A Romy story

By livling18

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This is a story about Rouge a girl who take in other peoples powers but just the touch of her skin against ot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaper 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 28

18 0 0
By livling18

Chapter 28:

The next six days were hectic for everyone at Xavier's School for Gifted Younsters; so many things were hapening all at once....most to do with the students.

First, there was the battle to keep Rogue, Kitty, Jubilee and, at Rogue insistence Remy out of prison. Rogue and Kitty had been fairly easy as it was obvious that they both needed mutant specialised medical treatment. Jubilee had been a little harder but in the end they had used her age as a reason. Remy, however, had been almost impossible. Not only was there no real reason to not send him to jail until he was proven innocent, most of the teachers, Logan especially, really wanted him away from Rogue.

Rogue, Kitty and Jubilee kept insisting though and eventually the Professor conceeded. None of them were completely sure how he'd managed to save Remy, but he did do it and that was enough for the three girls.
Once that was sorted out, there came the task of clearing Rogue and Remy from their charges. It actually proved to be amazingly easy.

Rogue managed to get in contact with Evelyn who was all too happy to confirm their innocence, giving the time which Rogue and Remy had left the funeral, proving that there was no way they could've been back in time to rob the jewelry store when they were supposed to. Also, the police had found patches of blood from two different people on some of the glass cases which had been smashed in. Both Rogue and Remy consented to blood tests and, obviously, the results showed that neither of the blood samples matched with their blood samples.

However, despite being cleared of the robbery, there was still the issue of the numourours laws which the four had broken whilst on the run: resisting arrest, dangerous driving, damaging government property, grand theft auto, driving without a licence and ABH were but a few of the charges being pressed against them. That had almost totally screwed them up. But when the treatment the four of them had suffered started to get out to the press there was a public out-cry, especially with the news that Rogue had actually been shot.

Plus, with the revelation of the tanks and explosives which were used, which had not been ordered by the government and were the result of corruption in the army, protestors began to flood the streets demanding justice. Eventually, the Courts had no choice but to drop all charges by way of conpensation to the four young mutants.

All done? Of course not. Once all the legal drama had been put to rest, the emotional and relationship drama came right up to take it's turn. Without the prospect of the three girls being sent to jail, the teachers and Logan were free to gang up on Remy and start demanding answers. Even after Rogue had explained everything, leaving out the secret parts of course, it took a lot to convince the adults that Remy wasn't a threat to her but she however didn't manage to convince Logan at all.

After that came Rogue's explanation as to how she managed to heal her gun-shot wound. It was obvious that the injury would be brought up but that didn't mean Rogue had bothered to think up a reason or explanation for it. When confronted about how she'd healed so quickly, she'd mumbled out the lamest and vaguest of all comments:
"Ah keep the powers of the mutants Ah absorb."
Thankfully, because Rogue wasn't a doctor and mutants not understanding their own abilities wasn't exactly uncommon, she wasn't pressed for much more information which could've led to a slip of the tongue on her part.

The Professor and the teachers still didn't know about the headaches, the loss of control and the voices and while they continued to not know, Rogue could happily pretend that they'd never know.

By the time all of that was sorted out, they were well on their way back to the school, aka home. During the journey, after a non-threatening interview, the Professor had not only asked Remy to stay at the school but also to join the X-Men. The sudden extreme acceptance surprised everyone, most of all Remy. How ever, he didn't let his shock stop him and wasted no time in accepting the offer. He was just glad for the oppotunity to stay as close to Rogue as possible.

The whole school was very welcoming, even the teachers once they were positive he didn't have some alteria motive other than to stay close to Rogue. And by saying "the whole school", that obviously doesn't include Bobby, who was still hung up on Rogue, and Logan. It was painfully obvious from the start that Logan wasn;t going to like or approve he'll he wasn't even trying to tollerate Remy. He was hardly a people person at the best of times and that combined with his "Rogue complex", him liking Remy to any degree couldn't really be expected.

So, it was for this reason that we arrive at our currant situation; Rogue and Remy hiding in Kitty and Jubilee's room. It was the only place that they could think of where they wouldn't be checked on every five seconds to make sure they were "behaving" themselves as had been the situation on the first day back. Like they would do anything "naughty" what with Rogue's skin and all.

