The Hatters mermaid Jefferson...

By Christmas2580

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Arista never truly saw the appeal in human's, that was befre she was swept up in the curse. Now living as Hal... More

Mini Trident
Mediocre life๏ฟผ
Saving the human
Playgroud antics
12 hours
New student
A Great Tragedy๏ฟผ
Girls Night Out
A deal with the Devil
day out with Ruby
A change on the horizon.
True love
The one i hit with my car
I'm not a lap dog
Dreams or memories
Dragon's Den
A new oppertunity from an old face
Delivering to a familar face
Secret meetings
Baby on the way
Lust for power
What just happend
You can't take this back
Mine Shaft
Queens of darkness
Christmas Spirit
Glass slipper

The loss of the Beauty

447 15 0
By Christmas2580

Time passed by and soon days turned into weeks and weeks into months.

Living with the dark one wasn't horrible, I suppose.

I was given my own room and received three meals a day, rumple would even let me watch him spin gold if I kept quiet.

Still I still felt the absence of the ocean.

The dark one castle was situated in the mountains, away for any body of water, sea or lake.

However I try not to think about it, most of the days my time is spent travelling land and sea, collecting items for the dark one, sometimes I tasked with collecting "payments" from people who have yet to produce their side of the bargain, my ability to cross worlds serves him well.

During my travels i was relayed news from a creature of the sea, that news had spread Princess Ariel was headed toward Agrabah in search of her true love, her voice having been restored.

The news gave me comfort, and encouraged me to serve the dark one loyally, he kept up his end of the bargain, I would keep up mine.

I observe my reflection In the golden mirror, my blond hair that used to hang around my face in sopping clumps, smelling of seaweed, now hung around my face dry, with a small section of hair twisted around my head until the two sections met at the back on my head, the fresh rejuvenation scent of the sea had been replaced by floral oils.

Rumpelstiltskin had even gifted me with a few dresses.

"Nothing fancy dearie , but it's much better than that piece of cloth you used to own."

Apparently respectable ladies didn't display their bare backs, or bare legs.

I will admit the soft but heavy fabric took some getting used to.

Today I was wearing a simple floor-sweeping black gown, the fabric felt very light but it had a slight grainy feel to it, there was no pattern, just fluted pleats and draped sleeves that were slit like a cape-like effect.

The only jewellery i wore was my bracelet, I never take it off, without that I will once again become a mermaid.

I was trying to blend in.

Rumpelstiltskin had just given me an errand.

He wanted me to Journey to a neighbouring kingdom.

He wanted me to find a girl.


That's what he called her.

Earlier today the evil queen arrived, I count my blessings I was out collecting money from the villagers, goodness knows what I would of attempted to do to the queen if we had come face to face, after all the pain she caused my sister which subsequently led to my servitude to the dark one.

He would not tell me what happened or what was said during the confrontation, all he asked of me was to find out Information on a woman named belle and her whereabouts.

So with a steady determination I begin my  task.

Rumpelstiltskin walks me past the overgrown hedges in the garden and hands me a purse with two coins inside.

"Now dearie you have two trips in your palm,  each coin will transport you only one place, just visualise on you destination and you shall arrive there."

"I understand."


Rumpelstiltskin and I part, him turning around and progressing back to the castle, I on the other hand reach into the purse and grasp one of the coins.

Doing exactly what rumple taught me I visualise the forest covered mountains, and the small castle they protect, the ocean flowing nearby.

Purple smoke engulfs me.

My vision blinded by the purple smoke, when it clears I'm no longer surround by the familiar greenery of the dark ones gardens, instead I'm in the middle of a crowded courtyard.

Pedestrians turn to stare at my sudden appearance it of the smoke but quickly move on with their daily business.

Stalls and merchants were selling numerous products, some food , some fabrics, toys for children even wood carvings.

Children were running though the streets

"Get out the way!"

Like lighting I turn sharply and just in time.

A loose horse was galloping in my direction at full speed.

A pair of arms wrap around my waist and swing me around, just in the nick of time.

The horse misses me by a mere hair width.

Once it's safe to do so, I step away from the broad chest i was pressed against and turn to face my saviour.

The man before me was handsome.

Dark brown hair and bright green eyes with a warm smile, this was a man who drew people in.

