screw you - fred weasley

By stories000007

63.2K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... More

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
β€’Part vi.β€’

[forty three.]

558 19 0
By stories000007

SHE didn't know what to expect.
There she was standing there going to the Yule Ball with her friend George Weasley. She didn't feel nervous but she didn't feel excited either.
"This is already stupid right?" George queried.
"Yes, and this dress is uncomfortable." Ellie exclaimed.
Then George looked down at her shoes.
"I'm guessing so are the shoes." He spoke with a grin.
"Don't even mention it." Ellie shot.
George's grin grew and then let out a hand.
"M'lady." He said.
"Yeah no. Let's get going shall we." said Ellie.
"Has anyone ever told you you're kind of mean?" George queried.
"Maybe. But not to my face." Ellie admitted with a smirk.
"That's comforting." George spoke sarcastically.
Ellie smiled and then looked at him.
"Why'd you pick me up early?" She asked.
"To bother the third years." George replied.
"They aren't going." Ellie spoke.
"Not those. The ones who are helping out!" George exclaimed.
"You're evil George Weasley," Ellie shot. "let's do it." She added.
"GINNY how am I supposed to tie this?" Fred queried.
"I think like a ribbon. Do you want me to do it?" Ginny asked him and Fred nodded with a grin.
"There. Don't ask me to fix it." Ginny shot, then went  to her dorm.
Fred sighed and leaned against the couch. George had already left. Which meant he was probably with Elle already.
"Fred." A voice called out. Angelina.
Fred looked at her and gave her a smile. She looked pretty. However Fred felt weird.
"Hi." He spoke.
Angelina just looked at him.
"You feel weird don't you?" She asked.
"I don't know." Fred muttered.
Angelina sighed.
"You should've just asked her." Angelina spoke.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Fred lied. He knew. He just didn't want to talk about Elle. The idea of George and Ellie going together made him want to vomit.
"Whatever. We're going to have a fun time." said Angelina.
"Whatever you say Angie. Are you ready?" He asked.
"Wait. Why is it so quiet?" Angelina asked.
"George and Lee left early." Fred advised.
"Why did Lee leave early?" Angelina queried.
"I don't know. He's been sneaking around with someone probably." Fred replied.
"Maybe him and Brandon are finally a thing." Angelina suggested.
"Really?" Fred asked.
"Oh please Fred anyone with a brain can notice." Angelina shot.
"What." Fred replied in response.
"Idiot." Angelina muttered.
"COLIN! Please no pictures!" George shot, as the third year attempted to take photos of George and Ellie.
"But Professor Flitwick said I could take pictures before the ball started!" Colin protested.
Ellie chuckled and saw Brandon and Lee walk in.
"Hey take pictures of those two good friends!" Ellie exclaimed, and Colin smiled.
"Thank you! Bye Fred." Colin exclaimed and started to run towards Lee and Brandon.
"It's George." George shouted.
"Give the kid a break. He looks excited to help out." Ellie exclaimed.
"I guess you're right. At least more people are starting to show up. I was afraid Flitwick was going to make us play an instrument." George admitted and Ellie rolled her eyes.
Brandon and Lee walked up to the two of them with a glare from Brandon.
"Which one of you told Colin to take pictures?" Brandon queried.
Ellie just gave him a fake smile and Brandon shot her a glare.
"You're lucky you're dressed pretty!" He shot.
Lee just gave her a look.
"What?" Ellie asked.
"How is your  hair so perfect!" Lee shot.
"I just use shampoo and conditioner." said Ellie and gave him a look.
"Your hair looks soft, can I touch it?" Lee whispered.
"Go nuts. But if you mess it up I will hurt you." Ellie replied.
Le smiled and quickly ran his fingers through her hair.
"It feels like a cloud!" Lee exclaimed.
"Wait. Now I want to touch it." Brandon admitted.
"No!" Ellie shot.
"You're no fun." Brandon muttered. "Come on Lee let's get away from her." He added.
"But I want to keep touching her soft hair." Lee protested.
Brandon rolled his eyes and whispered something in Lee's ear.
"That convinced me, let's go." Lee admitted.
George just looked at them.
"Why do I feel like something is going on between them?" George admitted.
Ellie just scoffed and started to walk another direction.
"Do you know something I don't?" George asked.
"Ellie! Ellie Smith." George yelled.
"READY to go in?" Fred asked.
"All right." Angelina replied.
Fred gave her a look.
"I'm so going to hate this." Fred muttered under his breath.
"What?" Angelina shot.
"Nothing!" Fred shot.
When the two were about to walk in Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini started to run towards them.
"Woah slow down you two." said Angelina.
"Can't we're going to prank Draco Malfoy!" Daphne informed them.
"Is that allowed?" Fred asked.
