🎄love my forced husband🎄 🎄...

By koalabunny13

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🍒though it started from forced vows but when i saw my heart he already engraved his name over there🍇 tharn... More

📒chap 1📒
🍩chap 2🍩
🍰chap 3🍰
🍭chap 4🍭
🍅chap 5🍅
😇attention please😇
🦋chap 62🦋
🌻🍀chap 72🍀🌻
attention please


349 34 21
By koalabunny13

💡💡amnesiac beat💡💡
💡💡love my forced husband💡💡


though gulf had deep desire to lock all the moments when song all
attention was on him . though gulf was in deep desire to make song him
for ever but he had not thought that it will happen soon. the
charismatic persona of beloved and the music of water droplets from
clouds shut down all senses of gulf and gulf entrusted himself to his
beloved. the sweet beloved who just confessed that gulf is only desire
and that confession filled gulf with defineless fragrance of love .
the arms of both snake around each other and the lips were slowly
synchronizing themselves. it feels that the bodies and the souls in
them were actually fitting themselves in each other like strands of
hair to make braids of different styles. no lust no pervert acts .
simple soft kisses. but gulf broke the kiss when song bite his lower
lip to access the cavern . gulf step back and run inside the house.
though song expected all and was ready for all situation but sometimes
to caught the live prey , the predator has to show oneself in shoes of
the prey or show oneself lame and weak enough to attack and eat .
son with confuse expression ran after gulf who was picking up his
goods seems like he is ready to go. "if I let you go then I won't get
what I want to achieve ." song said. simple words with deep meaning
and gulf wasn't that evil genius that he understand the meaning
finally after reading between the lines. on listening the song voice ,
gulf saw towards him helplessly. song simply stood in front of him and
cupped his face " from the day I saw you and the way you contacted me
and the way you always attract me towards yourself still today , I
started to believe that you also have the same feeling as I have . I,
honestly built our own dream nest in which you I reside together
forever. gulf, tell me what drag you away from me and if you were just
attracted towards me as young infatuation even then tell me I will let
you go easily and wont bother you any more . I promise . gulf, I don't
want to hide our relation . I want to tell to sun moon stars even to
the eyes that spy and the invisible particles that you belong to me
only me. your soul your innocent heart your cute mind all belong to me
. I want to clear this bloody universe that you will see this cosmo
through my eyes because I don't want you to see the dirty cosmo with
your beautiful eyes because these eyes when see me melts me that I
don't feel myself anymore I just become shadow of mighty gulf. gulf ,
I do want to fill eyes ears mouths of this cosmo with lead so that
your even prints on muds remain safe from this disgusting world but
old people say that the beloved becomes more prominent . gulf , I do
want to show this world that you belong to me but I want to hide it so
that you complete your eduction eaily because some universities don't
support teacher student relation . if we disclose then your dreams
will be mud and I don't want a hurdle but want to be your strongest
support . if you say then we can meet your parents so that they allow
us to together . let go we will go and meet your parents. I don't want
that you innerly dive in pool of suspiciousness and we instead of
becoming close we set on different paths.lets go we are going to meet
your parents." song took things in his hand and hold gulf hand, almost
pulled him to main door of mansion .
gulf hardly free his hand from strong grip but fell back on floor. song dropped things and rushed to gulf "do you hurt.feel pain in ribs .we can go to doctor for proper medical examine "song uttered while checking gulf. freed gulf back from back pack .picked him in bridal style and walked to the living room laid gulf on couch with cushions below his head
rushed to kitchenette and back with milk and tablets. sat on table near couch.gave medicine to gulf and then glass of milk. song wait silently for gulf to finish the glass then take it back and placed on table." gulf my angel,dont force yourself for me gulf. take medicine ,rest for while then i ll drove you to your house . matters of heart can't be solved though we feel that they are solved. dont feel sad. " song said and kissed the forehead. stood to leave gulf for while. " "are you angry with me . I.... I freed my hand because i wanted to talk with you. please , song listen me before taking any decision. the relation which is still a seed and wants to become a shadow tree with full of scented flowers, how can wither before sowing in soil of heart ." song turned and sat on the space on couch where gulf was lying. "who said i am ending but i think that the age difference between us also exist. you are young.and i am old. what if you regret oneday for being spending your life with me . hmmm.... what will happen then? i want your pleasure.honestly, my baby you matter me lot. i will cut myself into pieces only for you. if you ll think it better then i ll ask your parents to allow us to marry.say something before my heart explode with all those fear who circle my heart soul with poisonous spears." gulf touched the cheeks of song "whatever you say i blindly trust your words song. the decision should be mine not of my parents. the life is mine,the blood runs in my body is mine, the heart is mine so power of decision is mine. when time comes we ll both inform my parents and after that they accept it or not, i dont care. nothing was in vain song. infact i was afraid that you may encourage me as your student. being your beloved was just my dream but it comes true.it is true that you love me. what i need more from life. song, is it possible...." gulf stopeed as he was in doubt whether he dhould ask him or not. "all is possible just my princess"song replied and gave quick pack on lips of gulf. "can we get married now."gulf hesitantly uttered his mind . after a dangerous silent, as song came back in senses. heju.ped in delight. holding hands ofgulf who now sat on couch"you want to marry me now.you agree to marry me. "gulf nodded in smile. "yes, my queen,all arrangements are made.just wait.wait for while."kissing on back of hands , song ran towards staircase but returned bend slightly and kissed on neck of gulf. and then ran towards staircase and gulf smiled on seeing the crazy man . with contented smile on face, gulf placed his head on back and closed his eyes .on other hand, song entered in room with winning smile. take out mobile and dialled number.ascall was picked,a voice brused his ears with scolding"are you mad or out of mind. you agree to married him. in this way, you will win your empire back from ypur brother." "calm down yuzhi , you should spend time with jiang more. plan family now..."song replied with smirk."make arrangements of my wedding in an hour.make sure that all fake process should be real in looks and moreover,the marriage certificate should be fakely original and make sure that if time wants me to use this as armour then no court should prove it fake. make Arrangements sensibly. and " "and what"yuzhi asked sarcastically. "dress in good way vor my wedding so that jiang melts in no time ."song said and call was cut. being sound proof, song had no fear that gulf will listen him. in front screen was showing gulf sitting with wrapped arms on couch. "after an hour you will be in my bed. you invite all this by yourself so dont blame me my baby."


🌿list of tharntype stories
❤vamp pursuing the heart
❤love my forced husband
💐complete stories of tharntype
❤hubby from journey
❤be diamond in my ring
❤lust leads to love
❤types diary

🎈other stories
❤vulture hawk(saintzee)
❤chance to heartyou(saint zee)
❤perfect heart imperfect love(veemark)
❤why i u just we(exo got7)
❤spring whisper (poem book)


thankyou for reading following
i m grateful
to be continue
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