Separate But Equal

By SpoonfulofMe

194K 9.6K 1.1K

What happens when you fall for someone? You know you're not supposed to, but you do it anyway. That's what ha... More

Public School
Drawn To You
Friends And Flings
She's Yours
I'm His?
Kickin' Back With A Liar
That Somebody
Not So Different
End Up Like Us
I Belong To You
Trouble No Paradise
Bits & Pieces
Bits & Pieces Pt. 2
Selena's Hint
Word Is Bond
Authors Note
On Hold
Thank You
Mama's Words
He Knows
Helping Hand
Support Alexiae!!!!
I'm Sure Pt. 1
I'm Sure Pt. 2
I Hope We Can Make It
Caught Pt. 1
Caught Pt. 2
F**k It All
Let's Do It
Bad Idea
Only Hope
I Don't Get It
Not Good
A Father's Love
A Father's Acceptance
Peace Among Men
Find Me
New One
Watch Her
He's Coming
Author's Note
Out For Blood
It Won't Be Long
The Truth Is Out
Live With It
Come Back To Me
Alton Sterling
Author's Note
All We Got

Have A Nice Life

2K 128 10
By SpoonfulofMe

Chris P.O.V.

Today's the day, we're gonna be free. No war, no rivalry, just us, I should feel bad about us leaving our families behind, but this is the only way for us to be together. After Friday I definitely want to get Zahra out of here, how could her parents not know the real reason she hates that school. It took everything I had not to find them punks, and kill them. I'd never seen Zah so scared in my life, it took me forever to get her to calm her down after what they did to her. I stretched getting out of my bed so I could start getting ready. Hopping in the shower real quick, I got out throwing on my sweats, a beater, and an old pair of  Jordan's. I walked through my house looking around. Damn I gonna miss this place, but being here is keeping me from being with Zahra. Stopping through the hall I passed a picture of my sister, and I. The last picture we took before the drugs took over her life. I kissed my fingers, and touched her picture.

"Tootie I don't know where you are, or what you're doing, but it's my turn to leave. At least I'm leaving for love." I looked back at the house walking out the door.

"Bye house, it's been real." Yeah I'm gonna miss the memories here, but I'm gonna make even more memories with Zah. Speaking of I gotta send her a quick text.

Me: Change of plans I'm getting you, I called my boy off.

Before I leave I wanna do a few stops, the first stop I go to is Kae's house. We used to fuck around a few times. I racked my knuckles against the familiar oakwood door. A few minutes after waiting the door opened. Kae stood at the door looking very comfortable, sad that I still know some I days she chooses not to go to school.

"Chris." She smiles stepping back to let me in.

"Hey Kae." I mumble. She smiles solemnly.

"What brings you here?"

"Saying goodbye." I shrug nonchalantly. She laughs.

"Right, I'll play along. Why are you saying goodbye Chris?"

"I'm leaving." That got her she spoke spastically.

"What, leaving?! Why? To where?"

"To be on my own, to be with my girl. Not sure where."

"What about me, what about what we had?"

"Kae it was nothing special, but you're a friend so I'm letting you know. I told you not to catch feelings, but you did." I kissed her forehead, and walked out the door. One stop down two more to go. I went to Zah's school just staring at the spot I found her in. I watched them same niggas go about they business laughing, and smiling like they never hurt her. I want them dead, but that's not why I'm here. I'm standing here because this is another reminder of why I'm getting me and Zah away from these niggas. But also because I want something from the Dean's office. See I noticed something when I found Zah. There's a camera out here meaning everything that happened to my baby was seen, but nothing was done. I went straight to the office. Locking the door behind me so nobody would interrupt.

"Young man, you can't just barge in here." He spoke trying to dial a number, but I knocked the phone away.

"I wouldn't call the cops unless you want them to know you willingly let a student be harassed." He looked dumbfounded like he didn't know what I was talking about.

"Oh you don't know, see I learned that you and some of your sick male staff like to watch what happens to one particular girl here, and I know you've still got all the tapes, so here's the deal. You give me the tapes, keep your son and his goons off these girls, and I won't reporty you to the police." See I did a little digging the dean is that punks dad, and his dad was the dean before that, every year they'd pick a girl to harass, and they planned for it to be Zah until she graduated. While the kids did all the work the dean, and his buddies would watch the tapes, and get off on him. Three generations of perverted freaks. Who gets a kick out of watching his kid, and his friends molest, or rape an innocent girl? They picked the wrong one this time. The last stop was me and Zah's spot I sat there staring at the blazing sun hitting the spot where we became one. I didn't think about when they took her away from me, I merely thought about all our good times here, like our first kiss. I grabbed my stomach feeling a pain in it. Woah, what the fuck was that? Driving to Zahra's I house I hit her with a quick text telling her I was outside

Baby Love: I'm not going, I can't leave my family.

Her text caught me completely off guard, I got out of my car, and climbed up her window. She stood with her back to the window unpacking her stuff. Really, all of this, and she backs out? Fine, I'll go on my own, she can stay for this bullshit, but I'm not. I hopped down angrily going to my car. How could she do that shit, she begged me to get her away! Now she wants to stay with these motherfuckers. Man fuck Zahra! Should've never got involved with her ass.

Me: I should've never trusted your ass. Have a nice life bitch!

Baby Love: My dad was right, never trust a Lord! I hate you!

I felt bad sending her that because, I'd never disrespect her, but I'm pissed. She hates me, cool. Fuck her I'm gone.

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