Jelsa One Shots

By lovetowrite12340

48.6K 1K 653

It's just a bunch of one shots of my favorite couple! *I don't own any pictures or characters I use in this b... More

I'm sorry
Could I?
You're HOW OLD?
Mr. Steal Your Girl
Die Hard
Madly in Love
Valentine's Day
Batting Lashes
Puppy Love
Things I want to do with You
Ice Cream Monster
Please... Don't Go
Please... Don't Go- Part 2
Happy Birthday
Hard Day
I want a baby
That One Faithful Day
Goodbye- Part 2
Ferris Wheel
Happy Halloween
Sisters- Part 2
Sisters- Part 3
Happy Thanksgiving
New Years
Mother's Day
Happy Father's Day
Heartbreak- Part 2
Kiss the Air
First Look
The Cookies
My Love

Sweet Boy

522 18 6
By lovetowrite12340

Third POV:

Elsa and Jack have been together for at least a year now. They met in one of their college classes. It was a math business class and Elsa was having a hard time with it. So... since she sat next to Jack she would ask him if he could help her.

The two would go study together almost every week. They got to talking and soon became a couple. They were both so in love and still are now.

Currently they were at a restaurant getting lunch before going to a friends house for a party.

"I will be right back with your orders," the waitress said and walked away.

"Jack, why did you bring me to this restaurant?" Elsa asked.

"Because I wanted to. It's where we had our first date," Jack grinned at her. Elsa blushes and smiled.

"So... What time is Hiccup's party again?" She asked.

"Uh... I believe it's at 7 tonight," Jack said staring at his woman.

"Why do we have to be there earlier than others then?" Elsa asked.

"Because he needs help apparently and I volunteered to help. I can drop you off at home if you want?" Jack asked but Elsa shook her head.

"No that's okay. I'd like to help too," she smiled at him. He grinned and kissed her hand. Then he started tracing her hand with his finger.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Admiring," was all he said.

"Admiring what?" She asked.

"Your hand, your skin, you," He said smiling at her hand. He wasn't even looking at her.

"Jack stop," she blushed trying to pull her hand away because he was being way to sweet to her.

"What am I doing wrong?" He asked and looked at her to see her cheeks flushed. That put a smirk on his face.

"Just stop it," she blushed even harder.

"Okay fine but I love you," He said smiling at her.

"I love you too," her redness started to go down.

"Hi," they all of the sudden heard.

They looked to their left to see a little boy with brown hair and eyes. No older than six years old. He was wearing a shark T-shirt and blue pants with black vans.

"Hello," They both said.

"I made this for you," The little boy said giving something to Elsa.

Elsa, smiling, held it in her hands. It was one of those kids menus where they can draw whatever they want on a certain spot on the paper. What he drew was blue flowers and red hearts all around the space with a stick figure in the middle which seemed to look like her.

Elsa was at a loss for words. She thought it was very sweet of the little boy. She just wondered where he was sitting because she was worried his parents would be worried.

"Well, this is beautiful! Thank you! Who is this?" She asked. He boy got a little bashful.

"I-It's y-you," he stuttered out.

"Thank you so much!" she smiled at the bashful boy.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"J-Jamie," He bashfully sajd.

"Where are your parents?" She asked as her worriment came back.

Just as the boy was about to answer her they heard.

"Jamie!" A woman called from the corner table. She had gotten up to walk towards him.

"H-hi mom," he blushed feeling embarrassed.

"Did you give your drawing to her?" She asked.

The boy nodded. The woman then turned to the couple.

"He's been sitting at the table with us raving about how beautiful you are. He wanted to draw something for you but then got bashful as for giving it to you," his mom said.

"Mooomm," the boy whined.

It only made Elsa smile.

"Well, thank you Jamie. You are too sweet. The drawing is beautiful," she said and pinched his cheek.

"Alright now come on, let's go back to our table," his mother said holding his hand and bringing him back their table.

Elsa looked back at Jack already seeing him look at her. He would never admit it but he was jealous that the little boy had all of Elsa's attention at that moment in time. But he couldn't help but love her even more because she is so good with kids.

"What?" She asked.

Jack shook himself out of his daze then said, "Nothing, I'm just admiring how kind you are to everyone."

"Jackson stop it!" She said giggling. He chuckled with her.

"Who ordered the Cajun chicken pasta?" The waiter asked.

"That's me," Elsa said.

"And the hamburger with fries?"

"That would be me," Jack said.

"Enjoy your meal," the waiter said then left.

The two began eating. After a while Jack couldn't help but notice that little boy was still staring over at their table.

"Els," Jack whispered.

She looked at him as if he was crazy because he was all the sudden whispering.

"What?" She whispered.

"That little boy is still looking over here," Jack whispered.

Elsa looked behind her to see that he was but he quickly looked away when he saw her looking at him. She chuckled lightly.

"It seems you've got some competition Jackson," Elsa said teasingly.

"What?" He almost shouted.

"Calm down," she giggled even more.

Jack then began to pout.

"Oh stop it, I was only kidding," Elsa said as she began to eat her food again.

After they finished their food, they paid the check and were about to leave the restaurant when Jamie came up to them.