"Are you hurt my Lady." The stranger inspects me, checking for injury.

"I am unharmed, thanks to you."

The handsome gentlemen offers me a smile his perky white teeth peering from behind his full lips.

"It was my honour and pleasure to save a beautiful maiden such as yourself."

Red flushes across my cheeks.

All we do is share smiles, suddenly this games mean grows sheepish.

"Oh! Pardon  manners, my name is Claude LeGume."

Claude with a certain elegance grasps my hand in his and brings my hand to his mouth before placing a kiss on my knuckles.

I used to observe this interaction between the opposite sex from the ocean, men would kiss women on their knuckles.

"I'm Arista."

I do a small curtsy, following the example of the woman I used to watch.

Claude offers me a roguish grin.

"No last name?"

"Just Arista."

Offering my a full tooth smile Claude realises my hand.

"Well then just Arista, may I inquire your reason for travelling to the market on this lovely day."

By now Claude has lead me towards a less populated area of the square, out of the busy traffic of shoppers and horses.

"I'm merely In Search for a woman."

"Is she a citizen of this kingdom."

"I believe so."

Rumpelstiltskin didn't offer me any knowledge of this belle woman, only that she lived here.

"Well As the chivalrous gentleman I am, it would be dishonourable to allow a beautiful lady leave without offering my assistance."

That would help me, maybe this young man would know of her, maybe he has even spoken to her in person.

"Well this is a small village maybe you know her or At least have heard of her family."

Claude shakes his head.

"I am not a resident in this village, however my father is a powerful and influential lord and before I saved you I was ob my Way to the castle for council meeting with king Maurice, I can take you with me and have the king grant you a audience."

He could Get me an audience with the king, I'm sure the king would be able to point me in the right direction.

But he's the king...

"Are you sure he wouldn't mind, he no doubt has  many pressing matters, I do not want to waist his time."

Claude offers me reassurance.

"Nonsense, the king is a good and just Man, plus I shall be there with you to put in a good word."

Claude winks before holding out my palm for me to take.

"Shall we?"

Claude leads me toward a wooden stump where many horses are tied up.

"I'm afraid I only have one horse, so  we will have to share, is that alright?"

"I have no problems."

"Front or back."

Claude asks.


Claude seeing to confusion elaborates.

"Would you like to sit in-front  of me or behind."

"Oh I suppose front is okay, I've never ridden a horse before."

"Very well front it is."

Claude's hands grip my waist either side and then with ease lifts me onto the horse.

I sit side saddle of the horse with my dress flowing around me.

Claude gestures me to move forward before he places his foot in the stirrup and effortlessly swings himself on the horse behind me.

"Okay just lean into me and hold onto the saddle."

I do as he says and lean back into him,
He is warm and firm, I can feel the strong beating of his heart behind me.

Claude brings his arms around me to grasp the reins, essentially trapping me.

"Alright are you ready."

"Yes I think so."

"Well then hold on."

Claude clicks his reigns and we begin to move, I take Claudes advice and grip the saddle.

Once we begin to gain distance from the crowed village, Claude clicks his reigns and we begin to go faster and faster until we are galloping towards the castle of the king.

Be reach the entrance by nightfall, Claude helps me down before handing the reigns to a serving boy.

Claude grasps my hand and leads me in the direction of the castle's doors.

As we walk through the castle I can't help but stop and admire the vast wealth and beauty of this place.

We reach a set of double doors that are guarded by what I guess are the palace guards.

Claude halts me.

"Wait here please, I shall return momentarily."

He drops my palm before opening the double doors and walking through before closing them behind him.

That just leaves me alone with the guards who don't even acknowledge my existence.

Time passes and I begin to grow agitated, what was taking so long, I was waisting time, Rumpelstiltskin doesn't tolerate tardiness.

Just as I was about to give and and walk away, the doors open once More.

Claude walks out though this time is follows by an older man, my the looks of it in his late fifties with brown hair that was staring to turn grey and blue eyes that's displayed o my kindness.

"Arista, may I present king Maurice."

This so the king.

I quickly curtsy not wanting to offend the royal.

"Rise my dear." 

I obey is command.

"Claude tells me you are searching for someone who you believe is a member of my kingdom."

"Yea milord."

"Well then I must insist that you join use for dinner and tell me more about yourself and your missing friend."

