Breaking All The Rules (Male...

By MrC1997

82.7K 1K 656

Y/N Y/L/N, a former 3 time NXT champion and 2 time North American Champion. Y/N had gone through a breakup wi... More

Info About Yourself
Draft Night
You Like Him Don't You?
What Are We?
You Have Me
Two Birds With One Stone
I Don't Wanna Change The World
Moving Day
The Plot Thickens
A Little Too Soon
Clear up the Air
Close My Eyes Forever
What a Time To Be Alive
A Fast Heartbeat
More Worthy Than A Championship
On The Road Again
An Unexpected Surprise
I've Missed You
James's Advice


3.3K 36 29
By MrC1997

*Time Passes*

WWE was at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN and were preparing for No Way Out. Rhea was defending the Smackdown women's title against Bayley and Bianca Belair. While you had a match against James for the WWE title. As for you and Rhea, you both managed to get a hold of Dakota and she happened to be there for the show to watch you perform. You and Rhea were currently doing your pre match stretches until you both started to do some couples stretches together when you both got a little chuckle seeing James and Shotzi looking at you two funny when they saw you both in an odd position.

A/N: You and Rhea are in this position

You: Ah, look who's got a front row seat to the show.

Rhea: Better not give our exes any ideas.

You and Rhea laughed and got out of the position.

Shotzi: No need for ideas. We lived both our little fantasies last night.

Rhea: Care to share?

James: You don't wanna know.

You: Lemme guess, 50 shades of Grey style.... in reverse?

Shotzi and James looked at each other and smirked.

Shotzi:.......... maybe

Shotzi giggled a bit before the four of you made your way to catering where Chris and Alexa were sitting at until you all found them and sat down and all talked until the show started and Shotzi went to go do her match against Candice La Rae.

*During the Show*

You were watching Rhea's match on the screen backstage until you heard a voice.

?: Funny how things come back to get ya.

You: And sometimes those things can be more than one affair.

You turnt to see Dakota, looking kind of cute in her outfit.

You: I told you that Rhea and I were gonna talk about this with you together.

Dakota: I know, but I couldn't wait any longer to talk about it with you Y/N and Demi shouldn't hear all the details about it.

Dakota rested against the wall trying to be sexy.

You: If you think that's gonna work, think again because Demi warned me about you being here tonight.

Dakota: Oh you know that you can't resist a beautiful New Zealand woman with her sexy accent. You know how much it turns you on everytime I say something Y/N.

You looked at the TV and saw Rhea hit the riptide on Bayley when she pinned her and got the pin to win the match and retain the title.

You: And yet, I have a strong and sexy Aussie woman who's accomplished more than you ever have since NXT. Listen Cheree, if you think this is gonna get to me fucking you, forget it because it won't work. Face it...... your lips and your crotch are tainted with three other men and you know you can't change that.

Dakota smirked a bit until she walked up to you.

Dakota: Keep telling yourself that. When I'm done with you two, you'll be crawling back to me Y/N. Just you wait and see.

Dakota kissed your lips and held them there longer than you were comfortable with and tried to get her off, but she made you hold her crotch while she did it until she broke the kiss.

Dakota: Here's my room number. Text me when your close by.

Dakota winked at you and walked away before Rhea walked in from behind the curtain and kissed you before you had to get ready for your match against James as she went to the locker room and James came from around the corner and you helped him with his mask.

You: Cheree was here.

James: What happened?

You: Not much other than her trying to seduce me a little while ago.

James: She's for sure gone full circle then if you ask me. Y/N, if you're not careful, she just might get something fishy started for all we know.

You: Hell, she may've had some kind of secret camera guy for all I know. I turned her down though. Just waiting for what Demi has to say about that.

You got the final strap to go into James's mask until you were cued for the match.

James: Try not to go too crazy out there.

You: Trust me I've been on the giving and receiving sides of that.

James's theme then played as he nodded at you and walked out to a full arena of fans when he did his pose and he walked to the ring. Once his theme cut, your theme then played as you walked out with the WWE title and headed to the ring and did your pose before handing the belt to the ref and the match started.


Rhea was watching your match until she turnt around and saw Dakota come up to her.

