Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 77 - Playing without rules

1.4K 60 25
By iliqblack

When everyone left and the husband and wife were left alone, Defne stepped to Omer and, clasping her slender arms tenaciously around his waist, pressed firmly against his chest.

- After all, everything will be fine, right? - asked trustingly, like a child.

- Everything will be fine! - He promised and covered her head with his hand. - Do not worry.

- I'm not worried ... - Defne sighed. - More precisely, I am worried, but there is no despair and hopelessness. The feeling when you understand that there is no help and will not be. You are alone, and you must solve all the problems, - she threw back her head and looked into the beautiful, serious face of her husband. "I'm not alone anymore, do you understand? There are so many wonderful people around me and they offer their hands to help.

"You gathered them around you," Omer replied. - Like a magnet, you pull us. Me ... and the rest. Every time you rushed to help when friends and relatives were in need. You supported, consoled, reconciled. You substituted your fragile shoulder and did not complain that it was hard for you. You are incredible, Defne. I realize this, again and again, every day. I realize and understand how lucky I am.

"I'm the lucky one," Defne smiled at him through her tears. – Allah gave me heartless, bad parents, but only so that I could appreciate my grandmother, Serdar with Esra and ... you.

Omer swallowed a lump in his throat and returned his wife's head to his chest.

"Come to me," he gently stroked her red hair. - My golden girl. Forget all your worries.

- I will forget, - deeply inhaling his bitter, dear scent, promised Defne with an oath and added: - The day after tomorrow.


As usual, after work, Kartal drove Mirai and Mert home in his car. Every evening he stopped at the apartment building in Etiler and promised that in an hour he would come with Kumru to drink tea. He asked what sweets to buy. And Mirai flashed a blush every time and smiled at him with a warm smile.

But today it was different. Two massive SUVs occupied the wide driveway near the building. Three men were smoking near them. Kartal recognized them. Engin and Mehmet Astarkhan, and with them Onder Gumuskaya. Mert frowned at the sight of them. Mirai looked at him in the rearview mirror and recalled:

- You gave your word.

"I know," the boy said through clenched teeth. - I'll go get the girls.

He got out of the car and walked past the men.

- Mert! - called his grandfather Engin. - We were going to the horse farm today.

"I remember," the boy said abruptly. - We'll be out in five minutes.

He left. Mirai turned to Kartal. He nodded to the three and asked:

- Why are they here?

- I told you. Engin Astarkhan demanded meetings with his grandchildren for his help. Today is the first.

- Is that hurting you? Kartal asked shrewdly.

"No," Mirai shook her head. - Just sad. I was never alone in the evenings. And you won't be able to come today. Dinner with parents is important.

Once a month, Kartal and Kumru had dinner with Kartal's parents. Today was such a day.

- In my thoughts I will be with you, - the man promised.

Mirai gently touched his cheek and said:

- I know.

She smiled at him and got out of the car. She was now to meet face to face with three men who claimed to be able to interfere in her life. Another emotional and psychological confrontation was coming, and this circumstance did not add optimism at all. Mirai was tired and now wanted only one thing - to be at home with the children. But there was no choice. She went up to the three and greeted:

- Good evening!

- Mirai, are you coming home so late from work? - Engin Astarkhan frowned with displeasure. - This is bad for a mother who has three children.

It started! Mirai suppressed a flash of irritation and calmly replied:

- I have no choice. My job allows us to live a normal life. Not starving or needing.

"So what," Mehmet said. From the moment she got out of the car, he did not take his unblinking gaze from his ex-wife. - All the time while you are at work, eight-year-old girls are at home alone?

She wanted to hit him. Hard. So that he doubled over and howled in pain. She was already opening her mouth to reject the moralizing claims of her ex-husband when a deep and confident voice rang out behind her:

- During the day, my daughter Kumru looks after the girls. She is seventeen and she is a very serious and responsible girl.

Kartal walked over and stood so close that Mirai felt the warmth of his body. It seeped through the skin, flowed into the chest, and reached the heart. It warmed her up and gave her the strength she needed now to hold confidently.

- Yes? - Mehmet angrily glanced at Kartal. - Then I can rest assured that my daughters are being looked after.