"What exactly are you planning to do when classes start again?" Kitty inquired from where she sat on the edge of her bed. She was in front of a full length mirror, dressed in a flannel mint green dressing gown with her one side of her hair wet, the other dry and perfectly straight, a straightening iron in hand.
"Ah'm trahin' not to think abaht it until the very last second possible." Rogue answered, her head resting on Remy's knee from where she sat on the floor beside the chair he sat on.

Her eyes were shut tiredly despite the comforting feel of Remy's fingers softly fingering a few strands of her hair.
"The school's not gonna stay broken for much longer you know." Jubilee pointed out.
"Ah'm aware of that." Rogue muttered.
"Maybe you should start the "coming out" progress right now." Kitty suggested, turning around and looking at her three friends as she flipped the switch on the straightening irons off.
"Ya said ya didn't mahnd us bein' in here!" Rogue protested, her eyes flashing open and her head shooting up.
"I don't mind but you two can't keep putting off facing the rest of the school forever. You need to show them all that Remy's here to stay. Plus, I need to get dressed, so out." Kitty ordered, making a shooing motion with her hands.
Remy and Rogue reluctantly rose to their feet and trudged towards the door.

Jubilee also got to her feet and began to follow them out. When Rogue noticed this, she stopped, also stopping Remy and Jubilee.
"Erm, Jubes? This is your room too, Ah don't think ya meant to leave as well." She pointed out.
"Oh, yeah..." Jubilee mumbled, glancing at Kitty out of the corner of her eye and blushing slightly. "I, erm, just thought you could use a bit of privacy."
"Since when has privacy meant anything to you?" Kitty asked incredulously. "I've lost count of the amount of times you've walked in on me changing."
"Yeah, but, things are different now." Jubilee reminded, sounding awkward.
"Why?" Kitty inquired.
"Well, because I know how you feel about me now." Jubilee mumbled, putting emphasis on the word "feel".
"...Huh?" Kitty frowned, now completely confused.
"Because now I know you're in love with me." Jubilee said quickly, her tone frustrated.

Silence filled the room and it was hard to tell who looked the most shocked out of the other three in the room. No one spoke or moved and if a pin had dropped on the other side of the school, they probably would've heard it.
Eventually, Remy broke the silence: "Yo' know wha', Kitty got a point. We really shouldn' hide in here a second longer, righ' chere?"
"Raht. We'll see ya both later." Rogue quickly bid farewell before she and Remy bolted out of the room, slamming the door after them.


Back With Kitty & Jubilee:

The silence once again took over as Kitty just continued to stare at Jubilee, who shifted uncomfortably under the gaze. Finally, Kitty broke the intense stare by covering her face with her hands. She let out a small groan and rubbed her eyes for a moment before speaking: "Where, the Hell, did you get the idea that I'm in love with you from?" She demanded, her voice coming out a little muffled from behind her hands.

"You told me remember? That night after Rogue was shot." Jubilee mumbled.
Kitty lowered her hands slightly so they were only covering her mouth and she could clearly look at Jubilee. After a second, her hands fell away from her face completely, fully revealing her shocked expression. "What!" She yelled at the top of her voice, startling Jubilee a little. "You thought I meant...Oh my God, you are such a complete moron! I only meant as a friend thicko!"
"So...You're not in love with me?" Jubilee checked, not even noticing the harsh names she was being called.
"No!" Kitty cried.
"Oh good, that's a relief." Jubilee sighed happily, diving onto her bed once again. "You can go ahead and change now. Don't mind me."

Kitty glared at her room mate angrily before grabbing her clothes and storming out of the room. The door slamming shut behind her made Jubilee look up from a magazine she was now browsing through briefly before turning back to it as if nothing had happened.


Back With Rouge & Remy:

Remy and Rogue had nearly run down the corridor outside Kitty and Jubilee's room, intent on escaping the awkward situation. Only when they were sure they were a safe distance away from the danger zone did they resume a more casual pace.

"Go' any idea wha' dhat was all abou'?" Remy inquired with a wide grin as he brought his arm around Rogue's shoulders and pulled her closer to his side.
"No clue. Ah'm sure we'll be told all abaht it later though." The sound of a distant door slamming reached their ears. "From a very pissed ahff Kitty no doubt."
"Why do yo' t'ink dhat was Kitty?" Remy asked, his tone amused.
"Just a hunch." Rogue replied with a broad grin.

Remy grinned back at her and bent down slightly to kiss the top of her head.
They continued on slowly, Remy's arm still around her shoulders, keeping her to his side. Unconsciously, they headed to the kitchen mostly because there was no where else to go.