"Probably not, but whatever, just don't hurt yourselves." Angelina advised.
The two smiled and quickly ran in.
"Now are you ready?" Fred asked.
"Yes." Angelina replied.
The two walked in the great hall and Fred looked around. He didn't know who he was looking for. However in his mind he had a feeling but he just stopped thinking.
"So, how long do you think we're going to wait for the champions?" Angelina asked.
"Probably..." Then he stopped and he saw her.
She looked pretty. No. She looked beautiful. He looked at her again. She was wearing a navy blue long gown dress. He didn't know what type of dress it was, but that's all he knew. Besides the fact that she looked beautiful.
Because he thought she really did.
"Fred!" Angelina shouted.
Fred's eyes widened.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"I've been calling your name for the past five minutes. Who have you been looking at?" She asked.
"No one." He muttered, then he was lucky. "Look! The champions." He spoke.
Again for his luck Angelina quickly looked over at them. He glanced at Ellie for a moment but then went back to look at the champions and their dates.
"Don't they all look fantastic?" Angelina asked.
"They look average." Fred muttered.
Angelina just gave him a look.
As the champions walked in towards the dance floor he couldn't keep his eyes on them.
They were drifting to Ellie. And he didn't really mind. He just couldn't stop staring at her. He smiled for a moment then he heard someone cough, and he turned around and saw Chase Green.
"Oh hi Chase." Fred muttered.
"Fred." Chase replied.
He tried to make up an excuse.
He had to think of one. Quickly and fast. Then he thought of one of the things Percy always said.
"I was looking at the decorations." He spoke.
"Oh okay." Chase replied. Then looked over the dance floor. "Wow Harry's a bad dancer." Chase admitted.
Fred laughed for a moment.
"Yeah that kids pretty bad." Fred replied. Then he looked around. "Do you know where Angelina is?" He asked.
"She went towards Katie Bell I'm pretty sure." Chase told him. "Luna look! That's such a cool violin!" Chase pointed out.
Fred started to walk over to Katie and Angelina. Chase should at least have fun with his date.
Fred on the other hand felt like he was going to have a bad night.
ELLIE looked at the plates. She didn't know what she wanted. She had been very picky with what she liked.
"What are you getting?" She asked George.
"I don't know. You aren't getting a salad are you? Cause then I'd feel like I would also have to eat healthy." George asked.
"No." She replied. Then she thought. "George, have you ever had a peanut butter and jam?" She asked.
"A what?" George asked.
"It's well peanut butter and jam on bread. My mum makes it for me and my siblings whenever she doesn't know what to make. She said it's something people commonly eat in America." Ellie explained.
"Okay then. Is it good?" He asked.
"Surprisingly it is." She admitted.
"Well then one peanut butter and jam it is!" George exclaimed, then. the sandwich appeared in front of him. "Should we get mashed potatoes?" He asked.
Ellie just looked at him.
"Yes. You should know this answer." Ellie replied.
George laughed and then the two started to finish their food.
"I'm nervous to try this." George admitted.
"Just eat it George." Ellie shot.
"Okay." George muttered. Then he took a bite out it, and his eyes widened. "Are you going to finish yours?" He asked.
"Yes." Ellie spoke.
"Well I want two more." George admitted.
Then two appeared in front of him and he smiled.
Ellie chuckled and then looked over and saw Fred.
She had stared at him earlier and she thought he looked nice. Handsome even. However last time he wasn't looking. This time he was. He was looking straight at her. He hadn't even talked to her in days and now he was just staring at her like nothing happened. She didn't know what happened. He was ignoring her. For some reason and it made her annoyed. She just gave him a small smile. He smiled and quickly tensed up and looked away.
Was she losing her friendship with Fred?
"THAT dress is such a tacky color." George spoke.
He was talking about Jane Hankel. Who was wearing a nude pink dress. He was right about the tacky color.
"I guess. Please don't talk about her that way, she was my best friend after all." Ellie spoke.
"Yeah but friends don't leave you for no reason." George explained.
Ellie nodded and looked over at Fred again. Who was dancing awfully.
"God, look at Fred and Angelina's dancing." said Ellie.
"I know Fred is very embarrassing sometimes." George admitted.
"Speaking of Fred. Do you know why he's ignoring me?" Ellie asked.
"Fred's ignoring you?" George queried.
"Yeah, I don't know why." She admitted.
"You know I think Fred's just been acting weird. Sort of like Ron." George added.
"Ron is acting weird. I think he's jealous of Victor." Ellie advised.