Claude takes my hand again and we follow the king towards the dining room where exquisite dishes of meat and fish were already laid out.

The king takes his place at the top of the table where as Claude leads me to a seat next to him.

Laughter fills the Table as the evening progresses.

I have still yet to ask the king about this belle, however right now I was listening to a story about the king and his Late wife.

".....My Colette was understandably very embarrassed however once we arrived home and gifted the bird to be-"

Suddenly the king stops talking, there is a sombreness that cloaks the table.

I don't quite understand.

The king seems to catch himself.

"My daughter was delighted by the bird." The king Finnish somber.

The tension was tick enough that a sword could cut through it.

I try to change the subject.

However i unknowingly just make things worse.

"I wasn't aware you have a daughter."

King Maurice is griping him goblet hard enough his fingers are turning white.

Claude looks down at his plate not eating his pork but playing around with it.


"Isn't she joining a tonight."

"Arista-" Claude's Voice take on a warning tone.

King Maurice swallows his wine back in one gulp.

"She was kidnapped." King Maurice speaks with despair.


I'm speechless, and really starting to wish  I had just kept my mouth shut.

"She was taken by a monster."

Claude add on his own 2 cent.

"My older brother was her betrothed, he tried to rescue her but was killed."

"Oh Claude I'm so sorry." I squeeze his hand, trying to offer comfort.

Claude smiles in gratitude.

King Maurice has a worn look in his face, this was the face of a man who had suffered and suffered greatly.

"I'm afraid I am feeling tied, so I insist we should get to the reason why you are here"

"Oh of course."

"I've been asked to find the whereabouts of a woman."

"Do you know this woman?"

"No I've never met her before In my life."

"Then how do you know she is a citizen of my country?"

"The person I work for told me."

King Maurice just nods.

"Well I shall need to check the records but if she is a member of my kingdom then the records should have her address."

That's great, I'll check to see if she's with her family and if not maybe they will know where she is.

"What's her name."

"Belle, Belle French."


Both king and Maurice are staring at me in shock.

Suddenly it's like a switch had been flicked.

Gone was the friendly almost fatherly man and in his place a suspicious and cold king.

In his best commanding tone king Maurice addresses me with suspicion.

"What do you want with my daughter."


Belle was a Princess?

And this is her father.

What would rumple want with a princess.

Then I remember Maurice's story about belle.

I'm staring to guess who the monster was.

Ok not the only one Claude seems to be putting two and two together.

He unleashes his sword and points the tip into my neck.

Palace guards follow his lead.

The last coin in the purse suddenly feels 10x heavier, if I could reach it I could escape back to the dark castle.

In a nasty and unpleasant tone Claude sneers at me.

"You work for him don't you? That's who sent you to find belle isn't it."

Gone was the Charming gentlemen from earlier, who kissed my hand and made me blush .

Now he just viewed me in disgust.

"Yes, but I swear I didn't know about-"

Before I can Finnish.


King Maurice glares at me from across the table.

"Get out of my castle, get out of my kingdom and don't ever come back otherwise You shall face imprisonment."

Maurice gestures to two fo the guards.

Each grabs an arm in a unforgiving grip that shall more than likely bruise.

"And tell him, she's gone, now get out of my sight."

The Guards drag me from the room, not caring when I trip over my own dress trying and failing to find my footing.

I don't have time to breath in the cool air before I come face to face with the stone ground, having being shoved to the ground by the guards.

I struggle to stand up trying not to put pressure on my ankle or any of the scraps I have.

Without hesitation I grab the last coin and visualise the dark castle.

Once again I'm surrounded by familiar overgrown hedges and a shrill video is waiting to greet me.

"I was beginning to wonder if you had broken our deal dearie , I was almost ready to take away that beautiful necklace around your sisters neck, well then." Rumple waits for me to tell him of my findings.

There is a sense of urgency to his voice.

But first I need to know.

"How did you meet belle?"

The dark one scowls.

"That dose not concern you just tell me where she is."

"She's gone."

To my absolute surprise emotion builds up in Rumpelstiltskin, and there are actual TEARS in his eyes.

"The queen was right then?" Rumple whispers.

He disappeared into smoke, leaving me to hobble to my room and try to comprehend what I had just whiteness.

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