"Are you leaving?" The little boy asked.

"I'm afraid so," Elsa said as she bent down next to him.

"I want to thank you again for the drawing it's very beautiful," Elsa smiled at him.

"Can I hug you?" He asked.

"Sure," she said and Jamie hugged her tightly.

When they pulled away Jamie asked, "Will I see you again?"

Jack was standing there like a third wheel. He was going to act pouty in the car just to annoy Elsa. He's a jokester.

"I am not sure but if we do see each other again, always say hi yeah?" She asked. The boy nodded his head.

"Good, now go back to your mother she is probably worried about you," Elsa said stroking his cheek.

"Bye," Jamie said then went off to his table.

Elsa looked at Jack and grabbed his hand.

"Let's go home," she said.

Jack then began his pouting.

"Not the pouty face again," Elsa said dragging him outside.

"He's taking all of your attention. It's not fair," Jack said.

"Jack, he had my attention for barely even five minutes," Elsa said.

"Yeah, But your attention should be on me at all times," he whined as they got in the car.

Elsa sighed. "You know when you get jealous it's really not attractive."

"I am NOT jealous!" He exclaimed as they drove off.

"Hmm... then why all the pouting?" Elsa asked.

Jack shrugged. "I wanted to annoy you just a little bit," he grinned when he saw the unamused look on her face, "and now I see it worked," he laughed.

Elsa tried not to smile or laugh but she ended up doing just that because laughter is contagious and her boyfriend being the jokester he is never fails to make her smile.

~Time skip~

Elsa was in that very same restaurant as all those years ago. She was there on business though. It had been ten years since then. She was married and had three kids. A ten year old boy, five year old boy, and a four year old girl.

She was interviewing people for her company. She and her husband were owners of a few ice cream shops across the valley. They had around six stores. She was in need of another store manager since one of them quit on her. Hence why she's interviewing people.

At the moment she was with a girl named Amber. She seemed to meet all of the criteria she had. And this was the last person for her day.

What she wasn't expecting was her husband and their children to be at the restaurant. They had been there for an hour.

Elsa was almost done with the interview when a little boy walked over to her.

"I made this for you,"the boy said.

Elsa looking up to see her son giving her a picture he had drawn. She was of course delighted but was confused as to how he was at this restaurant.

Amber, the person who was being interviewed, looked rather confused herself as well.

"Thank you sweetie. Where is your father?" She asked. She tried to act aloof. Trying not to make it seem like she knew this child because it's slightly unprofessional to have a family member visit you while you're working.

"He's over there," he said and pointed that way.

Elsa looked to see the silver white hair in the corner with their other two children.

"How about you go back there before he worries about you?" She suggested.

"Okay," He said and walked back to his dad.

"Sorry about that," Elsa said.

"It's okay. So do I wait for a call?" Amber asked.

"Yes," Elsa said waking up from the surprise of seeing her family here.

"I will give you a call and we will go from there. Thank you for your time," Elsa said shaking Amber's hand.

"It's no problem. Thank you," Amber said and left.

Elsa then saw her husband and children smiling and laughing together. It made Elsa smile and she walked closer to them.

When she arrived at the table their children screamed, "mommy!" And ran to give her hugs.

"Hello my babies," Elsa said smiling at them all while hugging them then sat next to her husband.

"Hello my love," Elsa said and kissed his cheek.

He pouted, "why can't I get a real kiss?"

"Jack! We are in public and our children are here too," Elsa said.

Jack kept his pouty lips. Elsa decided to give him a peck on his lips to make him stop. It made Jack grin afterwards.

"How did the interviews go today?" Jack asked.

"Tiring. Some of them didn't meet any of my expectations or some did but they were cocky or their handshakes weren't that great. I kind of liked the last person I had interviewed," Elsa said.

"I'm sorry you had to interview them alone. I couldn't find a babysitter," Jack said.

"I know. It's not your fault. Maybe we should look into getting a nanny?" Elsa asked.

Jack shook his head, "I don't want one. We could just use a neighbor you know. Like one of the teenagers could watch our kids. Or your sister?"

"We barely even know our neighbors Jack. And Anna is busy with other things. We can't just ask her to watch the kids all the time," Elsa said.

"Alright Fine. We will look into getting a nanny," Jack sighed.

"Thank you," Elsa said and pecked his lips again.

She knows she has him wrapped around her finger (and she was wrapped around his), she knew that her kisses would put him in a good mood always.

"How was school today boys?" Elsa asked.

"It was amazing mommy! I got to lead our ABC's today!" Alan said.

"That's amazing Alan! Was it fun?" She asked and Alan nodded like crazy.

"It was so much fun!" He giggled with excitement. W

"How about you Mitchell?" Elsa asked.

"It was good. We started learning how to write in cursive," he said.

"That's good. I didn't know they still taught cursive in school. Do you like it so far?" Elsa asked.

"Not really. I'm bad at it," Mitchell said.

"With some practice I'm sure it will look better. And I'm sure it doesn't look bad. I can help you when we get home," Elsa said.

"I would like that. Thanks mom," Mitchell said.

"No problem sweetie," Elsa said.

