our glasses in unison, before cheering snd taking a sip.

I glanced up at Marcus, who took a quick sip of his drink, before trying to walk away again, but got trapped in our group of people.

I automatically turned around once the screen behind me lit up. I looked up at it and smiled once I seen the photos of Ronnie and I filling the screen.

He softly placed his arm around my waist, pulling me into him, letting me rest my head on his side.

We both stared up at the screen while people aww'd around us, causing my eyes to get slightly glassy.

I quickly wiped them, as Ronnie bent down, kissing the top of my head.

I wrapped my arm around him, melting up against him, enjoying the millions of photos of him and I at games, or the personal photos we posted on our instagrams.

I took another sip of my drink, as the screen paused on a photo of Ronnie and I embracing one another after him winning a game last season.

We both stared up at the photo, taking it in, when all of a sudden the soft music that has been playing the whole time began to die out.

"There should be more," Giselle said confused. "We put together like a two minute slideshow, that was only like 50 seconds.....De'Angelo what did you do??"

"I ain't do nothing, you must've edited it wrong,"

She smacked her lips together. "Ain't nobody edited nothing wrong, I told you you should've used iMovie instead of that cheap ass app you was using,"

He opened his mouth to speak, the sound of loud moaning began to fill the speakers, which seemed to significantly louder than the music that was playing before.

Ronnie and I both frowned, as we began to look around along with everyone else, wondering where the hell that was coming from.

The moaning grew louder, and the sounds of something slapping together soon followed.

"What the hell is that???" Ronnie asked confused.

"I don't know.....who's playing this, and why does it sound like it's coming from the speakers???"

I looked up at the entertainment center, to see Chrissy and the crew we hired, looked around and unplugging cords, trying to get the sounds to stop, but it only grew louder.

I stepped away from Ronnie, making my way over to Chrissy and the crew, when the screen changed infront of me, causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

I looked up at the screen and automatically froze when a zoomed in scene started to play of me on all fours, with Marcus behind me, holding onto my hair, as he went to work behind me.

I stood there, staring up at my bare body, as my moans continued to fill up the venue.

I wanted to move, but I was in so much shock that my body wouldn't let me.

The video skipped to another scene of me laying back on the couch, with Marcus' head between my legs as I moaned for him to continue eating me.

At this point, my body was shaking, and my eyes began to fill up with tears, as each scene began to skip and change faster and faster to him sexing me in different positions.

My chest began to heave in and out, as tears began to fill down my cheeks from the shock. My head was telling me to move, but my body was frozen.

All of a sudden, I heard a big crash behind me, snapping me out of my paralysis.

I turned around to see Ronnie on top of Marcus, as if he had just lunged at him, knocking them into one of the tables.

I automatically gasped, as the rest of the team, came charging towards the commotion, trying to break them up.

I ran over to them, trying to get to Ronnie. "Stop!!!! Oh my god!!! Get up!!! Stop!!!"

I was trying my hardest to get into the crowd of guys, but I couldn't, I just kept getting nudged and pushed out the way from how strong they were.

"Oh my god," I said, beginning to cry, as they both continued to throw blows at one another, knocking over more decorations and tables as everybody tried to separate them, screaming for them to let each other go.

"I'll kill you nigga!" I heard Ronnie yell. "I'll fuckin kill you!"

I tried, making my way over to them again, when all of a sudden, I felt two sets of hands grab me.

I looked up to see our security holding on to me, beginning to escort me out of the venue."

"You get Ronnie, I'll make sure she gets back to the car safely," one of them said to the other.

He gave a quick head nod before letting me go, as he ran off in the direction of the fight.

"Let me go! I can't leave him, please get them to stop!"

"We will Ms.Alsina, it's our job to make sure you both are safe so please come with me,"

He grabbed me tightly, pulling me in the opposite direction of the fight.

Once he got me outside, he immediately put me in the car, locking the doors.