Rhea: I thought you'd be at your seat trying to get a spot on view of my man.

Dakota: Oh Demi, that man used to be mine you know.

Rhea: Want him back eh? That's too bad, he's got a girlfriend already thank you very much. Now bugger off before I do what I did to ya in the elimination chamber.

Dakota:*chuckles* Might wanna save that ass whooping for him....... after you find out what he did earlier.

Rhea looked at Dakota like she was crazy, but was a little curious.

Dakota:..... would you like to find out?

Rhea was a little unsure, but Dakota showed her what it was.

*Back to the Match*

James had hit another fatal bomb on you as he was about to win the match until you pulled him into a hell's gate and James started to fade until he picked you up for another fatal bomb and slammed you three times. James then grabbed you by the throat until he picked you up and went for a piledriver until you reversed it into your own and di six feet under on James and pinned him to win the match. You received the WWE title and walked to the back and to the locker room where Rhea stood outside the door, with an angry look on her face.


You: What are you talking about Demi?

Rhea showed you the video of you and Dakota talking and her being a little flirty with you until it showed her kissing you and you grabbing her crotch.

You: Damn it, I fucking knew that she would pull that shit!

Rhea: What?!

You: She set me up Demi, she came up to me and forced me to!

Rhea: Yet you didn't stop it. You still like her don't you you bastard?!

You: You know she cheated on me three times Demi! Why would I fucking want her now?!

Rhea: The accent....

You: What?

Rhea: Shotzi told me before we started dating is that you love Aussie and New Zealand accents. It was her accent that didn’t stop you from kissing her and her fondling you was it?

You: No! She forced it on me and it won't happen again.

Rhea: It's not that simple Y/N. I'm staying at Becky's and Colby's place tonight. You can forget clearing up the air with Cheree together. You're on your own! I don't care where you go, but I don't wanna talk to you for the rest of tonight.

You were about to say something, but you kept your mouth shut and nodded.

You: At least let me help you with your stuff.

Rhea:........... fine...

You changed into your street clothes before helping Rhea with her luggage and setting it in Becky's car as she looked a little upset at you and Rhea got in her car and the two women drove away as James walked up.

Seth: Where is she going?

You: It happened Colby...

Seth: What did?

You: It was a scandal. Cheree set me up.

Seth: Jesus.....


You were at a hotel after dropping Seth off at his and Becky's place when you stood in front of a door and knocked on it when it opened to show Dakota in a robe.

Dakota: I've been waiting for you Y/N.

You: Cut the bullshit Cheree. I just wanna talk.

Dakota let you in and the both of you started to talk.

Dakota: How about less talking and more fucking? Hm?

Dakota took off the robe and showed her outfit to you.

It was your favorite ring gear from her as she winked at you, but you did your best to resist and you weren't having it with the situation at hand right now when you suddenly raised your voice which got her to listen to you.

You: Just sit down!

Dakota was a little frightend by your outburst as she sat down on the bed next to you.

You: I have an offer for you.

Dakota: I'm listening.

You: One kiss, but that's it! In return, you tell Demi the truth!

Dakota: And if I don't do that and want more from you?

You: Then I'll put this footage out of you going from every male superstar's locker room when we were in NXT and send this to management.

Dakota was shocked that you got a hold of that as she thought you were bluffing.

Dakota: You wouldn't...

Stephanie (Zoom Call): He would.

Dakota was shocked again to hear Stephanie's voice from your phone as you held it up to show Stephanie's face on the screen.

Stephanie (Zoom Call): And we will fire you for sexual misconduct and violating sexual harassment policies in the workplace. For now, we'll see you in court.

Dakota: You win Y/N.... Fine.

Stephanie (Zoom Call): Good. You can hang this up now Y/N.

You hung up the call with Stephanie.

Dakota: I gotta know though, how did she hear about this?

You: Remember? I'm a guy who breaks all the rules. Especially in this situation. Now, don't call me, don't text me, and don't even think about this ever again. Stephanie told me that if this happens again, you're done for in WWE.

Dakota nodded until you put a hand in her leg and pressed your lips onto hers and the two of you made out for a little bit. After a minute, you broke the kiss.