Although the teachers hadn't come right out and said, they both knew that they were forbidden by the teachers Rogue's bedroom. When a corner was turned however, their trip was delayed when they both saw Bobby and a few others walking down the corridor towards them.

"C'mahn, let's take the elavator." Rogue murmured, turning around to go back in the direction they'd just come before Bobby or those he was with could spot them. Once they'd turned the corner again though, they found Logan coming towards them. "Ya know, Ah think Ah'll just teleport us dahn..."
"No chere." Remy interrupted her change of mind. "Kitty's righ'; we need to start showin' ourselves to dhe res' of dhe school, includin' dhe ones who aren' Remy's bigges' fans."
"But it's Logan!" Rogue whinned quietly, hoping Logan was still far away enough to not hear her. Remy just gave her a pointed look which she frowned at.

After muttering a few choice phrases under her breath, she put on her best smile for the fast approaching Wolverine. "Haa Logan." She greeted warmly as he passed them. He didn't answer. "Logan, can't ya at least be civil?" She asked, unable to hide the annoyance in her voice. Logan kept on walking.
"Forge' it Marie, he go' no manners." Remy said in a slightly raised voice, intending to catch Logan's attention with the mild insult. He succeeded; he did catch Logan's attention. Within seconds, he had been shoved against the wall of the corridor with triplet metal blades pressed very lightly against his neck.

However, the real reason he had caught Logan's attention was soon revealed.
"What did you call her?" Logan growled angrily.
"Logan stop!" Rogue ordered, pulling on the arm which was keeping Remy pinned to the wall. Logan released his hold on Remy but kept his claws pointing to his neck.
"You told him your real name?" Logan barked at her harshly.
"It's a name Logan, not a marriage licence!" Rogue yelled back at him.
"You're mutant name is for your own protection, you know that!" Logan reminded, his tone still furious but lowering in volume.
"Ah don't need protectin' from Remy!" Rogue insisted.

With that said, as if on cue, the theme tune to Star Wars began to play. Both Logan and Rogue turned to look at Remy, both clearly annoyed with the tune. Remy looked back at them a little sheepishly for a moment before looking down and reaching into his coat pocket.

He pulled out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID on the screen quickly.
"Excuse Remy for a sec, he gotta take dhis." Remy excused himself quickly, ducking away from Logan's claws and going off back down the corridor, the phone glued to his ear. Logan growled in hid throat and looked as if he was about to go after Remy but Rogue remained standing defiantly in his way.
"What the Hell is ya deal? Whah do ya not trust Remy?" She demanded sternly. "Everyone else has given him a chance."
"That's 'cause everyone else seems to have a two second memory and have forgotten the fact that the Cajun kidnapped you." Logan grunted, retracting his claws.
"Oh for crahin' aht...Ah've already explained that! It was planned!" Rogue reminded heatedly.
"I smelt your fear Marie, you can't fake that."
"Well of course we had to make it as convincing as possible otherwise ya'll would've thahght Ah'd just run awahy and Ah'd get in trouble agahn." Rogue muttered as if it were obvious. "Ah have never been in any real harm from Remy, ya got no need to protect me from him."
"Yes I do Marie!" Logan insisted. "I came back to protect you and that's what I'm gonna do!"
"Ah don't need ya to protect me though!" Rogue cried, throwing her arms up in exasperation. "Ah ain't the same girl ya met in that bar in Laughlin City. Ah've grown up, Ah can look after mahself."

Logan was silent for a few moments before he released a small, annoyed growl and turned to leave. "If that's the way you feel then you've just made up my mind for me."
"Abaht what?" Rogue asked, suddenly quiet at Logan's sudden change of tone and manner.
"I'm leavin'."
"Ya...Ya leavin'?" Rogue gasped, a little dismayed at the revalation. "When?"
"Now." He grunted, his back still to her.
"Nah! Ain't that a little short notice?" Rogue tried to argue.
"Been thinkin' 'bout it for the past week. Decided for sure yesterday." He revealed.
Rogue blood ran cold as realisation dawned on her. "If ya hadn't seen me nah...Ya weren't even gonna tell me were ya?"

Logan said nothing and simlpy walked away. Rogue felt tears sting the backs of her eyes and she bit her bottom lip to stop them from falling. Her head dropped and her eyes screwed shut tightly as her hands clenched into fists at her sides. She stayed like that for quite some time....until she feel Remy's hand on her shoulder.

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