"You can be calm in any case," Mirai said sternly. - It's stupid after so many years to pretend to care and make claims.

"I'm not pretending anything," Mehmet hoisted. - I really care about the life and safety of the girls.

- Didn't you care for seven years? - Mockingly retorted Mirai. - When they and Mert were left without a roof over their heads and with a real threat of starvation, then their life and safety were indifferent to you?

- You're overreacting!

"I'm just telling the truth!

They looked into each other's eyes, and Mehmet was the first to look away. Cowardly, he turned aside and muttered that it was impossible to talk sensibly with this woman. Mirai smiled ironically and said nothing.

"Daughter," said Engin Astarkhan. - You're not going to change?

- What for? - Mirai was surprised.

"On a horse farm, you will be uncomfortable in a business suit," the man explained. - Go put on something comfortable.

Mirai raised one eyebrow and looked at her former father-in-law in disbelief.

- Daughter, you are not going to come with us to watch the horses? - The father intervened. "You love them so much.

- I love, - confirmed Mirai. - But I'll look another time.

He couldn't hide his disappointment. And he didn't want to. In recent months, he rethought his life and realized that what he had been strangling in his heart for many years is the most important thing in life. The opportunity to see his daughter-in-law and grandchildren has now become the highest point in the scale of his life values. But he once destroyed this possibility and now could only be content with crumbs.

Asli and Jeren ran out of the entrance. Mert came out next. The girls, having casually greeted the men, flew up to Mirai and clung to her from both sides. She hugged both of them and asked:

- Be careful and listen to Mert.

- Okay, mommy! They promised.

Probably, it was necessary to introduce the father and grandfather to the daughters, but Mirai did not dare to do it. Deciding to let the Astarkhans figure it out on their own, she looked at her son and smiled affectionately at him.

- Son, look after the girls.

- Don't worry, Mom! We are adults and independent.

- Mert, get into our car, and let the girls sit with grandfather Onder, - Mehmet turned to his son. To which he calmly objected:

- No. The girls and I will ride in the same car.

Onder Gumuskaya opened the doors of his car and said:

- Then sit in front, - he smiled at the granddaughters and gestured to the back seat: - Get in, little sparrows. Let's go see beautiful horses.

Mirai watched the black SUVs pull out of the courtyard and disappear around the bend. It seemed to her that her heart would break in her chest. Her children were just her children for seven years. And now people who once abandoned them and threw them out of their lives are claiming a place in their lives. Damn it, is that fair?!

"Sweetheart," Kartal touched her hand, and she raised a confused gaze at him. - Do you want us to go after them? And we'll be there for this stupid date.

Mirai shook her head.

- No. You need to go home. Kumru and dinner with your parents are waiting for you. And I'll take care of the household chores. For a long time, I was going to clean the kitchen cabinets, but I didn't have time. Today I will take care of them. You go! - She gently pushed him to the car and promised: - I'll be fine.

It was forty minutes drive from Etiler to the horse farm. During the trip, Onder tried to stir up and provoke a conversation between the grandchildren, asking questions about school and hobbies. The girls answered in monosyllables and warily, Mert was silent and looked out the side window.

- Son, - the grandfather addressed to him. - Have you already chosen a direction in life?

"Yes," the boy replied.

- You can choose any university in Turkey, Europe, or the United States. I will pay for your tuition.

Mert turned away from the window, looked at his grandfather for a long time, and answered:

- Thanks, but keep your money for yourself. I have already chosen a university and a specialty. Passionis will pay for my studies on the condition that I return to work for them.

- But you do not have to fall into the bondage of Passionis! - said the grandfather hotly. - I will pay for the studies, and you can choose any company for work. Or create your own.

- I want to work in Passionis, - said Mert slowly. - You don't want me to be dependent on Passionis! How interesting! But then you sleep and see that I fall into dependence on you. It will not happen. I don't need your money, or your connections, or you.

- You are straightforward, - said the grandfather strangled.

"Yes," agreed Mert. - Mom taught me to always be honest and tell the truth, even if it is unpleasant. But to despise men who abandon their children and do not know how to protect women, I learned myself.

He turned back to the window, showing with all his appearance that the conversation was over.