You: Now that the deal has been fulfilled, I got some clearing up to do with Demi.

You were about to leave until Dakota said something else.

Dakota: Y/N...... well played....

You:.............. good luck in court....

You walked away from Dakota and left her behind and went to go find Rhea as you texted Shotzi on her whereabouts.


You arrived to Becky's and Seth's place when you parked your car and walked up to the house before ringing the doorbell and the door opens to show Becky as she slapped you.

Becky: That's for cheating!

You: Let me be clear of one thing Becks, that was not cheating. That was sexual assault.

Becky: The video that Demi showed us seemed to tell a different story.

You: Listen, I'll explain it to you and her. James knows the true story also.

Becky was unsure, but let you in and led you to the living room where Rhea stood up in anger.

Rhea: You had a lot of nerve coming here asshole.

You: Here me out on this Demi. I have all the proof right here and I'll be damned if this doesn't convince you.

Rhea wanted to hit you so bad, but held it back as you sat down on the couch as did she when you showed Rhea and Becky the video as it showed you trying to push away Dakota when she grabbed your hand and placed it on her crotch while she kissed you while you tried to get her off.

You: See? I was trying to tell Becky the same thing and Dakota was the one trying to stir the pot between us. She forced it on me to touch her.

Rhea and Becky were surprised about Dakota's actions.

You: I told you she sexually assaulted me.

Becky: My god.... Y/N, I'm so sorry.

Becky hugged you as Rhea stood up.

Rhea: Ok, you got lucky on that one, but I'm still a little mad at you for the kiss and her grabbing your dick.

You: I understand Demi. For now, let's just sleep on it  and we'll talk about it in the morning. Hell, I'll sleep down here.

Everyone nodded as you all went and got ready for bed and you set up a spot on the couch until Rhea came up to you.

Rhea: We'll talk tomorrow. I'm sorry for not trusting you.

You: And I'm sorry for startling you about it. See you in the morning.

Rhea nodded and went upstairs as you layed down on the couch and turned off the lamp in the living room before falling asleep.

*The Next Morning*

You woke up and slipped your pants on before you walked into the kitchen where Rhea sat at the small bar that was in Becky's and Seth's house where Rhea noticed you.

You: Goodmorning

Rhea: Goodmorning

You poured yourself some coffee and joined Rhea.

You: So, do we wanna talk about last night?

Rhea: *sighs* Yes. What Cheree did was heinous and scandalous, but I took my anger out on you and not her. I'm sorry that had happened to you and I know that I shouldn't have brought up about you two clearing it up. That was my fault to even think about it.

You: Demi, we both know that was a trap that she had been planning ever since I texted her about it. People do this and sadly, this is the dark side of Cheree that I haven't seen in a long time. Not ever since she cheated on me for the last time. I didn't want her back. It never was you're fault, it was mine on even thinking about her in any way or form and that night should've been a dream not worth remembering.

You and Rhea sat in silence for a bit until she put her hand on yours for a second.

Rhea: No matter what, I'm on your side about this and I'll help you in the trial about her wrongdoing. Again, I'm sorry for the outburst and I should've put it together after she showed me the video. That woman hadn't been the same since I last talked to her.

You: And let me tell you now, she's changed a lot since. She's not the nice New Zealand babe that was all fun and nice outside the ring and has a mean streak inside the ring. As of lately, she's been taking her in ring personality too seriously.

Rhea lowered her head in sadness, knowing that you had been through so much as she pressed her head against yours.

Rhea: I saw that and I'm sorry. She sexually assaulted you and you're not in the wrong here.

You: Don't worry though, Stephanie and I set the court date and I know that you and James are the closest witnesses I have. Don't worry, we'll take her down. Take her down well.

Rhea: That's why I love you Y/N. You always stand your ground and tell the truth.

You and Rhea kissed and hugged onto each other before kissing again.

Rhea: I love you Y/N.

You: I love you too Demi.

You then looked behind you to see Becky walk in with Roux.

You: Oh. Look who just woke up.

Becky: She had a good night. The little one's been sleeping like a rock.

Rhea: Well, like A rock, not The Rock.

You chuckled a bit and helped feed Roux while Rhea watched you and smiled.....................................................

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