"Oh yeah he's definitely in love with Hermione." said George.
"Want to know what he's definitely not in love with. His outfit." Ellie chuckled.
"That is correct." George spoke. Then he looked over. "Cedric's coming over." George informed her.
"Hey Ellie. Weasley." Cedric greeted.
"Diggory." George spoke.
"I hate to barge in, but would it be okay if me and Ellie had a dance?" Cedric asked.
"Go ahead I think Percy's trying to talk to me anyway." George exclaimed. And he quickly got up and left.
"Well Ellie. Want to dance?" Cedric asked.
"What about Cho?" Ellie queried.
"She said that if she dances for one more minute her feet would fall off." Cedric chuckled.
Ellie just gave him a smile.
"Fine." Ellie muttered.
Cedric smiled for a moment.
"Okay great!" He exclaimed, then held out his hand for her to take. She rolled her eyes and took his hand as he dragged her to the dance floor. "Did you rehearse for the dance?" Cedric asked her.
"No, but I am very observant so I think I got the steps down." Ellie admitted.
Cedric just gave her a smile.
"Chase told me he caught Fred Weasley staring at you earlier." Cedric whispered and then he twirled her.
Ellie then faced him and gave him a look.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Ellie queried.
"Nothing," Cedric started but then he swayed her to somewhere farther. "just thought that you should know." He admitted.
"Well that's not very informing is it?" Ellie shot.
"It didn't have to be informing. It's just something you should know." Cedric told her.
"Whatever." She shot.
"Besides, I know you wanted to come with Fred you're just too stubborn to admit it." Cedric advised.
"I did not. I wanted to go with a friend. And I didn't care which one." said Ellie.
Then she looked around. It was like she was looking for someone. But she didn't know who.
"Who are you looking for?" Cedric asked.
"George." That was a lie. Cedric didn't know that but she knew that.
"I think that's him talking to his brother." Cedric pointed out.
He was talking to Percy Weasley whose face was red.
Then she glanced over at the corner of the room she saw Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. They looked bored.
Cho has told Ellie that Harry had asked her and to not tell Cedric. It was hard to not tell Cedric anything but she couldn't tell him. She felt bad for Harry a bit. And it had looked like his date had left him.
Then out of the corner of her eye she saw Draco Malfoy yell at Daphne and Blaise who were both laughing. However she saw something else.
Jane Hankel slapping Micheal Corner's face.
Cedric turned around to see what she was looking out and his jaw dropped.
Then Jane Hankel started to leave and she shoved past people and eventually shoved passed Ellie and Cedric.
She stared at Micheal and saw that he was hesitant to go after her but then he started to walk but Ellie grabbed his arm.
"What happened?" She asked him.
"She's mad I broke up with her." He admitted.
Cedric's eyes widened.
"Well, would you look at that? I think Cho is starting to feel better. I'll see you later." Cedric spoke, then quickly ran off.
"Are you okay?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah, I think I just need a place to sit down for a bit." He admitted.
Ellie looked around and saw a seat next to Ginny Weasley.
"There's one over there." She told him.
"Thanks." He muttered then he quickly walked away.
She looked around and saw Fred sitting by himself.
She started to walk towards him and saw there was a seat next to him.
She looked at him and gave him a smile as she walked up to him.
"Can I sit?" She asked.
Fred just shrugged and she rolled her eyes and sat next to him.
She didn't know how to start the conversation. If there was going to be a conversation. So she tried to get as straight to the point as possible. But she found it hard she just looked over at him.
She felt something again.
It was a feeling, a really nice feeling. But she pushed it away because she felt like something was wrong with him.
Then she tried to have a simple and normal conversation.
"Where's Angelina?" She asked him. He looked over at her.
"Her and Katie Bell went to talk to some of the other Gryffindor girls." He replied. "Where's George?"
"Last time I checked he was with Percy." Ellie told him.
Fred then looked away.
Why was he ignoring her?
"So how are you Freddie? I feel like we haven't really talked that much lately." She asked, and he looked back at her.
"I'm okay." Fred spoke. Then looked to the ground. "How are you Elle?"
"I'm good," said Ellie. But then anger struck through her because of the way he was acting. "you see I'm actually trying to have a conversation with my friend."
Fred just took a breath and looked her in the eye. "Why don't you go find George then? It seems like you two are getting close." Fred suggested.
Then she scoffed.
"What the bloody hell is wrong with you Freddie?"Ellie asked, she tried not to be too loud. After all it would cause a scene.