"Mommy!" Elsa heard a little voice exclaim.

"Elli!" Elsa said and extended her arms out for her youngest to come into her arms.

"Mommy guess what daddy and I did today!" She said excitedly.


"We went to visit your ice cream shop!" Elli said.

"Did you now?" Elsa asked. And Elli nodded.

"I got to have chocolate ice cream with sprinkles!" Elli was so excited.

"You know that's my favorite too?" Elsa asked.

"Really?" Elli asked.

"Yep," Elsa said and bopped Elli's nose with her finger. It made Elli giggle.

"Guess who we saw there too," Jack said.

"Who?" Elsa asked.

"That little boy from ten years ago. The one who had a crush on you," Jack said.

"Oh... you mean the one we saw here at this restaurant?" Elsa asked and Jack nodded.

"That's cool. Was he getting ice cream?" Elsa asked.

"No. He works at our shop," Jack chuckled.

"Really? What a small world," Elsa giggled.

"What can I get for you guys?" The waiter asked.

And with that the family ordered their food.

~Time skip~

"Mommy can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?" Elli asked.

"Baby, you need to sleep in your own room from now on. You are a big girl now," Elsa said.

"But what if I get bad dreams?"

"Then you can come to our room and sleep okay?"

"Okay, But can you read a book to me please?"

"Yes which book do you want?"

"Umm... that one," Elli said as she pointed at which book.

"That one it is then," Elsa said and kissed her head then went to go get the book.

After Elsa finished reading then book Elli was asleep. So Elsa slowly and quietly made her way out of Elli's bedroom. She left the door a jar as she went to check on her other two children.

She peeked in on Alan's room and saw him sound asleep. She then walked to Mitchell's room. She didn't see him in there. She began to worry until she heard from behind her, "mom?"

"Mitchell!" She exclaimed quietly.

"You scared me," she said placing a hand on her chest.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I was checking up on you three. Seeing if you kids were asleep," Elsa said.

"Oh okay," he said.

"What are you doing up?" Elsa asked.

"I went to the kitchen for some water since I couldn't fall asleep," he said.

Elsa sighed, "Is there anything you want me to do for you?"

"No, I think I will fall asleep sooner or later," Mitchell said then yawned.

"I guess sooner," he said and scratched his head. Elsa giggled lightly.

"I love you," Elsa said giving him a hug.

"I love you too mom," He said hugging her back.

"Now get some rest," she said kissing his head.

He only nodded and went inside his room.

Elsa then walked to her bedroom where Jack was playing a video game.

"Boys," Elsa thought rolling her eyes.

She walked to their bathroom and started taking off her makeup. She was almost done with her face being totally clean when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist.

"Are you coming to bed?" He asked.

"Of course, I'm just washing my face," Elsa said drying her face.

"Wanna play a video game with me first?" He asked.

"No, I'm tired right now," Elsa said then yawned.

"Okay let me turn off the PlayStation then," Jack said then left to turn off his game.

Elsa changed into her pajamas then went to lay in their bed.

Once Jack turned off the PlayStation he joined her in their bed. He wrapped his arms around her under the covers. Spooning her.

"By the way, that little boy actually works at our shop now," Jack said.

"Jackson, are you getting jealous again?" Elsa asked.

"What? No. I just wanted to tell you about it," Jack said.

"You think he still has a crush on you?" He asked.

"Jack!" She turner towards him. "You know he hasn't seen me since then he probably has forgotten all about me," she laughed thinking this is a really bizarre conversation to have with her husband.

"Besides he wouldn't have a crush on a thirty one year old woman with three kids and a husband who might as well be her fourth child," Elsa said giggling at his expression.

"Els, you are the most beautiful woman in the entire world. Yes you are thirty one and looking amazing by the way. Yes you have three beautiful children who look just like you and a little bit of me in there. Yes you have a husband who acts like a child because whenever he is with you he can't seem to grasp how lucky he is to be with you. He feels giddy," Jack said.

Elsa just smiled at him. She wasn't sure what to say except, "Is there a reason you are referring to yourself in the third person?"

"That's what you're going to say after I just complimented you?" Jack asked feeling pouty.

Elsa chuckled then kissed his lips.

"I love you, good night," she said.

"I love you more, good night," Jack said playing with her hair as she slowly fell asleep. Feeling soothed by his stroking of her hair.

It was just a fun, cute day for them and they had a memory they didn't think would come back but did. It was cute. Jack never told Elsa that he purposefully asked Alan to draw something and bring it to her like that little boy. He just wanted to see her reaction. She seemed to love it more now than she did then. He assumed it was her own kid doing something for her rather than some strangers.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

A/n: Yay another update!! I hope you guys liked it! I'll probably have another restaurant kid themed one shot a little later on. I know this one was probably boring. I tried to make it cute. I just wanted something published. So sorry if this one shot was crap 😂 I've been super busy and I finally found some time to update so yay! I may be discontinuing my other books though... I haven't updated them in over a year. It's just inspiration isn't there right now. So for now they are still on hold. I won't unpublish them or anything. I just hope I find some inspiration for them soon.
Anyway don't forget to:

Stay Safe and Healthy!!!

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