At the horse farm, the girls were shy at first and huddled close to Mert. But then the interest in handsome horses overcame the wariness, and they, leaving their brother bored under the shed, themselves approached the fence of the corral. Both grandfathers were instantly close. Onder whistled to one of the horses and let the granddaughters feed it sugar. The horse carefully took the brown cubes from their small palms, and the girls laughed when its warm, velvet lips tickled their fingers. Mert watched them with a condescending smile on his lips. With peripheral vision, he noticed his father approaching but pretended not to see him. Mehmet, however, was determined to become visible. He sat down on a bale of hay next to his son and spoke:

- Summer is in full swing. Would you like to go on vacation? To Bodrum or Marmaris. We can rent a yacht and...

"Don't try in vain," Mert interrupted his speech. He looked at his father point-blank. "You can try to charm the twins. They were small and don't remember how mom cried when you all threw us out. But I remember. And I will never forget.

- But I'm still your father! - Mehmet said through clenched teeth.

- Biologically - yes! For the rest ... - Mert chuckled. "You didn't consider me your son for seven years. And I don't care what you want now. I "- he stressed the first word - "do not consider you my father!"

He got up and walked over to the paddock. A horse with a long mane immediately ran up to him. Mert patted it on the neck and said, barely audibly:

- Hi, handsome! Difficult life, huh? But we are no strangers. The main thing is that everything goes right on Sunday and Esra finally returns to Istanbul.


Mirai did not reach the kitchen cabinets. Exhausted, she fell on the carpet in the living room, curled up in a ball, and burst into tears. She cried for ages. So it seemed to her. The minutes stretched out over the years, she recalled everything she had experienced, and tears flowed and flowed from her eyes in an endless stream. And then the doorbell rang. Kartal stood on the threshold. Very handsome and determined.

"How did you end up here?" Mirai wondered. - You should be with your parents?

And he clasped her tear-stained face with his palms, kissed her forehead, and said:

- Marry me. Immediately! I want to have every right to protect you, care and wipe your tears when you cry.

"But we wanted in the fall after Mert and Kumru enter the university," Mirai muttered in confusion, but her heart was beating happily in her chest.

- Why wait? Time is running out! I figured it out today. Every moment with you is priceless. I don't want to more time. Marry me!

Tears gushed out of her eyes again. But now they were different tears. Bright. Through their veil, Mirai's eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Yes," she whispered. - Yes! A hundred times yes!


Kadir, in his best suit, silk shirt, and polished shoes, nervously paced the hotel room. It was almost eight o'clock. He did not take his eyes off the screen and saw the message the second it arrived.

- There it is! - He exclaimed happily and hurried out into the street to catch a taxi.

- Grandma, Emine has been bathed. The next feeding is at nine in the evening. Bottles of formula on the changing table. Just take off the nipple cap and feed. A bottle of water in the same place. And diapers just in case. But I think they will not be needed. I just put on a clean one. If she cries...

- Off! Enough for you already! - Grandmother Turkan interrupted angrily the recitative of the granddaughter. - I know very well how to take care of small children. I can handle it! Yes, my sweet? - In a honeyed voice she turned to her great-granddaughter. Emine responded with a cheerful hum and a wide smile. - Ay, my caramel! - The great-grandmother was moved and angrily shouted at the grandchildren: - Go already! You will be late and ruin the whole operation. Esra has been at the end of the earth for three weeks. The girl is homesick.

"Yeah, she missed us," Serdar muttered. "She's there as much as she wants, swimming in the lagoon, riding horses, and gorging herself on exotic fruits. The girl ended up on a paradise island. Why would she want to return to Istanbul?

- Serdar, shut up! Nihan shouted at him. - Although ... you're right! Something good from this blackmail. The child visited the paradise island.

Omer looked into the room and called Defne and Serdar:

- It's time to go.

The brother and sister went to the door. Nihan mumbled as she saw them off:

- May the force be with you! Slice and dice your.... daddy. Take a picture of him from all angles and turn him over to the police. And don't forget to keep us posted. Call us. Otherwise, Aunt Turkan and I will burst here from suspense.

- Well, darling! Don't nag me! I'll call you first," promised Serdar.

