By twinny22

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So.... This is my one shots collection from my 'Can I' series.... I will not be writing about any sexual thin... More

The First Christmas
MacKenzie Cabello-Hansen
Pranks? Pranks.
Disney Land is Pretty Fun
The Halloween One
Your Aunt Sofi
Homework's For Nerds
Ummm..... (A/N)
How to Put Kids to Bed (Ft. Lauren Jauregui)
How to Fight Demons (Ft. Ally Brook Hernandez)
How to Make Banana Smoothies (Ft. Camila Cabello)
How to Dance (Ft. Normani Kordei)
How to Get a Date (Ft. Dinah Jane Hansen)
Brooke and MacKenzie
Avery Thinks She's A Wizard
Avery... You're not a Ninja
An Aveley Proposal
Kenzie is Born
Valentine's Day
Freaky Friday Effect
Wait... WUT?
Forever and Always
Kenzie and Her 'Friend'
That Awkward Moment When...
The Twins
The 4th of July Accedent
The Interview
Worth It
100 Truths Challege
The Story of Kat and Quinn

Taylor Swift

1.3K 62 106
By twinny22


"Hey Taylor?" I asked as she pulled me down the street by my hand.

"Yeah Avery?" She asked looking back at me momentarily.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused

"I wanted to take you dress shopping! Your wedding is coming up!" Taylor said pulling me into a wedding shop.

I laughed as she hurriedly looked through all the dresses making me try on very one. She then picked out a dress and I instantly fell in love with it.

"Taylor... That one" I said an she smiled as she held up the dress and looked at it.

"Perfect... I'm going to go but it" She said and she happily skipped to the register were she lied the dress down and bought it. Once she had bought the dress she gave it to her body guard and told him that we were going to go on a walk. He was hesitant but let us go. I grabbed the older woman's hand as we walked down the sidewalk.

"How's Kasey?" I asked

"She's well... Doing well in school" Taylor said and I nodded

"Are you nervous? About the wedding?" Taylor asked and I shrugged

"Riley and I have been together so long that's it's like we're married." I said laughing a little.

"You're lucky Avery... Kelsey's dad took off... he didn't want a child and once he found out I was pregnant he said he was out and left." Taylor said sighing.

I squeezed her hand slightly but before I could speak Taylor stopped abruptly. I looked at her confused but she kept her glaze straight forward. She looked terrified. I followed her eyes and saw a man with a gun standing in front of us. He was pointing the gun at us, his hand shaking slightly as he cocked the pistol.

"Avery.... Get behind me" Taylor said and I shook my head.

"Avery Amanda O'Donald Cabello get your tiny white ass behind my tiny white ass" Taylor said harshly.

I gulped and stepped behind the much taller woman. I peeked my head around her waist so I could see what was happening.

"Taylor... I finally get to meet you." The man said running a nervous hand through his greasy black hair.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Taylor said crossing her arms... seemingly unafraid.

"I want everyone to know my name... I don't care if it's for something horrible... I want everyone to know the name Kyler Kalener" He said grinning... his yellow teeth obvious from years of drug abuse.

Kyler Kalener was a skinny man... Very skinny... His hands shook a lot and his teeth were either not there or yellow and rotting. He was wearing a shirt with holes all over the front. His jeans were baggy and ripped. He didn't have any shoes. His black eyes held so much...... nothingness that it scared the shit out of me. I clutched onto Taylor tightly as she was the only one protecting me. I hide my face in the back of her shirt and started to cry silently as Taylor continued to confront the man.

"Kyler... do you really want to kill someone? Do you really want to take a persons life that has touched millions? Are you really going to do that?" Taylor asked and I slowly picked my phone up and dialed 9-1-1 then slipped the phone in my pocket.

"Yes.... everyone needs to know my name.... Kyler Kalener the man who killed the bitch!" He said laughing menacingly, obviously not mentally stable. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears slowly started to stream down my face.

"Is that really a smart idea? Come on Kyler... think about it" Taylor said reaching behind her and grabbing my hand, stroking the back with her thumb slowly.

"I don't care anymore... I don't, I don't, I don't" he said laughing again... his laugh scared me. It wasn't a happily laugh and his voice was rough.

I heard him fiddling with the gun and Taylor squeezed my hand even tighter. I heard it go off and Taylor dropped to the ground... I screamed and Kyler pointed the gun at me laughing again.