"Please let me out, please, Ronnie is still in there....I can't....I can't .....please get him out of there,"

He ignored me as he climbed into the driver seat, taking off from the venue.

Simone P.O.V.

"Baby, the plane is boarding, let's go before we gotta wait again."

I nodded. "I'm coming.....Aliyah told me to call her wedding planner when there was a update on our flight but she's not answering, and Aliyah's not answering either."

"Did you try calling Amara or Marissa? Ain't they there with her?"

I nodded again. "I did, they're not answering you think everything is okay?"

He sighed. "I don't know, since nobody is answering, that makes me want to get there even faster, so let's go ma,"

"Okay," I hung up the phone, about to place it it my purse, when it dinged it my hand.

"Hold on,"

August sucked his teeth. "Nah, come on, check that later, let's go baby please."

I sighed, about to drop my phone in my purse again, when his phone dinged in his pocket.

"I'm not checking that, let's just go,"

I sighed, picking up my carry on bag as we walked towards our terminal.

"Let me just put my phone on airplane mode before we board,"

I pulled my phone out again, unlocking it. I quickly viewed my notifications, wondering why I gotten a notification from TMZ's YouTube channel.

I tapped on it, and automatically froze dead in my tracks, dropping my carry on bag to the ground.

"Oh my god,"


Aliyah P.O.V.

I lifted my head up out of the toilet, wishing my stomach would stop doing flips, but it wouldn't.

It had been about 15 minutes since I left the venue and Ronnie still wasn't back yet.

Since everything has happened so fast, I left my purse with my keys and phone inside of the venue so I had no one to call or no car to drive to get back.

I lifted my shaky body up and washed my mouth out at the sink, not feeling that any of this was real.

I wiped my eyes, making my way downstairs, as I finally heard a car pulling up in our driveway, causing my heart to beat faster and faster.

The door opened, revealing a disheveled Ronnie, his dress shirt was ripped and blood stained, and I could tell from where I was standing that it looked like he got punched in the lip and in the eye from the way it was turning colors.

I slowly stepped down the stairs, as he slammed the door behind himself, obviously pissed.

My eyes began to sting again, as more tears rolled down my cheeks as I approached him, not even sure what to say.

"Ronnie.......I'm so sorry......I'm so sorry.....I don't even know what to say besides I'm sorry....I don't want this t-"

"How long?" He asked, cutting me off.


"How long was it going on for??" He restated.

"It wasn't a affair," I started. "I wasn't seeing him behind your was just a happened and I wish I could take it back,"

"So it was only once?"

I sighed, closing my eyes, letting my tears fall. "Twice........but we weren't together the second time,"

He shook his head, snatching his tie off and wrapping it around his knuckles that I just realized were busted.

He took off his suit jacket before wiping his eyes quickly.

"I am beyond sorry..... I promise you it was a mistake........ I messed up and I'm so sorry,"

I stepped slightly closer to him, continuing. "Please......I know you're upset, and you have every right to be, I'm so sorry, I swear I am, I never meant to hur-"

Before I could even finish my sentence, he struck the side of my face, automatically causing me to fall down.

I scrambled back in shock, holding onto my cheek that was stinging uncontrollably.

"You're a fuckin slut," He spat.

I stared up at him still in shock, as my eyes began to fill with tears.

"I've given you everything over these last couple of years, and this is how you fucking repay me??!"
He yelled.

"I've been nothing but good to you, and you have the nerve to be fucking another nigga in my house??? In the shit I pay for??? Nah, it ain't going down like that,"

I sat there slightly shaking, afraid to move. I backed up some more until my back hit the wall.

"....I-I'm so-"

"Shut up!" He yelled. "I don't want to hear your lies, I don't want to hear that you're sorry or that it was a mistake, I don't want to hear shit from you!!"

"You're a dirty ass bitch, do you know how many women I could've been fucking this whole time???"

"You must've forgot that I play pro ball, I get pussy thrown at me damn near everyday, whether in person or on social media and I never gave in, not once."