- Of course, to me! - Nihan was indignant. - Who else? Not our neighbor mustachioed Munyu, right? Okay! Allah will help you! Go!

She threw water after the Mercedes and silently prayed for a favorable outcome of the operation, codenamed "Casino".


Kadir got out of the taxi a couple of blocks from the specified address and walked further. Stopping at a neighboring house, he watched the entrance to the jewelry store for twenty minutes. It was it who was listed in the sent address, as an underground casino. At the entrance stood two security guards with identical square faces and iron muscles under black jackets.

A luxurious Porsche stopped at the entrance. A man emerged in an expensive suit, snakeskin shoes and hair pulled back in a ponytail. Arrogantly scanning the street, he held out his hand to his companion. She turned out to be a very beautiful brunette in an haute couture dress and crazy expensive jewelry. The man said something to the guards, and they parted, letting them inside.

A dark blue Maserati drove up next. The man and woman who emerged from it were young and clearly rich. The amazing work of the necklace on the woman's neck attracted a hundred thousand dollars. But here's the expression on their faces ... typical naive simpletons who are easy to pluck. Kadir rejoiced inwardly. The players were selected as if by order.

After the young couple in a black Mercedes came an old man in expensive but old-fashioned clothes and a hat made of Italian straw. Leaning heavily on an ivory-encrusted silver cane, he entered the building.

The last to appear was Nero. Elegant and dazzlingly chic fluttered out of the white SUV. Coquettishly, she patted her eyes in front of the guards and disappeared through the door.

Of the seven players, six came. The time was approaching nine. Remembering the strict warning not to be late, Kadir approached the guard.

"Cooler," he said, and the men parted to give him a chance to pass.

Kadir entered the spacious hall in front of the trading floor. The hall itself was closed, and a little to the side stood a girl in a white shirt, black short skirt, and black fitted vest.

- You here, - she pointed to a massive, metal door at the end of the hall.

Behind it was a dimly lit staircase leading down. Kadir went down it and found himself in a square, almost dark room. Isles of light were directed only to the wooden table covered with green cloth and the bar in the corner. Kadir looked around slowly. Nero hadn't lied. The casino was really elite. It even smelled of luxury here. The aroma of expensive cigars and malt Scotch whiskey. Seven players were sitting at the table. Six of those he saw and the seventh was a young girl. She curled her plump lips capriciously and looked like a spoiled child who knows nothing of refusal. It was she who turned to Kadir. Nodding to the only empty chair, she ordered:

- Take your place! You are delaying the game.

"I beg your pardon, madam," he replied and sat down at the table.

"Mademoiselle," the girl corrected him haughtily, and Kadir, with malevolent pleasure, imagined how soon the arrogance would be blown off this pretty face.

From the darkness into the circle of light, a middle-aged gray-haired man with an imperious expression on a hawkish face emerged.

- Welcome to my casino, gentlemen. You all know the rules, but let me remind you: the first bet is five thousand dollars, you all have the right to leave the game. We do not play in debt. Only real money or equivalent things. We acquire chips, gentlemen!" He ordered.

Each of the players named an amount, and its equivalent appeared on the table in the form of stacks of multi-colored chips.

"We place our bets," said the croupier, a young man with dexterous hands and keen brown eyes.

The blood in Kadir's veins turned into mad excitement. Frenzied gambling.


Esra and Banu, with their arms around their knees, sat by a large stone on the side of the mountain and looked out at the piercing turquoise lagoon. There was an easel next to Banu, and a palette of paints lay, but she did not touch the brush. She wasn't in the mood to paint today. Her dear Esra was dying of fear and excitement. Somewhere out there, in distant, native Istanbul, her fate was being decided. Esra could not influence the situation in any way, but she fervently prayed that everything would work out for her family and friends.

Her emotions passed on to Banu. The girl was worried. Esra meant so much to her. She had never had any girlfriends before. Pupils of the boarding school avoided too beautiful and talented girls, envied her, and did not miss the opportunity to offend. But Banu did not understand their motives. She considered herself neither beautiful nor special. And she thought that she was offended because she was small, thin, strange. Over time, she learned to appear invisible. And Esra from the first minute showed kindness to her and sincerely liked her. And then it turned out that their lives are similar. Abandoned children. Orphans with living fathers. They understood each other's suffering and fears. They knew without words that they would be close people and support one another all their lives.