"Look! A mini bitch!" He said his hands still shaking as he pointed the revolver at me.

I was breathing heavily, hoping, praying, that this was just a dream....

I knew it wasn't.

He cocking the pistol again and smiled wildly.

Before he had the chance... a man stand off to the side tackled Kyler... I shakily dropped to my knees. I put one hand over my mouth and pressed one to the bullet in Taylor's stomach. I could see the blood seeping through my fingers and I began to cry harder. Taylor weakly put her hand over mine so Id look up at her. Once I did she smiled weakly and reached her other hand to brush the hair out of my face.

"Avery... I love you like you're my own daughter... you need to let go" She said and I frantically shook my head

"No! Taylor! I'm getting married in a month! I need you there! I need you!" I said tears continuing to stream down my cheeks as I pressed harder and got more blood on my hands and my outfit.

"Avery... Take care of Kelsey? I'll see you later.... tell Kesley I love her." Taylor said faintly and her head dropped back.

"Taylor?" I whispered shaking her slightly

"TAYLOR!" I sobbed shaking her even more.

I frantically searched for a pulse anywhere on her body... when I couldn't find one I screamed out in pure agony hugging her body tight against mine.

Taylor Allison Swift was dead.



The word had haunted me for days.

Taylor dead.

Every news reporter was covering it.

"World wide super star Taylor Swift was shot and killed on a California sidewalk while spending some time with one of her close friends daughter."

That was me.

"She left behind her 8 year old daughter Kasey, and her beloved cats"

Kasey doesn't understand.

No one really understands.

"The man who shot the pop star was named-"

I turned off the TV.

He got what he wanted.


The bad kind.

Everyone knows the name Kyler Kalener now.

"Avery?" A voice said.

I groaned and pulled the covers over my head not wanting to talk to her.

"Avery... come on" She said again.

"Go away Lauren" I said

"Avery get up."


"Why not?"

"I don't deserve to"

"You don't deserve to get out of bed?"

"I don't deserve to face another human"


"Go away"



I heard her sigh and then she walked out of the room. I looked at my hands... they had been covered in her blood days before. I let out a shaky sigh and looked at the picture that had been taken days before the incident.

Taylor was standing with one arm around me, an one around her 'friend' Karlie Kloss. I had my arms crossed and was obviously pouting about something. Karlie and Taylor were both laughing at me and you could see Camila and Lauren kissing in the back ground.

I smiled stroking the face of the now deceased woman.

I heard a knock on the door.

I grunted and hugged a pillow tighter to my chest.

The person walked over to the bed and sat down.


I groaned not wanting to talk to them either.

"Avery as your mother I have a duty to get you to talk to me." Camila said and I grunted in response.

"Honey... Taylor wouldn't want you to be acting like this... you haven't eaten in 3 days.... you haven't slept... you haven't gotten out of bed!" She said and I curled up in a tighter ball.

She sat there a few more minutes before she figured out I wasn't going to talk. She sighed sadly. I felt my heart break a little knowing my mom was hurting too. She got up and leaned over, lifting up my covers a little and kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you honey" She said sadly then left.

I lifted my covers over my head again and the shot just kept replaying in my mind.... over and over and over. Someone suddenly jump on me.

It was a small body... obviously not anyone I live with. They straddled me and pulled the covers back. I was met with bright blue eyes... Taylor's eyes. My eyes instantly started to water as I looked at Kasey. She had her moms everything... She was a little Taylor Swift.

"I love you Avery" The young girl said hugging me tight.

It had been 4 years since I first baby sat Kasey... it was the night I saved her from the truck and Riley and I had become closer.

"Your mom wanted me to tell you she loves you" I said a tear slipping out of my eye as I pulled her closer to me and slowly rocked her side to side. She held me tight as she started to cry.

"I love her too Avery" She cried and I felt more tears running down my cheeks. I suddenly got an idea...

"Kasey... would you like me to adopt you?" I asked and she nodded into my shoulder. I sighed and rubbed her back thinking about the weeks to come.

"Taylor told me to take care of you... and that's exactly what I'm going to do"






Q: Weirdest thin to ever have happened to you?
A/N: Once... these guys came up and hugged me, like sandwiches me, and then one slapped my butt and then they ran away and I've never seen them since.



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