I was silent, not wanting to speak.

"Do you know how many girls I could've hit without you knowing? How many away games I've been on, I could've cheated and you would've never found out. Shit, I could've had a girl in every city, but I chose not to do none of that, all because of your nasty ass,"

He shook his head, pacing back and forth.

"And with that nigga?" He started. "Out of all niggas, you really chose him???? My fucking teammate?"

"You've been smiling in my face, kissing me, sexing me, after you done fucked this kid, and had his dick all in your mouth, you really are a dirty ass fucking slut, and I'm soooo glad I didn't marry yo hoe ass,"

"I'm sorry," I mumbled through the tears I was fighting back, to afraid to fully cry.

"Nah you ain't sorry," he started. "But you're gonna be,"

He stepped closer to me as he unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it off and throwing it on the ground, leaving his white beater on.

"W-W-What are you doing?" I asked, scooting down the wall, trying to get away from him.

I examined his face that had rage written all over it, causing me to be more afraid.

"Ronnie," I said lowly.

He ignored me, continuing to walk towards me.

"Ronnie, what are you-"

All of a sudden, he grabbed a fist full of my hair, causing me to scream and beg from him to let me go.

I tried reaching behind me, prying his hands away, but it was no use.

He began to drag me across the tile until we got to the living room.

All of a sudden he flipped me over, still holding onto my hair, shoving my body towards the all white couch. My body flew into it, causing my chest and stomach to hit the cushions.

I slightly toppled over, in pain from the impact of how hard he threw me.

Before I even had a chance to process the pain, he snatched me up by my hair again, dragging my body up the couch.

"So this is where you fucked him huh? This is where you let him disgrace your body??"

"Ronnie.....please," I said, moaning in pain. "Please sto-"

His fist flew directly into my face, causing me to fly back even more.

"I said shut the fuck up!!" He yelled, slightly spitting on me.

"Don't speak!" He yelled again. "I gave your ungrateful ass everything! And you have the nerve to be taking another mans dick in my house?!?"

I sat there quiet, decided against talking again. He held onto my hair super tight to the point the back of my head was beginning to ache, but I just sat there, trying to contain my sobs.

"Since you wanna act like a hoe off the street, ima treat your dirty ass like one, and since you like getting fucked on his couch, this is exactly where you're gonna take this ass beating,"

As soon as as he said that, he threw another blow to my face, automatically making my nose bleed. I could feel the blood dripping down my mouth and neck, but that didn't stop him.

My vision started to become blurry I'm assuming from the impact to my face and head.

He stood up over me, before throwing more punches to the rest of my body, making sure he threw me around to both couches, just so he could drag me in different directions.

I kept screaming for him to let me go, but it was clear that he was in a blind rage from the look in his eyes.

I held up my hands, trying to block the blows he was throwing at me, but that was no use either.

Every time I tried to crawl away, he would pull me back into him, picking up where he left off.

I held onto one of the arms of the couch, trying to maintain my grip on it, when he grabbed my legs, yanking me off the couch and onto the floor, causing my chin to hit the ground first.

I somehow turned on my back and began licking, as I continued to scream for him to get off me.

"Let me go!!!! Stop!!!!!!!! Please!!! Get off me!!!"

He ignored my pleas and kept dragging me until we were back in the middle of the living room and he continued to punch and slap me.

Every lunch was a sharp stinging blow to my body, but it was the punch to my stomach, that really made me topple over in agonizing pain.

I curdled cup my body, holding onto my stomach, as I moaned in pain and cried at the same time, feeling my body covered in my own blood from my mouth and nose.

I wailed on the floor, as he stared down at me, before spitting at my side.

"Dirty bitch," he mumbled.

My eyes began to get low, as all the pain began to hit my body at once.

He turned around, walking away towards the front door, as his figure began to get dimmer and dimmer, until all blackness eventually surrounded me.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thoughts on this chapter? Did y'all guess that this would happen??? How do you think it all ends??

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