- Esra, do not worry, - asked her friend Banu. - Who is your father against Mr. Omer, Ahtem, Mr. Sinan, and Mr. Deniz? They will grind him to powder.

"You see," Esra looked at Banu with serious, black eyes. "My father is a scoundrel. And Omer and his friends are noble. They won't stoop to dishonest methods, and he is a crook. That is why he can win.

Banu considered, then shook her head.

- No! Evil cannot win. If evil has won, then the end is not yet. And this story of yours will have a happy ending. I know.

Esra smiled at her and held out her hand, palm up. Banu put hers into it. So they sat, holding hands and praying to all the gods of the world that there, in their hometown Istanbul, good would triumph over evil.


The game lasted for the second hour. Kadir was lucky. In front of him, there were stacks of chips three times higher than the original ones. Gradually the stakes were raised, and he was rubbing his hands, imagining how he would leave here as a rich man. The bartender kept a close eye on the players' glasses and, when they were empty, refilled the drink. Kadir's head was slightly dizzy from strong whiskey, and the excitement played in his blood even more.

Omer and Defne, Mert, Ahtem, Serdar, Koray, and a policeman were sitting behind the wall, staring intently at the laptop screen. The latter seemed confident and unperturbed. His confidence passed on to Defne and she no longer trembled like an aspen leaf. She just couldn't breathe deeply. The air was stuck below the throat and did not want to fill the lungs. She breathed shallowly and often. Omer put his hand on her back and quietly asked:

- Take it easy. Everything is going as it should. Clearly according to plan. The police are on the spot and are waiting for the signal. There is very little left. Twenty minutes.

- What if he suspects something and leaves? Defne whispered in a strangled voice.

"He won't make it," Omer answered confidently. - But even if he leaves, we still have videos and photos in which law-abiding citizen Kadir Shishmaz violates the law in a casino and plays gambling. His blackmail is no longer valid. We won. And in twenty minutes the victory will be complete!

The dealer placed the third card on the table. Ace of hearts. Kadir held his face, but a volcano raged inside. Here is luck! Finally, fortune turned its face to him. Three cards on the table and two in his hands created one of the best combinations in poker. The players at the table were doing worse.

- Pass! - declared the young man.

*pass (in poker) forgo one's turn in a game.*

His wife, after a moment's hesitation, said:

- Check!

"Check," Nero repeated after her.

* check (in poker) - choose not to make a bet when called upon, allowing the action to move to another player.*

The old man raised the bid. The man with the ponytail on the back of his head doubled it.

"Check," said his companion.

When it was Kadir's turn, he tripled the stake.

- Pass, - said the capricious girl.

The croupier laid out the fourth card on the table.

"Pass," Nero said.

"Pass," the old man repeated after her.

The young women were out of the game too. There was only the man with a ponytail. He took a gold card from his pocket and casually handed it to the casino owner.

"I'm tripling my bet," he said.

Kadir went cold. Three hundred thousand dollars! There are excellent cards on hand. He was supposed to support the bet, but he did not have that kind of money. Thoughts spun chaotically in his head. He needs to confirm the bet! But with what? Heck! What?!!

- Sir, do you confirm your bet? The croupier asked him.

- Yes! - he pushed all his chips to the middle of the table.

"This is not enough," the man with the ponytail drawled with an ironic smile.

"I'm betting my daughter," Kadir said dispassionately, looking into his face. "Fourteen years old, beautiful and virgin. She is worth the money, do not hesitate!

Serdar growled behind the wall. Defne gasped for air and could not breathe. Mert leaped from his seat and rushed to the door. Omer intercepted him and made him stop:

- Stop! Get a hold of yourself. You will ruin the operation.

- Satan!!! Koray hissed. - The clever girl on the bet ?! How did his tongue turn ?!

And only the policeman raised the radio set to his lips and said dispassionately:

- Come in! I am the Casino. The attack in seven minutes. Block the outputs.