"Nothing. I'm just telling you maybe you should go to your date. Oh shoot my bad you're with your friend." Fred exclaimed.
"I am with my friend! Maybe you should go find your date." She shot.
"Angelina's having a conversation with someone. It'd be rude if I just walked up." He spoke
He was acting like a jerk and an immature child.
Then she got up and before she left she said. "Screw you Fred."
Then she walked over to the first person she could find.
"Ellie, hey what's up?" Daphne asked.
"I think Fred and I got in a fight." She admitted.
"SCREW you Fred."
The words were echoing in his mind. It had been an hour since Ellie said that and he was still thinking about it.
He acted like an arse. She was just trying to be nice. He had been the one ignoring her and she still wanted to talk to him. And he knew Ellie had every right to say that to him.
The worst part was that he didn't even know why he was ignoring her and why he was so cold.
The fact that he even mentioned George more than a friend to her made him sick. He was a jerk.
And he hated himself for the way he acted.
Then Daphne Greengrass walked up to him.
"Stand up and I don't want any excuses or stupid answers." Daphne ordered.
"Where's Ellie?" He asked.
"Somewhere. Not that you care." Daphne replied.
"I do care! You can ask anything just tell me where she is. Please." Fred begged.
He was begging!
Fred Weasley never begs.
Until now.
"I'll tell you afterwards. Why have you been ignoring her and why did you just act like such an arse?" Daphne demanded.
"I don't know, okay! I just, it felt weird seeing her okay!" Fred shot.
Daphne just gave him a look.
"It seems like jealousy to me." Daphne spoke.
"It's not. Now can you tell me where she went?" Fred asked.
"She's with your brother. They're going to leave soon." Daphne explained.
Fred just nodded and then Daphne walked away.
Angelina walked up to him.
"What's wrong?" Angelina asked.
He looked over and saw Ellie and George starting to leave the great hall.
Angelina looked over and smiled.
"Go! I was talking to a boy from Durmstrang anyway." Angelina told him.
"Thank you!" Fred thanked her.
Then, he started to run in a sprint and started to head to a shortcut he knew.
That would lead him near the Ravenclaw common room.
"TONIGHT was surprisingly fun." Ellie admitted, as her and George started to leave.
"It was. Besides the fact that you told me you and my idiotic brother got in a fight." George told her.
"Yeah I don't know what happened to him, maybe he was just tired." Ellie advised.
George just gave her a smile.
"Well goodnight Smith. And if I run into Fred I'll give him a lecture." George spoke.
Ellie smiled.
"That won't be necessary but thank you." Ellie exclaimed.
Then Ellie started to walk to the portrait and the closest she got the more she saw a figure.
Then she saw him.
"What are you doing here?" She asked him.
"Look, I'm sorry I don't even know why I acted this way." Fred spoke.
Ellie just looked at him. She didn't want to say a word. She wanted to see what he was going to say.
"I don't know. I just- I guess... Look, I want to have a reason. I really do, I just genuinely don't know!" He rambled.
He was rambling. He never rambled. However she didn't know if he was being genuinely honest.
"I guess I just felt weird about you and George going together for some reason and I don't know why." He explained. "Okay Ellie."
He was being genuine. He always was whenever he said her name.
"It still doesn't make it right." She spoke, she could've sworn she saw his face fall a bit. "Freddie."
He looked up and started to walk a bit closer to her.
"Does this mean you forgive me?" He asked.
"I suppose." She replied with a smile and he grinned.
"I forgot to tell you. I think you look beautiful." He told her.
A blush rose to her cheeks when he said that.
Then he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Goodnight Elle." Said Fred and then he started to walk away.
Ellie was shocked she turned around to look back at him and he wasn't looking back. He was just leaving.
And she was left confused.
Then she answered the riddle and quickly ran up to her dorm.
She looked at herself in her mirror. She admired her satin navy blue gown and traced the v-neck with her fingers.
She supposed she did look beautiful. She just stopped and quickly took off the dress and changed into her night wear. She stared at the pile of her dress. She'd put it back in the morning. She was just too in shock at the moment.
When she laid in her bed she smiled for a moment Fred thought she looked beautiful.
And it made her get that feeling again. She tried to push the feeling away but it wouldn't and it made her annoyed. She groaned and tossed and turned in her bed.
Little did she know Fred was feeling the same exact way.

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