There was a ringing silence in the casino. Shock froze on the women's faces. The croupier's eyes filled with fury and nodules played on his cheekbones. The old man frowned and gripped the top of his cane tightly. The young man's eyes widened, and rage swelled in them. The casino owner's face was obscured by the darkness, but he stepped over to the young girl's chair and put his hand on the back. But Kadir saw none of this. He looked only at the man with the ponytail and waited for an answer. He sat unperturbed. His face remained an impassive mask. Cold, motionless, without a single emotion. He looked into Kadir's face and was silent. Minute. Second. Third. Kadir writhed under that gaze. His inner tension was at its peak. It seemed to him that the strained nerves were about to explode.

"I accept," the man said clearly and distinctly.

His companion silently turned away and stared unseeingly into the darkness. Nero gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Show your cards," the croupier ordered in a deaf hoarse voice.

Distraught with glee, Kadir threw his cards on the table.

- Straight Flush! He declared triumphantly.

Not a muscle twitched on the man's face. He looked all the same calmly and hard. Pierced with a glance. Anxiety stirred within Kadir. No! No! It can't be! Can not!

The man slowly laid one card on the table. Lady of Hearts. Kadir went cold. As if in slow motion, he watched the man place the last card on the table. King of hearts!

- Royal Flush!

* Royal Flush where one or more of the highest five cards (10, J, Q, K, A) of the same suit are substituted for the wild cards (Joker or Deuces).*

The soul went into the heels. The brain exploded and a porridge formed in the head.

- No! It can't be! No! You are all cheaters here! Cheaters! Sharks! Shouted Kadir.

The next second, the light flashed brightly, and the space of the room was filled with police officers in black uniforms and black masks on their faces. They acted in a clear and coordinated manner. In an instant, they twisted Shishmaz's hands behind the back of the chair, put on handcuffs, and laid him face down on the green cloth of the table. He growled and spewed curses. How?! How could he the cunning and shifty Kadir Shishmaz be cheated like that? To lure him into a trap? How?!

One of the policemen pulled him off the chair and put him on his feet. The side door opened and Serdar, Defne, and Omer entered the room. There were some other men and a boy with them, but Kadir saw them as if delirious. Only the faces of the damned trinity were clear. Their eyes burned with a fierce fire of hatred. Defne approached the man, who was listed on her birth certificate as a father and slapped him hard in the face.

- You are a monster!!! She screamed in his face. - Disgusting, soulless monster! Burn in hell!

She raised her hand again, but Omer intercepted it.

- Hush, love. Don't get your hands dirty," he pushed his wife aside and to Iso, who, from an imperturbable croupier, had turned into his ordinary self again. "Hold her," Omer asked him.

In the next second, he swiftly turned around and dealt a crushing blow to Shishmaz in the jaw. Kadir's head jerked back and he howled filthy curses. One of the policemen moved to stop Omer, but the captain, who spent all the time of the game near the monitor, stopped him with a gesture.

"This is for Esra," Omer hissed in the face of Shishmaz. - And this is for Defne!

An iron fist slammed into Kadir's stomach, and Kadir gasped for air like a fish thrown ashore and doubled over. The captain walked over to Omer and touched his shoulder lightly. With a nod, ordering him to retreat, he lifted the criminal's face by the chin and read him the rights:

- Mr. Shishmaz, you are arrested for gambling, attempted sex trafficking of an underage daughter, fraud, and other violations of the law. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. Your lawyer may be present during the interview. If you cannot pay for the services of a lawyer, one will be provided to you by the state. Do you understand your rights?

"Go to hell," Kadir growled. - You have trapped me! This bitch lured me, - he pointed with his chin at Neriman and burned her with a look of frenzied rage. - I will complain to the court. I'll put you all behind bars! You do not yet know who Kadir Shishmaz is.

"That's your right," the captain replied calmly, almost indifferently. "But the evidence collected against you is enough to send you to prison for thirty years.

- What evidence?!!! - Kadir yelled hysterically. - There is no evidence! They all lie! - He pointed with his chin at the players standing in a separate group on the other side of the table. - They play here all the time! I ended up here by accident, played one game!

"Mister Shishmaz," the captain interrupted wearily. - Everything that happened here was recorded on video in the presence of the police. Your every move and every word. Besides, we have statements from six women from different cities in Turkey who accuse you of fraud and criminal misappropriation of large sums of money.

Kadir hissed another curse and looked with hatred at his son and daughter.

- Raised on my own head! My whole life has been ruined!

- Did we ruined you? - Serdar went up to him and, looking into his eyes, asked again: - We corrupted you? We, who ourselves, without your help, survived, how could we? Off with you! Asshole!

He spat at his feet and went to his sister. She trembled in Iso's arms and cried softly. Serdar hugged her and asked:

- Do not cry. Everything is OK now. He will rot in prison, and we will all live long and happy lives.

"Take him away," the captain ordered the policemen with a gesture pointing at Shishmaz. Turning to those present, he addressed them. - You all went through a shock today. Go home and rest. Tomorrow I will call you all to testify.

The police left the room, but those present were still in a stupor. The incident was so monstrous and wild that it did not fit into their heads. Defne freed herself from her brother's embrace and slowly looked around the audience.

"Thanks," she said hoarsely. - Thank you all! You shouldn't have, but without hesitation, you came to the rescue and got involved in this adventure. I will always be grateful to you. Always!

- Ay, honey! - Neriman smiled at her with an unexpectedly sincere and human smile. - Is it possible in another way? Why, then, are friends and family needed? And you are our family. And your relatives are also our family. Isn't that right, Daddy Hulusi? - The old man nodded in agreement. - But such monsters-dads must be punished for all their crimes. I am glad that I was able to contribute to this. Although glad is not quite the right word, she smiled broadly. - I'm enjoying this!

Everyone around started talking. They calmed Serdar and Defne, shared their impressions, and recalled the brightest moments. Omer approached his wife and she, with a sigh of relief, confidently hugged his chest. He kissed the top of her head and quietly said:

- It's all over. We won. Esra is free. We are all free!

"I don't understand one thing," said Ahtem reasonably. - Where did the women victims' statements about fraud come from?

Omer smiled wryly and replied:

- The private detective did an excellent job. He found the women deceived by Shishmaz and persuaded them to file complaints against him. Some refused, but six agreed. "He looked into the surprised face of his wife thrown back towards him and apologized guiltily:" - Forgive me for being silent, my soul. But I tried to assess all the risks and find a fallback if the casino plan fell through. And I was silent because I was not sure of the result and did not want to reassure everyone in vain. But it worked! Everything worked out and it's great!

Defne shook her head with incredulous, amazed admiration and said:

- The real Omer Iplikci! God of strategy and tactics. He always has fallbacks, always calculates moves in advance, and always wins!

- Yes, my brother is like that! Sinan walked over to Omer and slapped him on the shoulder. - It worked, brother! Everything worked out! But, Allah is the witness, in these three hours I turned gray seven times! I won't take more cards into my hands in life!

- I will take your word for it! - Seda teased him, and Defne exclaimed:

- We need to call our family! They are worried.

She took out her phone and dialed her grandmother, Serdar called Nihan, Ahtem Laura. Mert, who during the emotional scene stood quietly to the side, also walked away and typed a message on the phone. Smiling broadly, he pressed the "Send" arrow with great pleasure.

On the paradise island Maya, Theo, and their lovely guests drank tea with banana cake on the wide terrace. Esra could not get a piece down her throat, but in order not to upset Maya and Banu, she heroically put fragrant pieces of pie into her mouth and chewed hard. The clock showed one o'clock, which means that it was already midnight in Istanbul. Midnight and the phone is silent. So it didn't work out...

Beep - beep ​​, the incoming message sounded. Esra grabbed the phone and jumped up. Looking at the screen, she exhaled in fright:

- From Mert...

She looked at the others in confusion.

- Yes, read it! Banu shouted at her.

Esra opened the message with a trembling hand and read:

- Everything worked out! Kadir Shishmaz has been arrested. You are free!

- AAAA! - Maya and Banu squealed in one voice.

Theo smiled a kind, wise smile. And Esra herself ran from the terrace, flew like a bird onto a wide smooth boulder, threw her head back to the sky, and shouted in a clear, happy voice:

- I am free!!!

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